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Revision as of 20:19, 27 May 2017

C. Richard Cromwell is a new face in Prospect, California. He comes from the east coast, where he worked as a consultant for commercial entities that needed help learning new things. Things like the Bayesian hierarchical normal intrinsic conditional autoregressive model, nonconvex selection in nonparametric additive models, asymptotic fail probabilities, and stochastic regression. The stuff that makes a business more viable, obviously.

He has zero stars on Yelp.

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Akashic Brotherhood The
Celestial Chorus Quick
Dreamspeakers Red
Euthanatos Fox
Hollow Ones Jumps
Order of Hermes Over
Sons of Ether The
Verbena Lazy
Virtual Adepts Brown
Nephandi Dog

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If you add me, I will add you.

Adora - First met at Project Roasters. Desperately wanted to know where I found a 1910 publication of Principia Mathematica. An adequate answer was provided. She may have it by now. Prominent adjective: ebullient.
Sunil - First met at Prospect Roasters. He has made a career in studying and countering a very grave subject that affects 409.5 out of 100,000 people in California each year. His easygoing nature allows him to handle it in stride. Prominent adjective: affable.
Falke - First met at G Street and Fifth Avenue. Watching him evaluate our drinking water in Prospect made me think of Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene theory of job satisfaction. He is highly motivated, has few complaints, and works hard. Prominent noun: buddy.
Faith - First met at Wafflemania. √-2. Prominent adjective: stochastic.
Serqet - First met at Wafflemania. Nothing else of note or interest. Prominent adjective: jejune.
Sae - First met in person. Able to preprocess and organize large volumes of disparate data and make qualitative decisions. This is a useful talent in the modern era. Prominent adjective: connected.
Molly - First met in person. It is stated that two of the hallmarks of success in business is the ability to be flexible and the willingness to learn. I have high confidence levels that she bears these qualities. Prominent adjective: diligent
Linnete - First met in person. Of the vast majority of people encountered here in Prospect, it is safe to say that you are the closest to personifying non-deterministic behavior. I will leave you to make it productive. Prominent adjective: autonomous
Bieta - First met in person. Our business is concluded. You have your instructions. Please follow them. Prominent adjective: tractable
Crowley - First met in person. Ours is a tiring bureaucracy, but it remains ours. I believe you will be an instrument that helps identify new opportunities to advance our priorities here. Prominent adjective: unadorned
Alexandra - First met in person. I can understand your enthusiasm. Let me remind you that performance is the watchword, and metrics will determine your placement. Prominent adjective: spirited
Killian - First met in person. I find him receptive to instruction. He will find me eager to teach. Prominent adjective: heedful
Aldos - First met in person. There is an order of operations that I believe you will understand in time. Prominent adjective: ambitious
Aldebaran - First met at UC Prospect. I believe it was Sophocles who said 'A wise doctor does not mutter incantations over a sore that needs the knife.' You see this, don't you? Prominent adjective: imprescriptible
Aerie - print('\n'.join([''.join([('Good&True'[(x-y) % len('Good&True')] if ((x*0.05)**2+(y*0.1)**2-1)**3-(x*0.05)**2*(y*0.1)**3 <= 0 else ' ') for x in range(-30, 30)]) for y in range(30, -30, -1)])) Prominent adjective: indefectible
Eden Huxley - First met in person. You take to a mission with unerring confidence. My expectations of your success were not unfounded nor are they inaccurate. Prominent adjective: adjudicated

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Richard Cromwell

C richard.jpg

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Full name: Courtney Richard Cromwell
Nationality: American
Occupation: Actuary
Nature: Autocrat
Demeanor: Judge
Blood Type: O-
Known For: Punctuality

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RP Hooks
  • Plan: Consider whether or not you feel like RPing.
  • Do: Choose Richard as a viable RP candidate.
  • Check: Contact Richard (ICly or OOCly) to determine availability.
  • Act: Meet somewhere on the grid and have a whopping good time.

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