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Hazel had not been paying attention, which maybe doesn't bode particularly well for the result of this patrol. She was reading what could maybe, at one time, have been writing on the side of the depot. Lleutrim's words drag her back and she manages to blink owlishly once before Ryla launches into the elaborate introduction. "Ah, yes. Hazel Ayari, homid born, rited Savors the Stories, under the waxing moon, Cliath of the Silent Strides."
Hazel had not been paying attention, which maybe doesn't bode particularly well for the result of this patrol. She was reading what could maybe, at one time, have been writing on the side of the depot. Lleutrim's words drag her back and she manages to blink owlishly once before Ryla launches into the elaborate introduction. "Ah, yes. Hazel Ayari, homid born, rited Savors the Stories, under the waxing moon, Cliath of the Silent Striders."

Revision as of 23:32, 24 August 2019

Boar Patrol
Lleutrim takes some Cliaths on a Patrol, and find some tainted traps and a Fomori Boar
IC Date August 24th, 2019
Players Cait, Hazel, Lleutrim ST, Ryla
Location Swamp beyond the bawn
Spheres Gaian Garou

Cait, Ryla and Hazel find themselves scheduled for a patrol at the same time. They report to the Patrol Depot in the Caern's caves and find Lleutrim waiting for them. As they arrive he greets them, still in his homid form, "All right, everyone. Make your introductions with one another and then we'll head on out. We have a lot of ground to cover as soon as it gets dark. We'll head out in lupus, head south and then eastwards around the bawn until we hit the swamp. Out that way we've been running into some Wyrm sign now and then so it's good to keep a close eye on that area."

While they gather up and share intros the Galliard shifts from man to wolf himself to get ready to head out.

Having signed up for Patrol duty, because, why the heck not, it's fun! Cait comes loping in wolf form. She's all waggy tailed and super excited, even bouncing around on her feet. Seeing Lleu, she'll trot up to him happily and then bump against him before she'll turn to look at the others and move over to Hazel and bump against her too. << I know everyone, this will be fun! >>

Ryla nods to each of them, know her pack mate of course, and having met Cait as well. But for Hazel's benefit, she gets subjected to the Silver Fang introduction. "I am Ryla Irina Penfield, known as Twilight's Glimmer, born on two legs at the time of the new moon, Adren of the Silver Fangs, from House Wyrmfoe. Daughter of James Penfield, Elder Crescent Moon of the Sept of the Golden Eagle known as Glimpses-the-Unseen-Soul, son of Kristin Penfield, Elder Full Moon known as Voice-of-Blades, daughter of Darren Penfield, Elder Half Moon known as Brings-Calm-Through-the-Storm, son of Anthony Penfield, son of Theodore Penfield, Elder New Moon known as Whitestreak, sister of Puddle Jumper. "

Hazel had not been paying attention, which maybe doesn't bode particularly well for the result of this patrol. She was reading what could maybe, at one time, have been writing on the side of the depot. Lleutrim's words drag her back and she manages to blink owlishly once before Ryla launches into the elaborate introduction. "Ah, yes. Hazel Ayari, homid born, rited Savors the Stories, under the waxing moon, Cliath of the Silent Striders."

Cait's tongue lolls out as Ryla introduces herself and she'll wag her tail in greeting. She'll look up as Hazel introduces herself and then looks back to Lleutrim expectantly. She goes still and alert, ready for orders as it were.

Cait may be lower ranked than he but Battle Singer isn't stuffy about observing every detail of propriety. In wolf form the Galliard lifts his tail and wags it a few times, then bumps Cait back in return! Lleu stops and sniffs her over to see what mischief she's been getting into. Those Bone Gnawers always do! He'll then greet his packmate, giving Ryla a brotherly brush of his body along her side even though she's a Silver Fang.

The scarred up Fianna stops and looks to Hazel as introductions are exchanged. Once done, he wuffles low in lupus, >> Very good. Let us begin. Our Ragabash can lead the way. If we /do/ run into anything and there's to be fighting, our Ahroun takes over. I will play backup to keep us cohesive. Let's go. <<

The patrol heads out of the caves and into the night. Their path leads slightly southwards and then due eastwards along the bawn towards the boggy deep forest. The sun has set and the stars are coming out.

Ryla fluidly shifts to a white silvery wolf. Twilight's Glimmer shifts easily to that of her lupus form and leads them on out. >> Keep your noses sniffing, and eyes open. << She sets a pace, and will check now and then to see if they are keeping up. She is the smallest of the group, but being a sneaky Ragabash, she does not want to sneak away.

Cait will wait until Hazel shifts and then she'll let Hazel take the middle of the patrol while she takes up the rear guard. She'll trot with her tail even to the ground, the playful Ahroun actually is serious right now, at least on patrol. She will chuff at Lleutrim's orders, and then Twilight's Glimmer's order. She'll sniff the ground and then air, her ears perked up.

Hazel doesn't say anything in return for the jesting between the others, but holds her own peace. If shifting is needed she does that, following along behind Cait and before Battle Singer. Right in the middle. Easiest place.

Battle Singer takes up position in the back, letting Twilight's Glimmer (Ryla) lead the way. The Fianna will keep an eye on the Cliaths and give them plenty of room to maneuver and try to figure things out for themselves as much as possible. When Cait tries to take up the back position, she gets nudged, >> Ahroun near the front. << A training exercise as much as it is a patrol.

As TG leads them away from the Caern, the night's fresh scents and night breeze brings in a faint tang of the sea mingled with the smells of the forest. At first it is a lovely night, a peaceful run for the wolves. Light footed, they move swiftly, shadows through the trees, leaping over obstacles and covering ground through slow miles. It is a joy to be in lupus form, all of one's senses focused on the night.

As the miles are covered, heading eastwards in the night, the forest sinks slowly lower and the ground more and more damp. The forest is beginning to change...

Twilight's Glimmer pads along in front of them, and starts lifting her paws a bit higher with each step. The ground is obviously getting damp. They are nearing a swamp. She begins to shy off as she sees something. >> There is something hidden here.. under the leaves and pine needles... Oh it is a bear trap. Been here a long time. There is... eww. nasty, sweet smell here... careful - could be a toxin. << She warns them all.

Cait pads up to the front when Lleu tells her to, although she's not sure why. At Ryla's warning, she'll pause and then trot over towards the trap and sniffs around it. A low growl comes from her as she scents the foulness from it and she'll ask, << Wyrm tainted? >> She can't really tell, she has no sense wyrm talent, but it does stink.

Looking around the immediate area reveals a second trap which Cait finds. The first one is laid out, waiting to catch the unwary. The second however has already been sprung and has traces of dried blood and signs of struggle that is at least a day old. Whatever was caught in it has escaped, torn itself free of the trap.

Twilight's Glimmer continues to sniff, and investigate. >> Rust... eeww... they painted toxins on them. Do not get caught! You will get tainted by them. We will need to get them cleansed and removed... << But something has her hackles suddenly raise. >> Something is moving. No far. Stay alert! <<

Hazel finds nothing though she does do a short search of her own. She is more or less focused on the task at hand. Twilight Glimmer's sudden alarm has her own hair raising as she scrunches down to make a smaller target.

Cait crouches low and sniffs at another area, and says in a chuffing wolfy sound << Another trap is here.. >> At Ryla's warning, she'll growl at the traps and then she'll lift her head more alertly, her ears up and tail extended for balance as she tries to pick up what the ragabash just did, stepping forward immediately to get in 'front' wherever that may be.

Battle Singer comes up in the back and starts sniffing around. His silvery eyes look to Twilight's Glimmer and Cait, then he too stops to listen and scent the air, listening to the night. After a brief pause, he goes to check out both traps, studying the signs of struggle, >> Something was caught here. Let us first try to track what you sense, Twilight's Glimmer. Careful. There may be more traps laid. <<

Twilight's Glimmer focuses and then chuffs, >> It's deeper in the swamp. A bit to the east, slightly north of where we are now. I can sense the taint on it... much like the traps but it is stronger. I think it is a fomor, but I cannot tell which kind. What are your orders? <<

Cait's wolf-head lifts as she begins to scent around the trap that was already sprung. She'll keep her head lowered to the ground as she sniffs along and begins to circle around the trap, pausing in the wet mud, she'll sniff and then says, <<Smells blood here.. like a wild pig, smells like that.. >> She'll look over at Ryla and then nods, trotting to the forefront as she begins to sniff the ground in the direction she stated.

>> It smells like pig to me? << Hazel's pelt brushes the ground as she sniffs carefully at the trap and then follow some tracks just a little bit. Not wanting to stray far from the other two she comes back to them quickly and falls back into that third-most position.

Once they have scoured the immediate area and picked up a scent trail, Battle Singer looks to the others, then Twilight's Glimmer, >> Let us hope it isn't a Skullpig. Let us go carefully. Whatever it is we need to find it and deal with it. Then as you say, collect the traps and cleanse afterwards. <<

Twilight's Glimmer will let Cait lead on head on this one. Ahroun in front! >> Do you wish me to sneak around? Get the flank? <<

The Fianna cocks his head and then his tongue lolls at Twilight's Glimmer's question, >> Yes. I think the Ragabash should show the Cliaths what your stealth can do. We'll go directly, you circle around. Our Ahroun can lead the attack from our side. << Yep, Battle Singer likes that idea judging by the twinkle in his grey eyes.

Cait will claw at a passing rock, her claws making a vicious scraping sound. She'll growl in a low tone as she takes the lead, << Yes, I agree, flanking is good.. Hazel, stay with me. >> She'll nod to Lleutrim and then begins to scent her way towards the piggy smell, her steps light but nothing stealthy like a ragabash.

Like an annoying tick, Hazel stays behind Cait. Not so close to foul her, but close enough that Cait is totally the shield before her. Hazel's tail is tucked nice and low as she keeps her eyes out.

As the wolves all move forward, deeper into the bog, they move quite stealthfully. Cait and Hazel are pretty silent as they pick their way forward. Battle Singer is a darker shadow off of their flank, utterly silent and blending into the forest so well he's nearly impossible to spot. But Twilight's Glimmer? She's simply /gone/ as if she were never there to begin with.

The three with Cait in the lead begin to smell the pig as they draw nearer. it reeks of filth and rot, and that nasty sweet-sour smell of toxic nastiness. The same scent that lingered very faintly upon the old bear traps. The wild boar is fairly large though no huge compared to Garou in hispo or crinos form. The black boar roots around in the roots of the trees, digging in the mud. Tumorous lumps distort and mangle it's hairy skin, some of them oozing putrid fluids. The smell is almost over powering as the Garou draw nearer.

Unaware of its danger, the boar snorts and keeps digging at something. A bone is uncovered and it begins to eat something in the mud.

Twilight's Glimmer sneaks around, silent and unheard in her lupus form. As the others approach the boar, she is gets ready. Her claws at the ready, she leaps, shifting to her much larger form as she does - hitting with her claws and ripping into the fomor! Shredding it as she does, it did not even stand a chance. It collapses on the ground, DED.

Cait was totally prepared to rush in and do battle! She was amped, excited, all was ready! She even went into war form! RAWRRRRR! Rushing forward, her freight train sort of peeters out when TG rips the fomori to shreds and there's only a dead creature left. Well, ain't that a thing. Cait pulls up short, so as to not hurt her patrol partner and snort, << Well. Damn. Good job there.. >> She has to call it like she sees it and it was a good attack!

Hazel almost looks prophetic in the way she stayed back in her lupus form, watching Twilight Glimmer and Cait go in for the attack. Totally not needed. She comes up closer and sniffs at the corpse before sneezing abruptly. >> I feel like this was a... dead end. <<

There is a squeal of fright from the boar, of surprise! SOMETHING HUGE leaps out of the darkness and it tries to dodge, to flee the shadow that looms up to engulf it! Reeking, oozing toxic puss from the many tumors that cover it's misshapen body, the wild pig doesn't get far at all before the Ragabash lands upon it! Claws rip it's flesh like knives, butchering the fomor beneath the weight of the Garou as Twilight's Glimmer ravages it! In short order it is so much tainted meat and blood, steaming in the mud.

Battle Singer has held back, watching. Even /he/ is surprised by the Silver Fang's vicious attack! The look on the Galliard's scarred face looks like 'Holy Shit!' as if he didn't think Ryla quite had that much 'umph' in her attack! The Athro Fianna blinks, glances at the others, the comes forward.

>> Indeed. Let us be wary. See what it was digging up. We'll scout around and make certain there are no more. We must also back track it and see where it's been and what other harm it may have done elsewhere. When we have tracked everything back, we'll gather up the traps and cleanse it all. << Battle Singer growls low and deep in his throat, >> Question is, who set the traps? << Maybe that will have to wait to be found out another patrol.

Twilight's Glimmer shakes off her claws, and then rips again to sever the head off. >> Eagle will be pleased. << Yes, their totem demands heads. Shifting to Crinos, she summons her tardis bag, and gets the head inside of it. >> We should be sure the traps are removed and everything cleansed. No one or animal needs to fall into this. Ain't Dead Yet, Savors the Stories, do you know the Rite of Cleansing? <<

Cait pads on over to where the boar creature was digging and crouches near it to reach down and poke around curiously. << I can do the rite of cleansing. Want me to go take care of the traps? >> She'll look up at Hazel and her wolfen maw parts in an amused tongue lolling out in that lupine laughter. << But yeah, cleaning up is needed now. >> She doesn't watch TG remove the head, she knows why.

>> I do not know it. << Hazel says, setting her butt down on the ground. With the danger, obvious danger, taken care of there is less need for being wary. Story time now!

The remains that the boar was digging up to eat seem to be the remains of ... baby pigs. Dead and mostly rotted in the mud. The Traps are brought in, everything gets carefully tracked down, and when it is ready Battle Singer helps them perform the Rite of Cleansing.