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#'''Territory:'''Although the Clan claims Mission Plaza as one of its holding and the area around it as a Territory, it has not, as of yet, been granted by the Prince or the Seneschal in his stead.
#'''Territory:'''Although the Clan claims Mission Plaza as one of its holding and the area around it as a Territory, it has not, as of yet, been granted by the Prince or the Seneschal in his stead.
#'''Universal Truce:'''There seems to be a tentative truce between the Tremere, Nosferatu and Brujah as to who would control the University. Rumor has it that the three clans might be working together to ensure the safety and prosperity of the grounds on all sides (within, without and below).  
#'''Universal Truce:'''There seems to be a tentative truce between the Tremere, Nosferatu and Brujah as to who would control the University. Rumor has it that the three clans might be working together to ensure the safety and prosperity of the grounds on all sides (within, without and below).  
#'''Accusations:'''[[Ayra]] of the Lasombra, a guest of the Camarilla, has accused The Tremere and [[Aeric]] in particular of killing [[Ignacio]] in public in the Elysium.  
#'''Accusations:'''[[Arya]] of the Lasombra, a guest of the Camarilla, has accused The Tremere and [[Aeric]] in particular of killing [[Ignacio]] in public in the Elysium.  
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Revision as of 23:06, 16 November 2013



Telephone. Television. Tell-a-Harpy


Harpies are both feared and trusted.

They are trusted as they are the official recorders of debts owed, status gained and can serve as diplomats or envoys to other domains.

They are feared as they are unusually aware of dirty little secrets, crimes committed in other cities and if they have a mind to are able to raise a Kindred to the heights of legend or to destroy their reputation forever.

Harpies are generally from the Toreador clan but some have chosen the Brujah or other clans to hold the station. Harpies communicate with other through various secret channels. As such it is a very bad idea to cross a Harpy for all Domains will hear of it soon after.

Harpies consider themselves to be the "voice of society" and can be quite brutal with their comments. Newcomers to a Domain are advised to ensure the Harpy is aware of their arrival so proper arrangements can be made for safely entering the Domain. Some Harpies charge the arrivals a "boon" or favor for such assistance but not always.

When dealing with Harpies it is best to remember that they are generally extremely skilled in social skills, quite vain and will always make sure they come out ahead in any deal. Treat them with respect, keep your business short, leave them in peace and you may end your visit to an Elysium without too much trouble waiting for you on your return home.

How to Use this Page

This page is designed to let players circulate the more 'permanent' rumors that exist within the sect and the clan. It is also a means by which new players can get a sense of what is going on within the Camarilla without having to go looking for +bboard posts in-game.

Players should feel free to edit their clan's rumors especially if there are some juicy current events.

For Example:

  1. New Primogen
  2. New Whip
  3. A Feud between two clans
  4. Any recent business at Court
Known Harpies


  • Wendel, clan Malkavian (NPC)


Members should add [[category:Harpy]] to their sheet

No pages meet these criteria.

Basic Rumors

This page is to track the large rumors that circulate within and around the vampire community of Prospect. Such rumors are what would be known to those who have done any level of investigation as to the political climate of the city.

What is Known

  1. Truce: There is some degree of truce between the Camarilla and the Sabbat within the city. They have, essentially, split the city down the middle with the Highway being the dividing line. The Camarilla have the east and downtown and the Sabbat have the West.
  2. Giovanni Death: Rumor has it that Don Ignacio of the Giovanni was recently murdered. Because of this, the treaty between his clan and the Tremere for the protection of the Traitorous Gargoyle, Draven was broken. Due to this dissolution the Keeper of the Elysium and Primogen of the Clan Toreador, Madeline, offered her personal protection to the creature.
  3. Disease:There was a time in the history of this Praxis where Prince Casman lost his Praxis to a Sabbat disease. All, even the oldest here, are quite new to the area, considering.
Rumors from Court

This page is to track the large rumors that circulate within and around the vampire community of Prospect, specifically pertaining to the Actions and Activities at Court Such rumors are what would be known to those who have done any level of investigation as to the political climate of the city.

November 1, 2013

  1. Gangrel:A young, untrained Gangrel named "Never", sought permission to join the Camarilla at the first court of November with the sponsorship of none other than Elder Aeric of Clan Tremere. The Seneschal appointed him a few tasks to complete before permission would be granted for him to become a member.
  2. Sheriff:The sheriff has been a very unreliable post. The appointee is either ostracized, leaves, or is killed off

November 15, 2013

  1. New Rose:A new Toreador named Raksemi presented herself to the Court; apparently a neonate. She's apparently terrified of the Sabbat.
  2. A Herald:The Herald of Aeric of the Tremere presented his sponsor's concerns that the Seneschal was not dealing with the clan's concerns about the situation with Draven.
  3. A Failure:Elder Aeric declared that the current Seneschal, Jax Xander, a spineless kindred who does not see to the needs of the Praxis but rather allows murders to roam free.
  4. Masquerade:Aeric accuses Jax of sheltering a Primogen who has broken the Masquerade.
  5. Nosferatu: A new skulker has arrived within the city but he's not like any other Nosferatu that anyone's seen. This one dresses like a Ventrue, talks like a Tremere and insults like a Toreador.
  6. Clan War?: The Seneschal, upon granting the Territory of the University to the Brujah, has, according to the Tremere Primogen, initiated a Clan War between Brujah and the Tremere.
  7. Universal Truce:There seems to be a tentative truce between the Tremere, Nosferatu and Brujah as to who would control the University. Rumor has it that the three clans might be working together to ensure the safety and prosperity of the grounds on all sides (within, without and below).
Rumors About the Others

This page is to track the large rumors that circulate within and around the vampire community of Prospect, specifically pertaining to the actions and activities of the members of the Court who do not belong to a recognized clan of the Camarilla. That is to say that these rumors are dealing with Lasombra-Antitribu, Tzimisce-Antitribu, etc. Such rumors are what would be known to those who have done any level of investigation as to the political climate of the city.

What is Known

  1. Ashes:A Lasombra-Antitribu named Arya owns an upscale cigar lounge called 'Ashes to Ashes'.

Brujah Rumors

This page is to track the large rumors that circulate within and around the vampire community of Prospect, specifically pertaining to the Brujah Clan Such rumors are what would be known to those who have done any level of investigation as to the political climate of the city.

What is Known

  1. Elysium:The Brujah hold domain over The Oasis Casino which has been declared as an Elysium by the Prince. The Casino is maintained by Silvana, Ghoul to Bella Mondragon (Npc) of the Brujah.
  2. Silvana:Why, after Bella Mondragon was complimented by the Prince upon the effeciency of her servant, Silvana, has she not chosen to embrace the woman? One wonders if she's just prepared to be a sire? One could only imagine what obstacle prevents the woman to be embraced.
  3. Universal Truce:There seems to be a tentative truce between the Tremere, Nosferatu and Brujah as to who would control the University. Rumor has it that the three clans might be working together to ensure the safety and prosperity of the grounds on all sides (within, without and below).
Gangrel Rumors

This page is to track the large rumors that circulate within and around the vampire community of Prospect, specifically pertaining to the Gangrel Clan Such rumors are what would be known to those who have done any level of investigation as to the political climate of the city.

What is Known

  1. Never: A Tremere Elder has made this newly turned child, Never, his Herald; his personal representative. What the hell was the man thinking? Never has only been 'of the blood' for a month.
  2. Dawn: Dawn, the new Cajun Gangrel, used to be a member of the Sabbat. Like, a full on slavering, diablerising, Cam-murdering Sabbat soldier. But something happened in South Dakota a year ago that's made her decide to go Cam. Or maybe she's a spy? She apparently also met with the Seneschal, Jax, and for some reason he gave her probationary status until she can prove she isn't still psycho.
Malkavian Rumors

This page is to track the large rumors that circulate within and around the vampire community of Prospect, specifically pertaining to the Malkavian Clan Such rumors are what would be known to those who have done any level of investigation as to the political climate of the city.

What is Known

  1. Truce: There is some degree of truce between the Camarilla and the Sabbat within the city. They have, essentially, split the city down the middle with the Highway being the dividing line. The Camarilla have the east and downtown and the Sabbat have the West.
Nosferatu Rumors

This page is to track the large rumors that circulate within and around the vampire community of Prospect, specifically pertaining to the Nosferatu Clan Such rumors are what would be known to those who have done any level of investigation as to the political climate of the city.

What is Known

  1. Lord Blackwell: A new Nosferatu Ancilla has shown up at the Elysium. Seems like he knows Mellara from back in the day. Lots of sparks there.
  2. Universal Truce:There seems to be a tentative truce between the Tremere, Nosferatu and Brujah as to who would control the University. Rumor has it that the three clans might be working together to ensure the safety and prosperity of the grounds on all sides (within, without and below).
Toreador Rumors

This page is to track the large rumors that circulate within and around the vampire community of Prospect, specifically pertaining to the Toreador Clan Such rumors are what would be known to those who have done any level of investigation as to the political climate of the city.

What is Known

  1. Anarch: Louie Teche,a member of the Toreador, has been banished from the city as an Anarch for his attack on the Keeper and Seneschal in Elysium a few months ago. Can you imagine the scandal? Madeline, as Primogen and Keeper, being attacked by one of her own? One wonders what kind of politics are going on in that bed of roses.
Tremere Rumors

This page is to track the large rumors that circulate within and around the vampire community of Prospect, specifically pertaining to the Tremere Clan. Such rumors are what would be known to those who have done any level of investigation as to the political climate of the city.

What is Known

  1. Cross: Rumors that Aeric threatened Cross the Bounty Hunter..I mean, Cross the Priest abound within the clan. Vote still out as to whether it's true or not and whether or not Aeric is stupid or that powerful if he actually did it.
  2. Draven: The Tremere should be hunting Draven, but they're not, in the interest of Prospect's Peace. Not all Tremere are happy about it.
  3. Never: Lord Aeric Foard, Elder of Clan Tremere, has chosen newly nearly initiated Gangrel Vampire Never to be his herald; his emissary in all matters.
  4. Silvana: The Primogen of the Tremre, Jack Frost extended his clan's protection to The Ghoul Silvana Bethencourt Vega, currently in the employ of clan Brujah. A coup? A flexing of the Tremere's power?
  5. Declaration:No sooner was an agreement made between the Tremere and Don Ignacio of the Giovanni concerning the fate of the traitorous Gargoyle, Draven, has the Primogen of the Toreador and the Keeper of Elysium, Madeline, declared that the Gargoyle is "Under Her Personal Protection and Control".
    1. It was one thing for him to be /outside/ the camarilla and the clan to ignore him but an entirely another matter to be /inside/ and /protected/ by another clan and ignore him.
    2. The Tremere cautions the Keeper that the one she is protecting is guilty of killing a Regent Mikos an Elder of the Clan and Regent Valois the Seneschal of New Orleans.
  6. Territory:Although the Clan claims Mission Plaza as one of its holding and the area around it as a Territory, it has not, as of yet, been granted by the Prince or the Seneschal in his stead.
  7. Universal Truce:There seems to be a tentative truce between the Tremere, Nosferatu and Brujah as to who would control the University. Rumor has it that the three clans might be working together to ensure the safety and prosperity of the grounds on all sides (within, without and below).
  8. Accusations:Arya of the Lasombra, a guest of the Camarilla, has accused The Tremere and Aeric in particular of killing Ignacio in public in the Elysium.
Ventrue Rumors

This page is to track the large rumors that circulate within and around the vampire community of Prospect, specifically pertaining to the Ventrue Clan Such rumors are what would be known to those who have done any level of investigation as to the political climate of the city.

What is Known

  1. Seneschal: Jax as Seneschal is rumored to be only temporary, when the former returns, the Gangrel known as JD is anticipated to take the seat once again.