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Monday Madness
Gathering of Fae in Reves Errant for social time and meeting the new arriving Knight
IC Date January 22, 2024
Players Amberlee, Cait, Malcolm, Miranda, Sark, Zeller
Location Lost in Time Market - Reves Errant
Spheres Changeling

As the evening begins, a new arrival to the County is just coming down the steps from the rented sleeping space above. Here in the mews, she has eschewed her sunglasses, and gazes out openly at her surroundings through dimly-glowing red eyes. Her armor and kit are newly-polished and brushed, and as she looks to begin her... day? she seems to hesitate, as if considering her next moves.

It's Monday, and you know what that means. Well, usually it is some sort of gathering for the County. Tonight, Miranda is heading into Reves Errants to relax and see if others may come out as well. When she steps in, she sees someone new. Someone perhaps not like others, and yet familiar in other ways. She comes in to make her order at the bar and then waves to the new fae she sees. "Good Evening, and welcome to the County of Lion's Reach."

Cait notes the entry of another sidhe, and draws herself up just a little taller. "Good evening," she nods when Miranda waves and greets her, and draws a bit closer. "And thank you. Would you be able to direct me to the Court of Baroness Mererid Gwenant? I have yet to present myself to the Baroness, and would very much prefer to avoid misunderstandings."

Miranda gestures with her hand in an open fashion, "Well then you are in luck. I am the Baroness Mereid Gwenant. My Barony is not far from here through the Great Eastern Woods. And you are?"

Malcolm is taking a break from some window shopping. He's not even being chased down by security staff for picking something up that doesn't belong to him! This time. Peering in, he sees one face he recognizes, one he doesn't, and waves silently with one hand while they finish up their own intros.

Cait straightens further, though that would have seemed impossible just a moment before, then moves to one knee. "Baroness! I am Cethleann y Diwaed ni Balor, Knight Errant of the Guardians of the Gates. My apologies for not arriving in time to assist with your recent Thallain troubles, but I was only dispatched to the area from the Duchy of the Lone Star earlier this week, and the travel was... eventful."

Miranda bows her head, "Knight Diwaed, while it would have been a boon to have you for that, I am glad to have you here now. You just never know what may come up and our other Knight is having to divide her time here and in the Autumn in England. So it is very fortuitous your arrival." She looks toward the window as something catches her eye, and she gestures for Malcolm to approach. "Come now, come and meet our newest arrival."

Malcolm inclines his head, walking over and offering a hand to the newcomer. "Baroness. Knight. Eventful, you say? Is that the duchy where carrying concealed weapons is actually required by the law of the land?"

Cait says, “That is the case throughout the Burning Sun," she nods, "There are... dangers... that walk those deserts, I'm afraid. And yes, eventful. Nothing truly dangerous... a group of nunnehi had a dispute over water and Glamour with one of the freeholds in the Duchy of Copper, and the local power structure saw my arrival as a means to prevail upon a neutral party to arbitrate.”

Miranda smiles, "Stepping into a dispute. Sounds like you have earned your title with some hands on experience. I would love to hear the tales about it. But first I must ask, are you settled in here? Are you in need of anything?"

"And how /do/ you threaten to cut a lake in half, anyway? Not that I'm planning on it, of course," Malcolm adds, sounding mostly convincing.

Cait nods briefly. "Yes, Baroness, settled well enough. Autumn housing was arranged in advance when I was dispatched, and I stayed here in the Market last night, as I'd not yet been in contact with any of the local power structure. Over the next few days, I intend to present myself to the other local freeholders." Malcolm's question gets a slightly amused look, "You don't, sir. You restrict the use of the water to the side with no real power, then require them to provide the other side with a reasonable amount each month. Then when neither side is happy, you tell them they can feel free to work it out themselves, and continue on your way."

Miranda gets her drink that she ordered and takes a sip with a grin as the other two speak. When Cait finishes, she asks, "And what have you been sent here for, Knight Diwaed? Is there any threats heading this way? Is there a quest you are on? Or just come for the good weather?"

Sark shoulders his way in from the autumn world, pausing a moment to shake himself off once he's fully inside the tavern. He stops there for a moment to glance around to see who is present, before flashing a warm smile at the trio speaking with their drinks and bounding a little towards the bar to acquire his own.

Cait shakes her head, "No, my Lady, no specific threats that I'm aware of. My superiors simply felt that this part of Pacifica had gone without someone watching over the Trods for long enough. So I have been sent to ensure that the routes remain safe, and to be of service wherever I can. Biggs and I look forward to the opportunity."

Miranda asks, "Biggs? Who is Biggs? And yes, we used to have quite a few more martial fae around here. Even a Redcap that was to be Count. But they've all been called to other duties elsewhere. Having you will be a boon, that is for certain." As Sark enters she gestures him over as well. "Perfect timing. Come meet our latest arriving Knight."

Zeller steps in through the stained glass doors and walks quietly over to the bar to acquire a drink. After taking a mug of ale he takes a long pull and gives a satsified, "Ahhh..." before he turns to look at the orhers present. He quickly places a smile upon his face and nods at Sark and then gives Miranda a bow, "Baroness." He straightens and quirks his eyebrow at the other Sidhe she is talking to and quips, "Nice boots."

Sark takes a moment to acquire a mug of the tavern's mead, downing a mouthful of it before he bounces his way closer to Malcolm and Miranda and Cait. He flashes a bright grin at Miranda and chirps, "I have! We had a little chat last night before I had to head back to the island to check on my horses." He tilts his head a little to shoot a questioning look at Cait, "I take it you got settled in pretty well?" While he doesnt say anything immediately to Malcolm or Zeller, they do get a quick, furious wave with his free hand while he's talking.

"Ah," Cethleann smiles a little sheepishly, "Biggs... is my faithful steed." She gives a git of a shrug, "A knight without their steed is incomplete, my Lady." When the satyr comments on her boots, she glances down for a moment before nodding, "Thank you." Sark's arrival draws another nod of acknowledgment. "Hello again, Sarkeesian. Yes, quite well, thank you. I was just about to attempt to find the Baroness when, to my surprise, I already had."

Miranda looks quite pleased seeing so many here tonight. She bows her head to Zeller, "It is wonderful to see you again, Yvos. In fact, if you have time in the coming nights, come by the Glade." She ahhs to Sark and Cait. "Very well then. I do look forward to visiting the Island sometime to see your horses, and to meet your steed, lady knight."

Malcolm gestures off to the west, or what was west when he walked in. It probably hasn't moved since then. Probably. "There are some stables out that way; if you haven't already been, then they'd probably be glad to have him."

Amberlee is running late tonight. But she made it. No fur cape tonight. She's just got on a nice dress that flatters her figure. SHe's starting to really enjoy her outings with the fae. It's been quite some time since she's had FUN at one of these things and now she's like 3/3 for fun stuff. So here she is, wandering in quietly.

Sark grins at Cait and bobs his head, "Excellent then." He downs more of his mead before offering a nod to Miranda's comment, "You are welcome to come out whenever you can wedge it into your schedule. Just send me a tex so I can make sure noone else is out there at that time. Avoids me having to make awkward explanations for certain people showing up. Stella is still recovering from her trip, so I've been spending more time than normal making sure everything is still running smoothly." Spying Amberlee's entrance, Sark straightens up a bit and waves at her over a few heads, to get her attention.

"Of course my lady." Zeller nods towards the Baroness. "And yes, the stables at the Ebon Watchtower are where I keep my Viridian. They are excellent.If you ever want to tilt, spar or just ride. I can often be found on the training fields there." says, adding on the Malcolm's statement, nodding at the man, but addressing Cait. He takes another sip of his drink and smiles at Amberlee when she walks in.

Cait nods, "He's... stabled... well, he's shut up in a rented warehouse, really. I arranged for him to be fed when we arrived yesterday. Hopefully, he's still sleeping it off. He tends to be a bit excitable in new places, until he gets used to things. But when he's adjusted," she nods, "I'll be more than happy to introduce you. In fact, that would be for the best... once he knows you, if something should happen, he can find you at need."

Miranda has to ask after that. "Shut up in a rented warehouse? Just... what is Biggs? He's beginning to sound like quite not your ordinary steed. Is he indeed a horse? Or something else?" She has QUESTIONS! Ah but in comes Amberlee, "So lovely to see you tonight. Come order a drink, it is on me. I've been hoping to see you as well."

Sark seems interested as well in this warehouse answer, but doesnt press as Miranda likely asked the question that was on HIS mind. Instead the young man takes another slurping drink of his mead and finds himself a chair to scoot his skinny butt into, closer to the fire like the lazy thing he is. He does, however, nod at Zeller's mention of the Watchtower, "They do take very good care of things there..."

Amberlee is ALSO interested in this warehouse thing. She tips her head a little and wanders closer, just to listen

Cait nods again, then shakes her head, "He's... no. Not a horse at all, my lady. He's rather more... " She glances toward Sark, "I suppose he's a kind of reptilian chimera? Some kind of... prehistoric manifestation? Scales, pointy teeth... but very friendly, once he gets to know you."

Zeller leans back against a stool, not quite sitting on it. "The Watchtower's stables are equipped for all manner of creatures, but you know your beast best I suppose." he says over his mug before taking another drink.

Miranda agrees, "I'm sure that Baron Tordwil would be able to accomodate. Or else if you give some specs we can help find the best suitable place."

Sark ooos softly and murmurs with some moderate excitement underlying his voice, "I will look forward to meeting him then! What does he like to eat and maybe I can bring treats when I know I am going to meet him. If he likes shark, I can usually arrange one of those most days. Just depends on how hungry he is..."

"Does it fly? Your steed? I have a whole mountaintop stable if he does, if you don't find an otherwise acceptable place." Amberlee asks this as she finds a place nearby to perch herself.

Cait nods, "Once he's acclimated, he's very easy to care for. He just needs someplace warm to curl up." She cocks her head, considering, "I don't think he's ever had shark... usually just whatever scraps are available. But for treats... he's developed a taste for chicken mcnuggets, of all things."

"So how have you been Amberlee?" Zeller smiles, "It was good to see you the other day, but I didn't really get a chance to talk to you."

Sark winces a little in amusement at the nuggets comment, lowering his voice a bit for a moment, "...does he know what goes into those things? Yes, give me a time sometime and I will absolutely arrange shark bits and he can try. We have access to lots of fresh fish here, and hunting is very easy."

Miranda raises her eyebrows, "You take him frequently into the Autumn? For Fast food?" Huh. "Well he is welcome to come to the glade, there is a wonderful river through it if he likes that. Just ask him not to eat all my fish."

Cait shakes her head, "Oh, no. No, I bring the nuggets into freeholds, where the mix allows for such things. And no, Sarkeesian, he has no idea. He's..." She shrugs, "He's only slightly smarter than your average housecat, after all..."

Sark grins at that from Cait and nods, "Of course. And if you would rather I did not spoil him, I can refrain as well." With that said, he takes a moment to lean back and down the rest of his mug with a satisfied sigh, closing his eyes for a moment before offering Amberlee and Zeller a bright smile. Something finally occurs to him and he asks Miranda, "Perhaps tomorrow, might I chat at you at the gazebo for a little bit? The Lady Sealgaira made comments when we were out rescuing the baby dragon that have made me concerned about...something that could potentially happen, and I would not like to be putting myself in a position to second guess my oath to you. If that will work for you?"

Miranda nods to Sark, "Absolutely. I think tomorrow I shall hold an open invitation. All that wish to speak to me can find me there. Meet me there, and we shall discuss it. And soon, it should be time to interrogate those captured in that rescue."

Zeller nods at Miranda, and finishes his ale. "I should be seeing you tomorrow evening as well, but I must be going to see to my own beastie." He bows again to Miranda and nods at Amberlee and Cait, and then readies himself to depart.