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Birth of a Spirit
The Children of Mammoth were called upon to witness the birth of a spirit, and bring it to Gaia
IC Date March 30th, 2019
Players Johanna, Khol ST, Skully, Troy
Location Serenity Grove, dry riverbed not far away
Spheres Gaian Garou Shifter

Settled on the ground is Troy, who is lightly strumming away at his guitar as he watches his friend go through his meditation. He is playing something gentle, chill and slow.

Khol finishes his form and walks out of the meditation garden, a slight sheen of sweat on him from the workout. "So, how are you doing Troy.. " he asks with a smile "I may have to try having you play discordant music some time. to help me focus through that."

Johanna walks out from the house. She looks refreshed and is all ready to stretch - in fact is already pressing one arm across her body. "Oh, nice. Hey guys!"

"I could give it a whirl I suppose." Troy says with a chuckle as he runs a hand back through his hair. "I'm doing okay. Was just waiting for you to finish. I asked out Sahara proper the other night, so ... I think I got a girlfriend." He laughs as he gives another plunk of the strings. Looking over to Jo, he lifts a hand upwards.

Khol laughs at that, and claps Troy on the shoulder. "Congratulations." he glances over as he spots Johanna coming out and to her he offers "Lets remember to send Sahara a Condolence card though.. She seems to have decided to put up with Troy."

Johanna shakes her head. and pokes Khol in the stomach as she makes her way over to Troy to offer a friendly hug. "Really honey? I do not want to offend my favorite lavender dealer." If he takes the offered hug she will move back towards Khol and boop his nose. "Seriously, good for you Mercy's Wings. She is a catch."

"I think she is, yes, now I just need to get permission from Jake and Journey to date her proper." Troy says with a furrow of his brow. "They told me that the Sept can't trust Cliath to date or something."

Khol glances to Johanna and then back to Troy, "There have been problems with that in the past.. But talking to them first will make a huge step in the right direction."

Johanna nods, "Well, in general, Cliath's should be focused on advancing to Fostern. Come Fostern they should be looking for a mate, and can take one if they choose. By Adren, you definitely should have a mate. By Athro, well, kids need to be coming. The bigger problem with Cliatha has been they focused so much on having sex, and not on fighting the Wyrm.

"Mmm." Troy ponders as he listens to the pair of them, then chuckles softly to himself. His fingers pluck along the strings of his instrument a few more times, rocking back and forth as he sways. "So, what have you two been up to today?"

Khol chuckles "The same thing we are every day Pinky." he winks and teases. "Its been a good day relaxing, training, spending time with the baby.. " he grins "I'm going to have to get another training partner soon.. Jo knows my martial arts style too well already.. "

Johanna rolls her eyes, "Just because I can knock you all your butt and pin you to the ground does not mean you absolutely need a new training partner, honey. Although, maybe you can work with Troy some and teach him some as he prepares to learn to work with the Bo Staff."

There's a soft thump from the spare room, muffled by distance and walls and whatnot, and not long afterward Skully emerges carrying what looks like a stuffed wolf plushie with tiny corgi legs. He's whistling to himself -- the opening theme to Disney's 'Robin Hood' -- and seems in high spirits. "Hey-ho, family," he declares in his familiar rumble, extending a long arm to offer the wolf to Khol. "Made this for you. Its belly lights up an' it plays 'Claire de Lune'. Got the idea from a soothin' toy online an' figured I could do it one better."

Giving a nod of his head towards the entrance of Skully, Troy is as usual a warm smile and friendly buzz. His fingers tink away at the strings of his guitar, playing a gentle melody. "If you need a sparring partner I'd be open to it. I am not the best fighter, but I'm a fairly good patcher upper."

Khol smiles to Troy "Im not a Garou.. so you will have an upper hand there.. " he winks, then as Skully comes out with the Stuffed animal he grins broadly "Mason will love it." he accepts it "Ill take it inside and give it to him for you.. We have a sitter so we can get some time outside for a few.. "

Johanna grins and after Khol takes the stuffed animal she gives Skully a big hug! "Thank you! He really will love it so much. I think he will end up with a collection of wolves over the years, but one from you will be that much more special. His own pack he can play with. It is so precious."

Skully hugs Johanna happily and laughs a little, shrugging his shoulders. "I was checkin' out what's good for soothin' a baby to sleep an' such, an' saw that somethin' soft that lights up, vibrates a lil' bit, an' plays a song works like a charm. Along with the mobile I done made 'im he should be in good shape. I'm sure there are a lot'a wolves in his collection, but this'n... well.". The big Metis gestures to the stuffy, which has a brindled coat and, yep, only one eye. "Uncle Skully, always singin' an' such. Thought it'd make for a funnier stuffy."

The huge Wendigo looks over at Troy, arching an eyebrow over his eyepatch, and asks, "Sparrin' partner? Who's lookin' to fight? I'd volunteer, but... well, it's been some time since anyone with any sense wanted to go a round with me."

"Khol is looking for a sparring partner since Johanna claims she keeps beating him up. I am willing to volunteer my services of being knocked down." Troy smiles as he shifts his guitar to the side. "I am sure that most people would not wish to be punched in the face by you, sir. You definitely have a height and reach advantage."

Khol isn't gone long, leaving the stuffed animal behind with Mason. He comes back out from inside. "He snuggled right up with it Skully.. I think he knew it was from his favorite Uncle." he grins a bit and offers "Ill spary with you Skully.. I might end up on my ass.. but Ill still spar.. " he nods to Troy "But I think Troy is the better option.. "

Johanna shakes her head, "Not everything we do requires a fight at least. But always good to keep in shape and be prepared. Speaking of preparing! I am feeling rather ill prepared. It is getting so close to time for me to challenge for rank and I'm not sure who I should seek out. Or perhaps I'm overthinking and should just wait to see who finds me first."

"Troy's definitely a better option," Skully replies with a smile, nodding once. "I ain't high an' mighty 'bout my fightin' or nuthin', but bein' Ya'pahe as I am ain't exactly a subtle hint 'bout my purpose in life. I like to think I'm a better smith than I am a fighter, but Gaia made me as I am for a reason, an' I ain't about to back off from that particular birthright. It's been a while since I was anyone's idea of a fair fight."

When Johanna makes her statement regarding rank Skully's face lights up, and he bows slightly from the waist. "It'll be a rank well-deserved, sister. I'm proud'a how high you've risen. I don't know how it goes for Stargazers when it comes to rank, though; the Wendigo Elders tend to make you come to them an' act like you ain't earnt the right an' such, puttin' on a show of 'who the hell do you think you are?' an' the like. Athro's a big deal, though; gonna have to choose carefully."

xxxxxEven as you are speaking, the wind seems to shift, swirling and pausing, gusting, almost like breathing, and the sounds of the world around you seem to become sharper.. animal sounds seem more pronounced.. and there is something.. the hair on your arms and neck start to rise as a sense of otherness reaches each of you. Khol doesn't seem immediately aware of it, as he talks "Well.. I wouldn't mind training with you Skully.. perhaps not too often.. but just to really push myself.. sometime."

Troy reaches down instinctively to rub at his arm, brushing down the goosebumps that flicker along his skin. His head tilts to one side as if he was carefully listening. Pushing himself up to his feet, he slides his guitar around his neck and back, giving a sniff of the air. "Mm." He murmurs to himself.

Johanna feels the wind, her eyes close and she turns her head a bit. "What... hmm... Something is not right." Yup, spidey senses are triggered.

"I'd be fine showin' a few tricks an' moves an' such, stuff I know that maybe JJ doesn't. My mama was a multiple black belt; grandpa was a Marine martial arts instructor," Skully begins as Khol suggests it, but a visible shudder runs through him, culminating in a sneer of his lip and a thinning of his eye. He gazes off to the middle distance, looking through the wall, and lets out a long sigh. "Anyone else feel like someone cone walked over their grave?". He looks aside to Johanna at her comment, shaking his head, and murmurs, "I don't like it, Starchaser."

Khol looks up as well, a little behind the group of you, perhaps your noticing triggers his. "What is that?"

xxxxxA moment later there is a shimmering in the air, its much like you would see from someone going into or out of the umbra, and you all know that the barrier here has become thinner, more naturally permeable than in most places.. A voice speaks through that opening, "I cannot cross, but I can speak to you.. Children of Mammoth." its a female voice, with a gentle high tone to it, not soothing but calming in its nature.

Squinting his eyes at the shimmering visage before them, Troy straightens up an gives a curious glance over towards the trio of packmates. "I believe you have company." He says as he gives another firm rub of his hand along his arm.

Johanna looks up and around, not sure where it is coming from exactly. "We hear you. The Children of Mammoth are listening. How can we help you? What can we do?"

Skully bows his head reverently toward the apparition, crossing his hands at his waist. "We are your servants," he states clearly and humbly. "That's our charge in life, ma'am. What's your need?". He keeps his posture relaxed and reverent, and waits for the request.

xxxxxThe voice speaks on softly "We call on you.. all of you that are here, to come and bear witness. There is an event happening, one that the mother's spirits wish you all to see. I can show you where to go.. it is not far.. "

Khol falls silent to listen, his gaze moving from the three Garou to the shimmering in the air, to listen.

Giving a nod of his head as he listens, Troy glances to the other three, then back to the spirit as he gives a proper bow of respect. "Of course, sister spirit. I am sure we all would be honored to bare witness to that you find us worthy to view." He ensures his instrument is tight against his back, then twists his cap on his head backwards.

Johanna looks between the others. "Please. We would be most honored to witness this." She looks about for signs of where they are to follow. She takes a sweater and ties it around her waist. "It sure is good we are all together for this."

Skully gives a brief, low growl and a curl of his lip to Troy, glaring at him for a brief moment. It isn't malicious; rather, it's reminiscent of an old alpha wolf curbing a rowdy pup. He steps forward then and says, "We'll follow, ma'am," then waves the rest along and states, "After me. Take up the tail, please, Starchaser."

Khol nods to Skully, listening to him, and he will fall into third position.

xxxxxThe voice is gentle now "Follow this whisp.. You will need to see from that side.. " and a glimmering sparkle of green-white light manifests to hover before you, as the shimmering in the air subsides. The sparkle waits for you only briefly then starts to move, heading away from the house and toward the woods.

Troy gives a visible flinch at the growl, then curbs his enthusiasm a bit as his posture drops a bit in submission. He waits for the others before he too will follow.

Johanna nods, "Of course Alpha." She eyes between the men, and gives a comforting pat on the back to Troy before taking her place in the back of the lineup to follow the sparkle.

Skully doesn't hesitate to shift into his wolf form, standing large as a mastiff with one blazing golden eye and a depthless black abyss on the other side. He pads outward, rumbling, << Mercy's Wings behind me, Starchaser behind Khol, and if it moves too swiftly we split at the middle and I leave an obvious trail. >>

Khol smiles a little "Don't worry about leaving me behind.. Ill keep up." he states and he nods, ready to take off at a run to follow.

xxxxxThe wisp takes off at the speed of the slowest of you... which is naturally Khol. But he is faster than you likely realized he could be.. even without extending any powers. The group of you don't have to go that far.. only about a mile down away from the house , but not toward the Caern either, toward a bit of broken land where an old Stream once flowed, but that apparently dried up some time ago, leaving a deep cut in the land and the wild growth of trees and nature all around it.

Taking the form of the wolf, Mercy's Wings follows after, taking the rear behind the Alpha. He keeps up the pace easily, keeping his nose to the wind and ears alert.

Johanna easily slips into her lupus form, watching the others and sniffing along, ears cocked and listening carefully the whole way. The area with the old stream is not unfamiliar to her, but she has not been here but maybe once or twice.

Long legs carry Weathers-the-Storm swiftly even at a trot, and he covers ground easily and stopping at the dry stream bed to examine the terrain. His tail flicks warningly to the entourage behind him, and he braces silently, waiting just as the moment requires.

Khol doesn't change form, obviously, so he has to work harder, but he moves with a fluid rapidity that is unusual. Clearly he has started taking some Parkor, and he has been working out a lot, as he flows along in the middle of the wolves. The Sparkle leads you to the top of the cut, and vanishes. The whole area has a sense of waiting, a quietness but its not of nervousness or fear, its the sense of waiting before a great event.

Settling himself back behind the Alpha, Mercy's Wings stands at the ready, ears perked. He gives a few sniffs of the air as his tail sways back and forth behind him slowly.

Johanna stays not far from the Cliath and the kin, keeping them between her and Weathers the Storm. Every vigilant, she senses something going to happen and the anticipation has her tail swaying as well.

xxxxxThe light under the trees seems to shift and change, darker, lighter, darker lighter, and there is a sound, almost a gasping sound from the ground itself.. Something burgeoning on happening.. Something that could turn either light or dark.. pain or joy.. Perhaps there is something you can do to tip the scale one way or the other..

Skully's tail droops as he notes the ectoplasmic light show, single eye sweeping the terrain nervously as he waits for some sort of sign. << Eyes, ears, and noses peeled, >> he ruffs, moving slowly toward the treeline and taking the measure of the terrain.

Weathers-the-Storm sniffs, pads a short distance away, and turns his ears before raising his head to address the others. << We are midwives, >> he explains, eye sweeping over the terrain. << A spirit is about to be born. What we do... we decide which side it joins. Gaia or Wyrm. Shadow or sun. >>

Johanna seems very pleased by that. >> It is an honor. We need to do something. Mercy's Wings could sing? Alpha, we could chant or dance or what do you recommend we do to usher this to Gaia? <<

Settling himself back upon his haunches, Mercy's Wings cants his head wolfishly to one side, letting out a low chuff. << Could show spirit love. Strength of family. Give the spirit hope and optimism that our world is beautiful, much like how our Mother is. >>

Weathers-the-Storm swishes his tail in amusement, lowering his head teasingly. << Am I the wise soul on the bearing of children? >> he asks mockingly, hind legs giving a bit of a kick. He stretches, then throws his head back to give a yipping howl, making a horsey leap-buck and stating, << We need joy. Songs, warmth, happiness. Family, yes; all of this. Sing, dance, be merry. Joy is goodness and light. >>

<< We should clear a path for the spirit to be born, much like how a hospital prepares a mother for her birth. >> Mercy's Wings gives another few sniffs of the air. << We should prepare the land for it's arrival, and then we come together with love and joy. I feel that the river is which will be born again. I can taste it in the air, feel it in my heart. A new spring, for our new Spring. >>

Khol seems to just be willing to do whatever he is told.. this is way outside his area of knowledge..

Johanna listens and notes. >> Then let's get to work before this baby bursts on out! << She trots on over to the river bed, and takes a look. Shifting fluidly to Glabro, she starts moving some rocks that seem out of place, and checking out what could be a path. A tree has been felled at some time, and she starts to move some of those branches as well.

Skully chuffs appreciatively at Mercy's Wings' assertion, shifting up to his two-legs form and fishing some implements out of his pocket. He begins quietly chanting under his breath in Lakota, making shuffling dance motions and purifying the dry stream bed to ensure a safe terrain for the newborn. He smiles as Johanna clears the path, giving her an encouraging nod even as he dribbles clear water on the dry earth.

Shifting his way into the crinos form, Mercy's Wings looks to tug foliage out of the river, hunting for any plastics or metals that man may have thrown away and have made it's way down the stream. He rumbles away in a soft prayer for love and purity to the water, to bless it's safe passage from the spirit world over.

Khol follows the directions of the others, and starts helping clear the streambed.. He isn't as strong, but he knows about engineering and waterflow, so he can help with whats really important and what looks it but isn't.

xxxxxFor nearly an hour you work at cleaning the stream source, and the sky continues to darken and lighten, back and forth, the frequency of the changes grow with each moment, and the sense of anticipation also just grows more and more intense.

Johanna is not a singer at all, but she speaks soft words of praise to the tree spirits, the ground, the grass, the sky. She looks for anything she can do and move and make better for the impending birth. Seeing the intensity of the skies and watching it as it seems like contractions between light and dark, she starts to time it mentally. "It's getting closer and closer." She can feel it. The birthing pains she experienced not so long ago, but now on an epic level.

Once the earth is purified and the spirits are sated, Skully sets to clearing the riverbed as well. He finds a particularly large rock and lifts it out, muscles straining at the mass of the granite which he sets aside on a high rise of dirt. Once things are clear, he sighs in satisfaction, looking at the crew gathered with him and stating, "Well. Did some good work here. Guess now we jus' need to encourage the water to run."

Khol helps what he can, and nods smiling and sweating a bit.. But even as your just finishing, and Mercy's-wings starts to sing, and you all can join in, or dance.. the sky goes dark and you hear a rumble in the ground near you...

Johanna was attempting to sing with them all when the ground rumbles. She starts for a moment but keeps going, even while she is attempting to figure out if she needs to move or what needs to be done. Whatever they are doing is hopefully helping out.

xxxxxAs you stand there the grumbling of the ground grows louder, and then on the hillside a patch of earth slides away , muddy and wet, water starts by trickling.. then gushing, and as it starts to spray, like it were pressurized, the sun suddenly seems to come out and the whole valley is brighter than before.. more and more water pours out and cuts its way down to the streambed.. the water level rising rapidly and the flow growing heavier and heavier.

Skully stays out of the way of the initial flow of water, but once it grows he jumps into the stream, making dancing steps in the water and humming along with Troy's song to encourage the flow of the river. He smiles broadly, making the traditional motions of a Cahuilla medicine man, and laughs aloud. "Feed the earth, child!" he hollers, running fingers through the water.

Khol stays out of the water, but he beams as the water flow continues, and you all are engulfed in the mist of the water . and the sunlight bursts into rainbows. The earth itself seems to join in the dancing and singing as all the sounds of nature burst forth as well. and you feel it. along with the water, the spirit of the spring is awakened, birthed in power and purity. A new source of purifying water and life for this forest.

Johanna looks above, raising her hands and arms up to the sky. "Gaia bless you!" She has shifted back to homid and as Skully gets into the river, she LEAPS in as well, gesturing for Khol to join them. "Come and be purified as well! This is amazing!" She looks out and sees a rainbow and points to it. "Truly amazing!"

Skully closes his eye and falls backward into the water with a great big splash, sinking under and then popping his head back up to laugh in jolly fashion. He takes a drink, running a hand through his scruffy hair, and says, "Happy rebirthday, river," happy to have been a part of Gaia's rejuvenation.

Khol laughs softly and jumps in with the others. enjoying the cleansing water and the energy of the birthed spirit.