Mortal Name:
Conrad Macek
Late 20s
Bouncer, Model, Business Owner
Social Class:
Conrad was born an illegal immigrant's son, used to get her Green Card and then ran off into the blue leaving a young boy to live life on the streets. The streets of prospect are his home, and he knows how to navigate them. During his life on the street he's squatted on people's couches, slept in abandoned buildings and did odd jobs for cash. He's been everything from hired hitman to hired muscle to collections. He's a low-time drug dealer, a manipulator in street life and known as a go-to guy who has plenty of favors under his belt.
Recently he has come to take more official work, rather than live under the cracks of Prospect. He is a Bouncer at Babylon and works as a fashion model for a magazine. Regardless of his recent endeavors and the steady stream of legitimate cash he cannot let his life go so easily and still wanders the street living where he can and when.
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Long ago you both cowered at my approach and praised my steel for keeping the shadow from consuming you all. Now you believe your mastery of Autumn will save you? Dear child, allow me to show you...
- On Fae
The Hsien of the orient are confusing lot, and only graced my hold only a few times in memory. They are as unique as they are...alien. To meet one again, would be a great adventure.
There is rumor that old dreams still walk the North American wilds, dreams to which I am unfamiliar. These Nunnehi, the Kithain call them are not natives of where I once called home and as such am unfamiliar. Mayhaps I shall meet one of these elusive Gallain and so I may learn their part of the Pattern as well.
- On Prodigals
The Lilim. They are as beautiful as they are carnal. When Time freezes, stagnation follows. Autumn will turn to Winter for these poor creatures and I pray it is not soon.
I have only met a few of these creatures in my time, both before and now. They are as different as leaves have different shapes. Their isolation and their lack of presence is welcome, but hints a far more pressing issue. Has the Pattern come so far in it's fruition that the predator kings have lost their strength to roam?
How the Pattern is so smitten with itself that not even death can release one from it's endless antics. I pity the prison they have been placed into and hope they find release sooner rather than later.
I have heard whispers amongst the fae that there are those who claim to be Angels who wander the world now in Autumn's height. I would adore a chance meeting with one of these so-called 'Angels'. Before God created anything, God had a Dream first.
In a time before time, I applauded the humans who readied their sword against me. The courage! the stalwart eyes! Those who stood against me, for what reasons they had earned my respect with their audacity for they were only human; and a human to stand against us was worthy of many a tales and remembrance. I now see you again human, and I no longer see courage. I see fear, behind a veil of powers you do not fully understand. The height of humanity, alas it seems, is no more.
So were the days where these mystics would grace my halls once in a great while. Their stories are splendid, and their knowledge vast. I wonder if in this age of Autumn, as Banality creeps upon the doorstep of all have the mystics hung their rod and staff for calculators and pistols? I certainly hope not for magic in it's purest form is creation.
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- Of his Household
- Sirus
- Your face speaks of many things, young Pooka. Yet your actions speak different. I am watching, and am not blind.
- Lark
- I cannot give words for the wonders the Eshu has shown me. For all her worries and fears of the Host, she supports me and gives me her confidence. She provides me warmth from the cold and knowledge that she will always be there even if her feet carry her to other places. I fear I cannot express the gratitude and how lucky I am properly.
- Of the Lords and Ladies of Dream
Grafinya Naevys
- Her Grace the Gwydion. It seems the Crown does not suit you, more fit one of the Rystar than a Grafinya. We share common interests, and while our Courts may be opposed we are the best to remind you that the person whom you were still lingers under that crown. Use not the crown as a shield from others. Listen, and I shall show you.
The Ledi Ambrosine
- My dear old friend. A shadow looms and threatens to swallow the Star you proport to serve. Is a Beaumayn's resolve as powerful as they say, or will you lapse under it's weight and fall into Darkness? You say so many things, but for now...I shall watch, and See.
The Ledi Kenna
- A wondrous teacher, as light on her hooves as she is with her time. Her grace on the dance floor is a true testament that even for someone like myself, the Pattern can be beautiful.
- Of the Peerage
The Dama Seline
- Sweet Lady of the Wood. Once a frollicker in the woods, now a cosmopolitan Lady. Our fondness of nature makes us similar, but I believe it is our differences that have made us friends. I will pray those differences continue to be a boon, rather than a hindrance.
- The Dama Katya
- A Redcap Knight, to a House I have yet to See. Regardless of the mystery, the two of us, one could say have the potential to be as it is called 'thick as thieves'.
Ser Caerwyn
- I have seen too little of the Exiled Knight to make a valid assumption as of yet. But what is known is their House, exiles made of those who turned their face away from Destiny and have spent their time fighting it's rushing current. For many of Mine they are considered fools. For myself? I consider it courage. We shall see which side wins with this Knight.
The Dama Alandra
- Oh sweet Lady, your heart is almost as empty as ours in the wake of fortune's passing. Your road is a dark one, Lady. If you can but give me a moment, I shall guide it back to the light for you.
- Of the Commoners and Kin
- Locke
- Once we got the usual spew out of the way that usually comes between our Kiths, he isn't so bad in the long run. I won't hold my breath on his leadership skills though, but I'm always a fan of being surprised.
- Slaine
- The Seeress of Snow Peak is an interesting creature. Central to the Pattern of Snow Peak, I adore slowly turning the Pattern in other ways around her. The fruits of my labor have yet to be seen, but the seeds have been sown.
- Erin
- A splendid lady, a dutiful mother and a mortal of courage. Who would not give respect to someone who is such? I hope to see more of her soon.
- Ernst
- Smith, Troll and now...neighbor. His age gives him wisdom, yet still the spark of youth flows through him to where humor is not lost on him. You are a spark of your Kith, Troll. Hopefully others can see that with age need not come dormancy.
- Of Prodigals:
- The boss lady. And they're real, promise.
- It seems we have more in common than I expected to have with a Lilim. A friend indeed.
- Of Others
- Erzsebet
- The Pattern of this woman spreads out in many directions and her position constantly changes along it's paths. Deliberately alternating the Pattern around her yet feigns ignorance. Don't worry little Darkling, you have my interest.
- Never suffer Autumn's grasp to exist. Don't worry Pinocchio, we'll make you a real boy and your place in the Pattern will crumble.
- Pumpkin
- Well aren't you just delicious.
- Misa
- General floaters like us tend to run into each other often, but I never had the pleasure of actually getting to know her. Until recently, and what pleasure it was.
- Of Those Who Finished Their Road
- Caz - I warned her to be mindful and be cautious of herself, for even a Redcap knows the fear of death. She learned it, and hopefully it will stay with her.
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- The Streets
- Conrad works the streets, and has done everything from being a hitman to hired muscle to fully accepted gang member. He has pull in the streets, and those who dive into it can hear his name on the wind here and there. Are you a man/woman of the streets? We could hook up and play pool, or just about everything else our kind of people do.
- Nature
- He is more comfortable out in the wilderness than he is in the city, a truth he keeps to himself and often wanders the woods reminiscing of times long past. Do you share an affinity for walking in the wilds? Maybe we run into each other.
- Prophets, Seers and Soothsayers
- Conrad hates destiny. Let's get drunk about it.
- Fae
- Commoners - Conrad is of the recently emerged Houses, and as such has more traditional views with regard to Sidhe/Commoner things. He's Unseelie, so his view can change far more easily than others. Want to test his views and prove him wrong? Or will you be proof of the Pattern's fallacies?
- Courts - He is the only member of House Varich in the city, and has yet to give his oaths to any lord or lady of standing. As such he is a hedge knight, so if one of the Courts requires his blade he is willing to offer it for a fee. Or better yet, try to get him to join your household or Court. Either would be an interesting experience.
- Mercenary - Conrad is beholden to no one, neither through House nor by Household or Lord or Lady in Prospect. As such, he lives off the profit his skills grant him. Perhaps you need a teacher or simply a defender during something you think is dangerous? Conrad will happily tag along if you can meet his fee.
- Inanimae - As a Varich, Conrad has had plenty of experience dealing with the Slow Empires primarily the Empire of Seeds, Wind and Tears. Perhaps we recognize each other after awakening from a long sleep?
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