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|icdate    = December 9th, 2017
|icdate    = December 9th, 2017
|ictime    = Late Evening
|ictime    = Late Evening
|players  = [[Brooke]], [[Pancake]], [[Halona]], [[Sergei]], [[Dragomir]]
|players  = [[Brooke]], [[Pancake]], [[Halona]], [[Sergei]], [[Dragomir]], [[Terminal Velocity]]
|location  = Somewhere in the wilderness
|location  = Somewhere in the wilderness
|prptp    = Project- Black Helix
|prptp    = Project- Black Helix [[2017.12.09:EventfulPatrol|'''Part 1''']], [[2017.12.19:Interrogation|'''Part 2''']], [[2017.12.24:UmbralRecon|'''Part 3''']], [[2017.12.24:PhysicalRecon|'''Part 4''']], [[2017.12.27:BlackHelixAssault|'''Part 5''']], [[2018.01.07:Storm and Fury|'''Part 6''']]
|spheres  = Gaian Garou
|spheres  = Gaian Garou
|themesong = A theme song for the log
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[[Category:Terminal Velocity]]
Sergei has been having a wonderful time settling in to the Sept of the Enduring Spirit. Once he got over the hot weather, the strange wildlife and having to speak english to all the two leggers. This evening is all about a long range patrol out near the territory of one of the kinfolk wolf packs. For his own part he's proceding apace in lupus form, ranging about the group's line of travel and sniffing all the things.
Sergei has been having a wonderful time settling in to the Sept of the Enduring Spirit. Once he got over the hot weather, the strange wildlife and having to speak english to all the two leggers. This evening is all about a long range patrol out near the territory of one of the kinfolk wolf packs. For his own part he's proceding apace in lupus form, ranging about the group's line of travel and sniffing all the things.

Latest revision as of 12:29, 10 September 2018

An eventful patrol
Brooke leads a patrol group out near the territory of one of the lupus kinfolk packs
IC Date December 9th, 2017
IC Time Late Evening
Players Brooke, Pancake, Halona, Sergei, Dragomir, Terminal Velocity
Location Somewhere in the wilderness
Prp/Tp Project- Black Helix Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Spheres Gaian Garou

Sergei has been having a wonderful time settling in to the Sept of the Enduring Spirit. Once he got over the hot weather, the strange wildlife and having to speak english to all the two leggers. This evening is all about a long range patrol out near the territory of one of the kinfolk wolf packs. For his own part he's proceding apace in lupus form, ranging about the group's line of travel and sniffing all the things.

Like the Wind is wandering along with Sergei as well, sticking mostly to the shadows, doing the ninja thang that she does so well. Twice, she's managed to get her fur caught in brambles and had to be rescued, but mostly, she's just a sneaky little bitch.

Iris is also in lupus, which I have totally not set a desc for as of yet. Not that it takes more than saying she's a little on the small side, not quite as robust as other wolves but she's not frail either. Black coat with random silvery and brownish highlights, and amber eyes. Boom, lupus desc! She keeps up pretty easily, and looks up as much as other wolves look down, sniffing up ahead or towards tree tops, occasionally getting way too interested in a bird up there or a lizard hanging to the side of a tree.

Hushed Blaze leads the patrol around. Her eyes dart around, checking all out. She looks back from time to time to see what the others are doing. Not know Iris before they met to go out on patrol, she watches over her more often. So far, so good, as the Lupus patrol makes it's way around.

Howling-Wind is not a ninja, especially not in woods so far from his place of birth. White fur stands out more than a little so he makes a gift of it and is being out near the front where he can be seen as is proper for his auspice. He pulls up short and sniffs the air, his ears folding back just a touch.

Like the Wind continues to edge forward, even after Howling Wind stops. She cants her head to the side, this way and that, ears swivelling, nose working, eyes skimming the area around

Hushed Blaze sees Howling-Wind stop and looks back to him. She sniffs around, eyes looking carefully as well, ears alert. <<What is this?>>

Howling-Wind snarls as he snifs >>Humans.<< and then he starts sniffing around the ground to try and find a trail.

Hushed Blaze edges forward slowly, eyeing the direction the others have found the scent. Looking to get a better look, and watches Howling-Wind leap.

Iris activates... nothing, cause she hasn't got anything in particular to activate, so she just rocks her natural wolfishness. >>Hunters?<< she huffs in quiet question with her nose tipped up and nostrils twitching, >>Honestly is it too much to ask for people to just go with hunting season and not be dicks in the back woods?<< Yes, Iris, it is waaaaay too much to ask.

>>Hunters? Probably.<< Windy edges forward further, further, taking her time, circling off to one side. In the pack link that all but Iris shares, she says ~Hushed Blaze, I'm going to sneak ahead and circle around if that's okay.~

The group of hunters with human smells around them are found without much trouble. There are five members to that group- two look like their carrying tranq guns, one is pulling a hand cart with some cages stacked on it, one has a cowboy hat plus fancy expensive gear and the fifth? Well that's the thing. The fifth looks to be as much monster as man- Hulking over seven feet tall, skin covered in boils and rashes, hands twisted into grasping claws and a hard tusked jaw jutting out as he sniffs at the air.

Hushed Blaze watches what she can and over the pack link says ~Yes. See what you can spot. This is trouble and we need to be smart about it.~

Iris slinks stealthily up near Brookewolf, as the odd woman out, so to speak, in terms of pack and pack link, she figures it's probably best to stick near her temporary alpha for the nonce to hopefully avoid any fubars on her part and not miss any orders coming her way. She pokes the wolf in the throat with her nose in a companionable gesture, though her eyes are kept out towards those... dudes. >>I haven't yet learned how to smell Wyrm trace, but if that's not a fomori, then I'm a potato.<< she notes very quietly while bigger wolves than she do ninja-like recon.

~~Fuck.~~ From Halona, that's... something. ~~Spirals.~~ Halona edges around further. ~~Stay up wind. Don't let them get your scent.~~

Hushed Blaze darts her eyes to Halona and her head drops a bit. She quietly notes to Iris, as she is so close. <<Stay low, keep out of their range of scent. We need a plan first. These are bad people.>>

Howling-Wind gives a low growl as he sniffs and follows Hushed-Blaze's direction >>fancy hat the leader? Leaders tend to like fancy hats. Fomori for muscle. Kill him first or kill the fomori first?<<

Hushed Blaze thinks a moment and responds. <<We take out the leader first, the others will not know what to do without him. Perhaps we can distract the muscle while the leader is left more vulnerable.>>

>>Damn right they are...<< Iris agrees, hackles standing way up and practically sweating an agitated scent. Not.. frightened exactly, but fomori and spirals with cages do not do good things for her mood, that's for damned sure and dredges up some particularly bad memories. >>I'm game for whatever you decide is best, Hushed Blaze. There's enough of us, one or two could hit the spiral and the rest could hit the guardians, take them out before they can aid their leader? Or just wolf-pile on the Spiral.<< She doesn't sound entirely sure, but then she's a Theurge, not a battle hardened Ahroun, and is just tossing out a random suggestion.

Iris adds to that, >>You got it.<< when some orders come down.

Howling-Wind ripples into war-form with silent swiftness and he gets his boar tusk fang dagger out and ready to go. He crouches, ready to leap on the leader guy and stab him when Hushed-Blaze says go.

Hushed Blaze shifts into Hispo with as little sound as she can muster, and says to Howling-Wind and Iris ever so softly <<Iris and I will attract the muscle. Howling-Wind, you get the leader. Like the Wind will make sure they cannot retreat. As soon as the muscle comes toward us, you go, got it?>>

Iris immediately follows suit as her acting alpha shifts up into hispo, matching her in shift if not in size. Her ears flick in what is, essentially, a nod sort of gesture. For a wolf, I mean. Her posture shifts and adjusts ready to leap out and get some attention!

When she gets the go-ahead signal, Iris lunges forward on nearly silent feet, bulky body rustling just slightly as she shoots through the underbrush to leap towards the critter thieves! She lands squarely on the big cancerous looking um.. thingie. Not that she really wants to put that nasty thing in her mouth, but you do what you gotta do, damn it. It's not a perfect throating by any means, more it's a very sound shouldering as she clamps jaws down and tears out a pretty significant amount of flesh there. That, that's gonna hurt in a second. And also she's going to need a good gallon of Listerine later, because eew. Just.. Eew.

Hushed Blaze follows after Iris and lunges forward as well, but by then they know something is coming. She bites, really good, but not enough to cause damage.

Howling-Wind watches as the other warriors go for the fomori before he lauches into the air and lands on mister fancy hat fang dagger first. The blade, and his fist and a bit of his forearm, explode out of the guy's chest and as he kicks the body free and it slumps to the ground it melts back into its metis breed from with the twisted scars and markings of a black spiral dancer.

Like the Wind has circled around the far side of the enemy formation. Looking to cut off their line of retreat. That looks to be an excellent idea since when their dead metis form boss in his cowboy hat drops dead to the ground and two garou jump on the fomori and start tearing into it the three human looking lackeys go to run. The one with the cart is a bit slower though, and doesn't seem to be inclined to abandon it. The situation stands with Hushed-Blaze and Mercy's-Messenger engaged with the diseased looking monstrosity and Howling-Wind snarling after the fleeing enemies.

The puss dripping boil covered monster snarls as it gets jumped on and it lashes out at Iris with one of its gnarled claws. A deep gouge across her abdomen to send her staggering.

Howling-Wind whips around and howls as he leaps at the monster to slash at it with his dagger. But the creature is now fully engaged and much harder to nail down.

Hushed Blaze growls as she sees Iris attacked and hurt. She bites with all her might again, and this time damages this nasty thing.

In a flurry of rage the monster strikes out again and it catches Hushed-Blaze solidly on the shoulder and...she takes it like a heavy pat, growling.

There is a hulking monstrosity of a wyrm beast. A humanoid fomori about seven and a half feet tall, skin covered in boils and rashes, a tusked orc jaw, and gnarled claws for hands that its flailing about to great effect. Hushed Blaze is wounded and the creatures last blow knocked Mercy's-Messenger back and to the ground bleeding. Howling-Wind has his fang dagger out and is looking for an opportunity on the monster. Like-the-Wind has chased down one of the three lackeys, the one pulling the cart of cages (some of which have whimpering coming from them). She's taken a bite out of the guy who looks like he's on his way to panic town. The other two lackys are toting tranq rifles and running off into the woods. On the ground near by is the scarred and twisted crinos of a black spiral dancer with a cowboy hat on its head and a gaping hole (front to back) where its heart should be.

Iris is gored and knocked back into the dirt and fallen leaves! The hispo's eyes blazes with a moment's crazed fury, lips peeling back as some small portion of her wounds heal in jagged scars, but she's no Ahroun and the hippie's anger only extends so far. With a groaning breath her head drops down onto the ground and her eyes close as she's either killed or just completely knocked the fugout, whichever it happens to be. As a result, the massive wolf's body quickly shrinks and shifts into her breed form, the homid lying in a torn and bloody heap. Which sucks man, that was like her favorite (and only) shirt. ..And body, also her favorite (and only!) body.

The puss dripping monster takes another swing at Hushed-Blaze and her hispo jaws snap at its wrist, driving it back.

Faster than a speeding bullet.. wait no, that's a giant white direwolf moving like a freight train from up behind the massive Wyrm creature. It springs forward are neck-breaking speed and slams two heavy paws into its back to knock it over with a snarl over the packlink <<Like the Wind, get Mercy's Messenger to safety now! Hushed Blaze, Howling-Wind.. don't let it get back up!>> The wolf instantly snapping out orders.

Howling-Wind leaps at his Alpha's command and stabbs his fang dagger into the back of the creature's neck. Not quite the same blow through that he go on the spiral but its spine is now powder and its trachea is now goo.

The Silver White Direwolf growls at the death of the creature beneath him, pleased and turns towards the fleeing henchmen. Over the pack-link <<Hushed, take the one on the right>> and he bolts off towards the one of the left. There's no mercy shown, the massive wolf runs down the man and reaches out with a brutal jaws and rips the hamstring out of the back of his leg with a sickening rending sound of torn flesh and a growl. <<Howling-Wind, check the perimeter.>>

Hushed Blaze growls and runs at top speed toward the fleeing man on the right. She leaps and with her jaws she bites into the man,taking him down.

Howling-Wind peels off as instructed to have a look around while his Alpha tends to business. Serious threats handled means the dagger gets sheathed and hispo form gets dropped into as there's sniffing about to be done.

Iris, given to the tender ministrations of the local ninja, turns out not to be completely dead yet, hooray! Her eyes flutter a bit as a bit more of her wounds close themselves through the power of the Mother's Touch, not entirely gone by any means, but there's no arterial spray or anything. She sounds like she's mumbling, "Arc.." while groping for Like The Wind's hand in her heavy daze, a ways away from the bloody battle ground where it's theoretically safer.

The Silvery White Wolf snarls, looking between the two henchmen and notice that Hushed Blaze also downed hers without killing it. That means there's two.. they don't need two, just one. Without mercy the wolf steps onto the back of the man, pinned beneath him and reaches down his white muzzle to snatch the life from the throat of the man in a simple and brutal snarl. <<Drag the other one back - we will question him.>> As he starts to shift back to the form of a man.

Hushed Blaze drags the other man back to Dragomir, and once he is there, she settles next to him, growling.

Dragomir lifts his hand, wiping the blood from near his mouth away as he starts back towards the cages, "Someone tell me what happened, what you encountered.." and a glance is given towards the dead BSD and he snarls lowly at just the sight. Then a glance to the cages again, "Anyone know what we have here?"

There's a whimpering sound from three of the cages, juvenile canine distress.

Hushed Blaze nods in her wolfie way to Dragomir. <<We were out on patrol, when Howling-Wind sniffed trouble. Trouble with ill intentions to the Sept. We approached carefully and spotted this lot of nasties. I made a tactial decision to take out the muscle over there,>> she noses in the direction of what was that 7ft tall monster, <<while Like the Wind blocked their exits, and Howling-Wind took out the leader with the fancy hat. Mercy's-Messenger attacked with me, and took much damage. She is brave, that one. It is good you were able to hear our calls via the pack link. This is another reason for more group training, so we can all fall together and lead when we need to, and organize together no matter what make up our group is on patrol.>>

Dragomir turns his head to look out, saying over the pack-link, <<Howling-Wind, come back in.>> perhaps wanting to make sure everything is okay, and then he nods and looks towards Hushed Blaze. "You're doing a good job, continue." he motions, as though he is going to follow her lead. A glance is given towards the wounded Iris, then towards the cages, then back to Hushed Blaze once more.

Iris makes some pretty distressed sounds of her own where she's lying, keeping her eyes firmly up on the sky and tree branches above, teeth gritted hard enough to make her jaw creak. Getting some of her senses back is awesome, but also she's got bigass holes in her and her sense of OH GOD OW is also one of those that she regains. She works her fingers and toes in a flexing rhythm though while trying to focus on her breathing, one of those tricks you learn to try and focus your mind on something other than pain and try to keep your noise level relatively low.``

Howling-Wind pads back in, in hispo now. Heading first over to the cages and he gives them a sniff >>Yearling cubs. Not sure if they're coming or going though.<<

Hushed Blaze looks to this fellow they have here, growling, then turns to Dragomir. <<Question this...male. Find out what is going on.>> She then says to Howling-Wind, <<Take care of those cubs. We need to figure out how to return them where they belong. No mother should be without their young.>> And to Like the Wind, <<Is there anything else you can do to help Mercy's Messenger? We will need to get her back to the Caern.>>

Howling-Wind drops all the way down into lupus and starts making reassuring noises at the pups in the cages. If he opened the doors they might run off and that wouldn't help.

Dragomir nods to the order given, and works first on the ancestor blessing of persuasion but feels it take no effect. A nod is given, it wasn't meant to be - then he draws upon the teachings of Falcon for the Truth of Gaia. He walks over towards the injured man and kneels down to look into his face. "I am Eye of the Storm, halfmoon of Silver Fang. I am going to ask you some questions. If you lie to me, I am going to inflict great pain as punishment upon you."

The sole surviving lackey has been looking about nervously, clutching at his wounded leg. When Dragomir speaks the poor guy wets himself.

Hushed Blaze is there, at the ready, while Dragomir speaks with this guy. <<Like the Win, is there anything further we can do for Mercy's-Messenger?>>

>>Give me a moment. I'll heal her again<< Windy never said she was GOOD at it.. only that she could do it. ANd then she tries again, keeping an eye on the guy over there before she focuses on Nearly-Dead Iris

Dragomir speaks in a dreadfully calm manner, "Tell me what your group was doing here and if there are others still out here. The Russian remains crouched down, and ready to do something cruel to this minion of the Wyrm if they try to lie. The scent of urine doesn't seem to phase him though. No sympathy. #badlifechoices

Oooooooh shit yeah that's better. Iris lets out a long, shuddering breath and briefly closes her eyes while her wounds close up a bit further. Still there, but only half as bad as the 'how are you still alive?!' amount of there they were a second ago. And man, what an endorphin rush from rapid healing! "Thank you.." she whispers to Halona after a second, now that she can.

The minion shakes his head "Just us. Collecting some test subjects for a proof of concept project. Androgenetic Actualization of the meta-gene."

Hushed Blaze eyes this guy, growling softly. <<This sounds like we only stumbled upon the beginning of something sinister. We need to return this guy somewhere to be held accountable. Get these cubs back. Tell the elders.>>