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(The group finds the mortal, Hal, and the Earthbound demonstrates its powers.)
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Revision as of 14:33, 26 July 2014

The Veil Breach pt. 1
Finding the witness leads to Hell on Earth
IC Date Friday
IC Time Night
Players Clarimond (Storyteller), Mikhail, Misa, Silvana, Velok
Location Prospect
Prp/Tp The Veil Breach
Spheres Mage and Mortal and Shifter and Vampire


Lincoln Blvd. and Fifth Ave.

xxxxxOld victorian style houses loom on either side of the streets at this intersection. Most are still residences, but many have been converted into small businesses and artsy restaurants. Every building clearly dates from the Old Town era when Prospect was much younger. Some of the larger structures probably date farther back and are the most inacecssible from the streets, standing like solemn sentinels on sculptured lawns behind high, stone walls on lonely hillocks.

xxxxxFurther south, towards the distant forest, the houses become true mansions and villas sprawled on woody hillsides with vasts estates overlooking the city. Northwards, Comet Street runs into the heart of the city giving way to parks and ornate buildings in the distance. To the west, the upper stories of the Memorial Hospital looms above all other buildings; while eastwards, the victorian neighborhoods continue unabated.

Clarimond|| Hal Buckson sniffs some white powder in front of his apartment complex. His hand is on his phone, he never leaves it out of sight these days, and his drug habit has gotten worse. His grades are slacking, his mother has demanded that he move back home rather than staying on campus, and he has to put up with three little sisters and an infant once again.. He curses as his pipe falls out of his pocket, and shatters on the ground, the brittle glass is weakened from months of use. Snorting is not going to cut it.. he needs to smoke a rock.. now.. his eyes get a bit wild as he ponders just how he will get a new piece of tube glass.

Silvana arrives probably after getting a call or did she actually finally tracked him down either way she arrives.

Misa is dressed for the somewhat warm weather in thin, lose fitting cotton clothes, a baggy peasant's blouse, and a long skirt, clothes designed to give as muchshade as possible while still letting air move through. It's also good clothes for concealing things, whithout attracting cops for those wise to the ways of the street. She had been following leads, taling with dealers, other users, distributors and working every single channel she could to find this man and his name... and of course everyone ELSE benifits from her work. Seeing Silvana nearby she assumes one of her minions just waited for her to find the info and reported it. No professional courtesy these days. Misa isn't happy and boucing like usual, she's calm, and blending in. Just another local... adding to this her hair is again black.

xxxxxVelok is dressed much like Misa is, wearing loose fitting clothing that is clearly meant to breathe. This man grew up in England, and will get used to the ridiculously stupid heat over his own dead body. He's foregone the bow typically strapped to his back but not the tube, the strap running down his chest. He doesn't look all that pleased about it, but he also doesn't look to be the one in charge. Now the standard aura the man gives off. He wanders after Misa, following right behind her and to the side with his hands shoved into his pockets. The dynamic is pretty clear, Misa is in charge. His eyes look over towards Silvana once he finds her, giving off a polite smile and a nod, then waving one of those fingerless glove adorned hands towards the woman.

Clarimond never dresses down, she refuses, and she arrives in her expensive Sedan as always. But she is watching the boy out front silently. As always she is letting everyone else do all the work. Hal grumbles softly as people begin to arrive, and then he just loses it! "The fuck you people doing here? I don't want anyone watchin' me.. fuck off!!" He starts to go inside..

Silvana spots Misa and Velok then Clarimond and her bunch and starts to head over to Velok. S he doesn't get close to mister Hal she isn't about to make him go away just yet. She's dressed actually casual herself. She looks at him curiously as he starts to head in.

Misa breaks away from Velok and Silvana as they presumably meet up to talk. She's here for Hal, the others are just back ground chatter right now. She looks at the broken pipe on the ground next to him and sighs before giving him a smile. "Still kinda new to it huh?" she asks still keeping her distance from him. He's a student, it makes gauging his street cred a little tough. He could be new to it, just getting the energy he needs to keep up with an honors course, or he'sescaping a rough background and trying to get a taste of home. She hated not having as much background as she needs on a person before acting, but there's too many variables right now. She makes it clear though she's not cutting off his escape. If he's going to bolt she's not going to stop him. Definitely not the sign of a cop or an agressor.

xxxxxThe further Misa and Velok walk, the further it looks like the woman next to Velok has the authority at least between the two. Enough that he's not wearing the bow he's become accustomed to. The man takes a deep sigh as Hal starts to freak out, his exasperation turning to a smile when Silvana steps close. He leans over and brushes his arm to the woman, then looks back towards Misa. Oddly, Velok says nothing. When Misa breaks away, Velok stops, acting as if her individualism is all part of the plan. He smiles politely to Silvana and Clarimond, then starts looking around. He doesn't stare towards Hal, but he does stare everywhere else he can see.

Clarimond|| Hal glares at Misa, "I don't know what you mean. That shit is not mine.. I don't know anything, I don't owe you nothing, so why do you care anyway? I don't know you or that punk you're with."

xxxxxVelok is looking towards Silvana, but he can still hear Hal. The words, everything, and when it comes down to 'that punk you're with', Velok has a pretty good idea he's being talked about. Time to prove he's not with Misa. He turns immediately, reaching out and trying to grab Silvana by the hips. "My dear, it's so wonderful to see you again. I didn't think you'd meet me here." He says, trying to lean in to kiss Silvana. Right on the lips. Because he's not that punk that is with Misa. Should the kiss actually land, Velok makes it quite believable.

Silvana raises a brow as Misa heads for Hal well ok that's a good plan though she didn't want to scare the man away she does tend to be a bit scary or she's been told though Velok grabbing her she looks at him and is quick to undersatnd "I'm glad you were able too, I miss you" and yup soon they are kissing right there in the street like long lost lovers.

Misa looks back and giggles shaking her head. "Yeah not my punk." she says looking back, She crosses her hands behind her back as she faces back towards him leaning forward a little, with a smile. "You don't owe me nothin yet, but in about two hours ya prolly will and you'll be glad ya do." Her voice still keeps it's strong southern drawl. She isn't trying to up her street cred here, he's probably closer to the student needing a boost end of the spectrum. Snagging him with curiousity is the better idea.

Clarimond remains in her Sedan, stroking the hair of her beloved, and very hyper Irna. The scene outside causes her to give a shake of her head. Hal smirks, "I don't know you, I don't trust you.." He backs away, but trips on the stairs. His iPhone seems to have a life of its' own, falling out of his pocket, and rolling down the stairs, and onto a small rock which stirs the touch screen, and as the phone rolls of again, it lands screen up, a video playing. The same video he has been watching over and over. The hyena monster tears people limb from limb, clawing others in the chest.. a supernatural event caught on video. Hal goes pallid, all the color seeming to drain from his dark brown skin.. "I.. I.. I don't know anything.." He stares at his phone, "I don't know you.."

xxxxxWhen Velok kisses, even if it's just to maintain a cover and convince a druggie that he's not Misa's muscle, he doesn't do it halfassed. Lips and tongue and bears, oh my. "Mmmmmm..." He starts making whimpers, the signs of a man clearly smitten. Just for good measure his hands reach around and buttgrab, then the kiss drops away just enough. "Did it work?" He mumbles against Silvana, not able to actually see Hal or see if it worked. Granted he hasn't moved his hands yet, keeping the pair together in their totally horrible, humiliating, awful and painful disguise. He tosses a glance to the side and sees that it did indeed work, dropping his hands and turning to stand next to Silvana. He tries to keep his eyes on her, only throwing disguised looks towards the phone, making sure his face looks like the phone would DARE disturb this trist with this woman.

Silvana breaks the kiss and looks into Veloks eyes and takes a deep breath "I've missed you too" she looks at him as she keeps her hands on his waist. She leans to kiss his lips a little bit

Misa quickly scoops up the phone and holds down the power button without taking her eyes off Hal. Yes it's neat to have the phone, but she's not hding the fact she's here for him. "I know you don't know nothin sweety, that's why I'm here. I know yer scared, and confused and you just had the whole damn world pulled out from underneath you. Whenever youclose yer eyes ya see the blood, the smell of their guts never leaves no matter how much you shower or burn the clothes, and you wake up every time a cat outside even sneezes."

Clarimond watches Misa grab the phone, glad that it's finally out of mortal hands. Hal backs away again, "You.. want to come up? There's more.. I.. printed pictures. I don't know why I just did.. come up.. see them.."

xxxxxVelok returns Silvana's kiss, looking her in the eyes. "Maybe we'll just have to retire and have hot, crazy passionate sex." He says, a LITTLE too loudly, like he wants to be overheard. He removes his hands from Silvana's posterior, turning a bit and looking towards Hal. He drops away his hands and smiles back to Silvana, stepping over towards Hal. "Hey mister." He greets raising his hand as a wave. "You okay?" Innocent Velok is innocent. Just a helpful guy bytracking next to a hot Silvana.

Silvana laughs at Velok and she is obvious keeping an eye on the two Misa and Hal. "Oh now you have an idea, that would be something" she winks and follows behind behind Velok.

Misa smiles happily and nods. She doesn't pocket the phone or put it away. It stays right there in her hand. Might be thieves about. She finally bo s hr head down a little towards the phone. "I can take the pictures, and help ya cover yer tracks... but I can't promise I can make it all go away. I can't ever give ya back watcha had. I can teacha howta go on with life." If allowed she takes a step closer and offers her hand, though she watches his eyes carefully for any sign of aggression.

Clarimond|| Hal opens the door and leaves it open for Misa, "Then come in.. I am on the second floor.. ignore my mother.." Clarimond steps out of her Sedan and watches with interest as Misa looks as if she will follow.

xxxxxVelok looks back towards Clarimond, then towards Silvana, then towards Misa. He's pretty good at looking somewhat dumbfounded, especially since the man didn't really respond. He just shrugs. His hands plunge down into his pockets and he looks towards Hal carefully. Velok turns his attention to Silvana. "I think he means us too, dearest. Let's go make a new friend."

Silvana takes Velok's hand as she seems to be going to be following him wherever they are going. She smiles "yeah I think so too.. Party time" she winks.

Misa smiles and does indeed go in. "Those guys weren't with me but I do know them... they'll behave themselves in yer house." she says vouching for the others as best a complete stranger can.

Vallarta Terrace - 606 Living Room

xxxxxThe interior of this apartment is decently spacious. The apartment sports two master bedrooms each with their own full bathroom, king-sized bed, and walk-in closet. The main living room consists of a dining table that seats for six, a lounging area complete with an entertainment system as well as couches and chairs to relax in. Off to the right is an archway that separates the living room from the kitchen. The kitchen area is rather spacious with a large-sized fridge, dishwasher, numerous cabinets for storing items, an electric stove and dual-basin sink.

xxxxxA hallway leads from the living room to the bedrooms and contains a washer and dryer set within its own cozy space. Several lights are positioned throughout the apartment and are all able to be adjusted for varying degrees of brightness. At the far end of the wall off the main room is a double glass door that leads to a medium-sized outdoor patio where one can view the ocean in the distance. The ceiling and walls are a soothing cream color while the carpet consists of a rich tan and offers full support underfoot.

Clarimond|| Hal opens the door and what everyone sees is... blood.. everywhere. Furniture is knocked over, a poodle is impaled into the wall, and a cat's head is mounted on a broken chair leg which has been duct taped to the ground. Hal screams! He runs into the next room, ignoring any calls for him to stop! His three sisters are hanging from ropes, dead, they were all younger than ten. His mother is being repeatedly raped by a humanoid tiger, no doubt in mockery of Mikhail, whether he is there, or not. An exact doppleganger of Misa is strangling what looks to be a clone of Velok. It's a mad house! There is blood everywhere!

xxxxxVelok rides up the elevator with the group. He finds his way in between Silvana and Misa, staying close to both. He follows Misa towards he man's room. Everything seems normal and routine, everything going fine and dandy. Then...he sees what's inside the room. His eyes scan quickly around, fingers twitching for only a moment as he looks at each thing he can find. He finds himself, staring at the clone of Velok. Damn, that's a sexy man. His eyes look the man over, completely enraptured with his doppleganger. That's the problem when you meet someone that looks exactly like yourself. They look just a bit different than your own mental picture, but he's sure that it's Velok. The man shifts very uncomfortably.

Mikhail follows up behind the group, keeping pretty quiet, not certain what's going on, but following the people he knows. When the door opens to blood, screaming and a raping tiger-man, Mikhail ceases to be Mikhail, shoving past the others isn't a man.. four large paws on the ground as something nearly as tall as a man at the shoulder rushes into the room and at the other monstrous creature.

Silvana is holding Velok's hand as she stays close to him. She takes a rather deep breath and looks about in dislike "Oh that is..." she doesn't finish what she was saying when Mikhail storms past her and she turns to look after with a shock blink. She shakes her head and if they are all inside she closes and locks the door, no need to have anyone of this clones get out.

Misa is actually somewhat happy her clone is naked, means she gets to keep clothes on while fighting. She hikes up her skirt and reaches for... man maybe the sight of her clone choking Velok is having an effect because she's reaching for a rather inaprop... OH WAIT, there's her t-handled knives. Whew. She's just getting ready to stab someone. "Focus fire." she says moving quickly after the tiger... wherever the fuck it came from.

(One Round Combat occurs. Silvana kills Mikhail-clone, Mikhail kills Misa and Velok clone. No PC damage.)

Velok slips away super stealthily as a ten foot long saber tooth tiger pounces on the back of the tiger man, the unnature beast digging it's claws into the back of the poor woman beneath it leaving deep cuts as Silvana stepped in, her glittering blade going snicker-snack, leaving the man tiger dead as Misa stabbed herself in the neck! Well, her clone actually, damaging the unborn being that continued to strangle the clone Velok. In less than a moment the sabertooth tiger tore the Velok clone into itty bitty bits of flesh before slashing up the clone Misa's throat and chest leaving that thing as yet another corpse on the floor.

Clarimond has been in the hallway with her two bodyguards, watching as her associates battle their soulless selves. But this is not over yet! From the celing a portal opens, and a naked Clarimond and a naked Silvana fall through and onto the floor! They are making out and doing god knows what else!

xxxxxWhen everyone rushes into the room, Velok slips into an alcove. He does something, then returns back out, empty handed with a smile on his face. What a perv. He returns to the room and leans up against the doorframe, looking towards the naked Silvana, then the clothed Silvana, then back and forth between the pair of them. He snorts, shaking his head and just watching the scene. When he catches Misa's eye he gesture with his head, tapping at his watch and gesturing around the room.

Silvana looks at her naked self and slowly takes a breath as she twirls her sword. She doesn't look amused at all.

The massive tiger looks at the lewd display then up at Velok and Silvana, Slowly it rises onto two legs, it's body shifting into a man tiger similar to the beast that now lies dead ontop of the poor woman. Glancing at the still living clones, he asks in a growly voice, "Ken yu trace mageec?" is that an accent in the growls. As he moves to remove his clone from the poor woman.

Clarimond sends her two ghoul bodyguards forward. The pry the Clarimond clone from Silvana, their combined strength, and potence levels FAR more than enough to do the job. Clarimond has boosted her physical durability just to be safe, "Take her to the Sedan lovlies." That soft, young, girlish, London accented voice commands, "She watches the Silvana clone start to cry and pout as her play thing is taken off, "Silvana dear.. you must be beside yourself.."

Silvana looks towards her clone then towards the others "I don't think having any of this things alive is a good idea, we don't know exactly how they work" she looks about ready to use her sword on her clone. That's for sure her clone is nothing like her.

xxxxxVelok just stays leaning against the edge of the doorframe, looking towards Silvana. He blinks his eyes back between the two Silvana's in the room, deciding there are plenty of awful things he could do right now that would get him into a lot of trouble. Instead he just stands there, looking back to Kitakaze. "I won't trace his magic." He says quite simply, waving a hand dissmisively. "Let him keep believing in what he believes." He walks forward into the room now, looking around that the blood as curiously as he did before. He puts a hand on normal Silvana's shoulder, patting it gently, then continuing on to the dead sisters. Velok doesn't touch them, just looking them over, then going in search of Hal.

Misa jumps away as the tiger shreds meat all around her, taking a doublestep she raises her knives defensively ready to punch away any strikes that head her way while fading back. "Hal, we need to retreat. Come with me."

Clarimond smiles at her clone, "So beautiful.. I would never harm you poor thing.. didn't even choose to exist.." She glances at Silvana, "I appreciate your concern dear one, but I think I will keep mine. For now at least unless she proves troublesome. I have a place I can keep her in." Her ghouls have left her defenseless if anything else decides to rear its' ugly head. Hal is cowering in the hallway, he cannot move, he is frozen in terror, "What was.. all of that? J-j-just.. my sisters.. they.. my mother.. slaughtered, all dead, WHAT THE FUUUUUCK???" At that moment the door closes, and seals, Hal is outside alone, Clari's ghouls will not be able to get back in, everyone is trapped in the apartment. The air turns red, the lights dim, almost blackening like night, shrieks fill the air. You can see, but only due to the red haze. The ground seems to tremble, and from the floor bursts several metal furnaces. Demons are skittering everywhere, and shovels full of infants are being dumped into the fires to feed the furnaces. The apartment room itself seems to be gone now, and you find yourself in another dimension it seems. Like hell itself! The furnaces are powering a giant and terrible engine of war, covered in spikes. It is as if the furnaces are giving it the strength to animate itself!

(Awareness Check. Velok and Mikhail recognize it is an illusion. Misa, Silvana, and Clarimond fail)

Misa still has her knives defensively circling around to Hal's mom. "There is no god." She states flatly puting away one of her knives and starts trying to help her to her feet. "You're stuck with me. Hal. Stick with me or get killed. Choose now." Yes she's being harsh, but pretty words aren't going to get their attention.

Silvana is about to bring down her sword upon her clone because she believes everyone must die. Then things get red and her eyes widen. She takes a step back looking around the room. Her fingers tighen as she looks around looking on edge.

Misa still has her knives defensively circling around to Hal's mom. "There is no god." She states flatly puting away one of her knives and starts trying to help her to her feet. "You're stuck with me. Hal. Stick with me or get killed. Choose now." Yes she's being harsh, but pretty words aren't going to get their attention.

xxxxxVelok looks around as the illusion is formed. "Ah..." he says. There's fascination within his eyes, as well as concern. He looks around, seeking the gazes of everyone else. It's Silvana that he lands on first, immediately moving forward. Misa seems to be okay right now, at least, so it's Silvana that finds herself standing right before the tall British man. "Silvana." he says quietly, reaching out and trying to take her hand. "I need you to trust me. You're going to be fine." He says, squeezing her hand, then looking over towards Misa. He can't convince them it's an illusion, but he can convince them they're not in danger. That much.

Clarimond is backing away from the furnaces.. fire. Lots. Of. Fire. She screams and flees from the sight of it, "MOTHER! MOTHERRRRR!!!" She is sprinting away into the darkness, hoping to leave the evil fires behind.

Silvana jumps as Velok takes her hand and allows him to take it. She looks at him and is unsure if she wants to trust him is it really him.

The 9' tall tigerman turns to look past Velok, past the fires and furnaces at where the door should be. With a spring, he hurtles right at that spot, slamming hard into it, in a way that might even break concrete, but he hits.. something.. something harder something that doesn't give.

Misa thankfully doesn't understand ANY of this symbolism about what's going on. Under 2% of Chinese are Christian... and those that are don't talk about hell much. This isn't some horro plane of soul crushing destruction to her like most might expect... it's just a place where horrible things happen to people and there's monsters to stab. Clari runs off, Velok is helping to deal with Silvana... who knows what the fuck the tiger is doing. Not her concern though. She keeps focused on her problems, the mom is moved to her feet. "We're gona finder baby and get the hell out."

Clarimond is still running, her screams of "mother!!!" are growing softer as the distance grows.. she is burning blood to increase her dexterity.

Silvana clenches Velok's hand and is probably a good think that she's already a little nuts that she isn't running off screaming but she is holding onto that sword. She is still looking around looking at the symbols

xxxxxVelok keeps looking towards Silvana carefully, even as she doesn't respond. His blue eyes stare fully into the woman, reaching out and brushing hair out of her face. "Just...relax. Breathe. Don't forget to breathe. Close your eyes if it helps. Just breathe." Velok leans forward and kisses Silvana's forehead. With that he turns, looking off towards Clarimond. Well fuck. Velok looks back and shouts at Mikhail. "STAY WITH THEM." He calls out, gesturing towards Silvana and Misa as he takes off in a run after Clarimond, able to move fast enough that he starts catching up despite the head start.

Mikhail moves towards Silvana, seemingly unconcerned with what he takes to be illusions as the furry monster moves to guide Silvana towards Misa and the other woman.. no doubt fucking the woman up further as he now resembles the dead beast that was raping her.

Silvana listens to Velok and closes her eyes and breaths, just breathing as she tries to stay calm, even as Mikhail leads them all togther she just seems to concentrate in breathing.

Clarimond is still sprinting away, Velok is no doubt the last thing on her mind, she must get away... must..

Silvana looks to Mikhail, Misa and the poor mom who's going mad. There is a different look in her eyes now that she opens them again. She bites her lip and looks for Clarimond and Velok.

Misa bares her teeth a little bit, holding the mom close as protectively as she can while oving to Hal. "Hal, yer mom needs you, I need you. Can we cout on you? I need you to get up and come with us."

xxxxxAnd the Velok is runnin' runnin' and runnin' runnin' and runnin' runnin' In this context there's no...oh wait. He keeps chasing after Clarimonda, getting sadly farther and farther away from the others. His silver bow is still on his back, having magically formed it in the hallway during the previous fight and he runs with surprising dexterity. "CLARIMOND." He calls out, waiting till he can get close enough to grab at the woman and stop her.

Mikhail closes his eyes for a moment, steeling himself, when he opens his eyes his body is sturdier, his skin hardened like jade, as he looks at all the shovel demons. His form shifts to that of the sabertooth tiger again, using the length of his body to protect the three women he guards.

Clarimond is running still. She can hear Velok, but in her mind he is the flames incarnate! He could be a flame elemental lusting after her perfect flesh! She is nearly caught by him when the illusion suddenly drops! Clarimond finds herself poudning at the far wall near a window! It is still night outside at least.. but her senses are not completely regained. The room's electricity seems to have shorted out. Anyone trying to turn on a light will be disappointed. After a moment there is a thud, another thud. You can hear Hal screaming for help briefly until his wind pipe is silenced with a crunch of bone. The door opens and in the door way is a large man, nearly eight feet tall. The corpse of Hal is in his right hand, his lifeless face distorted in pain. He tosses it onto the ground and Hal's remains thumps over a few times until it stops rolling in front of the boy's mother. He slams the door and a grin spreads across his face. the Devourer is here.

Silvana stays in Mikhail and lightly puts a hand on him as the really tall man comes in. She still has her sword in hand as her chest rises. Her eyes narrow a bit. Silvana has seen far too much in her life to be surprise or overly react to this one hell, now that was different.

xxxxxThere's little Velok could have done to save them from the illusion. This EB is far, far too powerful. Luckily, the illusion drops on its own, and Velok slams into that same wall Clarimond slammed into...in the same place. He oofs up behind the woman and his arms reach out to her side, holding onto Clarimond to steady himself. Quickly his hands drop away from the Elder, turning back to look around. Going from large space to small space is disorienting enough, but instinctively Velok withdraws his bow. Tump..thump...and Velok has just enough time to yell "GET AWAY FROM THE DOOR" before it slams open. The normal passivity within his face, expecting this to be the EarthBound, has gone. Cold, calculated judgement remains, and already the man is notching an arrow. The massive tiger's fur bristles and he turns slightly, lowering as all his muscles go taut, he is going to throw himself at that 8 foot.. man... Letting out a loud ROAR.

(One round combat. Velok and Misa take down the Fallen. No PC damage.)

(After Discussion, it is decided that multiple simultaneous events occur after the battle. Mikhail's residence is being ransacked. The Ajaba Mikhail is protecting is being approached by a Fallen. A small army of Fallen/Thralls are breaking into Velok's house, and a mortal has been brainwashed to cause a ruckus at the Oasis Casino and has been arrested. Clarimond's house has been attacked and her herd killed, and one of Misa's contacts has been hospitalized. Also Misa loses a $500 bottle of whiskey, the worst casualty of the night.)

xxxxxAfter Velok looses his arrow towards the big scary gorilla, after cutting himself as he normally does and smooshing blood on the arrowpoint, Velok lowers the bow down. Misa's finishing move deflecting the charge and stabbing the fallen in the face draws a smile on his lips. Everything seems to have been going swimmingly as Velok walks over towards Misa and Silvana, checking both of them are okay, then Clarimond. Crazy Clarimond with her running and screaming. She's checked too, then Velok is moving over to Misa. It's an awkward circumstance then when Velok's phone beeps and he adjusts in his pocket, reaching out to half hug Misa as he looks at it. His face suddenly falls as he stares towards the phone, and his eyes squint. "They're attacking my house. Fearless." He comments quietly, immediately recentering his bow amongst his back and turning, walking with a fairly brisk pace directly out of the room, regardless of everyone else, and out.

The massive tiger beast shifts bounds through the door towards the elevator.. checking for cameras and other people, it changes into something more human when the coast is clear and takes the elevator down and out.. Then, in the night he heads south dropping to all fours to hurtle through the woods towards a spot he and few others know.