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|icdate    = July 9, 2019
|icdate    = July 9, 2019
|ictime    = Daytime
|ictime    = Daytime
|players  = [[Royan]], [[Sten]] and [[Aaryn]] [[Jackson]] as ST
|players  = [[Royan]], [[Sten]], [[Aaryn]], [[Davidson]] as ST
|spheres  = [[Garou]] [[Gaian]]
|spheres  = Garou Gaian
[[Category:Gaian]] [[Category:Garou]] [[Category:Shifter]]
The sound of thunder is going on rumbling with the power of god of hate, and rage as the others in the forest are running for cover. The weather just a moment ago was clean sunshine, fresh air not a cloud in the sky, but now it is dark like sin, and the rain is coming down hard as if it is trying to drown the world. This deep out in the forest but around them is nothing but the rain, but in the distance the sun is smiling these 3 miles of forest are getting attacked it seems by a pissed off cloud.
The sound of thunder is going on rumbling with the power of god of hate, and rage as the others in the forest are running for cover. The weather just a moment ago was clean sunshine, fresh air not a cloud in the sky, but now it is dark like sin, and the rain is coming down hard as if it is trying to drown the world. This deep out in the forest but around them is nothing but the rain, but in the distance the sun is smiling these 3 miles of forest are getting attacked it seems by a pissed off cloud.
Aaryn had just been walking beside Sten in the forest, having a conversation about the events of their day when the bottom drops out, as it were, and rain begins to pelt. Aaryn gasps at the cold rain against her skin and forces Sten's arm up, to shield her.
Aaryn had just been walking beside Sten in the forest, having a conversation about the events of their day when the bottom drops out, as it were, and rain begins to pelt. Aaryn gasps at the cold rain against her skin and forces Sten's arm up, to shield her.
Sten looks to Aaryn with a raised brow "Really?" sighing and moving along with a raised arm. "Thought you be abit more weatherfirm" shaking his head and looking up "Though we probably should get in cover or get soaking wet"
Sten looks to Aaryn with a raised brow "Really?" sighing and moving along with a raised arm. "Thought you be abit more weatherfirm" shaking his head and looking up "Though we probably should get in cover or get soaking wet"
Sunshine. Now sunshine, that is something a raven can get behind. But this? Rain? This is the domain of Grandfather Thunder and his evil retinue of crows of the storm! That is definitively not something that ravens like. Also, this was not natural! Bloody rain came out of nowhere while he was busy flying by. Can't fly in rain like this, so down he goes. And, well, it was supposed to be a controlled descend. You know, the sort that gets you under leaves quickly. Sadly, it fails miserably and instead it sends him crashing from the sky and into the crown of a tree. He hits every ugly stick on the way down before he plops on to the ground with a pathetic cawing sound.
Sunshine. Now sunshine, that is something a raven can get behind. But this? Rain? This is the domain of Grandfather Thunder and his evil retinue of crows of the storm! That is definitively not something that ravens like. Also, this was not natural! Bloody rain came out of nowhere while he was busy flying by. Can't fly in rain like this, so down he goes. And, well, it was supposed to be a controlled descend. You know, the sort that gets you under leaves quickly. Sadly, it fails miserably and instead it sends him crashing from the sky and into the crown of a tree. He hits every ugly stick on the way down before he plops on to the ground with a pathetic cawing sound.
There is a crack of lighting but it is odd the bolt is moving through the trees, and then Aaryn leaps out of the way, and the little Raven is rolling to safety, but sadly Sten seems to be the trigger. A loud crack and then the world seems to be laugh as the bolt hits his square in the chest, and then the sound of another bolt is heard.
There is a crack of lighting but it is odd the bolt is moving through the trees, and then Aaryn leaps out of the way, and the little Raven is rolling to safety, but sadly Sten seems to be the trigger. A loud crack and then the world seems to be laugh as the bolt hits his square in the chest, and then the sound of another bolt is heard.
Sten cries out as he is hit by lightning "FÖR FAN, DU SKJUTER MIG MED EN BLIXT? MIG? STORMYLARE!!? STEN BLIXT?" he looks up to the sky calling at the top of his lungs looking pretty fucking pissed.
Sten cries out as he is hit by lightning "FÖR FAN, DU SKJUTER MIG MED EN BLIXT? MIG? STORMYLARE!!? STEN BLIXT?" he looks up to the sky calling at the top of his lungs looking pretty fucking pissed.
Aaryn leaps aside and dives toward the forest floor, the lowest point, for safety. She skids a bit and blinks from the flutter of feathers, back to her packmate, challenging Thor, it seems. She gets it. I mean, for fuck's sake, the guy's rite name was 'Stormhowler'. She looks to the sky, but moves toward the upside-down mass of feathers to assist the raven and says, to Sten. "There is something wring with this storm, Sten. We need to fix it before it gets worse." To the Raven, she blinks and says, "Oh. Hello, Hrafn..."
Aaryn leaps aside and dives toward the forest floor, the lowest point, for safety. She skids a bit and blinks from the flutter of feathers, back to her packmate, challenging Thor, it seems. She gets it. I mean, for fuck's sake, the guy's rite name was 'Stormhowler'. She looks to the sky, but moves toward the upside-down mass of feathers to assist the raven and says, to Sten. "There is something wring with this storm, Sten. We need to fix it before it gets worse." To the Raven, she blinks and says, "Oh. Hello, Hrafn..."
Roll roll roll! Ever seen a Raven do a barrelroll on the ground before? No? Well, you have now! While Sten is busy screaming his lungs out at the sky and Aaryn dodges the lightning bolt, the raven deftly gets out of the way before turning and doing a little flip before landing on his claws. Wings spread once, shaking out the water before folding along his body, "My dominion of the air is being challenged!" the bird calls out, "This can not stand. Even Helios rays are stolen from me."
Roll roll roll! Ever seen a Raven do a barrelroll on the ground before? No? Well, you have now! While Sten is busy screaming his lungs out at the sky and Aaryn dodges the lightning bolt, the raven deftly gets out of the way before turning and doing a little flip before landing on his claws. Wings spread once, shaking out the water before folding along his body, "My dominion of the air is being challenged!" the bird calls out, "This can not stand. Even Helios rays are stolen from me."
Sten growls and shakes his head "You damn fucking right we going to fucking fix this... so what is wrong?" looking over to Aaryn and then to the bird. "Ah Hrafn, do you know?" looking between the two, between the two of them they probably can figure it out. Moving over to both of them and rubbing his chest.
Sten growls and shakes his head "You damn fucking right we going to fucking fix this... so what is wrong?" looking over to Aaryn and then to the bird. "Ah Hrafn, do you know?" looking between the two, between the two of them they probably can figure it out. Moving over to both of them and rubbing his chest.
Aaryn looks to the skies and chews her lip for a moment. "I would say it could be an umbral storm, but we are on the bawn... It should protect us unless..." she pauses, "unless the gauntlet has been rended. If it has, we could be in bad shape." She looks to Hrafn, "what do you make it?"
Aaryn looks to the skies and chews her lip for a moment. "I would say it could be an umbral storm, but we are on the bawn... It should protect us unless..." she pauses, "unless the gauntlet has been rended. If it has, we could be in bad shape." She looks to Hrafn, "what do you make it?"
The raven remains on the ground for now, not taking flight into the trees. He does, however, hop closer to the Aaryn and Sten because, well, if there is to be more lightning then hopefully it will take the taller creatures first! "It is not natural. Storms do not attack. Not even Thunders Brood does that. This is wrong. Must find the wrong and contain it."
The raven remains on the ground for now, not taking flight into the trees. He does, however, hop closer to the Aaryn and Sten because, well, if there is to be more lightning then hopefully it will take the taller creatures first! "It is not natural. Storms do not attack. Not even Thunders Brood does that. This is wrong. Must find the wrong and contain it."
Another loud crack, but this time they know it is coming through the trees right for them, each of them able to leap away from the blast of deadly lighting, and then the rain is coming down harder.
Another loud crack, but this time they know it is coming through the trees right for them, each of them able to leap away from the blast of deadly lighting, and then the rain is coming down harder.
That was close! Too close! Aaryn goes down on her hip and rolls away from the strike. She pulls herself up on her knees and, with rain-slicked hands tugs the crescent necklace off her neck. Daytime or not, this must get sorted. She golds the metallic moon in front of her, preparing to sidestep and guide the others through the umbra.
That was close! Too close! Aaryn goes down on her hip and rolls away from the strike. She pulls herself up on her knees and, with rain-slicked hands tugs the crescent necklace off her neck. Daytime or not, this must get sorted. She golds the metallic moon in front of her, preparing to sidestep and guide the others through the umbra.
A sudden flutter of wings occurs as the raven dodges yet another lightning strike. And that rain? Well, no. That won't do. He does a little 180 in the air before suddenly flapping his wings until he comes over to Aaryn, grabbing a hold of her shoulder. He knows what she is doing and, while he can move in there himself, its best to get there along with them!
A sudden flutter of wings occurs as the raven dodges yet another lightning strike. And that rain? Well, no. That won't do. He does a little 180 in the air before suddenly flapping his wings until he comes over to Aaryn, grabbing a hold of her shoulder. He knows what she is doing and, while he can move in there himself, its best to get there along with them!
The shiny necklace catches what light it can, and throws it back out at the Godi Junge just as Hrafn comes to rest on her string shoulder. Her eyes twinkle in time and, just as she feels reality bend and warble, she moves forward, stepping through the barrier as if it were water, her packmate just behind her.
The shiny necklace catches what light it can, and throws it back out at the Godi Junge just as Hrafn comes to rest on her string shoulder. Her eyes twinkle in time and, just as she feels reality bend and warble, she moves forward, stepping through the barrier as if it were water, her packmate just behind her.
The world shifts, moves, like the world is shimmering then you are plunged into the black dark, something is odd about it the sound of a thunder, laughter, hate, giggles, all of it moving around you and then the feeling of someone behind you, red eyes peering. But soon they are going to move it seems, something is watching waiting in that icky blackness around you. But nothing seems to move the world is like tar, it is hard to move, breath, do anything but stand there.
The world shifts, moves, like the world is shimmering then you are plunged into the black dark, something is odd about it the sound of a thunder, laughter, hate, giggles, all of it moving around you and then the feeling of someone behind you, red eyes peering. But soon they are going to move it seems, something is watching waiting in that icky blackness around you. But nothing seems to move the world is like tar, it is hard to move, breath, do anything but stand there.
Sten tries to struggle against the blackness trying to get out of it "Ok so how do we defeat this?" trying to see if he could identify anything in the darkness or at least get out of it.
Sten tries to struggle against the blackness trying to get out of it "Ok so how do we defeat this?" trying to see if he could identify anything in the darkness or at least get out of it.
Whoop! Well, this is new! The raven finds itself in a situation that is darkness and sticky air. It digs into Aaryns shoulder, "What fresh hell is this?" Hrafn asks, "I can't fly in this! This is not acceptable."
Whoop! Well, this is new! The raven finds itself in a situation that is darkness and sticky air. It digs into Aaryns shoulder, "What fresh hell is this?" Hrafn asks, "I can't fly in this! This is not acceptable."
Aaryns lungs expand with each breath, difficult. "...Shred it..." she manages. And then she inhales deeply and growls! As she takes her warform, the sudden shift from flesh to fur beneath Hrafn's claws
Aaryns lungs expand with each breath, difficult. "...Shred it..." she manages. And then she inhales deeply and growls! As she takes her warform, the sudden shift from flesh to fur beneath Hrafn's claws
Sten shifts into a crinos a large grey war from trying to tear at the eyes trying to claw or bite at them. Trying to see if he could rip apart of this hateful dark soup of red eyes.
Sten shifts into a crinos a large grey war from trying to tear at the eyes trying to claw or bite at them. Trying to see if he could rip apart of this hateful dark soup of red eyes.
Hrafn barely has time to call out, "Something moving under us.." before he lets out a cawing sound as Aaryn suddenly turns into her warform. He clings to her shoulder as best he can. Until, that is, something happens. He has time to see it, but forgets that the air is thicker. He lets go of her shoulder and tries to get away from the strike, but as his wings spread its like moving in soup. He gets struck in the back, singing his feathers before he's struck down on to the ground.
Hrafn barely has time to call out, "Something moving under us.." before he lets out a cawing sound as Aaryn suddenly turns into her warform. He clings to her shoulder as best he can. Until, that is, something happens. He has time to see it, but forgets that the air is thicker. He lets go of her shoulder and tries to get away from the strike, but as his wings spread its like moving in soup. He gets struck in the back, singing his feathers before he's struck down on to the ground.
Guides-The-Dead watches as her compatriots are struck by lightening. She turns then, and lifts her voice to The Thing Above That Watches. She calls out "I am Guides-the-Dead, Godi of the Mighty Get of Fenris. Speak! And tell me what it is you want from us, spirit!" Her clawed hands flex, curling into fists.
Guides-The-Dead watches as her compatriots are struck by lightening. She turns then, and lifts her voice to The Thing Above That Watches. She calls out "I am Guides-the-Dead, Godi of the Mighty Get of Fenris. Speak! And tell me what it is you want from us, spirit!" Her clawed hands flex, curling into fists.
<You attacked me with claws, and teeth, you are going to die in me.> The voice booms from above, and then a peer of red glowing eyes looking down at them.<I was going to kill you for disrespected, my part of the forest, now you have proven that death was the right choice. I'm Lighting of Blood, the redish death from above!>
<You attacked me with claws, and teeth, you are going to die in me.> The voice booms from above, and then a peer of red glowing eyes looking down at them.< I was going to kill you for disrespected, my part of the forest, now you have proven that death was the right choice. I'm Lighting of Blood, the redish death from above! >
Sten tries to rise to his feet growling as he looks around. Looking to Guides letting her speak to the spirit as he himself does not know what it says.
Sten tries to rise to his feet growling as he looks around. Looking to Guides letting her speak to the spirit as he himself does not know what it says.
There is a moment of panic from Hrafn as he hits the ground. Being on the ground itself is bad enough, but having things grab at you? Thats worse! Well, soup or no soup, this is not allowed. And also, ravens are slippery creatures. Whatever grabs at him fails and with that he pulls free, spreads his wings and beats them as hard a he can to gain altitude from the ground; he wants back to Aaryns shoulder! Or even Stens! Whomever is closer. Shoulder will be perched, securely.
There is a moment of panic from Hrafn as he hits the ground. Being on the ground itself is bad enough, but having things grab at you? Thats worse! Well, soup or no soup, this is not allowed. And also, ravens are slippery creatures. Whatever grabs at him fails and with that he pulls free, spreads his wings and beats them as hard a he can to gain altitude from the ground; he wants back to Aaryns shoulder! Or even Stens! Whomever is closer. Shoulder will be perched, securely.
Guides-The-Dead's clawed paws flex, and she keeps her head tilted toward the voice from above. <<It says it was going to kill us for.. disrespecting?... its part of the forest, but now it's really pissed because, tooth and claw,>> she pauses, considering, <<but it said we attacked 'it', and that we're going to die in 'it', so it's more than just above, it's all around....>> She turns just slightly to Hrafn, and holds out a strong arm to guide him <<do you know any trickery, Hrafn?>> and then, once more, to the Thing That is All Around, she calls <<We cannot help you regain respect in your part of the forest if we are dead?>>
Guides-The-Dead's clawed paws flex, and she keeps her head tilted toward the voice from above. <<It says it was going to kill us for.. disrespecting?... its part of the forest, but now it's really pissed because, tooth and claw,>> she pauses, considering, <<but it said we attacked 'it', and that we're going to die in 'it', so it's more than just above, it's all around....>> She turns just slightly to Hrafn, and holds out a strong arm to guide him <<do you know any trickery, Hrafn?>> and then, once more, to the Thing That is All Around, she calls <<We cannot help you regain respect in your part of the forest if we are dead?>>
<Honor needs to be repaid, that is fine then you will go do me a simple task, my forest has been attacked by others, with machines, taking my children, I thought you were part of them.> The voice is booms out around then, and those red eyes looking down at them, with another loud crash of lighting, and then his eyes look right at Guides the dead.<Go find me them, and make them leave my forest and make them leave my children alone, no more water for them.>
<Honor needs to be repaid, that is fine then you will go do me a simple task, my forest has been attacked by others, with machines, taking my children, I thought you were part of them.> The voice is booms out around then, and those red eyes looking down at them, with another loud crash of lighting, and then his eyes look right at Guides the dead.<Go find me them, and make them leave my forest and make them leave my children alone, no more water for them.>
Well, this will just not do at all! The raven has no clue what any of the people are saying. The cloud speaks .. cloud! The Garou speaks in Garou and the raven just looks lost. So, he does what any good Corax would do that has the ability to speak to at least one spirit. He calls in the big cavalry! Which, in this case, is the sudden appears of .. BOB! Which, admittedly, in this dark cloud could be very hard to see as he is in the form of a black, large spider. So for poor Aaryn, there is a sudden, new, voice speaking from the ground by her feet somewhere. The voice of a spirit.. <Magnificent Feather innocent.> the voice speaks. Its almost whispering, timid and a bit slow, <Please do not shoot magnificent feather.> it adds, <Mighty blackness. Magnificent feather is friend.>
Well, this will just not do at all! The raven has no clue what any of the people are saying. The cloud speaks .. cloud! The Garou speaks in Garou and the raven just looks lost. So, he does what any good Corax would do that has the ability to speak to at least one spirit. He calls in the big cavalry! Which, in this case, is the sudden appears of .. BOB! Which, admittedly, in this dark cloud could be very hard to see as he is in the form of a black, large spider. So for poor Aaryn, there is a sudden, new, voice speaking from the ground by her feet somewhere. The voice of a spirit.. <Magnificent Feather innocent.> the voice speaks. Its almost whispering, timid and a bit slow, <Please do not shoot magnificent feather.> it adds, <Mighty blackness. Magnificent feather is friend.>
Jagglings. They may be smart, but not THAT smart.
Jagglings. They may be smart, but not THAT smart.
At first, Guide's massive pelt shakes a bit in alarm, and she lets out a steamy, 'chuff'. She lifts a foot, but before she can lower it in the black-on-black creature-spider, it speaks. Guide's large head looks back and does a doubletake at Hrafn. <<Is that yours?>> she chuffs again in disbelief. And, going down.... She retakes her homid form, perhaps just as Hrafn was getting resituated. She gives him a waning look, now, "Really?" she asks "Magnificent Feather is Innocent?" and she rolls her eyes. She sighs, "It wants us to rid its area of the forest from these people who are misusing it chase them off", she says. Them she turns back to the spirit <<Give us one fortnight>>.
At first, Guide's massive pelt shakes a bit in alarm, and she lets out a steamy, 'chuff'. She lifts a foot, but before she can lower it in the black-on-black creature-spider, it speaks. Guide's large head looks back and does a doubletake at Hrafn. <<Is that yours?>> she chuffs again in disbelief. And, going down.... She retakes her homid form, perhaps just as Hrafn was getting resituated. She gives him a waning look, now, "Really?" she asks "Magnificent Feather is Innocent?" and she rolls her eyes. She sighs, "It wants us to rid its area of the forest from these people who are misusing it chase them off", she says. Them she turns back to the spirit <<Give us one fortnight>>.
There is a bright flash of lighting, and then they are back in the middle of the forest all of them, the wounds healed on the bodies, everything is waiting but the storm has passed for now. Still Umbra side, but it seems whatever or whoever they were talking  with had left them be.
There is a bright flash of lighting, and then they are back in the middle of the forest all of them, the wounds healed on the bodies, everything is waiting but the storm has passed for now. Still Umbra side, but it seems whatever or whoever they were talking  with had left them be.
There is another commotion as Aaryn takes human form, the raven not quite ready for that just yet. He lets out a cawing sound before gripping her shoulder a bit more.
There is another commotion as Aaryn takes human form, the raven not quite ready for that just yet. He lets out a cawing sound before gripping her shoulder a bit more.
And, indeed, there on the ground stands a spider spirit. It is large, about the size of a large fist. Eight legs and eight eyes. All of it covered in black, short fur. It looks so .. spidery! It is looking up at Aaryn, all eight eyes studying her quietly. In reply, it says, <Blackness gone.> as if to state the obvious. It then turns to trundle off into the forest.
And, indeed, there on the ground stands a spider spirit. It is large, about the size of a large fist. Eight legs and eight eyes. All of it covered in black, short fur. It looks so .. spidery! It is looking up at Aaryn, all eight eyes studying her quietly. In reply, it says, <Blackness gone.> as if to state the obvious. It then turns to trundle off into the forest.
Hrafn, for his part, tilts his head a bit to the side, "What is mine?" he wonders, "I do not own anything." he protests, "But you meant.. Bob? Bob is my friend. Lets me talk to the Spirits. And yes, seems we have been drafted to assist this powerful Spirit of Vengeance!"

Latest revision as of 12:41, 10 July 2019

Daddy Cloud
IC Date July 9, 2019
IC Time Daytime
Players Royan, Sten, Aaryn, Davidson as ST
Spheres Garou Gaian

The sound of thunder is going on rumbling with the power of god of hate, and rage as the others in the forest are running for cover. The weather just a moment ago was clean sunshine, fresh air not a cloud in the sky, but now it is dark like sin, and the rain is coming down hard as if it is trying to drown the world. This deep out in the forest but around them is nothing but the rain, but in the distance the sun is smiling these 3 miles of forest are getting attacked it seems by a pissed off cloud.

Aaryn had just been walking beside Sten in the forest, having a conversation about the events of their day when the bottom drops out, as it were, and rain begins to pelt. Aaryn gasps at the cold rain against her skin and forces Sten's arm up, to shield her.

Sten looks to Aaryn with a raised brow "Really?" sighing and moving along with a raised arm. "Thought you be abit more weatherfirm" shaking his head and looking up "Though we probably should get in cover or get soaking wet"

Sunshine. Now sunshine, that is something a raven can get behind. But this? Rain? This is the domain of Grandfather Thunder and his evil retinue of crows of the storm! That is definitively not something that ravens like. Also, this was not natural! Bloody rain came out of nowhere while he was busy flying by. Can't fly in rain like this, so down he goes. And, well, it was supposed to be a controlled descend. You know, the sort that gets you under leaves quickly. Sadly, it fails miserably and instead it sends him crashing from the sky and into the crown of a tree. He hits every ugly stick on the way down before he plops on to the ground with a pathetic cawing sound.

There is a crack of lighting but it is odd the bolt is moving through the trees, and then Aaryn leaps out of the way, and the little Raven is rolling to safety, but sadly Sten seems to be the trigger. A loud crack and then the world seems to be laugh as the bolt hits his square in the chest, and then the sound of another bolt is heard.

Sten cries out as he is hit by lightning "FÖR FAN, DU SKJUTER MIG MED EN BLIXT? MIG? STORMYLARE!!? STEN BLIXT?" he looks up to the sky calling at the top of his lungs looking pretty fucking pissed.

Aaryn leaps aside and dives toward the forest floor, the lowest point, for safety. She skids a bit and blinks from the flutter of feathers, back to her packmate, challenging Thor, it seems. She gets it. I mean, for fuck's sake, the guy's rite name was 'Stormhowler'. She looks to the sky, but moves toward the upside-down mass of feathers to assist the raven and says, to Sten. "There is something wring with this storm, Sten. We need to fix it before it gets worse." To the Raven, she blinks and says, "Oh. Hello, Hrafn..."

Roll roll roll! Ever seen a Raven do a barrelroll on the ground before? No? Well, you have now! While Sten is busy screaming his lungs out at the sky and Aaryn dodges the lightning bolt, the raven deftly gets out of the way before turning and doing a little flip before landing on his claws. Wings spread once, shaking out the water before folding along his body, "My dominion of the air is being challenged!" the bird calls out, "This can not stand. Even Helios rays are stolen from me."

Sten growls and shakes his head "You damn fucking right we going to fucking fix this... so what is wrong?" looking over to Aaryn and then to the bird. "Ah Hrafn, do you know?" looking between the two, between the two of them they probably can figure it out. Moving over to both of them and rubbing his chest.

Aaryn looks to the skies and chews her lip for a moment. "I would say it could be an umbral storm, but we are on the bawn... It should protect us unless..." she pauses, "unless the gauntlet has been rended. If it has, we could be in bad shape." She looks to Hrafn, "what do you make it?"

The raven remains on the ground for now, not taking flight into the trees. He does, however, hop closer to the Aaryn and Sten because, well, if there is to be more lightning then hopefully it will take the taller creatures first! "It is not natural. Storms do not attack. Not even Thunders Brood does that. This is wrong. Must find the wrong and contain it."

Another loud crack, but this time they know it is coming through the trees right for them, each of them able to leap away from the blast of deadly lighting, and then the rain is coming down harder.

That was close! Too close! Aaryn goes down on her hip and rolls away from the strike. She pulls herself up on her knees and, with rain-slicked hands tugs the crescent necklace off her neck. Daytime or not, this must get sorted. She golds the metallic moon in front of her, preparing to sidestep and guide the others through the umbra.

A sudden flutter of wings occurs as the raven dodges yet another lightning strike. And that rain? Well, no. That won't do. He does a little 180 in the air before suddenly flapping his wings until he comes over to Aaryn, grabbing a hold of her shoulder. He knows what she is doing and, while he can move in there himself, its best to get there along with them!

The shiny necklace catches what light it can, and throws it back out at the Godi Junge just as Hrafn comes to rest on her string shoulder. Her eyes twinkle in time and, just as she feels reality bend and warble, she moves forward, stepping through the barrier as if it were water, her packmate just behind her.

The world shifts, moves, like the world is shimmering then you are plunged into the black dark, something is odd about it the sound of a thunder, laughter, hate, giggles, all of it moving around you and then the feeling of someone behind you, red eyes peering. But soon they are going to move it seems, something is watching waiting in that icky blackness around you. But nothing seems to move the world is like tar, it is hard to move, breath, do anything but stand there.

Sten tries to struggle against the blackness trying to get out of it "Ok so how do we defeat this?" trying to see if he could identify anything in the darkness or at least get out of it.

Whoop! Well, this is new! The raven finds itself in a situation that is darkness and sticky air. It digs into Aaryns shoulder, "What fresh hell is this?" Hrafn asks, "I can't fly in this! This is not acceptable."

Aaryns lungs expand with each breath, difficult. "...Shred it..." she manages. And then she inhales deeply and growls! As she takes her warform, the sudden shift from flesh to fur beneath Hrafn's claws

Sten shifts into a crinos a large grey war from trying to tear at the eyes trying to claw or bite at them. Trying to see if he could rip apart of this hateful dark soup of red eyes.

Hrafn barely has time to call out, "Something moving under us.." before he lets out a cawing sound as Aaryn suddenly turns into her warform. He clings to her shoulder as best he can. Until, that is, something happens. He has time to see it, but forgets that the air is thicker. He lets go of her shoulder and tries to get away from the strike, but as his wings spread its like moving in soup. He gets struck in the back, singing his feathers before he's struck down on to the ground.

Guides-The-Dead watches as her compatriots are struck by lightening. She turns then, and lifts her voice to The Thing Above That Watches. She calls out "I am Guides-the-Dead, Godi of the Mighty Get of Fenris. Speak! And tell me what it is you want from us, spirit!" Her clawed hands flex, curling into fists.

<You attacked me with claws, and teeth, you are going to die in me.> The voice booms from above, and then a peer of red glowing eyes looking down at them.< I was going to kill you for disrespected, my part of the forest, now you have proven that death was the right choice. I'm Lighting of Blood, the redish death from above! >

Sten tries to rise to his feet growling as he looks around. Looking to Guides letting her speak to the spirit as he himself does not know what it says.

There is a moment of panic from Hrafn as he hits the ground. Being on the ground itself is bad enough, but having things grab at you? Thats worse! Well, soup or no soup, this is not allowed. And also, ravens are slippery creatures. Whatever grabs at him fails and with that he pulls free, spreads his wings and beats them as hard a he can to gain altitude from the ground; he wants back to Aaryns shoulder! Or even Stens! Whomever is closer. Shoulder will be perched, securely.

Guides-The-Dead's clawed paws flex, and she keeps her head tilted toward the voice from above. <<It says it was going to kill us for.. disrespecting?... its part of the forest, but now it's really pissed because, tooth and claw,>> she pauses, considering, <<but it said we attacked 'it', and that we're going to die in 'it', so it's more than just above, it's all around....>> She turns just slightly to Hrafn, and holds out a strong arm to guide him <<do you know any trickery, Hrafn?>> and then, once more, to the Thing That is All Around, she calls <<We cannot help you regain respect in your part of the forest if we are dead?>>

<Honor needs to be repaid, that is fine then you will go do me a simple task, my forest has been attacked by others, with machines, taking my children, I thought you were part of them.> The voice is booms out around then, and those red eyes looking down at them, with another loud crash of lighting, and then his eyes look right at Guides the dead.<Go find me them, and make them leave my forest and make them leave my children alone, no more water for them.>

Well, this will just not do at all! The raven has no clue what any of the people are saying. The cloud speaks .. cloud! The Garou speaks in Garou and the raven just looks lost. So, he does what any good Corax would do that has the ability to speak to at least one spirit. He calls in the big cavalry! Which, in this case, is the sudden appears of .. BOB! Which, admittedly, in this dark cloud could be very hard to see as he is in the form of a black, large spider. So for poor Aaryn, there is a sudden, new, voice speaking from the ground by her feet somewhere. The voice of a spirit.. <Magnificent Feather innocent.> the voice speaks. Its almost whispering, timid and a bit slow, <Please do not shoot magnificent feather.> it adds, <Mighty blackness. Magnificent feather is friend.>

Jagglings. They may be smart, but not THAT smart.

At first, Guide's massive pelt shakes a bit in alarm, and she lets out a steamy, 'chuff'. She lifts a foot, but before she can lower it in the black-on-black creature-spider, it speaks. Guide's large head looks back and does a doubletake at Hrafn. <<Is that yours?>> she chuffs again in disbelief. And, going down.... She retakes her homid form, perhaps just as Hrafn was getting resituated. She gives him a waning look, now, "Really?" she asks "Magnificent Feather is Innocent?" and she rolls her eyes. She sighs, "It wants us to rid its area of the forest from these people who are misusing it chase them off", she says. Them she turns back to the spirit <<Give us one fortnight>>.

There is a bright flash of lighting, and then they are back in the middle of the forest all of them, the wounds healed on the bodies, everything is waiting but the storm has passed for now. Still Umbra side, but it seems whatever or whoever they were talking with had left them be.

There is another commotion as Aaryn takes human form, the raven not quite ready for that just yet. He lets out a cawing sound before gripping her shoulder a bit more.

And, indeed, there on the ground stands a spider spirit. It is large, about the size of a large fist. Eight legs and eight eyes. All of it covered in black, short fur. It looks so .. spidery! It is looking up at Aaryn, all eight eyes studying her quietly. In reply, it says, <Blackness gone.> as if to state the obvious. It then turns to trundle off into the forest.