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Mr. Liebowitz
Three lives ended. Two of mercy, one of punishment
IC Date Wednesday
IC Time Just After Midnight
Players Velok (Storyteller), Gray Worm, Misa
Location Prospect
Spheres Mage and Shifter and Mortal


Glenhurst - Barham

xxxxxThis suburban street is only slightly crowded with cars parked on either side in both directions before their respective homes. Children can be heard laughing and playing during the daylight hours. The homes lining either side of the street are only slightly run down, with more of a lived in feel than anything else. Mail boxes stand before each home, some with more dents and dings than others, likely from teenaged hooligans performing drive bys with baseball bats.

xxxxxIt's a rather dark night when the two of them leave the club. If there was any concerns that Velok was just trying to get Gray alone for the stabby stab stab, they might be abated when Velok leads Gray to the car and grunts for him to get in. When they're actually out of that stupid place, he finally lowers his hood, revealing the full depth of his gaunt look. "I like that place." He mentions. "I didn't want them to ban me from it if I turned Erzsebet into a puddle of red paste." He comments as he starts up the car, driving out into the road after everyone has their seatbelts on.

Seatbelts are for mortal men! I am no man, I am... Okay, Gray will wear a seatbelt. After some fiddling around and twisting and likely a little bit of general all around confusion. "Fuck happened to you?" he asks Velok as he lowers his hood, blunt as always, and tries to get comfortable. "Fucking cars..." he comments, but doesn't complain much otherwise. "You want to kill her?" he asks him, tilting his head to peer sidelong at the likely buzzed possibly drunk man driving him.

xxxxxWhere they're going isn't entirely far. Never that far to get to Suburban America. "I'm just doing my job." He comments at the mention of why he looks so weird. Eventually they pull up near Suburban America, driving through the already open private gate. "I don't want to kill her, you know? I don't. But she keeps POKING me and PRODDING me and at some point. At SOME point, I'm just gonna give up being nice." Velok comments. For someone who had a couple drinks, he drives remarkably well. Eventually he pulls up to the curb outside one of the houses, opening up his door and slipping out and taking a look around.

"I understand." Gray responds to the doing his job thing. And really, he does. Even if it doesn't seem like it! "You should just kill her, then. If you warn her, it is her own fault for continuing." he states, just spewing Wyrm logic in that general direction. When they come to a stop, he slides out of the car, and stands to crack his back with a few disturbing noises, and a little sigh. He has no idea who does and doesn't drive well, it's not something he's observed often. "What is your job anyway?" he asks him, staying near the door in case he needs to get back in. Not that it matters, he can run the speed limit, but he can look human when he needs to.

xxxxxFollowing Velok and Gray wasn't exactly hard, even if they did have a bit of a head start. Velok isn't exactly being entirely sneaky about all this. Maybe he's not that worried, or he doesn't necessarily care if they were followed. They've made their way into private Suburban America, slowing down with headlights turned off. Eventually they pull up to a curb and Velok gets out of the car, closing his door. Gray gets out as well, but stands near the door. "It is her own fault, and I should kill her. That will solve a lot of my problems, but if I don't do it right, she'll get revenge by killing someone I care about. So...." Velok reaches into his pocket, fishing out a pen. He kneels down next to the car out of Gray's eyesight, and when he comes back up, he's holding a full metallic bow within his right hand, the bow normally found attached to his back. Totally kept under the car, totally. He reaches back and affixes the bow where it belongs, looking off down the street of Ticky Tacky boxes. "One of the houses down there has a man who needs to die." He says with a shrug, as if Velok has no fear that Gray is going to quickly run to the cops.

Gray doesn't care! Not really, anyway. "Okay." he answers him, no questions asked or anything. He does reach down for a moment, digging in the side of his boot, and eventually pulling out... A small blade, a small scythe! Just about the size of a dagger, but similar to a curved sickle. He balances it in his hand for a moment, swings at the air a few times, and nods. "Lead the way." he tells him, moving closer to Velok so he can follow. "Why do you say this? She is not immortal, is she?" That's totally a thing, right? Sure it is. "I do not know much about her, but she does not like me much eithe,r I think."

Misa slips out of the car and even is nice enough to throw a couple bills at the driver as she slips out of the car and quickly moves to take cover behind the car in someone's driveway to get a good angle on the others. OH SHIT! lights! where are they? We're under... of right white people put those stupid motion sensor lights on everything. Fuck.

xxxxxNow that they're alone, or at least Velok thinks they're alone, he reaches up and removes the hood around his head. His face is gaunt, his skin pale, his eyes hollowed. He's still Velok, still with those shining bright blue eyes, but the rest of his face gives off a 'Grim Reaper' esque visage. He locks the car, turning and, with Gray, starts to walk up the block. Just two casual guys on a stroll through a quiet neighborhood. "She's immortal, in a sense. Killing her will end this life and she will simply have to take a new body." He stops to glance back towards where an automatic light sensor went off, staring towards it for a few moments, then continuing on. "Must be a cat. It's that house." Velok says, reaching an arm up and pointing towards one of the houses. Quiet place, single red corvette parked out front, lights off. "Looks like he's not home, but they are. We'll need to be quiet."

"What is she, then?" Gray asks, pausing to look back at the light, and seeing Misa. Eh, whatever, who cares. It's just Misa. "Do we kill all of them?" he asks the man, simply, then looks back to him. Normally sociopathic behavior, that. The mini scythe is adjusted in his hand, then he follows him towards the house. "You can tell me about her, after." he assures him, then proceeds to duck a bit into the shadows, becoming... Well, we'll see! He's generally extremely stealthy, as a rule. No questions asked, other than who to kill. Damn, he didn't even ask for payment!

xxxxx"Just another name on a list." Is Velok's answer as they near the house. Surprisingly, he makes no attempts at stealth. No attempts to dodge the automatic sensor light, just walking slowly and carefully. "There's no need for too much stealth. There isn't exactly much of a challenge here." He says as he walks up the driveway. He does keep his voice low. The house is two stories with a front door, a rather rich place for people to live, certainly. The type that quite literally follows along with the opening segment of Weeds. Velok stops, standing within the driveway before he takes a deep sigh. "She followed us, didn't she." He comments, looking over towards where Gray disappeared. "She couldn't just stay and flirt with Erzsebet or that other woman." Velok turns on heel, looking back along the street, first right, then left. "You can come out now."

Misa stays low and waits until they seem to be getting where they are going. If they try to round a corner she can move up. until then she can wait for them to focus on the house they're heading for as she lays flat and watches them from under the car. Slowly crawls forward before being called out. She grumbles and bites her lip before moving to her feet. "He did it..." she says pointing at Velok.

Gray steps back out of the shadows, shrugging his shoulders. He pretty much just blurrs back into reality. You know, like a normal person. "I am not good at toning it down." he mentions, twirling that scythe in hand as he glances over to Misa and grunts a little. "Which is it then? The Father?" he asks Velok idly, just staring at Misa for a little while, but not saying anything. He turns to look over the home itself, but still doesn't say anything really. "I am ready when you are." he comments, as though Misa simply wasn't there.

xxxxxVelok stays rather statuesque, his blue eyes locked on Misa. He doesn't move, doesn't respond, just lets a quiet ring out in the air. When he finally does speak, he continues staring at the small Asian. "Inside is a young woman and her boyfriend, currently fucking, if young women and young men can be relied on to fulfill their biological urges. Upstairs are two small infants, girls, currently asleep." Either Velok has been doing a large amount of research on this, or he's making total guesses. "The father will be returning shortly." He continues staring at Misa, taking a deep breath. "The babysitter and her boyfriend must leave with no memory of us having been here. The father's death must look like a suicide." He instructs, finally looking back towards Gray. "Do your drugs work with memory?"

Misa nods quickly looking over towards the house. "They aren't goign to walk around the house much, just find an empty room I think... what kinda stuff does the dad have? I didn't bring any rope."

"They will not remember me, not many people do. My presence slips from the mind." Gray informs Velok idly, just twirling that scythe in hand for a moment or two, still not that many questions about why or anything. "But no, that is only ecstasy. She was on it, and she remembered." he points out, motioning to Misa, because... Reasons. "I can do it, without them noticing, if you want. It will not take long." Despite what may be thought, he doesn't seem to be enjoying this. He isn't angry, or sad, or anything of the sort. He's currently just... Well, blank mostly. It doesn't bode well for his mental state. "We can hang him in the garage." is his suggestion, if there is one!

xxxxx"Ah." Velok says, looking back towards Gray, then returning his eyes to Misa. "That explains why Basilisk wanted you to stop fucking her." He comments when his eyes return to Misa. Like Gray, Velok's face is blank. No happiness or sadness, no eager delight or rage. Simply that gaunt, pale look of a reaper. "If you can, make the babysitter leave. Order her out, threaten her, if she won't remember your presence, she won't remember why she left. Just that she did. Just don't kill her. Her and her boyfriend aren't on my list." He gestures his head towards the front door. "It's unlocked." All throughout, despite the momentary glance to Gray, he keeps his eyes on Misa. "I'm sure there's rope in the house, or a gun, or something creative. He'll be home soon." Velok turns, walking towards the front door, then stepping out of the way. "After you." He says, gesturing towards the door.

Not a deal signed, or agreement bartered, or terms met. Yet somehow, now the three of them are a team. How did that happen.

Misa follows behind the other two and studies their surroundings carefully. "I didn't bring any gloves but they have a garden hose. Lots of uses for those. Specially if he parks in the garage." Whatever else is going on right now is not her concern it seems, the job is the job. In stark contrast to the grim reaper and the emotionless professional Misa is chipper and bright, still smiling just the same as ever as she looks in under and around everything without touching... even if that might not be too much of a problem.

Gray nods, then glances back to Misa for a moment, then Velok. "Stay outside until they flee, then come in." he mentions to them. Whether or not they do so is entirely up to them! He just opens the front door and steps in, only to close it behind him softly. Then there's delirium! All the delirium! Just the regular kind, but it's like an aura, and he plans to make use of it to simply run them out of the house in a panic. Easy enough, right? He stalks through the home, seeking the pair on the bottom floor he was informed of.

xxxxxThe house is dark, and oddly quiet. It's pretty obvious that whomever lives here is pretty wealthy and rich. The front door is unlocked and the alarm system is deactivated. All the trouble so many people go through to turn it on and off each time they leave the house, but the babysitter apparently didn't. It's not that hard to find the room Velok mentioned, the first noises being the creaking of the bed. When Gray opens the door to the bedroom on the first floor, it's exactly what he might picture it. The babysitter with bright blonde hair, on her back, legs spread. Most of their clothes are still on, the boyfriend doing his best to last longer than the normal minute he's no doubt been accustomed to. No moans, no wild kinky sex, just two amateurs enjoying a quiet house, each thrust making the bed creak just a bit. The very definition of 'laying there'. Neither of them notice Gray, both no doubt with their eyes firmly closed, imagining a different celebrity.
xxxxxVelok stands outside the front door after Gray closes it, remaining mostly quiet. He just stares at Misa, making no indications that he's even the same Velok at the moment. Eventually Mias does find the garden hose she had mentioned, as well as some gardening tools. Velok simply waits at the front door for the sign, turning his attention to the street when Misa moves away.

Misa says, "nods to herself and keeps note of where she finds various things. Ah making things look like a suicide. Normally there's study that goes into this... or else having herself assigned to the case. For now there's just study. Her eyes of course keep straying over to Velok, but this is not the time for distraciton. She just waits for Gray to do what he's going to do."

Gray silently approaches the couple from behind, his visage pretty much staying the same... With the exception of his eyes. He blinks, and much like a demon from Supernatural, the entirety of them go to black. He's still emotionless, but he takes the time to let his teeth grow and sharpen slightly. He doesn't have to do it, but he doesn't see much reason not to. It's like second nature. As he gets near them, he reaches down to take the girls ankle, then promptly tugs her out from under the young man with a rather firm jerk. When they look at him, they see only what can best be described as terror itself. Fear grips them both, far beyond the point of screaming fear. Something deeper, and primal. He grins, offering a hiss as he holds that sickle out to his side. Again, it's not necessary, but he has to appease the bane inside sometimes. They -may- not even try to pull their clothes up. The fear is very real, palpable, and horrifying.

xxxxxVelok's eyes slowly close, his hand reaching down into his pocket. Plunging in, he retrieves a silver coin, carefully letting it play against his fingertips. "It's not supposed to be fun." He whispers quietly to himself, bringing the coin up to his lips and pressing a kiss to the cool metal. "Only what it is."
xxxxxAnd they were having such a nice night too. A night they've had countless times before, even if it ends in disappointment and an awkward attempt to flush the used condom. At first, the girl thinks it's just part of the act. Oh boy, her boyfriend is moving her into another position. But then...she sees it. Her brown eyes stare at Gray as her mind tries to process the image. Only several thousandths of a second are needed for the proper response to be realized. There's the time needed for the brain to decide Fight or Flight, and it's obvious what she chooses. The boyfriend is shoved off to the floor as the woman scrambles off the bed towards the door. No screams. The terror is so real and sheer that the vocal chords don't work. Every ounce of the body is focused on escpaing and running. She falls when tripped up by her panties crawling on her hands and knees as fast as she can. She does manage to get the clothes back up, as they weren't really taken off very much in the first place, but soon she's running.
xxxxxThe boyfriend looks confused at first, even manages out a "Huh?" before he too looks back and notices Gray. "WHAT THE FUCK?" the boyfriend shouts as he jumps over the bed to follow the woman. He makes a grab at his pants and pulls it up, trying to get the zipper up. "OW" he yells. See ladies, men have to worry about catching things in zippers.
xxxxxVelok stands by the front door, folding his hands in front of him. A statue, once again, staring straight ahead towards the house opposite of the one they're at. The front door slams open and the woman runs past him first, then the boyfriend quickly in tow. They make their way into the car, fumbling with keys. When both of them are in the car the shouting really starts, muffled by the car starting up and the pair of them pulling quickly out of the driveway and racing off down the street.
xxxxx"That's our cue. He's quite good at what he does." Velok comments, gesturing his head towards the front door for Misa.

Misa nods and slips her hand into her sleeve to open the door. "Apparently... really hope they don't remember that." she mumbles. As she passes by Velok, uncertain if he's speaking to her or not she answers anyway. "Just because I'm smilin doesn't mean I'm havin fun." she says quickly moving her way towards the kitchen, the second most obvious place. Nope, not even going to ask what this guy needs to die. She's certain someone knows why.

Gray lets his body go back to normal as the pair leave, his delirium stopping in less than a second. He turns, and there it is... He stop in his track, staring into a small mirror on the wall, and looking at his own reflection. Whatever twisted reflection he can see, anyway. He takes a deep breath, another deep breath, closes his eyes, and proceeds to walk out of the bedroom, only opening them again as he steps into the living room to find Velok and Misa. "Alright." he tells them, maybe a little shaky in the voice, but not that noticeable. "Should we knock him out before we hang him?" he asks, then tilts his head. "Or are we doing something else?" He speaks softly, still no questions as to why he needs to die.

xxxxxAnd just like that, the plan is in motion. Velok doesn't move when Misa comes closer. What she says, however, pains him, and he looks away quickly to have her avoid seeing the wince. A wince as if she'd just struck him in the face. When Misa moves inside, Velok does too, closing the door behind them.
xxxxxRight on cue, the quiet house is no longer quiet. Upstairs, and through the baby monitor in the room Gray was in, the sound of one infant starts to cry, then another pipes up after it. The sound can be localized as to being upstairs, and immediately draws Velok's attention. He doesn't look surprised at it, simply continuing on with whatever plan, reasonings and otherwise, are in his head. "He needs to be conscious." Velok says quietly, not looking to Gray or Misa as he stares up the staircase. "Conscious, but unable to escape. I don't want us having to chase him down the street. When the police come and investigate, they should suspect a distraught father killed himself. I need to speak to him, before his death. If only for a moment."
xxxxxThe cries get a bit louder, and suddenly Velok's demeanor changes. The neutral, passive face of the grim reaper shows its first burst of emotion. Sadness. The emotion spreads over the man's face like a tidal wave, only serving to turn his features even more pale. "He should be arriving soon, however you two want to do it." With that, perhaps slightly reluctantly, Velok takes his first step onto the staircase, slowly starting to climb the stairs.

Misa nods to herself. "Well I see some pills. Probably some hard alcohol around here somewhere. Can get him to mix those. Can hook the garden hose to the exhaust of his car put him to sleep that way too... and of corse I can use the hose to hang him but if I were ivnestigating this scene that'd be a red flag to me. Most people aren't taught howta do that. Going through another drawer she fishes out a gun from inside, again pulling her hand into her sleeve first. "Got one of these... might be more around. Better check his room." Hearing the screaming babies she sigha dn looks to the other two. "Should I do something about them?"

"No." Gray says to Misa's last statement, then simply shakes his head. "It is best to see the suffering you cause, so you do not stray into corruption." he points out to her, very familiar with the concept. He moves to glance at the gun, but doesn't reach out to touch it. His fingerprints aren't in the database anyway, he technically doesn't even exist. "But, it may be best to use a gun. The neighbors will hear, and the children will not sit here long enough to die." His dark eyes scan the pistol, thinking on it for a time, but still not touching it. He has his reasons. "I will restrain him, and you stuff something into his mouth?" he asks Misa finally.

xxxxxVelok is already on his way up the stairs, towards the source of the crying. He's walking slow, however, as if something is weighting him down the closer he gets. Still, he continues on, not stopping when Misa suggests doing something about them. For someone who said the purpose was to kill the man in the house, Velok doesn't seem all that worried about the plan Misa and Gray are coming up with. He just heads upstairs. When he nears the top of the steps, he speaks. "It is impossible for us to complete our duty if we close our hearts to the suffering in the world around us. To attempt such would be to open our doors to corruption and evil. Thus we must never close our eyes to the pain of others, or to the pain our own actions cause." He recites the words as if he was reading them off a paper, just after Gray mentions the same principle, before he turns a corner and leaves sight. Hey, at least Velok's not being creepy in public anymore.

Not much time goes by at all, though soon the crying lessens, and eventually the crying stops altogether. Around the same time, the sound of a car can be heard pulling up into the driveway. The man gets out and closes the door, stumbling a little bit. If Gray is watching, the father is clearly drunk as he gets to the front door, trying to open it with his keys.

Misa comes down the stairs after a moment still looking around as she comes down the stairs. Hearing the car pulling into the driveway leaves little time. "You sneakin up on him or am I playin sexy babysitter?" Misa still has that ever present smile though...

Gray looks over to Misa as she comes back down, his composure fully returned at this point. "I will hold him." he states, simply, then moves over to stand just inside the door in utter silence. His sickle has been laid on a nearby table, for the time being. He watches Misa for a moment, but just as soon as that door opens, a hand shoots out to grab at whatever collar there might be. He fairly roughly jerks the man inside and to the side, where he slings him around to shove him into the wall next to him. He simply shuts the door with his foot after sticking it out a bit, his hand very firmly placed around the mans lower face and mouth, and actually holding him a few inches off the ground up against the wall. He's stronger than he looks, and it doesn't look like he's having much trouble. He doesn't even look at the man yet, he just makes sure the front door closed.

xxxxxVelok does not come down the stairs, but there are no more sounds of crying. Clearly the babies just went back to sleep. Yea. That's it. They're sleeping. Resting, you might say. And it sure does seem peaceful up there. They're just resting in peace.
xxxxxClearly, the man thought that he'd be coming home to the babysitter, and it doesn't take a genius to realize how drunk the guy is. Tanned skin, with a fancy gold watch, fancy clothes. A look or two and Gray and Misa both can instantly recognize the man. A patron of Glitter tonight, he was in one of the booths, getting a lap dance from one of the various NPC's in the establishment. He smells like it, too, the smell of a man who didn't exactly get laid, but certainly got put in the mood to get laid.
xxxxxAnd now he's coming home to his two infant children.
xxxxxThe moment the hand grabs him, the man starts to struggle. He gets nowhere fast, being shoved up against the wall as a hand encloses around his mouth. Eyes widen, staring in terror towards Gray as his hands slap up against Gray's hand, trying to free his mouth and failing. Eyes dart every which way, trying to become used to the dark and failing to hide any fear currently going through his mind. After only a couple seconds of Gray holding him against the wall, the man starts to pee his pants, a wet spot appearing and running down his leg.

Misa sighs and shakes her head. This suddenly got a lot less difficult. Her voice is strangely soothing compared to the violence being inflicted on the man suddenly. "It's alright sugar. It's okay. We're not here to hurtcha. We just need to ask you a few things. If you tell us the truth everything will be fine." She leaves the threat of what's going to happen of he lies unsaid, it should be clear enough. As she speaks she makes her way over to the medication bottles she found earlier. Taking a towel or oven mit or whatever is around to grab one of the prescription bottles that she honestly can't read.

Gray just keeps his hand across the mans mouth, fingers sunk into either side of his cheeks. He slowly lifts him off the ground, just a few inches, and holds him at arms length as he pulls him away from the wall and proceeds to approach one of the couches. He looks up to the staircase, before grunting a little bit, and saying in a standard voice. "Velok, you wanted to speak to him." He turns, then quickly slams the man down on the sofa, keeping his hand over his mouth and generally being rather cruel about it. Sure, he can move the -rest- of his body, but that head isn't going to move an inch. He looks down at the man finally, taking in his features with glazed over, emotionless brown eyes.

xxxxxAlright, the man is scared. Who wouldn't be. Gray and Misa make a pretty scary welcoming party. A stark contrast, one man completely passive and ridiculously strong, and still pretty damn scary to look at. Then the other woman. Cheery and smiling. He looks to believe what Misa says, though with the hand still over his mouth, he only makes a bit of a muffled noise, plopping down on the sofa.
xxxxx"Mr. Liebowitz." Comes the voice from upstairs as Velok starts to make his way down the stairs. His face still maintains that gaunt nature, even as he reaches the end of the stairs. "At him, is more appropriate. Thank you, Gray." Velok comments, nodding his head to Misa. He seems less tense and nervous than he did before, even less gaunt, like life is returning into his body. He folds his hands behind his back as he moves to stand within the living room. "For several months now, you have been going out at night. Getting drunk. Visiting Strip clubs, like the one you visited tonight. Having grown women grind against you and give you that erection you no doubt maintained until my friend here grabbed you." Velok gestures to Gray with his head, standing a little straighter. "You would then come home and rape your two infant daughters. Occasionally one, many times both. Vaginally, Orally, every which way you could think of."
xxxxxVelok maintains a straight face, even if Liebowitz's eyes widen. The look of surprise of someone knowing something, not the look of confusion. "Should you be allowed to continue, you would do this for most of their lives. Forcing them to live with the trauma and tragedy associated. You will not be allowed to continue."

Misa still manages to keep the sweet smile on her face as she pops the top on the pills. Hopefully they aren't just aspirin or something. Doesn't really matter too much at this point, with how much alcohol the man already has in him, might be able to drop him with just whatever booze happens to be lying around... then again if it is aspirin, there's always the tub. She simply gives the man a sweet smile as Velok talks, showing no signs of being affected by the words she hears.

Gray still doesn't seem to be enjoying himself, at least. He simply watches the mans eyes widen, staring directly into them for a time in the way he's done so many times before someone is about to die. His hand is removed from the mans mouth, only to in an instant switch down to his throat, which he wraps his fingers around and quickly starts to squeeze. He can breathe just fine... Mostly. But again, yelling is out of the question. Small words should be alright, though. He sits him up on the couch, then moves around the side of it as he moves behind the sofa, keeping his hand on the mans throat as he throttles him from behind. Plenty of space to get the pills in without having him scream, and allowing him his precious few last words, however strained they may be.

xxxxxThe more Velok talks, the more life seems to flow back into him. It's as if the hunt itself caused the gaunt, lifeless features and, nearing its conclusion, he can regain that life. "Three lives will have ended this night, Mr. Liebowitz. Two of mercy, one of punishment All because of you, and your choices. While normally I am not called upon to carry out tasks as simple as this, you are a special favor. Redemption is not in your future, nor is it in your children's. You will not be taken to jail or prison. You will not have a chance to appeal. This is your court. Judge." Velok raises an arm, curling it so his hand is pointed towards himself. "Jury." Velok comments, his arm swinging out to point towards Misa. "And Executioner." Velok's arm turns to gesture towards Gray. "Fate has seen your crimes, and has testified to your sins."
xxxxxWith that, Velok flips the silver coin he kept in his hand. The coin starts to rotate in air, however oddly. It doesn't follow the normal rate of descent it should, seemingly slowing the longer its in the air until it hits its peak, then starts to drop down. Velok holds out his hand as the coin lands within his palm. Tails. "The sentence is given." Velok says, although his tone betrays no surprise in the words. Slowly Velok steps forward, closer to the man, and kneels down. He reaches out and shows the main the coin, then encloses it back between both his hands. "I only hope you will learn from this. Think on your sins, Mr. Liebowitz. And when the cosmos takes you back into her womb and decides on your next life, you will remember the pain you've caused your daughters, and never cause it again." In one smooth, quick motion Velok stands back up and steps away, nodding to both Misa and Gray.
xxxxxThere's no words from the man while Velok talks, even with the hand now around his throat. When Velok does step away though, the final plea comes. "I'm sorry." The man says in a shaky voice, the tone of someone expecting the words to save him. Velok isn't moved, only taking up his position again to watch, allowing Misa and Gray to proceed.

Misa plugs the man's nose as Velok steps away dumping the pills in into his mouth, also helping to prevent any screams. With Gray holding the man down Misa uses her free hand to hold the pills in teh man's mouth. He has no choice but to swallow all of them if he wants to breathe. "Time to sleep." she whispers to him, still keeping her strangely calm and sweet demeanor.

Gray simply listens, still wordless and generally emotionless. Sure, he feels things, but not about killing. It's simply natural to him. He watches the coin in the air, and as Misa comes over to stuff the pills into the mans mouth, he starts to roll his hand along his neck, forcing the muscles to swallow. It's likely going to be a slow execution, but Gray doesn't allow his eyes to leave the man for a second, taking in the process of death as though he were studying it. He doesn't ask about the childrens deaths, he just focuses on the task at hand, helping Misa to force the man to swallow those pills.

xxxxxVelok stands there, watching intently. He makes no effort to change his mind or stop, even as the man fearfully accepts the mouth of pills Misa gives him. "To sleep - perchance to dream. Aye, there's the rub. For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil." Velok says quietly in response to Misa.
xxxxxIt does take a little bit, given their choice, though it's also the wisest one. There's some struggling at first as the man tries hard to avoid swallowing, but the massaging of his neck eventually forces them all the way down. Mixed with the alcohol, the fear, and the general worry, Mr. Liebowitz's resignation is complete. Eyes lid, body grows weary, and he slumps to the side on the couch if Gray lets him fall. No sooner does he hit the cushion does he start seizing, his body shaking and a small foam painting the edge of his mouth.
xxxxxVelok stands through it all, until the seizing stops and the man finally lays still. Dead. "Tomorrow the news will report that the man came home, found that both of his infant children had died. Unable to stand the grief and guilt, he took one too many pills and died. Reports on the children will point to SIDS. The babysitter will be questions but, if Gray is correct, will reveal nothing. Her mind, to avoid her own trauma, will certainly make up some story or justification for her suddenly leaving."
xxxxxVelok takes a deep breath, continuing to stare at the man. "We can not forget that these children had a mother. A grandmother. They had a future, as grim and dark as it would have been. They will have a better life, when they are reborn, but their loss will still hold sorrow with the world. No one will know what really happened, or even why this needed to be done. Mr. Liebowitz was very careful not to let his plans for keeping these children as sex slaved loose. It was only through careful work from a colleague that his secret was revealed. His death will be viewed as a tragic loss of life, a father committing suicide after finding his precious girls dead." Velok's eyes rise up, looking from both Misa to Gray. "But we'll know. And we'll never forget." He says before he turns, heading towards the front door and opening it, standing to the side.

Misa nods to Velok, watching the man start to seize. It wasn't the easiest option necessarily but it would lead to the least questions. She sets teh bottle of pills down on the table within his reach before walking back into the kitchen to put the mitt back where she found it.

Misa stops again at the base of the stairs looking up. "Sleep well sweethearts." she says before shaking her head and making her way towards the door, still not ready to break the cinimatic feeling she says nothing else on her way out.

Gray stands, letting the man fall when he seizes of course, and stands there to watch him until he is completely still and lifeless. "Gaia does not forget her childrens suffering." Gray muses over to Velok, just to throw his own thoughts into that. "Nor do I forget the suffering I cause." he tells the man. A hand comes up, pointing in the direction of his sickle, which flies from the table and slaps into his hand. He pauses for a moment, no qualms about lingering, and bends down to stuff it back into the area of his boot designed specifically for it. His pants leg replaced, he stands and looks down to the man one last time, and simply walks back out into the night behind Misa.

xxxxxVelok's head turns, eyes following Misa before she slips out the door. His eyes then turn to Gray, staring at the man. He gives a small nod, agreeing with Gray. "Thank you, both." He comments, turning his head to look back into the house. He does one more sweep to see if they've missed anything, eyes lingering first on the stairs, then to the man on the couch. "Goodbye, Mr. Liebowitz." He says calmly, stepping out into the night and closing the door behind him.