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(Created page with "{{Log |name = Dead Mall Discovery |summary = The Gnawers start to explore the abandoned mall. |icdate = Saturday, October 29th, 2016 — Evening |location ...")
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|icdate      = Saturday, October 29th, 2016 — Evening
|icdate      = Saturday, October 29th, 2016 — Evening
|location    = The Dead Mall.
|location    = The Dead Mall.
|storyteller = [[Sid]]
|storyteller = [[Sid_Donovan|Sid]]
|players    = [[Felix|Felix/Lets-Them-Eat-Cake]], [[Jasen]], [[Justin Statton|Justin/Mouse Trap]], and [[Sid|Sid/Dog Robber]].
|players    = [[Felix|Felix/Lets-Them-Eat-Cake]], [[Jasen]], [[Justin Statton|Justin/Mouse Trap]], and [[Sid_Donovan|Sid/Dog Robber]].
|spheres    = Shifter (Gaian Garou)
|spheres    = Shifter (Gaian Garou)
|plot        = Dead Mall Discovery
|plot        = Dead Mall Discovery

Revision as of 00:50, 16 July 2020

Dead Mall Discovery
The Gnawers start to explore the abandoned mall.
IC DateSaturday, October 29th, 2016 — Evening
PlayersFelix/Lets-Them-Eat-Cake, Jasen, Justin/Mouse Trap, and Sid/Dog Robber.
LocationThe Dead Mall.
PlotDead Mall Discovery
SpheresShifter (Gaian Garou)
(Sadly, I joined late, so someone else will have to give me the parts before this...)

As Mouse-Trap kicks it, more gross leeches come out. Eww. <We're over here,> Sid calls, only minorly injured, before shifting back <It's dead!> Then he's shifting from Hispo into Crinos, to GRAB Jasen. If he was stronger, the hug would be crushing, but fortunately, he's not. Even in this form. Part of his fur is matted with drying blood. Two puncture wounds.

Rounding the corner, Mouse-Trap's wild eyes are gleaming over with rage as the ahroun has to rein himself back in. ~The fuck happened? I was attacked by someone full of ... slugs and leeches. Looks like you got spiders.~ His muzzle wrinkles up. ~Are the two of you okay?~

"Oh sweet baby Jee you're so soggeeeeeh!" Jasen complains, compressed enough to squeeze out his last word while he's hugged, flailing a floppy wave at Mouse Trap when he arrives and just submitting to the metis's affection and returning it. Both cause bros and also cause broken cane. He doesn't answer MT though, cause he don't speak that tongue yet!

<OOC> Felix says, "Are y'all and whatever you killed visible from the entrance?"

<OOC> Jasen says, "MT was a second ago, I think you can have seen him walk into the store where Sid and J are"

<OOC> Dog-Robber says, "one creature is. it's a human skin containing a bunch of slugs, but not so many bones or organs. it's been rended. We are in a store, yeah. Or the remains of a store."

<OOC> Dog-Robber says, "the slug guy's by the escalator."

<OOC> Mouse-Trap says, "I should get going though, it's 11:30 and I'm on 14 percent battery. Could say that Justin went back out to the cars to grab fresh clothes and to watch the point while you and Felix scout the rest?"

Felix has parked the Caddy by the other boats and found his way to the doorway, slipping inside and looking around to check out the surroundings. He's just in time to catch sight of Mouse-Trap, whom he THINKS he recognizes in that form, and follows, distracted along the way by slug-corpse. Because even Garou don't see that everyday. "...Marco," he says in greeting to the others once he's close enough to be sure it is, indeed, his tribemates, and not more slugpeople.

Dog-Robber eventually lets poor Jasen go. He's not super good at English in Crinos, but he tries, snarling out, "Pollo!" because everything sounds like a snarl from his muzzle in this form, even if it's a nasal snarl. He starts toward Felix, though, rather than letting him continue the game, arm around Jasen in an attempt to steady him.

Jasen totally broke his sweet cane with the flames on it that make it looks like it's going faster. He's still holding the top half, and is quite grateful for the support, as it helps him stay upright and stable while he feels Sid up. "Are you okay? Is this your blood or that thing's blood? Do you have any extra holes?!" Thankfully Sid's run enough even in crinos that Jasen can search through a fair amount of his fir without straining. "Felix! I fuckin hit something! And I have NO idea what it was!" He's so fuckin proud of himself, he *actually* succeeded in something!

"...did you hit it with your cane?" Felix asks, looking at the remaining, less-firey half, "Shit, man, you go through those like beer. Good job on the hittin', though!" He glances over his shoulder, toward slugbody. "Do you got no idea what it was 'cause it's fuckin' weird, or did it disappear without you gettin' a good look or somethin'?" He gives Sid a once-over for the wounds too, but only visual. No cheap feels here.

"Spider," is the next word Dog-Robber manages to get out, the r rolling like a feral growl, about what Jasen had hit. ~We killed a spider fomor. Or was it an Ananasi?~ He doesn't seem sure. ~He rushed in to save me!~ As for the slug, he looks at it, and, "Fomor?" A beat. ~Mouse-Trap said it was a fomor.~ Dog-Robber adds, looking at his wounds, "Bitten."

"Can you heal it?" Jasen asks with worry, unleaning from the metis and twirling his broken half-cane like he's planning to find a spider (a very tiny one) and smoosh the shit out of it! He looks to Felix and says, "Cause I dunno what it was. Which is a gross puddle of that thing over there. I tell you one thing though, the changing room's totally clear, and the back wall is incredibly sturdy despite neglect and weather damage! "Can *you* heal him? Cause we haven't been everywhere yet and that was just two guys, what if there's a whole fuckin nest of them in Victoria's Secret or something?!"

Felix glances back the way Justin went, and then all around. "Dude full of slugs looks like a fomor to me," he says, nodding, "Don't see why a spider wouldn't prolly be too. You'd think an Ananasi'd say somethin' before you killed it. ...this place is kinda awesome." He looks back to the others, and shakes his head. "I can't heal shit," he says, sounding almost apologetic, "Well, unless it's me an' I got some time." Another look at the mall-at-large. "We could always call in s'more folks, if there's a nest. Dex an' Joan maybe. Maybe Monica." He considers Dog-Robber, "Actually, maybe one of 'em can heal. Joan's a Theurge, she might know it..."

Dog-Robber licks at his wounds, like a dog, twisting about to get at his shoulder/back. But he shakes his head. He doesn't seem slowed down, and for once, looks ready to go. Hell, not even his ears are folded, nor is his tail tucked. ~I'm all right. Though maybe an exrta person in here wouldn't hurt.~ There could be a next at the Secret, who knows? ~Baron found an employee's only level.~

"Well... I'm goin with instead of waiting in the bus." Jasen says firmly, taking a hold of Sid's fuzzy arm, "People all up in here trying to eat m'fuckin house mate and tribemates and what the fuckever else. Don't worry, I'll take care of not dying, I'm pretty okay at that usually. I think I have some contact numbers if you want 'em." He offers Felix his phone so's he can have whatever ones he doesn't already have and also call in backup!

Felix waves off the offer of the phone, getting his own out -- maybe he's pretty sure he's already got the ones he's thinking of. He doesn't send texts, though, he actually calls like an old-fashioned person. Sadly, no one seems to answer. He gives the phone a Look after the last failure, and returns it to his pocket. "A'ight, well. Looks like it's us, for now. So: we up for scoutin' it out as is, or do we wanna see 'bout roundin' some more folks up an' comin' back with a bigger posse later?"

~I want to /see/ what's here. If it's something we can't handle, we can get the others. But I want to at least warn them,~ Dog-Robber says. Yeah, that spider fight has given him some courage. For Jasen, he tries to translate, "Scout?" He seems to want Jasen's imput, too. Because he came to SAVE HIM.

Jasen looks to Sid first when Felix poses the question of the plan, apparently willing to defer to someone that's a fuckin WEREWOLF DUDE! That shit does NOT get old, I'm tellin ya. Obviously the mother's tongue is totally lost on him, but he gets the short translation and nods his head, "Fuck yeah, let's see what's around."

"Up," Dog-Robber asks, growl voiced, "Or down?" pointing a clawed hand-paw in either direction. ~I didn't find a lot else on this level. Baron's guarding the door, so people won't come in, but he said there's a basement.~

Felix breaks into a grin at Jasen's enthusiasm, and nods to the others. "A'ight," he says, shifting up to Glabro and giving a good stretch, "Let's see what we got us to see." He turns to lead the way out of the store, then glances back just in case there happens to be something that'd serve as an ersatz cane around. Never know! "What we gotta do is," he says in his newly bass voice, "we gotta start carryin' spare canes or somethin' in all our cars. Just in case." The question gets a thought, and he says, "Well, I seen a lotta mall second floors, but I ain't seen a lotta mall basements or employee areas."

Jasen leans awkwardly real quick to grab the broken off bottom half of his cane. Never know, there might be a vampire he can pretend to stake with it! "I just need a cane that's made of, like... I dunno, thickass rebar or something, I dunno." Carrying his broken bits, he follows the pair with a bit of lag to his step cause shit's all unbalanced now.

"Like stabbed?" Dog-Robber says, dubiously, recalling Jasen mentioning getting stabbed by rebar once, and points to his side. It sounded unfun. He starts toward the employee only door, though, letting Jasen lean if he wants to again. "Pick?" he asks the pair, pointing at the Employee Only door. The adreneline is starting to run out, and he's getting nervous and cautious again.

"Do they make metal--" Felix starts, then breaks off, wheeling to look at the others, "OH. We should get 'em to make you one at the Forge! Make it be all steel, with some kinda fancy head. Like a rose. Or a hook." He grins. "I'd say the end should be pointy so you could stab shit but I reckon you'd wreck a lotta floors an' shit. Or put it through your foot." Hey, he likes Jasen, but he's seen the patterns here. He doesn't seem either nervous or cautious, heading right toward that door when Dog-Robber points it out, and trying the knob. He nods to Sid's question, letting go again. "Let's. Either of you real slick at it? 'cause if not, reckon I can get that open." He slides a hand into his pocket, coming up with a few little items and looking about ready to try unless one of them claims more expertise.

Dog-Robber shakes his head. ~I really wanna learn, though.~ But he lets the others go for it, since he can. ~If not, I could, um, try battering the door down, but you'd probably be better at it, on homid.~

Jasen does lean, if he's allowed to do so then why the heck not, right? Keeps him more speedy, at any rate! He makes a helpless shrug when picking a lock comes up, alas. "Yeah, like that, Sid. Or.. Ooo, steel, huh? Bet that'd cost a bit, though." The forged cane idea intrigues him, though, and he says, "Could go for a sweet rat handle Probably could find that online. A steel cane would be amazing though, and probably a way better weapon than the wrench I was eyeing yesterday."

Dog-Robber looks at Jasen and grins. Rat cane! He's still at 'crude hook' level, though, so he doesn't say anything, just beams at the idea. It looks like a snarl, but hey, he's wagging. And then wagging a little more, when the lock is picked, the door opening up, after not long. Stairs lead down, but already the place smells of mildew. Water.

"Oh, fuck, a rat would be an awesome handle," Felix says, glancing over his shoulder to the others as he kneels down for a better go at the lock. "The forge here's a 'rou place, so I reckon we could get a decent deal... Sid, you were learnin' shit there, right? Maybe they'd let us do it like a learnin' project. I can do the parts that maybe need a lotta hittin' an' maybe you could make the handle be right." He doesn't really know what he's talking about, but at least in theory it seems reasonable to him. He squints at the lock a moment, then tries a bent bobby pin and a slightly stronger-looking bit of metal on it, and it pops open in short order. He looks quite pleased about that, and returns the picks to his pocket, opening the door with a Vanna White gesture inside.

"Hey hey! Lookit them skills!" Jasen says with a grin as the lock pops! "So, you guys totally know that people always get jumped by terrible monsters in basements in movies, right? This is why I don't watch horror movies!" Fortunately he has a werewolf to lead the way and one to hang on to, so surely he's safe.

Dog-Robber looks at the kinfolk, and whimpers, ears folding right back. He's gonna get jumped. But, hell, at least they're expecting it. However, despite the smell of mildew, the strong smell of mildew, he wasn't expecting what's -actually- down there: a flood. They can see it from the stairwell. There's a wide common area/hallway, with doors on the sides that might have been storage areas or offices, but now, it's a flooded mess. Fortunately, it's not large enough to be a labyrinth, but Sidney still looks a little nervous, as his dilated eye gazes upon it. Things splash a little in the water, and in Crinos, he can identify them as, "Fish."

"That's why you don't split up," Felix says, ignoring the fact that they actually already have. Even now something could be eating Justin's delicious brain! "Also why I DO watch horror movies, all kinda good lessons there. ...plus they make chicks practically crawl in your lap." He's perfectly willing to lead the way down those stairs, peering into the gloom below as he goes. "Think it might be kinda wet..." he says, and then... wow. That's REALLY wet. "Fish," he echoes, startled. "Holy shit, that's basically a lake."

Say that with a slightly different inflection and getting jumped suddenly becomes a good thing, right? Following Felix, he says, "...I can't swim." Jasen decides this is probably the best time to admit certain failings. "Well, I mean, I can flail around and sort of stay up but otherwise, no. "Okay, I vote lunch break, and try and get a hold of the other ones. Bad things *always* happen in *flooded* basements."