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(Created page with "{{Infobox Log |name = Coming Home |summary = Waziyata goes back home to make contrition for her sins. |icdate = April 7th, 2019 |players = Lleutrim, Ryla S...")
Line 3: Line 3:
|summary  = Waziyata goes back home to make contrition for her sins.
|summary  = Waziyata goes back home to make contrition for her sins.
|icdate    = April 7th, 2019
|icdate    = April 7th, 2019
|players  = [[Lleutrim]], [[Ryla]] ST, [[Wazi]]
|players  = [[Lleutrim]], [[Ryla]] ST, [[Waziyata]]
|location  = Sept of the Silver Stream, Alaska
|location  = Sept of the Silver Stream, Alaska
|spheres  = Gaian Garou Shifter  
|spheres  = Gaian Garou Shifter  

Revision as of 17:51, 2 November 2020

Coming Home
Waziyata goes back home to make contrition for her sins.
IC Date April 7th, 2019
Players Lleutrim, Ryla ST, Waziyata
Location Sept of the Silver Stream, Alaska
Spheres Gaian Garou Shifter

xxxxxThe Sept of the Silver Stream - a place far to the North, where the winters are long and harsh. Snow is plentiful, and heavy on the ground. Plans were made and messages sent through contacts and spirits so the group arriving would not be unexpected. The Caern itself is quiet when they arrive, being it is the hour of meditation.

xxxxxWaiting for the group is Edgewalker, the Uktena Theurge that assisted with the opening of the moon bridge between the caerns to bring then there. He is a taller, lanky man, wrapped in leathers and furs, long dark hair, with feathers ties with rawhide hanging within it.

Waziyata is in her breed form, limping along sedately on three legs, her wounded eye scabbed shut, left forepaw held off the ground with a bandage tied about it. But she gathered Ryla and Lleutrim at the appointed time, and lead the way through to the moonbridge that has been arranged. She is thin and haggard, smelling of pain, weariness, and trepidation. There is no excitement in the wolf as she begins her journey, only fear and resignation.

When she emerges into the familiar Caern, she limps forward to greet the waiting Uktena, tail wagging slow and low in a greeting. << I am Waziyata Puddle Jumper. Adren Ahroun. Child of Gaia and Twister, from the Sept of the Enduring Spirit. Here with my soon pack, Battle Singer and Twilight's Glimmer, to honor spirits of my Kin. >>

Isn't this her home sept? From her stance and body language, it's clear she knows Edgedancer. But she's gotten enough lectures and beatings on the subject of propriety that she's doing this formally.

Lleutrim has indeed come along with Waziyata to stand by and try to assist his friend through this difficult time. For himself he has arrived in homid though he wears a big thick bear skin cloak against the expected cold. Otherwise Lleu is dressed in layers of fairly normal clothing with snow boots, a parka and ski gloves with a knit hat. He's wearing his blue mirrored ballistic shades against the glare and remains back a little as Wazi makes her limping approach to the elder. A nod to Edgewater.

"I am Lleutrim Donnachaidh, rite named Battle Singer, known as Seinneadair Blàr to the Fianna. I am born on two legs beneath the Gibbous moon, Adren and a patrol leader of the Sept of Enduring Spirit."

Ryla exits the moon bridge behind the others, giving deference to the Theurge. Dressed herself in warmer clothing, boots, and heavy jacket. Her ensemble completed with a cute knit hat with a poof ball on top, and a warm thick scarf. She keeps to the side of Wazi, lending her sister morale support. "I am Ryla Irina Penfield, known as Twilight's Glimmer, born on two legs at the time of the new moon, Fostern of the Silver Fangs, from House Wyrmfoe. Daughter of James Penfield, Elder Crescent Moon of the Sept of the Golden Eagle known as Glimpses-the-Unseen-Soul, son of Kristin Penfield, Elder Full Moon known as Voice-of-Blades, daughter of Darren Penfield, Elder Half Moon known as Brings-Calm-Through-the-Storm, son of Anthony Penfield, son of Theodore Penfield, Elder New Moon known as Whitestreak, sister of Puddle Jumper."

xxxxxThe Theurge looks upon Wazi and bends down on one knee in front of her, touching her cheek, lifting up her muzzle so he can look at the scabs. "Puddle Jumper, you have grown and been through many lessons I see since our paths last crossed. I understand from the spirits that you have come here with a purpose. They have shared with me what you have done, how you have risen and fallen. Told me of your deeds and your mistakes. I have always known since we first met that you had a potential, but a storm that must release its grip upon you. There is much still for you to learn, but it is not something I or anyone else can teach you. You must come to it yourself. That time is nearing. Go forward, and find your origin, give them peace." He then takes a ceremonial feather from his hair and starts chanting over her in a native tongue, dancing the feather over her, as if giving her a blessing of some sort. Then he rises and walks away, just disappearing into the Caern.

xxxxxThe way out of the Caern toward your destination is not hard to find, when you are ready to leave the protection of the Caern.

The white wolf gives another little wag of her tail at the Theurge's touch and words, not shying back from him. She listens attentively, then shifts her weight and settles back as he makes his chanted blessing. Silence seems to suit her, and when he turns to walk away, she likewise turns and starts limping along the familiar path through the Caern, to the wilderness of the bawn and beyond.

As she limps quietly along, she growls quietly to her companions. <<Humans are far away here, but they are still a danger. They fly helicopters to kill beasts and wolves, or drive out in trucks. Sometimes, they want to kill trees and take them away, instead. Or build great, stinking things to drill into the earth.>>

Icy grey eyes watch the Theurge in silence until Edgewalker departs. Lleutrim then turns to follow Waziyata. She gains a faint nod from him, familiar with such activities. There is a glance to Ryla and a faint smile offered unto her in thanks for her being here.

Ryla nods, "Understood. We should be careful. Lead, and we shall follow and support you however you wish." She nods to Lleu, glad to have him with them as well. This will be an important moment for all of them as friends, family, and pack mates. Remaining at Wazi's flank, she will keep near her as they travel.

xxxxxHeading out from the Caern to the bawn, they will pass a few kinfolk along the way. Just as they get to the edge, the Warder will note them, as he chants as well a blessing on their travel.

xxxxxThe trio will find the path out not difficult, the snow is there, but now as heavy as it would have been a month ago. The sun is out making it just above the freezing point (yay! Warm!). Along the way they will hear some wind, and native wildlife, but encounter no humans. It takes a few hours, but finally the come closer to their destination.

Waziyata limps slowly along through the Bawn, though she hesitates a time or two, investigating her surroundings before settling on the path again. It's familiar territory for her, buried in old memories.

As the Bawn is left behind, she continues stumping along carefully, crippled paw held up out of the snow, ears alert and swiveling occasionally to help make up for her half sight. She strays to one side, moving around a drift of snow, and sets her forepaw down on the edge of a hole.

The ground gives under her weight and the wolf tumbles head-first into the ground with a surprised snarl and a yelp of pain.

Lleutrim is not familiar with this place so he's following Waziyata's lead on where she feels she needs to go. He walks quietly and tall, the thick bear skin cloak making his shoulders appear even wider than they really are in homid. His sunglasses mirror the winter landscape around them as they walk through the snow. No doubt his own thoughts are upon their time spent in the Legendary Realm within the Fimbulwinter.

The Galliard's thoughts are jarred out of memory and into this moment as something catches his eye. Lleu stops abruptly and puts out a hand, his mouth even then starting to form Wazi's name - yet he is too late to stop her taking that final step, "Waziyata!"

Before his very eyes he sees the maimed wolf fall into the pit trap, swallowed up into the snow. Battle Singer leaps forward, throwing out a hand to try and catch at her body but it's too late!

Ryla watches with wide eyes as this happens so quickly. She falls to her knees as well to reach out for Wazi, realizing a second before she fell that something was possibly wrong. "Sister! Hold still, we will help you!"

xxxxxThere is a rustling from the vegetation. You can all hear the sounds of large paws coming toward you, thumping on the ground. If the homids look up, they will see a white wolf, growling at them in lupine, >> WHO ARE YOU? YOU ARE INTRUDING ON MY TERRITORY! << The wolf looks a lot like Puddle Jumper, but there are scars on the head, legs, and notches out of one ear.

Waziyata is growling softly as she shifts about in the pit, slowly moving onto her belly and then pushing up on her three good legs. Then she looks up toward Lleutrim and Ryla and the sound of growling. She growls in return, chuffing a brusque response: <<Puddle Jumper, Adren of the Garou.>>

After that, she is growing and changing, adopting her homid form and straightening up from all fours. She shivers in the snow, underequipped for it in this form, and turns to offer her good hand up toward Lleutrim, as if to climb out of the hole.

The combination of seeing Waziyata fall into the pit, immediately followed by the wolf coming out and issuing his challenge, sets Lleutrim into action. His form shifts at once from homid to Glabro since humans /could/ be in the area and he needs to be cautious of going full Crinos out in the open. His gaze locks on the white wolf's and his deep baritone, now more of a bass rumble, growls back, "I have seen no territorial markings yet. I am Lleutrim Donnachaidh, rite named Battle Singer, known as Seinneadair Blàr to the Fianna. I am born on two legs beneath the Gibbous moon, Adren and a patrol leader of the Sept of Enduring Spirit, come here to aid my friend Waziyata on her return to her home Sept of the Silver Stream. Name yourself and show your territorial markings and will respect your territory and depart."

But NOT before Lleu squats down and leans to offer his hand to Waziyata, ready to use his strength to lift her clear up and out of that hole.

Ryla gives her introduction first, from where she is, giving respect to the wolf but not shifting, "I am Ryla Irina Penfield, known as Twilight's Glimmer, of the Silver Fangs. Here to stand by my sister, Puddle Jumper in her quest to return here. We did not mean to intrude. Like Battle Singer'rhya said, we saw no signs. We mean no harm." The Silver Fang knows it is not a time to go into her long drawn out introduction. There is a misunderstanding."

xxxxxThe white wolf stops growling, and waits for Lleutrim to easily get Wazi out of the hole, and watches to look her over. Padding around the hole, the wolf chuffs, >> I am known as Nikamew, but called She who Honors Family by the local Garou. << She looks over the path and uses her tail to swipe away at a taller boulder along the path showing off the markings on it. >> I am kin, but not one that changes. I hold vigil here, and the local Garou help protect. I only wish to keep this ground sacred. You may come pay respects and then leave if that is your wish. Why do you come here? <<

Wazi works to pull herself out of the hole as much as allowing Lleutrim to do so. Once she's free of the pit trap, she huffs a breath and then turns to look at the wolf. Her hand still holding to Lleutrim's tightens, the girl tensing as she stares wide-eyed at the scarred wolf kin.

She doesn't speak, or drop back down to her breed form, or do anything really except stare. The wolf's nose will pick up on a menagerie of emotions: terror, surprise, anger, grief, relief, and joy. After several moments' silence, Wazi just sits down in the freezing, slightly melted snow in her jeans and thin jacket. She clutches Lleutrim's hand as if holding onto a life line.

Lleutrim is content to let Wazi keep hold of his large hand. He squats down on his hams next to her like a protective big brother when she sits in the snow. Most of his attention is upon the battle scarred she wolf to whom he inclines his head with respect. He keeps his bass quite low in volume so not to carry, "We have come for Waziyata to perform the Rite of Contrition to her dead pack and family." His own silvery eyes flick briefly to Ryla, then to Wazi and back to the she-wolf. "Are you kin to her?"

Seeing that Wazi herself is silent and not inclined to speak, Lleu /jabs/ her with his elbow, "Speak up for yourself, Ahroun. Gaia gave you a tongue and a spine for a reason." His words are callous yet Lleu gives her smaller hand a squeeze to encourage her courage.

Ryla stops as well hearing the name. She gets to her knees in the snow there, and places a hand on Wazi's shoulder. "You can do this. I am here sister. Gaia has done something wonderful here. Show your strength." She realizes what has been said and can barely fathom how this has affected her friend, her sister by choice.

xxxxx>> I have no kin. My family was all killed here. Some by hunters, and some by my sister. I was told it was her rage out of control. I know she is Garou, but do not know further where she is. I stay here to protect where they fell. << Her head tilts slightly and then she leans in to sniff at Wazi. Up and down the Ahroun and then stops. Recognition? >> Waziyata? Is that you? << If ever there was a look of sadness within a wolf's eyes, this is it.

When Lleutrim nudges her and says those words, Wazi merely rocks with the elbow, still staring at the wolf. The squeeze to her hand isn't acknowledged either, her own grip remaining crushingly tight on the larger hand, imbued with the strength of Twister embodied in an Ahroun.

Ryla's hand on the Ahroun's shoulder doesn't get a glance, either, the lupus staying intently focused on the ghost before her. It's the kin's question that gets a reaction. Wazi drops her gaze, trembling a moment, before pulling her unwounded hand away from Lleu's and dropping to her breed form.

<< I am here, where I do not belong, to give contrition for things that cannot be fixed. >> She is slumped, defeated, not meeting the kin's gaze, everything about her drooping. Clearly expecting to be driven off, obviously ready to flee.

The large Galliard remains silent. This is for Wazi to deal with so Lleu remains silent and watchful, his gaze going back to the white wolf.

Ryla knows that this is Wazi's quest, and one thing only she can do. She is there for her, but cannot do it for her. She looks up to Lleu to see his reaction and then back to Wazi.

xxxxx>> You may feel you do not belong, but you are expected. Family has been waiting. They are waiting for your contrition. It cannot be fixed, no. It can be mended. << She sniffs closer to her wounds unsure about them, and why the Garou has not been healed, but does not ask. >> You may go forward and do what you came to do. Then we speak after. << The wolf kin steps back and begins to lead to where she keeps the sacred place for their family, not wishing to delay Wazi from doing what is a long time coming.

"Thank you, Nikamew, She who Honors Family." Lleutrim continues to study this wolf, this full blooded sister to Waziyata, noting that the very scars may have been inflicted by Puddle Jumper herself. He moves to stand, then waits for Waziyata to proceed that he and Ryla may follow them.

Waziyata shies back a little as the other wolf comes in close, sniffing at her and her wounds, now watching the other wolf from the corner of one eye. Then, at the final bit, she whines very softly, the high pitched sound just on the verge of inaudible to human ears.

She rises back to all three feet and limps after the kinfolk in silence, tail tucked firmly, posture remaining abjectly remorseful, drooping, and defeated. But she presses forward.

Once they get into the tree line, Lleutrim slips from Glabro to his own lupus form. The male wolf trails behind, ears up and silvery eyes bright and alert - especially for more traps! >> If you guard this place, who laid the trap Waziyata fell into? <<

Ryla rises as Wazi begins to walk off. She slips down to lupus, and walks behind her and Lleutrim.

xxxxxWhen Wazi approaches the place that was her home, the whole group can feel a breeze brush past them. They can all feel a change when entering this place that remembers the fallen. The wolf kin replies >> They are here. Step forward, Waziyata. << The wolf kin lays on her belly and whines and then howls. >> My family. The one lost has returned. << She lays her head down on the ground and awaits Wazi to do what she came to do.

As soon as the light breeze kicks up and the white wolves begin to react to it, Battle Singer stops. He too lies himself down in the snow on his sternum and belly, paws out before him. The Fianna grey wolf watches, ears up, but staying back enough to give the others room. He glances at Ryla, then settles in to bear witness.

Waziyata limps after the other wolf, following in still-drooping silence. At the touch of the breeze and the sudden shift in the air, the lupus lowers down onto her belly, too, paws splayed before her, bandage pushing into the snow.

At the howl from the kin wolf, Waziyata whines again, groveling her way forward into the little clearing, ears low, tail tucked, hunched in on herself.

Then, the Ahroun steels herself and leans her head forward with a long, low, baying moan of grief and bites into her unwounded leg.

The delicate limb bleeds into the snow, her affinity to the dead and another probable scar for the Garou.

<< I am sorry. I did not know. I should have left you. >>

Ryla is down on her belly now, laying next Battle Singer, her head on the ground. This is a sacred place and what they are here to witness is too important to cause any issue.

xxxxxThey all can hear the spirits as different voice chime in. >> Waziyata. My daughter. The one of us that was chosen by Gaia to be a warrior. You have come to seek us finally. We know what you did. We know what you have become. We have been watching you and waiting for you to learn, to grow, to accept. You have learned so much in the past years, in the legendary realm, and from those you call family, who you would pack with. << The breeze changes again, circling around Wazi, like it strokes her fur, a mother to her young. >> Do no more harm to yourself. You have a greater purpose. We, your family forgive you. We ask only that you remember us, and come back to this sacred ground once a year to pay respect to us and remember. We will be with you always. Make amends with you sister who has been our caretaker. << Nikamew whines a little, like a cry to remember them all.

Battle Singer listens and turns his head to lightly nuzzle Ryla's fur. A breath later his attention refocuses on Waziyata and Nikamew. Very, very quietly he communicates so perhaps only Ryla might notice, >> I had hoped her family still loved her. There are far worse things than death. <<

Waziyata shifts her weight a little, still whining softly into the snow at the touches to her fur, the gentle response. She squirms a little in the snow, the whimpering and whining continuing, wordless, until it grows into a long, mournful howl - a wolf lamenting her dead, crying again in the way this form is best suited for.

Eventually, it ends, and the wolf stills. She shifts again in the snow, turning to look toward Nikamew with her one good eye. Then, she is drooping again, nose in the snow.

Ryla nudges Battle Singer with her nose, hearing him and not wanting to speak herself, lest she lose her control and speak way way too much.

xxxxxNikamew lifts her head and turns it to Wazi. She looks her in the one eye and after a good long few minutes, she leans closer and licks her face. >> My sister. I never thought I would see you again. If I did, if you would remember or want to. <<

Waziyata glances up as the other wolf licks her, ears perking up in confusion. She shifts her weight a bit, before relaxing a little under the attention. She awkwardly pushes up from her grovelling, now with two damaged forelegs rather than just the one. She whines again, tentatively sniffing at the other wolf.

<<We thought you were dead. How do you live? These scars, are they from me? I am sorry.>>

xxxxxNikamew slowly lowers her head a bit, and replies >> Yes, I tried to hide and as you shifted to Garou, you caught me up a few times before the Hunters attacked you as well. I made my escape in the fray, and ran until I could no more and hid. I was found by a kin and cared for, but refused to ever be fully healed of these scars. I tried to stop you and did not want to forget. I wanted my outer scars to match my inner ones. Over time the spirits of our family taught me, as I kept this place for them and their memory. I have come to learn from the Garou, and find peace with what happened. I have learned to commune here and have waited for you to return one day. << She moves closer to Wazi and licks her injured forearm. >> I forgive you for what happened. I just hope that one day you can forgive yourself, as our family has done. <<

More quiet whining from Waziyata at the explanation, before she is slumping back down again, pushing herself against the other wolf, fur to fur. Tentatively, she licks and nuzzles, just a little, before whining again. << I do not want to be Garou. Rage is too much. Wyld and Wyrm and Weaver are too strange.>>

She expels a breath, then, huffing, before she whines again. <<My scars will never match. Lights the Darkness hears Gaia screaming. I added to that.>>

Battle Singer finally gets up. The Fianna wolf shakes himself off and walks on over to join the other two. He nuzzles Puddle Jumper but does not get between the siblings. >> She suffers. Twilight's Glimmer or I would like to heal her. A maimed wolf cannot hunt - she has long fasted and grows too thin. << He turns his head to look back to Twilight's Glimmer to see if she wants to try - if Wazi is willing to let it be done now.

Ryla nods to Battle Singer, she rises and comes near to Wazi. >> You are chosen by Gaia. It was not an accident. It is hard, yes. But you have family to stand by and support you. You have your sister, and the spirits of your family have forgiven you. << She looks back to Battle Singer and then back to Wazi, >> And you have your pack family. You have Battle Singer'rhya, Lights the Darkness'rhya, Eye of the Storm'rhya, Frost, and you have me. We will be there for you. Let us heal your physical wounds. <<

xxxxxNikamew nuzzles and licks her sister. >> You are Garou, it is not your choice, it is your honor. Let go of the pain and accept our forgiveness and love. You are our representative of our family. Protect us now as only you can. You have made your amends, asked forgiveness and it has been given. My scars are healing on the inside because you have come. Let yours be healed too. You can draw strength from them, more than I can.<<

The Galliard reaches out his nose to lightly touch Nikamew's fur, >> Thank you. It is very good that you escaped and I hope that you have had pups of your own. << It might even do Wazi good if she's an auntie and didn't even know it! Or might yet be, some day. Battle Singer takes a couple of steps to get out of Twilight Glimmer's way. He will observe and can assist with healing if she is unable but he looks confident that the sister-Fostern is up to the task. >> It has pained me to see Wazi so. It will be good to run by her side again. <<

Waziyata shifts her weight a little, pressing closer against her kin, returning the licking and nuzzling. Even though she continues whining quietly, she is settling, beginning to relax a little. She doesn't offer any more protestations, but when the offer of healing is made she looks to Twilight's Glimmer and Battle Singer and chuffs softly, resolutely.

<<Only after Gathering for the Departed. I want to heal without Gifts. The scars will be strongest, then.>>

Ryla leans back and begins her howl. She howls for Wazi's family, and all that they have lost. For their love, their forgiveness and how they are missed and remembered. It is mournful and sad before turning loving and caring. As if this was for her own family, she gives it her all.

xxxxxNikamew joins in the howl, honoring those she has kept vigil and care for all this time. A paw reaches and touches Wazi, joining with her sister.

xxxxxThe spirits from all around the area gather in and breeze around the wolves, sharing in the love in approval.

As the others lift up their heads and give voice in howl, Battle Singer does the same. The Galliard puts heart into it, all four of them gathered close together and likely touching, co mingling as they sing in wolf fashion to Wazi's departed family. It is certainly a memorable moment, forging of new and stronger bonds.

When the rite is performed, Waziyata gives another low, long howl - joining her voice and mingling it with the others, even as she presses against them each in turn. As the howl dies down and things settle once more, she sits down and changes, growing into her homid form again, an eye-patch wearing, scar-faced teenage girl with a bandaged hand and a torn wrist.

She reaches with both hands, then, wrapping arms around Nikamew and reaching hands for the two homid-wolves.

"I will trust in Twister's Wisdom, again. And heal."

xxxxxTogether they have paid homage, and found the lost, and began the healing. After some time together, they will return to the Caern and return home.