Decades of hard use have left their mark on the Styx and Stones pool hall. Regulars come to rack up around a legion of battered pool and billiards tables. Heavy bolts lock the scratched wooden tables to the poured cement floor, and cheap metal racks are hammered into the sheetrock as a precaution. Cigarette smoke has yellowed the ceiling and leaves an oily residue on all the fixtures, despite there being plenty of ash trays available. Peeling posters advertising cheap Mexican and Ukrainian beers faded out long ago, their logos an arcane assortment that defies easy recognition.
Clusters of new metal bar stools belly up to high-top tables from the Soviet era. Thick shellac protects the washed-out photographs, ticket stubs, and other memorabilia from 70s and 80s-era Eastern European rallies and concerts. Generally they still serve the same vile drinks by the can or the bottle, nothing more than two bucks, and no tabs tolerated. Low rock music plays from blown-out speakers on a continuous track regardless of day or not, melting into the droning hum of overhead fans cursed to stir up the greyish-blue miasma of cigarette smoke filling the air.
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It's a good night. Nobody died.
“Dalton, Road House”
Thumper, held by whoever's working as shot-caller
- Biker Bar: Are you the kind of person that likes your typical biker bar? Rough people, loud music, cheep beer, and the potential for fights to break out at a moment's notice?
- Legal Age: The Styx is still a bar and legally anyone under 21 wouldn't be able to get in without some kind of sweep. It's rare that the owner has someone watching the door but it's not unheard of. So how do you get past this?
- RP: Maybe you know someone on the inside? Find someone who works there to get you in and cover for you.
- Fake ID: Maybe you have the background or the merit - something to cover your age.
- Arcane: No one's going to card you if they don't even notice you.
- Powerz: See Arcane.
- TL;DR: If you're character isn't 21 you're more than welcome to come and rp just be aware that you're sneaking in or somehow disguising your age in your roleplay.
- Shady Deals: The Styx isn't just about serving beer and playin pool. It's also about making deals, trading favors, buyin and selling of...stuff.
- Open All Night: The Styx doesn't really get its act together or its doors open until dusk and doesn't generally close until a few hours before dawn. Maybe that's your scene.
- Witching Hour: Some people might stop by to play pool, grab food or a drink, but it's generally considered a bad idea to stay past midnight. Once it starts getting later, and the usual patrons start getting drunk(er), anyone who might look like an easy mark is generally picked on, targeted. A bell, like an old church bell, rings throughout the bar as sort of a signal to those gathered to let them know when the hour passes.
- Charon's Court: Maybe you need a favor? Maybe you need something that you normally can't find through other means. Maybe someone there can help you. Whether it's money, a problem to be fixed or a person to be dealt with, there are lots of options once you step through that door. But...there's always a price. All you need is two gold coins (dollars) to start your journey.
- Streetwise: More information can be found within the main bar by typing .street
The owner has sort of a sot spot for people trying to turn their lives around and needing some work. However, he's not running a charity so anyone who wants to pick up some quick cash has some hoops to jump through to demonstrate that they're worth him hiring. Call it an interview process, an audition or whatever - anyone who wants to work at the bar has to go through the same process. It's often referred to as "Meat Week".
Meat Week
During this audition phase, all new employees wear a standard bar t-shirt that reads FRESH MEAT across the back, because they're essentially just raw meat thrown into the grinder of the nightly drudgery of keeping the biker bar going. They serve booze and food, clean tables and floor, scrub the bathroom, empty the trash, anything and everything that would be considered a lowly, dirty job of any bar / pub - it's a Meat Job.
- You lose your names for that week. If someone yells for Fresh Meat - you answer and do what they tell you.
- You are not paid for your Meat Week - if you get tips you can keep them. We feed you before and after your shift.
- You are the first to show and the last to go for each nightly shift.
When you complete your Meat Week, and if you managed to impress the boss, you are given the chance to work at the bar for real. You're paid, given a schedule and set duties. You even get your name back.
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Styx and Stones Pool Hall
Criminal Hangout
F St. and Fourth Ave.
TBD: Awaiting Sitdown.
Street (2)
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F St. and Fourth Ave.
F St. and Fourth Avenue's sights could easily bring the attention of one's eye with the bright neon glow of signs in shop windows or on billboards whether during night or day. Whatever pleases the flesh can be found here, from shady porn shops, to sleazy strip joints, or even mind altering drugs if one knows where to look. The shops around this area are more of a lower class mix, selling various forms of adult entertainment and the like.
The air is a bit thicker here in this part of town, more smog than anything else from factories close by. The streets are close to in need of repair, being an older section of town, uncared and overlooked by the rest of humanity while left to rot in its dark sin.
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