Ananasi Rites
Rituals by Name · Rituals by Type | ||||||||||
Fera rites | Fera Rituals · Hengeyokai Rituals | |||||||||
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Ajaba | Ananasi | Bastet | Corax | Gurahl | Kitsune | Mokole | Nuwisha | Ratkin | Rokea |
Type | Roll | Difficulty |
Accord | Cha + Rituals | 7 |
Caern | Varies (max. Gnosis) | 7 |
Mystic | Wits + Rituals | 7 |
Minor | None | None |
Ananasi Rites
Unlike the Garou, for whom rites are social acts they believe bring them closer to the spirits they serve and bind them as a community, Ananasi rites are typically solitary affairs, usually performed in the privacy of their Sylie. Ananasi rites rely on controlled and calculated movements that are designed to simulate many of the historical moments in Ananasi lore. While this is a ceremonial dance to the Damhan, to an outsider it is more likely to appear as very stoic, cold, repetitive motions. Ananasi rites are typically performed in their Pithus form.
Note: Rites marked with a * are not explicitly listed as available to Ananasi in the source material, but have been allowed on the game. Per WhoopingCrane, Rite of Cleansing, Rite of Spirit Awakening, and Rite of Summoning have been allowed for fera in general. Preserve the Fetish and Renewing the Talen should also be fine for Ananasi as they're generic fetish/talen maintenance rites.
Ananasi divide their rituals into the following categories:
First Rites
Ananasi are often taught these rites by their teachers before they are released into the world, as a way to help them establish themselves as part of the Great Web, or are general purpose rites that most Ananasi will learn.
- 0: Breath of Ananasa (identical to Breath of Gaia)
- 1: Preserve the Fetish*
- 1: Rite of Cleansing*
- 1: Rite of the Questing Stone
- 1: Rite of Silence
- 1: Rite of Spinning
- 1: Rite of Talisman Dedication
- 2: Recorder
- 2: Rite of Appeal
- 2: Tapping Ananasa's Wisdom
- 3: Guardians
Triumvirate Rites
These rites allow the Ananasi to call upon the other Damhan, spirits, or even upon Ananasa herself, should the need be great enough.
- 1: Rite of Binding
- 2: Renewing the Talen*
- 2: Rite of Spirit Awakening*
- 2: Rite of Summoning*
- 3: Fylfot's Rite (identical to Rite of the Fetish)
- 3: The Gathering Children
- 5: Rite of One
Sources: PGttCB 52, Ananasi 96-99
Rite Details
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 5
Breath of Ananasa (Minor) - As the Garou Minor Rite: Breath of Gaia - During this rite, the werewolf breathes deeply of Gaia's breath - that is, clean air - 13 times. While so breathing, she clears her mind of all things save her love of Gaia.
System: The character must perform this rite at least once per day for one full cycle of the moon. So doing enables the Garou to lower the difficulty level of any one healing or detection roll by two
(PGttCB p52, Ananasi BB p96, WWRevised p166)
Level 1
Binding (Mystic) - As the Garou Mystic Rite: Rite of Binding - This rite binds a spirit to a Garou, making it his servant. The more powerful the spirit is, the more difficult the process is. Although any encountered spirit is subject to binding, the Garou generally feel that spirits should be bound only when needed. They do not feel good about binding spirits for great lengths of time. This point does not go uncontested, however, particularly by the mystics of the Uktena tribe.
Spirits trapped through this rite may be bound into temporary service or into objects to create talens. No spirit allows itself to be bound unless it is friendly to the binding character's totem. Spirits can be bound into objects, places and people, although the Garou generally don't perform the last feat unless the need is great. Failing this rite can be dangerous, for the spirit is very likely to become hostile and attempt to harm the mystic.
System: A Garou can attempt this rite only in the presence of a spirit, and it is usually performed in the Umbra. When attempting to bind a spirit, a Garou must first spend a number of Gnosis points (minimum one). Each point of Gnosis spent reduces the spirit's Gnosis rating by one. The Garou's player must then roll Willpower (difficulty of the spirit's adjusted Gnosis). The number of successes indicates how long the spirit may be forced into service (one week per success). In the case of a talen, the spirit is bound until the object is used.
(PGttCB p52, Ananasi BB p96, WWRevised p160)
Rite of the Questing Stone (Mystic) - As the Garou Mystic Rite: Rite of the Questing Stone - This rite allows the werewolf to find a person or object (locations do not count). He must know the name of the object or individual. The difficulty of the rite is reduced if the Garou has some piece of the object or person (for example a clipping hair or a piece of cloth). He must dangle a stone or a needle from a thread while concentrating on the item or person sought. Glass Walkers often use maps and substitute a compass for the traditional stone and thread.
System: Standard roll. If the Garou has a piece of the item or individual, the difficulty drops by one. The rite gives the Garou a sense of only the object's general location, not its exact position.
(PGttCB p52, Ananasi BB p96, WWRevised p160)
Rite of Silence (Mystic) - As the Garou Mystic Rite: Rite of Silence - Garou who need to be silent use this rite to make up for any lack in natural ability. For the duration of this rite, the Garou are incapable of making any noise even if they bang on a drum or shatter glass. With the assistance of Raven spirits, the Garou can sneak through dry underbrush or over a gravel road without making a sound.
System: The Garou invoking this rite confines herself in a dark room or cave. She whispers her darkest secret and then utters and oath of silence. Raven spirits, attracted by her secret, carry any sound she makes into the Umbra once she leaves her confinement. If the werewolf chooses to speak for any reason, the rite ends immediately. The Raven spirits, disappointed that the Garou did not reveal any more secrets, return the sounds they carried. For several minutes, the Garou is surrounded by a cacophony she created earlier.
This rite silences only those sounds the Garou would have made directly. If she were to throw a rock at a window, for instance, the whistle of the rock through the air would be silent, but the shattering glass would not. If she punched the glass with her bare hand, the breaking window would not make a sound.
(Ananasi BB p96, WWPG 2ndEd p45)
Rite of Spinning (Mystic) - The first rite learned by the new Ananasi allows her to create her Sylie. Usually placed in a secure corner of her abode, the Sylie appears to be a large cobweb. Its style varies according to the Ananasi's personal preference. Here, the werespider comes to communicate with the two Ananasi in closest physical proximity to her. The Ananasi can send messages to their geographic partners in a manner similar to telepathy if both or all participants are currently in their Sylie. Knowledge can be given to or taken from the Great Web by tapping into its strands from the Sylie. The Mother-Queen may also communicate with her child within the Sylie, but only if she herself initiates contact; Ananasa may not be summoned. The Sylie may be located in a small room, an attic, a closet, a cave, or wherever the Ananasi feels most secure.
System: The werespider purifies herself and the chosen area for a week, removing outside objects from the site and spending her time guarding the area from outside influences. The Ananasi rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 10), though each day of fasting and meditation reduces the difficulty by 1, to a minimum of 4. After spending four Gnosis points, the Ananasi may build her Sylie, which exists in both the physical world and in the Umbra. Each success lowers the difficulty to crawl sideways in the Sylie by 1. The Ananasi must spend one hour per square foot in weaving her Sylie. If interrupted, she must start the entire ritual over from the beginning.
(PGttCB p52, Ananasi BB p96)
Talisman Dedication (Mystic) - As the Garou Mystic Rite: Rite of Talisman Dedication - This rite allows a werewolf to bind objects to her body, allowing these objects to fit her various forms (jeans will grow to accommodate the size increase of the Crinos form, for instance) and accompany the Garou into the Umbra. Such talismans are most commonly mundane items, for spiritual items such as fetishes and talens remain with the werewolf in all forms automatically. A werewolf most often performs this rite during the phase of the moon under which he was born. Each auspice has its own peculiar ritual.
System: The cost is one Gnosis point per outfit's worth of clothes, or other object dedicated, and a character may never have more objects bound to himself than his Gnosis score (an outfit counts as one item). Certain large objects (Storyteller's discretion) are considered to be more than one for the purposes of "cost". The Storyteller and the player should decide what happens to the object when the character assumes certain forms. For example, when the character assumes Crinos form, her backpack's straps may simply grow to fit around her shoulders (although the pack still cannot hold more items than normal). When the character is in Hispo form, her knife may meld with her body. In such cases, the object will appear as a tattoo. Others must spend a Willpower point to remove the object from the character.
(PGttCB p52, WWRevised p160)
Level 2
Recorder (Mystic) - The Ananasi using this rite can create a simple web that acts as a recording device. The webbing is sound activated and simply records and stores up to one hour of sounds, much like a tape recorder. The webbing can then be "played back" at any time, and can even be moved before it is used.
System: The web is sensitive and "intelligent" enough not to record random noises, but rather to record what is made to record, such as conversations or specific noises like the how's of wolves. Everything else works as per a standard mystic rite.
(Ananasi BB p96)
Rite of Appeal (Accord) - Though it is Queen Ananasa who decides when a Damhan has reached the proper knowledge and wisdom for an increase in rank, the Ananasi may call to her if they feel they have been overlooked. (It's generally considered appropriate to remind Mother that you've been very good lately, especially if you really have been.)
System: The Ananasi must remain holed away in his Sylie for two days in preparation - fasting and meditating for the Appeal. Once the time is right, the character spends two Gnosis to establish a connection to the Mother-Queen and then speaks to Ananasa - who does indeed listen - and recites the list of accomplishments and goals achieved for the further honor and glory of the Mother-Queen.
If the character has indeed reached the proper levels of Renown, Queen Ananasa will reward them with the new Gifts and markings that indicate a higher rank. If not, the character may find himself saddled with a new task which will provide no Renown, as a punishment for his hubris.
(Ananasi BB p97)
Tapping Ananasa's Wisdom (Accord) - The Ananasi secludes herself in her Sylie and uses this ritual to gain the attention of the Mother-Queen in order to learn a new Gift. If she succeeds, Queen Ananasa turns her attention to her child and teaches her the desired Gift, which the werespider must practice until she gains the approval of her Queen.
System: The ritemaster must roll Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 7). The Ananasi must also bring an offering of some sort - a treasured object, even a Fylfot. When it dissapears from the Sylie, she knows she has learned the Gift to the Mother-Queen's satisfaction.
(PGttCB p52)
Level 3
Fylfot's Rite (Mystic) - As the Garou Mystic Rite: Rite of the Fetish - This rite allows a werewolf to create a fetish (an object with a spirit bound into it). To do so, the Garou must first cleanse the potential fetish by placing it under running water (sufficiently drinkable tap water counts), burying it in pure earth, exposing the object to constant breezes, or suspending it above flame for three consecutive nights. The Garou must then force or persuade a spirit to enter the prepared object. The Fianna claim that cajoling or flattering a spirit produces the best results, while the Bone Gnawers and Silent Striders claim that bribery (expending Gnosis) works best.
System: See the Fetish Creation chart for the steps for making a fetish.
(PGttCB p52, Ananasi BB p96, WWRevised p161)
Gathering the Children (Accord) - In times of great need, an Ananasi may call a gathering of others to meet in person rather than share ideas through the Great Web. This rite is spread through the Great Web, and not only informs other Ananasi of the meeting, but also of the reason behind the call. The Ananasi are not a petty or impetuous breed, so this rite is performed only in dire circumstances. Any spider that uses this rite without just cause is likely to be met by a group of angry cousins. The location of the meeting can never be far from the Sylie that the Ananasi used to issue the request.
System: The player must make a successful Charisma+Rituals roll; the difficulty is determined by the number of Ananasi that the character is attempting to call. The rite allows the Ananasi to call any spider in the Great Web.
Difficulty | Number of Ananasi |
6 | 1-5 |
7 | 6-12 |
8 | 13-25 |
9 | 26-49 |
10 | 50 or more |
(Ananasi BB p97)
Guardians (Caern) - The Ananasi are very protective of their personal space, especially where their Sylie is located, and often have a few surprises waiting in their special places for unwanted guests. Ananasi using this rite can take the bodies of previous victims or even their own molted exoskeletons and set them up as a defensive perimeter in and around their special places. More often than not these guardians are buried or hidden - walking into an apartment and finding gigantic spider carapaces or rotting corpses is blatant on a level most Ananasi try to avoid. But once "activated" by the intrusion of anyone who doesn't belong in the area, the automatons immediately attack, using the simplest of methods to defend the lair of their creator.
System: The Damhan must spend one blood point and one Gnosis on each of the guardians created, preserving the remains and animating them with the energies they will need to fight against intruders. The physical statistics of these guardians are about half those they had in life, and despite their appearance, they have no real intelligence. Mind-affecting Gifts do not affect them. They must be completely destroyed before they will stop.
(Ananasi BB p97)
Level 5
Rite of One (Mystic) - This sacred Rite of One is a powerful rite taught only to the most trusted Ananasi. With this rite three Ananasi can join into one being, becoming an avatar of the Mother-Queen. One must be Tenere, one Kumoti, and one Hatar. This rite may only be performed in one of the sacred places, special locations in the Umbral where the Damhan teach their young about the ways of the Ananasi.
System: Each of the three chosen Ananasi breaks down into the Crawlerling form, offering themselves to queen Ananasa, who then takes over the three bodies, using them as her link to her Children. When she appears, she is simultaneously hideous and magnificent to behold. While she is present, Ananasa assesses her new Children and decides which aspect each will follow. One Gnosis point is taken from each of the Damhan present, drawn from them by force, in order to allow the Mother-Queen to appear. No rolls are necessary for this rite, as Ananasa herself decides when this rite will be performed.
Every Ananasi meets the Queen at least once in their lives. Though there are no physical changes in the hosts of Ananasa, the spiritual impact of hosting even a fragment of her consciousness is considered a blessing.
(Ananasi BB p98)
Viskr Rites
The Viskr serve as the balancers, weavers and unweavers of things that must be repaired. These rites are meant to aid them in restoring Balance. They are all considered Mystic Rites.
Level 1
Level 4
Level 1
Studying the Great Web (Mystic) - Using this rite allows the Viskr to examine the Great Web as a whole, literally seeing the universe as it truly is. The image is not exact - the Ananasi, despite their detached state of mind, couldn't handle that much information, or the greater truths of reality - but does give an indication of what and where the Viskr should concentrate their efforts to restore Symmetry.
System: While in her Sylie, the Viskr consumes certain salts and herbs to enter an altered state. Over the course of the next two days, spent in meditation and prayer, the most immediate threats to the Great Web's Symmetry are revealed in symbolic visions to the Ananasi. Those threats must be considered and interpreted by the Viskr before any actions are taken. It is not uncommon for several Viskr to get together after using this rite, the better to compare notes and interpret what they have seen.
(Ananasi BB p98)
Summon Paradox (Mystic) - The Viskr have an... understanding with Paradox spirits. They see things in much the same way that the Weaver's own antibodies do; basically, if something shouldn't be there, it's offensive and must be punished. Though they cannot command the Paradox spirits, they can call things to their attention, and they often do so. This powerful rite simply marks something as "wrong". Once that's done, the Paradox spirits decide what to do about the matter.
System: The ritemaster rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 6) and makes a mark on the target by touching it. In cases where the target is human or a mage, full contact must be made, even if it's only a handshake or a light brush against the target. Each success increases the chances that a Paradox spirit will react immediately to the situation, meting out punishment for any Paradox the mage - or other entities such as spirits which should not be in the physical realm - has accrued. In the case of mages, the Paradox spirits exact revenge as they always have. In the case of spirits, Paradox spirits normally shove them back into the Umbra rather abruptly. In the case of mundane targets, the rite simply makes the chances of phenomenal good luck, or equally outrageous bad luck, less likely.
(Ananasi BB p98)
Rank 4
Rite of Weaving (Mystic) - The Viskr using this rite can alter reality in minor ways, by reweaving the Great Web to accommodate her desires. This ability cant alter the past, but it can rewrite the present in minor ways. A person who is almost certain to die can be healed of the worst of the life threatening wounds, and be given a much greater chance of surviving the damages inflicted. A stock that should be plummeting in a stock market crash can be kept from certain fiscal disaster - presuming the rite is begun and completed in time.
The downside of this ability is that reweaving reality is much like a human mage's power of true magic; reweaving the Great Web is not a power that the Weaver has granted, and the Viskr who uses this rite runs the risk of attracting Paradox spirits, the antibodies of the Great Web.
System: The player must spend three Gnosis points as well as roll Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 9). Each success allows the Viskr to carefully reach out to the Great Web, touching the strands and moving them to where they need to be to alter the reality of the situation. One success would be enough to maintain an injured life that is on the edge of death; five successes would heal virtually all of the wounds, but it would still leave very serious scars. A botch instantly attracts a Paradox spirit.
The full power of the rite is left to the Storyteller to adjudicate, but we recommend that the rite be left incapable of doing anything that a Rank Three Gift or so couldn't accomplish. Healing wounds and popping locks is fine; healing fomori and creating zombies is far too much. The more blatant the change in reality, the more likely a Paradox spirit is to come and punish the Viskr for his presumption - in other words, the spirit might arrive whether the roll botches or not. The precise odds are left to the Storyteller's discretion; it's easy enough to tell when a Viskr has dared too much.
(Ananasi BB p98)