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[[Category:Sara McMurrough]]
[[Category:Violet Beavers]]
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[[Category:Iris Marie Rigas]]
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|icdate    = December 02,2015
|icdate    = December 02,2015
|ictime    = Nearing Midnight
|ictime    = Nearing Midnight
|players  = [[Yuri]] [[Connor]] [[Sara]] [[Dre]] [[Xaviar]] [[Iris]] [[Natasha]] [[Violet Beavers|Violet]]
|players  = [[Yuri]] [[Connor]] [[Sara McMurrough]] [[Dre]] [[Xaviar]] [[Iris Marie Rigas]] [[Natasha Korikov]] [[Violet Beavers|Violet]]
|location  = Caern
|location  = Caern
|spheres  = [[Garou]] [[Changeling]] [[Fera]]
|spheres  = [[Garou]] [[Changeling]] [[Fera]]

Latest revision as of 18:35, 22 March 2023

Night Court
Yuri and Iris Mediate a Dispute
IC Date December 02,2015
IC Time Nearing Midnight
Players Yuri Connor Sara McMurrough Dre Xaviar Iris Marie Rigas Natasha Korikov Violet
Location Caern
Spheres Garou Changeling Fera


Dre stretches out a bit and as he does he nods his head to Yuri. Looking to Natasha as she introduces herself, "I'm Dre, of the Shadow Lords." he says as he looks to her. "And yeah, free food is always good food. Please, lets eat." he smiles and gestures for Natasha to sit with them. "Well we should Yuri, or is there something I should be calling you because you are of teh same tribe as me and teaching me."

Yuri is sitting on a rock rather close to the fire and speaking to Natasha and Dre. Natasha has a bunch of food that smells like something from Smoke and Barley.

Natasha settles on a rock a fair distance from the fire for her own comfort. She doesn't dig in to the box just let letting the wolves eat first it seems or at least choose what they want from the selections of ribs and chicken.

There's no commotion, no loud voices.. just an uneventful arrival. Sara keeps her head up as she walks, boots firm on the path. She doesn't greet anyone, until there is, she gets closer to the fire.. "Hey Yuri." The other two get nods of acknowledgement.

Connor has arrived.

Yuri looks to Dre, "The proper term for someone of higher rank is the honorific 'Rhya'... So, you should call me 'Yuri-Rhya' or 'Defends-the-Weak-Rhya' You're going to be learning a lot over the next few weeks." He smiles a bit, "Have you been enjoying the city?" He looks up when Sara enters, "Hello Sara, please, come sit."

Connor had to find a parking spot for the motorcycle and then of course hoof the few extra miles on foot. He comes along a few minutes after Sara, lifting a hand in greeting as he spots the small gathering

Nodding his head, "Sorry about that Yuri-Rhya." he says to him. Dre is grateful for the food, "THank you Natasha." he says to her and takes some ribs for himself. "I'm liking the city just fine, with the help of a few people, Liam-Rhya, William and his mate Wanda have helped me, and a few others and now I feel I'm welcomed here." he tells him. "Just still getting the hang of things." he states. "Please eat Natasha." he smiles over at her. Though when Sara and Conner comes in, he nods his head to them in greeting having not met them. Natasha reaches for a rib once the other two have theirs, it really doesn't take much encouragement to get her eating. She though is quiet and just listens after all new things abound.

Sara steps up those last few feet and is settling into a seat just as Connor arrives.. she's got a smile for him.. warm and soft. But she's quiet for now as the other conversations play out across the fire. When Dre tapers off, she gives a quiet introduction. "I'm Sara, I'm Connor's kinfolk wife." Not just quiet for Sara, but genuinely quietly spoken.

Connor makes his way towards the fire, smiling back to Sara. His nostrils flare as he takes in the scent of some good food "Ohh, someone starting a party?"

Yuri looks up, "Liam is Kinfolk, you do not need to call him Rhya... William, you should though." He smiles when Connor enters, "Yes, Natasha here brought food. Please join us old friend." He grins a bit, "Connor, this is Dre, a newly arrived cub of the Shadow Lords. Trying to get him up to speed."

Xaviar has arrived.

Looking over to Connor and Sara, he waves, "Yeah, nice to meet you." he says as he finishes his food. "Thank you Natasha." he says to her thanking her for the good food. As he looks to everyone, then back to Yuri. Listening to his words, "Ah, well he was teaching me, but I will keep that in mind from now on." he explains. "Xaviar-Rhya also has helped me quite a bit. There is still a lot that I'm getting used to, but I need to."

Sara's lip twitches a little as Dre's speaking, but hands that have fallen in her lap rise to touch Connor's like she just new he was going to take her shoulders. She keeps silent still, just listening to Yuri introducing the others to Connor.

Natasha shakes her head, "It was Liam I was just there and able to bring it out here on my way home." She offers Dre a smile though and finishes the rib she was gnawing at.

Speaking of Xaviar he walks into the caern with his pack on looking around as he does taking a moment as he stands there. He walks up to the group with a smile and a nod.

Connor smiles, giving Sara's shoulders a squeeze "Ah really then? Lots of learnin' ahead of ya." he grins and nods over to Natasha "Don't think anyone could turn down a meal from tha Smoke."

Yuri smiles slightly, "Yes, lots of learning. At least he's got a good teacher." He smirks a bit and looks up to Xaviar, "Xaviar..." He turns to Natasha, "Thank you for bringing the food out here to us. Not having food makes for a dull party."

Xaviar smiles widely, "Hey Yuri, what's up man?" He looks over at Dre as he smiles, "Hey Dre man, I hope you keeping up on your changing form practices." He nods and then looks over at Natasha, "good to see you made it out here Natasha, was wondering if you were going to well become a perm fixture there over at the Smoke and Barley." He says with a friendly wink and then finally looks over at Connor and then Sara, "Hey there." He says with a wave.

Natasha laughs softly, "It was a test of will not to pull over and eat on the way but then Liam would have had my hide i'm sure." She gives a nod of recognition to Xavier then looks over at Connor and Sara's, "I am Natasha Korikov, a pleasure to meet you. I am Khan kinfolk."

Leaning back but keeping near the fire, Dre turns and just watches everyone for a moment. This place has a habit of drawing everyone to it, "Well isn't that what I'm supposed to be doing?" he asks Yuri. He waves to Xaviar as he comes in, "Yeah I am." he tells Xavier. "Each is unique and have their uses." He nods to Natasha about Liam sending her with food. "Well I need to talk to him about a job, so I will thank him next time I see him, but glad you came anyways." Though when Connor speaks, up, Dre looks to him and Sara and notices that Sara hasn't spoken.

Sara looks up when she's spoken to.. and she answers in a quiet tone, "Hello." Nothing more or less from her mouth, but there's just no attempt to mask the way the kinfolk studies the Uktena like an engine that needs torn down. She doesn't hold the look on him for long, catching sight of Dre's expression she gives him a brief, forced smile before she looks back at the fire. "Khan.. that's one of the.. Bastet.. yeah?"

Yuri nods to Sara, "Yes, it's one of the Bastet..." He turns to Natasha, "Tigers right?" He chuckles slightly, "There is quite a lot for you to be doing Dre. You're going to be busy learning your place in the tribe and nation. As for a 'job', what is it that you are skilled in?"

Iris comes in from Deep Forest - Mystic Shrines Iris has arrived.

Connor rubs Sara's shoulders softly, giving her another squeeze. He keeps quiet himself, content to just listen to the back and forth

Natasha waits in a lull of the mens conversation to answer Sara, "Yes, were-tigers." then she settles back to listen again her arms wrapped around her knees as she sits on the ground.

Xaviar nods, "That's correct, they typically are the leaders among the Bastet... The best fighters as well." He takes am moment to looks over at Dre a moment, "Hmm.. Well Natasha welcome to the Sept of the Enduring Spirit." He smiles at her and then looks over at Sara a moment studying her back and with that simply smiles at her turning he looks over at Dre, "Good, Good... I'm glad to hear that, we should go running together through the woods sometime."

Sara shudders a little and closes her eyes.. her arms lowering to her lap and crossing in front of her. She murmurs something quietly to Connor.

You whisper "Can I ask what Yuri wants so I can leave?" to Connor.

Connor lifts his brow a bit, at Sara's murmur, but dips his head in a nod for the woman

Iris meanders out of the temple, which is her hidey-hole of choice, and follows a rocky path down towards the group she sees in te main cavern, head tilted curiously to look over the others with only a little touch of apprehension lifting her eyebrows. Gripping her backpack tighter, she continues closer, and lifts a hand in a quick wave to the others. "Hello."

Yuri looks to Sara, "What's wrong Sara? Please, feel free to speak your mind here." He looks to Iris, "Hello there. Please help yourself to the food if there is any left. Compliments of Smoke and Barley by way of Natasha."

Dre doesn't respond right away, he waits for the others to speak and express things, looking to both Sara and Natasha as they are the ladies here and should be heard just as much as the men do. He then replies in turn, looking to Yuri and Natasha, "I didn't know there were other weres outside of us." he states. "But then I shouldn't have thought otherwise." he states. "I don't think I introduced myself to the others who have come, I'm Andre Johnson. But I go by Dre, I'm Shadow Lord. I know I will be doing this with most I meet, but this is something I'm used to not doing." he states. He looks to Yuri and Xaviar, "I wouldn't mind the run, and as for work, pretty much anything physical. I do enjoy running, but as long as someone shows me how to do something I can do it. I don't have a car,, don't know how to hunt. But I have done things to make somewhat of a living." Dre speaks freely, it's something he was told was alright to do form time to time. "Sara and Connor nice to meet you both."

Natasha watches Xavier for a moment but simply does not correct him it is not her place or so she seems to feel. Instead she occupies herself with another rib as there is safety in eating.

"Yuri..." Sara says quietly, "I'm not feeling my best. I'm still nervous in this place because I don't feel protected here, and I don't wanna see all the work done t' calm Connor down yesterday undone with the moon this full. So if there was there something you wanted to talk to me about, I'd appreciate hearing it please?" She hears Iris' voice and gives a nod in the young woman's direction. "Hey."

Yuri nods, "Yes, Sara... I heard there was a bit of a disturbance here last night? I wanted to see what happened..." He looks into the fire, "It's my job to mediate this sort of thing."

Natasha rises to her feet, "If you will all excuse me I have to be at work very early in the morning I should go." she nods to the people gathered and edges her way out, "It was very nice to meet you."

Natasha moves to Large Cavern - Deep Forest Natasha has left.

Iris does not intrude in on the conversation after the initial greeting. She nods to the others she recognizes, then to the ones she doesn't, and finally takes a seat nearby, setting her pack down by her feet. She rubs her hands together, stifles a yawn with a hand over her mouth, and turns watchful eyes towards the rest.

Xaviar had to go pee it happens to all of us as he dashed off and comes back quickly looking over at people keeping quiet a moment as he stands there standing next to Dre.

Sara's quiet for a moment... then she looks up again at Yuri, bringing her hands back to Connor's on her shoulders. "Well.. Xaviar said I told the enemy that William was a garou, and I breached the veil, endangering myself and others. He said his accusation was supported by the spirits and proof. Then he said it was Cynthia who told him and the fae who back it up. I was being seriously obnoxious before he levied the charges, and verbally violent after he did it.. but I never unsheathed my blade." She looks up at the man she's speaking about. "Does that sound about right for the first part?"

Dre is quiet and when Xaviar stands near him, his ears twich slightly and he looks over to Iris. "Hello." he says to her. He then focuses on Sara and Yuri, listening and watching whats going on and hoping things become ok.

Xaviar nods, "I would like to work things out between us if possible. Somethings were misunderstood and tempers flared. I will be the first to admit things where handled in bad form that night." He says simply as he stands there. "Yuri or Iris, you would do well with this mediation and resolve." He mentions, "I would suggest we handle this in three separate parts, Number one our conduct on that night between me and Sara, then me and Connor, and then the accusation third." He mentions, "If needed I can go into the temple and Yuri can talk with me there so not to stir tempers with my words." He looks over at Dre, "Watch closely philidox are lawyers and judges of the Litany what we live our lives by. We also come to them to settle disputes and such if they come up between us. I would suggest you play close attention."

Iris's eyes catch sight of Dre, and she nods back, returning the greeting, "Hello." though she keeps her voice down so she does not interrupt the discussion of serious matters. She opens up her backpack, and takes out a roll of white linen, setting it carefully aside on the rock by her side. Then she takes out a small notepad and a pencil.

Yuri smiles and looks to Iris, "Cliath... Would you like to help with this?" He then turns back to Xaviar, "We need to get these out in the open. If people can't control their tempers, they will be dealt with." He turns to Dre, "If anyone acts out, you will put them back in their place, understand?" He smiles a bit, looking back to the Uktena, "So, Fostern, what do you have to say about what caused the disturbance?"

Violet comes in from Large Cavern - Deep Forest Violet has arrived. Iris looks up from her notepad, and after blinking at Yuri for a moment she nods, and sets it aside. "Yes, umm...rhya." she must not have a face to go with the name, but she seems quite confident she got that right. "How should I? I have a flute of peace, if it's needed. And I can listen." she speaks very softly, uncertainly.

A small half foot long zebra tail lizard, common to the deserts in this region, pops it's head up scurrying onto a rock and sits there watching people with tiny indigo eyes.

Dre looks a bit confused with Yuri and Xaviar but he nods his head. "Alright." he says. Both Yuri and Xaviar know what moon he is, but he wasn't ready for this yet. He looks over to Iris for the moment, then to Connor and Sara and sighs. Rolling his shoulders, and looking more of a fighter now, "Please keep this civil." he says to them.

Xaviar tilts his head, "Simply put, Sara walked in calling garou and the Elders fucktards in a very vulgar statement stopped in front of me and then asked were Alessio was and she said hurry so I can get of your lands showing a big amount of disrespect and drawing attention to herself. Connor was being a good attentive husband at the time and after I gave just as vulgar statement back but it was out of fun, I love how Fianna swear sometimes. I asked her to curb her tongue if she would please and said it nicely. She responded more vulgar and her temper flared. She said something very very upsetting and my temper flared and released a dangerous secret. I accused her breaking the veil releasing a very pent up secret I have had been swallowing down for awhile now and told her I have been looking the other way. Coarse Connor got upset, I didn't want to fight either of them and we needed to get out tempers down or I would have killed one of them so I just flatly walked away Muir stepped in and prevented Connor from coming after me and I walked off removing myself after telling Sara that I am a healer and theurge that I had no wish to fight other then if I give advice listen and heed it well.."

"The Accusation itself that at the Snowpeak Tavern she had told someone that William was a werewolf in order to intimate them among a few unknowns which then drew attention to William. This was later told to me by Cynthia in the presence of Trekome and confirmed by one other person who has ties to the fae, a friend named Carolyn and one other. It had nothing to to do with spirits confirming it."

Yuri nods to Iris, "Just pay attention and listen. Take any notes you want, at the end, we will discuss what you think is the appropriate outcome." He looks to Sara, "Sara, did you out William to non garou?"

Sara's jaw begins to twitch.. but she keeps her hands on Connor's shoulders and doesn't make any move to get up as she addresses Xaviar directly. "Since I was asked t' speak my mind.. I'll tell you I don't give even half a flying fuck about what you think of me you pretentious shit-sack.." Sara doesn't raise her voice, she's just as quiet as she's been all night.. only more vocal now. "I have no fucking intention of talking behind anyone's back.. and Connor's my mate.. he was there for everything both with Cynthia at the original situation.. with Xavier and I.. then with Cynthia and William after Xavier left.. if there's any issue.. it's his, not mine, to bring and his, not mine to answer."

"My first statement was that I don't have ancestors livin' under my bed I have boogeymen.. but if I run into one I'll make sure t' ask why he was such a close minded xenophobic fuctard - in response not to Xaviar but to a Rokea's comment about the war or rage.. that I walked in on.. cause I do that.. I walk in on a conversation and I let fly what ever's on my mind.. when Xavier misunderstood me I called him stupid with big words.. he called me unwise and disrespectful. I said I was here t' see Alessio.. and then he called me an air-headed blonde cunt. I asked Connor's permission to respond.. was given it.. and I cut Xaviar down like a retard. He responded with the accusation."

"My first concern was making sure William was never compromised.. he's got a pregnant kin too. That was some serious fucktardary you tongue waggin' scrotum cheese eating bastard." Sara looks at Dre then and states.. "This is me being civil, I'm pregnant too don't touch me." She then turns back to Yuri and grunts before she continues. "I can tell you what Cynthia saw and heard, and what she thinks she saw and heard.. keeping in mind she's a little bit batshit but a good hearted Gaian. The truth is Cynthia saw me call Connor, in Connor's presence, a "werewolf" to a group of Fae and Fae Blooded and Fae Enchanted in a sacred place of the Fae, who needed to know in that moment who and what he was because he was really pissed off. He can tell you more about that privately later. It's a matter of his official capacity as the Shining Walker - the harbinger and messenger between his tribe and the Fae so they all were going to be in the know about what he was anyways. It had nothin to to with Garou society, laws, spiritual matters, secrets, or the location of the caern. I called my husband a werewolf.. an if you ever see his mug in the dreamin.. you'll say uhhh yeah dawg.. he's a fuckin' werewolf alright.. Cynthia took it as my breaching the veil - and apparently went to George about it, who told her to talk to me and Connor.. but she didn't talk to us. Instead she went around claiming I was outing a garou and breaching the veil. So that's on her. William had nothin' to do with it and there was no breach, and no litany violation. I don't talk about the garou to the Fae an I don't talk about the Fae to th' Garou. And despite Cynthia's concerns that I'm tongue waggin about her all over town - I ain't even corrected HER lies when she starts telling Garou she's a mage instead of a rakin. I'm angry. I hate this place. I don't trust this sept. But I am not a servant of the wyrm and I will not fuckin' sit around and be called one -again- while I bust my fuckin ass out there on the front fuckin lines every day. So fuck you, your bullshit, and the pretentious fucking farce." Arms cross and Sara glowers at the whole gathering. "Can I go home now?"

Taking his time, Dre didn't have anything to take notes with, but he knew he would remember most of whats going on here. As the meeting or whatever you want to call this started, he is quiet and he even moves from where he was sitting next to Iris. Moving so that he could see everyone here easily, he doubted he owuld be able to stop anyone, but he would do his damnest to make them hurt if anything came of it. Still he hope this would be civilized to some degree. As Xaviar starts things off, the Shadow Lord pup listens, taking in his words and concerns as everyone else is, he wans't around for it, so all he could do was keep his comments to himself. As Xavier finished, he looks to Sara as she was the next to start talking after Yuri asked her to go. When Sara begins speaking, he listens to her, his ears flicking forward as he listens, and the more she goes on the more he starts to feel that there was mis-communication on someones part. Still again he wasn't there, but when she tells him not to touch her because she was pregnant he nods his head, "As long as no fight starts we are good." he says simply. He wouldn't hurt her, sorry he isn't a fucking monster, and he would beat down anyone who would even go after her while she was pregnant. He knows she has a mate, but still it's just wrong to mess with a pregnant woman, PERIOD! Still he stays where he was and when Sara finishes, he looks to Connor and Yuri, it seems that this Cynthia person needs to be brought in, but she's not here so he wonders what will happen next.

Iris unrolls the white linen cloth, and sets the object contained within on her lap: a small wooden flute, decorated with tiny feathers. She has the notepad at hand too, and might as well take notes, though she just jots down a couple of things. For the most part, she bites her pencil while she listens. She's probably trying to keep a look of judgy neutrality on her face, but she can't help frowning, wincing, or blinking in shock at various points throughout both statements, head shaking briefly, eyes down. But she bites her tongue, and her pencil, and keeps quiet.

"And by the fuckin' way - the Rokea likes me - so yeah.. I know I need a fuckin' attitude check." Sara adds with a winded huff.

The lizard skitters closer watching this confrontation/discussion play out. This has definitely got it's attention! But so far it's silent not wanting to interrupt.. However a lizard would interrupt.

Xaviar tilts his head, "Hey, I did say there was miscommunication and misunderstanding on both counts. After I had learned a bit of your interaction with Lars and a few others, I can understand why you have a justified worry about those here." The man's stoic look on his face very unemotional there. "I like the rokea too. And Muir tends to be better in judgement then I am." He admits. "I will say this, I wish I could take back what I said about you Sara.. If you will accept an apology and maybe return one unless Yuri thinks I should do more."

Yuri chuckles a bit, "Ah... Sara, always so blunt... People bitching at each other is to be expected. If we didn't throw words around, it would build till people throw fists. Sara knows that quite well." He shakes his head, "I don't think the name calling and such raise to the level of an offense. Garou are expected to resolve issues like that amongst themselves. As Sara is kin, you can not challenge her, and she can't challenge you. If you have an issue with her, challenge her mate as she is his responsibility." He looks over to Iris, "Do you think an apology is sufficient? Of course injured party would have to accept it."

"I hope you get fleas you lying asshole.." Sara snaps at Xavier. "You said the spirits backed your claim I was a fucking traitor. If you thought I was for even a second it was your god damned duty to tell someone. That's not the kind of god damn secret you keep! William and Wanda and their baby woulda been in danger and your emotional fucking butthurt outburst of a LIE could have killed me AND Connor's baby... it's almost a full fucking moon and you called me a traitor in a sept full of garou and claimed proof! So fuck you! Your apologies and your whole fucking existence!" Now she's being loud.. in fact she's screaming. Fortunately.. as was pointed out, Sara s not the legally defined "offended party" rather Connor is.. who seems to have wisely excused himself somewhere amidst Sara's rant.

When Yuri speaks, Iris raises her head to listen, and frowns for a second to think about the question posed to her. She stops biting her pencil, and is about to speak up when Sara cuts in, and she flinches. At the end of the rant, she looks respectfully at Yuri, clears her throat, and replies in a low voice, "I... don't think an apology would be sufficient. And it's probably safe to say that the injured party's unlikely to accept it, anyway." she mutters the last with a look towards Sara.

Dre still hasn't moved, he only looks from person to person even as Sara begins to get mad and scream at this point. His eyes focus in on her, "Please calm down." he says to her. He doesn't care if she snaps at him, but she is with child, thats his concern right now. Which would show in how he speaks to Sara, he doesn't raise his voice, but it's calm and controlled. Lookign to everyone elase and then to Iris as she speaks up and Yuri. He nods his head and moves to keep watching.

Xaviar looks over at her, "And I told you to curb your tongue for that reason before it." He frowns, "We are getting no where here." He says to yuri, "If connor wishes to challenge me he may. Weither a lie or not, the facts remain true.. You broke the veil, you did it in front of people that weren't garou and did it in a public place. You ran your mouth drawing attention to you in the middle of caern when I suggested you curb it you saw the name calling instead of the advice given and even I got hot tempered at your response. Really Connor isn't involved but now the father of your unborn child is involved in a fight he didn't really have anything to do with other then his responsibility for you."

The little lizard looks back and forth at the speakers before piping up. "I want popcorn. This is better than flixingnet." The lizard peers around as if searching for a source of popcorn, failing to find anything, the lizard sits back on it's hind legs and curves its arms like its holding a tub of popcorn and tossing something into its mouth.

Sara's hands push through her hair and she looks at Dre.. she listens to him and not only does she quiet.. she sits down near him and lowers her head, rubbing at the back of her neck. Stil mad, yes.. even madder when Xavier speaks? Yep. But she doesn't actually respond with any words. She just looks at the half-moons.

Yuri shakes his head, "Sara is an extension of her mate, Connor, who out ranks you. Telling her to hold her tongue could be construed as a challenge to Connor, which would allow him to choose the nature of the challenge." He smiles a bit and looks to Iris, "You're right, I don't think we're going to be able to solve this with words. Unless my gifts are failing me, Sara did not out William to the fae. And Connor is well known to the fae, so her mentioning that to them doesn't violate the litany in my opinion." He looks to Iris, "Do you agree with this assessment? Please, speak your mind."

Xaviar tilts his head, "Then I will surrender to Connor over the accusation..." He says as he looks over at them, "I do not wish this going any further but on a condition this surrender is that only and respectfully he talk with Sara to learn proper etiquette and agrees to use her mouth more wisely this condition is mild. I will take this as a lesson and myself learn better judgement and use my own words more wisely. I believe we were all in the wrong on this one we shouldn't use hearsay as a point in fact or let out tempers flare over shit like this."

"I heard no lies, either." Iris speaks softly, then considers the question, "They Veil shall not be lifted, but... the application of this law to others, who are not human, is not as clear. In this case, it sounds like the Veil had already been lifted, in the abstract, by the longstanding pacts between the Fianna and the Fae. In this case, Sara may have outed Connor-rhya, but he seems fine with this, and there were no humans present." she speaks softly, then shrugs at the end, hesitating before speaking, "I don't think Sara broke the Litany."

Sara keeps her head down and her hands on the back of her neck.. listening in silence. Clearly the capacity for respectful listening is there - at least sometimes.. in small doses.

Yuri nods to Iris, "Then we are in agreement on that part. Connor and Xaviar will need to come to an agreement as to what is to be done since Sara did not lift the veil, and she was accused of such in the caern. If they can't, we will..." He smiles, "I can be very... creative in my punishments."

With that all said and done.. Sara does say, "I'm sorry I screamed.. mostly sorry cause it gave me a fuckin' headache.. but no matter how mad I am this isn't my house.. I'll try and work on that. I know it's on Connor but I've got the capacity t' at lease feel like an ass about it and acknowledge that.. can I please go home now?"

Yuri nods, "Yes, go home... I'm going to leave as well." He stands up and brushes his pants off.

Iris listens to Yuri, biting at the inside of her cheek as she thinks, then nods her agreement, keeping any further thoughts to herself in deference. She runs her fingers lightly over the flute on her lap, and glances curiously between Sara and Xaviar.

Sara will seek out Connor and go with him - not making any more trouble for Xaviar tonight.

Xaviar doesn't disagree... He simply is silent for awhile, but then says "Go home Sara, have a good night rest, cuddle to your man what you and he have is beautiful... Have connor talk with me sometime, or send me communication on what he decides after you explain things to him, ok? And thanks for the apology you have mine as well." He with that sits down and looks at the lizard. "Hmm.." He chuckles as he smiles, "You forgot your Rabbit jerky." He with that hands her a fist full and sits down.

Yuri goes home. Yuri has left.

The little lizard takes the rabbit jerky and begins digging holes and putting the pieces in the shallow holes burying them in the ground or under rocks nearby. The lizard looks up at Xaviar "But she didn't apologize for anything but being loud when she said she hoped you got fleas on your anus. Does that mean you're only sorry for loudly accusing her?"

Talking lizards, too. Iris blinks. Then she takes the linen cloth from nearby and starts to wrap it up, carefully, around the flute, bundling it up neatly into a roll which she then puts inside her bag. Throughout, however, her eyes barely leave the reptile.