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Bringing Home the Bacon
Home With the Harrisons
IC Date 9/1/2019
IC Time Evening (Waxing Crescent Moon)
Players Laz, Jessy, Merick, Alena, Cirrhosis Sam, Cruciatu, Cori
Location Prospect - Surburbia
Spheres Garou, Wyrm

"I can bring home the bacon/ Fry it up in a pan/ And never, ever let you forget you're a man."

Prologue: Our heroes (villains) having secured the Goods (in this case, The Harrison's) in the back of the BMW and Mr. Harrison's Lexus (he loved that car) return to the Asylum. It's dark, only the scantest light can be seen from within the Asylum from whatever door Laz has left open, or flashlight he holds in his hand. Here, away from the noise of the world, in their own secluded haven, the Dragons perform their dark rites. We open on Laz, proud Grand Dragon, awaiting his minions as the two cars pull into the drive.

xxxxxAlena steps out of the BMW, looking a bit worse for wear. Or, at least her tattered outfit has seen better days. And she's covered in blood. But she seems to have a glow emanating from her, and a genuine smile! The night's looking up, folks. Good times!

xxxxxThe courtyard has been cleaned up a bit, a clearing made of debris and rubbish and a circle for a ritual has been readied. Laz now sits on his double-wide lawnchair w/ cupholder and mini-cooler nearest to the building and facing the exterior entrance where the bastards will park and delivery onto him what he has requested. xxxxxThe man is without shirt, and instead of the BDUs he would normally be wearing, he is wearing a black leather kilt. The blue woad accents his face and features for War, with thighs spread wide and Cori atop of his right knee and his hand skating up her bare back. A bonfire burns behind him, casting a greenish silhouette of balefire around him as he waits. "They are here." He tells the woman aside him, having already told Cori to expect that the pack is bringing them new playthings, and a dog for her to torment.

xxxxxSammy throws open the passenger side door of the Lexus, across from Alena who drove him here. "Pop the truck pretty," he calls. He immediately reaches into the pocket of his leather jacket and pulls out a pack or cigarettes and lights one. "Lazzy, we're HO-OME!" He walks back to the back of the Lexus to pull out whichever Harrison got loaded in the trunk.

xxxxxWhen the vehicles pull up to a stop, Cru opens a door and gets out. He waits for the trunks pop so he can help drag the bound but still living bodies out. His left hand isn't much use for grabbing. Cru gets hold of one of them with his right hand and crouches down to haul the bound family up and get a body up over his shoulders. Still in his glabro form he can manage it. A glance to Sammy and then he'll carry the one he's got for delivery to Laz. Thump! Drops Rachel right down on her ass.

xxxxxCori isn't wearing much at all really, a pair of boycut panties and some dirt are about it. She preens under the scritches given by Laz, watching the cars pull up and start to unload their prizes. She looks over her shoulder at the Alpha, waiting to see if he wants her off his leg, hopefully before he just dumps her on the ground. There's tangible excitement in her eyes, and she bites her lip lightly against the grin that threatens to take over her face.

xxxxxLazarus smiles cruelly at the sight, as the family begins being unloaded and placed into the circle before him. He coils his head towards Cori, lifting his hand to pull her down by the neck enough to press her lips firmly against his own. Nothing remotely romantic about it, as though her breath was his to take and so he did. Then he motions to push her off his lap so she can stand as he does stand as well. His boots taking to the ground, and his bear-like hands extend outwards at the delivery. "Very good my Dragons. Who have you brought before me?.. tell of this atrocity you have committed in our name Cirrhosis of the Soul." He motions towards the twisted man. Then he reaches down his hand to cup the face of Rachel and see the battered older woman's face as she trembles, having regained consciousness.

The family still reeling from the ordeal, and terrified of what is happening now. Likely they believe this is some horrible Satanic cult or something. If only they knew there's things far more frightening in this world.

xxxxxJess steps out of a vehicle, and will grab one to haul into the place. She's not smiling, actually, she just looks pissed off, but that's par for the course. She'll throw the bodies wherever they're being put and then she'll just crouch off to the side and take out a dagger to play with.

xxxxxAlena strides towards the circle, proudly walking her newest pet, Brody, on all fours, bloodied rope for a collar. He gets a swift toe in the ass if he dallies, of course. When they reach the others, she places her high heeled shoe down, firmly, on his neck, pressing him to the ground. She blows daddy a kiss.

xxxxxSam stand there for a minute, smoking his after mayhem cigarette and gathering his thoughts. His hands are covered in caked blood. Instead of triumphant, he looks pissed, and he glances over at Jess who he can feel making eye daggers at him. "Truth is," he begins, "we might have us a pack of Lions instead of Dragons. Or maybe the two have something in common, because with Lion's see, it's the females who bring home the bacon. They're the mighty hunters. Same was true tonight, the bitches did most of the work." xxxxxHe lifts his boot up and sets in down on Mr. Harrison's head and leans into it, like they're just shooting the shit on the porch steps. "Let me tell you, this Pretty you got yourself here, she can act. She went to the door and turned on the tears and Mrs. About-to-be-Cleavered here just let her right on it. Walked the Lioness right on in to the buffet down at the watering hole. Family didn't know what hit them. Pretty soon they're all dancing to her sweet song and dance about her horrible boyfriend and how she got away from him and by golly did she need their help." xxxxxHe waves the hand holding the cigarette at Jess, "Then this one. She's less like a Lion and more like a slinky panther. She just tiptoed right on in the window. They never knew she was there until it was too late. She was ready to pounce and take down daddio and he never saw it coming. Stupid bastard." xxxxxHe glances at Cru and Merick. "There really wasn't much for us boys to do. Cru and I just walked on in the back door like it was nothin. He took out the phone lines and made sure no one was getting out. Hell, I had time to stop for a drink of milk. Merick never made it into the damn house at all..." xxxxxHe pauses for a few more drags on his cigarette, taking a moment to read the room before he continues.

xxxxxCori falls into shadow behing Laz as he approaches the group, looking over the prizes brought before him. She slides up behind him, resting against his back lightly as she peers around his arm, eyes sliding over each of those being presented in turn. As it flickers from one to the next a soft frown starts to settle in on her features, one that's firmed up as she's reached the last person and then looked back to the vehicles. Nails lightly sliding slowly down the Alpha's back as the frown settles firmly into place.

xxxxxCruciatu stands there staring off at butt fucking nothing. Zoned out, high, or day dreaming about Cori's mostly naked body - who knows? Or maybe he's listening to spirits. Whatever the hell's going on he stands there in a slightly awkward pose as if he were seeing something nobody else is, or listening to it. Hard to say if he's tracking on here and now.

xxxxxAlena, at least, knows when to keep her mouth closed. She listens to Sam, but keeps a close eye on Daddy, and on Cori, for that matter. Brody is still eating gravel under her heel.

xxxxxContinuing to crouch there with that dagger flipping between her fingers, Jess glares up at Sammy, still looking pissed off but for some reason it's directed at him. She'll also say nothing, remaining silent, but instead of looking at Laz, she keeps her eyes on the prize, or the man with Cirrhosis.

xxxxxLaz walks through the group, peering at each captured party and then to an associated member of the pack as though he was mentally assigning them. He nods as he listens to Sammy's words, taking in the assessment and grins. There is what appears to be genuine enjoyment in the retelling of the story, the visualization of those he has groomed for so long performing as he expected they would. He extends a had to trace brutal fingers through Alena's hair, pleased in his cruel manner, "Of course she did." Knowing full well she is the wolf in sheep's clothing he kidnapped so long ago. Then he turns his gaze towards Jess and grins ferociously, "That hate turned against our foes." As though he knew she would be ruthless.

xxxxxThen he peers around to the others, and considers. "So there is more to be done. These are yours now." He points towards Rachel and then towards Cruciatu. Then towards Walter, and back towards Jess. Then towards Brody, and to Alena, and finally towards Madeline and then towards Sammy. "Your pets. You duty is to break their minds.. corrupt them.. reduce them to nothing but groveling pets.. so they may be infested by the banes we summon and transformed in the name of The Father. Channel everything you have learned, into crushing their will. Subjugate them until there is nothing left but you, and only you in their world." xxxxxHe turns to look back towards Cori, and then he asks, "Where is Cori's pet?.. I told her you would be bringing her a dog to torture. Did you forget the dog?"

xxxxxSam leans in towards Laz conspiratorially, whispering softly, "Jess is still giving me the stink-eye isn't she? I ~may~ have ruined her fun for her a little bit. Hold on." He reaches down and grabs Mr. Harrison by the color and, shifting into Glabro, drags the Mr. Last-Place-in-Father-of-the-Year over toward Jess to dump him at her feet. "There ya go, kitty. Have at. Never say I never gave you anything." xxxxxHe growls the words in his glabro form as he stomps around among his packmates, "You see, that's where it all started going to shit. Cause somewhere around here SOMEONE decided they wanted to start playtime early. Someone didn't want to wait until we got back home, so we could do things in their own time." xxxxx"Now, I've been wracking my brain, ever since Mr. Teen Dream over there started stabbing his own dog. And since Little Last Unicorn over there went jumping from her GOD-DAMNED bedroom window onto the paving stones outside. And then there was the the half dozen Neighborhood Watch guys who came rolling up that we had to pay off." xxxxxHe flicks the ash off his cigarette and takes another drag, making the cigarette red hot. "Not I know it wasn't the pretty, I had my eyes on her the whole time. And it wasn't Cru, he was being a good watchdog. And it wasn't Messy Jessy cause she was too busy being pissed at me for knocking the air out of her toy. So it had to be..." xxxxxHe stops behind Merick and holds the hot cigarette out to Merick's face. "Mr. Clayface. Why did you make a mess of something when it was going to nice and quiet and smoothly? Huh?"

xxxxxCori tilts her head, wanting that answer herself. She focuses on Sam as he speaks, her fingers curling into a fist then releasing; flexing slowly with her irritation. When they uncurl and remain so her nails have lengthened, ugly sharp claws having slid out from underneath them. "Someone broke my toy?" Voice almost a whisper, cold yet carrying a trembling of fury behind it.

xxxxxLaz coming near to him twigs Cruciatu's eyes to focus on the Ahroun. He glances down at Rachel, then frowns at Sammy getting Madeline. Nope, don't open his mouth to complain. Keep it shut. The question of the dog and the Theurge looks at the others, "He killed. I said bring him anyway." A shrug. Cru turns his head to look at Rachel and he lears a smile at her that promises he doesn't brush his teeth. Looming over her he begins to shift his form from his rather human looking glabro to grow into a much larger with horrifying pops and crackles of his changing body, his clothing melting away to be replaced with body hair all over, growing large bat ears, mottled sickly furred beast thing with nasty claws and big sharp teeth.

xxxxxThe Metis in his breed form reaches out his good hand to grab the now screaming middle aged woman. Terrified, Rachel thrashes trying to get away from it! Wailing for her husband! Kicking, crying out to GOD to help her and her family! Cru's not letting her go anywhere, yet. Noisy bitch, ain't she?

xxxxxAlena allows that brutal hand in her hair without so much as a whimper tonight. She glances up at Laz, but falls silent as their Beta states his theory. Then, she just looks down the line, watching, hopeful. The night is, after all, still as young as Ms. Perfect Unicorn here.

xxxxxWhen Sammy drags the father over to her feet, Jess will watch him with narrowed eyes and slowly rise. She may not be large, but she certainly has a lot of pissed-offed-ness. Stepping on the fathers head, quite similar to how Alena has her toy, and it also gives her a bit more height, Jess will snarl at Sammy, but she doesn't speak for Merick, she'll let him speak for himself. "You're too full of yourself. No help was needed." Yep, she's clearly stuck on that. "why don't you fuckin' watch out for yourself." She will pause, and then add, "Merick didn't make the stupid cunt there jump out the window, that's fuckin' stupid."

xxxxxThere is a low, deep snarl from Lazarus now - and a sudden extension of his arm as he snatches Sam rather brutally by the throat and pulls him in towards him. There's a twist of his wrist, coiling Sammy into him like a snake might. Sam's back pressed to his chest, and the man dangled off the ground by his throat as he growls. "I asked for a nice suburban family.. two kids.. and a dog. You did not bring me what I asked for.. beta." His hand clenches hard, claws extended from his hand and start to cut into the sides of Sammy's throat as he growls. xxxxxHis black eyes scan around, looking towards the others, "My sister's name is Jessica. Her rited name, is Ayhaytyu. This name, she earned after I tossed her into the spiral to dance. These were the words The Father allowed her to utter first when she emerged from his embrace. You may call her Jessica, or Jess, or Ayhaytyu. Only I call her Jessy - to feed that hatred she has of me." He lifts Sammy further up his body, and lashes his tongue across the man's twisted and freckled cheek. xxxxxThen he begins to whisper in the man's ear, as his body dangles without air. "To lead.. you must understand what your pack is capable of. Their strengths, their weaknesses. You must be willing to exploit them for everything they are capable, and stretch them when they doubt they can serve you fully. They must wish to perform at their best for you, or know that you will punish them when they fail you." He growls lowly and says, "When I send you all out to on a task.. you will work together, you will accomplish my task, or you will die trying. You will never fail me!" The man's black eyes start to flicker with balefire, and his lips part as the smoke of the chemical breath begins to boil from the sides and tendrils of smoke rise near Sammy's face. Like he intends to burn the man for failing.

xxxxxSam is drug back and lifted off of his feet. He doesn't cower. He doesn't beg. Fuck that. Instead, he laughs. He laughs in the face of the man who holds his fate in his hand. "Go ahead. Do it. I told you to do it the day we met. Kill me and make yourself greater. I'll tell you again, DO IT! But this time, it won't make you greater. *I* came up with the plan. *I* took out the mother. *I* cleaned up the mess your Pentex boy made so that the veil wouldn't be broken. *I* wrote the story. I was GOING to write the story of the Dragon's greatness. Of YOUR Greatness on the walls of that house. So that anyone who came into knew we had left our mark. But Clayface screwed that up. So if you want to kill me and burn me over his fuck-up, because he couldn't keep his mind-fuckery in his pants ACCORDING TO THE PLAN, or because I called your sister the wrong name, then you go ahead. But they aren't going to tell your story. THEY aren't going to make you great. Deeds are nothing if there isn't someone to tell them. So do it, Laz. I'm yours to hurt. I'm your to kill. I won't fight you. END ME."

xxxxxCori seems to be realizing, past the inital unpleasant shock, that she's not getting something to play with. The scream she lets out doesn't sound human, not entirely, filled with unbridled anger it carries the unholy echoes of her parentage behind it; second pitched, high, screeching wail that makes one want to plug their ears. As her mouth opens to make the sound, fangs that haven't been bared before come into view, distorting her jaw. Yup, temper tantrum.

xxxxxAs she stands there and Sammy is grabbed by Laz and snarled at and abused, Jess gets this look on her features. It's one almost of joy, very close to joy. Someone ELSE is getting the shit kicked out of them or threatened or abused or something, and it's NOT HER. She'll get a pleased smirk crossing her features, her tongue slipping out to flick one of those lip rings she has and she just looks pleased for once. It's a very rare expression on her face and she stares, STARES so she doesn't miss a single thing. xxxxxThen, when Cori screeches, she'll lose that look of joy and snarl towards the girl, "Fuck. Stop Whining." Yep, that joy is gone, and hate and anger comes back full force.

xxxxxAs usual, Cru isn't saying much. The Metis Thuerge reaches over with his birth defected left hand and shoves his bent claws into Rachel's screaming mouth! She at once starts to gag, still trying to thrash where she lies. Eater of the Dead keeps hold of the back of her clothing with his good clawed hand, then steps over and sits down on her, straddling Mrs. Harrison with his hairy genitalia in her face, claws still halfway down her throat. A nice show for the rest of her family to watch while Laz dangles and breathes on Twisted Sammy-Terry.

xxxxxAlena's gone still, and quiet. But not out of fear, or... Anything, really. She watches, listens and waits. The screech from Cori attracts hr attention for a brief moment, but then it returns to Laz and Sammy.

xxxxxThat wicked laughter of Laz, hyena-like as ever at Sammy's words and he smiles ruefully, "Your plans will often fail.. especially among our kind. We are bold, and cruel, and often believe we are wiser in our fiendish delights. The Wyrm breeds in us temptation, and we hunger for a chance to take it. Merick is Fomori, they are not known for their self-control." He motions towards Jess and says, "She will have to beat him into submission and remind him of his place if he disturbs the dealings of the pack. As you will have to beat her, and remind her to control her pet if disrupts your mission." He begins to trickle that chemical fire down Sammy's back, letting it start to sear his flesh and scald him. As though he enjoyed inflicting pain on this man for some reason or another. "To lead monsters.. you will have to be more of a monster than they are. You must be vicious, and unrelenting. Accept no compromise for success.. to succeed, you will have to work together. You will have to rely on each other, defend each other, stand united when you confront me to tell your atrocities. These are your truths now Dragons. You are right.. you are not Lions."

xxxxxSam's nostril's begin to flare. Is it fear? Pain? Pleasure? Who the fuck knows with this one. He doesn't fight it, he lets the trickling chemical fire roll down his back like a lover's caress. His only regret is the ruin it is leaving on his leather jacket. He liked that jacket, and their expensive. So he'll have to go through a lot of trouble to find another one he likes and kill the person who is wearing it. That's the only way to break them in and make them comfortable. The Galliard, so full of piss and vinegar a moment ago, says nothing. He has nothing else to say. His alpha has spoken. He either dies, or he lives. So it goes.

xxxxxCori drops down to all fours, hissing at Jess as she snaps at her. There doesn't seem to be a focus in her eyes at the moment. A rippling along her back is the precursor for tearing and an appetizing meaty splorch sound as a set of wings rip their way from her back, stretching and popping as they extend to their full length. Dollops of flesh and goo plop on the ground as she bears her fangs at Jess once more, another inhuman screech following before she launches herself off the ground and back towards the building. Darkness seems to welcome her as she nears the top of the building, the sound of claws scrabbling as the Cori-thing hefts itself up onto the rooftop to sulk.

xxxxxThere's just too much to watch right now. Jess is seriously enjoying Laz causing Sammy pain, to the point where she's enamored for a moment. But then, Cori hisses and begins to change into a creature, which forces Jess to focus her attention on the bitchy fomori. "Woah..", she'll say as she screeches and then flies up to the rooftop. Then, suddenly, she'll laugh as well and calls up, "Stop being so pissy, we can go hunting later, me'n'you, and we'll get you a toy too!" For some reason Jess appears to -like- Cori, and is even offering to get her a new toy to play with. Awww. Bonding!

xxxxxHmmm, Cori goblets of flesh left on the ground is eyed by Eater of the Dead. He withdraws his clawed hand from down Rachel's throat, all slimy with her saliva. The woman wasn't choked out, merely her screaming gagged. The Metis gets off of her and leaves the bound woman where she lies gasping for air. On all fours rather than walking upright, Cru goes over to sniff around at the Cori bits she left behind to see if they might be tasty. If they are, he eats them, and if they aren't he'll scoop them up and bring them back to Rachel.

xxxxxThere wasn't a great deal of breath used, just enough to leave his mark on Sammy. Interestingly, he does not look mad - in fact, he seems quite proud of them. He puts Sammy down, gripping his shoulder and pressing his thumb into the flame burns, "You have all done well. You should be proud. We are coming together, getting stronger. There is so much more to do, and we are just beginning." Laz motions his hand towards them and offers, "We shall perform of Rite of Desecration after you have completed destroying the will of your pets. Enjoy my Dragons." He growls lightly and points towards Jess, "Deal with your kinfolk. If he cost your pack to fail in delivering what it was meant to, that is your responsibility to fix. If you cannot, I will." He says harshly to her in promise. A glance back towards Cori as she flies off, pissy. So much for nookie time.

xxxxxThe flesh bits are consumed, all but one glob. That piece Eater of the Dead saves for Rachel. As he comes back to her she begins to scream and wail again, doing her damnest to get away from him - it. With a laugh, Cru pounches on her and grabbing her face, he stuffs the bit of Cori flesh down Rachel's throat! He's being SO NICE, sharing his treats!