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The Impossible Beast Pt. 5
All for One, and One for All
IC Date Friday, August 8th, 2014
IC Time Night
Players Clarimond (Storyteller), Basilisk, Mikhail, Misa, Silvana, Velok
Location Domus, Prospect then PRC Compound, 2 Hours Outside Prospect
Prp/Tp The Impossible Beast
Spheres Mage and Mortal and Shifter and Vampire


Domus - Grounds

xxxxxThe grounds surrounding the Domus is a vast expanse of green, the bluegrass trimmed down to the perfect height and framing the area. An expansive one story marble house situates in the middle, various windows either allowing in sunlight or emanating a faint glow of inner light depending on the time of day. A small stone path leads from the grass through brush and directly onto the sands of the North Beach. A gray checkered marble driveway curls from the street towards the garage attached to the house, lined with small bushes. The air is filled with the constant soft sounds of the crashing tide in the near distance and the fresh ocean smell. From most spots in the front yard one could get a clear view of the blue expanse that is the Pacific ocean, almost always sparkling in the sun and moonlight. A marble path stretches around the outside of the house leading towards the backyard. Two single palm trees stretch up to the sky near the side of the house, providing a small portion of shade that draws along the grass as the sun rises and sets. Between the two trees is a tied double mayan hammock.

xxxxxWhen one gets to the backyard the view is undeniably different. The backyard consists of the same grass as the frontyard, well taken care of green that provides plenty of space for almost any activity. A line of small bushes mark the property line with a natural barrier. Beyond the barrier, however, is the normal uncultivated brown region one might expect from undeveloped land. No doubt the home of various animals like rabbits and coyotes. A wooden patio with shady overhang extends off the back of the house playing host to various chairs and a BBQ pit. A sliding glass door separates the patio from the inside of the house. The faint sound of the ocean can still be heard along with the sounds of birds and, at night, the songs of the grasshopper.

Clarimond waits in her Sedan, it's raining of course, the perfect mood. Misa is missing, kidnapped in fact, all the evidence points to it, and there is no telling what they are doing to her. She is on the phone with Silvana, "...and that tiger man.. he warned us. The Triads.. they outsmarted us all it seems."

Silvana would of course take the phone and in private and with her ghouls do her thing with the phone to find out the most information she can before she will find her way here having tried to call Velok but the phone seem to have died it's the rain, california doesn't see it and things go nuts go figure

Mikhail arrives at the grounds, familiar with the area from when he met Velok and Silvana to discuss the hyena. He doesn't seem to mind the rain as he lets it pour down on his jacket covered shoulders as he notices Clarimond's sedan.

Clarimond closes her phone now, the conversation ended. She can see Mikhail just as he can see her. She DOES mind the rain, and does not even make a move to leave her car. She will stay in there until Velok arrives to open the door. Her ghouls are in the back snickering about the Sabbat, and his crispy death. The sunrise this morning was apparently rather eventful.

Silvana doesn't seem to mind the rain as she seems to be the only one to go knock on the door and await for Velok to answer

xxxxxThis is the way the world ends, Not with a bang but a whimper. For Velok, all the training in the world, all the preparing and strategizing and planning he could make for when this situation occured flies out the window at the realization that it's actually happening this time. The problem is not that Misa was kidnapped, but WHO kidnapped her, and given who is in his mind, the reasons behind his return are quite easily understood. The man's arrival can first be heard in the distance as a 4x4 down on the street. Given the lack of neighbors or people around, and the speed at which it is driving, it's surely the man. The car pulls up onto the street, not proceeding onto the driveway where others are parked, and Velok gets out of the passanger seat. The familiar ocelot, now drenched in rain, plops out beside him and trods along. There's a black haired woman driving Velok, apparent when Velok turns and walks around the front of the car to the drivers window, leaning in and saying something quiet. He's not wearing his hoodie, instead choosing a blue teeshirt, shorts, and shoes that are muddy. Not weather appropriate. The woman turns the car around and drives away as Velok is lifting the phone back up to his ear, approaching the house. Silvana, Clarimond and Mikhail all get a single look, but Velok is still in conversation. "I don't CARE if he has his own problems right now. If he FUCKING touched her when she's MINE, I will rip his heart out and EAT IT. Don't give me any of this fucking master bullshit. And if it WASN'T him, if it was the fucking /experiment/ or whatever she called it, then I'll rip his dick off, and shove it down his socially inept fucking girlfriends THROAT." Velok's...um. Not happy.
xxxxxThe man storms his way forward, ignoring Clarimond, ignoring Mikhail, and heading right to Silvana. "Who." He says. One word. One word filled with all the plethora of desire for information, all while the rain wets his hair.

Silvana takes a breath as Velok comes straight to her "Triads" is all she has to say to him

Mikhail is walking up when the word passes Silvana's lips and the large man's brow furrows in the rain. He knows OF the triad, even if he doesn't know any triads himself.. They were a bit further south of his dealings in China.

Clarimond steps out of the Sedan and approaches the grou, she has an umbrella out now, and walks towards them.

xxxxxVelok just stares at Silvana as she says that word, the strong look of anger and hatred just melting away from his face. "Sorry what?" He says, leaning forward and staring towards Silvana. He gives another look around before looking back to Silvana. Oh. Triads. "Cao ni ma ge bi.." He says to himself, shaking his head and looking away, saying the phrase in almost the same perfect accent Misa has. He uncovers the phone and presses it back to his ear. "Yea. No. Never mind. Heart safe, dick safe. Sorry about that." With that he hangs up the phone and slips it down into his pocket, opening the door and inviting everyone inside. "Anyone know anything else?" He asks around, just holding the door open while the rain pouring down increases. The ocelot, of course, is the first inside. Fuck water.

Silvana repeats the word on more time as she watches Velok quietly. She takes the phone out of her pocket and offers it to Velok it has been bagged and it's pretty destroyed.

Clarimond is where everyone else is now and she follows them inside, "We were warned.. sadly the warning was not enough. I assume that the Khan knew nothing else?" She looks at Mikhail.

Mikhail shakes his head, "All he heard vas Triad goeengk after heer.. He knew nosseengk yelse.." he confirms.. then glances at Velok, "Yu do note have trackeengk device?" Why would Velok put a tracking device on Misa?

xxxxx"Oh. Which means..." Obviously the term Triads holds some recognition within Velok's eyes. This man did work with Misa quite a bit. He looks between the three others as they move into the living room. Everything looks normal within the living room except for the couch. Pushed aside against one of the walls instead of in the center of the room, the coffee table moved with it. There sits a single square table with a white tablecloth, two candles, forks, plates, and dishes, and a single vase in the middle with a single rose in it. When Velok is the last inside, he spots what happened and his face falls. "The lobster..." the man says, suddenly taking a deep breath. "No, I don't have a tracking device. Nothing." Yes, Velok understood what Mikhail meant, but the answer was the same as he walks forward to the table, grabbing the vase with the rose and walking into the kitchen, dumping it into the sink. "Nothing at all. You didn't get where they were, where he spent his time...nothing? Anything that can lead us to them?" The ocelot, meanwhile, has managed to open up the refridgerator, Velok going over to help pull out raw meat and plop it onto the ground. Kitty's gotta eat.

Silvana quietly takes in the room looking it around slowly taking note of how things are set up. She takes a rather deep breath and waits for Mikahil to say something perhaps to confirm what information she has found out since you know you never know what was true coming from the other Khan.

Mikhail shakes his head, "I do note sseenk he dyealt vees zem diryectly. Zey vere outside party. Vhere vas she last seen? Tire tracks? Vhat about car? Eet has G-P-S?" he asks tossing out suggestions.

Clarimond has no suggestions right now, but she looks at Silvana, "Can your contacts find anything? No one is perfect, there is always something left behind. Even the lowliest witness.."

xxxxxVelok was not part of the investigation, only discovering the context of it. For the questions and suggestions Mikhail has, he leaves them to Silvana and Clarimond. The man is reaching into the sink, idly playing with the rose petals. He's listening, but he seems distracted, as if there's more than just three voices in the room he's consulting with. His lips are moving, but no words come out as he waits for the group to collaborate.

Silvana stares at Mikhail for a moment before she takes her phone o ut "I was able to find an address we can start with, and have them searching for the others" she takes a rather deep breath and makes her way closer to Velok and gently places a hand on his shoulder "Are you alright Velok?"

Mikhail watches Silvana approach Velok, speaking quietly to her and not him, "He veel likely be byetter ze sooner ve find Meesa.. Vhat eez ze addryess?" he asks.

xxxxxVelok stands there in the kitchen while the ocelot eats. Gotta have a full belly for what it's sure it will be doing. When the snack is consumed, the cat hops up onto the table, sitting back on its haunches. He doesn't recognize Silvana approaching first, not until the hand is put on his shoulder. He's staring very intently at the rose. It still has thorns within its stem, and Velok has cut himself on that thorn, a spot of blood dabbed on his thumb. He slips the rose in between his fingers, the bud cupped carefully within his palm as he pulls it out of the vase, holding it out in front of him. Finally he looks up, looking to Silvana, to Mikhail, to Clarimond, then down to the rose.
xxxxxVelok's fingers curl closed around the red petals of the rose, squishing them within the palm of his hand. Specks peek out around his fingertips as he tilts his head. Very quickly and suddenly, the rose starts to disintegrate within the palm of his hand, as if the rose has been aged a thousand years and is turning to dust. The dust blows out of his hand, scattering into the air and down towards the ground as he stares at the now dusty palm. "I'm not alright." Velok says, quite clearly and loud enough for everyone, even the voices in his head, to hear. He trains his eyes on Silvana, opening his hand and revealing what's left of the dead, decayed rose. "I'm going to wipe them off the face of the Earth with the fury of God's Own Thunder." A single swipe of his palms together to brush off what's remaining of the death and the man turns, heading straight towards the door of the house, Ocelot in tow.

Silvana takes a slow breath and kind of just stands there for a moment before she heads for the door not saying anything further.

Clarimond also leaves, returning to her car after Silvana leaves. It seems everyone will be piling into Silvana's car mostly. She has ghouls in hers!

Silvana has her own car plus one that tends to follow so doesn't matter what car really.

(The group proceeds to the compound where Misa is prisoner. They are given two hours to prepare.)

Clarimond arrives at the address, Mikhail in the back, probably drinking all her vodka. But she doesn't care either way, she can't consume it. But the factory ahead is massive, smoke filling the air, armed guards patrolling the premesis. It may even be safe to say that there are snipers on the roof tops.. because there are two guard towers with snipers there. The PRC flag and the USA flag both fly from the factory as if this is actually a legitimate place of business. The entire property is enormous and fenced in.

Mikhail has a drink or two, but not many. Just something to ready himself. Looking out far beyond the headlights at the shadows moving in patrol formations.. he shivers slightly and starts talking in Russian within Clarimond's car.

xxxxxVelok had no car here, having been driven by that black haired woman, so it's no wonder when the man immediately moves towards Silvana's car. The ocelot hops into the back and Velok takes the passenger seat since Silvana is driving. It's a remarkably quiet ride, Velok staying focused on staring straight ahead. No red lights, not on this trip. Coincidence is in their favor. Quiet enough allows Velok to be be mumbling. He's repeating the same phrasing, over and over again, quiet enough and subtle enough in his cold fury. "We, who know the dance of life and death, and who have been chosen to guard the Wheel of the world, do avow before all present powers that this is our law, to be held sacred forever." A minute before the repetition is mumbled again, stopping when they reach the compound as Velok's cold blue eyes stare.

Silvana drives rather quietly. She doesn't have comforting words really to tell Velok or something that's going to make it all better because well that's just how it is. She does look towards him as he begins to mumble and reaches out to pat his leg a little bit as comforting as anyone can be with such a simple guesture. As they arrive she stops as she sees just how many are out. There is a thoughtful expression on her face.

Clarimond nods to Stenn, "Hand Mikhail your shotgun. There are still two weapons in this car that can be used in defense." She turns to Irna, "Hand Stenn your pistol." Now that everyone is properly armed, Clarimond steps out of her car, quietly closing the door, and gestures for Mikhail to follow. Anyone dumb enough to slam their doors will deserve to be shot.

Mikhail was certainly motioning for Stenn to hand over the shotgun, but all his words are in Russian.. It's almost like suddenly he doesn't speak a word of English. As he leaves the car he moves.. oddly, like he's hopping out of a troop wagon. He even squats down, taking some grit and wiping it over his pale cheeks below his eyes to keep his paleness from catching light. He moves behind Clarimond at a low run, holding the shotgun with both hands as he troops forward in a low run, from cover to cover.

Mikhail stops suddenly from behind cover (a car), he holds up fingers for the patrols he sees, then hurries towards the fence, climbing up and over it before dropping to the dirt, the sound drawing the attention of a nearby guard he either missed or miscalculated.. considering he's in the middle of a flashback, either is possible.

Clarimond is also over the fence. Velok takes down the guard that spotted her and Mikhail, so she keeps climbing, and makes it nimbly over the fence.

Silvana is watching and waiting after she gets all settled down to begin to fire from her spot.

xxxxxWhen Velok got out of the car, things were different. He was prepared this time, ready for shit to go down. He felt oddly full of life, considering the man only had one thing on his mind; death. There is no real discussion of plan as he falls in with Mikhail, the bow having been drawn and prepared already. The benefits of having a stealth weapon that so few people underestimate in the modern age. Guns are loud. Bows are quiet. Velok follows up the same way Mikhail does when they're climbing the fence, having stopped to casually eliminate one guard peeing in a bush. Fuck that guy. They're stealthy still, even if the climbing is slow, then Velok falls over and lands quietly on the other side.

Mikhail slinks along the fence behind the guard house. Stealthily, he moves the corpse further into the bushes practically under the shed and pushes dirt up over the body. He slinks back to the group holding an AK47.. What happened to the shotgun? He doesn't know, he was always holding a rifle.. that's the way he remembers it.

(Stealth fails. Stage 1 of combat. Multiple rounds involving up to twelve mortal Triad soldiers and snipers)

Silvana has been watching the group and trying to tell them where people are at so that there is no one sneeking up on them. She tries her best to take men out, she shoots the first and badly hurts him but darn man he is strong enough to stand, then there is the talk about alarms so she turns her focus to the men in the shack and takes another shot, just a flesh wound, now she's getting a little irritted, but then the lights go all out and she concentrates and shoots this time badly hurting the man in the darkness but not down. There is a slight grumble to her now.

xxxxxOnce they're over the fence, Velok shows his first sign of real differenced emotion. Surprise. He wasn't expecting the sniper bullet to hit the random person and cause him to flail down. The man quickly gets as much of a peek in the shed as he can while the bow is raised, making a tough, yet precise, shot into the shed. The arrow surprisingly finds its mark just as one of the lights from outside fades out, a surge of electricity piercing the panel before someone can ring out the alarm. Within the confusion Velok tries to find some form of cover, an errant jeep or a tree as he takes another shot wildly into the dark. The dodging doesn't work as he feels a bullet pierce his side, wincing in pain as he has to dodge down to the ground. (Velok takes 3 Lethal)

Mikhail hears the first guard grunt and the Russian rushes over throwing a punch at the man's throat to silence him, but misses. Then he's there looking at five men with big guns when the lights go out. He hurries around to the gatehouse door and kicks it in. Stepping inside he turns out the light as the door swings shut and he lays a fist into the man on the left hurting him. He follows it up with another blow to the man's chin, knocking him out as a spray of gunfire fills the dark room. Mikhail feels his jacket tug as a shot grazes him, but that's not what he sees.. Looking down at his hands he sees his own blood coating his hands and fingers from a gut wound and reaching deep he finds the Rage which will sustain him, letting out an inhuman roar.
xxxxxFrom outside the shack, people can see the lights inside go out, the flash of gunfire, and then a roar followed quickly by a blood curdling scream that drowns out the snarls and growls as blood sprays across the windows.

Silvana notices that the snipers have taken noticed and she must of had one of t hose dang it moments because that's who she should have focus on first either way, there they are and when she notices Basil coming and hopes she picks the right one she turns to focus on the next one shooting off and badly injuring the man, not dead but injured it must be somewhat of their lucy night

xxxxxVelok pushes himself up onto his feet, leaving his bow behind on the ground. The wound in his side is starting to hurt, quite clearly, but he's trying so hard to not let it effect him. His blue eyes scan over the remaining Triads, the two triads on their way, and he thrusts out both his hands from his body at the same time towards two of them. He's whispering something, mumbling to himself in that weird way Mages are apt to do, the blood no doubt sticking a bit of his teeshirt to his body.

Basilisk comes in from the sky, a big doppy taloned albatross of d00m. She lets out a screech, talons headng right for the man's neck, trying to crush him with the speed of her velocity. She then lets out a proud chirp, and looks across for more snipers to sit on.

Mikhail is still in a blind rage as the corpse on the floor of the shack lies motionless and the other body is thankfully still enough in its unconsciousness as the tiger bursts forth and savages one of the a wounded man, tearing him down as he moved to lift his weapon as a bludgeon in blind panic. The appearance of the beast has a profound affect on the Triad's and losing all higher brain functions they turn what ever they have against the massive tiger, a bullet wizzing by as another impacts but seems to not faze the beast. Another sinks in causing the beast to bleed as it snarls and roars. (Mikhail takes 3 Lethal)

Clarimond is still latched onto her prey.. he is doomed, he knows that now. His life blood exists only to serve his immortal goddess... that was his destiny from birth.

Silvana is still trying to take snipers out. She hits again though not a instant kill man she must be losing her touch there ah well maybe the next one as she pepares to take out more bad guys.

xxxxxSeeing the situation going tits up, Velok stands there in the middle of the distraction. It's a good thing too, allowing Velok to get a good sense of things. Suddenly he darts forward, reattaching his bow to his back as he ducks into the shack before Mikhail. He goes to as secluded of a part of the guardhouse he can get, one where people can't see him and sits down onto the ground. "Fucking wankers..." The man mumbles as he looks back to Mikhail. "Don't let anyone through the door." He winces. The man kneels down on the floor, slowly starting to strip away. For no reason at all, he starts to take off his tube and his bow, laying them down on the floor of the shack. "Silvana, I'm leaving my weapons in here." He says into the earpiece as his gloves are removed. Hoodie off and tossed aside and then shirt, the man clearly getting naked. The bullet went clean through without hitting anything, leaving Velok only wounded, but the smearing of blood on his chest and the inside of his shirt clearly hasn't clotted yet. Velok doesn't even survey it, his rather toned chest rising and falling and practically glistening with the sweat of the encounter as Velok strips. Everything, ladies and gentlemen. Shorts and underwear are clearly next. "I need time." He instructs Mikhail.

Mikhail blinks as one of his wounds starts to close, opening his eyes again he no longer sees things in just red and movement.. He now sees people and guns, and.. all of them coming at him. He watches Velok blur past him and into the guardhouse, he gets the order and jumps inside move the door (or what's left of it) to closed, then the firing starts and the beast is bounding twisting, dropping and doing a degree of ridiculous dance moves no 10 foot tiger ever should have to do. His large mass DOES block the door though as a melee man tries to break his way in through what's left of the door. (Mikhail pulls off an impressive feat of dodging numerous attacks and heals 1 Lethal)

Clarimond looses her grip on the man now, she curses and snarls, howling with rage! She is not Clarimond anymore, she is like a howling demon! She can feel the hunger, the NEED for this man's blood now. But some part of her senses danger and she runs into the shed behind everyone else.

Basilisk decides to go for the next moving target. She lets out what may be a howl of pleasure, enjoying the hunt as best a bird can.

Silvana takes a deep breath as she sees how many are still standing and she's had enough she's about to make this a lot more confusing for the bad guys and give Velok the time he needs. It's about to get really dark outside the shed

Clarimond is in the shed now.. she doesn;t want to talk to anyone, see anyone, or even SMELL anyone. She wants blood.. so badly.. she was interrupted.. and that is not a good thing. She heaves in a corner.. ignoring everyone.

Mikhail shifts to his giant human version, picking up an AK47 from the floor and tosses, it to the side as it's the empty one, then grabs another checking outside, all he sees is darkness between him and baddies.. He looks back at Clarimond and Velok, assuming it's one of them...

xxxxxVelok glances up towards everyone that shows up. Clarimond, with the super messy face and lips. Is that hot or not? He'll have to decide later. Now constitutes a joke, obviously, which is why it's so ominous that Velok is completely serious. "So, does anyone have any ideas on how to eliminate 117 different enemies?" He asks. Obviously this man has one, as he reaches down and runs his hands through the bleeding wound on his side, coating as much as possible. He reaches up and in a rather primal way cups his own face, rubbing blood down against his cheeks. He continues to paint himself in no real order, first the face, then the neck, but then he's running out. His wound isn't THAT bad. The shorts are next, leaving simply boxers adorning his body (No peen here people, but with the buldge of the boxers, he clearly has one.) "Basilisk." He says, he says, bringing her over to him and whispering into her ear.

Basilisk approaches Velok, shifting back to her human form. Because an albatross doing this is silly. Her face is expressionless as she extends her fangs. She takes a bite out of Velok's finger and one out of her own, enough so that they bleed. "Together." she says as she starts to paint designs with her blood on his body, the designs looking like Samoan tattoos. A rite of manhood, or protection. Somethng about her understands the ritualness of this, murmuring something in Tahatian.

Silvana can hear the conversation as she is preparing to do sufficate, scare and confuse the living men outside the shed."I can offer cover and confusion.. They are about to run in panic or die one or the other really.. I dont' suggest you leave the shed till I tell you.. I can move this but you won't be able to see your targets the only one that will see them is me"

Mikhail looks at Velok, "Exspohseeves?" he suggests.. and he doesn't even KNOW about the mines between them and the factory. He watches the bloody display frowning not following what Velok is doing. He looks very confused when Basilisk joins in.

xxxxxWhen Basilisk bites him, Velok takes a deep breath. How lewd a display is this, this man being coated in his own blood. Yes, Velok is familiar with this. He's mumbling under his breath as he does so, frowning in parts. Velok points towards the ground. "Cease my wound, and As much of a circle as you can make, Basilisk." He instructs. Before she seals his wound he cups, creating a little pool of his own blood and reaching it up towards the cealing. Even before the circle is completed, Velok has begun his dance. The dance is far more of a sway, like he was doing a waltz in place. The cupped blood in his hand is an offering of sorts as his head tilts back to the sky. The chanting is indistinguishable, but it's pretty clear he's doing some voodoo shit. While the words make no sense, the tone is ominous.

Basilisk licks Velok's wound shut and continues coating him with intricate bloodwork. Who knows where she learned this. She murmurs something to the moon, the gods. She has no supernatural power over them. But hopes the moon and sea will give him the power he needs.

Mikhail looks between Velok and the murky darkness, not sure what he's looking at.. not 100 percent on how he got there.. he remembers the car.... (Mikhail heals 1 Lethal)

Clarimond|| All the poor saps that decided it was a good idea to charge a shed full of supernatural creatures are now fleeing back to the factory, screaming bloody murder! But chances are they won't get far.. whether their cause of death will be SIlvana or Velok, their lives are about spent.

Clarimond meanwhile, doesn't care who does what, she is pretty much sick and tired of this assault already, "Well someone needs to do something, I don't care at this point what, but we are outnumbered vastly.." She glances at Velok, "You have a plan then?"

Silvana makes sure that they stay away from the shed and now it's time to take out snipers so she aims to take them out while they can't see past the 30 foot darkness, but she can.

xxxxxSo far, while this group has been together, almost everything Velok has done has been coincidental. Effects that the results couldn't really be shown, where awareness was needed. Now, however, it's time for Vulgar. "Step back." He instructs Basilisk. The chanting increases, the mumbling and swaying when Velok finally closes his eyes. A plethora of things happen at once, all within a short span of time. Limbs stretch out and Velok grows. 7 feet. 8 feet. 9 feet. 10 feet tall (Thank god the guard house had a high cealing, right?) The blood leaves a darkened color on his skin that suddenly bursts forth, turning his skin as black as wrought Iron from the tanned white Englishmen that was before.
xxxxxOne of the most disturbing changes are what happens to his arms. The skin starts to bubble around his ribcage, then bursts forth in a sickening crunch of forming blood and muscle. Where once was two arms, now there's four, fingers flexing. Velok's hair goes from the usual light brown to pitch black. The air around this man is now sickening, the sheer visage of him /terrifying/ to any mere mortal. Those of a supernatural aspect are safe, but the man practically emanates death and destruction.
xxxxxThe fingers of the arms continue to flex and grow, turning into vicious talons. In a flash of light and fire, four dangerously curved metal blades burst forth into the man's four arms. Fire rages amongst the blade, from hilt to point, threatening to burn down any and all nearest. What is left is still somewhat distinguishable as Velok if you look at the features, but the terrifying visage gives off more of an image of a god come down to Earth. A nightmarish Apoch form for a Euthanatos. The final act of the ritual is Velok's eyes suddenly bursting open. The normal bright blue that seems so natural has been given an unnatural tint. His eyes glow with radiance, two cold stars deep within his orbitals burning with the fire of a sun. There is no pupils anymore, just that blue flame. Velok takes a deepened sigh once the effect is complete. His voice is incredibly deep, changed in pitch but still recognizable as Velok when he introduces himself, saying his first, and quite possibly only words for the rest of the night.

xxxxx"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." (Velok takes 1 Bashing)

Basilisk steps back from the metamorphosis of her friend into Death itself. She stares at the sky for a moment. "Moon. I asked you to help. What.. did you do?" she asks in abject horror as if the moon, surely not the mage powers did this to her friend.

Mikhail watches the man and seems wary, last time he saw someone change like that.. they turned into a giant gorilla and tried to attack Misa.

xxxxxVelok doesn't seem to particularly care about reactions to him. He came here for one purpose and one purpose only. To rescue the princess, and she better not be in some other fucking castle. The Lord of Death is at least careful not to graze anyone with his flaming swords when his thick leg comes up, kicking the door open instantly and stepping out into the open sky. Silvana can get a very good look at him now, and probably be unsure even if that's Velok or not. No doubt the comm traffic picked up what was going on inside. The man takes a single look around towards all those remaining who were trying to get in. He doesn't wait, immedietly advancing on the one who manages to actually stare him down.

Clarimond|| The pansies are FLEEING again! But one of them is braver than the rest and he just stares at Velok. DEMON! He ends up running anways because why would anyone be stupid enough to fight this thing? The screaming men are just pathetic..

Clarimond watches Velok do his thing. She REALLY wishes he didn't have to reveal the supernatural so blunt, but hey Mikhail has already shifted into a giant saber toothed tiger, why not a giant tentacle god? Clarimond is just glad that the tide is turning in all honesty.

Basilisk holds out her finger like its magic or something. "Behold the power of luna. She uses my blood to transform Velok into a weapon! Anyone else want some blood?" she starts to look around for Misa, hoping they're not too late.

Mikhail grows to a 9' tall man tiger, broader at the shoulder than the four armed demon, but he doesn't have four flaming swords, instead he has an AK47 and he exists the place. Any 4 willpower mortal who sees him is subject to abject terror and will conveniently forget he ever saw the monster as he flees.

Basilisk then looks to Mikhail. "And luna transforms him too. Who else wants some of my moon?"

Silvana takes pot shots at the snipers while Velok change for the ball, when he comments she moves the shroud to another area, probably not ready to lose it who knows it might come in handy. She takes down one more sniper at least.

xxxxxSuch a large battle with the alarms going off and the people scared. Given that Velok's four arms are all held out to the side, he's quite wide, and tall! The man strides forward with a long gait, running out of fuck's to give. Misa might not be a princess, but it's clear he doesn't plan on leaving the compound alive. When he reaches the front doors he gestures to Mikhail, raising his foot once more for a double strength kicking. Cause fuck doors.

Mikhail joins Velok, and between the two of them provide enough strength to punch through cement, an inch of sheet metal and god knows what else. If the doors stand they'll kick even harder, but between the two of them, they shouldn't last long.

Basilisk tilts her head and sniffs the air. She moves between Velok's legs, sniffing around trying to find the obective. She hopes by the time they rescue Misa, the floor won't be too wet from Triad pee as they flee the strong warriors.

Silvana makes sure no one shoots at you guys as she keeps trying to take out the ones that might cause a threat as you all head inside.

Clarimond || By now you are in the building, the facility has wide hallways, the walls seem thin, as if made of paper. They are blank, white, and there is no real sense of direction here. Strange statues adorn the hallways and nothing changes down any path.

Basilisk is also sniffing her way inside the building, sniffing for something shes sure Misa's lost a lot of. Blood, sweat, urine..erm...Blood.

xxxxxVelok and Mikhail probably obliterate the door, and Velok walks inside, ready to make his way towards Misa. His chest rises and falls quickly, which leaves his arms shaking quite strangely. Down one path, down the other, it's pretty clear what he's seeking. Occasionally doors get punched just for fun.

(Stage 2 of combat. One set of two silver swordsmen)

xxxxxVelok continues to wander down the hallways. He's on the prowl. A 10 foot fall demon four armed creature doesn't take time to evaluate. The moment he sees movement in the wall, sees two silver sworded people propping down, he dashes forward. His two left arms slice immediately through the first one, eviscerating them in a pool of bursted blood, the flame of his swords burning them with Prime. The other he only manages to graze in its attempt towards Mikhail.

Mikhail watches the silver samurai lurch towards him with an exceptional swing despite his wound and though it doesn't look like anything the big man hasn't shrugged off easily, he tries to dodge it. The silver blade cleaves right through flesh, muscle and very nearly bone as if Mikhail, in his two foot tigery glory, were nothing more than paper. Slumping to one knee he carries out his intended task and opens fire through the paper walls up the row till two grunts are heard up ahead, then as the man slumps from his own wounds, Mikhail drops the empty machine gun and slashes through the man. (Mikhail takes 5 Aggravated)

Clarimond watches the battle commense. the Giant Asians are not match for Mikhail and Velok and Basil! The trio quickly takes down the tough buggers and the groups can move on.

Silvana hurries towards the group as fast as she can as she hears that shit is hitting the fan and with what well time to stop not preparing and she arms up and hides the effect becauae you know it's all about not giving yourself away. She rushes in the room and winces as she notices poor Mikhail who is probably on the ground and moves to him first "Will you let me aid you this time or are you going to refuse?" she asks him before looking to Velok "I have a healing potion do you want it?" Basilisk moves protectively in front of the crippled shifter. She goes after the one on the left in the next wave. She makes a come hither motion and bares her fangs, ready to strike.

Mikhail gnashes his teeth, "I do note vant yur leech blood..." since that is what Mikh is convinced is in her 'health potions' He looks feeble though, even for so massive a creature, he can barely move.

xxxxxHear that sound in the back of your head boy? That's pride fucking with you. Velok turns when he's addressed, looking back towards Silvana with those terrifying blue eyes. He starts to walk back towards the woman, lowering the swords. He dwarfs her, quite easily, but he just nods. "Yes, I would."

Clarimond is still watching silently. She knows that she can't do much to help fight so instead she starts to look around, for secrets, anything out of place..

Silvana remove a fang from her bracelet and touches it in very specific places before taking the top and giving it to Velok as she looks to Mikhail "It is not leech blood it wasn't even made by any of them" she rolls her.

xxxxxSuch a sight, as Velok kneels down before Silvana. Even kneeling, he's still perfectly at her height. He looks down to the 'leech blood' then back up to Silvana. Obviously he trusts this woman, enough to accept her offering. Trust, not a hard thing to get from a man who can turn himself into a 10 foot god. (Velok heals 3 Lethal, 1 Bashing)

Fangs show, and tan tiger eyes look around at the others.. Misa's in danger and he's slowing them down, worse they'd have to leave him behind and then where would Misa be. Looking at Silvana, he stares at her intensely, "Do yu promeese?" the words seem hard for him, "No Leeches?!" he seems to be fighting to convince himself through the words that his mouth is not made for. He gives a nod, indicating that if the answer is yes.. he will take one...

Basilisk offers "Hey if you want some leech blood I have plenty of it." not helping Basil.

Silvana bows her head to Velok and gives him a little smile before turning to Mik and putting her hand over her heart "I Promise you that it is not leech blood" she then pulls another fang and does the same little touches before offering it to him.

Mikhail fights to take it and uses it as Velok used his. It really is a miraculous little vial. A deep, DEEP gash knits up almost to the skin in seconds and he rises, breathing deeply before looking at Silvana and nodding... (Mikhail heals 4 Aggravated)

Mikhail moves to help the large (man?) with the flaming swords walk down the halls, Mikhail doesn't seem afraid to tear through the paper walls.

Clarimond continues to watch the fighting until it ends. Now she can finally walk forward a bit more without worrying about men with giant swords cutting her in half.

(Stage 3 of combat. Two sets of two silver swordsmen.)

xxxxxWhen he rises back up, some of his wounds healing from whatever it is Silvana gave, he doesn't even question it. He turns and continues to lead point; a costly mistake. When the next ambush happens Velok leaps back into action. This time all his arms in full terrifying grandeur are used, the two people being sliced and diced with surprising strength. Unfortunately this leaves him particularly vulnerable to the two coming from behind, and Velok is sliced fairly deviously along his body. Too late comes the allied attacks, and it's all Velok can do to plunge the two lower swords down into the ground, clanking on the cement floor, to provide some semblance of support to talk properly. (Velok takes 5 Lethal)

Mikhail watches the tide of battle turn and sees the foes that were coming for him turn upon the whirling flaming blade dervish. He knows this would be the perfect time to strike the man's back, but reaching down he just can't summon the will to move forward. Maybe in a second, but in a second it's all over and the foes are all dead.

Silvana looks as the for whatever humans come at them though they seem to come after Velok and Mikhail she was going to help Velok but seems that those two are taken down by him though he is hurt again. A look is given to her bracelet before she notice the one coming now to Mikhail and she seems to be rather not in the playing mood because she slices the man down with one swing and he fall down dead. She takes a slow breath and another look is given to her bracelet before looking to see if Velok is going to need it or if he has something up his sleeve.

Basilisk moves to all fours, pouncing at her enemy, her claws moving through them lke a hot knife through butter. She turns around landing back on al fours. When she hears Velok fall she moves to his side, offering her arm for support. She is silent the whole time, in pure combat mode.

Mikhail moves begins moving through the area, reaching out his claws and tearing away the paper walls where he finds them, expecting another ambush and luckily finding none. He explores the area searching for a path down...

xxxxxVelok is having a hard time standing after he got sliced up. The swords, points down into the cement are just barely able to be balanced enough to help. See gents. Even a godking can bleed. He's panting pretty heavily as blood flows from his wounds. The flaming swords clatter as Velok falls down into a kneeling position, the two lower free hands suddenly curling to grab at his sides while the top two press forward to push against the wall. "FIND HER." The loud, tattered, yet booming voice of Velok instructs as he presses firmly against his flowing cuts. Blood loss sucks.

Silvana was about to move to help Velok when he fell but Basil did she makes sure that they have it before they move on. She tilts her head looking at the squares and hmms. Silvana moves to the statue looking around it to make sure there aren't any trip wires or anything that might go boom before trying to decided on what square does it go.

Mikhail notices the statue shift as his claws brush it.. then noticing the colored tile he moves back and begins moving the statue towards the square.. Nobody seems to bother him in that form, in fact they try to leave as quickly as possible, but he's still wary of something else nasty (unnecessarily, thankfully). He feels the staue click into place and moves to find Silvana doing the same on the other side.

Clarimond watches Mikhail and Silvana moving the statues. She raises a brow, "Clever."

xxxxxVelok is trying fairly hard to keep as much of the blood in as possible as it strays down his sides. While he's holding the wound though, fixating on the life seeping out of him, the wounds start to close The gashes made real on his sides fade into nothing but scars as the effect is weaved as best as Velok can. That invisible Ocelot nearest him giving her last. Finally Velok can push himself back up, grabbing the last swords. He turns, heading over towards one of the statues. He picks one up with two arms, then walks over and picks up the other with two more arms. Four arms bitches. Wewty wewt. While he's walking to put them down, he stops and reels over, as if reality just punched him in the gut. It takes him a little bit to catch his breath, to find his center, then he fits the last two statues into place, one after the other. (Velok heals 4 Lethal, takes 3 Bashing)

Basilisk nods as she watches Silvana point out the statues. She grunts, keeping her arm out for velok to use for support. "Hope theres no more o them." she grunts.

Silvana turns to go move towards another statue only to find Velok already doing that. She watches him with concern before she looks around for where the door should be.

Mikhail shifts down into his giant man state looking around the area. He watches Velok set the last statues in place and looks around for what that might have done..

Clarimond approaches the door as it appears.. a section of wall turns and reveals a door, stairs ascend from some hidden floor panel far below, and some VERY complex mechanism brings it all together, forming a proper basment staircase, and a doorway connecting it. As you go down into the passage, the light is on, a metal door is visible.. there are no guards, no one. Everyone is gone, but why? They ran and.. just silence.. but what you find is horrific! PILES of dead, scores of dead.. just a mountain of corpses lies in front of the metal door.. is Misa in that pile? Or is she beyond..?

Silvana isn't infront this is not her mission but she is at the ready as the come down and there are a bunch of corses she raises a brow and looks to Velok a moment then slowly takes notice of the room, the wall,s the ceiling everything.

Basilisk looks to Mikhail and Velok, making sure both are standing. She sees the bodies and frowns. "Misa..." she says. "Can anyone feel her nearby?"

xxxxxWhen the door to the basement opens, Velok lets go of Basilisk. He raises himself and his swords, as if prepared for another battle. It's pretty obvious, at least to his allies, that this godking has given almost everything he has so far. He's tired. Still, his talons clutch around those swordhandles with renewed vigor. Seeing nothing, Velok takes point, walking down the passageway to the sea of corpses. Just as everyone learned in Day 1, corpses do not bother Velok. He just steps forward and pulls down a couple, sending an awkwardly gross avalanch down a bit before he steps back away from the door. His leg lifts up, preparing to kick this door down, just like he did the other one.

xxxxxVelok kicks the door in firmly, slamming it open like some valiant knight as he immediately walks into the room, flaming swords held high. Bring it bitch.

Mikhail lets Velok dig through the corpses. He moves around them searching beyond them. Following the walls and around, ignoring the pile 'o bodies.

Misa certainly has lost a lot of blood alright if tht's what Basil is using to find her. By the time the party reaches her she's piled in a corner, neck at an awkward angle. The arm that should be laying under her is bent at an odd angly up behind her back, the wrist turned so the the hand covers part of her bare chest. A deep kife wound still leaks blood, alerting the party she is alive... momentarily. Both of her eyes are swolen shut and black. Blood leaks from her split lip, too much to have just come from that. Her entire body is covered in deep bruises, though the fact that several are centered at the breast and hips leaves little doubt what caused them, her nudity and the smell of other bodily fluids aside from the ones one might expect of someone unconscious helps confirm this. Her hands also have deep fissures cut into them, a bit of wire still held tightly in her unbroken hand matches the size of it exactly... as do the gouges in one dead man's neck. One knee is bent in the wrong direction quit badly, and part of a rib can be seen trying to break through her skin. She doesn't move.

Clarimond has no words for Misa's condition. Mikhail looks like he is about to explode, she just stays away, and lets Velok handle this.

Basilisk freezes as she sees Misa's condition. Her eyes narrow a bit. "Silvana. Do you have more of that magic healing stuff?" she asks.

Silvana is probably the last to come in looking behind them to make sure no one is following. She would rush to the woman but is pretty sure the big Velok is about to make everyone stand back or something she does start to pull off another claw starting to move forward her eyes always looking as if she doesn't trust the area.

xxxxxRage. Rage against the dying of the light. Velok was not happy before, then annoyed, then angry. Now the normally calm Euthanatos must rage. His is controlled as his solid blue eyes stare down towards the corner at the woman. Makes quite a bit of sense now why she fell quiet. His talons flex around the hilts of the swords as he steps fully into the room, over towards that corner to loom over the woman. "Misa would not drink the liquid." Velok stays quite clearly. Even if Velok drank it and nothing happened, gotta respect her wishes. Regardless of hatever else happens within the room, whatever other nightmares are abound, this man is fixated on one battered thing in the corner. The swords are lowered and he falls down into a kneeling position before her, looking the woman over, but not touching.

Mikhail gnashes his teeth hard, balling up his fists till the massive knuckles turn white. His eyes shut, and his jaw opens in a scream that never sounds... there's no roar this time.. not at first. His very energy seems different.. always violent, always powerful.. this time it seems darker.. more murderous... (Mikhail thralled rage)

Silvana doesn't move any futher up at Velok's words he knows her better and she's not about to shove something down someone's throat if they wouldn't want too. She steps back towards the door just emotionally watching.

Basilisk gives a serious nod, her eyes focused on the carnage that is Misa's broken body, her voice a bit distant, unlike her normal jovial self. Almost a shell as she looks on. "Do...you think its safe to move her? We have to get her to a hospital. Or someplace she can heal." she looks back at the others. "All of you, too."

Clarimond|| Something far darker, far scarier, and far more powerful than Mikhail lurks within the walls. A demonic roar responds to Mikhail, and overpowers Mikhail's own scream. The wall literally explodes, as an unholy force shatters the conrete. A black furred werewolf in Crinos form, with glowing red eyes, and a black aura eminating from his body in snakelike tendrils. In both clawed hands is Misa's sister, and her ex husband, the Kuei Jin that orchestrated the entire event. They are speechless, their vocal cords clearly ripped out. The Abomination, the undead Garou, effortlessly crushes both of them in his hands as easily as you might crush bread. He drops the bloody mess onto the ground and immediately charges Mikhail.

Mikhail's body twists and grows and then the roar comes, challenging the world and the gods, the sky and the stars... Challenging the earth and then something huge is there, a target other than the beast's friends, and he turns to face the monster, his own loud roars carrying through him as he moves to meet the savage abomination.. Not a wise move.. No.. but he is so far past beyond wise, he's descended fully into madness.

Clarimond|| The creature charges Mikhail, his black arms rearing back for a strike, both clawed hands thrusting forward when the weretiger is in range. They go through his stomach, but the creature is so precise that he does not hit vital organs. Mikhail will heal from this. The Abomination stares at Mikhail, his gaze challenging the Bastet, as if to say, 'I own you bitch.' The Abomination has effectively nail Mikhail to the wall, but he swings his arms, knocking him from his impalement, and onto the ground. Silvana manages to strike him, wounding him! He roars in pain, as if surprised at the strike! But his point has been made, a gutteral laugh escapes him, and then he is gone in a fierce wind.

Silvana was standing back though when the big hairy thing burst through the door she gets ready as the abomination takes down Mikhail so quicky she moves to his defence standing over the man though she might not have made the eye contact she wanted she surely got his attention when she brings down her sword and gives him a nice slash. She narrows her eyes at him but then the coward turns to run with his tail between his legs, yes that's what she thinks when he ran, though maybe there was a moment of oh shit he might try to hit me next but thankfully that didn't happen. She snorts at his laughing with the creature gone an the danger fleeing she bend down to Mikhail and his going to get a potion weather he likes it or not. Dang shifting creatures and their rage getting in all kinds of trouble

Basilisk nods "Right, hes gone." she says, not chasing after him. "We need to get the injured out quick, before he returns. None o us can handle him right now and these guys may bleed out. I'd..." she pauses. "A hospital isnt the right place. Know o any place to take them?"

Silvana looks to Velok "I can tend to her wounds and bandage her up before we move, would that be acceptable?

Mikhail slumps to the ground. On the plus side, his mad rage has ended.. on the minus side... this.. will take him a bit to regain consciousness.. let alone heal.. it's really shocking he's not dead... (Mikhail takes handwaved 4 from 13 Aggravated to Incap)

xxxxxVelok is not laughing. He's not scared, not worried, and he's certainly not going to take on a strong enemy when he's got so very little in the tank. Instead he kneels there, facing Misa. Certainly if the creature comes towards him he'll defend, but otherwise the man doesn't take his eyes off the woman. The awkward bodily fluids, the bruises and broken wounds, all of it pain him. "I'm here. I made it." He says in that rather deep voice, though there's a touch of sadness within. Euthanatos might dish out death, but they aren't as emotionless as they pretend. The swords clatter to the ground before him as he hears the creature leaving, top right arm reaching forward to brush a single talon across Misa's face, taking care not to wound or cut. "You would not believe how hot hell is." He says, as if an inside joke was what she needed now.
xxxxxTaking VERY good care, the man reaches forward and curls her legs around his top left arm, the top right curling underneath her back and pulling her away from the corner. He shakes his head as he stands back up. "Tend to Mikhail. He needs you." Velok says clearly to Silvana as he stands up with Misa curled up in his two arms. Dude just got eviscerated.
xxxxxAs Velok rises, over the course of several seconds the God King effect, the Destroyer of Worlds, ends. He shrinks back down to his normal height, the color melting away from his skin. The two arms recede back into his body with no noise. The swords on the ground turn to ash, scattering within the wind. His hair turns from that stark black to the light brown. Last to go are his eyes, fading away into the light blue he's known for. Velok stares down at Misa, still being held in his two normal, non-talon'd arms now. He leans down, whispering something into her ear before he turns, heading back for the door.

Basilisk nods grimly to Velok. She heads to the bodies of Baoji and Shiori, bowing her head in reverance. She tries to carefully scoop them up, treating the bodies with respect as she silently follows Velok and Misa out the door, as if shes not sure if Velok can walk all the way home without help.

Silvana offered she tries not to be over bearing usually because no one likes that but she wanted to help and offered it. She looks over Mikhail and does a field bandage so there isn't blood all over her and her car then if the man is out cold well she's about to pick him up and take him to the car if he is awake by some miracle then she will help him to the car became men can be so darn stubborn about having a woman just carry them, sheesh.