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(A new arrival meets an established technician and helps test experimental ordinance.)
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|icdate    = August 27th, 2020
|icdate    = August 27th, 2020
|ictime    = Early morning.
|ictime    = Early morning.
|players  = [[Eden]] and [[Vivian]]
|players  = [[Eden Huxley]] and [[Vivian]]
|location  = Technocracy Construct, Zeta Sector - Training  
|location  = Technocracy Construct, Zeta Sector - Training  
|prptp    =  
|prptp    =  
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|themesong =  
[[Category:Eden Huxley]][[Category:Vivian]]
<p>'''Zeta Sector: Training'''</p>
<p>'''Zeta Sector: Training'''</p>

Revision as of 16:04, 16 August 2024

Midnight on the Firing Line
While on the Construct shooting range, a new arrival meets an established technician and helps test experimental ordinance. Sparks fly.
IC Date August 27th, 2020
IC Time Early morning.
Players Eden Huxley and Vivian
Location Technocracy Construct, Zeta Sector - Training
Spheres Mage, Technocracy

Zeta Sector: Training

Having the latest and most advanced technological devices is only part of the equation for maintaining the upper hand in the war of ascension -- another part is having better trained operatives, whose faith in the Technocratic cause is unwavering. To that end, the Zeta Sector deals with training and indoctrination: the rows and rows of white pods, modern brainwashing apparatuses, can be found in a chamber in this very area. Firing ranges for both mundane and energy weapons are also a section of Zeta, as well as a fully equipped gymnasium and melee slash hand-to-hand combat training area.

Finally, the very latest in holographic simulators can be found within these halls, as a better method of emulating social-based scenes, as well as assisting to put training into context.

Gunshots (clearly from a classic slugthrower) can be heard in the firing range. There, in a relaxed but still attentive stance is a short-haired blonde woman, her ears covered by the appropriate ear protection. Her hands wield a handgun professionally as she fires at the target down range. Her face is a blank mask, and every pull of the trigger is smooth, efficient and follows at a precise interval from the last. With a click, the gun indicates its last use of ammo and, in a smooth, practiced motion, the woman depresses the latch on the handle and extracts the magazine before slamming another home.

Between the small lull in firing and reloading, a blue light flashes to indicate someone else had entered the firing range and to be alert. Coming in from Vivian's right a woman dressed sharply in a black suit tailored by old French hands cuts her way closer to the blonde with the saunter of a credit dividing cocaine. She pauses for a moment, giving almost a hint of flirtation as elevator eyes check out the blonde. With a smirk and click of her tongue against teeth, Eden opens up a black armored suitcase in the stall next to Vivian. Ears muffs donned, the woman carefully lays out ammunition and magazines, occasionally peeking back at the blonde. She then whispers very slowly and distinctly, "Want to try some explosive rounds?", the representative from Q-Division offered. The thick glass like heads of the bullets carrying a liquid black and silver like nitrate that oozed in the explosive gel tips.

It is when Vivian is lining up the shot of the newly reloaded handgun that the blue light flashes. The blonde drops her firing stance and glances over at the new arrival, the first indication of an expression piercing her masklike face -- a faint raise of the eyebrows and a tiny twitch of the lips into a smile. "Ma'am," the blonde greets with a nod as the other woman sets the case down an starts laying out the selection of ammunition and magazines, her eyes swiveling down to regard them with interest. Her eyes flicker back up to the woman, widening slightly.

"Woah, seriously?" Vivian asks, her cool professional mask shattering completely as she grins broadly and eyes shine like a child on Christmas Day, "I'd love to!" Gingerly, the blonde plucks up one of the rounds filled with that gel and examines it, "Mm, been a while since I handled explosive tipped rounds." She just as gently places the round back where she got it and ejects her handgun's current magazine, placing it to the side before motioning to the arrangement of armaments from the case, "Are the mags already loaded up?"

Eden offers a nod and coy wink, but speaking loudly to be heard. "I'm going to switch the targets out to something with a hard backing otherwise they just fly through the paper.", working on the console and requesting a target change. "Now these are still experimental. We have had any issues of a early discharge in the barrels of the guns. But if you're too accurate the gel groups up and creates a mini cluster bomb before proper discharge.", making sure Vivian's weapon could handle the round.

"Great military bearing.", looking over Vivian with approval and handing her a loaded magazine. "Yeah, I hand loaded all these tonight and wasn't expecting company at the firing range. I got lucky.", picking up her non-standard X-5 pistol given to her by the union. The fancy weapon was loaded with explosive rounds as well. "Hang on...", Eden then slipped on her mirrorshade aviators for proper PPE. She worked with the N.W.O. it seemed as the room finished setting up for explosive rounds. "It's nice to meet you.", then giving Vivian the thumbs up to go first.

Hey, the opportunity to test out experimental explosive rounds means that Vivian sure isn't going to protest a little examination. A bit of her earlier mask comes back as she listens to the explanation with a nod; always listen to the boffins when they tell you important safety advice. "Got it. Keep the grouping loose." A pause. "Though a mini cluster bomb could definitely have uses when taking down larger targets."

A rumbling chuckle cascades forth from the blonde and she offers up a lopsided smile at the comment about her bearing. "Thanks. I was worried I was getting a bit rusty. Sort of why I'm here... wanted to kick any rust off before it became a problem." At the thumbs up and the indication that the targets had been changed, Vivian's face again blossoms into a grin and she picks up one of the new magazines. She's a bit less rough with the insertion this time before cradling the gun in her hands and hefting it up and down slightly. "Feels fine, no weight distribution problems. What's the word on impacts causing a misfire?" She assumes her stance again and sights down the length of the weapon, "-Very- pleased to meet you, ma'am. Anyone who gives us more toys is well met." Her eyes flicker over to the woman beside her and a Cheshire smile tugs at her lips, "Vivian Starr, Pan Dimensional Corps. Just recent arrived and approved for duty."

And then her attention is once more down range, the blank mask again washing all expression from her features. A heartbeat pause. Another. And then suddenly the weapon is discharging, sending the explosive projectile down towards the target.

Eden cracks a smile, the new VE was pretty cute and blonde. Eden was a military member herself, "I'm not awakened...", she admits a bit dryly, "I served in the US Navy as...", there's a swelling of the capsules breaking on the hard target as the black ooze bubbles for a moment before exploding violently with a loud boom!

Once recollected, the woman continues with a smirk. "I was a Navy Pilot and got out. Started working for the Union as a extraordinary citizen, developing hypertech and learning advanced linear science. So I ended up in the N.W.O's Q-Division or occasionally in Research and Execution for the Void Engineers. So I've been in space and fought some bugs. But I'm not as cool as you are.", aiming her weapon down range. "I'll show you what happens when you cluster. We don't know if we should keep it as a potential aid to take out RD's or if it's too dangerous with multiple agents or operatives firing in concert.", flicking the safety off and assuming a Weaver stance.

A small 3 round burst is used as Eden sprays the target, the black ooze connecting and jumping to each other like a living magnetic ferro fluid, getting dangerously large before exploding in a giant thunderous shockwave. It could easily damage or kill fellow agents if used inside. Eden talking loudly and looking to Vivian, "We might scrap the project. It probably has a use, but these might be too dangerous.", a smoking crater left in the ground once everything clears. Pulling off her mirrorshades, "Thanks for testing these out with me, Mrs. Star. Hopefully, we will become close friends in the future. I got a soft spot for my Void Engineers and military babes. Got to take care of family.", organizing her armored suit case.

Vivian's attention is on Eden as she begins to speak, but her gaze quickly snaps back to the target when the spread explosive does as its supposed to. "Woah, nice," she says in appreciation, eyes widening, "I like the delay. It gives a little more time to get the hell out of the way or send more shots to target. I'm used to explosive tipped rounds that immediately let loose."

The blonde's attention again turns to Eden as she continues speaking, Vivian nodding slowly throughout. Her shoulders roll in a shrug, her lips pulled up into that Cheshire smile again, "Enlightened or not, that doesn't matter all that much. It's all about what you can do." A beat. "And occasionally who you know, I guess."

Then the test continues and Vivian watches in rapt fascination as the fluid melds together before exploding in astounding fashion. Vivian lets out a whistle at the destructive capability. "Oh, I'm no missus. I'm completely single. As for the project here... I wouldn't scrap it," she says sincerely, "Maybe the ordinance wouldn't be as useful in enclosed spaces, but it'd be awesome out in wide-fire lanes. Like hand-held artillery." She pauses in thought, peering at the remains of the the target, brows furrowing, "Mmn... maybe it could be equipped on some drone hardware? Then there wouldn't be a risk to personnel on the ground. Regardless, I still think it's impressive." She looks back to her firing companion, grinning broadly and winking, "And you said you weren't as cool. That there? That's fucking -cool-." Laughter bubbles up from the blonde before her features take on an impish cast, "Y'know, you've told me a lot about yourself and your work, but there's one -very- important thing you haven't told me." A dramatic pause ensues as Vivian's smile widens into a grin, "Your name."

Glasses off, ear muffs slid down to her neck. Eden eyes Vivian, "Oh? Excuse me...", stepping in to shake the blonde's hand. "Eden Huxley, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.", her handshake firm and strong. The former navy pilot just taking Starr in and enjoying her presence, "I like martial arts and sparring, working out, firing guns, working on Voidships. I'm kind of a tomboy...", cracking a smirk. "Let me give you my card with my cellphone number on it. Mainly they keep me in back rooms working on stuff in private. But it's boring being just a technician, I want to play with the agents and operators.", pulling out her card and slowly handing it to her.

A light blush on the woman's face, "You ever want to hang out or check the local bars out and get a drink. I'd like that too.", perhaps Eden was coming off too strongly or not enough. It was difficult to keep that mask up when things truly interested you. The lesbian backing off a bit and giving Vivian room to breath. Putting inventory away. Trying remain cool and collected, was it working?

Likewise, Vivian's part of the handshake is just as firm, and her hands are a bit rough and calloused; definitely worker's hands. "Very pleased to meet you, Ms. Huxley," the short-haired blonde grins broadly, "I was army, myself, but I'm embarrassingly shakey on the whole martial arts thing. I'm more of a guns and wrenches girl. Hey! Maybe you could teach me a thing or two?" This last statement punctuated by a wink.

She nods slowly, the grin on her face fading into a thoughtful expression as she takes the card and makes note of the info on it, "Well, technicians are damn important, but I can understand wanting to be a bit more hands on. Have you made your wishes known to the Higher Ups? Even if you can't be a full-on field agent just yet, there's gotta be some tasks like providing backup and doing tech work in the field that you can do. I don't have much clout, seeing as I'm new, but I could make a few inquiries on your behalf if you want?" She slides the card into her pocket and offers a sheepish smile, "'Fraid I don't have a card to reciprocate, but I'll give you a call and leave my contact details. I'm nearly always with my smartphone."

If Vivian is at all uncomfortable by the forwardness, she doesn't seem to show it, merely returning to the wide grin, "Oh, hell yeah! I'd love a drinkin' buddy! I've been to a few places in town thusfar, but I'm always up for someplace new. And just hanging out is great too. What kind of movies do you like?" All indications seem the cool and collected part seems to be working just fine.

Eden smirks while talking to Vivian, "Absolutely, I'd love to practice some sparring drills with you.", totally not checking out the VE's thighs and butt momentarily as she slicked back her own hair. "I also design fabrics and garments to assist in various procedures. You might suck at Martial Arts but if I create a nano-sleeve layer with various muscle memory positions already recalled. Your body will be acting faster than your mind can keep up. I'm all about pushing limits, and the discovery of ultimate potential.", Eden steps forward a bit almost close enough that their hips were touching.

"Don't worry about the clout and swinging me favors. I'm pretty good at mostly taking care of myself. I believe in being self sufficient if I can. But that also doesn't mean, I can't accept a favor or two. I like making bargains or trading gear and hypertech.", eyeing the iris color of Vivian's orbs.

"I can tell, we will be good friends. Look...", sliding an explosive round magazine to Vivian. "... why don't you keep this. Be careful, just as you already figured a large bump will set them off like a grenade. You could probably even through the whole clip and watch the fireworks.", giving Vivian the rest of the explosive ammo. A small gift to start their friendship off. "I didn't give those to you either. Highly vulgar.", biting her bottom lip and resting her hands on her hips. "Movies? I guess I'll watch anything. To me it's more a social experience and I enjoy the company I'm with more."

Blonde eyebrows rise slightly as Eden's gaze traces over her, but then the mention of the nano-sleeve layer is offered. "Oh, sweet!" Vivian states, flashing another grin, "I've heard of things like that before, but never really used one." Her grin turns a bit sheepish and she rubs the back of her head absently, "Though, I would really want to use it as a training aid rather than rely on it wholesale..." Her voice fades off as the other woman steps closer, a faint blush appearing on Vivian's cheeks.

"Uhm," Vivian says articulately, staring right back with those bluish-grey eyes of hers -- though right now they are giving the distinct impression of the proverbial deer-in-headlights, "R-right. I didn't mean to imply I thought you couldn't do it on your own, Ms. Huxley." A more easy smile spreads on her lips, "I'm always happy to help."

Perhaps thankfully, the magazine provides a distraction and Vivian's eyes swivel down to regard it, breaking the eye contact. They then widen in surprise as the explosive ammo is offered up, her gaze snapping back to regard Eden. "Oh, wow, really? That's mighty kind of you, Ms. Huxley." Her face breaks into a grin again, "I'm not about to turn down ordinance, but I think I'll save it for a special occasion. Any other storage requirements? Temperature, humidity?" Laughter rolls off of Vivian at the answer to the movie preferences, "Okay, I can't argue with that. It is all about the company." She pauses, pursing her lips thoughtfully, "Mm, then I guess we'll just see whats available when the time comes and go from there. But man! It's definitely been a while since I was able to just hang out with someone. They've kept me moving around for the last few months; barely had much time to get to know folks before being shunted off somewhere new."

"The explosive caps have a standard or high rating towards heat or humidity. Keeping them in a sealed ammo can should be fine. The real danger is puncturing the capsule tip, like a condom once broken... it's useless. Or heavy shock, I wouldn't store them on the top shelf during an earthquake in case they fell. But a sturdy gunsafe on the bottom and it'll be fine.", explaining the dangers of the gear. Her grin was a perfected white, her teeth insanely clean, but that smile seemed vaguely familiar. It was hard to place, but felt like she had seen it before ... somewhere.

Eden did have a high level of cloaking/arcane sometimes she reminded people of other individuals. It was a common occurrence, perhaps Vivian was mistaking her for someone else. Backing up slowly to pull the Void Engineer out of the headlights, Eden smirks. "You can just call me, Eden. It's alright. I'm not super professional with friends. If it was a construct meeting, certainly.", that's when the woman stepped away and Vivian realized that mouth and teeth. It was a porno. Those sauntering hips, the way she talked, Eden definitely reminded Vivian of an adult actress she might of seen before and it would likely bug her like crazy.

Turning and packing her things quickly, it was a fifty-fifty thing. Vivian felt she had seen her co-worker before, but wasn't positive if it was her. So many people looked alike if not similar. She would have to do some serious research to find out. Eden turned back to Mrs. Star, "Thank you for your time and company. I appreciate your efforts and would enjoy seeing you again. Just hanging out and chilling, making friends would be nice. See you soon.", waving her fingers in another oddly familiar way.

Vivian nods to the instructions, taking a mental note of them, but her brows furrow slightly as she sees that smile. That strangely familiar smile. It's always a bit distracting when something is at the tip of your brain, but just can't quite place it; Vivian is quite a bit distracted now.

Still, the Q-Division technician backing away does manage to pull Vivian's mind from its desperate search for -why- that smile was so damned familiar. The blonde offers up a wide smile and bobs her head quickly, "Fair enough, Eden. Please, feel free to call me Vivian or even Viv if you want." And then it hits her like a lightening bolt.

Vivian's eyebrows widen as she finally makes the mental connection to a porn actress. But which one? One maddening question turns into another. This is -definitely- something that is going to bug her. But it was equally possible that maybe it was nothing but an association without any real substance to it. Vivian watches as Eden packs up the testing equipment (perhaps a bit too intently), still trying to puzzle out the solution when she starts at being addressed.

"Oh! R-right, sure, no problem," Vivian replies, flashing a bright, beaming smile and dismissively waving a hand, "Don't worry about it. It was great fun to fire and meeting you was great, Eden. Be seeing you!" She raises a hand and wiggles her fingers in salute, watching as Eden moves away before taking a deep breath and returning her attention to the firing range. A new magazine is put inside the gun and Vivian resumes her stance, blank expression, and even firing -- though, perhaps her grouping isn't -quite- as nice as it was before.