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Safehouse Raid
The Blood Sex and Drugs Gang gets hit hard...
IC Date September 14th, 2014
IC Time 0'Dark Thirty
Players CJ, Chambers, Connor, Jennie, Revi, Trekome
Location Deep Forest
Spheres Gaian Garou, Bastet, Kinfolk

Trekome is driving the Suburban again, and heading towards one of the more seedy sections of town. The buildings are older and dilapidated, and not well maintained in the slightest. The further they drive the more signs of gang activity can be seen with spray paint marking turf, lookouts on corners for dealers, and more buildings that look as though they should be abandoned but show signs that they aren't.

Trekome cuts the lights and slowly coasts through a section that looks to be genuinely abandoned, and if the bullet holes in some of the windows and building walls are any indication, it wasn't all voluntary either. He turns to the group, clears his throat, and takes a breath to brief them on the details.

"Alright, same gang, different section of town. Sheriff's department got more leads to a building a couple blocks up that's supposed to be a safehouse. With the amount of drugs and material found from our last incursion, it gave the department and local PD a lot of ammunition to step things up. What's really nice about this little raid we're about to do is that the department already has a warrant to raid the place, and it's handed to my team to carry it out. However, we're expecting more resistance than what a SWAT team full of kin and one 'rou can handle without serious casualties, so we're going to hit it first, and the SWAT team will come in after and mop things up. That lets us crush 'em and the team can clean up what's left."

He pauses for a breath. "We're expecting at least four Spirals in the building, as well as a number of Fomori. Estimates put it at ten, but we'll see once we go in. They likely have firearms, to include SMGs, so our best bet is to go in quietly and catch them by surprise again. Move quickly, move quietly, be efficient, and try not to get bogged down by the gang members. We'll stick together on this one, but if we have to split, it'll probably be Revi and I, with CJ taking Connor and Jennie."

Another pause. "Now, does anyone have the ability to sense Wyrm taint or mindspeak? If not, then we're going to have to go off of pure instinct with picking our targets. I have radios for comms as well."

Chambers was with the group all along, really. He comments quietly to that last question, "Sensing taint in a place like this is practically futile, I'm afraid. It's rather like wearing night vision goggles in the daytime. If you want to split the enemy forces I've prepared two talens that act as bait for Wyrm creatures. They were originally intended for use against the corrupted boars, but I imagine they'll do just as well against Fomori or Spirals."

CJ gives a nod, and then looks at the two that she really doesn't know. "Please tell me that you two are good with quiet and stealth. I really don't want to have things go wrong before we hit them." She says, looking out at the building. Different ideas going through her head on how to accomplish this. Also, she is starting to prepare her usual tricks of the trade.

Jennie listens to this and nods attentively. "I Sense Wyrm and True Form. And any Fomori destroyed, can afterwards bind or devourer the banes infecting them." She considers that for a few moments, it being especially important for a few tactical decisions then looks between Trekome and CJ. "An important thing for my version of Moon, I am one who follows and supports. Want the best out of me, tell me what to do." She mmms and nods to Chambers, thinking of what spirits might be really useful in such a place if summoned. She waggles a hand at CJ. "Alright, not a No-moon with powers for it."

Connor was a six foot six red headed Irishman covered in blue and green whorls of tattoos down the right side of his body. He is absolutely the epitome of stealth.

Revi knows better than to celebrate being teamed with the leader. This tactic was used on her often. She screwed up last time, trying to act quickly, and now teacher wants her close to keep an eye on her. She rather goes with her fellow Fury but stating so will only piss the General off. She moves to Trekome's side, Bow in hand and quiver on her back.

Revi is rainbow covered... she will maybe blend into the graffiti down the street

Trekome looks at Revi, "Gotta be quiet on this one. Best way to kill an enemy is to do it without them even knowing it happened. If shit hits the fan, then we can go all out. It's also important to stay quiet so we don't attract unwanted attention from anyone." He looks at Jennie, "It's going to be too small for you to get into your full war form, but if you can work the flanks while we have their attention that'd be useful. Being able to destroy the banes is also a good thing. Might need you to help with that at the end." He clears his throat, "Now then, we can approach from the back alleys where there's less people who can watch us. Gotta be careful about possible traps and ambushes though, and I'm sure they'll be on alert from what happened last time we hit them. CJ, got any input on this?"

CJ looks at what she has to work with and tries to figure out how she is going to deal with her team. "First off, might help is we have ranged support on the roof of the house next door. We need someone keeping overwatch. Next is the choice between luring them out, or assaulting them inside, but with four spirals in there, I'm not sure which I'd rather have. Maybe you should lead the bruisers in through the umbra and I can see what I can do to sneak in on this side?"

Revi stays silent and by first to fight's side. She looks antsy and preoccupied mostly hoping that he drops the military lingo with her. English isn't even her first language and the most she knows about military commands she's learned from watching Rambo.

Jennie smiles at Trekome and nods to that. Sadly yeah, not so much built for urban environments in war form. Well outside of warehouses and such anyway. "Alright, can do." She watches the others, listening as CJ then adds in various possibilities. "We have at least two effectively Theurges. Twenty minutes for a Summoning. Fog over us to bless of all with being blurred to the eyes of our enemies? Likely no one gets seen after that?" She then pauses and begins to concentrate /very/ deeply, partially shifting over the armor from her war form, shell like hide with small horns sprouting from her body to look like some freaky suit.. Surprised that it actually worked, she grins. "Ohhh now life is good."

CJ laughs and looks at Jennie, "You are brilliant and I don't know why I didn't think of that. I will cover this whole neighborhood in fog if I can..." She says as she grabs a half dozen of her arrows and hands them to Revi, "If you shoot one, retrieve it. These are very special."

Trekome nods to CJ, "My SWAT Team has taken position as overwatch and is cordoning off the area so no one can enter or exit. The area was reconned earlier and found abandoned, but we had a team come through and double check everything to make sure. It /should/ be clear, but you know that there's always one or two eyes that might be hidden." He grins at Jennie, "Outstanding idea."

He looks at the group. "Jennie provides us with concealment until we get to the building, then we slip in quickly and hit them hard. CJ and Revi should stay outside in case they try to jump ship; you two can handle things better outdoors with archery than indoors. Sound like a plan?"

Connor sat quietly, listening to the plan as he checked his satchel for the things he would need, nodding idly as he heard what the deal was "Sound's good."

Revi nods to Cj and gives her that 'you're so cool' smile. Yes 'you're so cool' has its own smile. She bows her head and gives a formal thank you in Greek as she takes the arrows. She pulls her own standard arrows and bundles them with a hair tie so she knows what arrows she is pulling. "I will return each one to you. Thank you." she nods to Trekome. "Sounds like a plan"

Jennie smiles and bobs her helmety looking head at CJ. "Thank you." She takes a bit to refasten her coat, getting it comfortable again to her reshaped form, then is going through her ritual pouch for a few needed things. She pauses a bit at just how Trekome says that. "Trekome-Rhya, it works slightly different. Not a gift or such but a ritual that takes about twenty minutes or so before go time for Chambers, CJ, and myself to do it. The effect would be the Ragabash's Blue of the Milky Eye gift, upon us all."

Chambers remains quiet for now, apparently meditating or some such. Theurges. One moment they're summoning spirits with a terrible racket, the next they're quietly preparing for the possibility of death.

Trekome nods and grins, "We've got until sunrise to finish this raid before my team has to go in themselves. Twenty minutes is no big deal. Now then, y'all get started on the ritual while my team does another sweep to make sure that things are cleared out. We should have cell phones and unencrypted radios jammed at this point." With that he opens his door and moves to the back to start donning his gear. This time he's brought all his SWAT gear, though he keeps the vest to a simple tactical vest rather than body armor, because it's useful not being as restricted in movement.

"Well if you guys are going to do that ritual, I suggest that we find you a good place to do it and start quickly. I, on the other hand, will bring the fog when we're ready to go. And you guys don't have to worry about that chill down your spine that it gives...Just go with it." CJ says, "Want me to call it now?"

Chambers does speak up quietly. "If things go terribly for us, I do not recommend that we try to escape through the Umbra. This sort of tainted place will be surrounded by banes. If we must retreat, remaining in the physical world may offer the best chance for survival. Courage is one thing, but foolhardy heroism earns you a lot of posthumous renown, and we all know how useful /that/ is.

From the direction of the ocean a thick, eerie fog rolls in, covering the area. The mists obscure the vision of all save one. At least the fog spirit will feel at home. While the others do their summoning, CJ looks over, "I've got twenty minutes. I'm gonna take a quick peek up close...See what I can see."

Revi shifts into War form as soon as the fog conceals her. There is no rainbow wig this time, but she is wrapped in an off the shoulder, rainbow stripped toga. Yep, stealthy this one.

Jennie takes the time with the other awesome Theurges to pierce the veil so that no one has to go across into the tainted Umbra, summon through a Fog spirit into the lovely prepared atmosphere by CJ, where the three easily work the spirit into helping. They are three tribes even spate races of Gaia working together which water aspects of Gaia tend to really like and not actually being bound is a nice turn for the spirit. That over, she moves to her assigned teammates, all set and ready to follow orders.

CJ arrives back just before the end of the ritual, but stays quiet until after it is finished, "Found a few traps, one tripwire, one pressure plate and one automated shotgun. I've marked all three with debris. So don't set them off."

Trekome waits until the fog rolls in and everyone signals that they're ready. Meanwhile, he stays on his radio with the SWAT team that's cordoning off the area to make sure the final sweeps are done and that they've jammed communications in and out for the area. He looks to the others, "Alright, we've got a green light from the teams to move in. New groups: CJ, take Revi and Jennie. Revi and you share ammo, and Jennie can help with her armor. Connor, Chambers, on me. Rah?" CJ gets a nod, "Good work. Fog is in, and it looks like we're good to go. Shall we, ladies and gents?"

Infiltration ----------

Connor lets out a low growl of acknowledgment as he stalked forward with Trekome. The Fianna were famed for their dire-wolf and his form was no less impressive though subdued in the dense fog now covering the street. He would prowl forwards silently

Jennie steps over to Cj and Revi, unbinding her anchor and chain as she readies to see where the blond will lead and what they are to do. Yep, gunna spike people down with a ship's anchor.. For Gaia!

The streets have been thoroughly cleared for the group, though not many would be able to notice them approaching or slipping through back alleys to the house with the thick fog that's rolled in. Well, except for Chambers and Connor, who seems to have zero luck with not stepping on beer cans that go crunch or something that makes noise to draw attention to them. Thankfully the way has already been scouted by CJ, who's marked the traps with cardboard signs pointing them out.

What's even MORE amazing is how the guard at the end of the alleyway hasn't noticed the sounds of the coming group. And MOTHER OF GOD, the group lucks out when a street lamp flashes on for a split second to show where the hidden guard is, who now mutters a few choice curses.

First-to-Fight murmurs to Revi and CJ, <<Take him out quietly... Revi, take the first shot, CJ finish him if needed.>>

The sentry is too busy lighting up a joint to really do his job. There's some choice words about the fog making this a pain in the ass, and how it's getting colder out and he'd rather be tearing into some... well, you can probably guess. Yup, just too damn busy killing his night vision and hearing his own voice to notice the two Furies taking aim on him... and then... ouch.

Revi is under pressure to perform well and under the eye of two mentors. She's more of a hobbiest archer and has so far fought mostly with her teeth and claws. She takes her time to line up the first shot and says a few kind words to her Grandmother's bow. She draws and looses once her thumb brushes the corner of her lips and... Thunk, the shot is beautiful.

Pict lets loose the second shot, her usually good aim off slightly due to the first nice hit, but even a glance from one of her arrows can prove rather fatal. <<Nice shot.>> she growls to the Revster in a positive tone.

Jennie touches the backs of both furies and offers a smile in silent congratulations at their twin shots having together made the silent kill, with the beastie going down before being able to give out an alarm.

First-to-Fight murmurs something into his radio and gives a nod to the group. <<Move up, but don't cross the yard to the house yet. Revi, good shot.>>

Connor stalked forward silently, his usually obvious crimson coat kept dulled and his outline blurred through gifts, he kept to the shadows as best as his pre-historic murder form would let him

Chambers pauses for a moment to pat the Glass Walker on the shoulder, then points to the dead sentry. <<Get his phone. We can call the house just before we strike as a distraction.>>

Pict nocks another arrow and nudges Revi to look at the roof where there is another sentry. She on the other hand takes aim at the one who is on the back porch facing the alley.

First-to-Fight shakes his head to Chambers, <<Phones are being jammed by SWAT. I can get them to unblock the signal from this one, but it'll take more time to get a fix on one of the numbers inside. However... can probably get ringtone to play and make one of the guards look for it and ambush him.>> He picks up the phone and puts it in his dump pouch.

Revi looks to where Pict indicates and nods. << I got him>> she whispers and pulls another of the special arrows from her quiver. She takes her time since she has the time and aims through the fog. It helps that the idiot is silhouetted against the sky. She draws and releases her second shot. It's a good shot but he’s not down, she's drawing another arrow hoping to drop him before he alerts anyone and she blows there stealth advantage

The guard on the roof, meanwhile, is leaning over to start looking at the alley, just in time for Revi’s arrow to nail him. The one at the door starts to move towards the alley, peering forward, just as starts to make him a pincushion. The two stagger and groan, giving the Furies a second chance to down them.

The guard on the roof sucks in a slow breath to call out for help, just as the next arrow hits him. Nope, not strong or fast enough to raise the alarm, and his body slumps over the ledge and hangs there for a moment, then slowly shifts forward, then tumbles over the ledge. The body lands right on top of the dead sentry below him with a WHUMP, like a sack of leaves hitting the ground.

First-to-Fight fights back a laugh and pats the two Furies on the back, <<Bravo Zulu.>> He nods to the group to move forward slowly, <<See if the door is unlocked, and we'll start clearing the bottom floor. CJ, Revi, Jennie, standby. If it isn't too crowded inside, we'll call you in."

Revi leans to Pict <<What did he call us?>> she asks not sure to be vengeful or flattered. She looks around << If that's if for the outside I'll collect the arrows.>>

Pict slings her bow, << It wasn't bad. Gather the arrows>> She says as she starts grabbing those precious arrows. Though after pulling the arrows from their first victim's corpse she looks around to make sure there are no others.

Jennie shakes her head, also having no idea what that might have meant. Anchor swinging slowly she watches the area and waits, listens for all hell to break out, bad guys to appear, or a call for help. To the furies she comments. "Very nice archery."

First-to-Fight gets to the door and tests the doorknob. He grins and gives the group a thumbs up. Connor gives a nod and murmurs, <<Want a Theurge to stay out here in case one of us is needed outside?>> First-to-Fight nods to Connor, <<Good idea... stay here with CJ and Revi. Jennie, fall in behind Chambers. We're gonna have to move fast once inside. No quarter.>> The Garou gets his rifle at the low ready and slowly turns the doorknob to get the door ready to open quietly. <Alright... let's do this.>>

Chambers points to Jennie and makes a beckoning gesture. He is otherwise quiet, forming up with the rest of them. He's an awfully big target, so anything he can do to make himself a little less obvious is helpful.

Jennie changes up as told, trotting quietly over to stand eclipsed behind the giant furball-Chambers. All set and re-ready.

Pict stands behind the other two and her face contorts in excruciating pain as she watches the others file in. She balls her fists, but not too tight as the pain reaches her eyes.

Revi returns with the three arrows she sunk into targets. She smiles to Cj as she returns to her side, ready to bring down whatever comes out like they did the guards.

Revi watches the others head into the building and looks back to CJ. She wonders why the fellow Ahourn isn't smiling at the kills and notes the white knuckles. She shoulders her bow and moves to look at CJ instead of keeping an eye on the building "What's wrong?" she asks looking to Connor for help.

Pict is barely managing to keep things under control in her head with the pain she is going through. << I'll be fine. I did this to myself.>> She growls out much more calmly than she should be. <<Watch and wait.>>

The pain isn't as much as it was before for Pict, but there is still rage boiling up within her. She keeps a watch out for anything odd happening outside still and the other two Garou out there with her.

Revi is distracted by CJ and keeps her eyes on her, wanting to help. Needing to help. But then if she needed it she would ask, Right? She’s not quite she how she did it to herself but trusts CJ. So there's work to be done... right... standing guard

Into the Breach----------

The back door leads into the kitchen area, which looks like a complete fucking mess. The counters are strewn with old pizza boxes, empty beer cans and old bottles of liquor. It's... gross. Almost hoarder level gross. The kitchen leads into a dining area that isn't much better, and around the corner from there is another room where something is blaring some god-awful rap music, with four gang members sitting back watching some awful music video.

First-to-Fight leads Chambers and Jennie in behind him quietly, footsteps unheard amidst the rap music. It'd be a perfect ambush if Jennie didn't knock over an empty bottle of booze, which promptly shatters on the ground. It doesn't help that Chambers knocks over a beer can pyramid either. Two of the gang members looks over, spots the group, and all hell breaks loose.

The Gang Bangers all go for their guns and turn on the Gaians. The first two to notice the group are quick, and snap off rounds at Trekome, one of whom gets a lucky hit, though it just seems to piss Trekome off. Banger 3 gets off a shot on Chambers, though the Garou is just too quick, and the shot goes wild. Banger 4... well, poor bastard. First-to-Fight gets off a round before the Gang Bangers fire, but the shot is rushed, and it barely does anything. The return fire hurts him more, the round hitting him in the shoulder, but it's nothing vital and his second shot is right on target. The round slams into Banger 1's pelvic girdle, shattering bone and taking out his ability to stand, not to mention all the major blood vessels in that region. It's a mess, and it's painful. Banger 1 goes down screaming, though the noise he makes dies off quickly as shock and blood loss sink in.

Trekome manages to sidestep just in time, making Banger 2's shot miss him by fractions of an inch. Now Banger 2 is in Trek's sights...

Jennie blinks at the bottle falling and has just that moment of... sigh. As it smashes, everyone else, almost all faster than her are in motion, furry forms snarling and blurring in fury right by. Her? She is soo slow but she is crinos strong and puts all of it into one throw of her anchor at a formori's chest. The grip of her land loosens, feeling the links of chain drag over fingers, weight pulling away, until the wet thump then she concentrates to awaken the Sturm spirit that she befriended and bound, sating it's thrust for death. Splat!... She yanks the chain back to her. "Sorry.. That was my bad...." She begins to eye the Garou to see how bad their wounds are.

Chambers growls at his own incompetence while sneaking. He's able to take a couple swipes at the ganger, who takes a beating from the massive Garou with surprising resilience. Clearly these aren't regular folk..

The Gang Bangers are suddenly in a world of hurt. They failed to do anything significant when they had the chance, and the Gaians look pissed. Banger 2... well, he never had a chance. Banger 3 /might/ have done something if the sight of his buddies going down so violently didn't make him panic and shoot wildly. No matter, it ends quickly enough.

First-to-Fight doesn't even get a chance to shoot at Banger 2; the thing is turned into mush before he can squeeze the trigger. It actually makes him smile a little on the inside. He transitions his sights over onto Banger 3 and immediately squeezes the trigger, shooting off of instinct and trusting his weapon and totem. The round flies true, hitting the Banger in the throat. The Banger falls to the floor, clutching his neck, coughing and choking on his own blood. He slumps over as he bleeds out quickly, then goes limp.

Jennie had thought the fight was over because gigantor-fuzzy-Chambers is right beside her and not enormous but still really large Trek is also taking up a lot of real estate. But when their motions clear her view for a moment, it’s with a blink and Portuguese swear word that she whips her anchor out again at a presumed Fomori. Again her friend is awoken to drink deeply of life upon impact, sinking even deeper. This time she leans to the side to make sure there are really no more enemies eclipsed by her allies. "This is why I let you all ride atop me."

Chambers, meanwhile, is looking very much like the comic relief in all this. All that he manages to accomplish is to lose his footing on the mess that was once Jennie's target, stumbling and whiffing on a claw.

Bait and Switch----------

Pict takes another step back into the mist, and into cover, her clear vision allowing her to see better than anyone else in the area, even if she is distracted by the pain that she feels.

The sound of gunfire indoors is unmistakable. It's more than enough to alert the gang members upstairs, and they know better than to rush into it headfirst. There are those who rush towards the sound of chaos... but these are not them (they'll leave that to the Marines). No, instead, they decide they're going to do something a little more unpredictable, and two of them decide they're going to pull some Call of Duty nonsense and jump out the window to try to get the group inside from behind.

Of course, that also means that they're going to be jumping into the backyard where CJ and Revi are...

There's the sound of glass shattering as two crinos jump through and land onto the ground in the backyard. They're too damn busy to notice CJ, but they spot Revi! There's a growl, and now there's two very pissed off Crinos ready to charge at her.

From her hidden position Pict leaps out. The one might be fast but the pure while crinos is faster, and the cause of her pain is revealed as gleaming sliver claws shred through the beast that was about to attack Revi. Then the one who does hit her...well...He's just next to Die.

<<Aces, tear that bitch apart!>> one of the BSD's growls out, face turning into a sneer as he lunges forward, claws extending and barely catching flesh. His comrade should be next to him... but CJ is there. And it's ugly. /Really/ ugly. The silver claws rip through the big snarling Crinos' flesh like it's nothing, and the spray blood on the ground. He just slumps over, face twisted in pain as his body returns to his homid form.

Revi doesn't seem shocked as two crinos begin to run her down. She gets pissed off and snarls at the teeth and claws coming for her. She knocks, draws and releases in one movement sinking an arrow into the one left standing after a white blur takes care of the other. it's not enough and the Crinos gets in close enough to take a swipe at Revi. Oh. It. Is. On!

Pict gives a great backhand swipe, and if she had just twisted her claw a little more, the thing would have went down, but she felt that she should give the chance to Revi to finish the kill. But the two seem to be pawing at each other afterwards. <<Just go for the throat.>> She growls out, pain still seeping through her words.

Revi wades into battle and in her enthusiasm she swipes at where murderface was instead of where he is. she snarls at the crinos insulting him, his kind and his mother in such colorful language that it's likely where her rite name came from instead of how she claims to be so fast. The two trade blows and insults... just not damage.

Murdaface is too busy concentrating on trying to kill Revi to care about what's happened to Aces, though he really should since CJ is on top of him before he can get that next swing in. CJ's attack throws him off just enough that his claws just scratch Revi, doing little to her. Even with all the cuts dripping blood and soaking into his fur, MurdaFace just smiles as he stumbles to catch his breath for another attack.

MurdaFace doesn't have the speed to get the first swing on Revi again, but he is fast enough to dodge her first attack. He goes in for another claw attack against Revi, but he just can't move fast enough to get out of the way from CJ's attack...

Revi begins to get frustrated as she manages to miss. she is glad no one but CJ sees as after the other fury dispatches her attacker she lowers her head to CJ in embarrassment.

As the thing dodges Revi's bite, CJ steps around him, nestling her claws just below the base of his skull. She savors the moment, the pain of silver with the twisted pleasure of the coming kill. She drags her claws down his back, moving easily through flesh and bone, until the creature falls forward, it's spine still in her hands. She resists the urge to give a howl, seeing as they are in the city still. She looks at the spine curiously for a second before letting it fall to the ground. <<Was not going to let it hurt you again.>> She chuffs, using a finger to raise the other's chin. <<Keep alert for more.>>

Sweep and Clear----------

The situation outside has been handled pretty well by Revi and CJ (even if Revi won't give herself credit for it). Meanwhile, inside it's still a bit of a mess. Trekome looks at his two comrades and growls out, <<They know we're here. Move fast, take them down before they can dig in and make it difficult. Let's go!>> And with that he's moving up the stairs, weapon pointed forward. He keeps his rifle pointed forward as he keeps moving down the hallway and stacks up against the first door. << I'm going to kick it in, you two move in quickly and nail whoever is on the other side.>>

Chambers lets out a snort and a sound that rather distinctly comes off as an exasperated sigh. He nods, though, looking at the door an crouching, ready to explode into motion. <<Do it.>>

Jennie goes right along with the others. A pause when Trekome stops at the door and readies to go in. Looking between the others, she takes the first position and as soon as the door is kicked, she is rushing headlong in, already lifting her arm with anchor dangling. "Oh I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?" Because SLJ is beloved by her.

Trekome donkey kicks the door, knocking it right off the hinges, and rolls away from it to let the other two through. The room is too small for all three to fit inside it, especially since there are two very angry Crinos BSD's already there. No sooner does the door get kicked in that another Crinos appears from down the hall with an Uzi, and starts to spray at Trekome. Nope, not fast enough on the trigger though, and Trekome lunges through a door and out of the line of fire. Well, this is annoying... just gotta wait for the asshole to finish reloading before taking him on. That leaves Chambers and Jennie to deal with the two inside their room for now.

Chambers isn't the first into the room, but is the first to gain everyone's attention. Seriously, he just busts through the goddamn wall. The only thing missing is him saying "OHH YEAHHH," and that might just be an oversight. This quickly changes to "Oh nooo" as both Spirals take swings at him, though he only takes a bit of a scratch across the chest from a lucky swipe before one of them is rendered so much tomato paste by Jennie's anchor of DOOM.

<<OH YEAH!>> yells Brass-B as he sees Chambers burst through the wall, <<BRING IT, BITCHES!>> The angry crinos spiral lunges with his buddy at Chambers, swinging wildly at the Gaian 'rou. He really does swing wildly though, and Chambers is able to step aside and dodge it. Brass-B's buddy gets in a lucky swipe though, even if it doesn't do very much, and it's the last thing he does before Jennie crushes him (literally).

Jennie was holding her breath as having rushed in first when Trek kicked in the door and having heard the buzz saw sound of the Uzi she thought someone inside had immediately opened up into her face. Then when the actual in room attacks whistle by over her head into the massive form of Chambers and blood flows onto her, that just pisses her the hell off! He is such a nice Garou even! The chain verrrms as she whips it out, spiked end lodging into the Spiral's side. A yank pulling gore out and feeding the spirit inside, if only just killing the monster. "Ain't that always the way? Elevator music, a nigga with a kilt, and a chick with a nickel-plated nine?"... Ok she is very much on a SLJ roll today, even doing her best at his accent, looking at the other as she hefts the anchor.

Brass-B is pissed now... he just watched his friend (or the closest equivalent a BSD can have to one) get crushed by a chick. The fuck?! He works hard to stay light on his feet and get in a slash at Chambers, but the two Gaians are making things tough for him. He snarls and roars at the two after he feels blood slick his claws, and shifts gears to slash at Jennie. Much to his shock, it doesn't seem to do a god damned thing!

It's kind of funny - Jake is the healer, and yet he's the only one who's taken any damage so far. Fucking tanks need to taunt off, goddamnit. Worst raid ever. His chest is getting a nice little pattern of bloody streaks on it, but he hasn't slowed down yet.

Jennie switches to a Mace Windu rather than classic Bad ass pure SLJ quote and it apparently empowers the Wyrm to be a dodgy bastard. "This party's over." Again her anchor's chain verrrrms through the air as she whips it out through the air, trying to decapitate the remaining spiral. But having none of that, the monster easily dodges her anchor which instead takes out a whole lot of drywall instead. Her armored hide gets clawed up pretty well as she reels the chain back in though, the lash slash almost enough to get through, leaving some good gouges. "The next one is gunna be a nut shot.. Just saying.."

Brass-B is cornered here, and he knows it. It just makes him work that much harder to get the fuck out of the way from the oncoming attacks though. Like Jennie's anchor sailing his way, which he jumps away from, just in time to dodge Chambers' attacks too! He's tiring out though, and it's only a matter of time. He looks at the door that's behind the two Gaians and snarls. Trapped... wait, is he?

Jennie tries too.. She swings the chain upwards from the ground. Maybe that's a bad idea, telling someone where you are going to hit them. The anchor arching up where the Spiral's crotch was a moment before to crash through the ceiling, raining plaster dust down rather than. Even together or maybe because it's together, Jake and her just are not able to lay touch on the slimy bastard. Yeah this is getting frustrating to her.. A pause, breath as she readies and winds up, this time with bared teeth and a nasty glint of fury in her eye. "AK-47, the very best there is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherfucker in the room, accept no substitutes.". Something is about to go different...

This is really getting ridiculous. As the cocky Spiral probably taunts the pair, Jake snarls and withdraws a small object from his pouch, holding it up. For the briefest of moments everyone gets a glimpse of the Wyrm glyph etched into it, and then it explodes into a sickly green flame. All the Wyrm-affiliated creatures in the immediate area are suddenly shown for what they really are, and the Spirals suddenly pop back to breed form.

Jennie really really has come to hate this guy and his troll-dodging about and especially the cockiness there in. While not able to frenzy, it does start what rage she does have and while giving voice to the famous words by Samuel L. Jackson, she just goes to town, almost a bally as she twirls and spins about, her body, pulling the anchor about like a dancer's ribbon to strike at the spiral again and again. Still it would not have been enough to take the smarmy bastard's speed down.. But when Jake saves the day by trolling the Spiral back into Homid form mid Anchor beat down... Things change and she ends up standing there covered in blood by the time she is finished. Huffing she grins at him. "Goooood job Jake!"

Brass-B really /is/ laughing at this point, just dodging out of the way and taking whatever scratches he gets with stride. << I am INVINCEA->> And then Chambers holds up the object, and it flashes. And he's suddenly shifted back to his homid form wearing nothing but his boxer briefs. And then... SMACK! Jennie just CRUSHES him. And thus ends Brass-B.

What Happened to the Mouse?----------

There's still a torrent of gunfire in the hallway as Brass-B and Burner are taken down. The only real pause is when Chambers forces the Wyrmy bastards back to their homid forms. Then there's a torrent of profanity and shouting.

Trekome has just been biding his time, waiting for a lull in the fire before taking action. He sure wish he had some grenades... but this'll do just as well. He peels out from the doorway smoothly and immediately starts rushing down the hallway with his rifle aimed ahead...

Yon Spiral has this because Yo has a Mufoen Uzi yo! Feel that?! As soon as he gets done reloading... Again... And blinking about what the hell. Why is he in Homid and oh dear lord the others are going to see that he is wearing pink lace panties.... This will not go over well.. He growls and decides it’s some dammed Gaian trick and the one in the hall will pay! Stepping in, she raises his gat and blinks.. The Fu.. is that a knife on that dude's rifle?! It's just going downhill fast! He tries shooting the crazy bayonet wielding Crinos off of him and then it all goes black with the sound of thunder and the feeling of falling that never seems to end....

First-to-Fight is expecting to see another crinos at the end of the hallway, but instead finds some asshole in homid form with an Uzi. Oh... this is going to be unfair. First-to-Fight is a blur, even with a tactical vest, his modified rifle, and a pistol strapped to him. He doesn't fire immediately, though it'd be amazingly easy to do so, no... He rushes forward and thrusts out the rifle, impaling Panty-Boy in the chest and pinning him against the wall. There's a roar of gunfire as the BSD panics, a few rounds hitting First-to-Fight, which he promptly shrugs off. <<You're doing it wrong...>> he growls to Panty-Boy, then shoves the bayonet a little bit deeper, until the barrel of his rifle is touching bare flesh. And then he pulls the trigger, painting the wall behind the BSD a pretty shade of red that matches the panties.


The rest of the house is clear, and now it's just tending to battle wounds, gathering bodies, cleansing the place, and then ridding the banes from the area. Easy work now that the place has been de-Wyrmed. And, hey, there's a whole SWAT Team of kin to help out!

Jennie is very keen for this part, especially wanting to hunt down the banes expelled from the killed Fomori and bind the buggers while they are still messed up, into talons/prisons then begin cleansings.

There's plenty of banes for Jennie to snatch up and bind. While she handles that, Connor and Chambers make sure that everyone is all patched up before setting to cleanse the house with Jennie. Another neatly wrapped package for the kin SWAT Team to write up a report so that no one but the Nation and the Spirits know what really happened. Now to just make sure that's the last of the Blood Sex and Drugs Gang...