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|<span class="homebrew-loss">Abandoning a Sylie without a good cause</span>

Revision as of 22:43, 24 June 2019

  • A Guide to submitting Renown Requests.
  • A Renown FAQ if you have questions about the system
  • A Cheatsheet for creating a Ananasi


"Eight Legged Freaks!"


Local Sanctuaries

Where What Type Contact
A place What kind Mixed Fera Who runs it
Another place Another function Ananasi Only Your mom
Another place Another function All Shifter Your face

Active PCs


No pages meet these criteria.


Laws of Ananasa

  • Obey The Mother-Queen In All Things

Her will is what has taken us this far in our sacred quest to restore the Triat. Her wisdom is what guides us in all matters. Do not feel that you, a mere stripling, have suddenly grown wiser. Do not question Her will and do not try to bend Her sacred laws to your own desires.

  • Defend Your Brethren From All Who Would Do Them Harm

As we have said before, we are all family. We might meet again in the field of combat and destroy each other, but we must never allow others to do so without fearing for their very existence. In this there can be no mercy and no quarter. If another of the Damhan is attacked while you are present, even one whom you personally hate, you must defend him. Even if the one who attacks him is your chosen mortal mate, you must obey. Failure to do so is met by the harshest of punishments. Do not think death is the worst thing that can happen to you. Rest assured there are far worse fates, and from time to time they've been experienced by our brethren who fell short on this most sacred law.

  • Follow The Aspect And Faction That Ananasa Chooses For You

I don't really give a damn if you like to hug trees in your spare time or think surfing the internet is the coolest thing since the movie Arachnophobia. When you are told by Ananasa what aspect and faction you must follow, that's the end of it. If you're meant to follow the way of the Chymos and would rather be hanging around with the Agere, that is an opinion you keep to yourself. Ananasa is wise, and she has a plan that we must carry out if she is ever to be freed and the natural order of the universe is ever to be restored. That means what I want, what you want, and what your best friend in the whole world wants is secondary. You are given a sacred task, and you are chosen by Ananasa Herself. Don't play games.

  • Understand The Ways Of The Triat, Both As They Were, And As They Are. Know The Difference.

I shouldn't have to explain this, but I will. The Triat has gone wrong. Somewhere along the way, they screwed up and threw the universe out of whack. That's where we come in. We have to fix their mistakes. That is what Ananasa wants, and what She will get from us. Am I making myself perfectly clear? If you are Hatar, you will follow the ways of the Wyrm - As the Wyrm was meant to be. You will not make a life of corrupting the world to better suit the Wyrm's needs. You will not use the ways of the Wyrm to twist the world into your own vision of a perfect hell to suit your own selfish needs. You will do what the Wyrm has forgotten to do. If you are Kumoti, you will revel in the ways of the Wyld, you will bring forth chaos and change, as that is your sacred duty. You will not make friends with the Garou and other Ovid, save as is necessary to accomplish the goals of Ananasa and the Wyld. You are part of an organized and deliberate plan created by the Mother-Queen, and damn it all, you must never forget that. If you are asked by Ananasa to follow the ways of the Tenere, then you will do so. But you must never allow yourself to forget that Grandmother Spider is a raving lunatic with designs on destroying everything. You must never forget that we are working to stop the Weaver from ending all existence. The Weaver is stark raving mad, children, She cant help that, but it's a fact. Do not, under any circumstances, forget that while she is your Grandmother, she is also wrong. She may seem soothing and loving from a distance, but up close, you'll notice that her dentures don't fit and she smells like mothballs. Don't be fooled.

You are not serving the Wyrm, the Wyld, and the Weaver. You are taking their place and getting done what they themselves are failing to accomplish. Know them for what they were, for what they are, and for what, with Ananasa's guidance, they will be again. Any questions? No? Good!

  • Know Your Enemies

Oh, this one's simple. Everyone is your enemy. They might act like friends, but they do not serve the same goal that we do, and that makes them enemies. Do not try to convert them, they will not understand. Do not tell them your personal secrets, they will use them against you. Do not let them seduce you with their false cosmologies and their hopes for a better tomorrow. They are wrong. Seduce them? Certainly. Use them? Absolutely. Unless they are one of the Damhan, or a minion of Ananasa who actually understands what she wants, they are your enemies. When we meet in the world beyond the sacred places, we will likely be enemies. Don't forget these things. This is the will of Ananasa.

  • Know The Great Web For What It Is

The Great Web is the whole of the universe, and all things have their place in it somewhere. What do I mean? I mean that life is sacred, but so is death and so is change. All things exist for a purpose, but that purpose is not necessarily ours to divine. Understand that what you encounter exists because it was meant to exist. Do not condemn anything you meet without at least trying to understand what purpose it serves. That's the way of the Garou with their foolish War of Rage. They didn't care to learn the reasons for the other Ovid, and now the entire universe pays for their folly. Oh, I can see in your eyes that you are skeptical. How can one little world affect the universe? Well, how can the world affect one life? Everything is connected, every strand of the Great Web is there for a reason. We must first understand the purpose of a strand before we decide it serves us to alter or remove that strand. Ananasa gives us wisdom in these things. We are... unusually gifted in understanding the Great Web, but we are still only children in comparison to the Triat. Even they, who can bend the forces of Destruction, Chaos, and Order to their will, haven't always made the best decisions. That, my friends, is the reason we myst live up to the name of "The Patient Ones". Foolish, emotional reactions to the obstacles placed before us by the universe lead to devastating reactions. Do you really want that on your conscience?

  • Know Your Place

We have a purpose. We must follow that purpose. We have a creator, we must follow Her orders. These are simple rules to live by. But they get more complex. Just as we must understand the Great Web, we must understand that there are others who serve properly in their places. We respect the Mokole, because they have never fallen from their purpose. We admire the Rokea, for they have never turned from their sacred duty to survive at all costs.

  • Keep Your Mouth Shut

Our place is to fix the flaws in the Great Web by serving Ananasa. Understand that, and then forget it. You must never tell others of what we do, because they are not capable of understanding. They believe that all aspects of the Ananasi are at war, that we exist solely to destroy each other. They are right to a degree, but they don't understand what goes on behind that war, or why we continue to do battle against one another. They cannot understand the subtleties of our checks and balances. Hell, knowing the Garou, they'd feel obligated to take over for us, and if that should happen, we will surely die a pointless death.

  • Worship None But Ananasa

Let me emphasize this again. We might do the work of the Triat, but we do not follow their laws and we do not care about their minions. We do what must be done, by order of the Mother-Queen. Follow her orders. Follow her intent. Do not allow yourself to mistake your sacred mission for something other than what it is. Do not follow the "totems" of the other Ovid. They will deceive you, wittingly or not, because they are all associated with the Triat, and as we have already made abundantly clear, the Triat is askew, they lack the symmetry to handle their own tasks and will surely lead you astray. You have your god, obey Her, and allow Her to guide you, and never, under any circumstances, allow the false gods of the Ovid to sway you. The punishment for breaking this law is... unpleasant.

Rank Requirements

Tenere (Weaver)

Rank Cunning Obedience Wisdom
1 3
2 1 5 1
3 3 7 4
4 4 9 6
5 6 10 7

Hatar (Wyrm)

Rank Cunning Obedience Wisdom
1 3
2 5 1 1
3 7 4 3
4 9 6 4
5 10 7 6

Kumoti (Wyld)

Rank Cunning Obedience Wisdom
1 3
2 1 1 5
3 4 3 7
4 6 4 9
5 7 6 10

If a player is approved at Rank 0, goes through their Ananasi Education 101 (has read the Breedbook), is assigned their Faction and Aspect and gains the renown to reach Rank 1, then they gain gifts and renown as usual for Rank 1 and their Aspect/Faction.

  • These gifts don't cost XP.

Sample Renown Awards

Note: These are not uniformly objective. They may be rejected/reduced/increased based on circumstances.

Note: These are not exhaustive. If something doesn't seem to fit here, or isn't found in this list, but still serves one of these types and the Ananasi's purpose, then go ahead and submit a request.

The following types have been tinted for ease of reading and browsing:

  • These awards and penalties are directly from the established renown lists, with changes limited to specifying the Ananasi breed.

Items in Black are positive renown awards.

Items in Red are negative renown penalties

  • These awards and penalties have been either created from scratch, or taken from lists and more heavily reworded for the Ananasi breed.

Items in Blue are positive home-brew renown awards

Items in Purple are negative home-brew renown penalties

Sources: Players Guide to the Changing Breeds pages 42-52, Ananasi Breedbook


Combat and Encounters

Activity Cunning Obedience Wisdom Comments
Ending a threat without serious harm to Symmetry 5 Fleeing/winning/etc that does not negatively impact your Faction's plans/goals
Surviving an Incapacitating wound 2
Surviving any toxic waste/flux attack 2
Attacking a much more powerful force without aid -3
Allowing your allies to attack the enemy before engaging 1
Allowing your allies to be injured to avoid injury yourself 3
Waiting for your allies to weaken an enemy before joining the fight 2 1
Avoiding combat entirely 3 via trickery, hiding, misdirection or other means to escape active pursuit by enemies
Dying in service to Ananasa (Posthumous) 10
Threats associated with the unbalanced Triat
Attacking a minion with successful ambush tactics 3
Defeating a minor threat 2 Pups, weak possessed, etc.
Defeating an average threat 3 Normal shifters, average possessed, etc.
Defeating a strong threat 5 Strong shifters, powerful possessed, etc.
Defeating a very powerful threat 7 Elder shifters, unique very powerful possessed, etc.
Other supernatural threats
Defeating a strong threat 2
Defeating a very powerful threat 3
Bonuses for either type of threat
...drawing first blood in combat +1
  • Given to the FIRST person to draw blood in combat.
  • Exception: If two people acted on the same turn and inflicted damage on the enemy.
...permanently destroying or killing the threat in question +1
...without personally being hurt +1
...utterly destroying an enemy stronghold +7
...being captured by an enemy -1 -1 -1

Detecting Threats of the Wyrm/Weaver/Wyld

Activity Cunning Obedience Wisdom Comments
Revealing, with certain proof, that a human or kinfolk is tainted 2
Falsely accusing a Kinfolk of being tainted -2 -3
Revealing, with certain proof, that an area or object is tainted 3
Revealing, with certain proof, that an Ananasi is tainted 6 For instance, discovering a Kumo, a Wyld tainted Kar, etc.
Falsely accusing an Ananasi of being tainted -5 -4
Purifying/tainting/calcifying an object, person, or place to reweave Symmetry in your faction's favor 2


Activity Cunning Obedience Wisdom Comments
Communicating to the Incarna Ananasa 1 'To', not 'with', as She does not offer conversation.
Bothering the Incarna Ananasa for no good reason -3 The imprisoned Mother-Queen hasn't got time for your frivolous nonsense, it better be important.
Dealing with a spirit rather than Binding it, if it serves Ananasa better to do so 1
Knowing and offering the correct Chiminage without being asked 1
...Dealing generously +1 +1
...Dealing extravagantly -1
Helping another fulfill an agreement with a spirit, if it serves Ananasa's will 1
Breaking an agreement with a spirit, if it undermines your Faction's goals -3 -2 May be an award if this somehow benefits your Faction or Ananasa
Completing a Chiminage quest 2 1
Successfully completing a spirit quest in the umbra 3
Releasing a spirit from a taboo-induced Slumber to better serve your Faction 1
Causing a spirit to fall into Slumber -1 May be an award if this somehow benefits your Faction or Ananasa
Releasing a spirit from unjust bondage 2 1 Including fetishes
Traveling to any of the Umbral Realms and surviving 3
Failing to succeed in a spirit quest in the Umbra -3
Having and properly following a command of great import from Ananasa 5
Following another's command from Ananasa 2
Consulting a Viskr and successfully interpreting Ananasa's command 2
Giving a prophetic warning that later comes true 5 Such as divining tangles in the Great Web and Symmetry, etc
Giving a prophetic warning that does not come true -4
Ignoring prophetic warnings for no good reason -3
Besting someone (including a spirit) in a riddle contest 3

After following mystic signs and advice...

Activity Cunning Obedience Wisdom Comments
Discovering a talen 1
Discovering a fetish 2
Discovering ancient Ananasi lore 3
Discovering mystic lore 2
Discovering a clue about the Great Web 4
Discovering an ancient place of power that was lost 7

Rites and Gifts

Activity Cunning Obedience Wisdom Comments
Performing a Rite of Spinning 2
Performing a Gathering the Children rite 3 May be a penalty if the reason is not a very good one.
Performing the Rite of One 1 3 1 Up to 9 PC Elders may participate, for the purposes of bringing in a Rank 0 Ananasi
Being chosen during the Rite of One to bear 1/3 of Ananasa's spirit 2 5 2
  • Roll 2 dice to determine your percentage, you are chosen if you roll 25% or less
  • +roll/job <your renownreq job#> for this
Successfully performing the Rite of Weaving -2
  • Requesting often may result in Paradox attack via staff.
  • +roll to your renownreq job#
Failing a Rite of Weaving and -2 Botching the roll on your renownreq
Being disrespectful or inattentive during a rite -1 to -5
Learning a new Gift 1


Activity Cunning Obedience Wisdom Comments
Successfully creating talens 1
Using a fetish for the good of Ananasa or your Faction 2 May depend on cleverly bringing and/or using an appropriate fetish, not just e.g. using the same Fang Dagger you always use
Creating a fetish 4 Limited to 2 rewards/month (or equivalent with talens)
Sacrificing a fetish for the good of Symmetry, Faction, or Ananasa 4
Accidentally breaking a fetish or talen -1 to -5 Botching an activation or handling roll

Ananasi Relations and Sylie

Activity Cunning Obedience Wisdom Comments
Maintaining good relations with 'neighboring' Ananasi 1 The two Ananasi closest to your Sylie
Abandoning a Sylie without a good cause -3 If there is a way to solve the problem and save it
Keeping a Sylie safe through trickery or negotiation 2 2
Teaching other Ananasi (depends on the depth of study) 3 to 5 1 to 5 Teaching rites: 3O 1W per month, regardless of number of rites or students
Disobeying an Ananasi of higher rank without good reason -1 to -2
Maintaining loyal service to Ananasa 1/year 3/year 1/year Routinely approved if requested in a timely fashion
Maintaining loyal service to a Faction 1/year 2/year 1/year Routinely approved if requested in a timely fashion
Participating in a just challenge 1 1 1 Cunning and physical prowess only, no weapons allowed.


Activity Cunning Obedience Wisdom Comments
Merging into a colony to serve Ananasa's will 3
Disobedience or conflict while in a colony -3 Waiting until after the colony's purpose is served is acceptable
Achieving a colony's minor goal 1 1 1
Achieving a colony's major goal 2 3 2
Dying while defending your colony (Posthumous) 2 6 2
Serving any god but Ananasa -5 -10 -8 Other Totems, a Triatic force, etc.


Activity Cunning Obedience Wisdom Comments
Obeying Ananasa's Laws (in the face of adversity, extreme measures, etc.) 1 to 5 1 to 3 Above and beyond the usual, e.g. "Befriending an Ovid" vs "Befriending an Ovid and successfully using them as a pawn in a major scheme for Ananasa/Faction"
Breaking the Litany -2 to -4 -5 to -8 -2 to -4 Depending on severity of transgression, could be less for lesser offenses


Activity Cunning Obedience Wisdom Comments
Giving good advice for important matters 2
Giving bad advice for important matters -2
Mediating a dispute fairly 3
Mediating a dispute unfairly -4
Keeping an important promise 2
Failing to keep one’s promise -3
Being truthful in the face of extreme adversity 5
Being deceptive -3
Being deceptive in the face of extreme adversity -1
Having your trickery backfire -2
Attempting to openly act outside one’s auspice -1 to -5
Speaking dishonorably to one’s elders -1 to -5
Speaking poorly of the Garou as a whole -2
Speaking poorly of one’s auspice -4
Speaking poorly of one’s tribe -4
Speaking poorly of another tribe (except Gnawers) -1


Activity Cunning Obedience Wisdom Comments
Performing a Moot Rite 2
Refusing to perform a Moot Rite -3
Missing a Moot Rite -1
Telling a good story 1 1 1-3 successes, rolling Charisma+Performance/Singing/or other appropriate stat (difficulty 6)
...At a moot +1
...That is later copied by others +1 +1 +1 4 or more successes on the above roll
Telling a boring/uninspired story -1 -1 Botching the roll
Speaking without permission and interrupting a moot -1

Protection and Defense

Activity Cunning Obedience Wisdom Comments
Healing a fellow Garou (non-pack member) unselfishly 1
Showing mercy to a wayward Garou 3
Protecting a helpless Garou 4
Not protecting a helpless Garou -5
Supporting an innocent accused of a crime (who is later proven innocent) 5
Supporting a person accused of a crime (who is later proven guilty) -4
Ignoring strong feelings of vengeance and hatred for the greater good 5
Protecting the Veil 4
Harming or rending the Veil -5
Repairing the Veil 3 1

Human and Kinfolk

Activity Cunning Obedience Wisdom Comments
Maintaining good relations with nearby Kinfolk 2
Having poor relations with nearby Kinfolk -3
Protecting a helpless human(s) 2
  • Includes human kinfolk
  • Protecting a group: generally only one counts
  • 'Helpless' depends on power level of target (especially if a PC) and attacker
Not protecting a helpless human(s) -1
Protecting a helpless wolf(s) 5
  • Includes wolf kinfolk
Not protecting a helpless wolf(s) -6
Choosing a mate and breeding 3 Awarded when child is born, Staff requires a roll for type
...and the child is a Kinfolk +1
...and the child is Garou +1 +1 +1
Choosing a mate, but not breeding -1
Honorably staying mated 2/year Routinely approved if requested in a timely fashion
Dishonoring one's own mate -2 Cheating, abuse, violence, etc.