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Choose concept, breed, auspice, and tribe
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'''<big>If you're new to the sphere, please review this [[Primer for Cliaths]] before proceeding further. This will give you an idea what to expect.</big>'''
Attributes: 7/5/3
Please read [[Banned_Concepts#Shifter|Banned Concepts]] before going further with your app first. 
Abilities: 13/9/5
Next, Read this wiki page: [[Rage|Rage and your PC]]
==== Choose Backgrounds (5 — restricted by tribe) ====
* '''Red Talons:''' At this time, no more Red Talons will be approved.
* Black Fury: No restrictions
* Bone Gnawer: Ancestors, Pure Breed and Resources are not available
* Child of Gaia: No restrictions
* Fianna: No restrictions, but Kinfolk is recommended.
* Get of Fenris: Get of Fenris may not purchase Contacts.
* Glass Walker: Glass Walkers may not purchase Ancestors, Mentor or Pure Breed.
* Red Talon: Red Talons may not purchase human Allies, Contacts or Resources, and their only Kinfolk are wolves.
* Shadow Lord: Shadow Lords may not purchase Allies or Mentor.
* Silent Strider: Silent Striders may not purchase Ancestors or Resources.
* Silver Fang: All Silver Fangs must purchase at least three dots of Pure Breed.
* Uktena: No restrictions.
* Wendigo: Wendigo may not purchase Contacts or Resources.
==== Gifts (three — one each from breed, auspice and tribe): ====
* '''House Rules:''' Because of our house rules of no PCs under the age of 18, Homid Garou should set their Date of Change closer to 18, rather than 15.  We also do not allow late changes, or those who have been a Cliath for an excessively long time.  The average time for a Garou to be a cub is less than a year, and most new PCs are fresh Cliaths.
* Homid: Master of Fire, Persuasion, Smell of Man
** '''Lupus/Metis Ages:''' From WTA Corebook revised pg#61 ''"Lupus and metis reach maturity more quickly than homids. A metis hits adolescence between eight and ten, and a lupus is usually full-grown after just a year or two. However, all breeds age at the same rate once they undergo their First Change."''  Please take that into account when setting your Date of Birth and Date of Change.
* Metis: Create Element, Primal Anger, Sense Wyrm
* Lupus: Hare's Leap, Heightened Senses, Sense Prey
* Ragabash: Blur of the Milky Eye, Open Seal, Scent of Running Water
* Theurge: Mother's Touch, Sense Wyrm, Spirit Speech
* Philodox: Resist Pain, Scent of the True Form, Truth of Gaia
* Galliard: Beast Speech, Call of the Wyld, Mindspeak
* Ahroun: Falling Touch, Inspiration, Razor Claws
* Black Fury: Breath of the Wyld, Heightened Senses, Sense Wyrm
* Bone Gnawer: Cooking, Resist Toxin, Tagalong
* Child of Gaia: Mercy, Mother's Touch, Resist Pain
* Fianna: Faerie Light, Persuasion, Resist Toxin
* Get of Fenris: Razor Claws, Resist Pain, Visage of Fenris
* Glass Walker: Control Simple Machine, Diagnostics, Trick Shot
* Red Talon: Beast Speech, Scent of Running Water, Wolf at the Door
* Shadow Lord: Aura of Confidence, Fatal Flaw, Seizing the Edge
* Silent Strider: Sense Wyrm, Silence, Speed of Thought
* Silver Fang: Falcon's Grasp, Lambent Flame, Sense Wyrm
* Uktena: Sense Magic, Shroud, Spirit Speech
* Wendigo: Call the Breeze, Camouflage, Resist Pain
==== Renown (by auspice): ====
* '''Camps:'''  When a Garou earns Fostern, then you can put in a +request to staff approve joining a Camp.  It will be added to your +sheet in the Vitals section if approved.  Please see the wiki for each tribe page where there are details on camps.
* Ragabash: 3 in any combination
* Theurge: 3 Wisdom
* Philodox: 3 Honor
* Galliard: 2 Glory, 1 Wisdom
* Ahroun: 2 Glory, 1 Honor
==== Record Rage (by auspice): ====
* Ragabash: 1
* Theurge: 2
* Philodox: 3
* Galliard: 4
* Ahroun: 5
==== Gnosis (by breed): ====
'''Rite Names'''
* Homid: 1
* '''Gaian Rite Names:''' All Gaian Garou receive a Rite name given at the time of succeeding in their Rite of Passage.  It is based on the events within your Rite of Passage, generally.  A Gaian Garou can earn Deed names in addition as they earn Renown after their Rite of Passage, which will come via Roleplay.
* Metis: 3
* Lupus: 5
==== Willpower (by tribe): ====
* '''Wyrm Rite Names:''' All Black Spiral Dancer Garou - whether fallen Gaian, or born to the Wyrm, also receive a Rite name when they make it through the first level of the Spiral.  Unlike Gaian Garou, their Rite name is the first few syllables they utter when they exit the spiral.  It is nonsensical, jibber-jabber.  Deed names, of course, can be earned later their Roleplay.  ''(Reference: Book of the Wyrm 2nd Ed pg.#93)''
* Black Fury: 3
* Bone Gnawer: 4
* Child of Gaia: 4
* Fianna: 3
* Get of Fenris: 3
* Glass Walker: 3
* Red Talon: 3
* Shadow Lord: 3
* Silent Strider: 3
* Silver Fang: 3
* Uktena: 3
* Wendigo: 4
* Black Spiral Dancer: 3 <!-- Book of the Wyrm, 2nd ed, page 109 -->
Rank 1 (cliath)
Spend freebie points (15)
==== Choose Concept ====
Decide what your character is like. On your +sheet, this is a short (29 character) synopsis.
==== Trait Cost ====
* Attributes 5 per dot
==== Choose Faction ====
* Abilities 2 per dot
Setting a Faction is important, as many location central for your RP will be locked by faction. 
* Backgrounds 1 per dot
* Gifts 7 per Gift (Level One only)
* If you're Fallen, then set '''Faction = Wyrm''' and '''Tribe = Black Spiral Dancer'''. (If you ICly belonged to a different tribe before falling, then put that in a +note.)
* Rage 1 per dot
* Gnosis 2 per dot
* All others, set '''Faction = Gaian'''.
* Willpower 1 per dot
==== Choose Breed ====
! Breed !! Gnosis !! Gifts (pick one)
| Homid || 1 || Master of Fire<br>"Persuasion (gift)"<br>Smell of Man
| Metis<nowiki>*</nowiki> || 3 || Create Element<br>Primal Anger<br>Sense Wyrm
| Lupus || 5 || Hare's Leap<br>Heightened Senses<br>Sense Prey
<nowiki>*</nowiki> Metis must make a +note listing deformity. See WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) Pgs.#60-62 for more information and choices.
==== Choose Auspice ====
! Auspice !! Rage !! Gifts (pick one) !! Glory !! Honor !! Wisdom
| Ragabash || 1 || Blur of the Milky Eye<br>Open Seal<br>Scent of Running Water || colspan="3" | Any combination totaling 3
| Theurge || 2 || Mother's Touch<br>Sense Wyrm<br>Spirit Speech || 0 || 0 || 3
| Philodox || 3 || Resist Pain<br>Scent of the True Form<br>Truth of Gaia || 0 || 3 || 0
| Galliard || 4 || Beast Speech<br>Call of the Wyld<br>Mindspeak|| 2 || 0 || 1
| Ahroun || 5 || Falling Touch<br>Inspiration<br>Razor Claws|| 2 || 1 || 0
! ''Black Spiral Dancers'' !! !! !! ''Power'' !! ''Infamy'' !! ''Cunning''
==== Choose Tribe====
* If you're Fallen, then set Faction = Wyrm and Tribe = Black Spiral Dancer. (If you ICly belonged to a different tribe before falling, then put that in a +note.)
* All others, set Faction = Gaian.
! colspan="3" style="border-bottom: none;" | &nbsp; !! colspan="2" style="border-bottom-style: dotted; text-align: center;" | Backgrounds
! Tribe !! WP !! Gifts (pick one) !! Restricted !! Required/Recommended
| Black Fury || 3 || Breath of the Wyld<br>Heightened Senses<br>Sense Wyrm || N/A || N/A
| Black Spiral Dancer<sup>*</sup> || 3 || "Rathead (gift)"<br>Sense Wyrm<br>Toxic Claws<br>Bane Protector<br>Resist Toxin<br>Shroud || N/A || Pure Breed is either 5 or 0
| Bone Gnawer || 4 || Cooking<BR>Resist Toxin<br>Tagalong || Ancestors<br>Pure Breed<br>Resources || N/A
| Child of Gaia ||4|| Mercy<br>Mother's Touch<br>Resist Pain || N/A || N/A
| Fianna || 3 || Faerie Light<br>Persuasion (gift)<br>Resist Toxin || N/A || Kinfolk (Recommended)
| Get of Fenris || 3 || Razor Claws<br>Resist Pain<br>Visage of Fenris || Contacts || N/A
| Glass Walker || 3 || Control Simple Machine<br>Diagnostics<br>Trick Shot || Ancestors<br>Mentor<br>Pure Breed ||
| Red Talon  || 3 || Beast Speech<br>Scent of Running Water<br>Wolf at the Door || Resources<br/>'''Human''' Allies<br/>'''Human''' Contacts<br/>'''Human'''  Kinfolk || N/A
| Shadow Lord  || 3 || Aura of Confidence<br>Fatal Flaw<br>Seizing the Edge || Allies<br>Mentor || N/A
| Silent Strider  || 3 || Sense Wyrm<br>Silence<br>Speed of Thought || Ancestors<br>Resources || N/A
| Silver Fang  || 3 || Falcon's Grasp<br>Lambent Flame<br>Sense Wyrm || N/A || Pure Breed 3+ ('''Required''')
| Stargazer || 5 || Balance<br>Falling Touch<br>Sense Wyrm || Resources<br>Fetish || N/A
| Uktena  || 3 || Sense Magic<br>Shroud<br>Spirit Speech || N/A ||
| Wendigo || 4 || Call the Breeze<br>"Camouflage (gift)"<br>Resist Pain || Contacts<br>Resources || N/A
<sup>*</sup> If you set a +note that you were rank 1+ in another tribe and then walked the Spiral, then you can pick a starting gift from that tribe instead
==== Choose Stats ====
{| style="text-align: center"
! Stat !! Baseline !! Freebies per additional dot
| [[Attributes]] || 1 in each + 7/5/3 || 5
| [[Abilities]] || 13/9/5 || 2
| Gifts || 1 breed, 1 auspice, 1 tribe || 7 (level 1 only)
| [[Backgrounds]] || 5 || 1
| Gnosis || by Breed || 2 (Maximum 8)
| Rage || by Auspice || 1 (Maximum 8)
| Willpower || by Tribe || 1 (Maximum 8)
| Freebies || 15
Lupus may not spend baseline dots on the following Abilities, though they may be purchased later with Freebies:
* Skills: Crafts, Drive, Etiquette, Firearms
* Knowledges: Computer, Law, Linguistics, Politics, Science
This is not an exhaustive list as there are other abilities we allow from other gamelines that should fall into this list as well (i.e.: No Computer, so no Technology also).  If you are unsure if it would be restricted or not, just ask in your approval job.
Every Garou automatically gets Lore Garou at 3.  It does not count toward your totals spent in Primary Knowledge Abilities.  As we do not allow Cub Concepts, all Cliaths would know at least that much Lore.
Backgrounds: See [[#Choose Tribe|Tribes Table]] for restrictions and requirements.
* Fetishes taken in Chargen must be in a book somewhere --- you can't make your own. Create a +note for your fetish, including a page reference for the book that it is from.
* Rites (background) can only be taken in Chargen.  Must also have Rituals (the Primary Knowledge) at the same level as the highest Rite.  You can choose rites that equal the sum of the level of the Rites (background).  For Example: Rites (background) at level 4, you can choose a Level 1 Rite and a Level 3 Rite.  You must also set your Rituals at 3.  Or you can choose to take 4 Rites that are all Level 1, and only need Rituals at 1.
'''Note:''' See [[XP_Chart#Shifter|XP Chart]] for details on ways to learn Rites both for XP and without XP cost once approved. 
! General !! Shifter-Specific
| Allies || Ancestors
| Alternate Identity || Familiar Spirit
| Contacts || Fate
| Fame || Fetish
| Influence || Kinfolk
| Mentor || Numen
| Resources || Pure Breed
| Retainers/Followers || Spirit Heritage
| || Spirit Network
| || Totem
| || Touched
| || Rites
==== Record Renown ====
See [[#Choose Auspice|Auspice Table]] for Gaian Garou amounts.
See [[BSD_Renown#Rank_and_Auspice|Auspice Table]] for BSD amounts.
When you begin cgen, you have all 6 types of Renown listed.  Once you pick a Faction, the other 3 types ''should'' be removed when you are approved, but sometimes it does not.  It is suggested that when you are completed with entering the types of Renown you do use, you should reset the type of renown you do '''not''' use to nothing. 
* +selfstat Power=
* +selfstat Temp Power=
* +selfstat Infamy=
* +selfstat Temp Infamy=
* +selfstat Cunning=
* +selfstat Temp Cunning=
* +selfstat Glory=
* +selfstat Temp Glory=
* +selfstat Honor=
* +selfstat Temp Honor=
* +selfstat Wisdom=
* +selfstat Temp Wisdom=
==== Record Rank ====
Characters start as Rank 1 (Cliath).
We do not allow Cub (Rank 0) concepts. 
* If you're unfamiliar with the source material, then playing a cub is generally ''not'' a good way to become familiar. Few players are interested in spending their RP time teaching you the most basic of basics; even if they agree to do so, they may not be around enough. The best way to become familiar is to read the main rulebook, Players Guide to Garou, and/or Kinfolk: Unsung Heroes, then apply for either a Cliath or [[Character Generation/Kinfolk|kinfolk]] as you prefer.
==== Spend Freebie Points ====
Include merits and flaws if desired. You may get extra freebies from up to 7 points of flaws, or the sum of your two largest flaws, whichever is greater.
<div style="background-color: #fcc; padding: 10px">
== Beast Courts ==
'''If your PC sides with the Beast Courts:'''<br>
* '''Tribes:''' Usually Hakken (Shadow Lords) or Stargazers
** For Hakken Only: Set ''Tribe = Shadow Lord'', Set ''Type = Hakken''
* '''Faction = Gaian'''
* '''Affiliation = Beast Courts'''
* '''Gifts:''' Replace auspice gift with a [[Hengeyokai Gifts | hengeyokai gift]], Hakken replace tribe gift with a Hakken gift
* '''Auspice and Renown:''' By [[Hengeyokai_Renown#Rank_and_Auspice | hengeyokai auspice]] - replace Honor with Virtue, and Temp Honor with Temp Virtue.
* '''Backgrounds:'' Allies, Ancestors (previously named Past Life in 1st ed), and Kinfolk are suggested for '''Hakken'''

Latest revision as of 17:56, 4 March 2025

If you're new to the sphere, please review this Primer for Cliaths before proceeding further. This will give you an idea what to expect.

Please read Banned Concepts before going further with your app first.

Next, Read this wiki page: Rage and your PC

  • Red Talons: At this time, no more Red Talons will be approved.
  • House Rules: Because of our house rules of no PCs under the age of 18, Homid Garou should set their Date of Change closer to 18, rather than 15. We also do not allow late changes, or those who have been a Cliath for an excessively long time. The average time for a Garou to be a cub is less than a year, and most new PCs are fresh Cliaths.
    • Lupus/Metis Ages: From WTA Corebook revised pg#61 "Lupus and metis reach maturity more quickly than homids. A metis hits adolescence between eight and ten, and a lupus is usually full-grown after just a year or two. However, all breeds age at the same rate once they undergo their First Change." Please take that into account when setting your Date of Birth and Date of Change.
  • Camps: When a Garou earns Fostern, then you can put in a +request to staff approve joining a Camp. It will be added to your +sheet in the Vitals section if approved. Please see the wiki for each tribe page where there are details on camps.

Rite Names

  • Gaian Rite Names: All Gaian Garou receive a Rite name given at the time of succeeding in their Rite of Passage. It is based on the events within your Rite of Passage, generally. A Gaian Garou can earn Deed names in addition as they earn Renown after their Rite of Passage, which will come via Roleplay.
  • Wyrm Rite Names: All Black Spiral Dancer Garou - whether fallen Gaian, or born to the Wyrm, also receive a Rite name when they make it through the first level of the Spiral. Unlike Gaian Garou, their Rite name is the first few syllables they utter when they exit the spiral. It is nonsensical, jibber-jabber. Deed names, of course, can be earned later their Roleplay. (Reference: Book of the Wyrm 2nd Ed pg.#93)

Choose Concept

Decide what your character is like. On your +sheet, this is a short (29 character) synopsis.

Choose Faction

Setting a Faction is important, as many location central for your RP will be locked by faction.

  • If you're Fallen, then set Faction = Wyrm and Tribe = Black Spiral Dancer. (If you ICly belonged to a different tribe before falling, then put that in a +note.)
  • All others, set Faction = Gaian.

Choose Breed

Breed Gnosis Gifts (pick one)
Homid 1 Master of Fire
"Persuasion (gift)"
Smell of Man
Metis* 3 Create Element
Primal Anger
Sense Wyrm
Lupus 5 Hare's Leap
Heightened Senses
Sense Prey

* Metis must make a +note listing deformity. See WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) Pgs.#60-62 for more information and choices.

Choose Auspice

Auspice Rage Gifts (pick one) Glory Honor Wisdom
Ragabash 1 Blur of the Milky Eye
Open Seal
Scent of Running Water
Any combination totaling 3
Theurge 2 Mother's Touch
Sense Wyrm
Spirit Speech
0 0 3
Philodox 3 Resist Pain
Scent of the True Form
Truth of Gaia
0 3 0
Galliard 4 Beast Speech
Call of the Wyld
2 0 1
Ahroun 5 Falling Touch
Razor Claws
2 1 0
Black Spiral Dancers Power Infamy Cunning

Choose Tribe

  • If you're Fallen, then set Faction = Wyrm and Tribe = Black Spiral Dancer. (If you ICly belonged to a different tribe before falling, then put that in a +note.)
  • All others, set Faction = Gaian.
Tribe WP Gifts (pick one) Restricted Required/Recommended
Black Fury 3 Breath of the Wyld
Heightened Senses
Sense Wyrm
Black Spiral Dancer* 3 "Rathead (gift)"
Sense Wyrm
Toxic Claws
Bane Protector
Resist Toxin
N/A Pure Breed is either 5 or 0
Bone Gnawer 4 Cooking
Resist Toxin
Pure Breed
Child of Gaia 4 Mercy
Mother's Touch
Resist Pain
Fianna 3 Faerie Light
Persuasion (gift)
Resist Toxin
N/A Kinfolk (Recommended)
Get of Fenris 3 Razor Claws
Resist Pain
Visage of Fenris
Contacts N/A
Glass Walker 3 Control Simple Machine
Trick Shot
Pure Breed
Red Talon 3 Beast Speech
Scent of Running Water
Wolf at the Door
Human Allies
Human Contacts
Human Kinfolk
Shadow Lord 3 Aura of Confidence
Fatal Flaw
Seizing the Edge
Silent Strider 3 Sense Wyrm
Speed of Thought
Silver Fang 3 Falcon's Grasp
Lambent Flame
Sense Wyrm
N/A Pure Breed 3+ (Required)
Stargazer 5 Balance
Falling Touch
Sense Wyrm
Uktena 3 Sense Magic
Spirit Speech
Wendigo 4 Call the Breeze
"Camouflage (gift)"
Resist Pain

* If you set a +note that you were rank 1+ in another tribe and then walked the Spiral, then you can pick a starting gift from that tribe instead

Choose Stats

Stat Baseline Freebies per additional dot
Attributes 1 in each + 7/5/3 5
Abilities 13/9/5 2
Gifts 1 breed, 1 auspice, 1 tribe 7 (level 1 only)
Backgrounds 5 1
Gnosis by Breed 2 (Maximum 8)
Rage by Auspice 1 (Maximum 8)
Willpower by Tribe 1 (Maximum 8)
Freebies 15

Lupus may not spend baseline dots on the following Abilities, though they may be purchased later with Freebies:

  • Skills: Crafts, Drive, Etiquette, Firearms
  • Knowledges: Computer, Law, Linguistics, Politics, Science

This is not an exhaustive list as there are other abilities we allow from other gamelines that should fall into this list as well (i.e.: No Computer, so no Technology also). If you are unsure if it would be restricted or not, just ask in your approval job.

Every Garou automatically gets Lore Garou at 3. It does not count toward your totals spent in Primary Knowledge Abilities. As we do not allow Cub Concepts, all Cliaths would know at least that much Lore.

Backgrounds: See Tribes Table for restrictions and requirements.

  • Fetishes taken in Chargen must be in a book somewhere --- you can't make your own. Create a +note for your fetish, including a page reference for the book that it is from.
  • Rites (background) can only be taken in Chargen. Must also have Rituals (the Primary Knowledge) at the same level as the highest Rite. You can choose rites that equal the sum of the level of the Rites (background). For Example: Rites (background) at level 4, you can choose a Level 1 Rite and a Level 3 Rite. You must also set your Rituals at 3. Or you can choose to take 4 Rites that are all Level 1, and only need Rituals at 1.

Note: See XP Chart for details on ways to learn Rites both for XP and without XP cost once approved.

General Shifter-Specific
Allies Ancestors
Alternate Identity Familiar Spirit
Contacts Fate
Fame Fetish
Influence Kinfolk
Mentor Numen
Resources Pure Breed
Retainers/Followers Spirit Heritage
Spirit Network

Record Renown

See Auspice Table for Gaian Garou amounts.

See Auspice Table for BSD amounts.

When you begin cgen, you have all 6 types of Renown listed. Once you pick a Faction, the other 3 types should be removed when you are approved, but sometimes it does not. It is suggested that when you are completed with entering the types of Renown you do use, you should reset the type of renown you do not use to nothing.



  • +selfstat Power=
  • +selfstat Temp Power=
  • +selfstat Infamy=
  • +selfstat Temp Infamy=
  • +selfstat Cunning=
  • +selfstat Temp Cunning=


  • +selfstat Glory=
  • +selfstat Temp Glory=
  • +selfstat Honor=
  • +selfstat Temp Honor=
  • +selfstat Wisdom=
  • +selfstat Temp Wisdom=

Record Rank

Characters start as Rank 1 (Cliath).

We do not allow Cub (Rank 0) concepts.

  • If you're unfamiliar with the source material, then playing a cub is generally not a good way to become familiar. Few players are interested in spending their RP time teaching you the most basic of basics; even if they agree to do so, they may not be around enough. The best way to become familiar is to read the main rulebook, Players Guide to Garou, and/or Kinfolk: Unsung Heroes, then apply for either a Cliath or kinfolk as you prefer.

Spend Freebie Points

Include merits and flaws if desired. You may get extra freebies from up to 7 points of flaws, or the sum of your two largest flaws, whichever is greater.

Beast Courts

If your PC sides with the Beast Courts:

  • Tribes: Usually Hakken (Shadow Lords) or Stargazers
    • For Hakken Only: Set Tribe = Shadow Lord, Set Type = Hakken
  • Faction = Gaian
  • Affiliation = Beast Courts
  • Gifts: Replace auspice gift with a hengeyokai gift, Hakken replace tribe gift with a Hakken gift
  • Auspice and Renown: By hengeyokai auspice - replace Honor with Virtue, and Temp Honor with Temp Virtue.
  • Backgrounds: Allies, Ancestors (previously named Past Life in 1st ed), and Kinfolk are suggested for Hakken'