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|summary  = A group assembled to discuss roles and positions with Dragomir
|summary  = A group assembled to discuss roles and positions with Dragomir
|icdate    = 2019.05.01
|icdate    = 2019.05.01
|players  = [[Khol]], [[Kelli]], [[Cait]], [[Raven]], [[Mora]], [[Lleutrim]], [[Ryla]], [[Frost]], [[Simon Jones]], [[Rhea Logos|Rhea]], Xavier, and [[Dragomir]] as ST  
|players  = [[Khol]], [[Kelli]], [[Cait O'Connor]], [[Raven]], [[Mora]], [[Lleutrim]], [[Ryla]], [[Frost]], [[Simon Jones]], [[Rhea Logos|Rhea]], Xavier, and [[Dragomir]] as ST  
|location  = Caern - Amphitheater
|location  = Caern - Amphitheater
|spheres  = Gaian Garou Kinfolk
|spheres  = Gaian Garou Kinfolk
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[[Category:Khol]][[Category:Kelli]][[Category:Cait O'Connor]][[Category:Raven]][[Category:Mora]][[Category:Lleutrim]][[Category:Ryla]][[Category:Frost]][[Category:Simon_Jones]][[Category:Rhea Logos]][[Category:Dragomir]][[Category:Logs]][[Category:Gaian]][[Category:Garou]]

Latest revision as of 20:10, 19 February 2024

Roles & Positions
A group assembled to discuss roles and positions with Dragomir
IC Date 2019.05.01
Players Khol, Kelli, Cait O'Connor, Raven, Mora, Lleutrim, Ryla, Frost, Simon Jones, Rhea, Xavier, and Dragomir as ST
Location Caern - Amphitheater
Spheres Gaian Garou Kinfolk

The moon is currently: Waning Crescent

xxxxxThere has been some preparation made in the area, to include a few blankets and a small fire. Some torches have been put up for lighting and to keep the bugs away. Even some coolers with some refreshments and drinks of various kinds (player's choice). The discussion is positioned as a semi-circle around a presumably center focal point where an Elder will sit to answer questions and give information. A 'bone' - which is more like a stick adorned with spiritual feathers and bead work has been left in the middle. Traditionally used in moots, so that one person talks at a time and the group is respectful of each other.

Dragomir approaches the gathering, wearing a silver tribal robe - with edgework sewn into the hems. The robe is cinched with a belt, also adorned with feathers from Birds of Prey. His Mohawk is grown out, as well as his beard and bead clips and feathers hang in swoop back from either side of his head. He is carrying a crystal spear and is walking bare foot when he approaches. The robe doesn't do a great deal to hide the muscular form of the man beneath, which doesn't seem to concern the Elder.

Dragomir walks towards the center of the ring, and motions a half-gloved hand to welcome everyone to come closer and sit near to him. A wave of his hand, ignites the fire pit and summons the flames forth. "Come.. sit, let us speak and share Wisdom. This evening I give myself over to you all, to ask any questions you so choose. I will give you the best answer I am capable of, on my Honor."

Battle Singer gets up and walks over to greet Cait in wolf fashion. He says nothing but he does come up to her and sniffs her over to find out what she's eaten recently, who's she's been around, where maybe she's been traveling - whatever his nose might be able to tell him. The Galliard gives a faint wolfish smile and then Seinneadair Blar goes to find a good place to lie down once more that won't be under foot, yet closer to those whom are gathering. The wolf's gaze settles upon Dragomir as he Elder White Fang arrives.

Khol Moves forward and finds a place to settle down into a lotus sitting position. He looks curious, but is respectfully quiet for the moment.

Mora shifts her form to the redhead you all know "I will ask something but I want to wait until others do." it looks like she is trying to think of something. She sites on the ground and waits for people to talk

Cait gives a bright grin over at Kelli and winks at her before her attention is drawn towards Dragomir as the elder walks into the area. She'll rise then and looks down at Battle Singer as he greets her with lots of sniffing, what a nosey guy. Her scent gives away a lot, she smells like burgers for one, lots and lots of burgers, a little bit of pigeons, and there might be a smidge of forest and definitely multiple other wolves. Girls been busy! She'll bow her head to Battle Singer as he moves on and then she'll saunter over towards where the refreshments are, peering in it curiously before she reaches down to grab a beer, if there is no beer, she'll grab a water most likely. Then, she'll move closer towards the circle with the fire and plop down on a blanket, cross-legged. For now, she's being quiet, weird.

Kelli moves over with the others and finds a place to sit. As a kin, she is polite enough to sit back a bit further, letting the garou be in front closer to Dragomir.

Almost he presents a question, yet if he does so while a wolf, kinfolk who may be present may not be able to understand him. So Battle Singer shifts from wolf to near-man and sits crosslegged in his Glabro form. His baritone has dropped to more of a deep rumbling bass, "Aye, an overview might assist with understanding and germinate further questions, Eye of the Storm'rhya." Then Lleutrim will have a question of his own, later.

Dragomir nods and offers, "Let me begin as is customary for the Garou Nation." He rises to a stand, spreading his thick arms to the side and offers with javelin in hand. "I, am Dragomir Mihailovich, known as Eye of the Storm. Elder Silver Fang born on two legs beneath the Judge's Moon. I am the Master of the Challenge for the Sept of the Enduring Spirit, and a child of Eagle." He leans forward, taking up the Bone in the middle and holds it in his half-gloved hand and says, "This, is the cracking bone. It is a symbol of respect used in our moots to allow voice. It is an honor to hold it, and expected any who holds it is listened too. This is an important part of our customs and traditions. Normally the highest of rank is given the bone first, and allowed to pass it down accordingly so all have a chance to speak."

Dragomir turns to look towards Ryla and nods his head, "Yes. A good place to start. Let us begin with the Sept Alpha. Our Nation is built much like that of a pack, we look towards the Alpha for guidance and leadership. They are the greatest voice amongst our Elders and reserve the right to end disputes and make decisions for the Sept as a whole. This position is rarely held by anyone less than Elder in Rank, as it requires the most knowledge, skill, and experience in order to be successful." He states, placing the bone back down in the middle for anyone to take that wishes it.

Ryla adjusts her glasses, looks down at the bone, and picks it up. "How does one become the Sept Alpha? Does it need to be someone already on the Elder Council? Or Alpha of their pack?"

Kelli doesnt say a word, the kin remaining silent in the background, trying to be discrete and out of the way rather than involve herself, pleased to be the polite observer.

Cait takes a deep inhalation as she watches the Elder introduce himself, and then describe the bone and other customs and traditions. She'll lean back on a hand and pops open her beer to take a slow sip from as she relaxes and listens. That's what the blankies are for right? Relaxing? She'll utilize it as she extends her legs and crosses her feet at the ankles. For now, she appears to be able to focus, she's actually paying attention, although her feet begin to twitch, flipping twisting back and forth like a metronome.

Mora listens to what is said as she is following this so far. She looks to Ryla as she trys to remember any story's of non elders becoming sept alphas.

Ryla sets down the bone so anyone else can ask a question as well.

As much as she's watching Dragomir, Raven lets her eyes flicker about the people who showed up to the information session. Noting the commentary about highest of rank first, she waits her turn to allow those above her to make their move. Surely there will be further questions.

Khol seems content to sit, erect and attentive, listening to what is said without interrupting at this moment.

Cait rolls her neck a bit, and as she listens, she'll take another sip of beer. However, as everyone seems to be looking at one another, to see who will have the next question, she'll sigh loudly and roll to her feet to hop up with a little jump. Stepping forward, she'll bend down to take the bone and then asks, "So, Dra.... Eye of the Storm... rhya.", she'll begin with a verbal stumble. "What are the differences with this sept compared to others? Are there any? I know each sept can be unique in their own way, I'm wondering what makes this one different, and what to know that is not usual?" As she talks, she'll move from foot to foot, the girl can not sit still for the life of her.

Dragomir considers Ryla for a moment, nodding his head and says, "Very good questions Twilight's Glimmer. There are many ways to become a Sept Alpha, or Grand Elder. The natural path, is becoming an Elder and having an Elder Council that supports your claim of the position. This is traditionally handled in the form of a Challenge of an already seated Grand Elder. Different tribes have handled this position in different ways in the past though. Currently, Speaks for Justice sits as our Grand Elder. It is possible though to become a Sept Alpha even for an Athro in rank, though it is very rare and virtually unheard of. It is a very honorable position to hold, and likely to be held by the greatest amongst a Sept at any given time."

Dragomir motions his half-gloved hand and says, "Generally speaking, the Grand Elder has a group of Elders known as the Council of Elders which provides advice and opinions on the ongoings of the Septs. These are separate from the positions held, and serve as a Council directly to the Grand Elder for making decisions. To be welcomed onto the Council is a privilege of rank, those achieving the rank of Athro are given their first opportunity to do so." He takes a moment of pause and says, "Often, the Council of Elders discuss policies, make decisions, and vote on what should and should not be done within the Sept at a given time."

Dragomir turns to look towards Cait and considers the question, "There are many things that make this Sept different from others. Every Sept is different, serve different Totems, have different Elders and relationships. This Sept is located in the Americas, and particularly in a less directly confrontational location - so it is generally quieter than most. Many of the Elders here are more laid back, and casual about formalities and the like. For example this Sept is a stark contrast to Septs I grew up in."

Ryla has asked her questions, and waits to hear more from the first one she asked before moving on to her next one.

Kelli nods a moment quietly, she doesnt say a word still. Something Dragomir says however causes a wide smile on the kins lips, her gaze settles on Cait, watching her reaction curiously.

Lleutrim gets up and steps over towards Cait, putting out a hand for the bone if she'll allow him. Then he rumbles low after Dragomir speaks, "This Sept differs from many because it is a Child of Gaia Sept and Bear is our totem. Bear is a healing spirit, among other things. Protective. This Sept is in some ways more progressive than some in that Kinfolk are allowed to do more, if they are capable, even of going into the Umbral Realms as one did recently with myself and others. This Sept also does not beat down and tolerate ill treatment of our kinfolk, nor of our Metis - no matter how the tribes otherwise may view them."

The Adren Galliard looks over those gathered here, "I am told other Septs are far more harsh. Each tribe that establishes a Sept has their own outlook on how to achieve Gaia's goals." Lleu draws a slow breath and his gaze flickers to Ryla "Recently my packmates and I traveled to a Sept in New Jersey that was founded by Glasswalkers. We were greeted by a huge Metis who was wired up with cyberware and a huge gun that was also wired into his nervous system. A place that is as harsh and as alien to us as a futuristic film, and yet still a gathering of tribes united under their totem of Cockroach." The bone is fingered in his large calloused hands ere Lleu looks to Dragomir. The bone is then offered to the next person who may have a question.

As Dragomir speaks, Cait's dark eyes will watch him curiously and she'll arch an eyebrow slightly, almost like disbelief is in her expression. She'll nod though, accepting the answer, and when Lleutrim steps up next to her to request the bone, Cait will hand it over with a smile and step back to let him speak. She'll look interested in what he has to say and nods with a thoughtful look. Signalling her satisfaction for the answers, she'll raise her beer in a toast and takes a sip before she'll turn back to her blanket and plops down again, stretching out comfortably for the next person to ask a question.

Lleutrim slightly wiggles the bone at Raven, his gaze roaming over others who are new or quiet here. Come on, you know you want it!

The Silver Fang Elder nods his head slowly, letting Lleutrim make the point. "Tolerance is a double-edged blade, without a handle. It may seem efficient at first, but too commonly wielded, it results in cutting your own hand." Dragomir motions the half-gloved hand simply from his seated position. Strong legs crossing beneath him as he does so, and peers around. Then he offers, "The next position, is the Caern Warder. This is perhaps the most important position in the Sept, and the only one that operates outside of the authority of the Elder Council. The Warder is charged with the protection of the Sept and the Caern Heart at all costs. They select a pack of their own, known simply as the Guardians and have full say over who may or may not enter the Caern. The Warder answers only to the Grand Elder and is bound to the Sept, and handles all matter of the Caern's security. Here we have what we call Patrol Leaders, like Battle Singer - who assist in the protection of the Caern. All Garou capable, especially those who do not hold a position on either the Elder Council or within the Sept.. are expected to participate on Patrols and in keeping the Caern safe."

Mora eyes look down as the talk of tolerance is said as her mind is wondering as she seems to be lost in thoughts. She looks off for a second but snaps to in kind as others are speaking around her.

There's a lift of a slender brow at the wiggling of a bone in her direction, but the cliath pushes herself up and strides to Lleutrim to take the ritualistic implement. "Thank you, Battle-Singer'rhya." Raven states with a faint nod of respect, then turns her eyes to Dragomir and asks in an even and clear tone, "Eye-of-the-Storm'rhya, can you please explain the intricacies of this Sept's policy on reality bending magic users, Kinfolk or not, and how they should be dealt with, trusted or involved in any Sept dealings or sharing of knowledge?" With that question posed, the woman turns her gaze to the crowd and holds the bone out for the following question-giver.

Cait will still be present, although she'll sink lower and lower in her relaxed position, from sitting up to super duper lounging as time progresses. (OOC: I have to run but I would icly still be here)

Khol continues to sit, his feet crossed in a lotus position, his back erect and his expression relaxed but alert.

Eye of the Storm hears the question and chuckles slightly, "Well, now that's a question. Fair enough Courage-at-the-Crossroads. The short answer to that, is our policies regarding Mages at the moment are in flux. Ultimately the Warder decides on the security of the Caern and those whom should and should not be allowed within the Sept. Personally, I have had a handful of dealings with reality-manipulators. Historically, they are not tolerated, and certainly not allowed near our Caern Heart."

With that, Dragomir takes in a slow breath and he offers, "The reality of the situation though, and what complicates these matters for the Elder Council at the moment.. is that some of these individuals are also our Kinfolk, and we have a duty to Gaia to protect them. Since coming here, I have experienced many.. some have been very useful, and others have been argumentative and even maniacal to the point we had to run them off. Because of that, there is not a set policy against these individuals. We have to handle each case separately and determine who is and who is not a threat to our home and our Sept."

"Part of that consideration comes from the Master or Mistress of the Rite. The Rite Master is responsible for our dealings with our Totem and the spirits, and in charge of protecting our spiritual interests and relationships healthy. Our Caern is a tremendous source of power, and our Totem, in our case Bear, is tied directly to it. The Rite Master guides all Caern rituals, including the Moot Rite in which we give of ourselves to help recharge the Caern and our spirits. There has been cases in the past, where these reality-manipulators took it upon themselves to steal power from our Caerns for their own ends."

While waiting for another taker, Raven does given her full attention to the commanding speaker. She doesn't seem to draw pleasure from the question or answer, clearly having wanted to know how the rules of the Sept apply to these situations. "And as no one else has stepped up, I would thank you for the candid answer. Knowing who to speak to about those kinds of issues is extremely helpful." Then, a moment later, she asks, "And having been a Kinfolk for many of my years, I would also ask about the policies and who shapes them in regards to the mixing of Tribes when it comes to Garou and Kinfolk marriages. My understanding is that Tribe sticks to Tribe, but being the open and...lenient Sept this is, I don't know that it applies here. Does that mean that this Sept is a sort of 'safe haven' for those who do not wish to follow the tenants of the Tribes in general? I don't ask this question in a disrespectful way, but I want to understand how the philosophies here create tension with other Septs, Tribes or other groups that don't share the same values." She pauses a moment, then adds, "If this is a better topic for another time, then I would withdraw this question." Again, she glances to the others to see who would be next in line.

Ryla sits and waits to hear more. Nothing more for her to add, with so many questions pending answers.

Dragomir takes a moment and tips his head to the side, glancing at Raven for a long moment, and then slowly over towards Lleutrim with a bit of a predatory grin. "These are very good questions, questions that your Elder Council often wrestles over in fact. There are not many easy answers to them, but that is also the nature of the Wyld - to always be evolving, growing, changing and adapting to our surroundings." The man crosses his thick arms over his chest and says, "First let me try to answer those questions, and then introduce my role in them as another position. Each Tribe is represented by a Tribal Elder - the highest in rank, whom you can bring your concerns and questions to. They often decide what is best in the interest of their tribe within the Sept. Many of which are Elders themselves, and sit on the Council to help represent their tribe's interests. The matter of mixing tribes, and tribal.. marriages?" he pauses and offers, "Lets refer to it as mating, since marriages is a human world concept, and shouldn't be confused." He gestures dismissively with his hand, "That is also a predominantly tribal discussion. This Sept is far more lax than I am used to, but I am also Silver Fang and our breeding is as much a matter of pride as it is often a matter of debate."

Dragomir grins feral and says, "That is precisely why there is my position, the Master of the Challenge. Because it is rare we all agree, and all too often that disputes such as this begin. This Sept has not had the benefit of a strong Master of the Challenge in some time, and I hope to change that. My role is to adjudicate and officiate over the challenges and disputes within the Sept - and ensure that a fair contest, by whatever measure it takes, is used to find an honorable winner. Not to be mistaken with 'fair', as that is not a concept within our Litany, and often misconstrued."

Ah, Raven has dared to not only accept his challenge to take the bone from him but posed not one, but a series of excellent questions. The tall garou in Glabro reliquished the ritual bone to her and faintly curls the corners of mouth in his scarred face. Aye, he looks pleased with her pluck. Lleutrim moves to resume his seat and listens, watching both the speakers and allowing his gaze to travel over the others so gathered.

Once more the Child of Gaia Ahroun gives a nod to Dragomir's assessment. "A very intricate dance of protocol and politics seems to involve many positions in the Sept to find an answer suitable to our culture in this case." Raven once more glances behind her to see if anyone approaches and not noticing anyone, she chooses to crouch and set the ornate bone down with care, using both hands. As she rises, she gives a deep nod of respect to Dragomir and as she backs away, she states, "I hope with you, sir. Without the laws that bind us we become much less than we could be." Then she turns and returns to her seat in the front row.

Ryla sees the bone is sat down, and has another question, "Who has the authority to determine whether or not someone with a Sept position is shirking their role or handling it poorly? Or is that simply up to someone noticing and challenging for it?"

Rushing and knowing he's late, Xavier makes it to the amphitheater. He skids to a halt, "Sorry I'm late." he says as he walks over to where everyone is. He's quiet now just in case he may have interrupted something.

Lleutrim sits cross legged in his glabro form as he watches and listens. All around them kinfolk and garou are gathered, blankets shared to sit upon, a warm fire built and blazing. Lleu gets up from time to time to add wood to it to keep it going. Dragomir is leading the discussion and the ritually carved and decorated bone is being handed around to those who wish to speak and pose questions. Battle Singer turns his head at Xavier's arrival and beckons him to quietly join in.

Dragomir nods and offers, "There are many other offices for the Sept. Some of which are used, and some are not here. Most commonly are the positions of Truthcatcher, intended on hearing grievances involving crimes against the Sept or the Litany. The Master or Mistress of the Howl, who leads the Opening Howl at the Moot rite and is also responsible for determining how introductory howls should be conducted. The Caller of the Wyld is responsible for summoning the Sept's totems during moots. The Keeper of the Land is responsible for the upkeep and physical maintenance of the Caern and the bawn." The Elder motions his half-gloved hand, pondering and offers, "Also the Gatekeeper, who maintains, opens, and is in charge of deciding who can and cannot use the Caern's moon bridges. The Talesinger who speaks of great exploits, stories and deeds of the ancient and contemporary heroes at moots. Perhaps one of the most important minor positions, is that of the Wyrmfoe. Their purpose is to lead the Revel at moots, but also to decide on matters of War and to lead Hunts. They often have a great deal of say in such things as, how to handle threats to the Sept."

Dragomir takes a moment to ponder Ryla's question and chuckles, "Well, the Elder Council has the authority to remove or appoint someone if they can come to an agreement. Though this is not normally the way things should be handled. We are a Nation built on challenges, which helps to ensure the most fitting person holds each position. For example, I felt the position of Master of the Challenge was not being properly handled - so I challenged accordingly and took the position. As long as your rank is appropriate, anyone can challenge accordingly. It is generally inappropriate for someone beneath the rank of Adren to challenge for a Sept position though."

Frost slips in and finds herself a spot to sit, quiet as she does so and as she attempts to not disrupt things already in progress.

Starjumper enters the grounds, eyeing the crowd gathered. He spots Khol, moving towards him he sits on his haunches and nudges the kins arm with his muzzle.

Lleutrim gives Ryla a subtle gesture that he would like to have the bone when she's finished, though she may yet have other questions until then.

The cub is quick and quiet and he sits down next to Battle Singer. He turns his attention to Dragomir as he explains the positions of the Sept and honestly he's glad he made it. It's one thing to read up on it, but another to be in the presence of someone explaining it. Letting out a quiet breath, Xavier just listens for now.

Sitting down in the front is a Raven, legs stretched out infront of her and her hands resting on the back of the log with arms straightened to support her weight. The Coggie just seems to be content listening for now.

In the back, a large number of blonde women and black curly haired men shuffle in quietly to listen and watch in good faith in the same fashion of that huge family that's ALWAYS late for church. In the center is Rhea, taking mental note of what's being said to ensure she's kept up to date with Sept policy and the like.

Khol sits cross legged near the front, his posture erect, listening quietly to the others. When starjumper settles next to him he smiles and nudges back lightly in a good natured way.

When the bone is held out to him Lleutrim rises to his feet to take it up with a nod of thanks to Ryla. He stands unusually tall in his glabro form, hulking with muscle and scars. His gaze sweeps once more over those who are gathered here to see if he needs give introduction - yet everyone he sees here he knows. Thusly he looks to Dragomir.

"Eye of the Storm'rhya, you said one should be of Adren or higher rank to seek a Sept position. We know that one may challenge for a position and take it that way. One may also be asked to take up a Sept position, and if they refuse, they may suffer in renown for shirking the responsibility they are deemed most suitable to." His baritone rumbles in a deeper bass than usual. "If one desires, yet is uncertain to which position they might best serve the Sept, whom might they go to for guidance? Any Elder or is there a particular position that traditionally would handle that request?"

Starjumper nudges Khol again, and stands on all fours and moves to stand next to Lleu, who has just spoken. Seems the wolf might wish to speak as well.

Dragomir is seated in the middle of the semi-circle, wearing a silver tribal robe that doesn't leave a whole lot for coverage as he sits cross-legged. Mohawk, beard, lots of feathers dangling off his head and belt. Also a large crystal spear he's been known to kill many things with nearby, in the grip of one hand as he speaks with those assembled.

At Lleutrim's words he raises a half-gloved hand and says, "Let me clarify, so you don't misquote me and cause the elders to lose more hair than they already do." He brings his hand down and says, "It is abnormal for a Cub, Cliath or a Fostern to serve in a Sept position. Those are the ranks of self-discovery, the time of learning and a chance to determine who one is going to be within the Nation and what they are to be. They are the self-reflection phases of a Garou's life, culminating is becoming a brother and part of the pack. During those ranks there is still a great deal of immaturities, and difficulties such as mastering one's rage or understanding the implications of pissing off spirits. There is also normally someone higher rank taking those positions as well - so it isn't really a matter."

The man's intense blue eyes watch as others come in, and he motions for them to come close and join the circle instead of sitting in the back like creepy lurkers. He looks back towards Lleutrim and says, "There are many Elders you can speak to in the Sept. It is normally a good idea to gain support from members of the Elder council before you try for a Sept position, in my experience. As much as we like to believe we are above such things, there's a lot of bitches in our world." He shrugs slightly and then adds "As for what position you are most suited for.. some positions lend better to certain auspices than others. For example.. Galliards often seek positions like Talesinger, or Caller of the Wyld." He takes a moment of pause on the last, then dances his eyebrows suggestively at Lleutrim with a grin.

Starjumper nudges Lleu's leg, indicating he wants the bone next.

Heh. Lleutrim bares his teeth in wolfish humor at the Silver Fang Elder's opening reply. He gives a slow nod to what Dragomir has to say, listening. It isn't clear if he asks this question for himself or the edification of all others gathered thisevening. Battle Singer is attentive even as he allows his eyes to roam briefly over others who are listening. A barely there nod for Starjumper in comprehension. Then his focus returns to the Silver Fang Elder. Dragomir makes him grin wolfishly a second time, "Aye, politics ... duly noted. Thank you, Eye of the Storm'ryha for sharing your thoughts with us." The ritually carved and decorated bone with it's leather, beads and feathers is handed off to Starjumper. The Fianna lays a hand briefly on the other garou's shoulder and Lleu moves to resume his seat.

At the behest of Dragomir, the Logos Clan slowly get up, shuffling, sneaking things back into baskets, and come forward almost as a cohesive unit before sitting still a bit back, tho quite notably closer. Clearly, they're making room for Garou or others to get closer if need be. A few have seemingly brought snacks, though the Matriarch herself mainly just watches as bureaucracy unfolds.

Frost also does the shuffle, standing up to move closer with the rest of those that are doing the same. She settles into her new seat, looking between Dragomir and Lleutrim as they talk, paying close attention.

Xavier isn't speaking or asking questions, he sees that there is a bone being passed around and those who have it get to speak. Still the questions he would have is probably being answered or will be answered. Still for now he continues to be silent watching and taking in the information that is being provided to them by Dragomir. When Battle Singer speaks, he looks up at him taking in what he says to her, and he turns to look at Dragomir and as the Elder speaks, he nods his head and knows that he can't be in a position unless he's of a higher rank than the first three that was spoken of. He seems to nod to himself a little bit.

Mora scoots over to Xavier and gives him a look of encouragement but she says softly not to speak over any one that is talking "You can put your paw on the bone and ask any question about rank you have, cubs are welcomed to more then cliaths."

A glance is given to Mora and Xavier and for a moment Raven just stares, as if considering something. Then she pushes herself up, causing the muscles in her arms and shoulders to go taut briefly before she makes her way to Xavier as well. She takes a seat next to him on the other side from Mora, draws a sigil of the Children in the dirt/dust of the ground between them and then just sits there. Sort of like backup.

Is that... a full blown charceuterie board?! The Logos are quiet right now, but that's not to say they're not going to eat! There's fresh raw game as well as cooked and cured meats and cheeses. Stuffed dolmas are silently passed around and a sweet spring wine is uncorked. Nothing fancy, but something simple to eat as they pay attention and listen to what's happening. Rhea quietly waves to Xavier, Mora, and Raven, smiling as she's offered a dolma that she takes, but doesn't eat.

Starjumper takes the bone from Battle Singer in his maw. He respectfully moves to Dragomir and drops the bone in front of him. Hard to hold that and talk in lupus. He moves to face the group gathered, <Some of you know me, some of you don't. I am rite named Winds of Change, known in my human form as Simon Jones. I was born as you see me now under the full face of Luna. I was born and shall always be a Stargazer, I am Adren in rank and a member of Zephyr's hand." Now that those gathered know him, he turns to face Dragomir. <You speak of the early ranks as being a learning time for garou. I agree it is, but not everyone learns atthe same pace, and not everyone can make Elder in a rapid time.> He pauses a moment, its not typical for an Ahroun to play Ragabash, but Stargazers are know to be fairly balanced and have some wisdom. <YOu must admit, you made rank fairly fast, and are now the master of Challenges for our sept. I think it important to mention and share that not all rise quickly, and not all are destined to gain sept positions.>

Xavier with the encouragement, from Mora and now Raven, he places his hand on the bone as he does have something he wanted to ask. He does feel a bit at odds a little, just because he seems to be the only cub in this gathering. Can't help that, but he knows things have changed majorly for him since coming to this Sept and he wants to do what he can and learn as much as he cna.

A double thumbs up from Rhea as the others smile at the cub. His own personal fan club of encouragement! The matriarch smiles and lips 'you got this' to him, then nibbles the dolma and - ooh, is that Auntie Hec's cookies? Hell yeah!

Despite sitting there quietly for this long, Raven looks like she's about to completely interrupt Winds of Change for a moment with the body language of someone who really disagrees. There's a twist of her features before she closes her eyes and exhales, forcefully, and makes herself remain silent and in place. Ignore the way she claws at the ground with the hand opposite Xavier.

Dragomir nods and begins to stand as Starjumper speaks and smiles, "You are absolutely correct. There is very little in the Garou Nation that is truly static. I can tell you many stories of exceptions to what is considered the Wisest path, most have become fables and legends that we use to teach our Cubs from the mistakes of those that have come before them." The Elder motions his half-gloved hand and says, "I rose to Elder very quickly.. with the help of a strong pack, and great Elders to guide me. That is very fair to say, and that does not make me better than anyone here or in out Sept. What I have had the luxury of, is in knowing what it took to get each Rank.. my failures as well as my successes, and a wealth of experience both within this Sept, and decades of experience outside of it as well."

"Each path in Gaia's light is different, beautiful, and with great purpose. We grow and develop in time, and under different levels of tutelage and assistance from those around us. Some flourish, some wane, and some die on the vine. It is the nature of things, of course. I would discourage a Cliath or a Fostern from trying to take a Sept position, just as I would discourage them from taking a mate too soon. Those are lessons from my experience, and my Wisdom to share. Yours to take or ignore as you choose." He smiles and bows slowly towards the group. "I will be holding a discussion on Challenges tomorrow, I welcome you to attend and bring others. This has been a rewarding experience, thank you - but I must leave now."

Lleutrim is among those who, thus far, has gained ranks quickly. Only last summer he was a man of middle age who'd never even heard of the garou or the Nation, nor had he been aware of supernatural beings of any kind. The former Marine turned Galliard sits cross legged and listens. A faint smile is offered to Frost when his eyes alight upon her - for he had mentioned her deeds, if not her name, earlier this evening. Lleu looks back to Starjumper and Dragomir as they each speak in turn, interest in this answer.