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Something Brewing Late at Night
Several interesting people congregate in the evening at the Witches' Brew.
IC Date 2023.10.25
Players Sark, Miranda, Serqet, Alicia
Location Witches' Brew - Main Room
Spheres Bygone, Changeling, Demon

Despite the lateness of the hour, Sark has still camped out at the window alcove in the cafe, with a large mug of what probably smells like hot cinnamon tea, and a half destroyed chocolate chip muffin. With his sandals on the floor under his table so he can url his feet up under himself, he's sorta tucked into the window to watch folks that are still walking around outside. The cafe itself is still doing a brisk business with a few occupied tables and others enjoying an evening snack.

The hour, too, seems to matter little to Serqet as the sound of the door, whether it be bell or some other source, announces her arrival. She's dressed casually, wearing a blue denim jacket over a simple tanktop today. In spite of that, there is an undeniable way that she might attract the attention of those who would be attracted. Fascinating, in several ways. Perhaps, too, fascinating in the way that the dark circles under her eyes look particularly pronounced tonight as she makes her way up to the counter and places an order... A caramel latte with an extra two shots of espresso, and a blueberry muffin. The blonde woman presses her back to the counter off to the side of the register, taking the time to peer around the area curiously... A FIRST TIMER?!

The door chime is enough to drag Sark's attention back to the interior of the cafe, to give Serqet a once over, before offering a small, warm smile when she might look his direction...even accompanied with an overly friendly fingerwiggle of a greeting. A sip of his tea immediately follows, probably making him look a LITTLE out of place as a non-broody young college male that isnt trying to look pretentious with some ancient author in his hands.

Sark's fingerwiggledance does catch Serqet's attention as her icey eyes pass over him again. She stares for a moment, perhaps piecing together the cognitive dissonance of a college-student-but-clearly-not drinking tea, of all things. No sooner had she noticed, though, that her order is presented to her with a smile and a farewell before she makes her way over towards the place where Sark is sitting, with the kind of caution inspired by unfamiliarity.

"Hi?" She says. Must've been the wave. "Have you and I met? I can't recall that we ever have." She sets her drink and muffin down at the nearest table, looking up at him afterwards. "...Mind if I sit here?"

Sark sits up a LITTLE when she approaches, the smile actually warming up a bit like this might be the most exciting thing that's happened all day for him. He shakes his head in the negative and waves both hands at the empty spaces, "Not at all, go right ahead. Once people start heading home from work, it tends to slow down here and there aren't as many people to watch, which is what makes this spot so great to camp out at."

He pauses, then scrunches his nose, "You look familiar but I dont think we ever met. Like you know, been in proximity but my friends didnt know your friends so noone ever introduced us?" At that, he offers a hand, "Sarkesian, though just Sark is fine."

Serqet 'ohs' and nods in that slow way of agreement. "Yeah, yeah. That'd make sense! It might've been at that beach party a while ago... I tend to hang out on that beach in my free time or, well, did. I didn't expect a whole host of partyers to show up out of the blue." She reaches out and, indeed, does shake his hand. It's firm, indicating she... Well, probably does firm handshakes alot. She sinks into the nearby seat then, taking a sip of her coffee before she replies. "Serqet. Qet's fine. No surprise your friends didn't know my friends, since I had no friends at that function huh?"

Sark ooos and nods, "Thats entirely possible. There were a LOT of people there and...well, when people started getting naked, that kinda disrupted most people's attention. It felt like some of the girls considered that a challenge and kept taking MORE of to one-up each other." He chuckles softly at that, clearly amused, "Regardless, very happy to meet you finally. I mean, outside of a potential meat market, and all."

"Ugh... That's about when I checked out. I'm 'very' over the hypersexuality of the people I tend to run into in this city." Serqet replies with a roll of her eyes, "I like to meet people sure... But I could stand for it to just be a meet, greet, talk and leave instead of a meet, greet, and meat. You know?" She shakes her head there, leaning back in her seat with her coffee in hand. "Happy to meet you too. Glad we agree on the happiness."

Sark hehs softly at her pronouncement of the situation, "To be honest, I SUSPECTED that is where things might have been headed the moment I knew it was a party on the beach. I like my friends, but some of their behavior can be...predictable? Sort of like a self-imposed time limit on a gathering. After X amount of time, hormones are going to rage and intelligent conversation tapers off." He grins at that and rolls his shoulder, "So you know you're going to enjoy it for a while, then maybe find something else to do." He pauses to take another long drink of his tea, then asks, "Do you might if I ask you what you do?"

"Mmm." Serqet says with no particularity, "I work in community outreach, primarily. I help own and operate a domestic violence shelter in the city, and also a substance abuse center in the same building... Old high school building, and all. Plenty enough space for both, so we do both." A long drink of her coffee there, as she lifts her shoulders. "I just got off a long shift, if the dark circles are any sign. What do you do?"

Sark perks up a little at that, chewing on his lower lip for a moment before offering, "I am usually looking for groups to help with that are doing good things for the city, so if you know they need extra help, I would be happy to do so. Sometimes though, the presence of a male figure is not entirely helpful in a domestic violence recovery situation." He nods slowly at the mention of her eyes and adds, "That and the extra espresso you requested, it sounded like you were either dragging yourself home, or just taking a break before getting back to it. I...inherited a functioning ranch so I dont do a whole lot other than make sure I have actual competent people to run it so I dont run it into the ground."

Serqet nods. "A male figure likely wouldn't be helpful, sorry. There's a serious problem in the city with that kind of abuse... That's why we ended up needing all the extra space." After this though, she smiles just alittle. "The other owner operator, Jamie Navarro, she lives with me. Sister of a woman who died of a heroine overdose, so... We decided to work together on helping to solve the problem as best we can. She sent me home. Told me I'd been there long enough, and I figure she's right this time." She interestedly quirks a brow there, regarding Sark with a modicum of quiet pride. "That's not a bad gig at all, from the sound of it. Did the ranch come with the wealth to pay the workers? Because that's a wonderful deal."

Sark nods slowly at that, "Well, if you can use some funds to pay for supplies or something, there's nothing that says an anonymous donor cant suddenly by things on your Amazon wishlist for you, as well." He smiles for a moment at that, and considers the question before guesturing, "Well, its a working ranch, horse breeding and stabling so there's a lot invested in it and it already has several established incomes from private people paying to house their animals, and people coming for lessons, and so on. So as long as I didnt fuck with anything, it floats itself for now."

At that, Serqet genuinely laughs! "Oh! Oh totally. I don't even think I've checked my wishlist for a few years now to be honest with you! Really, I should totally edit that at some point if there's even anything on it... I've never really been the type for handouts. Do it all myself or don't do it at all, you know? Same goes for Amazon orders I guess." She smiles through a last quiet laugh, settling back in her seat... "You know, that's a really clever model for business you've got there. Paying to house animals? It makes sense, I guess I've just never heard of it til now... Not even remotely adjacent to animal handling, if that's not obvious." She clears her throat, sits up alittle straighter and says... "If you would like to establish donations to the shelter, that can absolutely be arranged. Your donations would be pooled, for the record- so some would go to substance abuse while some would go to DV. Would that be okay with you? Or does it cross the border of your interests there?"

Sark scrunches his nose in amusement, "I recognize that there are others with a better grasp on exactly what is needed to make improvements with humanity as a whole...in some cases, it is providing uplift where things are dull and tedious, and in others, such as what you do, it is attempting to repair a darkness or bring light back to those that have perhaps not had any, and both of those efforts should be encouraged. So the money comes with no strings...though it perhaps means I will begin paying attention to the announcements you make or events you host, perhaps to just satisfy my curiosity that the money IS helping. I will talk to my property manager tomorrow and she will likely reach out to you to find out how to set up a regular transfer? So please dont let me forget to get your contact information before you take off..." With that explanation given, he nods once about the ranch, "In this case, its mostly horses and big animals that...would NOT get proper care and socialization in the city. We can give them wide open areas on my island to roam, and good food, and a bit of spoiling, and be srrounded by staff that are specifically trained in how to take care of them. So its usually better for the animals."

Miranda has arrived.

Serqet lets him explain, taking a bite from her blueberry muffin in the meantime. "Well that's awesome! I'd be interested to know how you came into a gig like that, but I suppose it doesn't really matter... And if I asked you that and you answered, then I would have to answer when you asked it back." She shakes her head there, rubbing at her eyes with a long sigh. "Sorry. I'm very much lacking in the sleep department, and I tend towards getting alittle non-sensical."

Sark grins at Serqet's answer and winks before taking another sip of his tea, his half-destroyed muffin not having gotten touched in a bit, by now, "Well see, you do that and I can hardly be accused of being nosy, right...but you have a point. Being drunk and being sleep deprived are both states another should not take advantage of, so instead perhaps I can trade numbers with you so I can put Stella in touch with you later?"

The door opens and in steps the dark haired beauty. Dressed in white, she is looking around, obviously new here. She spots Sark and waves to him. "Good evening, Sark. I have been wanting to meet with you, and poof! Curiosity led me inside and here you are!" She then sees Serqet, "It has been a minute, it is good to see you again."

It takes a moment for Serqet to remember as her attention is pulled to Miranda's entrance. There is, of course, a piece of muffin still in her mouth which she remembers to chew a few moments afterwards. She smiles just alittle, a small half-measure. "Hey again Miranda. Sorry that I haven't been by the store recently... Things have been rough lately with work and, frankly, I've been very irresponsible with my time." She turns alittle more, allowing both Miranda and Sark to be in her active focus. "You and Sark know eachother? That's a pleasant coincidence. Now I guess we 'all' know eachother. How've you been?" The question of course towards Miranda.

Sark glances up when the door opens again, a smile of familiarity spreading across his face when he sees who it is, "Miranda! I give myself points for being at least a little predictable then. Would you like to snag some tea and join us here, since it looks like you and Miss Serqet already know each other? Or is this a conversation I need to be kidnapped away to another location for?"

Alicia has arrived.

Miranda giggles, "I'll kidnap you later, as it is more of a private nature." She winks to Sark. "I'll grab a tea, oh and maybe a muffin or croissant. It would be my honor to join you both." She walks over to place and order, and while it is being prepared, she walks back over to their table for now. "It's fine, Serqet. These things happen. We all can get caught up in things and life. Some call it a dream even. Seems like as good a time as ever to catch up with you both."

Alicia makes her way into the shoppe, one thing on her mind. Coffee. She's had a hell of a day. Dressed in dark skinny jeans and a Tommy Hilfiger blouse, the actress looks just elegant enough not to be sloppy, but not dressed up so much to stand out. She makes her way to Mia. "Coffee. Cream. Sugar. And leave plenty of room for me to add in a little something, please." The Englishwoman places a 50 dollar note on the counter. Her body language indicating that she doesn't want change.

Serqet's focus is of course fixed on Miranda and Sark as Alicia makes her entrance. She shrugs as the two talk, and gives a dissmisive little wave to Sark. "No need to leave. She and I are just passing acquaintances but, I suppose, a third meeting might just make us friends." With a smile towards Miranda, she sighs. "Some do call it that. They wouldn't necessarily be wrong either, if you're into that kind of thinking... But that stuff's bridging on complex kundalini nonsense or something."

Sark reaches out with a bare foot (sandals still on the floor under his table), to snag a chair and draaaag it over to make room for an additional butt, "Miss Serqet and I were never introduced though we passed around each other at the beach party, so I was making up for that, and offering to become an anonymous donor for some of her, er, beneficial social work?" Spying Alicia at the counter, he doesnt try to yell across the cafe, he just wiggles the fingers of one hand at her in greeting.

Miranda sees her tea and croissant are ready and walk over to get it just in time to see Alicia walk in. "Good Evening, Alicia! What a small city it is to find you here tonight as well. Do you come here often?" She gestures to the table with the others. "I just arrived but I have no doubt you can join us?" She smiles to Sark and Serqet. "Social work? I would love to hear more about what you have going on?"

The actress waves to Sark and then bows her head to Miranda, taking the coffee over to them. "Evening, Sark, Miranda, madame I do not know but certainly think I want to," Alicia says with a wink and a practiced, celebrity smile. The woman sets her coffee down before pulling a flask out of her purse and making sure that the coffee is extra special tonight. "I guess that answers how my night is going. How are you three?"

"Social work..? Kind of." Serqet starts, "It's community outreach. I own and operate a domestic violence shelter alongside my work partner, Jamie. It's in an old high school building, so we had the space to commit to making the place dual purpose. DV, and substance abuse and recovery. We have licensed voluntters on the other side of things to handle all of that though." She sips her coffee, leaning back alittle in her seat. "I should note that the donation he's offering wasn't asked for. Not that I'm offended or anything, just that it was totally philanthropic." When Alicia approaches? Serqet looks up at her with a flash of recollection! "You and I met at the same place I brushed past Sark, actually. Beach party a while ago. I was lounging on the beach, then the whole crowd showed up. You and I talked, pretty briefly."

Sark nods in agreement with Serqet's assessment of the situation, "I asked her what she did, and I do try to find things around the city to encourage with my gold, so it sounded like a good idea. I was going to get Stella to set something up and see how it went for a while. But if you are already friends with Miranda, that already gives you a good character reference. And here I thought my evening today was going to be boring and have to head home and entertain myself with the horses, tonight." He grins at that and finally stuffs another piece of his muffin into his mouth, to munch on it while everyone gets settled.

Miranda sips her tea and then takes a seat at the table. "I am well, mostly because I just finished a project and am working on some new ideas." She nods with Serqet's reminder, "Yes, yes, the beach party. So many people there, it was wonderful. Right up until people started stripping." She grins a bit. Asking Sark, "The horses? Oh yes, the Island. Well I am glad we could all entertain you more tonight."

The mention of the beach party does jog Alicia's memory. "Oh, right. Too brief a meeting." Then she takes a long sip of her impromptu Irish coffee. "Hey now, there's nothing wrong with people enjoying a bit of freedom. I swear, you Americans are so backwards. The bloodiest, goriest violence is fine. But one boob and the morality police show up." Alicia looks at the cup of coffee now with more space to pour in the whiskey. And does so, topping the mug off.

Serqet's attention falls on Alicia again, and for a moment, she seems to be perhaps expectedly enraptured. As common as it is in Prospect in particular, it's rare that someone ever REALLY gets used to actual otherworldly people. "Well... There 'are' beaches specifically for that. Not a fan of it myself." Serqet replies after a not-inappropriate period, "Other ways to connect with people that are far less... Well, close to my line of work in recovery." Serqet smirks alittle there, punctuating the thought with a long drink of her coffee. "Good to have what you're comfortable with though. I'll never hold that against anyone, just remove myself from the area if it ain't my thing. You know?" Then she's looking back to Sark! "Well remember. Miranda and I had one meeting in passing, and one in a business context. 'Friend' is a strong term, but if she's cool with it? We can certainly use it. Friends are good to have."

Sark hehs softly at Miranda, winking at her and murmuring, "Well, arent I supposed to be the arrogant one that thinks all of you are here to keep me entertained? Or something like that. I've only read some of the books Stella pointed me at so far, so give me a little longer to play to stereotype. I still have a lot to catch up on." CLEARLY he just finds that amusing and has no intention of actually being that kinda prick.

Alicia's comment about people going crazy over a boob seems to amuse him more, "Well, people getting naked DOES seem to shut most people's brains off, I have noticed, and...my dear, YOU being naked tends to generate some serious drooling, while...how does it go? Blood rushes to other body parts, away from the brain, and people act...well, predictably."

Miranda smiles, "I'm happy to have more friends. Not just business associates." She looks to Alicia at her comments. "I'm not looking to have a debate on it, simply that is the law, and one boob isn't much, it's the full monty. That is why there are places like Black's Beach."

"I meant more about shows on television or films and the rating system," Alicia says. "It's simply strange for me. Still," she says, turning to Serqet, "I'm happy to meet you again. Alicia Hunter, but I think that you knew that already." There's that coquettish grin. "Please, be a dear and refresh my memory on your name?"

Serqet smirks at Alicia's re-introduction. "Yeah. I knew that already. It's hard to pay any attention at all to TV and 'not' know who you are. But... I hate to leave just as soon as the conversation's getting friendlier, but I really ought to get home before Jamie gets to thinking I got murdered and left in a gutter." She rises from her seat there, sliding it back in as she holds her half eaten blueberry muffin in one hand and coffee in the other. "Next time I see you Miranda, I'll give you my number. Friendship and all. You two? We'll see. Met each of you twice, so I guess theme demonstrates third time's the charm." With that, she starts towards the door... "You all have a good night." And out she goes!

Sark grins, pausing to upend his mug and finish off his tea, before murmuring, "Its a lovely thing when people I know all seem to get along. I think all of you would share the same views on what would be good to see more of in the city, both personally and professionally, so I am happy to see it." Ah, but then Serqet has to leave, eliciting a bit of an 'aww' from Sark, but he does wave a farewell at her, "Get some rest!"

Miranda nods to Serqet, "Of course, or just drop by the store and we can chat any time. You have a good night!" She sips her tea again. "It is late, but was feeling like a good time to come out and have some tea. What luck to run into friends."

Alicia waves to Serqet as she leaves then turns back to Miranda. "She seems nice." Alicia takes another long swig. "You know, I laid out a tarot spread about my house guest. There are some very, very worrying results. Hopefully we can talk about it another time, Miranda?"

Sark tilts his head a little at Miranda and Alicia, offering, "House guest?" But he doesn't seem to press the point. Instead he simply offers to the two, "I am always happy to see either one of you. I've taken to occassionally heading out beyond the Plaza to go flying a little, so if someone needs to hunt me down, they should be able to find me there, as well."

Serqet has left.

Miranda nods to Alicia, "Of course, come by tomorrow and we can discuss it." Her head turns to Sark, "Eirlys. But I thought she was only there temporarily?" A note to Sark, "I am serious though, I'd like to meet you at my garden sometime soon." He'll know which one she is talking about.

"It should be no surprise that I am . . . fond of her. I asked her to stay." Yeah, it should be obvious why Alicia would like having Eirlys around.

Sark bobs his head at Miranda's ask, "Then I will do so, of course." Alicia talks about keeping Eirlys around and he smiles a little more, "As long as you think she can handle it, the offer is open to take her flying sometime, if she wants."

Miranda aahs, "I'm glad you have found someone to be close with... at least for now. That is something that I do miss, but I fear I'll compare everyone to Bryan." A little sigh for the one that got away. "Flying? That sounds like quite an adventure."

Alicia gives a tired look to Sark. "I am sure she will eventually get there. It will ultimately be up to Iris, though. She's my houseguest and lover. Not technically my charge. Even if I did have to step in with that unfortunate incident the other day at the Plaza." Alicia smiles to Miranda. "Oh, cheer up. We'll go to Vegas, introduce you to some amazingly hot mechanic and you'll hit it off."

Sark winks at Miranda and murmurs, "You know, just because you sit on an important chair doesnt mean you couldnt come sit on my shoulders some time. The adults are allowed a little adventure as well, from time to time. I just like to encourage anyone so that I inspire less fear and more wonder. So one day small ones will squeal with delight rather than fear of a monster that might eat them. You know?"

Miranda smiles to Sark, "That might be fun!" She did listen to Alicia, and then does a quick double take. "Incident in the Plaza? What is going on? What happened?"

"I will tell you tomorrow. I wouldn't want to air dirty laundry in public." Alicia glances to Mia, the barista. Some things are best left unsaid except behind closed doors.

Sark mmms softly at the exchange, apparently that taking him long enough to register what Alicia might be talking about. He doesn't clarify though since Alicia mentioned talking about it later. Instead, he smiles at both women and murmurs, "I should PROBABLY head back to check on the horses, but Miranda, I will hunt you down tomorrow if that sounds okay? And come by your garden, and be at your disposal?"