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(The group aren't the only ones that returned to the scene of the crime.)
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Latest revision as of 14:02, 27 July 2014

The Tainted Crusade pt. 1
Judgement is passed, and the Crusade begins.
IC Date Saturday
IC Time Night
Players Clarimond (Storyteller), Basilisk, Mikhail, Misa, Silvana, Velok
Location Prospect
Prp/Tp The Tainted Crusade
Spheres Mage and Mortal and Shifter and Vampire


Clarimond is standing in from of the large table in the meeting hall, Irna is sitting at the chair on the end closest to the screen, where her back is turned to the screen, a laptop is in front of her, and Clarimond is telling her what to type. They have been here for three hours doing this and have not once moved. Irna the ghoul is so full of energy that she was only too happy to help. Everything is white in color, all the chairs are comfy, soft, and expensive.

xxxxxVelok is not happy. He wasn't happy when he left the night before, he wasn't happy during the night, and he certainly wasn't happy during the day. Those having shown up and seen what happened to his house and the bodies around could probably take an easy stab at why. When he shows up here, he's wearing a full outfit of pants, bow, shirt with hoodie, covering up most of his body. He walks somewhat slow, a man quite tired as he finds himself a seat, plopping down. The normally polite and professional Velok doesn't seem to be here today as he scoots the chair back, propping up his feet on the table and reaching into his pocket, pulling out a bag of cheesy Goldfish crackers that he starts to nibble out of.

Basilisk showed up at Velok's house once the sun has set, and ever seince has not been letting him out of her sight. She follows along, shuffling her feet, looking awkward indoors. "So any clue as to who might do this?"

Mikhail steps in looking rather wary.. the large man does not seem super happy to be there.. especially now that everyone's (save Basil) has seen his furry side. He nods to Velok and looks a little surprised to see Basil there.

Silvana shows up after getting the call. She doesn't show any emotion what so ever as she just comes in and sits, no greating really to anyone tonight.

Misa is dressed in... yeah club gear. This whole thing still hasn't seemed to affect her much. She still has that slight smile on her face. She has leather pants, and what looks like strangely elegrant fingerless leather gloves up to her shoulder, leaving only a little bit bare, and a thin spaggheti strap tank top that hangs loosely with a sports bra underneath that... also seems to be made of leather form what can be seen around the top. She gives Mikhail a wink as he looks especially nervous.

Clarimond whispers something to Irna and Irna stands. Clarimond sits, and now occupies Irna's chair in front of the screen, swinging her leg back and forth, waiting for everyone to sit down. Irna leaves the room and Lars, one of Clari's other ghouls, stands silently with a remote control in hand.

xxxxxVelok scoots a bit in the chair, getting comfortable. He's already sitting, the general quiet within the room being pierced by the crinkling of the bag, and the occasional crunch of cheesy goldfish. Even as others shift in, he doesn't move, just sitting there and staring straight ahead, nomming. He does reach over and lightly brush against Basilisk's shoulder, then reaches over yet again to hold out the crinkly goldfish bag to Misa. Truly, this is a man that currently gives none of the fucks.

Mikhail cringes at Misa as she winks at him.. "Are yu feeleengk ok? Zat vas... bad gas leak.. Yu vere how yu say.. treeppeengk balls.." he tells her. As Clarimond moves to begin her presentation he turns his attention to her.

Basilisk moves to stand behind Velok, showing her support of hm. She gives a rahter serious look,nodding to both Misa and Mikhail as they are the only two she knows. She tilts her head at the talk of gas leaks.

Silvana gives her attention to Clarimond as she awaits to see what is going on now Misa giggles and nods. "Yeah... prolly didn't help I hit up Babylon before goin over." she giggles. "Shoulda seen me when I got home."

Clarimond smiles and Lars begins speaking, "The Lady Harcourt has called you here to review all that has happened in the past week or so." He loud, gruff voice begins.. and drones on.. and on.. and on. For the next two hours he goes over everything that has transpired from discovering the alley bodies to the incident of last night. Basil now knows everything that she missed as well. The entire review is complete with a powerpoint presentation that includes photos of dead bodies.. and someone snuck in a picture of Misa holding the severed head! Once the presentation ends, Lars leaves, and Clarimond speaks, "The spirit that has been tormenting us has to die." Her voice sounds young, but sophisticated as usual, that London accent never waivering, "He has sent his minions to my home, my dear Irna was nearly killed, and my entire herd was slaughtered. There was property damage as well. I imagine that the rest of you have grievances against the spirit as well. This is where all shall hear them and the verdict against the spirit will be made official."

xxxxxVelok pulls his bag back since Misa didn't accept any, placing them back in his lap. Two hours? That's quite some time, and yet Velok stays there, nomming on his goldfish. He rocks back and forth a bit in the chair, then pulls one out for Baslisk to sit in during the presentation. His bag of goldfish is large enough, and he's eating slow enough, that the crunching noise maintains throughout, although Velok's eyes don't. At some point he just closes his eyes, relaxing back against the comfortable, expensive chair. His eyes do finally open and he looks over towards Clarimond at the decision of verdict, slowly bringing one more fish up to his mouth and omnomnom. Individually, his eyes look around the room towards each person there, but he doesn't speak up. Maybe he has no grievances, or he's just waiting to see what other peoples complaints are.

Basilisk takes in everything, her hands moving into fists. "He has made enemies of my friends." she says with a territorial air to her. "That means he is my enemy. I am at your side. All of you."

Mikhail is pacing back and forth, not sitting as he listens to the presentation, the sum ups, the evidence.. "Eet torture, eet keel, eet corrupt, eet must die..." he agrees with Clarimond though doesn't get much more detailed than that.. to him this is a simple matter.

Silvana sits there in silence as she isn't even there. She doesn't make a single peep

Misa falls asleep during the presentation... she didn't even seem to notice the goldfish. Most of her attention is on Mikhail during the presentation honestly. Up until she falls asleep... multiple times. Boring presentation is boring... she shakes her head quickly as the light come on. Totally wasn't sleeping. Totally. At all. "Yeah but... it's kinda like already dead right? Anyway uhmmm... I know this prolly sounds kinda crazy but why we havin a trial for somethin attackin us?"

Clarimond stands up now, "Everyone deserves a trial, if only so that no spirit, or creature listening can doubt that we act with righteousness. It matters, even if some do not believe so. It matters when one as old as I, when one -such- as I, wages war against another creature of equal or greater power. If I act recklessly, there are consequences that some of you cannot even imagine.." She grows distant for a moment, her eyes glazing over, "There is no doubt about it. The spirit has committed high crimes against several individuals. We know of the lives it has taken, the abominations it has created, and if no one else has anything to add, I will sentence the creature to destruction."

xxxxxVelok's eyes open up and he starts to look back around the room again. The chair gets pushed back and his legs come off the table, falling back down. He rises up out of the chair wordlessly after Clarimond speaks. The man's face remains emotionless as he moves. He walks in front of Misa, reaching out and pouring a little bit of his cheesy goldfish into a pile on the table in front of Misa. Then he walks around on the opposite end of the table from Clarimonda, shadowing the projection for a moment as he makes his way towards Silvana. He stands next to the woman and reaches out, pouring a little pile of goldfish out for her as well. Velok reaches out and pats Silvana on the shoulder, turning and making his way back to his seat. Finally he talks without looking towards Clarimonda. "I don't particularly think this Earthbound cares about being sentenced." He comments, patting Basilisk on the shoulder and sitting down in the chair, propping his feet up.

Basilisk rubs her chin with a webbed finger. "So we know who it is. Do we know where to find him and what his weaknesses are? I am glad to hear the sentence is death. If given the chance, I will try to devour him."

Mikhail blinks at the discussion of listening spirits as he is regularly judged by such spirits.. or at least he thinks they're such spirits. Then he looks at Velok, "Earssbaoond?" he asks. Not knowing the word.

Misa shakes her head. "Sorry, I figure there's a reason but... this is like two soldiers in the trenches pausin to look at the other guys war record ta see if he deserves to die. I don't CARE if it deserves to die. It's tryina kill me and other people. It dies so we don't. The end."

Silvana looks up as Velok shares his goldfish with her and actually allows a little smile cross her lips before she reaches out for one as she just listens

Clarimond smiles, "You do not have to understand, but the Spirits around us do, for they will rebel against me if I do not act fairly. It is not a thing that you should concern yourselves with too harshly. It is my burden to bear." Although Mikhail may be able to relate somewhat, "The Earthbound as you call it, is still a spirit, and the spirits of this land watch how I deal with ALL spirits. Now let it be known, that this rogue spirit, no matter how old, or how powerful, has broken its' oaths, and has defiled its' charge. It must be brought to judgment."

xxxxxVelok glances towards Mikhail for a moment as he chews, then nods. He's discussed the Earthbound before. With his feet kicked up on the table he goes back to staring towards the window for a moment, considering. He seems to be shaking his head very softly at certain points, then nodding at certain points, but none of them really match up with anyone else's conversation. Finally his blue eyes peer over towards Silvana, and he just stares towards her, letting Clarimond declare her jihad.

"Good speeryets note like bad speeryets. Eet eez ok do stope bad speeryets," Mikhail says with some authority.. though not THAT much. "So lyet us keel eet zen,"

Silvana looks over to Velok and takes a breath though no words are spoken this evening from her so far.

Misa shovels a few bites of goldfish and listens with a nod. "Right, so spirits on our side or do I needa do a dance?"

Silvana eats more of the goldfish as she looks towards the others then back to Velok

Clarimond holds out her hand and Lars enters the room with a green robe and an athame. Clarimond approaches him, and he dresses her, pulls the hood over her head, and hands her the Athame. Clarimond addresses the group, "You will see a wind entering this room, a softer wind than you have seen before. DO not be alarmed, it is a nature spirit, not this Earthbound. The spirit is going to search the home we were in last night, for any clues we may have missed. We left in quite a hurry as you recall." Clarimond cuts into her wrist, dripping blood onto the ground. She begins speaking in Old Norse, a language that spirits would recognize as old, and welcoming. A locked window in another room unlocks itself, opens, and a gust of wind enters, closing the window behind it. The gust of wind sails into the room and begins to spin in front of Clarimond. It accepts the blood that is on the ground, sucking it up, where the blood vanishes into thin air seemingly. She seems to speak with the whirlwind quietly before it flies away quickly.

Mikhail watches Clarimond work carefully, his dark eyes studying her actions and the results. He frowns though as the 'gust' of wind, consumes her blood, looking at her none-to-happily.

Silvana scoots back from the table when the wind arrives and puts her hand on the hilt of her sword watching with narrowed eyes.

Basilisk growls lowly, almost protectively as she moves to all fours. Shes never seen such magic before and is not sure if this person will demand more of a price then they can pay. She stays still, ready to pounce if she has to.

xxxxxVelok turns to look towards Clarimond suddenly with interest as she talks about what she's going to do. He tilts his head a little and drops his feet down off the table, scooting forward a bit. He puts his bag of goldfish on the table, watching Clarimond even as the ritual takes place. He doesn't look offput by the spirit being there, or the blood dropped on the ground, even if it's a bit weird.

Misa 's hands are suddenly full of throwing knives when the door opens and... nothing comes through but wind. Remembering Clari's words she does something she RARELY ever does, she hestitates. Her eyes move to Clarimond, the woman seems to be perfectly fine with what's going on. KNives still held at the ready Misa watches carefully, only relaxing once the blood is being taken. She mutters something to herself and eats a handful of goldfish.

Clarimond doesn't seem bothered by the knives as she waits for the spirit to leave. Her wound closes up quickly after a blink of her eyes, "Now that wasn't so bad was it? It was my turn to contribute to our quest and I have done so. The waters told me that we may be missing something after all.."

Silvana doesn't at all look excited about any of this as she keeps her hand on her sword.

Mikhail slowly moves infront of Misa.. thought that's hardly ever useful, the girl has a habit of jumping around the large man to get CLOSER to the monsters. But unlike those other times, his body is relaxed. He doesn't look like he's scared of this little wind.

xxxxxVelok reaches over and pours a bit more goldfish into Misa's pile, then puts the bag back where it was. "It's a good thing you gave us warning." He nods, taking another goldfish and munching it. He seems to be waiting to find out what the waters..or wind? said.

Basilisk doesnt grol anymore, but just stays completely tense and still. She probably isnt sure whats going on.

Silvana moves to stand in the corner and just leans against the wall quietly listening. She is usually more talkative or something tonight she just seems so quiet.

Clarimond waits in silence for about thirty minutes until the wind returns just as it arrived, whispering its' secrets into Clarimond's ear for her alone to hear. Then the wind disapates into still air as if to vanish. Clarimond grins, "It seems that Hal's father is alive. The spirit found letters in the apartmen as well as a photo. Oddly the door to the apartment remains broken down, although there is yellow tape covering the entrance. We should retrieve these letters and the photo of Hal's father." She sighs, "It seems that Hal told his father about the footage. The father needs to be.. silenced. His mind needs to be erased, something at least. You know as well as I do that loose ends come back to hang you."

Misa giggles and shrugs as the spirit leaves, giving Mikhail an obvious once over as he moves between her and the spirit. "Oh fine I won't do tnohin." she sighs taking another fistfull of goldfish once she slips the knives back under her shirt. "How's the girl?" she asks offhandedly. Once she hears the response from Clarimond she nods. "Not to e completelyheartless here but you could just let that slip to the Earthbound, he'll handle it and it'll give us time he's not screwing us over while we plan."

Mikhail looks more surprised about the man being alive considering the Earthbound's thoroughness the night before, than about the man having a copy of the footage.. The age of cellphone cameras... He glances back at Misa and arches a brow, "Bait?" he asks curiously.

Silvana takes a rather deep breath and will have to beat up some people later.

xxxxxVelok lowers his feet back to the ground after Clarimond talks, letting his eyes wander away. "Poor Hal." He says, though he does nod with Misa. "Well the footage hasn't found its way online yet, or whatever, so I guess Hal's father has ulterior motives. Or is just like Hal was, confused about what's going on." He stands up and turns around, reaching down. He picks up Basilisk, scooting his chair away and plopping Basilisk down forcefully into his, next to Misa. He pats Basilisk on the head, then leans down and whispers something to her. With that, Velok walks back around the table and sits down next to Silvana, refilling her goldfish pile. Man that guy loves goldfish.

Basilisk 's growl goes away as Velok picks her up and puts her in the chair. She then leans over, wordlessly and places her head on Misa's shoulder. Maybe just letting her know shes here and shes going to protect.

Clarimond gathers her ghouls and begins to head towards door, "We should be off then."

Vallarta Terrace - 606 Living Room

xxxxxThe interior of this apartment is decently spacious. The apartment sports two master bedrooms each with their own full bathroom, king-sized bed, and walk-in closet. The main living room consists of a dining table that seats for six, a lounging area complete with an entertainment system as well as couches and chairs to relax in. Off to the right is an archway that separates the living room from the kitchen. The kitchen area is rather spacious with a large-sized fridge, dishwasher, numerous cabinets for storing items, an electric stove and dual-basin sink.

xxxxxA hallway leads from the living room to the bedrooms and contains a washer and dryer set within its own cozy space. Several lights are positioned throughout the apartment and are all able to be adjusted for varying degrees of brightness. At the far end of the wall off the main room is a double glass door that leads to a medium-sized outdoor patio where one can view the ocean in the distance. The ceiling and walls are a soothing cream color while the carpet consists of a rich tan and offers full support underfoot.

Mikhail takes point, trying to look inconspicuous as he approaches an obvious crime scene with the others. He ducks under the tape, his feet making no noise as he enters the apartment, his dark eyes darting around.

Misa calls ahead with her contact, being quite sincerely sad about what happened to him. By the way the guys watching apartement 606 need to go home and see their kids early tonight. This is one of those agency things. She'll make sure they get their hours... and go visit him and make him feel better. After that Call Misa nods to the others. "No need to rush tonight."

xxxxxVelok follows along after people, still eating his goldfish. Letters and photos at the apartment, and Velok is along for the ride. Halfway along he pulls out his phone and starts checking his voicemails and stuff while he's driving. He's still on the phone even as they walk up to the apartments, apparently not utilizing much in the way of stealth. "English." He says a couple times, repeating. "No, I just want...yes." Suddenly that hold music comes back and Velok is shaking his head. "Fucking swedes and their fucking Ikea.

Basilisk follow along as well, sniffing the air as she moves along. She remains epressionless, not being to stealthy either, just seeing where everyone is.

Clarimond lets everyone else go ahead of her as she strokes the dark brown hair of her precious Irna. As soon as everyone else starts to gather there, she gets out of the sedan, which is sadly scratched from last night, "Now let us see what can be gained from our return here. Clarimond leads the way into the apartment building and to the elevator.

Silvana steps in taking a look around and takes the stairs, things with electricity and all in one spot yeah not in the mood for someone or something to cut the cable.

Mikhail takes the elevator, since it still seems to work

Clarimond ducks under the tape and steps on glass. Suddenly an African gentleman steps out of a room inside, a smile on his face, "Might I ask what you are doing in my family's apartment? I have come to say goodbye to my children.. they are dead. But none of you would know anything about that yes? My daughters? My sons? Luckily my infant son is now in my keeping.. He will take good care of my precious boy.. bring him up in the ways of righteousness.. bringing about the Way for Them to Come." He grins, "But you are ignorant wretches. You know nothing of reality.." The tall man steps forward a bit more to take everyone's visage in.

Basilisk Tenses a bit at Velok's side. "Reality." she says softly. "What is here is real. That does not change." sshe grunts.

Silvana is bringing in the rear because welll she went up the stairs so she hasn't come in the apartment and hasn't come to view.

Mikhail moves to step up to the African gentleman, he says nothing, but he looks as though he's going to break the man down, murdered family or know, he sounds like his mind is messed.

Misa tilts her head and studies the man for a moment, still smiling.

xxxxxVelok wanders up along with the ladies, cause he hangs out with them. What he doesn't do is go into the apartment, even as Clarimond does. He just watches the woman go inside, then watches the African man step out. He looks to the man for a moment, listening carefully, then watching Mikhail approach. "We should hang out in the hallway."

Clarimond stares at the man quietly before backing outside a bit, "You are absolutely mad! What are you-?" Clarimond is cut off, "Do not patronize me woman! I saw 'dis whole affair last night. I WATCHED you fight the Master's child. You killed his son.. HIS SON. Like you killed my babies.. let them all die.. you will all pay one way or the other. Just you wait.. there will be a reckonin' on this Earth for the servants of SATAN!"

Basilisk nods and sts her butt down in the hallway. "Mikhail. Be careful." she calls quietly as she hears the voices.

(Partial Combat. Mikhail attacks and deals two damage, Nephandi responds with pattern ripping and deals 8 aggravated to Mikhail, who rage revives 2 away.)

Mikhail's solution is to suddenly grow a foot in height and drive his right fist through the man's face.. Well, he it's it.. rattles those teeth, but he actually steps back shaking his hand.. looking rather surprised.

Misa giggles as Mikhail's fist hits something a hell of a lot harder than a normal person... but shit stops being cute REAL fast when the hand... and a hell of a lot more explodes. "Cao ni ma ge bi..."

Clarimond watches wide eyed as Hal's father is punched in the face! The man sneers at Mikhail, wiping the blood from his nose, and reaches into his coat pocket, withdrawing a cross with a silver blade at the bottom tip. He stabs his palm, screaming in rage, howling to god, or what he believes is god at least, "Demonic beast! In the name of the lord your god! I command you to be bound! Bind him oh lord! Bind this creature that attacks the faithful!" He then thrusts the cross outwards towards Mikhail, causing Mikhail's body to shapeshift in unnatural ways. Bones crack, pieces pop out of his skin, his elbows bending back, as if his body is literally being binded up into a ball.. or a pretzel..

Basilisk skitters back at the start of the changes. She's only seen this once before. To herself. And with Balefire. "Mikhail!" she calls out, as she moves forward, ready to grab the shifter and run. "We gotta get out of here. This is like the Gray thing only a million times worse."

Mikhail twists in agony, screaming in ways he never has before.. pain, oh god, pain beyond pain. And his screaming won't stop, it goes on until the air leaves his lungs from the crumpled form that used to be him... And for a moment.. he's still... And then a rattling breath is dragged back in through lungs that should no longer work as bones pop back into place and the crushed form grows to the 9' monster that was there yesterday, ROARING out at the man, his back to the others as his muzzle froths, and his eyes glare madly ahead. He's bleeding.. he should be dead.. but he's not.. he's alive and PISSED.

xxxxxVelok isn't entirely sure what's going to happen. Another thrall, another fallen, maybe a weird obsessive vampire. What he ends up finding though is far worse. He watches the man pull out the cross and pierce himself, and already he's moving forward, trying to reach Basilisk and shove her away, shove Silvana away, shove as many within the hallway out of the line of fire within the apartment as possible. He doesn't retrieve his bow, holding his hands out and open. He stares at the African, his brow furrowing, but he doesn't approach Mikhail.

Clarimond is in the hallway, she doesn't protest as Velok shoves everyone back. Her ghouls are shoved as well, and she watches as Mikhail seems to die, and then rise again. The Nephandi vanishes into thin air after he laughs heartily, the echoes of his laughter remain ever so briefly. Now Clari can only hope that Mik doesn't kill everyone..

Mikhail leaps at the laughing form tearing at the air as the man vanishes into nothing. The roars, growls and snarls don't dissipate the beast is tearing at the floorboards.

Basilisk skitters back once shes pushed away "We have to get him out of here!" she exclaims.

Misa will fight along side a yao guai if there's another one nearby, but she is NOT dealing with one by itself. Nope. All the nope. She grabs Basil by the arm and practically throws her into the stairwell before running in after, on teh other side of the door she grabs the fire extinguisher and unlocks it.

(Partial Combat happens. Velok uses Life to cut off oxygen to Mikhail's brain, forcing unconsciousness and ending the frenzy. Mikhail swipes at Velok but is dodged.)

xxxxxWhile everyone runs away from the crazy freaky shifter in a frenzy, granted they did so because Velok shoved them, Velok steps in towards the apartment. He took a look around the hallway, knows how many people are around. Slowly the man reaches down towards his fingerless gloves, taking them off and dropping them down to the floor. He leans over a bit and suddenly rushes Mikhail, leaping and luckily dodge rolling underneath a swipe. His hands reach out and he grabs around towards Mikhail's neck. Being close enough, Mikhail might be able to hear him humming what sounds like...Beethoven? His fingers close at a spot near Mikhail's neck and he holds on for dear life while he works the effect.

Madness, that's what's in Mikhail's eyes, the body thrashing till the brain doesn't have blood to control it. Then the eyes close once, then Velok's hands slip as the spot he had on the neck isn't there anymore. The huge sabertooth tiger is a large man slumping heavily to the floor, unconscious and... SEVERELY INJURED.

Misa remains in the stairwell with the fire extinguisher at the ready. After a few moments of waiting to blind whatever comes through the door she realizes Velok didn't make it into the stairwell... "Ai ya..." she mutters to herself quietly before putting the nozzle of the fire extinguisher just a little into the hallway, pulling the trigger and filling a decent area with a thick powdery smoke she uses as cover as she darts across the hall to cover, just barely peeking out to try and find where Velok is laying.

xxxxxWhen Misa comes back and peeks, Velok is laying there next to a currently unconscious, but soon to be not unconscious, freaky fucked up tiger. He pushes himself up whe he sees Misa and brushes himself off. The blood stopped from Mikhail, then came back, so he can wake up anytime. Velok is quickly stepping away from Mikhail and towards the hallway. "He won't be frenzied now, but I can't take him." He comments, probably to Misa. "Are you alone?"

Misa looks past Velok and nods as she studies Mikhail. "Yeah, I was covering Basil's escape..." she says quietly. "Do we move him at least?"

Mikhail remains passed out on the ground, drooling and in pain...the wounds on his arms where the bones popped through look very.. very wrong..

xxxxxVelok shrugs his shoulders, looking back towards Mikhail, then towards Misa. He shivers, flexing his fingers. "Call Clarimond. Have her take him to..I don't know. Katriana would have known. I don't know." He brushes off his hands, walking back to the hallway to retrieve his fingerless gloves. "Or I'll take care of it. You find those photos and letters. Let's get what we were here for, at least."

Misa nods and heads in to look... assuming they weren't already moved. "Back home, stories about the wind would basically say it can't be trusted. Thos're true could be nothin here and it lead us inta this 'cause it wanted ta see a fight." she says with a shrug, nosing about properly BEFORE calling Clari.

Mikhail slowly opens his eyes and grunts, he shifts to sokto but nods to Velok, then looks a little panicked.. <Did I kill anyone?> he asks in Russian, having no memory

xxxxxVelok brushes off the fingerless gloves as he stands near Misa. "Few things can be trusted." He comments, looking back towards Mikhail. He leans up against a wall, giving Misa /all/ the time she needs to do a FULL investigation so they don't have to come back here. He stares towards Mikhail. "Nope. Especially not the black one, but I think you being loose near people isn't exactly a good plan, especially if you're going to run forward and try and kill yourself."

Mikhail grunts as he rises up a little, "Ssought he vas like nurse... deestraction... Vhat vas zat?" he asks looking at his messed up arms.. He's standing slowly, but wobbly...

Misa is apparently surprised by Mikhail waking up before she can get a real investigation going. She's seriously not used to investigating whith a bunch of people who aren't marks hanging around. She darts forward to help the wounded man to his feet. "You were.... kinda dead for a second, you shouldn't move around too much." she coos.

xxxxxVelok slips his fingerless gloves back on, glancing back towards Mikhail. "That..." He comments, not walking over to the clearly injured man. "Was you getting your ass thoroughly kicked." He says with a nod, glancing idly towards Misa. "And I am guessing our next challenge." He just sighs wearily, shaking his head. he takes up Misa's investigation while she helps Mikhail, undeterred by the dying man.

Mikhail looks up at Misa and nods a bit, eazing back a sec. He seems pretty pacified at the moment. He's heavier than normal at the moment though and he knows it, moving to a wall so he doesn't put too much weight on Misa.

Misa frowns looking back at Velok. "Now I feel like an idiot burning that favor I had to clean up the building a week inta this." She lets Mikhail lean against teh wall, not feeling very insulted. Her body is clearly not built for strength. She's quick and flexible, a soft style fighter. She reaches WAY up and ruffles Mikhail's hair. "Hey, for a dead guy yer movin around alright though."

Mikhail nods to Misa, "I em just glad no vone vas hurt..." he says almost without energy... except for himself of course.

xxxxxVelok turns to look back to Misa for a moment, then sighs and walks over. He looks over Mikhail's wounds thoroughly. "You shouldn't have attacked him. With all the dangers we've been facing, this man will be the worst. Worse than the wind, if he's as eager to hurt as he was tonight." He glances towards Misa and shakes his head. "Believe it or not, what just happened to you is not the worst that could have happened.

Mikhail laughs painfully, "I have nyever been heet by ANYSSEENGK like zat before.. eet vas like all my stryengss myeant nosseengk. Vhat vas eet? and how much verse could eet be? Vhat eez he?" he asks leaning against the wall and trying to hold himself together.

Misa winks to Velok and shrugs as he walks over. "Looked pretty bad to me..." she replies to herself mostly letting Velok address the questions.

xxxxxSo many questions from a dying man, and Velok just hangs out trying to help ease the weight. "To him, your strength does mean nothing. Sorry." Velok doesn't actually seem like he's all that sorry, cause it's the truth. "It's quite complicated to explain, but I can say it wasn't that difficult for him to do that to you, or any of us, and he could easily do it again." Velok glances nervously to Misa as he tries to help Mikhail out. "Well you still have your mind. You still exist, so that's a start. Consider yourself lucky. This one won't be defeated by your rage." He looks ready to leave, if everyone else is.

Mikhail shifts against the wall... "Mebbie..." he says, "Note Rage alone," he says sounding exhausted, being killed, raging and left crippled will do that to you...

Misa shakes her head. "Everything has a weakness. From what I can see already, he's a zealot. He's going to have ritualized thinking, he'll approach every problem exactly the same. More encoutners with him we survive the better our chances... also means he won't QUITE understand our thinking... to be honest his assurance his is the one and only path to god will make him easy to manipulate but... if a hit lik that won't make him flinch not sure there's much to gain getting his trust."

xxxxxVelok looks back towards Mikhail. "Is there somewhere you need to go so you can better assess yourself, or will you be alright on your own?"

Mikhail's eyes open, "I vould steel like do know vhat he eez..." he tells Velok.. "He nearly durned my bones eenside out.. I feel I shud know... nd yu do, I am sseenkeengk.." he tells Velok. He nods to Misa and shrugs to the question, "I know places I ken go.. I just.. ken note move qveeckly at ze moment.."

Misa looks up at him. "Surprised you can move at all. Need help gettin there?"

xxxxxVelok shrugs his shoulder. "I don't know what he is." He says, which has a semblance of truth! He could be any one of the factions. "Maybe we'll find out. I'm sure Clarimond will be looking into it. Will you need help getting to where you can go?

Mikhail tries to take a step and nearly tumbles before leaning back against the wall, "I sseenk I'm stuck crawleengk for a day..." he says. He does not look proud of that...

xxxxxVelok looks between Misa and Mikhail, not entirely receiving an answer, but he assumes it's a yes and lets Mikhail go against the wall

Misa nods. "It happens... look if ya can't get far you can rest up at my place... I have one that I haven't used since anya this started... unless you want help at least gettin close ta where you needa go to get better."

Mikhail shrugs, "Zat veel vork, or yu ken take me do mine, zey keeck een door.. but better zan nosseengk.." he says, still leaning against the wall, but ready to go whereever.