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(Roles are discussed and the contract is signed)
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Latest revision as of 02:14, 23 September 2014

The Black Forest Lab III
Roles are discussed and the contract is signed
IC Date Friday
IC Time Evening
Players Velok (Storyteller), Cynthia, Misa, Wormwood
Location Prospect
Prp/Tp The Black Forest Lab
Spheres Mortal and Shifter


xxxxxBags are packed, they're ready to go...The taxis showed up exactly when Velok indicated to everyone they would show up. Probably a good idea to accept the taxis, as Velok never really mentioned things like terminals, hangers, stuff like that. Three seperate taxis to take three seperate people to the same destination. The trip itself was remarkably uneventful, revelling within a certain professional aura regarding the entire assignment. As if perfectly timed, all three taxi's line up somewhere along the highway, going through the security gate quickly and driving off away from the commercial sections and to the private hangars.
xxxxxThe private plane is remarkably similar to a high class G6, something one might expect a wealthy businessman to cruise from meeting to meeting in. There is no fare, of course, for the taxi ride, all three doors being opened at once. Two pilots stand at the bottom of a collapsible flight of stairs with their hands folded behind their back. Immediately the men move to the back of the taxi's to begin unloading any luggage that was brought into the storage compartment of the plane, for those that decided to bring things they wouldn't just carry on their person. Hardly a word is said by any of the strangers as they perform their tasks until the Captain of the plane speaks, sharing the same British accent Velok holds. "Velok offers his apologies that he is not here to see you off. He has informed me and my copilot to make you comfortable however we can, and wishes you a safe flight. If you would be so kind as to take your seats and fasten your seatbelts, we may depart immediately."

Misa steps out of her taxi with a huge grin as she looks around the hangar. She's wearing her red sun dress, aparently not caring much about blending in. The comment about making everyone comfortable draws a other grin from her that makes those that know her well nervous. "Anything to make us comfortable eh? Can I have yer hat?"

Wormwood is wearing a pair of jeans and a zipped-up leather jacket. His clothing is rather utilitarian, tough, and unremarkable today. He's also only carrying a small duffel bag over his shoulder, apparently not aware of what sorts of things one would need to pack for a trip of an unknown number of days to an unknown region of the world with unknown company. He looks a bit bewildered around at everything as he gets out, and slowly wanders towards the stairs and the plane.

Cynthia walks out from behind the hanger and makes her way towards the waiting plain. She has a large sea bag slung onto her back and a suitecase in hand. With her one free hand she waves "Hey folks! Are we ready to party?"

xxxxxThe captain looks at the copilot and receives a shrug before returning his gaze to Misa. He stares her down, a smile not even teasing at his lips. Serious man, serious business, and yet he still reaches up and takes the hat off his head, haphazardly placing it on Misa's head. "Given the instructions we have, and the amount of money we're being paid for this, I did not think I would need to ammend the statement to however we REASONABLY can, but I was obviously wrong." He nods politely to Wormwood and takes a single step away from the ladder. He makes it look professional, but it's clear that something about Wormwood has put the man a little uneasy. The pilot nods to Cynthia, letting her board.
xxxxx"There is basic hygenic facailities in the back, your chairs fold back with ample leg room in case you will be sleeping on the long flight. Beyond that my associate and I will be spending our time within the cockpit." Both the pilots climb the stairs and, after a single glance back towards Wormwood, close the outside door and seal themselves within the cockpit.

Misa cheers and hugs the pilot, likely irritating him further as she chirps "At least I didn't ask for the pants!" before skipping her way up the loading ramp. "Always ready to party!" she cheers on her way up. Y'all about to be stuck with MISA in a small, pressurized can with very limitted space for HOURS.

Wormwood eyes both of the pilots, until they walk away, at which point, shifting his duffel bag over his shoulder, he pulls up one of his sleeves, ostensibly to check a watch, but instead he has a shiny bit of metal trinketry there polished to a mirror shine. He then looks up at the plane for a moment, before glancing over towards the others. He jerks with a thumb: "If either of you guys have a box-cutter you know we could just 9-11 these guys and we'd have our own private jet. He then takes a moment to sweep the jet visually, looking it over for a good, long time...before finally moving to the stairs and climbing onboard.

Cynthia grins over at Wormwood as she settles into a seat. "Oh I've got more than box cutters. But I don't know how to fly a jet. So I might wait till we get to the destination before stealing it." she hmms as she swivels the chair. "So, Velok would like us to contractually enter an agreement over this job. Anyone have an issue with this?"

xxxxxSmall pressurized can with limited space for hours, that's a pretty good way to sum up what their upcoming trip is going to be like. It's a good thing the pilots were already heading into the cockpit, given how serious air travel gets these days, even saying the NUMBERS 9-11 would probably put them on edge. Of course, them not having heard it also means the option is still open. There is no further comments from the pilots, only the sound and sight out of the windows of the taxis driving away. There is no safety instructions on this flight, no hot flight attendent with a demonstration seat belt shoving it together awkwardly for the umpteenth time. Just the sound of the turbines kicking on, then the abrupt lurch as the plane starts to slowly taxi out of the hanger and onto the runway, whether people are seated or not.

Misa shakes her head, refusing to sit down until the plane looks like it's on the flight deck. "I figured that'd be the case." she giggles winking to Wormwood. "This is to save us some trouble in teh future I guess? Who's parta the contract and who isn't?"

Wormwood tosses his bag on the floor, near his seat, instead of in the overhead compartment where it should probably be stowed...but hey, there's no hot stewardess here to tell him that, and he probably hasn't flown much. He shrugs his shoulders as he looks over at Cynthia and Misa, then plops down into his seat, leaning it back and putting his feet up. "I don't care, sounds good to me...I honestly figured Velok would be part of it too...I mean, as long as I read it first and make sure I'm not being screwed over."

Cynthia turns her chair to face a table and reaches into her bag pulling out a mapcase and pops the end off. She pours a claw jar and classic nub pen into her hand, carefully setting them on the table and keeping an eye on them as she pulls out a rolled section of honest to goodness vellum. She tosses the case back into her bag and begins unfurling it. "Well.. As for who's involved. It's us. I will be the promisary figure in this as been aranged with Velok. He contracted me first to work on his behalf in agency role." The paper is framed with a mesh of hatchmarks and intricate designs. "So, once we get fully airborn and stable we can discuss our rolls in this and what we are agreeing to do. Then we can sign. I will state that while I am the promissary figure aranging the contract, the actual enforcement of the contract falls to a 3rd party group of religious assasins that considers this method of agreement to be a holy writ and violation of it earns their wrath." she smiles brightly "So it is worth more than the paper it is written on."

xxxxxTime gets to pass as they sit there on the runway, the last real chance for people to quickly evacuate the plane before they're going to be very very high up in the sky. Since it seems like everyone's committed at least that far, eventually the permission is granted, and the sounds of the turbines increase dramatically. Very little time passes before that lurch once again as the plane starts moving, picking up more and more speed. The nose pulls up and that G-force keeps everyone within their seats as they angle up into the sky. Lifting off doesn't take very long at all, and soon they're turning, on their way to Germany.

Misa stows her bag away while they're still making their way to the runway, but as soon as she hears the engines rev up she bolts for a seat and hangs on tightly. "See now ya make me wanna play with the contract justa have ona these guys come after me." she declares, grinning to Cynthia. "And... maybe we shoulda done this with Velok around so we could make sure he's on the contract..." she sighs.

Wormwood sits up in his seat, and leans out of it and around it to face where Cynthia is. He briefly glances in Misa's direction, then finally back at Cynthia. He nods his head. "Yeah, I hate to be negative, but it does seem like he sort of gets out of this one scott-free. I was hoping he would have already signed it...or something." He grimaces, then stands up from his seat, not seeming to have any trouble moving around in the plane as it moves this way and that, and the G-force pushes things and causes them to shake. "So...what does it say? What's the terms of the agreement? I mean, if it's this or the high-way, I at least want to read it first..."

Cynthia glances at Wormwood and Misa "Which gives us the option of just putting this away, nodding sagely and telling him if he asked "Oh yeah, we all reached an agreement and everything is on the up and up. If we trust one another not to backstab the others. I for one know that I'm completely trustworthy."

Misa giggles and shrugs. "We can do that if ya want... I think the safer option is for us ta write one up so we're all covered, then set a back up plan a how we're gonna get out if he triesta screw us over..." she looks around and shrugs. "Once we're no longer on his plane a course."

Wormwood walks over towards the table with the vellum contract on it, peering down at the thing. "How very austere." He comments, glancing back towards Misa, then back over towards Cynthia. "Well, if we assume Velok is a trustworthy sort, we could make a contract for him to sign when we get back, or...more realistically, we could just do the mission as-is, hope that none of us turns on or fucks over the others, and act like some damn professionals, right?" He shrugs his shoulders. "I could probably fly a plane. I played a simulator a few times. I mean, I always crashed, but...I bet real planes are sturdier than shiny polygons."

Cynthia glances around "Well, there is that." she looks between the two of them "I plan on acting like a professional. But we can if we feel neccesary outline our roles or at least our lack of backstabbing if people feel safer. Even if it isn't a contract with Velok we can insure each others behaviour towards the others. Since this is a rather dangerous endeavor that we all might have to do unfortunate things during we could also include a non-revalation clause so that if I see Misa pull her shirt up and her tits are actually machineguns, I can't go running my mouth about Misa's machine gun tits or the good Doctors super soldier serum."

Misa grabs the straps of her dress at her shoulders. "I can show you now." she says with a shrug. "But sure, fine with an NDA since I had no plans ta tell anyone about what goes on out here anyway, what happens outside Prospect I don't drag inta it." she giggles, getting up and walking around again, unable to stay still for very long periods it seems. "So we write that up first, or talk about what we do?"

Wormwood shrugs his shoulders again. "You're the expert in law, I'll trust you to know what sort of stuff to put on a good contract, and I'll read it and see if I'm okay with it, I can discuss it, but honestly don't really know what I'm talking about or how to organize stuff like this, so I'd really be a detriment to the discussion rather than anything. He paces around on his feet. He glances over towards Misa, he shrugs his shoulders. "Honestly, I have only the faintest idea of what we're even doing here, I figured I would have got more info at some point. All I know is...germany, black forest, secret medical chemical or science compound..."

Cynthia nods with a grin "I'll work something up for you both to look at. Now as I understand it.. Our primary goal is to discover the purpose of the compound. Secondary is retrieval of the children or termination if retrieval is impossible. Tertiary is the termination of the target should the availability arise."

Misa kneels down and removes her bagage from the stowing space. She unzips her suitcase and opens it, inside she has what looks to be a leather catsuit, a few dresses, some jeans and a t-shirt, a lether jacket, and on the other side a LARGE array of knives, a syringe, and various appliances that can keep such things held firmly to a body to keep them hidden. She digs for a moment and pulls out an unlabled bottle. "I couldn't get any chloroform, so... I got ether. Will tha work as good?" she asks looking around with some concern. "Oh, and I was able ta do some digging. I still dunno what the place is, or why the kids are important but I found someone who swears they killed Simon once already, so killin him only gonna slow him down. We should find another way a dealin with him..."

Wormwood walks over towards the edge of Cynthia's table, glancing down at her scroll of parchment and whatnot. He points to the table. "Shouldn't we have a tactical map or...miniatures or something? I feel like I've seen people do this in movies with like...a shuffle-board bar, and little toy ships, and gel lights and stuff to illustrate their plan." He thinks for a moment, counting on his hand. "Okay, so... 1. Discover what the compound is about. 2. Retrieve kids. 3. If, fail to retrieve kids...kill kids. 4. Kill Simon, if possible." He then glances over towards Misa. He arches a brow at the leather catsuit, and says 'Meow' and makes a claw motion with his hand. He doesn't arch a brow at all the weapons and syringes. He thinks for a few moments, looking over at Cynthia. "...I could probably make up some stuff if you've got supplies, once we get there, maybe. If you need some chemical compounds that do stuff, I mean." He then tilts his head, and he grins. "Yeah, but anything that CAN come back from the dead, I figure, you KILL it, it's still an inconvenience, right? May not be rid of him forever, but at least it'll sting..." He waits a moment, then shrugs. "So, my skills, if it needs to be said: I sneak, I science and medicine, and if necessary I poison pretty damn good. What parts are everyone else willing to play in this?" He doesn't bother to get out his back. For all they know, it's full of crayons, or AK-47's...would either of those seem inappropriate for Wormwood?

Cynthia hmms "Do they say if it's the same body? Cause if so you bury him face down and let him deal with that for a awhile." she hmms "I do have some herbs and such if you need them to make stuff." she shrugs "Okay, we know what we're doing. We'll need to be on the ground to really discover much more about the place."

Misa slides a bottle over to Wormwood. "That's ether. If you can make somethin better for knockin people out with it have at it!" she cheers. "As for a map, be honest with ya here I could throw up a monopoly board on here and getcha as clear a picture of the place as we got. Though I was kinda hopin for maybe a map of the outside area around the building so we could see which ways ta go ta give anyone tailin us a bitch of a time... not that I move around too good in woods." she sighs. "As for killin him, maybe when we kill him his body moves... I think a better idea would be to lock him in a box filled with enougha that ether to keep him asleep for a good while before it kills him. Guys gotta sleep sometime right? Can't have whatever triggers when he dies goin off everytime he hits teh hay."

Wormwood steps back from the table, and reaches over and picks up the bottle of Ether and eyes it. "Well...not unless we wanna get him really high. I mean, you could use this with some other stuff to make meth, but...chloroform, I think that stuff is a biproduct at like, paper mills, wood processing plants, and waste disposal...also some fungi make it naturally. We're going to Black Forest, right? They might have some wood or paper plants there on the way to the biomedical lab, I mean, assuming that place doesn't have anything we can use, we can get some there. Anyways, I tend to work best with things that kill people or cause them to trip balls. Not so good at the 'sleepy but not brain-damaged' chemicals, but I can give it a shot..." He shrugs, then looks over to Cynthia. He Hums. "Yeah, I guess we don't have much info. Maybe we should try and wikipedia the area, do a google maps, I assume there's a road near the compound and trucks to service it, or vehicles that go to it to do maintenence, otherwise it'd be pretty trippy. Not many places are entirely self-contained. A lot of places that get away with that are disguised as something else, but this place is underground, so...they must get their employees bussed in, their supplies sent by truck, etcetera...unless they're fucking magical fairies, which...I'm willing to entertain." He thinks another moment, then adds: "...aaaand...we don't know much about this Simon guy, so unless we're back against the wall, we should probably avoid him. He's a dangerous unknown, I mean, even talking about killing him or incapacitating him is dumb, because he could be a vampire and thus has no need to breathe. He could be made of bugs and can just crawl out of whatever cage we put him in, or, he could be able to teleport or enter parallel dimensions at will, which fuck up all our plans...if we see him and there's no other way, we unload everything at him, otherwise avoid...sound fair?" He glances between both Misa and Cynthia. "Not everything sleeps, breathes, eats, is corporeal, or conforms to euclidian geometry, you know."

Cynthia nods to Wormwood "Fair point." hmmms softly "Okay. We unload all barrels on him if it comes down to it. Seems reasonable." she glances between Misa and Wormwood "So I think once we land I think we should scout out the area around the place. Misa, you should talk to people in the town, see if you can find anyone that works there or helped build it. Maybe find some plans for it. I'm actually quite good in the woods, I can scout out the area around the place. Find any security, what they're using for defenses, the whole nine yards. Once we know that we can make our insertion the building."

Misa shrugs. "Well honestly the ether's more for the guards. Helps put them to sleep faster than chokin them, and makes less blood than stabbin 'em if we can't finda way in that doesn't run unta anyone. Couldn't gettaholda chloroform." she shakes her head. "Got tonsa roofies too, not that we can make much usa that. As for what I do... honestly dunno how much help I'm gonna be on this. Normally I'd be all over findin people who helped build the place but... I can't speak a damn worda Nazi. Can still try of course, but mostly gonna be a buncha people screamin at me in some crazy moon language."

Wormwood nods to cynthia slowly. He then sighs. "Dammit...we're really flying in blind here. Normally I like to plan obsessively first but...it doesn't look like we have a ton of shit to go on when it comes to making a plan. I guess...we'll have to scout, think, and do all that stuff on the ground." He shrugs his shoulders. "Woods aren't any harder to sneak in than the city, right?" He then glances over towards Misa. "Oh, right, well, I guess that's a good idea! If we get seen. I mean...I think there's two extreme ends of possiblity with this place: 1. This is a mundane secret supervillain facility, for the most part. Even if they're doing fucked up shit and their boss is a daywalker... 2. This place is a trans-dimensional hell vagina where the laws of physics do not work. Knowing which direction this place leans should also inform our tactics, and..." He blinks at Misa. "Uh, no offense, Misa...but how come Velok hired you if you don't think you have much you can do on this job? Srsly..."

Cynthia thinks for a moment "Once we're there, given a short bit of time, I'll make something that will allow us to speak German for a short amount of time." she grins "That'll let Misa do her thing. Misa's primary skills are information gathering and infiltration." she giggles madly "It won't be that hard. Then we can go through information gathering." she tilts her head "So that'll solve that."

Misa giggles and nods to Cynthia. "Thanks sugar. I figured he knew someone would have a trick like that. Also... probly shouldn't be sayin it but I gotta photographic memory. I may not know crazy angry gui lao language, but if I see somethin written down I can write it down just fine and one a you guys can figure out what it means... I think that was the more important part here since this is just getting info insteada raidin the place."

Wormwood shrugs his shoulders again. "Okay, well...I don't think we have anymore to discuss then, right?" He puts his hands up, then turns and walks back over into his seat, slumping down into it. A few moments later, he asks: "You know, when they normally tell you no phones on a plane, do you think that's bullshit, or is it real? Those pilot guys didn't say anything about US not using phones up here, did they?"

The group negotiate and sign their contract, and settle in for the remainder of the flight to Germany.