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{{Infobox Log
{{Infobox Log
|name      = A Walk Through the Woods
|name      = A Walk Through the Woods
|summary  = The Sept puts out a patrol for a possible Wyrm threat, Juliette impersonates Lizzie Borden, Chambers impersonates a truck, Quinn shows off why she's a marksmanship instructor, Trekome demonstrates what a Devil Dog looks like, and Rianna shows off some of her new powers.
|summary  = The Sept puts out a patrol for a possible Wyrm threat, Juliette impersonates Lizzie Borden, Chambers impersonates a truck, Quinn shows off why she's a marksmanship instructor, Trekome demonstrates what a Devil Dog does, and Rianna shows off some of her new powers.
|icdate    = June 6th, 2014
|icdate    = June 6th, 2014
|ictime    = Evening
|ictime    = Evening

Revision as of 01:49, 6 June 2014

A Walk Through the Woods
The Sept puts out a patrol for a possible Wyrm threat, Juliette impersonates Lizzie Borden, Chambers impersonates a truck, Quinn shows off why she's a marksmanship instructor, Trekome demonstrates what a Devil Dog does, and Rianna shows off some of her new powers.
IC Date June 6th, 2014
IC Time Evening
Players Acheron, Chance, Chambers, Juliette, Quinn, Rianna, Trekome
Location Gaian Garou Caern, Deep Forest
Spheres Gaian Garou, Gaian Fera, M+/Kinfolk, Mage
Theme Song Saliva - Click Click BOOM

Part 1

Deep Forest - Mystic Valley(#1747RJU)

A vast lush, dense underground forest surrounds the area as thick, tangled vines creep on up past high, rising treacherous, slick, black walls. The volcanic rock face that surrounds this natural valley seems to reach on up to the brink of infinity and beyond, making it nearly impossible to climb with its slick, plate-like surface. Inside the surrounding chasm lies a dangerous lush and vibrant woods as while the deeper one goes only seems to surround the area with eyes that watch from afar. Strange, foreign sounds echo throughout as odd beasts mock those that dare to travel in here, simply waiting in hiding to prey upon the weak and less fortunate. Numerous deep, dark, twisting caverns wind ever downwards to make up the expanse of the labyrinthine structure of the underground tunnels surrounding the area.

The ceiling of the caverns reaches something of hundreds of feet tall, far beyond what the eye can see into the dark as great stalactites and stalagmites meet each other in grizzled embedded rock structures of enriched, pure minerals. Differently colored crystal pools of shimmering mineral water cascade down from flowing indoor springs as a cool, eerie air seems to constantly blow through the area, howling like a banshee on the wind. Photo luminescent algae clings healthily to the rock beds near the pools of water as they glow malevolently, casting a dim light for those to see that pass through these dark paths. Deep abysmal, dark and dense caves completely surround the area as the latent sound of dripping water lightly echoing against dried, crusted, volcanic rock and stinging gentle mineral pools with their soft *Hiss* as the cool water gently touches to make a light steam in the thick air.

The pathways that lead around these eternal caverns here are exceptionally deadly and dangerous as all lies within complete darkness except for the brief moments of glittering light against soft pools of crystals, green moss, illuminated algae, and shards of silvery reflections inside cavern waterfalls. The lush, thick, dark underground forest seems to surround the dense area in tight entanglements of vines, bushes, jungle and shrubs. The trees hang down in their weeping willows as branches mix with gnarled roots that sink beneath the cracked, rocky, stygian, encrusted earth. Depths of coiled mist surround the thick humid air in a serpentine pattern as spouts of steam spit out from the dark chasms in bursts of fiery hot gaseous flames.

Trekome folds his arms across his chest as he watches people disperse. "So, has a patrol gone out to check what's happened, or am I going to need to gear up and rally others to check?"

Juliette nods to Trekome "Not sure if we've met officially. But we should go out and check it. Prefer this not get as bad as the Skull Pig issue." she turns looking around the area "Okay kiddos, anyone up for tracking and looking around that isn't currently on duty?"

Acheron gives a low 'arrrrr' sound. Aww he wants to go kill! GLORY! But hey, responsibilities are responsibilities, so instead he shifts back down to lupus to stay alert and sits back on his haunches with a huff.

Katie makes her way to the people. She isn't just lurking in the shadows anymore. She clears her throat, "Good evening."

Chance looks over. "Hello. Will you be coming with us to see if there are any Wyrm things too close to the cairn?" He starts to move back out to the woods, looking to see who is coming.

Katie bites her bottom lip, hesitating, "I didn't bring my gun with me to shoot anything if it was a problem. Are there problems near the Caern?"

Trekome nods to Juliette, "We got a basic intro a while back, and it's hard to forget your figure in any form." He cracks his knuckles and grins, "Let me grab my rifle and let's do this." Is it really a surprise that he has a weapons locker here just in case?

Acheron doesn't have much to say. Mostly on account of being in the wolf form and unable to answer Katie in any meaningful way. So instead, he just chuffs once in her direction and then goes back to scanning the bawn.

Chance looks to Katie and shrugs "I found something that I was called to deal with. It seemed to be Wyrm, so I came to warn others. It was alone, but that does not mean that it was alone." Yea... He likely could have said that better.

Juliette pulls a second more normal huge axe from her guitar case. Yep. Axes in a guitar case. She's like a dark ages Mafioso "I've got a spare if someone needs it." Axes crossed across her shoulder and starts to follow Chance.

Juliette grins over at Trekome "Get your weaver toys and follow along then. You can even follow behind me and stare at my ass if you'd like."

Chances expression shows his thoughts about Weaver toys... But he doesn't comment. He makes his way out to return to the place he found the critter.

Deep Forest

The delicate balance of nature weaves on like a misty dream surrounding the quiescense of this mystical place. The passing of time seems meaningless here having come this far away from the toils of the horrors of the inner city. This place unlike any other holds a greater meaning as the wide area with massive, towering, great oak trees that reach high up into the heavens above seem to put any other simple life to shame with their ageless life spans.

Giant roots lift up out of the ground, erupting from the solid earth like massive fingers and flooding over the landscape in a river of wooden veins. The air is warm even during the nights here as the air is trapped in by the thickened canopy of trees high up above. Animal tracks are plenty here as the area seems rich in life as well as untouched by man's presence.

Chance points north "Just a short way that way."

Trekome oddly isn't following behind Juliette staring at her ass, but instead out in front of her and Katie. Not exactly a good for the person geared up for a fight and carrying an assault rifle to be behind people if he needs to shoot. He gives chance a nod and starts to make his way through the brush as quietly as he can.

Katie carries an axe, not really her weapon of choice, but it probably is better than nothing, right? She looks northish, wondering what Chance saw.

Juliette strolls along, with little to no attempt at stealth, whistling happily as if to make a total target out of herself. Pair of axes over her shoulder. Though one vibrates with its need to hit something. She's letting Trekome take the lead with a grin.

Chance watches a moment, and then shatters into a large number of animals. The animals spread out and a mocking bird chirps up with. "This way. I will spread out and look." Mostly it's birds and small animals that head north, the larger ones head south, away from where the guy with the gun is heading. Seems he has an idea of how not to get shot.

The mocking bird hands in a tree and points down with its beak. "That is where I found it. It was suffering and was badly hurt." There is a little blood and some fur to be found, not much sign of a struggle. There some fresh deer poop close by and from the tracks it was likely a deer that Chance had dealt with.

Trekome can get used to Jennie shifting into a Kaiju, people turning into various were-beasts, but he's still gotta get used to one being turn into multiple animals at once. In any case, he moves relatively quietly north while keeping his modified rifle at the low ready. He peers over at where Chance points out, then glances back at the other two. "If it's bad, then get Katie out of here." he says before starting to move towards the struggle sight.

The bird looks around and chirps up. "There is another coming, much like the first. There is something else behind it..." As he finishes, a... Well, it's likely a deer, stumbles past. It is clearly in pain and is warped, as if it were made of clay and something had twisted it. There is also, a smell... But the smell is not from the deer, it is from something behind it that is getting closer.

Juliette takes a look around, inhaling the scents of the wild places. She stops looking at the animal. "Hmm. It might have eaten something tainted." She crouches down looking at it. "Mental note, remember to learn Sense Wyrm." before looking around "I suppose if there is something nearby I could try luring it out."

Trekome pulls out a GPS that looks military grade and marks the spot on the screen for later. He puts the device back into a pouch on his vest and then grabs a small plastic bag from one of the other pouches to collect some of the fur and blood from the first kill to preserve as evidence. He just barely gets the bag pocketed before the second deer comes through, making him narrow his eyes. A quick hand signal points it out for Jennie, and his rifle comes up, tracking it, until he smells something else. "Shit..." he murmurs, "This isn't good." Katie is way ahead of him though, already heading back to warn the Caern. He glances at Juliette briefly, "Shifting, may need to engage."

The mocking bird starts to hop around and chirps, much like a scared bird would, go figure. It seems to be trying to direct attention towards the smell approaching. A few of the other animals scatter, though a raccoon and skunk both make their way over.

Trekome shifts forms quickly, his clothing shifting into a thick coat while his tactical vest adjusts to fit his new form. His rifle, however, does not shift, but thankfully the sling has enough slack to not snap as he grows, and the trigger guard has been changed enough to fit his fingers. He ducks into some low brush to find a spot with better concealment, though Juliette seems to be going for a more direct route. Still, at least one surprise is good to have, and hopefully more with Katie having gone to send help towards the two.

Something, wrong, moves after the deer, it grabs the deer and twists a leg in a direction that should break it. Oddly, it doesn't break and the deer hobbles with one leg seeming almost boneless. It bellows it's fear and pain as the fomori torments it. The wyrm thing slows and scents the air, looking around. The bird stops acting panicked, and other animals start to gather.

FairVerona steps forward and ROARS at the monstrosity. To those that do not understand howls the Garou is just roaring. To those that do understand they hear Fair Verona call out <<Now is the time of battle! Now is the calling of war! Slaughter without mercy! Kill our foes! Kill KILL KILL!>> and regardless of understanding or not all Gaian forces are suddenly burdened with a glorious purpose. To kill the enemies of Gaia. A burning NEED to kill. Everything seems to slow down to a crawl as their minds race with the need to violence the Wyrm.

Trekome sees the... thing... twist and warp the deer, something in the back of his mind /seriously/ disliking it, no hating, something about it. Something about it makes his heart rate rise, and muscle tense, making him steel himself as he lines up his shot. Verona's roar is all the signal he needs, immediately flipping off the safety all the way to burst and firing off a string of rounds at it. The rounds find their mark, square into the shoulder, though he mentally notes to adjust his next burst to a less solid area.

Quinn heads towards the roar at full sprint with her rifle slung and a pack of supplies on her back. She approaches from the north and stops as soon as she has a visual. Her heightened senses means she has the foul smell at a long distance. And her acute sight also means that she doesn't need to be close, only have a clear line of sight. She also tries to assess where the others are and will move to make sure they are not in the line of fire.

Actually, adjusting to a more solid spot may be better, as many of the rounds just blow through flaps and folds of skin that hang from what may once have been a human. The thing makes a guttural croaking sound as it is shot and starts to charge at the person.. with.. the... gun... It seems to realize that the person with the gun is not a person with a gun, but rather something far far worse as it slows. It takes a breath and spits at Trekome, and what flies from its mouth looks a lot less healthy then phlegm.

Quinn is careful of her breathing as she runs, it's an odd thing to be careful of but it is all worth it as she sets the legs of her rifle and slides as if sliding into home plate once she reaches her position. she rolls into a prone position and as she aims her heart rate soon evens out.

Verona yanks the axe out of the drooping mound of flesh, bringing it high above her again and then swinging down onto the wretched mass of ooze and flesh. The axe digs into the thing’s shoulder, cleaving what feels like a putrefied cadaver, knocking it just off balance.

Trekome sees the thing stop short, pull its head back, and then whip it forward. His immediate instinct is to quickly shift his bodyweight and dodge whatever is coming at him. The phlegm flies past him, hitting a rock to his rear, sizzling and starting to eat away at the rock. He doesn’t wait a second longer and fires another burst into the mass, the rounds slamming into its chest, small little pinhole entrance wounds, large chunks of flesh and bone ripping out the back as the bullets tumble through, fragment, and explode out the rear.

The fomori is starting to sag, as if its bones were melting... Bullets rip into it as ichor oozes from the wounds, flowing freely. As all the forces meet on the target it bursts like a water balloon. Ichor flies out in all directions as the stench flows out just as thick and clingy... It was almost as if it was liquefying from inside as it was his and exploded. Most likely it is dead, though it smells like it had been dead for some time. Sadly, so do the folks that were close to the burst creature... The cleaning needed will be more epic then the fight.

See, there can be a downside to big damn heroes moment. As FairVerona holds the rotter's attention and the others whip out their attacks, a sudden rustle from the trees is all the warning anyone gets before Chambers, the biggest motherfucking crinos the lot of you folks has probably ever seen comes flying out of the treeline and crashes into the fomor with the force of a mack truck. You remember that scene in Robocop (the original, not the shitty remake) where one of the thugs crashes into a vat of toxic waste and gets splattered by his own buddy's car? Yeah, it's kind of like that. To his credit, the giant crinos is able to stick the landing, but is going to need some serious cleaning (and cleansing) after this little encounter. He looks distinctly peeved by his present predicament.

Quinn lets out her breath as time slows to a fine point of clarity. the only movement in her as she has the creature sighted perfectly, is her finger as it finds the trigger. As she squeezes in a smooth motion, the more pressure she puts on the trigger the more time slows till it is stopped. And then the trigger breaks. Sending the round and all is sped up again. Conical led is sent spiraling through the air, breaking the sound barrier and leaving a notable vapor trail. Quinn watches it sent out and watches the arch of the trajectory push it right on target, turning the tainted form's head into a spray of foul gore. it might not be Pink but the head of the creature is still mist.

Trekome barely has enough time to squeeze off that next three round burst when Verona and Connor unleash hell on it. Between Quinn firing a .50 caliber round and his three round burst, there isn't much that's left when the smoke clears and dust settles. Well, nothing solid anyway; there's a mess of some... muck... now covering the two that got close in, and dayamn, what a mess. He lowers his rifle to a low ready and scans around. "One down... any others?"

FairVerona has her axes flickering about as the thing goes down. She sighs as she's covered with goo and digs into her her hip pouch. She takes out a clay jar and looks around <<Go get a ritualist to cleanse the area and a few buckets of water. Or do you carry water with you?>>

Part 2

The animals start to gather, and then flow together as Chance takes his 'human form. "I can help with cleaning it up. Though it would not be safe for me to clean it from you."

Rianna is not far behind the giant charging Crinos. In one hand, she carries her water bottle. In the other, a plain, unadorned chalice. Her skin is flushed and her eyes burning hotly. The call to battle affected her as surely as the other Garou. As the fomor explodes apart into viscera, she skips back to avoid getting splattered with ick. Blinking owlishly. Panting for breath. "That... was that -it-?" she asks, looking around for something, anything else. Seeing nothing, a stormy scowl crosses her face. "For fuck sakes, -really-?"

Quinn gets to her feet and slings her rifle. she comes out of the tree line and heads towards Trekome while coming the forest for as far as she can push her acute sight.

Chance says, "It was good you struck so hard and so fast. It was turning to liquid. Before you turned it to liquid." He looks to Rianna. "There may be others, it would be wise. I cannot fight as you can, but I help to clean this up." He looks to the deer and points to it. "That is what I saw the first time. I thought it of the Wyrm, but I saw what this thing did to it, and I now know that it was not. It was simply prey being harmed." He moves to the deer as it lies on the ground trembling. "I will help it." His form seems to shimmer, and then he seems to lay on and in the deer. In moments, the deer seems to quiet and start to heal..."

Trekome catches Quinn approaching and gives her a nod. He signals to some thicker brush, and then more hand signals that she'd recognize: find cover, provide overwatch, weapons free. He nods once Chance as he explains, and finally cracks a smile when he watches the deer get healed. He looks at the soaked Chambers and Verona, then at Rianna, “Heal… cleanse… area?” he asks in a low gravelly voice.

Chance looks to Rianna just before he merges with the deer. "Can you help to heal?" And then flows into it, using himself to restore it.

Chambers snorts, pawing at his muzzle and cleaning off the worst of the goo. << I'm going to need several showers after I'm cleansed,>> he gripes in the Garou Tongue, then straightens up. << I can perform the cleansing, for myself and everyone here, and this area." He begins to drag a circle around the clearing with one claw. <<Will need willow branch and water.>>

Quinn nods to Trekome and heads in the opposite direction as Trek circling the area, weapon at the ready and coming the forest for signs of more taint. She nods a greeting to Chambers as well giving a soft "Sorry" for aiding in the muck covering him.

Rianna looks to Trekome, her face still stormy, still riding the adrenaline high from the call to battle. Looking thoroughly pissed that she didn't get to release that pent-up energy. "No. I can't. I don't know that magick yet," she says. "I'm still learning. It's on the list." She looks around. "-Fuck-. You guys didn't need -me-. I thought there was, like, a -real- threat here." She stalks in a slow circle, trying to work off her agitation. She looks to Chance, then to the deer. "What can I do that you aren't already?" she asks shortly. She looks up at Chambers as he starts digging that circle. "What's he doing?" she asks, looking around. "I can't understand you guys when you're in the Crinos."

Trekome shifts down to his homid form, this time actually clothed with all his gear and weapons. Someone finally got his stuff dedicated to him it seems. He clears his throat again and looks at Rianna, this time in less broken human speech, "Go find a task to do, or offer help then. Take the initiative to learn. Chance can probably use help to heal that deer; make it easier for him and maybe pick up on a new technique too. Chambers needs a willow branch and water if the deer is good to go." He quickly swaps out to a fresh mag and resumes scanning the area as he moves in closer in.

Chambers seems to know what he's doing. He just continues to drag that circle out before he shifts down to his homid form. Oh, that was a mistake. Now his clothes are all covered in the goo too. "Aww, damnit," he grumbles. "Branch," he calls for, looking around.

Rianna scowls at Trekome. "I wanted to -fight-!" she says. "I heard the howl, and I got... God, I got so -mad-! I thought I was finally gonna get to show you guys what I can do." She huffs a deep sigh. "Quit being a jerk. -You- guys got to be awesome," she says. Uncapping her water bottle, she fills the chalice before giving the rest to Chambers. Stepping over to the deer, she struggles to calm herself down. Dropping to her knees, she bows her head, holding the chalice in hands that are only slightly shaky, fighting for composure. "Holy Mother, beloved Gaia, hear and attend your unworthy servant," she incants. "O Blessed Lady, You whose beauty and majesty nourishes the whole world. You who have a great compassion for all the tribulations of man as a loving Mother would. You who are Mistress of all the Elements. I beg you to hearken. Hear my voice crying out unto You." The chalice is raised high. "I bless and consecrate this Water in Your name, that I may use it as I choose. As Water stands for Change, so may I Change with it." Looking down at the deer, she begins sprinkling water upon it. "Blessed be Gaia. Blessed be Gaia. Blessed be Gaia," she chants softly, over and over again. Where that water touches, wounds close and tissues mend. But even as the deer rouses, the girl herself starts to pale. Her breathing becoming labored. Hands shaking. A bead of blood rolls from her nose, pattering to the ground.

Quinn returns from her rounds and shakes her head to Trekome. No Contact. At this time she takes her ear protection out and pockets them. She watches the rights go on and the efforts on the deer. to Trek she says softly "I'm just glad everyone is ok. Other than a gore covered crinos everyone is unscathed?" not including the deer. "Thank God it was only one, this was much safer and better managed than when we were surprised at the Picnic."

Trekome is providing overwatch with Quinn, the two having taken opposite ends of the cleansing circle that Chambers is drawing into the ground. Trekome and Connor have shifted back into their homid form, which unfortunately for Chambers also means he's covered in goo. Chance is attempting to heal the poor deer that was attacked by the fomori earlier, and Rianna has joined in with the effort, though her heart is more into fighting than providing support. For now, things are looking quiet while Chambers sets up the ritual.

Trekome looks at Rianna with a scowl of his own when she starts to complain, but doesn't comment just yet, letting her do her healing magic. He doesn't look pleased with the attitude, but there are more pressing matters to deal with right now, such as the Wyrm taint. "Everyone up? Everyone good?" he asks the group while scanning around. "Quinn, how are your ears?"

Chambers is able to snag a willow branch. He looks at the water and gives it a sniff. "Pure?" He questions, before he dips the branch in it and shakes it off. "All right, everyone into the circle," he directs, before he retrieves his lighter and starts that branch smoldering. "Gotta put together a ritual bag. Mara told me to do, I just haven't had the time.."

The deer stands and bit shaky, and Chance slips from it. The animal looks around, clearly confused, and still scared. He starts to stumble off, quickly gaining strength and speed as it moves off into the trees. Chance smiles and bows to Rianna. "Thank you for your help. The deer thanks you as well, I felt what it felt and know its heart. Your mother will know your actions."

FairVerona looks to Trekome as she steps more into the central section of the goo and looks over <<Could you wet a circle around me? The non goo bushes and the undergrowth? I should remove this before the cleansing.>> The large werewolf looks over to Chambers <<Or will cleansing take care of that?>>

Quinn looks down and away and reports "Some ringing..." which means more than some "I can manage for now" but she did have to take out the ear protection before being able to hear anyone which means that she does indeed have some damage. She looks up to Chambers and nods, standing where she is told though not sure what is going on.

Trekome nods once he hears voices, and no reports of injuries. He starts to pull back more, giving one last look around before moving into the circle next to Verona. He uncaps his canteen and pours a circle of water around her before taking a step away to let her do her thing, and so he can check on Quinn. "You're gonna need to have someone take care of your ears... probably got some hearing damage from not wearing muffs." Looks at Chambers and nods, "Ready when you are."

Chambers looks over at FairVerona and smirks, managing to wipe a bit more of the muck off his face. "Oh, it'll cleanse. Not clean, just cleanse. There will still be hideous viscera splattered all over, but it will be totally purified, spiritually wholesome viscera. A feast for the scavengers and several showers for us." That said he begins to walk wider around the circle. "Normally you howl at this part, but I've added a bit of my own twist to the rite." He lights a small incense burner and the smoky scent of sandalwood is probably enough to lighten the stomach-churning miasma of gore so that it's not quite enough to send one's thunder broiling at the edge of their throat. "Sometimes you don't want to make noise."

Chance looks to Trek. "She is harmed? I can help. I can fix it when we let her see the world in new ways. Though I should rest before doing so. Taking flesh that is not my own is not a simple or comfortable thing."

Rianna settles back on her haunches as the deer gets up. A ghost of a smile curving her lips as it stumbles away and then starts to run. "Go. Be free," she whispers. Then she cups a hand to her nose, eyes drifting closed as she shudders. "Oh God... oh -God- that hurts," she hisses softly. She staggers unsteadily to her feet, slopping some of the remaining water in the chalice. She wipes the blood from her nose, sniffing a bit. Hearing the exchange between Quinn and Trekome, she sniffs again. Dipping a bloodied fingertip into the dregs at the bottom of the chalice, she touches it to her forehead. Remaining silent as she can, so as not to break Chambers' concentration.

The ritual goes on smoothly - it seems that the youthful theurge is surprisingly practiced with the trappings of rituals. That must be how he spends all his time when he's not with the kinfolk. As he finishes the rather elaborate Cleansing, however, he begins to grow rather pale, and as the incense burns out he actually stumbles to one knee, spiritually drained and exhausted. "It's done," he says, pausing a moment before he >slowly< gets up. "It's clean."

Chance looks to Rianna, having been slow to realize that she is harmed as well. He then remembers something. "Oh, that is right. Your mother granted me her kind touch. If this would aid you, I will call on her to put things right for you." Yup, seems Gaia was kind enough to grant the Wyld spirit Mother's Touch.

FairVerona waits till she's cleansed then nods respectfully over to Chambers before moving to stand up on a section of stone. She's still covered in viscera and such, it's just not tainted. She takes the clay jar she's been carrying and smashes it above her head dousing herself in liquid. Then with a flick of her axes she's engulfed in flames. Fur and flesh burns furiously for a moment but cannot find purchase any deeper and soon the flame dies away. Blackened flesh sloughs off and fur quickly regrows and she shakes herself to be free of ash and burnt flesh. Then once clean she shifts down to homid, skin pink and new and smiles over at Quinn "Nice shooting, do your ears need healing? My husband was one of our septs snipers."

Quinn stoops to Chambers as he takes a knee and offers a hand to help him up. She's not really tuned to all that 'magic stuff' but she doesn't move away till his is steady "How about we dunk you under the water fall. it's not too far away and will do better than trying to rub it off in the bushes." She does seem to have a perfect scowl at the odor that lingers on her. Quinn's attention is drawn to the flash fur cleaning and just will not get used to the surprises around here. "... ahhhh. Yeah they hurt and are ringing." she says not sugar coating it for Verona. "I had inner ear protection in, but didn't grab my muffs. and my ears are naturally... um... sensitive.

Rianna doesn't watch the ritual. She watches Quinn. Eyes enlarging to Owly Magnitude. Once the Rite is completed, she moves over there. Moving slowly, carefully, biting her lip as she fights through the soreness and pain. "Quinn," she says. "Dude. You've got, like, -serious- trauma to your eardrum and tympanic membranes. Like. For -real-. You're going to wind up with tinnitus if you're not careful." She waves Chance off. "I'll be fine. Quinn's ears need help," she says. "It's the Threefold Return. I have to deal with this myself." She startles as Verona self-immolates. "What the -Christ-?!" she cries. She shakes her head, looking back to Quinn. "-Seriously-, though, Quinn. You need that taken care of before it gets worse."

Chambers blinks at Juliette's new appearance and then nods a little dumbly to Quinn's comment. "Waterfall, yes. What the heck was that, Fair Verona? I've never seen such a thing. Was it a talen?"

Chance nods to Rianna "I understand. Everything has a price. I will remember what you did for prey." He looks to Quinn and holds out a hand to her, reaching to gently touch her head. "May I?"

Trekome makes that two things he still needs to get used to now: Chance being able to turn into a whole lot of different critters all at once that are all sentient but linked to the same mind, seeing someone bathe themselves in flames like it's nothing. He smirks, shakes his head with a sigh, and goes back to watching the forest. "Alright, so everything is purified, and everyone is just about good to go. Get Quinn fixed up and then report in at the Caern, sound good?"

Quinn blinks a bit when her ears are fussed over. but they hurt. So she's not going to fight help. she nods to Trekome, "yes, sir" falling back on old habits. She stays still as everyone offers to help me. She'll let them rock paper scissors among themselves and play lab rat for the winner.

Juliette says, "No, alcohol and oil mix. I was taught by my Sept Alpha to cleanse with fire. That the darkness fears it and we should be familiar with it. To burn away that which is unclean we have to bear it's touch and not be destroyed by it. It's the right of every Homid. It's the first Gift that homid cubs learned before our Rite of Passage. Also learning to fight while on fire." Juliette smiles. "Our Sept Alpha beyond being a genocidal monster was also a pyrophoric hillbilly." before she moves over to Quinn and now that she has a non-goo covered dress on she picks up a corner of it and spits on her and proceeds to clean Quinn's ears, face, any scrapes regardless of protest.

Chance stops and looks to Juliette as she starts taking care to Quinn. He drops his hand and steps back, not about to argue with her about who gets to help Quinn.

Quinn leans away from the spit covered dress that is coming towards her. "what are you doing?" she asks scepticly. she has seen crazy magic but she's pretty sure that's just a spit covered dress. "I didn't get any on me in the first place. if I did I'll go wash in the water fall." the dress gets closer "no really" there is panic in her voice as it's inches away "Stoppit!" and Contact! Quinn doesn't want to swat away hands but her face pinches up like a protesting child. But hey! ears are good again!

Trekome can only snicker when Quinn gets a very literal application of 'Mother's Touch', and gives her a shit eating grin. "Got your booboo taken care of, Staff Sergeant?" he asks before looking at the others. "Looks like we're good here, right? Let's get back to the Caern and report in; give us a chance to rearm and recharge before pushing out another patrol."

Juliette kisses Quinn on the forehead as the pain goes away "There. All better. You should really remember your earmuffs if your going to go out and fight evil." Juliette smiles "But that was fine shooting everyone. Just some minor injuries that are par for the road." She nods to Trekome "Yes. Also report in to the Warder regarding where and what we ran into so that the other patrols know what to expect." Catagory:Chance