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Latest revision as of 13:14, 4 May 2021

“I sat in the dark and thought: There’s no big apocalypse. Just an endless procession of little ones.” 

― Neil Gaiman, Signal to Noise

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  • Azoth - I don't always understand you, but I don't think we're supposed to fully understand Theurges. And maybe that's your real power.
  • Barksdale - Pack Alpha. That's an impressive gun. I'm looking forward to learning some tricks from a Garou of experience.
  • Brigette - Mother. You had so many chances to walk away from the table, but you went all in instead even knowing the odds. I can see why I'm a gambler.
  • Eris - Boss. Teacher. My cunning, sneaky, and scary pseudo big sis/mentor. I told you I wouldn't disappoint. I don't plan on doing it anytime in the future either.
  • Hamish - Boss. Cub professor, Eater of Souls, and connoisseur of fine craniums.
  • Harano - Packmate. You haven't been what I expected, and your family tree is a tangled nightmare, but it's been interesting all the same.
  • Izayah - Packmate. Partner in Crime. I wonder which of us is changing the other more, but we're in this for the long haul. Which probably means death.
  • Kurt - Double Boss. Takes no shit, doesn't want to be fed any shit, and I don't want to be set on fire.
  • Mewt - Mate. The cat wolf monster is out of the bag. You coulda warned me about dropping that bomb, but eh, your innocent honesty is part of your charm. Also infuriating to a Ragabash.
  • Alpha (NPC) - Be wary of that jealousy, unless you want to test the bonds of your brothers. But now I need to know more of the story, and I have my lead.
  • Zeta (NPC) - Definitely the rogue of the party. Now roll for initiative, there's plot afoot.
  • Pax - You're crazy, but we all are. At least you're honest about it and you also seem to give a shit. Definitely more to you than you let on.
  • Raquel - We are not worthy of your cooking, but I'll eat it anyway. Also, awesome office, girl!
  • Russ - Boss. A teacher of interesting things and painful lessons. I still respect the shit outta what he must know.
  • Thomas - You're the only one of your kind that I know. You have an interesting perspective on things, but I suppose that's what comes when you can look down at the world.
  • Trent Bellamy - Packmate. You got caught up in our whirlwind but never once seemed to mind, but don't think that I don't suspect you're hiding things behind that charming smile. We'll hide our secrets over a pint of ice cream.
  • Zora - Boss. The Valkyrie, choosers of the einherjar, warriors without peer. If the Last Battle really is coming, I suspect you'll be there at the end, choosing those who were most worthy of the Father.

Note: I'm not gonna list everyone she's met, just those who's made a distinct impression with her thus far.

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Yes she's Wyrm. No, I'm not out to ruin your day or your character and I'd appreciate likewise. RP with other folks is fun. If you want to work out some mutual shenanigans, let me know.

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Ramona Altenbach

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Full Name: Ramona Altenbach
Archetypes: Demagogue / Advisor
Birthdate: July 12, 1999
Stats of Note: Charisma 4, Dexterity 4, Manipulation 5, Subterfuge 4, Wits 4, Honeyed Tongue
Played By: Hannah Zeile (appearance), Emily Blunt (voice, American accent)
Tribe: Black Spiral Dancers
Breed: Homid
Auspice: Ragabash
Rite Name: Dra'si'assh
Hive: Hive of Shattered Souls
Role: Den Mother
Pack: Parabellum
Rank: Adren (3)
Power: Silverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.png
Infamy: Silverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot.png
Cunning: Silverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.png
Call Sign: Valravn (aka Raven)
Rank: First Team Member
Team: Godspite Company

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RP Hooks
  • Disclaimer: Yes she's Wyrm. No, I'm not out to ruin your day or your character and I'd appreciate likewise. RP with other folks is fun. If you want to work out some mutual shenanigans, let me know.
  • Wyrm: She was brought in along with her family as a Hive trade. Everyone thought she was kinfolk, that is until she Changed and ripped the arm off a neighboring Spiral. Some in the faction may have heard of the new cub, though she was a cub for barely a week before getting sent into Labyrinth - and making it.
  • Others: She seems like a pretty normal late teen, maybe goes to college. Seems pretty overlooked girl next door, but approachable and friendly.

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