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(Tonight, I give you my most solemn vow: that justice will be swift, it will be righteous, and it will be without mercy.)
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Latest revision as of 15:56, 16 July 2014

The Veil Retaliation
Earthbound revenge, a suffering mother, and a common enemy
IC Date Tuesday
IC Time 9:00 PM
Players Clarimond (Storyteller), Apple, Mikhail, Misa, Silvana, Velok
Location Prospect
Prp/Tp The Veil Breach
Spheres Mage and Mortal and Shifter and Vampire


Prospect Memorial Hospital - Emergency Room

xxxxxIf there was any doubt about what this section of the hospital was for, then the constant nervous tension of the doctors and nurses ought to clear it right up. There's medical equipment all over the place, out in the open for quick access. There's a direct line from the parking lot, and another one to the Intensive Care Unit for patients who need more specialized care. The beds are spaced apart to give staff room to go where they're needed, except for the bad days when there's an overflow and the extras are brought out of storage and shoved closer together.

Clarimond is not used to being in hospitals, not many people she knows actually die, much less end up in hospitals IF they die. She passes through the doors and waits in the lobby. She scans the room, looking for Velok, as surely he will have a good reason for coaxing her out of 'play time' with her lovie ghoul.

Mikhail enters and quickly picks an lightly inhabited corner of the waiting room. Which becomes even more lightly inhabited as people seem to come up with reasons not to sit near the large man.

Silvana makes her way in looking around as she is looking for who called her. She finds a spot to sit down as she waits looking around.

Seems like someone's decided to get as many different personalities together as possible. Before Apple arrives, there's the rumble of many motorcycle engines and, as she walks in, she's fingerfluffing her rainbow hair back into some semblence of shape.

xxxxxWhen people are gathered, Velok finally appears out of a hallway, walking past the reception desk, because in his head Prospect Memorial looks like the hospital from Scrubs. He's wearing blue scrubs, the same uniform that several of the doctors are wearing, and it allows him to walk around without having to worry. When he comes out he spots Silvana, Mikhail, Clarimond, and Apple, giving all four a pleased smile. His hands fold behind his back, still covered in the silk fingerless gloves that normally adorn his hands. Before one hand folds, he gestures a finger for all to gather near. "I'm afraid her condition is critical." Velok says, as if he's talking to friends and family. "She's stable enough for now, and you all can see her, should you like. I've arranged for her to have her own private room within the ER." He turns, expecting everyone to follow as he leads them back further into the ER proper.

Silvana raises a slight brow but nods turning to follow Velok as he heads back inside. She should have worn her white coat but she tries not to draw attention to herself.

Misa is dressed in one of the candy striper uniforms, her white hair still at the moment precludes pretending to be full time staff. She skips and hops and bounces along to a song no one else really heres, stepping into place among the crowd following Velok... after giving a wink to one of the surgeons passing by.

Apple falls in place among this motley group, her brows also a bit piqued. What in the world..

Mikhail rises slowly setting down a magazine he was using to 'hide' and approaches the group that grows more conspicuous with the flirty candy-striper. He blinks at Apple, the one he hasn't seen before, but shrugs apathetically.

Clarimond nods slowly, she can pretty much guess at this point that someone has, or is about to.. well.. DIE. She follows him towards the ER room, noting Mikhail, Silvana, and Misa's present as well. Apple is given a once over but Clari assumes that she is a friend of someone. Her ghouls remain in the sedan outside, the metal detectors in the hospital not being something she wants going off. As they enter the room, you see a pale woman, red hair, and blue eyes resting in her bed. She keeps chanting the names 'Klas' and 'Hans' and saying, 'mommy loves you' over and over.

xxxxxVelok holds open the door to one of the rooms, allowing everyone inside. As they walked he nodded to a couple people, and no one disturbed them. When the group is inside, Velok joins them and starts to close the blinds. "Someone approached me, earlier today, while I was retrieving my tea." More blinds being closed. "They stated that this woman here was the latest victim. A punishment for our...refusal to agree to his terms." Finally the blinds are all closed and Velok moves to stand next to Apple. "According to the man, our...friend.." Velok says the word with scorn. "Forced a man to excute this woman's children, Hans and Klaus. He then violated her. The police killed the man in a standoff." With that, Velok raises a hand and places it on Apple's shoulder, the only woman that wasn't here for the rest of it.

Silvana shakes her head as she listens and looks at the woman that is saying her kids names over and over and sighs.

Mikhail gnashes his teeth and for a moment looks truly frightening.. but his eyes squeeze shut and he forces himself to calm balling his hands into large fists that look like they could crush rocks. "Nd eef ve geeve een vhat stopes heem from doeengk zees anyvay..." he says slowly in that thick Russian accent.

Misa shakes her head. "We only have previous behaviors to go by and frankly this guy was villent before hand. If it thinks like any other serial killer we gave it a moral justification to express behaviors it already wanted to. Now we gave it a reason it could feel morally justifiable. Now that it's committed the acts, it's already crossed the threashold and will feel o hesitation to do it again

Apple reaches up with her hand, crossing her arm over her chest, to rest her hand on the one resting her on her shoulder. Her gaze stays locked on the pale woman in the bed talking to her children. Her icy blues swim with compassion.. she says nothing just yet.

Clarimond frowns at the woman as she watchers her, "If I lost my dear Irna.. I might end up the same as she.." The woman continues to chant that same line over and over. She does not seem to even notice that she has visitors at all! Her eyes are glazed over and she stares at the ceiling while she rambles on.

xxxxxVelok stands there, smiling as Apple touches him. He looks over towards Silvana and nods. "It is unlikely at this point that this thing has any plans of stopping on his own. At this point, we're in damage control while we search for a weakness. Unfortunately, it seems like the woman here is the first strike. A reminder to us that more will come, and our helplessness." He looks to Misa, then Mikhail, then Clarimond and nods. "To fight this type of creature is challenging. In short, we must find its source of power. Fighting the creature head to head is only a temporary measure. Kill it, it comes back." He leans in and whispers something to Apple, then returns to addressing the group. "Finding the source is the hard part, but I fully expect much more to come, and many more to get hurt before we do.

Silvana looks thoughtful as Velok speaks "What does the the source of power tend to look like exactly?" she wonders as she glances at the woman before she looks to the others. She looks very very thoughtful

When Apple makes the connection with the soul on the bed, even someone not atuned to her will know it. She shudders and her breath catches, the hand on Veloks' tightening. Her expression shifts to one of heartbreak and rage, then she blinks and lifts her free hand to cover her eyes, lowering her head so all that rainbow hair tumbles forward to hide her face. Right now she's just breathing, perhaps sorting through whatever it is she just touched.

Mikhail blinks at Misa.. did he get even half of what she just said.. English is such a hard language... Then listening to Velok, he thinks and asks, "Could eet be.. a fan?" he guesses due to the wind manifestation.

Misa is actively avoiding even looking at the woman, keeping her watch mostly on Mikhail or Clarimond. Velok seems to already know anything she could say and Apple is busy. She even closes her eyes as they sweep over on the very rare moment she looks that way. "It comes back but it buys us time? I don't think a standard serial killer story on campus is going to minimize casualties since it can hit groups..."

Clarimond continues to watch the woman silently. Her own gaze seems distant as if the event is triggering old memories from long ago. Sarah starts to sob, "Oh my babies.. I thought you were dead.." She reaches her arms out to Apple..

xxxxxVelok immedietly moves to support Apple inc ase she's about to collapse, wrapping an arm around her lower back. He nods to Silvana. "Theoretically? Anything, I believe. The one I've encountered before was bound to a statue." He shakes his head towards Mikhail. "I think...I think the thing he'll be bound to will be significant. It will have significance to him. It will be a place people can worship. The one before..." Velok sighs, glancing towards Misa. "Had throngs and throngs of people in a..rather violent orgy." Velok nods towards Misa. "It does buy us a bit of time, yes, but I don't think that's this ones game. I think he would rather mess with us, or else he just would have killed us off. If we take into account the two...men we found before, I think it's far more likely he'll use pawns to strike at us other than risk it." He turns a little red, reaching up with a hand and rubbing the back of his neck, blue eyes finding Silvana. "I don't know if it worked, but I might have made him fear us a bit, at least a direct encounter.

Misa jumps as the woman calls out and looks at her for a moment. Irritation plays across her face for a moment befor she reaches into a pocket to grab her phone. She rolls her eyes at it and moves away from the others to text something, muttering to herself in Mandarin.

Silvana lightly taps at her chin as she looks thoughtful "Perhaps you have, but who knows.. Them things are so unpredictable.." she keeps tapping her chin looking down at Apple a moment then looks back at the woman. How she wishes she was along in here right now.

Mikhail looks at Velok and asks in Russian, <What IS it?> Then thinking a moment he points out in English so the kids at home can play, "Eet did note seem do follow all ze vay do vhere I dook ze osser.. eez eet leemeeted?" he asks, probably meaning geographically

Apple blows out a few breaths, lowers her hand just in time to see the woman reaching out to her. She is drawn towards her, humming softly as she reaches the woman's side. She lifts her hands to gently smooth back hair, looking into the woman's eyes and reaching into her own pocket with her other hand. She draws something out and worries it with her thumb as she starts to sing in the softest voice possible. Right now it is just Apple and Sarah in Apple's little world.

Clarimond|| While Clarimond dazes off into her thoughts, the woman begins to calm down, in no small part to Apple's care. She stops talking and her young face eases down. She is watching Apple silently with a smile on her face.

xxxxxVelok lets Apple go as she seems to know what to do, stepping to the side. He reaches down into his scrubs pocket, pulling out his phone. He looks to it for a moment, then drops it back into the pocket. Another step to the side, coincidentally bringing him between Misa and Sarah, keeping a view of Misa blocked off by the rest of the group by his tall frame. "Silvana is right, they are predictable." He doesn't respond to Mikhail, shaking his head. "On the contrary, Mikhail. Wherever you took the girl, he would have been able to see. He can look through her eyes and you wouldn't even know. Unfortunately, this makes the girl a spy, whether she knows it or not. Wherever you're keeping her isn't safe enough. The connection can not be severed." He folds his hand behind his back. "Yes...the creature is limited...somewhat. It can travel at impressive speeds, but the source of it's binding could be...anywhere." It's not limited in where it can go."

Misa senses "Velok's hand is reaching out towards you, his arm arching away to try and draw you in against his back, to hide you away from the rest and give you a place to dry your eyes if needed. By blocking your view from everyone else, give you a nice moment of privacy."

The large man looks at Velok and asks in Russian, <And if I blindfold her?> he asks curious if the creature can do more than just see through the woman's eyes... other than drive her insane. <And.. What is it? What is this thing? You say you think you fought one before? What?>

Misa tilts her head. "Don't let it know you're aware it can see through the girl's eyes. We can use some 'accidental' information leaks to lead it into a trap."

Silvana says, "We can sedate the girl aso.. But the trap when and where?"

xxxxxVelok shakes his head immediately. "No, it's too risky. I don't.." Despite Mikhail asking in Russian, Velok only speaks in English. "I don't have any idea what this creatures abilities are, what it's able to do. Suffice it to say, the weakest ability is to look through her eyes. He could theoretically also look at where she is, watch where she is, a term you might have heard of is scrying." Velok sighs. "Hell, he can even speak through her. Make her say anything. He can take over her body, make her DO anything. That's why she's a risk." He moves his hands back to his sides, keeping Misa hidden. "As long as the Hyena is alive, she's a risk to everyone and everything around her."

Misa shrugs. "Not all traps have a when and where to be sprung. Tbis thing obviously can only be in so many places at once or it would likely spread the torment out a little more and keep us stressed with multiple strikes at once. Give it false information, make it waste time and energy finding out wht's real and not. Between us here we have more time per day than it does we need to maximize that advantage. Make it think we're looking in places we aren't it'll aaste energy trying to feed that lie to throw us off."

Mikhail leans back against a wall, "I em lyess concerned about heer zen a hurreecane landeengk on my hyead, or nasty minions comeengk do look for heer, but I veel note geeve hyer up.. Eef keeleengk ze veend eez vhat eet takes do free zem, zen ve keel ze veend.

Apple smooths Sarah's hair back from her face with gentle touches, soothing her to sleep for now. When she's done, she stands up straight and pockets whatever she'd taken out, turns and heads to Velok. She reaches out to lightly touch her fingertips to his chest, then looks up at him. Her words are very soft.. almost soft enough that they might not break the flow of the conversation. "She is broken. Her mind can not be saved. She .. may be better off with her children." The rainbow haired one does not say these things lightly. She pats Velok's chest and looks tired. "I"m going to have the Angels take me home now. Call me later."

xxxxxVelok's eyebrows raise as Apple stands back up from Sarah. His posture becomes straightened as he waits for the result, then hears what she's going to say. He didn't expect that, but it is what he wanted to know. "That is...unfortunate." He whispers, a solemn look going across his expression. His hands reach out and he gives Apple a hug, looking back towards Sarah. "Thank you for helping me. I wanted an outside opinion." He lets his arms fall back when the hug is completed, his blue eyes staring towards the woman and watching her leave. "I will." When Apple does depart he turns, heading towards the bed with Sarah. "It's up to you. Just remember that you're not the only one at risk, wherever you keep her." He moves to stand next to Sarah, reaching out and letting his hand fall on the woman's arm.

Clarimond|| One of the nurses supervising Sarah walks into the room. She looks at everyone quietly for a moment, her hands behind her back, and suddenly she glares, brandishing a surgeons knife, and attacks Mikhail, "GIVE HER BAAAAACK!!!"

(One round combat happens. Nurse is subdued by Misa and Mikhail and then punched in the face by Silvana while Velok euthanizes Sarah under the distraction with RTMB)

Silvana just shakes her head a little bit as everyone begins to run. She doesn't run she seems actually calm as she makes sure no evidence is left before she steps out and makes for one of the closets and takes one of the doctor coats and puts it on as she continues to head out she reaches into her pockt and puts on a medical badge.

xxxxxWhen the yelling and screaming from the nurse begins, the yelling and screaming from Sarah begins. Her attacker has come back to finish the job. Instead of dealing with the nurse like everyone else, Velok moves towards the woman in the bed. "Sssssh, it's okay. You're going to be okay." He says. One of his hands reaches out and grabs ahold of Sarah's, holding her hand. The other hand passes over the woman's open mouth for a moment, then comes to rest on Sarah's head. He seems to be attempting to calm her, though his voice is lowered. Suddenly, the heart monitors that Sarah is attached to start to beeping wildly, no doubt from the stress and the return of the PTSD listed on her chart. Velok kisses Sarah's forehead, a long, lingering smooch against her skin that gets wiped off by his sleeve. Sarah goes limp within the bed at the same time as the long, tenuous tone of the flatline comes from the heart monitor. Velok lets go of the woman. "I NEED A CRASH CART IN HERE. STAT." He yells out towards the ER proper, already tearing at Sarah's clothing.

When the nurse makes a lunge towards Mikhail, he tries to wrest the scalpel from her hand ineffectively when Sylvana lands a punch that leaves the woman seeing stars, Misa is wrestling the blade from the woman's hand as Mikhail pins her up against the wall only to slide her down into a chair, where she lies slumped. As security comes rushing in, he's fanning the woman, "Fainted.." he says in that thick Russian accent, hoping they don't notice the swelling from Silvana's punch.

Clarimond watches the fight as she backs towards a wall. The psychotic woman is soon neutralized. She is satisifed enough but then she senses something coming from Sarah. Clari turns around.. dead.. security guards are rushing into the room, "No one leaves! No one! PPD is on its' way! All of you except for hospital staff, stomaches to the wall!"

Mikhail would rather pretend that a woman did not scream and attempt to stab him with a scalpel. He looks the security guards over warily, concerned and not without reason about another possession, this time with weapons nastier than a scalpel, but he slowly turns to face the wall, letting his hands be seen.

Silvana gets ushered out because she isn't in hospital gear next time Velok has a plan he should say let's all pretend to be doctors. She is faced by Security and also shows her hands.

Misa looks at the downed nurse, still shaking while the color quickly draims from her face. She's panicki g and likely going into shock. "She hadda knife and she was screamin!" she says running up to security as one frightened mess of a young girln taking as many guards as she can to calm her down.

xxxxxVelok is amid the hustle and bustle of various nurses and doctors that rushed into the room when the alarms started going off. "Start compressions, start oxygen." When another doctor is there he pats the man on the back. "Take over." he grants the man, turning and walking out of the room along with everyone else. He walks up towards the security guard. "The nurse here was attempting to attack the patient with a surgical scalpel, inducing cardiopulmonary arrest." He motions towards Silvana and Mikhail, the two people who didn't bring any sort of disguise before this all happened cause Velok didn't actually think a random nurse would bust in screaming Jihad. "These two had nothing to do with it."

Clarimond|| THe Police are here now. They count the heads of all non-hospital staff and begin to question everyone. One officer approaches Mikhail, "Sir I am going to need you ID and I would like to ask a few questions of you." Another officer approaches Silvana, and Clarimond, asking the same questions.

Silvana is actually rather well known by the police department for lots of various reasons and no it isn't beacuse she gets in trouble with the law "Hello boys, ask away your questions"

Mikhail pulls out his Russian passport, his face is a stone mask as he stares at the officer questioning him with his cold, black eyes. He glances at Velok and gives a slight shrug, as if thankful for the attempt to get Silvana and him out.

xxxxxVelok sighs, shaking his head and going towards Misa. He leans in, whispering towards her as his blue eyes stare towards the police officers, then the nurse. When he stands back up he looks to Misa, then over to Silvana and Mikhail

Misa spends tbe entire time being terrified and trying to hide from the crazed nurse. She talks a lot but doesn't really say anything at all of use beyond the nurse having a huge ass knife... which is only partially true. All in all she makea a useless, annoying witness to keep the police busy, while trying to make them wish she'd just go away. Misa eve goes so far as to interrupt officers questioning Mikhail and Silvana though not forcefully.

Clarimond|| The officer near Mikhail frowns at the passport, "Foreigner huh? If I run this, we won't find any Russian mafia Sopranos bullshit will we? There's no vodka in prison Brosky." He sneers and goes to collect Clarimond's ID. Sarah is given a pass given her connections. THe police take the statements from the VERY shaken up Misa and calm and cool Velok.

xxxxxVelok retrieves the question of the lead officer. "This man and woman were visiting the patient and were kind enough to assist in subdueing this nurse. This nurse caused the distress within the room. These two are innocent and probably pretty shaken up. I was attending at the time when the patient went into arrest." Velok doesn't give idea, explaining it away for Misa and him. "Our badges must have gotten knocked off during the kerfuffle." Yep, he used that word.

Mikhail shakes his head and shrugs, "I note seenk so.." the accent matches the passport at least, "But I do need zat, eet eez my only ID," he explains politely.. He looks over at Velok, hopefully as the large hand is held out, expecting the passport's return.

Silvana waits for Velok to see if he can pulls this off before she might have to get futher involve

Clarimond|| THe police officer pauses for a moment and sighs, "Yeah look.. we just need to take that loon into processing now. You friends all check out either way." They collect the nurse who is now in cuffs and on her way to jail. Clarimond smiles, "Now that this is done.. I need to be off... it is late after all." WHat she really means is that the sun will be up in a matter of hours and she does not want caught outside!

xxxxxVelok nods, waiting for the police to leave before sighing and turning. He doesn't wait for the others to follow, assuming they should all get away probably as fast as possible. Yay, mission successful. He turns to look towards Silvana. "I believe we still have an arrangement, and this didn't count." He smiles, his blue eyes twinkling away as he nods to Mikhail and gestures towards Misa. Come along pipsqueak.

Silvana smiles steps closer to Velok and touches his cheek "yes I believe we do have and arrangement"

Mikhail reclaims his passport and walks out, shoulders slouched like normal trying to blend in as he tucks it away. He nods back to Velok, seeming perhaps grateful for the save.. Beyond that though he doesn't really look at the others, perhaps to avoid drawing any more attention to them than he needs to.

Misa nods to one of the nurses and waves with a shakey hand. "I... I'm going to go home for the night I... I dunno if I'll be back. I'll give back the uniform if I don't." she explains, making her way outside, meeting Velok out there.