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Security Patrol
The BSD scouts are getting tougher...
IC Date September 13th, 2014
IC Time Late Evening
Players Danielle, Quinn, Rahne, Runt, Trekome
Location Deep Forest
Spheres Gaian Garou, Kinfolk


Trekome is stand at the Caern entrance with his usual kit: rifle, tac vest, and assault pack with all the fancy gadgets and gizmos you'd normally expect to see with someone deployed. He waits for the others to show up before nodding to each in turn. "Standard security patrol, nothing fancy. We have noticed a spike in activity with Spirals and Fomori, so chances are that we are going to take contact. We're going to start pushing north and then head east since our other patrols have shown signs of movement coming from that direction."

"Now we know that there's a Spiral hive that's been sending scouts towards the Caern to find the location so they can stage an assault against us. We're attempting to intercept them and take one alive, if possible. Otherwise, we'll take out the enemy's eyes and ears so that they won't be able to find us. If we take contact, it'll likely be at least four scouts. The last time we found them, it was comprised of two Spirals and two of their kin. Those guys were pretty boot, though, and it's questionable if they were even from the southern Hive. Expect /those/ guys to be much better trained and disciplined."

"Rahne, you're going to be on point again as our eyes, ears, and nose. Quinn, you're going to be hanging back and watching our six, as well as providing fire support. Danielle and I will be the base of fire if we take contact. Any questions?"

Wolf-Rahne wags her tail happily, eagerly for the coming hunt. <None here, sounds very good!> She yips, spins once and moves to the front, all ready for move orders.

Quinn is also in her tack gear. Joan is slung and her Sig is on a sling across her chest. She has her standard supplies and ammo load along with some more kin friendly items. she nods to the Lieutenant, "Yeah, did you want the Kin or the Garou for a hostage? and I assume bleeding but alive works?"

Danielle is dressed in her usual working clothes...jeans, work shirt, boots. "That'll do, I suppose," she replies. "I'm best as a hunter rather than a hitter...just so you know."

Trekome nods to Quinn and Danielle, "If we take contact, then work the flanks and keep 'em busy while I go for the kill. Quinn can help make sure we don't get overwhelmed, and Rahne isn't bad in a fight either. Quinn, preference goes to the Spirals, but either can work. If we have to put them down, then we have to put them down. Get your gear ready and do final checks, then we'll start pushing."

Dire-Rahne goes through her work of setting various gifts in place for heavy hunting, one after another. It takes her a little bit of being distracted to go through everything.

Trekome waits for everyone to finish setting up their gifts or checking over their weapons before nodding. He hands Quinn a radio and a headset before donning his own, then closes his eyes and concentrates on shifting. The transition to Crinos is fluid, with his clothing shifting into his fur while his weapons and gear simply adjust to fit his larger size. He gives the group a nod before leaving the Caern to start the patrol. He growls out, <<Rahne, get ahead of us, but stay within sight and earshot so we don't lose you. Stay quiet and keep an eye out.>>

Quinn notes Danie's weapon and leans to her. "Take that Safety off, we're not here to negotiate and the last thing you want is to forget about it when it matters." she taps Danie in the temple "this is your safety." she almost adds remember your training... but that's a different group. Quinn Radio's up and stuffs her red hair into a black cap. she taps her radio to let Trek know it's working and nods to him, ready to go

Danielle shakes her head. "I hear you, Quinn...but I won't forget and I'd rather it be on until I'm ready...I'm more used to stalking and hunting not marine style patrols. I won't forget the safety," she repeats as she falls in next to and a bit behind Trekome. She watches her side, trusting to Trek to watch his.

Dire-Rahne watches the others work out their weapon situations. Her tail wags a little and maybe making fun a little she shows her teeth and clicks them lightly together. Wolf is ready to fight, safety off.

Trekome directs the group north, probably 1/3 of the way to the city before he takes them east. A few hundred yards once they split east is that unsettling feeling of something watching them. It's subtle, though a few might be able to notice more.

Dire-Rahne pauses her shifting camouflaged self, tail raising high to signal silently to the others. The way her fur bristles… she is not liking something. Sniffing, she turns her head this way and that as if uncertain which way whatever is annoying her is coming from. A look back with bared teeth and how her snarl is silent suggests that whatever is bugging her might be too close for her to vocalize.

Danielle wrinkles her nose at the air, thumb now resting rather heavily on the safety of the old marlin. She keeps watching her side, leaning forward a bit, and up on the balls of her feet at least a little.

Quinn scans the trees for targets catching the foul sent but not able to pinpoint a direction. which is bad. she remembers having been ambushed before. she whispers into the radio "possible Wyrm sign… Something doesn't feel right, Sir. be alert." she Guard's the six, staying in formation.

First-to-Fight halts the group and gives a short nod. <<Rahne, what do you sense?>> he chuffs out before taking a knee besides a tree and motioning for Danielle to do the same with a tree near his. He growls into the mic, "Tighten up."

It’s Quiet… Too Quiet.----------------------------------------

There's still that unsettling feeling of something watching. Brush shifts, even without a breeze, and that stench... it's still nearby. It's like rotting meat and worse.

Dire-Rahne pauses and gives Danielle a held, meaningfully look for a moment until feeling the touch in her own mind. She related just which bush she is noting, 'right by Danielle's right flank, the direction Trek is facing away from' to be the problem one, for the others to all share. This while she half turns to look a bit away from it.

Danielle reaches out to tap Trek on the shoulder and point. She doesn't speak, just taps and points.

Quinn stifles a growl to only a murmur of no change. she scans and keeps an eye out searching for anything to shoot at. she tenses as she joins the others sure that something is going to try to catch them off guard.

First-to-Fight 's ears perk when Danielle taps his shoulder, turning to face where she points. His eyes narrow, rifle at the ready now. <<Fan out, get re->>

Well, shit. Yup, something /was/ indeed watching them. And now it's jumping out of the bushes to charge at them. It's a fully fledged Crinos, now roaring and getting ready to go on a rampage, and it's headed right to Danielle. Seems he doesn't like to be pointed at.

Time seems to slow down for Trekome once the angry Crinos jumps out of the brush at the group. The thing looks emaciated, ribs showing through its manged coat, teeth yellow and gums recessed. The thing has a wild and crazed look in its eyes, like it's running on pure drive with the sole intention of killing. Trekome pulls the trigger immediately, firing a round that hits it in just left of the heart. The thing doesn't stop though.

The crinos pulls its arm back and takes an amazingly fast slash at Danielle, catching her square in the side with a mix between a right hook and claws. There's a distinct sound of bones cracking and crunching as she's sent to the ground. Her shot hits it, well, grazes it, and it growls again, pulling its arm back for another swing to finish its target.

Quinn is at the ready when the crinos charges. reflexively and in defense of her packmate she opens fire once contact is called and there is a target in her sights. She Acts as her training has taught her too, so even in this oh shit moment there is no panic. a hail of lead falls on the Crinos though he is already too close. sadly she is not fast enough to save her packmate from taking a beating. but is fast enough to keep it from finishing the job.

Poor pitiful Crinos. Skeletal and grotesque as it hits the ground in a thud. He was dead before he hit the ground as the well placed rounds destroy his already taxed insides. As he lies on the ground, blood pooling around him. Eyes wide in panic. poor pitiful Crinos.

Dire-Rahne turns as the monster bursts out and at Danielle, really not having expected the pointing to have happened, and braces for a leap at it, her jaws already parting for an expected bite. But then the explosive discharges of forearms begin and the thing collapses to the ground. She huffs a happy and excited sound of cheer for her gun toting bad ass friends. And then proceeds to claw the downed foe. Just to make fully sure. Ears already pinning about to search for others. <No way it came alone, and they know one is found and likely down from all that and no victory howl.>

First-to-Fight growls, "Quinn, security." He crouches down besides Danielle and murmurs something softly before pressing his palm to her bloodied side. Nothing. He blinks, then swears, then says the prayer again and /smacks/ Danielle's side, which prompts her to punch him in the gut. Ooof. But hey, it worked! The cuts are gone, but there's some heavy bruising, and it looks like that spot is going to be sore for a day. <<Run back, get reinforcements.>> he tells Danielle. She gets up with more than a few choice words, and shifts into lupus form before taking off as fast as she can go.


The group is holding tight waiting for reinforcements after Danielle was sent off to rally more troops. It's tense, and there's a sense of some impending threat closing in. And, of course, who do you think is going to be the first to show up? Runt. That's right, reinforcements for troops in contact is Runt.

Runt wasn't so tiny anymore. His body still looked like it was built for speed, but he had put on about an extra hundred pounds of muscle, and well he was about six feet tall now, either someone had hit the juice -hard- recently, or someone was expecting trouble. He still moved with the swagger he usually did, and kept that bat of his slung over and across his shoulders

Dire-Rahne looks back at the others while moving over to Quinn and lowering her front half. She growls softly. <We lade noise so are now hunted, best to move away from noise, will then be tracked, look back on tracks to surprise trackers on trail. How kill hunters. Must move fast.> But she is not in charge and maybe the marines have other ideas than Wolf ones. But if they go for it, she is all ready to be Quinn's ride.

Quinn shakes her head "I can keep up" ok so maybe there is the tiniest of pride things going on "I'll have to drop my weapon in order to hold on" there is that too. She looks to trek to see if she gets growled at for refusing. Sure she's not lupus but she is athletic.

First-to-Fight nods to Rahne, <<They're going to come here, which lets Danielle slip off without anyone tracking her. She can move quietly, so they won't notice her backtracking to get reinforcements. If they find us, we'll be waiting to attack.>> He shakes his head to Quinn, "Need guns up." Runt gets a smirk as he shows up, <<Get ready for an attack... we stirred the hornet's nest.>>

The forest is growing startlingly quiet again. It's just... silent. Dead silent. There isn't a trace of sound, movement, or scent. Well, that can't be good.

First-to-Fight narrows his eyes and looks around. <<We need to move...>> He looks at Quinn and growls out, "Stay close... contact soon."

Dire-Rahne goes with that then, holding to fight rather than leading them on a chase. This explains why she is caught a little derp footed. <Alright Trek-rhya> Ears still getting over the ringing of the firearms, she is only just lowering into brush but stays by the kinfolk, anything wanting to get at miss-doesn’t-regenerate has to go through her. As to the others, she huffs softly. <Hay Runt.. They come to take your cap!>

Quinn does own these woods and has spent two trips a day for over a year in them. And she is like a ghost. Or at the vary fuckin' least the stealthiest here. Which is fine! maybe the ambush will go after them and leave her NOT surrounded as she picks them off.

First-to-Fight keeps ahead of the group a little, but not too far, weapon at the low ready as he moves quietly through the brush. Runt's steps are most definitely /not/ quiet, and it gives him an idea. He motions for Quinn to fall back a little, giving her a bit more breathing room from the louder footfalls. It's still unnervingly quiet though...

A twig snaps. Fuck.

Without a sound three Crinos lunge out of the brush. These Crinos look much like the previous one: on the scrawny side, fangs bared with yellow teeth. Their fur is mangy and ragged, matted down in some areas too. That doesn't detract from the fact that their claws and teeth still look like they're sharp as knives though.

First-to-Fight roars at the top of his lungs, a familiar cry for a few in the Sept now: battle. The roar attracts the trailing Crinos, but the other two still go for Runt and Rahne. Well, seems Quinn's tactic of hiding and waiting worked.

Runt kept on with his swaggering, not even blinking as the crinos dives for him, Runt was used to fighting things much bigger than him anyway, and he dove to the side "Hope you didn't like your kneecaps chucklehead!" and that bat went flying out to slam into the knee of the first crinos and stagger him with pain.. Runt was obviously too busy throwing up his hands at how awesome he was to get the bat back down around to parry the follow blow

Quinn didn't mean to make the Garou bait. really! honest! but they are beefy things and heal so quickly. not to mention they were being so Loud! she gets the signal to hold back and she does. And it pays off. Quinn is quick to respond to the ambush and manages to wound the one coming after the newest member. unlike before she's not able to bring this one down in one burst, but she notes how the damage done doesn't seem to register with the wounded.

First-to-Fight sees the Crinos going for him and just... smiles. The thing is a full two feet taller than him, even though it looks like it's been eating from the city landfill, and it's PISSED. The thing rears back and roars at Trek, and Trek is still smiling. Even as his rifle roars back after he pulls the trigger, he's smiling. And he's definitely smiling when the round hits the enemy scout in the pelvis and blows out chunks of flesh and bone, leaving a gaping hole where there should be bone. The thing howls in pain as its support structure is shattered and lain to waste, crumpling forward and snarling. It's still trying to crawl to Trek, jaws still snapping at the air, trying to be a threat.

The scout lunging at Rahne is a nimble little shit. Light on his feet enough to not make a sound, and quick enough to not be spotted as he moves through the brush to ambush the group. Cocky little thing brings his arm back to gain as much power as he can to swing his claws at Rahne, giving a sadistic little smile as those blades at the end of his fingers whistle through the air... and... BAM. Three rounds slam into his side. The rounds are enough to make him recoil, which gives Rahne time to dodge out of the way. And now he's pissed.

The scout Crinos on Runt lunges forward as quietly as his brothers in arms, though he's just not fast enough to get the jump on Runt. He snarls and lunges forward, and finds a metal baseball bat crushing his kneecap. The thing visibly recoils from the blow, but manages to get a lucky swing in on Runt, claws catching the Glabro and tearing flesh as he falls to the ground. He tries his best to stand again, and stumbles once more. Lucky and unlucky son of a bitch.

Dire-Rahne moves quickly when the shooting begins, and with the rounds splattering off of one so close, she twists to the side, away from an expected clawing. This while beginning a howl of challenge at the nasty thing facing her. Fur bristling, hackles rising, it’s about to become very much a place of fangs and claws between the two.

Runt staggers back, his shirt and flesh beneath it a mess of blood "You fucker! This was my -favorite- shirt" and Runt was hurting, but he was -pissed- New York style pissed, and he went to town on the BSD, that bat rising and falling, ringing out with *Bonk!* *Bonk!* *Bonk!* Runt staggers back and rises his weapon and fist up shouting out "WOOO!" before falling back on his ass, hurt as all hell

Dire-Rahne is ducked down after her having dodged the earlier swiping with the Spiral's arm reached out above her. And this is just where you do not want a Dire Wolf to be springing up into your soft belly, head turning sideways as jaws part wide. Her paws land on the Betrayer's thighs for leverage as she bites in deeply and pulls out an enormous amount of viscera to sling against the trees behind with a twist of her neck. Stepping from the fallen Spiral, and seeing that there are no more other than the one being shot and beaten into the dirt, she settles her rage down.

First-to-Fight transitions from the downed Scout that's finally stopped crawling towards him and brings his sights up onto the raging Crinos attacking Runt. He fires off a round, but he's off by just a hair and barely grazes the attacker. No matter though, Runt is going Bear Jew on the bastard, and pretty soon the thing is down for the count. <<Report!>> he calls out to the group. <One down! Rahne, Runt, Quinn?!>> Of course, Quinn probably doesn't understand Garou growling and barking, but she should probably know the drill for combat reporting once the shooting ends.

Quinn does in fact sound off out of habit. it's likely she still would if not here with Trek who is the only other she knows that would ask for the information. "Treats down, near full ammo. Runt needs your healing, Providing cover" which she does. she stands near Runt and guards, particularly the still breathing but downed hostile, while Trek moves in to put the good kind of touch on Runt.

First-to-Fight hears Runt is injured and immediately runs over to the hurt Garou. He murmurs a prayer and presses his hand against the wound, sending a warm tingling through his brother in arms. The massive gash is healed down to bruises and soreness. <<You're good to go. Let's get these bodies ready for burn and get this prisoner back to the Caern for interrogation.>> He nods to Quinn, "Pile the bodies... thermite them... mark for cleansing."

Dire-Rahne huffs in agreement to Quinn's assessment, also taking up position to guard while healing takes place, dribbling gore onto Runt while doing so. Drip drip splat, that one was meaty, drip drip. She fights the urge to do the canine out of water shake and clean her fur off but only just maintains the urge.

Runt wriggles back to his feet and wanders over to the BSD that took the beating, he leans down and pries open it's claws to retrieve the set of dog tags that had been torn off his chest from the swipe "Yeah, ain't got nothing clever to say now do you chucklehead?" he whacks the back one last time into the Dancer's knee before placing the tags back around his neck

Quinn nods to Trek and eyes Rahne not trusting her to resist the urge to shake. Still there is work to be done and she goes about piling bodies. it's almost time for the burning. The burning part is fun.

First-to-Fight waits until the bodies are piled up before nodding to Quinn to torch the remains. <<We'll get a Theurge back here for cleansing... Need to get this one,> he nudges the unconscious BSD, <<secured and ready for questioning. If he fights on the way there, we kill him.>> And with that, he slings his rifle and lifts the knocked out BSD. <<Runt, grab his legs so we can carry him. Rahne, make sure the path is clear.>> He turns to Quinn, "Cover our six."