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(An author and an ex-army woman meet in a gentlemen's club.)
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[[category:Logs]][[category:Caelan]][[Category:Vivian Starr]]
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|ictime    = Night
|ictime    = Night
|location  = Body Shots
|location  = Body Shots
|players = [[Caelas]], [[Vivian]]
|players = [[Caelan]], [[Vivian Starr]]
|prptp=    =  N/A
|prptp=    =  N/A
|spheres  =  [[Mortals]]
|spheres  =  [[Mortal]]

Latest revision as of 14:38, 3 September 2024

Stripping the Rift
An author and an ex-army woman meet in a gentlemen's club and have a socratic discussion on the merits of salacious cinema. Also, there's a stripper in the background.
IC Date August 24, 2020
IC Time Night
Players Caelan, Vivian Starr
Location Body Shots
Prp/Tp = N/A
Spheres Mortal

Body Shots

The sights and sounds one is greeted with when first stepping into this club can be overwhelming to the uninitiated. A deep thumping bass beat is usually found accompanying any music. And there is almost always music playing for that matter. Always something with a driving beat that can be danced to.

From the entrance, which comes down a hallway to the barred cashier's window where cover charges are collected, one steps through a door on their right and into the club proper. This puts one on the far left end of the front wall. To the right of the entrance is a wall made up of mirrors going down to the far end of the room where a large bar stands. In the center of the room are black curtains hanging in a conical formation down to cover a circular set of cushioned seats, like a round love-seat. Dim lights hang inside these curtains, which are usually open so that those seated there can see the stage. However, these -can- be closed for private lap-dances. As private as it gets with nothing but a curtain giving said privacy.

The main stage, across from the mirrors, is large and has no less than three separate poles from stage to ceiling. There are two curtained doorways in the back of the stage that lead to the backstage area. But the -vast- majority of the time, there will be one, if not more, very attractive young women on stage dancing in any state of undress from underwear down to totally nude. Yes folks, this is a strip club in the classic sense in that the dancers take it all off.

Someone enters who seems a -bit- out of place considering the normal clientele of the strip club; for one thing, its a woman (who doesn't appear to be one of the acts). For another, she seems to move with a bit more purpose than the normal horny idiots and drunkards who stumble through the door. Regardless, the short-haired blonde woman takes a long look around the establishment, her head bobbing absently to the constant throbbing beat before her eyes focus on the bar. With quick steps, the woman heads on over, earning a few confused and/or appreciative looks from the patrons she passes and smoothly slips into one the seats.

Of course, Vivian isn't the only woman in the strip club. Obviously. One of the few that's not a dancer, though. It's not as though he hasn't seen a non-dancer woman in the strip club before, though, and as she starts to make her way to the bar, Caelan Flynn, a noteworth person, depending on the person, is posted up on a stool already. So, his focus shifts towards Vivian, and he grants her a soft smile, though admittedly, with his back to the bar as he rests on the stool, his attention is mostly on one of the dancers in the room. In one hand, he holds a glass of a dark beverage, likely some form of pop with alcohol mixed into it.

The soft smile is reciprocated with a wide grin from Vivian who nods to her bar companion. "Sir," she says by way of greeting (though perhaps a bit loudly to be heard over the thrumming music) before her eyes slides down to the drink in his hands. She purses her lips for a moment then leans a bit closer so she won't have to speak -quite- as loud over the noise. "Excuse me, sir," she says, motioning with a hand to the drink, "Might I ask what's good here in terms of the alcohol. I'd ask the bartender, but I think they'd just try and sell me on whatever was most pricey."

While Vivian greets him, Caelan wears his smile for her ever more, then he watches her attention shift down to his drink. "I like a good ol' Jack and Coke, personally." He tells her, bringing his drink to his lips for a light sip. "I can get you one, if you'd like." He offers, turning around on his seat to tap at the bar. Apparently, he doesn't need to make any moves to pay the bartender, either having his card already on file, or... Working here? Either way, the bartender nods towards him and begins to recreate his rather simple drink. "First time here?"

Blonde eyebrows arch slightly at the offer of a drink, but Vivian's grin widens. "Well, I'm not about to say no to a Jack and coke," she says, watching the easy means by which Caelan makes with the order. A rumbling chuckle bubbles up from the blonde and she nods her head in response to the question, "Ayep. First time. Saw a flyer and it advertised 'cheap drinks', so I figured I'd give it ago. Not only is it my first time here, I'm also new in town, so checking out some potential drinking spots is a priority." She flashes another beaming smile and offers up a hand, "Vivian Starr. Pleased to meet you, sir. I take it you're a regular?"

Grinning at that, Caelan nods back at her and soon enough, the bartender has already prepared the drink and delivered it to Caelan, who politely diverts it to Vivian. "Ah, well welcome to Prospect, then." He offers for her warmly, his lips curling into his famous, soft smile for her. "Yeah, I suppose you could say I'm a regular. I've been to Club Extacy more frequently than here though, lately." He muses openly, shifting towards her to take the hand and give it a light shake, before withdrawing his hand. "Caelan Flynn."

Vivian's hand is rough and calloused, clearly the hands of a worker and the handshake itself is firm and decisive. "Thank you, Mister Flynn," the short-haired blonde replies with a nod and a grin, "I have to say that so far my time here in Prospect has been pretty damn great. The place is beautiful!" The irony of saying that in a fairly seedy part of town in a strip club seems lost on her. She shakes her head, "Don't think I've been to this Club Ecstasy, though I did get the occasion to go to a real classy place when I first arrived." She takes up the glass and takes a sip, frowning in thought and peering at the drink as she considers it. "Mmn, not bad." Vivian pauses as she furrows her brows, looking back up at her impromptu drinking companion, "Caelan Flynn... I feel like I heard that name before, but I can't quite place it..."

"Oh man, I love it here. Beautiful women, vibrant city, amazing night life, wonderful beach views... I'm so, so glad I moved here." Caelan tells Vivian with his lips curled into a content smile as he leans back against the bar again, his gaze lingering on one of those dancers, a tall red haired woman, with pale skin and an hour glass figure that she likely paid for. She's nude, of course, spinning and twirling around on the stage, using the metal of the pole as an aid to her motions. "Club Extacy isn't everyone's flavor." He informs her with a playful grin on his lips. "It's a fetish club." Then he chuckles as she mentions his name, and he nods his head softly. "If you read horror or suspence books, you might have read one or two of mine. Just depending on how much you read."

"It's not just the women who are beautiful here," Vivian replies with a wink, "Jesus, I've lost track of how many hot people I've seen wandering around this city." Her eyes do wander over the stage and scan the naked red-head gyrating with the pole support, "Case in point, I guess." Her eyebrows do arch at the clarification of Club Ecstasy's genre and she chuckles quietly. "I see," she says, gesturing with the glass in her hand, "What kind of fetish? Just... general fetishes or a particular one?" With her free hand, she snaps her fingers, pointing Caelan and beaming, "Aha! Yeah, that's it! Buddy of mine used to read your books. Was one of them... 'Bloodsuckers Paradise' or something like that?" Her smile turns sheepishly apologetic, "'Fraid I never got around to reading any of your work, myself. Still, pretty neat to meet a published author around these parts."

"Yeah, I suppose I'm just not the type to bother too much with the beauty of men, personally." Caelan observes absently for Vivian, rolling a shoulder loosely, and then grinning as she points out the red haired woman. "She's something, isn't she?" Then he peeks back at her and shakes his head loosely. "Not particularly. Mostly just BDSM, from what I've seen. I think most people assume that's what all fetish themed night clubs are about." He observes, and then smiles warmly. "Yeah, that's the one. You should meet Donovan Berch. Wildly popular author, and I've seen him around a bit too. Interesting guy."

"I suppose," Vivian replies, taking another look at the redhead on stage, "I have to say I'm pretty impressed with her figure, anyway. Not sure how much of it she was born with, but I can't say that bothers me." She takes another sip of her drink and nods along to the music for a moment. "Ahh, gotcha," she says by way of the subject of Club Ecstasy, "Not generally my sort of thing, but I certainly won't begrudge anyone into it. We all have our escapes, right?" The blonde grins again and winks before taking another sip. "Donovan Berch," Vivian repeats the name thoughtfully, "Mm. You said he's wildly popular? Does he go under a pen-name? What's he written? I don't recognize the name."

"Yeah, that's fair. I think her boobs are probably fake." Caelan offers towards Vivian with his own deep smile as he takes a sip of his own drink, and then he shrugs a shoulder. "Like I said, not everyone's flavor." He mentions, and then he grins more as he spies the wink she offers him. "Ah, I don't even remember, honestly, if he does have a pen-name. He mostly writes erotic horror novels. Not my flavor, personally, but... It's popular enough."

"Eh, probably," Vivian agrees with a nod as she examines the dancer, "And maybe more besides. But they do seem well done, at least. I can't see any scarring. And they're nicely formed. Plenty of bounce." Her shoulders roll in a shrug, "But as I said, I'm perfectly fine with using modern medicine to improve what nature gave you. The wonders of modern technology on stage!" She takes a longer draught of her drink before hmming softly. "Ahh, that might be why I don't know him, then. I prefer my porn in a more visual medium."

"Also true. They are rather wonderful to look at, and they make the whole view all the more amazing." Caelan mentions towards Vivian with a light smile on his lips as he watches the dancer even still. Though as she moves on to mention her preference for porn, he nods an agreement with her at that. "Honestly, I'm a writer and I agree one hundred percent. Nothing beats a good video, and the audio usually improves the experience just that much more."

"I'd be willing to bet that a good portion of that view is due to her movements," Vivian states thoughtfully, "I mean, the quality of the canvas and paint is important, but it always comes down to the skill of the artist, right?" She raises her drink in salute to the woman on stage, though its doubtful she can see from where she gyrates. Or even particularly cares. "So, respect to the dancer for having the moves to make the most of modern cosmetic engineering." Her attention turns more fully towards her conversation partner and Vivian grins impishly, "Aww, yeah! A man after my own heart, then. The audio is definitely important! As you say, it can really enhance the experience. " She peers owlishly at Caelan, pursing her lips judiciously, "At a guess... I'd peg you for someone who likes the more impromptu, amateur stuff rather than the staged and scripted porn. Am I right?"

"Oh yeah, she can -really- move, too. And it's... I love the artistic like, pole dancing type of pole dancing, which is a more classical and beautiful art in and of itself, but she... She blends that perfectly with showing off her body." Caelan observes, his words coming on at an appropriate time, as the dancer spins on the pole, and slides down, spreading her legs to reveal every inch of her nudity. "She makes it both artsy, and -very- sexy." Though as the conversation turns more towards the audio of porn, he grins back at her, and then snickers for half a second, at some form of amusement. Though he nods his head in agreement for her. "Oh yeah, definitely. Scripted and staged porn rarely turns out in any kind of high quality." He tells her with a nod of his head. "Though, honestly, I do love me a nice gif, if it loops well and generally works neatly, framing what I'm looking for in that evening."

Vivian grunts, taking a long drink from her rapidly depleting glass as she nods to the artistic critique of the stripper shaking her head-and-tail-lights on stage. "Mm, I get what you're saying," she says, nodding slowly, "I wouldn't say it's quite poetry in motion, but it is -very- well done. She's clearly put some time and effort into her routine." A beat. "What was her name again?" A cascade of laughter tumbles out from the blonde and she flashes a lopsided grin, "Well now! I'm going to have to disagree with you there, Mister Flynn. Are there professional studios that suck? Yes. But there are also ones which are damn good. Consider the artistic merit of the 'Creampie Classics' series. Truly a well-done cavalcade of vignettes with decent acting and sexy cinematography. I would say, sir, that if you haven't found any pro porn of sufficient quality, it is not because they don't exist, but rather you simply haven't found it." Another beat pause. "But yeah, the right gif can be good, too."

"Oh, I have no idea. Diamond, or something like that, I'm sure." Caelan murmurs softly, then he chuckles softly and spins back on the stool, tapping on the bar top then lifting two fingers for the bartender. His grin grows as he peeks over at her, and then he rolls a shoulder. "You know, I think you have some merit, there. I do have a fondness for the work that MrsVictoria does, personally. She takes the whole gentleness of FemDom, and makes it not only incredibly erotic, but also very sexy. Which, I think is two different subjects."

Seated at the bar, watching a particularly tall, red haired woman with an hour glass figure that she likely paid for are two figures. Vivian and Caelan both, the semi famous author having just ordered two more drinks. Behind them, the bartender prepares a jack and coke for each of them.

"Diamond?" Vivian asks, casting a sidelong look at the stage, "I would've thought it would be 'Ruby' or something like that on account of the hair." She shrugs absently and finishes off her first drink just as the other is delivered before grinning at Caelan and winking. "See? There ya go. Professionalism in porn isn't necessarily bad. Some are just bad at being professional. Christ, 'Hometown Hookers 3' from Full Moon Frontal was a fucking -disaster-." She shakes her head ruefully, taking a drink of her newly delivered jack and coke, "A pity, too, as the first two weren't too bad. Below par acting, but the scenes were decent. Serviceable, at the very least."

As their drinks arrive, Caelan shifts to lay his old glass back on the bar, and then scoops up his new drink. Then he shrugs a shoulder and grins softly. "I really can't remember." He offers, and then nods his head at her, for her commentary on porn. "I haven't watched... Any of those, really." He offers, grinning with amusement. "I've really had a kick lately, for dominant female stuff, and most of what I can find is just... Eh. Unless it's homemade. Plus, you run into a lot of tranny stuff, or forced cross dressing and that just isn't my flavor."

"Considering how you prefer amateur stuff, I'm not surprised you haven't seen those," Vivian replies with a wry smile, "And I can't really recommend them, either, considering your tastes." She purses her lips and furrows her brows in thought, "Mmn... dominant female roles... let me think... Well, there is the 'Seducing the X' series by Bareback Studios. That's mostly threeway stuff, but generally has the older woman be the one directing the others. No tranny stuff there. There's also the 'Madam Elsa's' series, though its probably less pure domination than you're looking for. If you don't mind lesbian stuff, there's plenty to choose from there. I highly recommend the 'Slutty Sorority Sisters' series. The acting and sexy varies from scene to to scene, but overall fairly good."

While Vivian begins recommending porn for him to check out, Caelan chuckles and fishes into his pocket for a cell phone. "Alright, let me make a few notes here..." He mentions, grinning as he types into the screen, marking the names of those videos she mentioned. "Lesbian stuff is always good, definitely." He says, stuffing his phone back into his pocket. "Slutty Sorority Sisters, huh? I'll have to check it out later tonight, then." He decides, his gaze sweeping back to the dancer, as she has just finished her show, and begins to collect her earnings. "Ah, a shame. She's done. May need to see about a lap dance, after she's had time to rest."

Vivian's grin widens as the phone comes out and the notes are taken. It's always nice to have one's recommendations taken seriously. "Oh yeah, Triple-S is great. Well, certain scenes are. Look for the ones with Angela Michaels. She plays the disciplinarian of the fictional Sorority. When one of the sisters misbehaves, she has to come in and make certain they understand the situation. Paddles are sometimes involved!" As Diamond or Ruby or whatever her stage name is finishes her set, Vivian looks towards the stage again, nodding. "Yeah, I can see why you would. She definitely has good moves." The short haired blonde cants her head slightly as she peers at her new drinking buddy, "Though I admit, I don't quite get what's so great about lap dances. I mean, I get the whole physical and visual stimulation thing, it's just... well, you can't touch anything yourself, right? And it's all outside clothing. Seems like it'd be more frustrating than anything."

"I'll keep that in mind." Caelan offers with a playful grin for her. "Paddles are pretty fun, though frankly, they are more fun in person. Mostly when I'm watching femdom stuff, I'm looking to see a caged cock being teased, or some point of view of the guy getting pegged." Then he chuckles and shakes his head for her comments. "Honestly, it's the frustration that's the most fun for me. It's a tease, yeah, and it's just fun to relax and experience it. It may not be the case for all guys, but if I can be sexuall frustrated, teased and denied over and over and over again... I'm all about that. I once had a girl, years ago, who had me caged, and would pull me out, tease me to the brink of orgasm, and then cage me again. She did that for damned near a month and I was ready to just... Explode. It was frustrating, and amazing." He tells her. "Best orgasm I ever had, too, when she finally let me cum."

"Ahh, pegging. Kinda outside my wheelhouse, but I know a few titles, I think," Vivian says thoughtfully, "The whole cage thing, though, that's a bit more rare. I can't think of any professional stuff off hand -- at least, nothing that would be high enough quality to satisfy, I don't think -- but there are a few amateur stuff I can think of." She shrugs again, "Again, not really my wheelhouse." The blonde listens with interest as the whole aspect of teasing is explained, nodding slowly. "So... like an extreme version of edging, I guess? Yeah, okay. I can see that, then." Vivian purses her lips in thought, "So you'll basically use the lapdance to edge yourself and then... I guess go home and jack off? Or do you intend to just leave it there?" A beat before the blonde raises her hands in a gesture of supplication, brows arching, "Oh, sorry, chief! This might be a bit too invasive for someone you just met. Guess it was the booze. Feel free to tell me to fuck off if you'd rather not talk about it."

"See, I don't really know titles like you do." Caelan offers with a playful chuckle for her, taking a deep sip of his beverage as she speaks. Then he grins back at her as she asks her questions about edging, and he nods his head softly. "Honestly, edging is great, yeah." He offers, then he laughs at the finally bit, and he shakes his head lightly. "We've been talking about porn since we've met. I'm not shy, at all." He tells her. "Yeah, I mean I guess it kind of depends on my mood? I might just leave it at a lap dance, to get a wonderful little tease. Or, I might take the lap dance, and then go home and jerk it." He says, shrugging a shoulder loosely. "Probably to some aforementioned gifs."

Vivian's lips quirk in an amused smirk, "Well, yeah, we have been talking about porn for the last half hour, but that's still a bit impersonal. Talking about one's masturbatory habits is a bit more intimate and I wanted to be sure I didn't cross over any lines here." She takes a long drink from her glass and nods slowly, pursing her lips. "Mmn, I get ya," she replies, "Mood is -definitely- an important consideration. Y'know, there's this weird stereotype that dudes will just pop off at anything remotely sexual, that they don't get moods for certain things. I never understood where that came from. I mean, most stereotypes have some grain of truth in them -somewhere-, but that one seems pretty far out of left field for anyone who isn't a teenager." She grins broadly and raises her glass in salute again, "So thanks, Mister Flynn, for indulging my curiosity."

"Ah, I feel like jerking it is kind of implied in a conversation about porn. I mean, generally you don't watch porn for the acting, as we've been talking about, right? I don't doubt that you've rubbed one out to some of the titles you've mentioned, or... All, for all I know." Caelan muses openly, apparently showcasing how he really isn't shy. Then he grins at her comments on 'moods' and he rolls a shoulder. "Well, to be fair... I always -could- pop one off, generally. Even if I originally wasn't in the mood for sex, if sex things start up, I will almost -always- be down for it. I could be just in a cuddly mood, and the slightest even hint of a sexual gesture can be made and I'm as hard as a rock." He offers, then laughs. "Which... May be too personal, but..."

Another cascade of laughter bubbles out from the blonde, her cheeks pinking slightly. Still, Vivian offers up a grin and rolls her own shoulders in a shrug, "Well, I can't deny I may have engaged in a little self-love while viewing the artistic merits of salacious cinema on occasion." Her grin turns into a smirk, "I mean, regardless of the quality or lack thereof, porn does serve a very specific purpose, after all. It might not always succeed, but there always is a particular goal in mind." She pauses and nods slowly, taking a sip of her drink during the expansion on 'popping off' is expounded. "Mmn, I see," she says, "And you think that personal experience is expandable to the male population at large?" Vivian waves a hand dismissively, "Nah, man, don't worry about it being too personal. I could hardly be gripping my pearls in shock when I brought it up."

"It's the only reason I can think of for you to be such a... Connoisseur of erotic material." Caelan offers with a playful grin for her, not seeming hindered in anyway as he brings his drink up to his lips for a light sip, which by now seems like it might be touch his features a bit. "You're right, though. On the other hand, artistic nudity is... Honestly, an entirely different conversation. But yeah, I generally don't go looking for porn unless I'm horny, or wanting to be horny so I can rub one out before passing out." The he rolls a shoulder at her question. "I don't know, I can't really say I speak for the general population of men, per se, but... It's how I function." He muses, shrugging again. Then he laughs and nods his head. "Fair point, though... With all of this talk of rubbing one out, and porn and all... Gripping your pearls sounds like an innuendo. And frankly... Don't let me stop you!"

An index finger points to the shirt -- specifically the word 'Army' on it. "This is really the reason," Vivian replies with a smirk, "I'm ex-military. There is a surprising amount of downtime you have between moments of intense action. Porn is a good way to fill that." She shrugs, again downing the glass, "Porn and DnD." She casts a sidelong look at her drinking-and-porn companion, "I've heard it said that dudes don't generally discuss their sex habits unless it's to brag. So it's definitely interesting to see someone who does." The blonde lets out a short bark of laughter and hits the bar with a palm, grinning wildly at the 'gripping pearls' comment. "Y'know, it -totally- does! Fuck, man, I didn't even realise it until you said something. Ha! There's a joke about pearl necklaces in there, too, somewhere."

"Ah, that's fair." Caelan offers with a nod of his head as he peeks towards her chest. Shirt. He's looking at her shirt. Then he nods his head softly, grinning at her. "I do love me some DnD." He tells her, chuckling lightly. "But every time I play, everyone wants me to be the DM, on account of my history with storytelling and man... I have to tell you. Writing a story is one thing, but verbalizing it... A bit different." As she laughs about the pearls comment, he grins and nods his head softly. "Right? And man, I definitely need to wear a pearl necklace tonight." He teases, grinning as he winks at her, then brings his drink to his lips. "Only place to wear it is below the head, of course."

Well, hey, she -is- pointing there. Vivian isn't going to blame someone looking at something given particular attention. That just wouldn't be fair. The blonde grunts and nods, smiling wryly, "Yeah, I can imagine how that would be annoying. And I mean, writing a story or something is -completely- different than writing for an interactive medium like a roleplaying game. I did DM a few games when I was in the army and I learned pretty quick -never- plan things out too much. The players will -always- do the unexpected. Just have a general plan of the plot and maybe a few set pieces and statblocks for monsters or NPCs and that's -so- much better." She laughs again before her lips settle into a Cheshire grin, "Are you going to get Diamond Ruby to help with that pearl necklace, Mister Flynn?"

To be fair, Caelan's gaze only lingers there for a few moments, taking in the sight of her shirt... And probably a bit more before he is focused more properly on her. "Yeah, definitely. Besides, most players don't want the whole... Horror aspect, that I typically write my stories towards. Still, given the right group, I'd probably DM, if no one else was going to." He muses openly, and then grins at her teasing, rolling a shoulder loosely. "At least to start things off." He mentions with another playful wink. "I think you've given me plenty of material to help find where things will go afterwards. Slutty Sorority Sisters, was it?"

"That's right," Vivian replies, grinning broadly with a wink, "Look for scenes with Angela Michaels and I think you'll really enjoy it." With a quick toss of her head back, the blonde drains the last of her drink and sets it down on the bar, letting out a satisfied sigh before sliding off the seat. "Welp, I think I had better be going, Mister Flynn," she says, stretching her arms over her head, "It was great to meet you, sir. Hopefully we'll meet again. Oh, and enjoy your time with Diamond Ruby and the Sorority Sisters." She grins and winks one last time before heading towards the door.