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Funeral Fury
A mourning rite and its aftermath
IC Date 2014/01/11.
IC Time Evening.
Players Sara, George, Halle, Fidelia, Chance, Urd, Yuri, Tom
Location Gaian Forest Caern
Prp/Tp None
Spheres Gaian.
Theme Song A theme song for the log

Sara pages: (You decide what is anything the kin will come running to tell you. The makeup and dress are a bizarre blend of Fianna and Egyptian) Weird shit happens. It happens here all the time. So the nearly naked girl walking barefoot into the caern is probably no acception to that general rule. Well, not really naked per say. Sara wears clothing on her body that Urd will recognize, more so than many of the less traditional others. The handwoven garments are antique if not ancient.. generations old, and rent and shred by mourning hands until the flesh beneath them has been bruised and bloodied in places. Sara walks with a steady pace, despite the rawness of her naked feet. She doesn't respond to the stones or twigs under her soles. She doesn't answer questions whispers by one of the younger kinfolk.. but she's left alone by the warder, which should be enough to suggest she's not breaking any rules.. her face is streaked with paint as whote as bleached bones, and black as pitch.. her hair is a mess, and piece of it still drift between her fingers where she's pulled it out. Even to the untrained eye it may be clear that someone she loves deepy has died.

George blinks in astonishment at Halle as she describes what happened and he starts to respond "Yeah it would..." when one of the kin (npcs) comes running into the spring, not in a panic but in a hurry "Adren, Adren! There's a girl, I think it's the one that used to be mute, she's got Strider type make up on and she's come walking into the caern looking really really sad!" Geroge blinks and nods as he starts getting out of the pool and moving to get his pants and knife on at least. He was, as he said naked as the day he was born. "I should go check, something might be wrong with Sara. Excuse me ladies."

Halle rises as well as she hears the little Kin. She moves over, climbing out of the water and picking up her clothes. "I'll come too," she says, though definitely letting George lead the way. She begins pulling clothing on as she goes, though more focused on keeping up than modesty.

Fidelia remains in the water, watching them both get up to leave. "I'll... I'll stay here." Fidelia /hates/ drama, and this sounds like it might end up that way. She sinks down into the water deeper.

You move to Deep Forest - Mystic Valley

Deep Forest - Mystic Valley(#1747RJU)

A vast lush, dense underground forest surrounds the area as thick, tangled vines creep on up past high, rising treacherous, slick, black walls. The volcanic rock face that surrounds this natural valley seems to reach on up to the brink of infinity and beyond, making it nearly impossible to climb with its slick, plate-like surface. Inside the surrounding chasm lies a dangerous lush and vibrant woods as while the deeper one goes only seems to surround the area with eyes that watch from afar. Strange, foreign sounds echo throughout as odd beasts mock those that dare to travel in here, simply waiting in hiding to prey upon the weak and less fortunate. Numerous deep, dark, twisting caverns wind ever downwards to make up the expanse of the labyrinthine structure of the underground tunnels surrounding the area.

The ceiling of the caverns reaches something of hundreds of feet tall, far beyond what the eye can see into the dark as great stalactites and stalagmites meet each other in grissled embedded rock structures of enriched, pure minerals. Differently colored crystal pools of shimmering mineral water cascade down from flowing indoor springs as a cool, eerie air seems to constantly blow through the area, howling like a banshee on the wind. Photoluminescent algae clings healthily to the rock beds near the pools of water as they glow malevolently, casting a dim light for those to see that pass through these dark paths. Deep abysmal, dark and dense caves completely surround the area as the latent sound of dripping water lightly echoing against dried, crusted, volcanic rock and stinging gentle mineral pools with their soft *Hiss* as the cool water gently touches to make a light steam in the thick air.

The pathways that lead around these eternal caverns here are exceptionally deadly and dangerous as all lies within complete darkness except for the brief moments of glittering light against soft pools of crystals, green moss, illuminated algae, and shards of silvery reflections inside cavern waterfalls. The lush, thick, dark underground forest seems to surround the dense area in tight entanglements of vines, bushes, jungle and shrubs. The trees hang down in their weeping willows as branches mix with gnarled roots that sink beneath the cracked, rocky, stygian, encrusted earth. Depths of coiled mist surround the thick humid air in a serpentine pattern as spouts of steam spit out from the dark chasms in bursts of fiery hot gaseous flames.

Contents: Yuri Sara Chance Urd Totem Pole Obvious Exits: Heart <HE> Catacombs <CA> Temple <TE> Amphitheater <AM> Clearing <CL> Large Cavern <O>

Halle comes in from Deep Forest - Mystic Shrines

The strangely clad woman moves like a ghost, walking without seeing, passing without noticing. The brief expression passing over Urd's own face may or may not have been noted. Sara passes the entrance, the fire, she continues walking toward that most sacred ground, the heart of the caern. Her pace doesn't speed or slow, but maintains as steady as her posture as she draws within arms reach of the forbidden, and guarded threshold.

George comes striding out quickly from the hotsprings, carrying an ornate bone handled knife (still sheathed) and wearing his jeans but still barefoot, shirtless and dripping wet from the pools. He watches what's going on curiously.

Halle comes out, also dripping wet, and her clothing melding to her skin as a result as she stays a few steps behind George, looking about to see what is going on.

Urd shakes her head, "If she wishes something she will ask. You cannot heal her current pain." She replies, "As for dishonesty and deciet why would you seek to emulate these traits? What good would they do you? You are a spirit." She explains as she takes another moment to turn and starts working on the skin she's cleaning.

Yuri walks into the caern and looks around at those assembled. He smiles a bit when he spots Urd and waves to her as he walks over. He nods to the others quietly.

The garbed woman stops just short of the blessed ground, her tattered robes stirring in the dirt within a kiss of too close but not over. She breathes in slowly and deeply.. then begins to exhale. When she does so, it's with a bellow of anguish and rage that is almost too loud, too passionate to be ignored, even by those here who are more attuned to the voices of Galliards. She is still human, make no mistake of that.. but the kinfolk withholds nothing. She draws a teddy bear from the fabric hanging on her body and hurls it into the heart, drawing up another long breath.

Chance nods to Urd. "Ok, I will take your advice. Well, I wish to learn it because it is so much a part of humanity, and the Wyld can no longer learn of the humans directly, so I am here to learn of them. It seems like something I should understand if I am going to get closer to understanding them."

Chance jumps a bit and looks over at the human howl...

Urd waits, silently, for a moment while the howl rings out and she starts to scrape the hide harder getting everything off it. "Maybe if you want to be human you should watch.." She glances towards Sara. "Bu do not disturb her." She looks back towards Chance. "Not until she approaches you."

George draws a breath of his own as he hears a mourning cry and his own gifts make it give him chills. He doesn't seem to be moving to stop her or to interfere with her at all, grief and mourning are serious business.

Halle stays behind George as she observes what is going on. The scream takes her a bit by surprise, but leave her only slightly tense after as she watches what is happening. She doesn't move to interfere either, no doubt sensing something of a ritual to what is happening, and it's not unusual for her to not know how their rituals work.

Tom appears dressed up in a Zoot Suit and tie as he looks over at them carrying a small case with him as he walks stopping next to the group watching as he wonders what is going on a moment looking over at Chance first and then George and finally Urd as he looks over at Sara's face a moment while the big man is quiet.

The first cry is still heavy on the air, shivering in the ears of those who heard it as Sara begins her second. This time, she screams a word, a name? "ONI!" The syllables are drawn out as she rakes nails over her face.. paint gathering under then and blood trickling in the wake. The second cast is made.. a baby bottle with milk, into the heart of the caern.

Chance stands and faces Sara as she stands by the entrance to the sacred place. He shatters into his spirit form, though one may get the feeling that nearly all its attention is directed to the anguished woman.

Sara pages: It's a female baby name, meaning Wanted.

Sara pages: It's the kind of name that would be supplanted likely before a child's first year, by something more relevant and personal. Sorta nails down for you that it was an infant/baby. 3 successes figure you deserved more detail. :)

Most people are likely standing and watching Sara (check her description) who is giving mourning cries just in front of the entrance to the heart. Halle moves up to stop behind George, resting her hand lightly on his back as she watches. He'll know better than she what is happening, and that touch allows her to focus on Sara while still feeling if George begins to physically react to anything.

Chance watches and listens silently.

George is just standing there near the entrance to the shrine having just come from the hotsprings. He paused long enough to grab his knife and his pants but little else, the reaction Halle is wary of isn't coming yet. He doesn't move, he barely breathes.

Deep breathes, raggedly drawn from the air around her as if she were drawing in thick, vicious liquid and exhaling only smoke. Sara's posture lifts with each one, drawing her body up until she's nearly on her tip toes.. the fresh scratches down her face now joined by the clawing of her own arms. The final wail thunders from her feet, through her torso and erupts from her lips in a wordless blight of wretched suffering.. the likes of which could make Galliards take note, and invites indeed, the howl of a lupine.. and another. A kin can not lead a gathering for the departed, but you're seeing what may be the closest there ever was. The girl hurls a final object into the heart of the caern. A rolled reed scroll, tied with a yellow silk ribbon.

Chance speaks quietly to Urd. "Why is she not permitted to enter that place? Clearly her spirit is in as much need of the comfort and connection it offers as any Garou."

Tom looks over at Sara and hten watches everyone as he finally understands what is going on with that he pulls what looks like to be a trombone out of the case he leans it against the totempole. He the man in the zoot suit plays a song of the blues just seems to be the right type of song for the occasion.

Urd shakes her head and looks towards Chance. "The only one holding her back is herself. Be silent. Observe. There is no time for words in a loss that close to the heart.." She's not watching Sara. She's more interested in the slow scraping of the hide.

Chance turns his full attention back to Sara, likely the most steady and stable this spirit has ever been.

George is standing there keeping vigil, bearing witness to the grief expressed. He blinks once when Tom starts playing the Trombone but he doesn't move or say anything yet.

Sara steps back from the heart of the caern.. her bare feet now supporting her unsteadily. Her hands are as empty as the scraps of cloth. She doesn't speak to the guards who still stand their stoic watch. She finished her business, and turns to walk toward the temple.

Boss has arrived.

Halle senses "George is not happy with Tom"

Urd smiles and puts her work aside. Once that's done she gestures for Chance to follow her. Yuri gets a warm smile and murmured greeting, "Big Brother." She leads Chance towards the Temple but seems intent enough on being the line between Sara and Chance for the moment.

Chance starts to move to Tom, but then changes directions as Urd asks him to follow her. HE moves behind the woman to see what she wishes the show him.

Halle and George had just come out of the temple. Not that they are blocking the path to it, but Halle makes sure she's out of the way as she stands there with the Adren. She continues to watch quietly.

Boss wanders down the path and glances around almost surprised to see that many people. He pauses taking in the people and what they are doing. He frowns as he sees Sara and the scratches. He starts to head in her direction.

Tom picks up the tempo a bit starting to play something that is ragtime and dancing as he starts towards the Clearing having enough of negitive vibes he smiles as he continues to dance as he starts for the clearing playing the trombone with an upbeat tone.

"Thank you.." Sara speaks to Halle as she moves, and inclines her head respectfully to the Adren. She isn't so much ignoring anyone else so much as she's not really paying close attention to them. She steps into the temple, and even through the doorway it's easy to see she's gathering a towel someone left behind and shedding those robes. They have one purpose, and apparently that purpose is now finished.

Sara moves to Deep Forest - Mystic Shrines

Halle senses "George is about to flip his shit"

Urd moves to Deep Forest - Mystic Shrines

Boss goes home.

Chance moves to Deep Forest - Mystic Shrines

George whirls around to glare at Tom and stalks toward him snarling. His bone handled knife still clutched by its sheath in one hand and the fingers of his empty had working slowly because there's nothing in them. He's reaching to grab a hold of the slide of Tom's trombone, obviously livid.

You sense just before stalking towards Tom, you felt Halle's hand, moving softly, just a little bit so it wouldn't be obvious to anyone else. But you would know she was attempting to help calm you.

Tom moves away from George, "Got a problem, George?" He says pulling the trombone away and looking at the man.. "If you want it you can calm yourself first..." He says with a snarl and a growl back as he looks at the man.

Halle swallows as she watches the two men, staying where she is. She glances over to Yuri to see if he's paying attention or not, eyes quickly going back to them.

Yuri remains quiet and watches the two higher ranked garou discuss the use of a trombone in the caern. He looks over to Halle and moves over to her, smiling a bit as he walks up.

George gives a low growl and brings his free hand to grasp instead the handle of his knife "You dare disrespect the grief of another. You DARE disrupt a ritual of mourning with your /noise/. I am counted as an Adren by the nation and say you are wrong to do these things and I will see that all know that one who is only a Cliath, and lucky to still be that, is capable of such profound disrespect and dishonorable behavior. Surrender your instrument that I may destroy it in penance to the spirits of the dead you've offended."

Tom stops and then says, "And you would be wrong I showed no disrespect to a rite of Mourning, I asked what was going on, no one said shit... I took out my instrument trying to cheer people up... Life is to be celebrated so is death for those that we have lost! I say you have no right to my things if you want my instrument you will fight for it as I have a right to protect my own territory if not you will back off now, Adren..." He says with a hiss, "This intrument was my fathers and if you think I'm going to let you destroy it you've got another thing coming." He says clearly pissed.

George snarls at Tom as he looks him up and down condescendingly for a long moment before speaking again "It was not your ritual to participate in, you were not invited and to assume a place in a rite not of your Tribe in such a manner is disrespectful to the mourners. If that is your father's instrument then you have forgotten the face of your father and what ever path of Honor he might have taught you. By right of my rank being greater than yours, By right of my Tribe's blood being those who keep the ways of death and sorrow for the nation, surrender the instrument. Now."

Halle continues to watch silently. Silent and motionless except or her eyes which look back and forth between the men as they talk. As Yuri approaches then her head does turn to him, but just her eyes offering greeting as she looks back to the others. She rests her hand on Yuri's side as she did George earlier, using it to tell her if he's reacting physically while she watches what transpires.

Tom stands looking at George, "No.... It's my property if you want it earn the right to it. It is not yours and I could care less what you think of my father and how he raised me, if you actually helped me perhaps or even taught me a thing or two I wouldn't be a cliath now. I have none, and no one but you choose what you do next." With that he simply walks for the case and starts putting it away. "I stand on land I am invited to, just as much as you are... I didn't disrespect or interrupt what they are doing, nor did I hurt anyone nor did they complain... I'm tired and I'm going home."

Yuri just looks between the two new moons. He looks over to Halle but doesn't say a word. He looks back up to see what they will end up doing.

George laughs mockingly at Tom as he starts putting the instrument back in the case "He might have taught you a very great deal but if you weren't such a moon-calf and a disrespectful COWARD you might still be a Fostern. You would obey your better in rank or at the absolute least offer an alternative penance."

Halle shares the look with Yuri before her eyes refocus on the men. When Garou voices go up, Kin's voices go down. That is the way of things.

Tom tilts his head, "Talking to the one that couldn't come up with a challenge for me to become fostern which I challenged, I think you need to serve better, Adren. I if you had an once of the sense of the word duty I have in my left finger, which I have served people we wouldn't have this discussion. I am no coward, I proven that fighting and leading missions you have earned renown from. You fail me here and again, George as you have before in the past. If I am a failure only the ranked of my moon is to blame and you are that." He closes the case and then starts for the exit.

George holds himself stiffly as the disobedient one walks off and rather than try and waste any more words George just stands there glaring and growling.

Halle stays back, quietly watching as George lets Tom depart. She glances up at the sky overhead, and gives Luna a silent prayer of thanks for not being full tonight. After a few feet separate them, Halle begins to move over to George, walking softly and small. When she reaches him, she just gently touches his side, letting him feel her presence there.

Tom turns back giving a nod to George and then a nod to the others and with that he leaves.

Urd comes in from Deep Forest - Mystic Shrines

Tom moves to Large Cavern - Deep Forest