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Post Raid Recriminations
After the raid on the Wyrm tainted site, things get a little heated.
IC Date May 29, 2022
IC Time Late evening.
Players Jackie, Julius, Kierik, Nora, Frost, Leif, Six, Reno
Location Stonecreek
Prp/Tp Reno's Raid (Real name pending)
Spheres Garou

5/29/2022 19:46:56 Nora was kind of rattled after the fight, though not about the fighting. Lots of muttered "What the fuck?" as bodies get piled up. Fire helps. Burning the place to the ground seems to calm her down, which may or not be worrying. Then there is a rather suspicious amount of fussing over the only injured person, namely Kierik. Nose boops a plenty, hand holding, and then a moonbridge to a new place. Now she's looking around, all bloody and the cautiousness is creeping back into the little kin's face.

5/29/2022 19:50:39 Leif stayed in his crinos form until they were ready to Bridge, then shifted back to Homid, which is still.... dude's fucking HUGE. And there isn't a scratch on him anywhere. Now that some of the battle fury has worn off and he bridges them straight back into Stonecreek, not far from the creek itself. "INCOMING," he calls, his voice rolling out across the Creek. An older woman is first to appear with long gray hair done up in multiple norse braids, followed by a couple of other kinfolk who all bring mead. Fresh from the brewery on the property, and a couple more women who are already cooking meat to prepare for the feast.

5/29/2022 19:52:34 Uncaged Blade skulks from the bridge, still in a blood-covered monster-rat visage...though the horror promptly melts away to return him to that of a tattered human once again. "Well...that was fun." he states plainly.

5/29/2022 19:53:03 Julius takes a deep breath as his body warps back into a human.

5/29/2022 19:54:26 Hey, look. Water. Nora makes a beeline for the creek to do her best to get the blood off her hands. Throat stabbings are messy things. She scrubs like Lady Macbeth until the blood is gone from her hands and face. It's on her clothes, but that's going to have to wait.

5/29/2022 19:54:55 Six accepts the ride back with Jackie and she lets the bear claws fade away so her hands are right back to normal again. She is grumbly and mumbling to herself in Romani but that's about it. Once they are at stonecreek she gets out and looks around and says "It's going to take me -ages- to get back to the damn city now." but she's waiting for the big guy at least.

5/29/2022 19:55:55 Frost steps out of the bridge, reaching up to slide her bow back off again. This time it's to check it, make sure that it's no worse for wear and slide the string off. Her eyes flick from face to face, checking for any injuries as she starts to slide off the quiver as well, moving to find a spot to put her things down and stretch.

5/29/2022 19:56:09 Jackie's return is heralded by the headlights of a old 4x4 pickup flashing through the trees. It appears to be moving at an unreasonably fast speed for the terrain and road, and possibly even sliding sideways on some of the turns? It barrels into the edge of the clearing, then quickly drops speed until it's parked near road and any other vehicles. The engine falls silent and the lights die, then Jackie slides down out of the cab and heads for the circle of firelight.

5/29/2022 20:03:14 Jackie looks to Six as they walk away from the truck. "I can give you a ride if you need it. Actually, uhhh... Do you know whose truck this is?"

5/29/2022 20:04:28 Leif lets the kinfolk hand out fresh mead or water or whatever to any who want it. He's quiet. Like COMPLETELy quiet. The older woman that started the entourage lays a hand briefly on Leif's arm and he shakes it off. "I'm fine, mama." He looks around at everyone - the two rats are probably off cleaning themselves or something. That's fine. His gaze lands on Frost and he motions between her and then over to Jackie and Six. "Are they ALSO cleared for patrol?"

5/29/2022 20:06:00 Frost looks over to them, one at a time and shrugs her shoulders. She digs her phone out of her back pocket. Her fingers move over the screen, and a text to voice app chimes up for her. "Don't know, haven't met them. Don't know who's kin they are." She shrugs, looking back to Leif.

5/29/2022 20:06:23 Nora is all on her lonesome, for now. She looks around, a bit nervously, then shuffles over to a kinfolk to snag some food, then scampers to a place she can sit down. Leif is watched warily. Frankly, anyone bigger than her is watched that way.

5/29/2022 20:09:11 Six shakes her head to Jackie and says "Ah, thanks but I'm good. I'll make it back on my own. " But then she turns to face the others, eyes scanning everyone suspiciously. She looks uncomfortable to be here with noone she knows.

5/29/2022 20:11:18 Leif nods to Frost, then looks over at Jackie. "That's Jackie. She's a Get kin. That one.. I don't know. But she's a Stargazer." He hears Six and shakes his head. "You're not going anywhere until I get in touch with Reno. That isn't a threat. I'm not holding you hostage, but you're staying right here." He looks over his shoulder at the older woman. "Mama, go call Reno, please. Tell him to get out here. There's a new Stargazer." Then he looks back to Six. "Until then, please, relax, be comfortable. Eat food. Drink. Whatever."

5/29/2022 20:15:11 Jackie finishes walking the rest of the way, falling into a distant orbiting position near Leif close enough to hear and be present, but not wanting to interrupt or draw too much attention. She shoves the truck keys into her jacket pocket and zips it closed. She glances at Leif out of the corner of her eye, not sure if she's in actual trouble, or if so, how much.

5/29/2022 20:16:07 A small black rat pops his head up from the bed of the truck, squeaks, and then scrambles out and down and darts straight for Nora. Whose eyes widen as she stares down at him. "_Cecil_. I told you to stay home." The rat chitters. "What do you mean you stowed away? Bad rat." She scoops him up and promptly stuffs him into her hoodie pocket, then looks around and tries to act nonchalant. Just a girl with a pocket full of rat. A chittering rat, probably going on about the craziness of the truck ride.

5/29/2022 20:17:25 Six crinkles her nose up when she is talked about. When She is told she's not going anywhere her body stiffens and she says " Um.. if I'm not being held hostage then I can go. I know Reno, that's how I ended up at that little party. " She shakes her head to food and drink and starts inching her way in one direction or another trying to slowly escape!

5/29/2022 20:20:03 Leif's head tilts a little bit to one side and he shakes his head, rising. "Reno will shortly be on his way to get you, Miss. So sit down. Do not leave. That isn't a request. Are you the new Stargazer kin that checked in at the caern? If you are, then you know who I am and you know that I'm only an asshole if I have to be, so sit down and wait for Reno." He catches the movement of the rat out of the corner of his eye and glances over at Nora and he takes a slow, deeep breath and lets it out through his nose. "Can anyone here tell me why kinfolk should not go into a Wyrm stronghold?"

5/29/2022 20:21:26 Leif should note that he doesn't sound angry, but he's also not in any sort of playful mood

5/29/2022 20:22:10 Frost looks to the faces as Leif names them, another singular nod coming from the woman. She glances towards Six as she starts to edge closer to the path out, then to the big Get without a hint of surprise. If only it was that easy. Her fingers return to her phone to type out a response. The robo voice speaks up. "It wasn't a stronghold, it was a dumping ground." before looking back to the Get.

5/29/2022 20:23:57 Nora looks up, stares at Leif, and then turns her head away. There's more chittering from her pocket that makes Nora snort a bit. She doesn't offer Leif an answer. Instead, she gets up again and shuffles over to a tree, toes at the earth under it, and then sits her butt down to focus on being inconspicuous. Then she does finally speak, "I don't know why Garou kinfolk do or don't do anything."

5/29/2022 20:26:01 Jackie hovers at the edge, hands in her jacket pockets. She opens her mouth, then thinks better of it and closes it again for now.

5/29/2022 20:27:37 Six narrows her eyes, oh she is NOT happy but she also knows to listen. She grumps but then just sits on the ground at the place she had been trying to escape from. "Yeah, Im the one. Name's Six. " She folds her arms across her chest and waits though. She may be stubborn and defiant but she is at least listening a little.

5/29/2022 20:29:02 Leif's gaze slides back to Frost and he asks the group at large, "Can anyone tell me why we don't put the kinfolk at the back door of a wyrm dumping ground unless they are specifically cleared for patrol duty?" He raises his voice a little. "Mama? You got Reno on the phone yet?" No answer. He takes a deep breath again and says to those he hasn't met, "I'm Leif Pederson. I am ritenamed The Wall and I am Homid Athro Modi by birth and rank and auspice. I am the great Grandson of Dies Twice, ranked grand elder before he was returned to the cycle in honorable battle against the wyrm. My pack, Munin's Talons, has dedicated itself to Wild Raven, to give us strength and wisdom and the ability to defeat our foes. In service to Gaia and by the will of my tribe, I am also the Tribal Leader for the Get of Fenris. How is it that Reno got you involved, and why?"

5/29/2022 20:31:21 Nora folds her arms. "I don't know who the hell Reno is. I'm Nora, I'm Kierik's. And I got involved the moment I saw Squidward. Because I'm the one that discovered him and told Kierik." She folds her arms, and then leans back against the tree.

5/29/2022 20:36:13 Six frowns a bit and shrugs her shoulders "He told me what was up. Originally I was supposed to go and guard some chick named Kaia and her kid but I found out he was just suggesting I do that to keep me safe. I called bullshit..Then he offered for me to go on this and I said sure. I like tearin shit up so why not, and that's that."

5/29/2022 20:37:42 Leif's brow arches ever so slightly at Six's response and he rolls his shoulders backwards. "Alright." Oh, there's gonna be a talking to. But he moves on. "Miss?" This is directed at Nora. "Are you alright? Any injuries? Need anything?" His gaze slips over to Jackie, though, as he waits for Nora's answer

5/29/2022 20:41:49 Nora looks up, startled, like most people don't call her 'Miss'. Or something. "Wha? Wait, did I zone out ag... oh. Never mind. Yeah. I'm good. All the blood is that guy who was driving away. I mean. Don't ask me to tell you how I wound up in the SUV with him, because? Fuck if I know. But I didn't get shot or chomped or clawed or nothing."

5/29/2022 20:50:02 It wasn't too hard to find Reno, he was still at the Caern with the other war party. But a summons is made and a summons is answered. It's a bit, but soon, Reno arrives.

5/29/2022 20:50:46 Leif nods slightly to Nora. "I get that." And he does too. He glances over at Six and then over to Jackie. "Ladies. Are either of you hurt?" Leif's totally pissed. Absolutely one hundred and twelve percent, but even despite that, he is genuinely absolutely calm.

5/29/2022 20:52:27 Nora nods, and then hunkers down a little further. "Cecil," she mutters. "I dunno what the hell that was but man it left me tired." She more or less curls up right there under the tree, ere she gets even more inconspicuous. Easily overlooked, that's Nora.

5/29/2022 20:54:38 Jackie shakes her head up at Leif, turning to face him directly. "No, I'm fine, not a scratch. On me, or the truck. I wasn't involved in the fighting, just there for support."

5/29/2022 20:59:24 Six shakes her head to Leif and says "Nah. they didn't touch me. I mean did you see how those guys were running? " With a bit of a chuckle she calls them a rather bad word but it's in Romani so she thinks it's safe! She is seated away from the group on some grass near the path out. She had been trying to escape before Leif laid down the law!

5/29/2022 21:03:59 Reno looks marginally confused as he sees, oh everyone here. He pauses and kneels down next to Six, looking her over and speaking to her before standing back up and heading over to who summoned him. "Something wrong?"

5/29/2022 21:05:19 Leif is a law layer! He sure is! Yup! He was also prepared to throw her in the creek and make Freya run guard duty if he needed to. "Alright. Since everyone's safe..." He glances ove rto see if there is any sign of Reno yet, then back to the others. "What the fuck were you guys thinking, really?" He's still incredibly calm, which might be a little unsettling. Then Reno shows up and he takes a deep, slow breath and lets it out, waiting for Reno to speak. "I went to take out some idiots and found your kin, my kin, a handfull of rats, and a cleared kinfolk. And I'm hearing that you invited two of them along."

5/29/2022 21:08:55 Six looks to Reno as he comes near and she nods at whatever he said to her. She stands up and brushes herself off but looks back to Leif "What were we thinking? Well, I can't speak for the rest of people as I don't know a single one of em but I can say I was thinking there were some assholes doing some crooked shit that needed to be handles so why not fuckin handle it ya know? "

5/29/2022 21:12:31 Jackie glances between Leif and Reno, then decides to risk some wrath to take some of the heat herself. She steps forward, tilting her head back to talk up to Leif. "I was here the night Kierik came to talk to you, remember? I heard it was going down, and I volunteered to handle the transport. Just support, like I said before."

5/29/2022 21:17:36 Reno arches a brow and folds his hands in front of him. He listens to Leif, "Invited? You make it sound like a tea party." He looks to Six, "Six seemed eager to help. I wasn't going to tell her no. I was lucky I had the option of asking her anything. She can handle herself. And the second?"

5/29/2022 21:21:19 Leif rubs his hand over his face and looks at Reno, but then his gaze swings over to Jackie. "It was a bad idea," he says. "What if you had been hurt? Killed? You're my responsibility, Jackie. If you had asked me about going, what do you think I would have said?" Then back to Reno. "In this situation, she got lucky. What if I hadn't been there? What if somehing had happened? Stargazers are already pretty fucking rare around these parts and you'd just have another one come along for the ride because she looked like she could handle herself? How long have you known her? You seen her in a fight? Have you seen her stand up to a Garou in battle and not get her ass kicked? Is that what you're telling me? That you've cleared her for battle alongside us?" He's STILL calm.

5/29/2022 21:27:21 Six crinkles her nose as she is talked about as if she's not there. Her cheeks turn a little red but not from embarrassment. She taps her fingers a moment on her arm, a calming gesture for herself but then she looks to Leif and asks "Well how is he supposed to see me in battle if I'm not supposed to go into battle?" that seems to baffle her but then she looks around, eyes tracking the kin who are serving food and mead, then over to Jackie and then back to Leif as something seems to dawn on her. "oooooo" she says and winces "You're that kinda set like the show me to the sandwich area because I'm kin kinda sept." She actually doesn't even look like she's being rude about that statement either as if a light bulb just went off for her. "Sorry Boss man. Every sept is different ya know hard ta tell which is which when you travel so much. I've only been here for about four days so still learnin and I keep to myself as much as humanly possible. It was my bad. I apologize. " she actually seems genuine in her apology as well but then says "But on that note... think I can go now?" she motions to the woods.

5/29/2022 21:28:26 Jackie keeps her eyes up on Leif, the muscles in her jaw twitching as they tighten. "I think I know what you would have said. The same thing you're saying now. But I wasn't hurt, never even got close. But if things hadn't gone as smoothly, then... I could have helped. Because there's things I can do that I bet you can't. And I want to be able to do them." She finishes with a snort, her nostrils flaring as her fists clench nervously in her jacket pockets.

5/29/2022 21:29:01 Reno looks suprised, "I didn't realize there was a training camp and test." It's an honest answer. "It's been a few days. She's resilient, resourceful, has more tricks up her sleeve than Houdini and if she'd set her mind to it, would have went barring you or I physically restraining her, and I can tell you -that- would not end well for either party. Have I tried to beat her down in warform? No, we haven't gotten that far into things. She was with Frost, who I do trust." He takes a breath, "I wasn't even there when all that kicked off, I went to check in to see what my instructions were. When I got back, they were gone."

5/29/2022 21:34:00 Leif's gaze snaps to Six as she speaks and he takes a breath. "We have kinfolk who can be on the front lines, but yes, there IS a test. There's a period of clearing, there are tests from the patrol master of who can patrol and who can't. We have front line kinfolk. The rest of them, we like to keep safe. We actually give a shit about our kinfolk and don't put them in unnecessary danger because if WE can't handle an enemy, why should you be able to? That's stupid. That's unnecessarily putting someone in danger. Fighting isn't your job, miss Six. It's ours." Then he looks over at Jackie and nods. "If things hadn't gone as smoothly, you'd be fucking dead, Jackie. And while there may be things that you can do that I can't, if it relates to putting you directly in harm's way, then I'll do something ELSE instead of that." And then back to Reno and he slowly tips his head. "You didn't .. realize... that there was a training camp and test because you didn't ask. Why would you think that a Cliath could clear a kinfolk for battle? In what world does that make any sense?" He takes a breath and lets it out slowly and looks back to Six. "You can go if Reno says you can. I'm going to go take a walk and beat the shit out of something." PRobably a few rats. Likely some rats

5/29/2022 21:37:45 Six nods when Reno says it wouldn't go well for anyone if she was physically restrained and she leans over to Jackie and stage whispers "I bite.." snapping her teeth playfully a few times but then she just crinkles her nose back up and looks to Leif "Look, Boss man, I aint' tryin to cause no problems. I ain't asking to go on any patrols or shit. It ain't safe for me to be around this place, It ain't safe for me to get to know you folks. I am more than happy to help now and then where I can but It's best if I just stick to myself. " When he says she can go she starts to turn but then she hears the 'if Reno says you can' part and she turns her gaze to Reno. " I'd like to go.... Alone. If I can get your.... permission..."

5/29/2022 21:40:18 Reno takes a deep breath. He slowly turns to look at Six. He ponders that answer and nods, "I will be along shortly." He says.

5/29/2022 21:41:08 Jackie opens her mouth to rebut Leif, then snaps it shut with a click of her teeth as she looks away. She's holding her argument back, but also decidedly not agreeing with him either at this point.

5/29/2022 21:43:26 Leif's gaze travels from Reno to Six and then over to Jackie and he folds his arms across his chest. "Say it," he says. "Now's the time, because once this topic is closed, it's CLOSED, so say what you need to now."

5/29/2022 21:50:59 Reno watches Six leave and shakes his head. "This is going to be fun dealing with." He comments idly. He turns to Jackie as well. He hooks his thumbs in the front of his sword belt.

5/29/2022 21:51:53 Jackie takes a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them and turning them back up towards Lief. Her hands remain clenched into fists in her jacket pockets, the strain visible in the shaking of her arms. "I went because I can help. I guarangoddamtee that nobody else here can do what I can with a set of wheels, and that matters. I want... I want to help, but with my head and my hands. I don't want what back home... Goddamn it, I refuse to be just a walking womb!"

5/29/2022 21:55:18 Frost: Yeah, the Fury kin can't help but grin a little bit at what Jackie says. Not that it's a surprise to anyone. She links her fingers together between her knees, it's the only way the mute kinfolk keeps herself from clapping. That would probably be too far.

5/29/2022 21:56:41 Leif's brow shoots upward at Jackie's statement and he nods. "That's not what any of us expect from you, Jackie," Leif says. "Sure, some of us take mates and they get pregnant and they have babies, but my mate? She's a powerful sorceress who occasionally has to go and do rituals that weird me out a little bit. Journey's mate? She runs half the town. There are a couple of Silver Fangs who control tons of financial shit and make sure that things come and go safely. There's the fucking..... Gnawer kin who runs the entire Dead Mall and I personally wouldn't fuck with her. Only a couple of those have kids or ever planning on having kids. YOu aren't a walking womb and whoever told you that, you fucking send them to me and *I* will straighten their shit out REAL quick." See, now he's a little mad, that anyone would treat a kinfolk like that. But THEN it hits him what Six said. "Wait. What makes you think it isn't safe for you to be around? Hey! Come back here."

5/29/2022 21:56:43 Six is leaving but she hears Jackie's words and she pauses. She tilts her haed to the side and she hmm's a little. She'll wait to see how this plays out. At her last words she grins and folds her arms across her chest and turns her gaze to Leif. She would look right at home with a bowl of popcorn right now, her retreat can wait a moment.

5/29/2022 21:59:49 Reno listens to Jackie and nods. He starts to open his mouth, but nods in agreement. "Leif gets to beat up enough shit, give me first crack. Kin are worth far more than that, and worthy of our respect." He says this with all sincerity. When Leif adresses Six, he looks over to see her still here. "The Wall'rhya, I will explain it later, please." He begs and moves towards Six, gesturing, "Let's go."

5/29/2022 22:03:46 Six was SO interested in the conversation between Leif and Jackie! It was good but then Leif calls her out and she winces and looks like she may bolt again, see she wasn't there but she sighs and looks to Reno. "I would be curious how you are going to explain it actually because I know I've not really told you much either." Okay, something is interesting again. "by allll means." She motions Reno towards Leif. Uhoh, is she getting him back already for her having to give her 'permission'?

5/29/2022 22:05:25 Jackie keeps her gaze locked onto Leif, her body quivering with the tension of getting this off her chest. She answers, just blurting out the response she never could to her father and close kin. "Well, I can't do sorcery! And I can't run shit! I drive! I can make anything with wheels dance! But for that to matter, I need to be close enough to take risks! I need... I need you to let me be part of things, even if there's danger. Like I was never allowed, before..." She winds down towards the end, her anger spent and her voice dropping off in volume and pitch.

5/29/2022 22:08:52 Leif ignores every one but Jackie for a moment. When she's done speaking, he nods. "Okay, that wasn't so hard, was it? You don't do sorcery, but you can drive. So why didn't you come to me, instead, and ask me about that. Tell me how you can make an armored car, that you can be the driver, but we can also keep you safe, because we can reinforce it with steel or someone else's magic or make you yourself fucking bulletproof inside of it. Instead of doing that, you assume that because you aren't a sorcerer, you're no good to us except for fucking and making babies. Cool. I don't know where you come from, Jackie, but it isn't that way here. SO you can take that notion right out of your head and be grown up and use your big girl words more often and tell us what you want to do instead of making assumptions."

5/29/2022 22:08:57 Leif isn't mad again

5/29/2022 22:13:32 Reno speaks quietly to Six, his arms folded over his chest.

5/29/2022 22:17:36 Jackie pales slightly, a great feat for someone with her complexion. Her lips part a fraction of an inch as his answer goes through her without the fire she had been bracing for, leaving her off balance. Her mind whirls, part of it trying to come up with a reply, but getting derailed by the part of it suddenly trying to conjure plans for reinforced vehicles. She blinks up at Leif, suddenly very embarrassed that she has run out of big girl words for the moment.

5/29/2022 22:26:08 Frost gets back up to her feet, dusting the seat of her pants off. She collects her bow and quiver, shouldering the latter before she stands and waits. When there's a break in the conversation, she politely holds her hand up to get attention, then simply points at herself and then towards the road out.

5/29/2022 22:26:43 Reno looks to Frost and signs back at her. "Later."

5/29/2022 22:29:38 Six eyes Reno but then she nods her head in agreement. She looks back to Leif and Jackie and says "loooook you guys clearly have some deep seated shit going on and need to work that out. There is some seriously high emotions going on right now and I dont do well with people getting all crying and stuff so I'mma bounce and I'm sure you and Reno can talk later or like you can find me or something. Reno knows where my squat is I only ask you don't approch me on the street. " She waves a hand and with that she turns to walk out for realzzz this time

5/29/2022 22:31:53 Leif just smiles at Jackie and he nods, understanding. "My brain gets tied up too. There may not ALWAYS be a place for you in a transport, but there isn't always a place for ME to come in and beat the shit out of stuff. We can work with you. You have a niche that no one else has cornered and it can definitely be used to advantage. But you ALSO can't do stupid shit. You were in a car. Things can teleport. How the fuck do you think I got on the back of that van? I bridged. You'd need a reinforced, possibly magical vehicle and that's something that can be done." He nods to Frost. "Thank you," he says with another nod. "Go if you need to. If you want a ride, I can get someone to take you." Then he looks back to Six. "Do you also need a ride going somewhere? I want to talk to you some more. Clean up. Come back."

5/29/2022 22:33:44 Frost nods to Leif, turning to go after lightly waving off the offer of a ride. She looks surprised as Reno signs to her, a crooked grin surfacing as she gives him a thumbs up. Then she heads on down the drive and dips into the woods to head home.

5/29/2022 22:33:54 Reno nods and looks to Leif, "I got it covered." He nods to what he says, "But I need to get back to the Sept as well. I'll make sure Six gets to where she needs to be." He bows his head and gestures for Six to mosey along.

5/29/2022 22:36:17 Jackie lowers her head, taking her hands out of her pockets and letting them hang at her sides. "I... I'm sorry, for..." She stops, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Thank you, Athro."

5/29/2022 22:36:50 Reno heads out with Six.

5/29/2022 22:37:58 Leif shakes his head as the others head out and he reaches out to lay a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, you're new. YOu can't be perfect like I am. That takes time. We're cool, okay? Just.. like.. REALLY don't put yourself in danger like that. If something happened to you, I'd be heartbroken. I mean that. You're new here, but you're family and I want you to be safe."

5/29/2022 22:44:12 Jackie nods, chuckling softly even as she raises a hand to wipe away some wetness from the corner of her eye, clearly just allergies. "Yes, I just... Never mind, this isn't back east, and I shouldn't... Right. I won't be quite so reckless again. I... Hell, I could really go for some mead right now."

5/29/2022 22:46:03 Leif grins, leaning back to get out of her personal bubble, but not before he gives her shoulder a little squeeze. "Mead it is. Here." He reaches behind him and hands her his mug, which he hasn't drank from. It's pretty fucking huge. Leif-sized. "I'll get you together with Branton really soon and we'll see about getting you some kind of souped up car so that you can take part in things. Just need you to be patient and next time you nearly give me a heart attack, I'm throwing you in the creek with your clothes on."

5/29/2022 22:49:17 Jackie grins into the mug, hiding it poorly. She takes a deep drink, but hardly one deep enough to dent this size of mug. "Ok, maybe I deserve that. Sorry if I caused you any actual cardiac issues."

5/29/2022 22:50:17 "All hypothetical. My heart's pretty good. I save the cardiac arrest for things like Misty falling down and almost taking her eye out on the edge of coffee tables or Freya bringing a badger in the house and letting it run so she can play with it."

5/29/2022 22:52:42 Jackie snorts into the mead while she's taking another drought, spraying foam across her mouth. She lowers the mug to wipe her face with her other hand. "Wow, yeah, that sounds way more serious."

5/29/2022 22:57:39 "I'm on pretty good terms with Badger the totem, but those little guys will fuck you up if they're afraid of you. But the corner issue was solved with pool noodles and I just make sure every time Freya brings a live animal into the house, she gets a bath. That's a pretty good deterrent."

5/29/2022 22:59:15 Jackie leans back from the mug, holding it back up to Leif. "That sounds pretty fair, and prudent. Thanks, and... well, thanks."

5/29/2022 23:01:41 Leif nods, giving her a smile and offering her a fist for bumping. "You're going to do fine here. I like your spirit. I really do. I dislike complacency. I think everyone should be able to speak their minds. Just don't get pissed off before you do it. I try to treat everyone with respect and that I get respect in return, but you lose some of that if you hold onto shit. So say what you need to say, when you need to say it, and we'll get things rolling for you. Right now, I need to go kiss my pregnant mate and my beautiful baby. It's a promise I made her, that I'd always kiss them before and after I had to go kill things."

5/29/2022 23:04:31 Jackie takes a breath, then nods with a soft smile and bumps his fist with her much, much smaller one. "Yeah, ok. You got it, boss. And uh, have fun killing shit?"

5/29/2022 23:05:47 Leif gives her a wink and he nods. "Every fucking time, Jackie. I always do."