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  * [[Robert]] Custodian. Teacher
  * [[Robert]] Custodian. Teacher
  * [[Paul Barakat]] Custodian. Craftsman.
  * [[Paul Barakat]] Custodian. Craftsman.
  * [[File:Jasper.jpg]] Special Wyld touched Coyote
  * [Jasper] Special Wyld touched Coyote

Revision as of 05:45, 22 March 2018



"Sun Sees You."

-Traditional Mokole Greeting

This place looks like something out of a Fallout or Mad Max except for the shiny state of the art solar panels that cover every building. The main farmhouse has been rebuilt using reclaimed and scavenged materials. A smithy stands about one hundred yards away, though no smoke comes from it, and an array of mirrors surround it making that area blindingly bright during the day. It's a stone structure that's been built to contain the intense heat of the forge inside of it. Three additional dwellings appear to have been recently added to the area. Like most of the structures in the area they are modest in size, and have been built from recycled materials and designed to withstand the desert climate. A large lean-to has been constructed next to a fire-pit area, which could easily allow shelter from the sun for most large animals. The inhabitants appear to be adept at surviving in this part of the desert. They've dug out a well and planted rows of vegetables. The well is capped with a hand-pump and the vegetables are covered over by an umbrella of cloth tarps to keep the sun from burning the seedlings during the harshest part of the day and keep them from freezing at night. There is also a surprising number of lizards once you're away from the homes. Gila Monsters being the majority. The people living in this place have a ruddy sun baked tone of native Americans with a few Hispanic thrown into the mix.
  • Solar Forge [1]
  • Run by Mokole and Bastet Kinfolk
  • Poor Cell reception. Don't count on it if it isn't special.
  • Home Base, available soon!
  • Sun and Fire spirts. It's called Sunhome for a reason!
Local Events
* Seeking
  • Preferably Fera and Fera Kin, but flexible to the Gaian aligned.
  • Comfortable in a low tech desert environment
  • Shaman; Keep an eye on the spirit world. Ability to step sideways a plus, but not required.
  • Muscle; There are things out in this desert.
  • Finance; Money doesn't solve everything, but it helps!
  • Teachers; Kin wish to learn!
* Denizens
* Chehalis Founder, MIA
* Robert Custodian. Teacher
* Paul Barakat Custodian. Craftsman.
* [Jasper] Special Wyld touched Coyote
* Allies
* August
* Aurora
* Bronwyn
* Chuck
* Cynthia
* Dragomir
* Eloise
* Felicity
* George
* Giselle
* Hunter
* Jake
* Journey
* Kasumi
* Natalie H.
* Nathaniel
* Niccia
* Phillipe
* Valentin