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Umbral Meal & Tea
Merek takes a stroll on the umbral beach when he encounters a strange, yet friendly entity
IC Date 2023.07.26
IC Time Afternoon
Players Wulfra, Merek
Location Umbral Prospect Beach, Merek's House
Spheres Mage, Bygone

Merek is wandering the Umbra of the beach, looking around with dark armor on, modern looking and meant for those expecting a fight, though with the relaxed demeanor, it does seem that he's just taking precaution, as someone could know he is physically IN the Umbra. Above the black helmet with orange visor, he seems to have a bronze halo, shimmering occasionally to aureate and argent tones. It's difficult to hide an aura such as that. He seems to be writing in a journal, taking notes.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Merek rolls Perception + Alertness vs 7 for 2 successes. 1 3 4 5 +7 +8 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Here on the precipice between land and sea, the great web of the city constrasts with the great swirling blue waters. To one who can see all the layers, the ever-churning storm of the Tempest lies off the coast as well, meshing with the sky above in an array of impossible color. Amongst the scattered spirits roaming around, there seems to be something... unusual going on a bit more towards the web of the buildings. Passing between obscuring clouds is what looks to be two things moving -very- fast. One a blur of ethereal reds and one a blur of black... leaving a trail of smoky 'darkness' that seems to eventually dissipate on its own. Perhaps something is getting chased?

Merek looks over to that disturbance, noticing what seems to be the mingling of red and black. From his back he wraps a hand around the hilt of a blade, which when pulled free is shimmering in black tones, with scarlet lettering upon the weapon, placing his journal up. Writing can wait until he's discerned any danger. He makes his way that direction, seeming to study the place. He's no stranger to danger in the Umbra, and a Mage who doesn't take it serious would not last long here. As such he whispers arcane words, subtle protection. The weapon seems to have an aura as well, notable only because of its existence in the Umbra, Awakened magic dripping away from it. He walks at a nice fast pace, that almost equals to a run.

Otherworldly, piercing screeches that sound more like rage made manifest than a voice sound out from the clouds, before... FWOOSH! Red persists in a cloud of blackness as a thing comes careening out, flying down with what looks like the edges of not one, but multiple sets of wings poking out of the smoky trail. Whatever the serpenty red thing is, its brought in front of it as it collides with the ground, using all the momentum to drag it along the umbral turf with extreme force. Once the both literal and figurative smoke clears, the form of the thing can be made out more. A hippo-sized, but far longer creature of a make even Merek has never laid eyes upon before raises its multiple wings and begins to tear into the rage-filled spirit. It does not seem to have made notice of Merek yet, being many yards away.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Merek rolls Arete vs 6 for 0 successes. 1 -1 3 3 6 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Merek doesn't have the time to focus on his magic, as such when he attempts to use it to discern the nature of the fallen entity... He fails. Which means he must make a snap decision. That decision, is to make his way close to the being and the fallen creature beneath it. Assuming both are spirits of some form at the least, he does not interfere, only taking his time to study. He doesn't try to note his presence though, observation is key here, and he relaxes the hand about the sword, lowering it.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Wulfra rolls Perception(4) + Alertness(2) (6 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes. 2 3 4 +6 +6 +6 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

The large, dark smoky thing remains facing away as the horrific sounds spill out... at least until Merek approaches closer. Coming to complete stillness, save for the vapor flickering and rising up, the head of the creature slowllly turns around to look behind... a multitude of burning eyes shifitng around on its face to all settle on -him-. The ethereal snake-thing hangs from that dark maw, squirming. That is, until, there's a flicking up of their head... and the crimson spirit is completely sucked down their gullet like a penguin eating a fish.

Assuming the creature to be Umbrood, or close enough, Merek proceeds to speak. In Enochian, with a masterful fluent tone, "That... Looks like quite a meal, might I ask why you are eating that spirit?" he asks, taking his time to keep his blade poised along his side. He reaches up to lift his visor, golden amber eyes watching the creature.

Merek's BASE ENOCHIAN is at least 5

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Wulfra rolls Intelligence(3) + Empathy(2) (5 dice) vs 6 for 0 successes. 1 1 3 6 6 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

The lumbering thing turns, smoke-trailing tail flicking backwards as it stands up full and proud to face the man. There's even more eyes looking at him now, shining with a fiery hue of sickly green as those slit pupils narrow. At the speaking, it only tilts its head ever so slightly.

Merek seems to discern that it does not speak that language perhaps, then he nods a bit, "Ah, I will say it in English then. That looked like a meal you enjoyed, what exactly was that creature, and why were you fighting it?" he asks. The man seems to be relaxed, not at all bothered by the appearance of the thing before him.

The thing lets out a long rumble, head still locked in its position. Then, though, it speaks... in a voice sounding halfway between howling wind and a reved up car engine. `Quesstionsss... yesss. It wass a sspirrit... you know wherrre you arre, do you not? But forr you... arre you... a knight?`

Merek looks thoughtful, and then considers for a moment, while he spins the blade, which he then places along into its sheath. "Merek. I suppose you could call me a Knight of sorts, if you wanted. I tend not to care so much for titles, except they tend to be fun to use," he admits. "What do they call you?" he asks.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Wulfra rolls Perception(4) + Awareness(3) (7 dice) vs 6 for 4 successes. 1 2 +8 +8 +9 +9 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

`Good knight... bad knight?` The creature questions, head raising up a bit more, smoke-membraned wings flapping out then coming to rest once more. `Strrange arrmorr you wearrr... and the blade you bearr. And yourr flow... poewrrful. Hm. What magic iss hidden herrre....`

Merek loses one Willpower

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Merek rolls Arete vs 6 for 2 successes. 3 5 5 +6 +7 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Wulfra rolls Intelligence(3) + Empathy(2) (5 dice) vs 7 for 3 successes. 3 6 +7 +8 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Merek seems thoughtful about what he finds after a small chant, then he lifts his brow a small bit. He considers the words that she speaks, while he looks back to his sword, "It's mostly for protection, the realms here are dangerous. And... Hidden, is an interesting way to put it, when your own nature is hidden. I... Am an Alchemist, that is the best way to describe me, for most others." He doesn't expand upon it, or delve into details.

`Mmmm... alchemisst. Strrange one. If it iss so dangerous to you, then why are you herre?` The creature oh so slowly walks forwards, circling him. Some eyes focus on him, while others remain focused on the surroundings. `And what iss thisss language you trried to sspeak with me...` they say, before suddenly swapping to perfect Enochian, just like his own. <`It seems familiar, yet distant. What is this?`>

Merek looks then to the creature as they switch back to Enochian, "If you speak it, I'd imagine you know it," he then admits, "It is the language of the umbrood, and other... Things. It is called Enochian, an ancient language, from the One Language it derived, likely." He then considers, tilting his head a bit. "I am here to learn, to record, to find new information, things that are interesting. Exploration."

`Enochian. Interessting... yess... that is mosst likely why it iss familiarrr.` Then, they stop their circling, stepping to face away for the first time, gazing up at the sky. `Therre is not much interressting herre. It iss a merre reflection... you musst go deeperr, if you arrre rreally that prreparred. I jusst come herre to ssnatch up the yummiess that cling to people.`

Merek nods a little bit to the creature, while he seems to think about their words. "Well, I have went even deeper before, but it's a bit more difficult at times, not prepared for that kind of adventure. That said, the spirits of many things seek out this place, so it's not like it's devoid of all, I mean I've met you," he admits, looking forward, "What do they call you?"

`I... am a reccent vissitorr.` They say, before suddenly going up in a swirling cloud of smoke laden with sparkling embers. When it clears... all that's left is a perfectly human looking woman, fully clothed. `But there's not much to see, is there? I'm Wulfra. But the question is... how do you get around without people noticing that fancy dress you got? Can't just tear back into reality here....`

Merek looks to Wulfra, and then considers the woman a moment, before he tilts his head. "I mean, I have ways to get around, it's easy enough to appear where I need to be. But while I'm here I generally need to worry a lot less," he admits. The man offers a smile, pulling off the helmet. He looks Middle Eastern, a spiky ponytail.

`Mmm... sounds convenient.` She says, walking up closer... tilting her head at seeing his actual face. `You look... not like a normal human, even in flesh. It is better... I like.` She rolls her shoulders about, then stretches her head to the side, making a cracking noise. `Alchemist. Do you know a Xiu?`

Merek looks to Wulfra, and lifts up his brow at the mention of Xiu. "I might know of someone with that name, why do you ask?" he asks of the woman. He then adjusts that shemagh scarf which he wears, looking thoughtful and nodding at the mention of liking how he looks.

`She uses similar eyes. Also shows off her not human-ness openly. But it seems you know her, then... are you part of a magic-people guild here?` She asks, strangely eager. There's no sign of what was there before in her at all.

"Gee, that's a bold question to ask," Merek muses to her words, while he takes the time to consider for a moment, "I would say that is a yes, but as for specifics, well... That depends on what you are. I don't want to overly pry however. We can step into my place for a drink however and talk more there," he adds to the conversation.

`Bold? I would notask if there were people watching... but you are in advanced armor, wielding a magic blade, and speaking in unbrood tongue. I am no more bold than you are.` Wulfra says with a smirk. `But sure. Any place is fine. How shall we go?`

Merek loses one Willpower Merek loses one Magical Essence Merek loses one Magical Essence Merek loses one Magical Essence

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Merek rolls Arete vs 3 for 5 successes. +5 +7 +8 +9 +9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Merek lifts up what looks like a Celestial starmap and then gently places it before him in the air, while he allows it to show what looks like a cybernetic black and orange map, a tree of Yggdrasil style to it as it comes up with pinpoint areas that represent locations. He places a finger to one of them, and then draws it back, before he holds up a hand. A portal opens up, fiery orange rimming the darkness, before it shimmers another world beyond it, it looks like a room of a home. "Shall we?" he asks, then walks through.

Wulfra glances over the star map with wide eyes, watching closely as he does... whatever it is he's doing. There's an audible `oooh...` as the portal opens up. She quickly follows after him.

Merek walks out of the portal, and looks around to the place, nodding a little bit. He relaxes, his hands moving to begin unlatching his armor, while he places it down onto a rack that's made for it. Beneath that, he's wearing simple dark attire, and he takes the time to smooth back his hair.

Wulfra immediately begins glancing around the place upon arrival, taking in every little detail. `Is this your den? How far have we traveled? I need to see that map of yours in more detail sometime....` she muses.

"Beach of Prospect, in the city district, this is where I live. I teleported us out of the Umbra, into the Tellurian's lowest realm," Merek mentions, while he motions around a little bit, "This is my home, and my Sanctum, powerfully protected."

`Ohhh... so not far. You had me excited with all that... but I suppose it means less work getting back.` Wulfra follows his gesturing, looking for a place to sit. `You do not know me and you put me in right past the protections? I suppose one is strongest on their home turf... but still. You are the bold one!`

"Hmm, strong within my own home turf is correct," Merek mentions. A Mage in their Sanctum, where all their magic isn't vulgar? That is for sure the worst place to be with a Mage if not on good terms. "That said, I could've gone further, but I don't necessarily have any desire to go travelling halfway across the world for a drink," he admits, chuckling. "I am glad you like the place. I am curious what you are," he adds.

`Why not, when you travel as we did? Space is no issue.` Wulfra says. `But drink. What kind of drink? Where shall we sit? I do enjoy trying all the things... but what am I? Well, you seem to have quite the insight already, so it is surprising you do not have a clue... how about this, I will tell you if you show me that lovely map you used again.`

"I can do that," Merek offers then to Wulfra, while he takes his time to walk into the kitchen. He comes back with two drinks, both of them look to be Jack Rose, applejacks with some lime it seems, placing those down. "I tried to discern it, but you're still a mystery," he muses. He takes out an old scroll case, and pulls out one of his maps, placing it down, it's on black holographic paper with a lens of orange. He brings a hand over it, drawing the energies to turn it into the shimmer of what it was before. "It's normal maps, that I've made a few modifications too. You combine it with a little magic, and I can then use it to open the portals. Mundane, made perfected by magic. He pulls out another scroll, sliding it over the lens, this one seems an overview of Prospect, he switches between some other maps, different locales.

Wulfra sniffs at the drink, taking a big swig of it. `Oohhh... have not had this one before.` But then, he brings out the map, causing her to peruse over it closely. `An interesting way to represent it... how far have you traveled, then, up this 'tree'? You most likely could not decipher me because I am not truly a life form such as the creatures here are... nor am I of spirit ephemera... rather, I am of the lines interweaving the tellurian itself, you could say.`

Merek seems to think about that for a moment, "Interesting, if that is the case, then... Would you permit me to read into your being more... Properly?" he asks. The man stands up, and walks over to Wulfra with curiosity, but he gives her the room to give any permission, "You don't have to say yes, by the way. I'm not going to pry without permission."

Wulfra glances up at Merek, tilting her head and raising a brow. `Read into my being more closely... this is vague. What do you mean by this?`

"Well. If you are not a spirit, then I can look at what you are, and discern your primal makeup. The Prima Materia, that which was first, of which all is made. Which all beings have, no matter from where they are from," Merek mentions, smiling a bit.

Wulfra smiles a bit more. `Yes... that is more like it. Go ahead, then. I looked at your makeup, it is only fair....`

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Merek rolls Arete vs 5 for 3 successes. 1 +5 +9 +9 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Through the eyes of Prime sight, Wulfra is absolutely -glowing- with quintessence. Not just full of it, it's like she's a solid plutonium core of a nuclear energy plant. There is very strong Primal resonance to said energy... destructive, stained with darkness, hungry... but burning pure inside like an ever-changing like crackling flame.

Merek nods a little bit after examining Wulfra. He doesn't seem too surprised, "Interesting. It seems you're made out of pure energy of cretion and chaos, if I'm to judge by that... That would make you vastly ancient, it's the only way to accumulate that much naturally, you are definitely beyond mortal ken, that much is sure."

`Ancient? In some ways, yes... but in this life, not so much. Only a few centuries. And a very short portion of it here... I learn as much as I can.` She says, pounding back the rest of the drink. `Like how this tastes... feels in a human belly. It is nice, I love the way they burn.`

Merek nods a small bit to Wulfra, "There are other explanations, such as being born from the Tellurian's merging points itself. In any case... It is a nice drink. I'm afraid I'm not exotic like you are. I am just a man, simple as that seems," he offers, with a smile.

`That is a lie.` Wulfra says plainly. `I continue to find it amusing how your kind claim to be human, despite your nature. Do you miss being human, is that it?`

Merek seems amused at this, "I'm a Mage. Though I have an Awakened Soul, I am very much still human. It is only my soul that is different, in some ways," he mentions.

`The 'soul' is the true essence. Everything else clings to it. You could not do what you do if yours was like the others...` Wulfra mmms, standing up to stretch. `Thank you for having me over, but I should be going... if we meet again later, perhaps I can tell you more. Which way is out?`

Merek nods a bit to Wulfa, "The exit is over there," he motions to the front door, and makes his way to open it for her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, and perhaps you are right... Still." He then nods to the being, while he smiles.