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(A discussion over breakfast. No waffles.)
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|icdate    = September 7th, 2020
|icdate    = September 7th, 2020
|ictime    = Morning
|ictime    = Morning
|players  = [[Katie]] and [[Vivian]]
|players  = [[Katie_Brooks|Katie]] and [[Vivian]]
|location  = [[WaffleMania]]
|location  = [[WaffleMania]]
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[[Category:Katie Brooks]]

Revision as of 01:42, 6 February 2021

It's Waffle Time!
Two women meet in Wafflemania and have a discussion over breakfast. Oddly, no waffles are involved.
IC Date September 7th, 2020
IC Time Morning
Players Katie and Vivian
Location WaffleMania


This rather tiny establishment just screams old time dining. The entire room is fairly L shaped with the door at South Western most point. A small bell chime gets bothered by any customers that cross the threshold. To the right of the door is an old jukebox that is filled to the brim with vinyl records, old and new. The wall all around the jukebox is filled with photos going back over the generations. Pictures of customers enjoying waffles, of the various owners whom had passed down the business from father to son. Right above the jukebox is the current owner, an older woman easily in her late fifties with a head of curly gray hairs.

The left wall is lined with with large windows and back to back booths, while the right hand is a long bar counter that has many stools. An emergency exit in the back sits adjacent to the bathrooms.

Behind the counter is some work room for the workers, and beyond that is a little serving window that the kitchen staff calls out orders and rings a little bell. The entire place is filled with a wonderful scent that can only be described as: Breakfast.

Please check out the menu! http://www.cityofhopemush.net/index.php/WaffleMania

It's early morning at Wafflemania, so things are getting busy with all the workers coming in for breakfast before they start their day. Katie isn't one of those, she's a regular who enjoys the food and company, the girl sitting at the far end of the counter with the remains of a cooked breakfast in front of her, only an egg and a few slices of toast left to devour. Placing her glass of orange juice aside after taking a drink, she looks over those in the diner, giving a friendly smile to whoever might catch her eye.

Who doesn't like waffles?! It's waffle time! Waffles: the breakfast of champions! With these thoughts in mind, Vivian walks into Wafflemania and takes a look around the somewhat busy interior. She glances at the bar, but that is jam-packed with morning breakfasteers, so she peers around for a potentially empty booth... but then sees Katie. The blonde's face lights up in recognition as she makes her way over, raising a hand in greeting. "Why, hello there!" she says cheerfully, "We do seem to keep running into each other. First Roasters and then the gym and now here. You're..." Vivian's face scrunches up in concentration, "... actually, did we introduce ourselves previously?"

In the middle of dunking a slice of toast into the yellowy center of the egg, Katie looks up as she's spoken to, her large blue eyes looking distant as they try and remember the face, followed by an 'oh!' of those eyes widening. "Yes!", she chuckles, "I remember, you were at the counter in the gym while I rushed in..", she smiles. "And the Roasters..", she nods, not speaking that one in public.

"I don't think we were.. um.. you were talking to Raise and sitting elsewhere so like..", a cheerful shrug of her shoulders, she doesn't mind, ".. I'm Katie! Nice to meet you.", she smiles, shuffling on her stool at the counter so she's more facing toward you. "Are you new to Prospect? I don't remember seeing you before.. but I've been away a while, so..", another happy shrug.

Vivian's eyes travel over the food before Katie for a moment before she looks back up at the young woman and grins broadly, offering up a hand, "Katie. Pleased to meet you, I'm Vivian." She again glances around the busy interior of Wafflemania before nodding a. "And yeah, I'm fairly new to Prospect. I've been here... oh, a little over two weeks now? Great place, actually. Everyone is so friendly."

She nods towards the plate, "Whatcha having, if you don't mind me asking Katie? I read about this place online and it has a pretty good review average. I like seeing new places in town -- well, new to me anyway -- so I decided to come on over for a visit and a bit of breakfast."

Reaching out, Katie takes the offered hand, giving it a friendly squeeze and a shake, "Hi Vivian.", she smiles, her hand returning to her glass of orange juice that she gathers up, though doesn't drink straight away. "Most people are /really/ friendly..", she admits, ".. some are like, whatever, but most are nice.", she nods.

"I usually have the Strawberry Apocalypse, that's like /so/ good, but I wanted a big breakfast this morning so I had the cooked. Eggs, toast, bacon, it's /really/ bad for me, but I don't mind sometimes.", she chuckles.

Vivian's part of the handshake is quite firm, her hands rough and calloused; a worker's hands. "Yeah," she says, "Thankfully, I've not run into too many of the latter folk. And the ones of the former have been -awesome-. Like, free meals and drinks awesome!"

A rumbling chuckle ushers forth form the blonde and she grins with a wink, "Hey, usually the best things in life are bad for you in excess. Moderation is the key." A beat. "Though admittedly, I'm sometimes bad at practicing myself." One of the patrons finishes his meal and vacates a spot next to Katie and Vivian motions to it. "Mind if I join you?" she asks.

"Those are my favorite people." Katie replies, a soft chuckle, "I used to be homeless when I first came here, that was like.. new year celebrations.. and everyone was so kind, they were offering me places to stay and buying me meals and things. Most people are real nice and those that aren't are sometimes nice too, they're just not good with people.", she grins.

Reaching over to the empty spot once it frees up, Katie gives it a little patpat, inviting you to sit. "Of course you can. Where were you staying before you came here?", she asks curiously.

"Oh, ouch," Vivian says with a wince, "Didn't mean to drum up bad past there, Katie. Sorry." She smiles brightly, "But hey! Looks like things are going well for you now. I mean, you got eggs and toast!"

She slips into seat and flashes a wide grin, plucking a menu from the counter and looking over the offerings. "Ooh, look at all the waffles. Oh! -Chocolate- waffle? With fudge? Hmm. Might have that later. I am looking for something more substantial." She closes the menu and grins, "I think I'll have what you're having, Katie."

Her shoulders roll in a shrug, "To answer your question, I wasn't really staying anywhere, to be honest. Just sort of wandering around Canada and the Continental US. I used to be in the army, and then in a PMC, so I got to see a lot of the larger world. But it was time for me to move on and... well, I guess I just didn't have a direction." She shrugs again.

"Oh, it's okay.." Katie replies with a little grin, ".. being homeless was nice. I was out in the open and could go anywhere and see anything and speak to anyone who would listen..", she chuckles. "It doesn't sound like much, but it's more than I used to have.". The piece of toast is gathered up and dunked into the egg, before taking a big bite and finishing the last of it. "Real good eggs and toast too.", she chuckles.

"Did you meet Bobbi, from the meetings?", she asks, a curious tilt of her head, "When I came here, she found me and.. she saved me, I guess. She taught me to read and write, I didn't know how then, and gave me a place to stay for a while. She's lovely.", she smiles, though there's a hint of sadness or disappointment there too.

"The chocolate with fudge is /so/ bad!", she laughs, "I only had some once and felt full for a week! It's nice though. You were in the army?", quickly changing topic, "That must be scary. I haven't been to Canada or anywhere, really. I went to Detroit once with my boyfriend, but we didn't go sightseeing or anything."

"I suppose the freedom would be nice," Vivian concedes with a faint smile, "Still, while I live on a shoestring, I wouldn't want to be -completely- broke. I need cash for booze and food." She winks impishly before flagging down a waitress and entering her order. Came in for waffles, now getting eggs and toast.

"Bobbi..." Vivian states, pursing her lips and furrowing her brow, "Hrm... oh, wait! The tatted up hippie chick in Roasters? That who're you're talking about? Yeah, she seemed nice. Offered to make me a meal, in fact, but I had somewhere I had to be." She shrugs before a puzzled expression settles on her features, "What meetings?"

A wide grin bursts to life on Vivian's features, "Ooh, sounds -decadent-. I'll definitely have to have the chocolate fudge waffle sometime, then." When the subject shifts, she shrugs again, "Yeah, was in the army. My unit was ambushed and... well, I was honorably discharged. After that, I signed with a PMC -- Private Military Company, in case that wasn't clear -- and went around the world to deal with different things. Then quit a few months back and just started... wandering." She smiles wryly, "I can be scary, yeah. Usually after the fact, though. In the moment, there's so much adrenaline that you generally don't think about it until after everything is over." She pauses, "Never been to Detroit, honestly. I know there is the Henry Ford Museum of Industry there, but I don't know any other sight seeing locations."

"It's easy to get enough food, if you know what to do." Katie replies with a mischevious twinkle in her large blue eyes, "The worst was finding a place to pee.", she chuckles.

"That's Bobbi!", a quick nod at the description, "You should try her meals, she's a real good cook, but she only eats vegan.". The comment of meetings has her tilt her head curiously, a nibble on her lower lip. "Oh. Um.. I must be thinking of someone else.", a little shrug.

"I'm sorry about your friends..", she says softly, ".. I'm glad you made it out of that.", a wrinkle of her nose. "I've been learning to shoot, and I've been learning Aikido, but I've never been in a fight. I hope I never am! I try and be nice to everyone and people are usually nice to me too.", she nods. "But you have to be safe too.". A moment of silence as she finishes the last of her orange juice, then she asks, "What are you going to do now? Like, have you thought about what you want to do?"

"Ugh, yeah," Vivian states with a grimace, "Finding a comfortable place to pee would be torture, I think. Though... I guess if you stay in urban areas you would have access to public bathrooms, if nothing else."

Another rumbling chuckle tumbles from the blonde and she nods wryly, "Yeah, she said that the meal would be vegan. I'm not especially picky, so it doesn't bother me -- believe me, I've eaten worse -- but I do like my meat, cream, and sugar. And carbs. Can't forget those." She does look askance at the little comment about the meetings, but shrugs dismissively.

A bittersweet smile spreads over Vivian's features at the mention of departed friends. "Thanks," she says, voice a little bit tight, "It was... a while ago. It's not a big deal." Vivian quiets then, looking down at the countertop, eyes filled with a cold range... but it doesn't last more than a couple seconds.

Clearing her throat, the blonde looks up, all smiles again. "Yeah, definitely learn to defend yourself. Is that why you were at the gym? To learn some self-defense stuff? Or was that just for general fitness?" She pauses as the question of the future is asked, Vivian drumming her fingers on the counter as she considers. "Well," she says slowly, "I'm definitely going to stay in Prospect for the foreseeable future. I like this place a lot. For the shorter term, I'm just learning the place, going to various bars, clubs, and strip joints. Y'know, getting a feel for the whole area." She shrugs her shoulders, "I have enough bennies from my army days and savings from my time as a PMC contractor that I can live a modest life and not have to worry, so I'm not exactly gung-ho about joining the civilian workforce. If I find an opportunity somewhere I like I'll take it, but for now? I'm just going to enjoy my life as an unemployed bum."

Noticing the distant look at bad memories, Katie reaches over and touches her hand against your arm, giving you a warm, comforting smile before pulling back again. "I was going for fitness that day. Like, sometimes I'll go on the bikes, then another some weights, and then another I'll do some martial arts.. I do /so/ much now, I'm trying to do a bit of everything.", she chuckles.

"I've become like a geek.. or is it a nerd..?", she shrugs, "I'm trying roleplaying and painting miniatures. I can't even remember the last time I went out for drinks and dancing.", she chuckles. "I wouldn't go to a strip club though, that's weird..", shaking her head, ".. my boyfriend wouldn't like it either. Unless he got to go too.", she grins.

"It's nice here." Katie admits, glancing out of the windows at the street outside. "There's so much to do. I've been surfing in the mornings, that's quite fun, shooting.. the diner.. Jennifer makes the best waffles.", noting the older woman behind the counter busy cooking, "She used to give me free meals when I was homeless, if I helped clean the tables.", she nods. "The boardwalk is nice, if you like games and rides, they have a real fun rollercoaster.".

The touch on her arm has Vivian offering an awkward, somewhat apologetic smile and a murmured, "Thanks." But she quickly moves past it and offers a bright smile, "Hey, nothing wrong with expanding your horizons. There's a lot to respect there." She nods definitively and then there's a plate with bacon, eggs, and toast thrust in front of her. Vivian offers another bright smile to the waitress before plucking up some toast and dipping the edge into the yolk of the sunny-side-up eggs, crunching through it and chewing before swallowing, "Damn, that's good."

Vivian grunts once, smiling wryly, "Never got into miniatures myself, but I've rolled a few multisided dice in my time. There's surprisingly little to do at times in the military. I visited a game shop about a week back. Nice place, the owner was friendly. You play anything in particular?" Her smile morphs into a grin and she shrugs, "Yeah, the strip joint was a bit on the seedy side, but the drinks weren't bad. Plus, I got some for free thanks to a kind soul there. Also, we had quite the symposium on the nature of beauty." Her grin widens and she winks, "But you should -so- take your boyfriend out to a strip club to surprise him one day. He'll love it! I'm sure there's gotta be a more upper-class one than what I found."

Vivian turns her attention to the windows as well, the blonde nodding slowly, "Yeah, I've started taking walks on the beach, as corny as that sounds. I'm kinda gunshy about going in the water, though. I've heard there's sharks about." She pauses thoughtfully, "Though I haven't been on any of the boardwalk rides just yet. Maybe I should do that."

"You /so/ should! Try everything, go everywhere..", Katie chuckles, ".. and try the Madras at the Curry House.", her mouth opening in a droolworthy awe, "It's this indian place, the food is /so/ good.", her large blue eyes becoming a little distant at the memory, likely already considering going back again.

"Was that Guardian Games?", she asks about the game shop, "Rustin is real friendly, I like him. He keeps making me spend all my money when I go in there, but that's okay.", she chuckles. "I haven't played anything yet, I don't.. really.. have.. friends.", her words slowing down as she admits the reality of that. "I used to, but I don't know where they've gone. And I know people, but friends are different.", she nods.

Picking up a napkin, Katie wipes her hands, dabs at her mouth, then drops it onto her empty plate and clasps her hands together, trapping them comfortably between her knees. "Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend to go exploring with?".

"I do like Indian," Vivian says with a grin, "I've actually been to India, actually. Had some real Indian curry. Man, that was good." She purses her lips thoughtfully, "I think I might've been to the place you're talking about, actually. I didn't have the Madras, though, just some shrimp curry. I was in the mood for something fishy."

The short haired blonde beams and nods in confirmation, "Ayup, Guardian Games, that's the place. Had a nice little chat with the owner... Rustin is his name? I think he introduced himself, but I don't quite remember. Anyway, we discussed the various RPG companies and how well they treat customers."

Her brows furrow slightly as Katie admits the lack of friends. "Oh," she says awkwardly scratching her cheek, "That would put a damper on playing, yeah. I'm kinda surprised, though. You seem like you'd have a lot of friends." She smiles wryly, "I take it that hippie chick is not interested in rolling dice for a game, huh?" Pausing again, the blonde drums her fingers on the counter before flashing a bright smile, "Well, I don't know if we can count as friends just yet, Katie, but I'd certainly like to be in a game with you."

A rumbling chuckle tumbles from the blonde as she shakes her head, "Nope, no boyfriend or girlfriend. Well, not -really-. I have a couple friends with benefits, though. Which surprised the hell out of me, honestly. I mean, have you -seen- the people in town? Every third person looks like they came for a porn star convention. I'm hardly noticeable."

"I used to have friends.." Katie admits, ".. but I disappeared for a while and when I came back they've all moved away.", she shrugs. "I'm trying to find some new friends, but it's like, you meet up and have a real nice chat and share numbers, but that's all. It can only get better though.", she grins, having an optimistic side to her.

"Bobbi?", she asks at the mention of a hippie chick, "We used to be friends, but she doesn't speak to me anymore. I don't know why, it was all nice and then it stopped.", shaking her head in confusion. "You'd like to join my game?", she chuckles, "That would be nice. Two others I met said the same, maybe we could play sometime."

Talk of a porn star convention has her laughing, reaching up to brush some long, strawberry blond strands from her gaze, "That's /so/ true! We are near Hollywood though, that's probably it..", she nods, ".. everyone wants to be a movie star or famous or something. You look pretty though, you have a nice smile and pretty eyes.", she nods.

"Ahh, I gotcha," Vivian states, nodding understandingly, "Yeah, it can be a pain in the ass when you move and have to get reacquainted with everything. I don't quite have the same experience since I've never been to Prospect before, but I definitely know the moving around bit. Speaking of numbers!" The blonde digs around in her pocket and produces a smartphone, waggling it in her hand, "Should we exchange them?"

A quizzical expression appears on her features as the mysterious falling out is explained. "Huh. That's weird," she says, "Was she pissed off that you left for a while or something? She didn't strike me as someone who holds a grudge, but then I only had a relatively short conversation with her about sloths, rule thirty-four, and free vegan meals." She shrugs again.

Vivian's face brightens in a smile and she winks, "Sounds great! A group of four would be just fine for a roleplaying group. It's been a while since I played, though, so I might be a bit rusty. Does anyone want to GM?"

The blonde chuckles again, shaking her head, "I don't know if its the proximity or what, but there are a ton of attractive people in town. I'm not complaining, really, just somewhat surprised." At the compliment, her cheeks flush lightly and she scratches one sheepishly, "Aww, thanks, Katie. That's kind of you to say. You're pretty cute yourself." She grins and winks again, "Your boyfriend's a lucky man."

"Welllll...", a cute tilt of her head, ".. it wasn't moving, it was like, I went on a trip for a while..", pausing as she decides if that's the best 'safe' description for it, Katie giving a nod when she's decided. "Not a nice kind of holiday trip though.", she adds, sliding her fingers into the tight pocket of her jeans and wriggling out her phone while she talks. The screen lights up and she pulls up her details, then places the phone in front of you to read from.

"Is it you who she talks about?" Katie asks with a little grin, "Last I saw her, she was talking about sloths on the internet.", she chuckles, "She's not very computer clever.". A quick shake of her head, "I don't think it was that, all I can think of is when I decided to find a different teacher. Her way of teaching things wasn't working for me.", she shrugs.

"I'm going to GM! I have a game all ready, I made it up, it's like a fantasy game, like classic D&D..", she nods, ".. I've been redecorating my attic and I've got a gaming room there now we can play in. I have /so/ many books, miniatures and scenery you won't believe it!", she grins, "Like, I'm a total geek girl now.", she chuckles.

"Aww, thanks!", Katie seems to reply the same way, "I look different now than when I was homeless, I used to have broken jeans and a dirty t-shirt and like, my hair was all in tangles and knots most days.", she grins. "Rick is awesome, I think /I'm/ the lucky one. I turned him away once, he used to drink a lot, so I'm glad he didn't give up trying, he's /so/ sweet.", she smiles, gazing off into nothingness at the memories.

"Oh, your phone doesn't have an IR data exchange thing?" Vivian says, peering down at the phone, "No biggie. Lemmie just input the data manually." She taps on the screen. Tap. Tap. Tappity-tap-tap. "A bad trip?" she asks, eyes still moving between the phones, "That sucks. I mean, I've been in some bad places before, but at least I was getting paid for it. Why did you embark on this trip, may I ask? Visiting family or something?"

Another chuckle tumbles out of the blonde, "Yeah, she's not computer savvy at all. She didn't even know what a furry was. I'm guessing she didn't go into the hippie life but grew up in it. Kinda sad, really, for parents to put their kid through that kind of overly sheltered life." She looks up from her task, a moue of confusion spreading over her features, "She was your teacher? What could she possibly be teaching you other than vegan cooking and how best to grow weed illegally?"

Quickly, Vivian completes the task of entering the contact information and then holds up her own phone with her own contact details for copying, grinning broadly. "Oh, sweet! I can GM, but until I shake the rust off, I'd much prefer to play. And classic DnD is right up my alley! Rustin mentioned those Black Dog Gaming titles, but I don't think they're for me. I prefer high fantasy stuff." Her grin widens even further, "Oh, sweet! You have an entire area in your house for gaming? That's awesome! We mostly played in the mess or in our bunks when I was in military. Cramped and sometimes noisy."

She smiles wryly at the homeless description and shrugs, "Everyone looks a bit different after a good shower and clean clothes. Soap and shampoo are wonders of modern technology." Her smile turns warm, seeing the other woman so enthralled with her boyfriend. "Well, sounds like you have a great relationship, which is nice. What's Rick do? Will he be joining in on the roleplaying game?"

That question has Katie shuffle uncomfortably, sitting up on her seat and wriggling to get comfortable again. "Um.. something like that. I did see my parents.", she nods, though it doesn't appear as if that was entirely a good thing.

"Bobbi did grow up like that..", Katie nods at the mention of hippie life, ".. she had lots of brothers, that's where she learnt about mechanics. You know she's a mechanic?", she asks curiously, "She has her own business.", she smiles. The talk of parents vanishing quickly, she relaxes some more, swinging her legs playfully back and fore as she's too short for her feet to reach the floor. "When I came here, it was like the first place I'd ever been, except where I was before..", wherever that was, ".. she taught me to read and write, and about all the different places, and like art and history.. and a little about cooking too.", she chuckles, agreeing about the vegan cooking.

"I should get a new phone..", she admits, no special data exchange for her, ".. one with a real nice camera, so I can take some pictures.", she nods. Taking her phone back, she taps in your details then sends a text message that simply reads, 'Hi!', with a big teeth smiley emoticon after it.

"So, the game I have planned is like, mostly story with some fighting in it, like, you need fighting in D&D, right?!", she grins, "But it's a fun story. I hope everyone likes it.", she nods. "I put a small kitchen in the attic too, just big enough for keeping drinks cold, making coffees and cooking pizza.", she chuckles.

"He said he doesn't want to try..", she replies about Rick, ".. it's not his type of thing. I keep trying to convince him, but he'd rather read his books all day. He's a lawyer now and I'm supposed to be doing his accounts, but I'd rather be playing with the kitten and planning more adventures.", she grins. "He's fun though, he's not like a book nerd or anything, we have lots of fun. He plays piano and goes surfing with me in the mornings, if we don't sleep in.", she grins, the mischevious twinkle in her large blue eyes giving away that sleeping isn't really a thing. "It's his house.. well, like, our house, but he bought it, so it's his really.. it's /so/ nice, like an old victorian house surrounded by flowers and trees and bushes. It's really pretty."

"Mmn," Vivian says with a sympathetic nod and lopsided smile, "Not square with your folks? Yeah, I'm the same. My parents didn't approve of me enlisting in the army right out of highschool. We haven't talked since."

Vivian's brows arch at the mention of Bobbi being a mechanic, "No, I didn't know that. I got the impression that she would think that mechanical systems were an affront to the moon goddess or whatever hippie ideas she's been infused with. Seriously, hippies are like the Amish without the work ethic." She affects a (bad) stereotypical Amish accent, "Ah, Ezekiel, we need to blunt the tools to make the work harder." She then switches to a (also bad) stereotypical hippie accent, "Woah, dude, work? Why don't we just, like, groove on the vibes of mary jane! The universe will provide, man, we don't have to do anything!" The blonde collapses into a fit of surprisingly girlish giggles, though it doesn't last long.

Vivian, dabs the toast at her eggs again, munching on it as she listens to the things Katie was taught, nodding slowly. "Oh, right, you mentioned you were illiterate before." She frowns faintly, brows furrowing in concentration, "She might've mentioned a business when I talked to her, but I don't remember. I don't know what modern business could work without computers, though. Still, if she has a business that puts her leagues above most hippies."

She looks down at her phone when the message comes through and grins broadly, offering a thumbs up, "Looks like everything is entered correctly, Katie. And yeah, taking pictures is great." She smiles sheepishly, scratching at her cheek, "I've been trying to take more myself. Prospect really is -beautiful-."

Vivian busies herself with her breakfast again as Katie excitedly talks about the future game and the amenities for gaming before grinning broadly, "Wow, that sounds -great-! Both things! I mean, yeah, combat is always part of playing, but it's a spice to the story meat. As bad as that metaphor is." She pauses, pursing her lips thoughtfully, "I should look up some pizza recipes online. Maybe we can make some fresh stuff for the game instead of relying on frozen pizza."

More chuckles rumble outward from the blonde as she nods, "I see. Sucks that he won't even try a game, but eh. Not for everyone. Sounds like a good guy, though. And a lawyer, too! You scored good there, chief, be sure to keep hold of him." She winks impishly before smiling and nodding, "Nice. I love Victorian houses and architecture. I probably wouldn't go all the way to steampunk, but the aesthetics of the nineteenth century were really good."

"It's a long and weird story." Katie admits about her parents, but doesn't elaborate on that. Then she can't help but grin at the acting of Amish and Hippie, giving a soft giggle at the end to match your own. "Bobbi isn't that bad! Like, she's not what you'd think, she does do the hippie thing with crystals, but she makes the /best/ raves. I've been to two she made in the forest and it was /sooooo/ much fun!", she smiles, "You have to come to the next one!"

"In Maple Park, there's a large oak tree with a bench in front of it.. like, if you sit there in the morning, you get the most beautiful sunrise. If it's not cloudy or raining..", she chuckles, ".. and Surfer's Cove looks real pretty too, the sunrise and sunset over the water. The sunset is the best there.", she nods, "It's like the sun gets swallowed by the ocean."

A happy sigh at the memory of that. "I'm going to try and get him to play, but he is real busy, I've barely seen him for a week, he's working on a difficult case.", she nods. With a little wriggle to bring her to the edge of the stool, she hops down to her feet and has a small stretch. "I'm going to go shooting now, it's nearly midday already!"

Moving closer, she playfully nudges herself up against your arm, "It was /real/ nice talking to you, thanks for making my breakfast a nice one.", she smiles. "I'll see you again soon, for sure!"

"I haven't been to a rave since I was sixteen," Vivian states thoughtfully before shrugging, "But sure, I'd go if I was invited. Why not? As long as they've got booze." She smiles sheepishly, "I'm not much of a dancer, though. Not even back when I was a teenager." A puzzled expression falls over her features, "Though... why the woods? Aren't there any mostly-empty warehouses in town to rent? I don't think I've ever been to a rave in the woods before."

She pauses, nodding slowly as she makes a mental note of the various picturesque places listed, "Yeah. I've seen the sunset on the beach and it's -brilliant-. Haven't really been to the park, though, I'll have to do that." Her face splits into a grin and she flashes another thumbs up, "Awesome, Katie! I encourage everyone to exercise their Second Amendment rights. It was great meeting you as well. Have a great day and give me a call later! See ya!"

With a cheery wave, the blonde turns back to her breakfast and begins to scarf it down with gusto.

"Hippie. Woods." Katie replies about the location of the rave, giving a cute little grin at the comment, "It's /really/ good though, I think next to the beach might be nice one time, but she likes the woods.", she nods.

"I'm going to beat my highest score this time.", she declares, starting to head for the door, "See you soon, Vivian!", she calls back, giving a happy smile and a wriggle of her fingers in a parting wave. And with a twirl, she nudges the door open and slips out of the diner.