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Latest revision as of 11:40, 27 July 2023

Humaning Lessons
Zed finds Arbor's shop, where she proceeds to gift him with some necessary items and knowledge
IC Date 2023.07.26
IC Time Afternoon
Players Arbor, Zed
Location Arbor's Antelier
Spheres Shifter

The only one in the shop right now is, well, its namesake! Garbed in her work outfit, she's sat behind a sewing machine as she works on hemming what looks to be a silky dress shirt together. Upon hearing the swing of the door, she glances over her shoulder, brushing one of her green-dyed bangs out of her eye... and smiles, seeing who it is. `Welcome, my dear... good to see you were able to find the place~`

Zed enters with a thermos, unremarkable save the streaks of pink and brown coming from the lid and metal straw. He stops just inside the threshold looking around the interior of the shop with his unsettling, unblinking gaze. "Is this one of your webs?" he asks in a soft, dispassionate tone.

Arbor stands, coming up to the counte rproper to lean over it, staring fully at Zed. `My webs? There's much web here, dear... both my own and that of my helpers. But my Sylie is around here too, if that's what you mean.`

Zed slowly shakes his head before taking a long drink from his thermos. "I did not....Perhaps I did." he says with a mechanical tilt of his head. "It is good to see you settled into the city.". He closes the distance from the door to the counter offering a crooked smile that presents too many teeth not to be a still awkward display.

Arbor's eyes glance over him, his clothing, his thermos, before settling back on his face. `A smile. Good. But as for settling into the city... thank you, but frankly, I'm more worried about you than me. That thermos you have... it's full of your liquified food, isn't it?`

Zed finally blinks, once. "Why? I am very capable of defending myself.". He regards his thermos, takes a drink before looking back at the Kumoti and nods. "Yes. It is my food. I am often hungry."

`I know you are. But your goal when amongst people, not hidden away in the idol's lair, is to not have to defend yourself. Blend in. Don't stand out at all. And right now...` Arbor stands up more fully, pulling up the counter entryway to walk out onto the floor next to him. `You stand out. Do you have issues with eating as humans do?`

Zed furrows his brow a little, the most emoting he has done so far. "Blend?" he pauses to examine an arm. "I find no flaws in my shape? Do I not appear perfectly human?" the gentle confusion is almost child like. "I do. My teacher believes it to be a side effect of my burden for the Mother-Queen. A degeneration due to my proximity to the Corrupter Wyrm and his pathetic followers." there is almost a snarl as the muted disgust is clear in his opinion of Wyrmish Ovid.

Arbor chuckles a bit, picking up that red-button-up dress shirt she just made and a tote bag. `You do appear human. But humans are very honed in to detect ones amongst them that are odd... a survival instinct, most likely developed due to things like us preying on them. So you need to be as -normal- as possible as well.` She unbottons the dress shirt, holding it up to him. `Mmm, a little bit big, but will be perfect as an overshirt. Slip it on over that tee... a t-shirt alone shows you do not care for your outfits very much, which can get you looks.`

Zed accepts the shirt and holds it up. He carefully examines it, brushing it against his face, smelling it, crumpling a sleeve to his ear all before he slips it on. "I should have more than one outfit then?"

`If you have Ovid friends you see regularly, yes, you should have more than one. And you need to keep them as clean as you can... though that's gonna be hard without living somehwere with a washing machine. Tell you what, when yous top by I'll throw them into the wash with mine.` She pulls open the empty, brown-black cloth bag, holding it up to him. `And put that thermos in here... it's very obvious there's something strange in it. Humans don't break down flesh, so they may see you as some sort of psychopathic serial killer. And... along those lines, don't drink from it when there's human eyes around.`

Zed squints, "Friends? There is a place I anticipate seeing the same Ovid.". You can tell by his quizzical expression that he is not following everything you are saying. "How do I acquire more outfits? Should I be hunting humans my size? I do not usually feed in the homes of my prey. But I can alter strategy.". He carefully runs his fingertips across the bag. "I am a killer though. We are all killers.".

Arbor raises a brow, before shaking her head. `No, you don't need to kill people for their clothes. I can provide those. But, yes, we are predators... but let me rephrase. You don't want THEM to THINK you are a killer. If they think you are a killer, they will stay away from you... just like if an insect knows your web is there, they will stay away from it. You must be clever and hide yourself well until it is time to make a move.` She hums, moving over to pile some more clothes from the miscellaneous rack up on the counter to pack into the bag. `You see... I do not have to break into homes. I do not even have to use force at all, they wander into my web on their own. It is efficient, and minimizes the chances of getting noticed.`

Zed just stares for a moment while he processes the advice. "Wise Kumoti. I am grateful for the advice.". He looks at his hand as he flexes his fingers, "I did not consider this form to be a threat. I am learning much about humanity from you. We must be subtle.". He watches her collect some outfits with interest. "Have you met any Ovid that were not humans yet? I am unfamiliar with the preferred pawns of the Kumoti.".

Arbor slips the folded clothing into the bag, then steps around one of the shelves, grabbing a bottle with a spray top to add as well. `This is perfume, you spray it on your clothes and you'll smell nice to the humans. People are attracted to those who smell nice, so it will help turn bad looks into goods looks.` She guides him in pulling the strap of the bag up around his shoulder such that it hangs by his waist, grinning. `Already looking muuuch better. Now! The illidaosaying of your question! Why yes... I have. Many wolves, many spirits, I have gotten into their good graces... lets me walk freely amongst them without scrutiny. Have you spied on any on your side?`

Zed sniffs at the perfume recoiling at first before taking a second whiff without a noticeable reaction. "Smell. I had not considered smell.". The Hatar takes a moment shifting back and forth to test the weight added by the bag. Once he seems satisfied with the addition he continues, "I have met two particularly loud Ovid. I believe they are fallen Wolves. I have also began compiling targets. There are many pockets of Weaver infestation. I believe these will be my primary prey until I can get their population under control. Perhaps you would join me on one of these hunts?".

`Smell is important! But mmm... fallen wolves. You should see how much rage the non-fallen have for them and the Wyrm. Even their normal conversations are filled with that single-minded combativeness... it's amusing.` Arbor says, moving back around the counter. `But Weaver, yes, we got a lot of work to do there. It's too bad we don't have a Tenere to help coordinate, but I would happily join you. I can repair any wounds you suffer in no time at all.`

Zed nods, "A Tenere would be appreciated. Let us see when the Mother-Queen sends us one. Until then I will seek to destroy what is overgrown.". He pauses when she transitions back around her counter, watching her movemengs carefully as one predator might regard another. "I have considered fabricating a special name to further avoid suspicion. Do you anticipate that I might run into your wolves? I mainly stay in parks. I like parks.".

`The deed or rite name, yes. I guess the fallen wolves have them too, then? I made one up to blend in... Spinner-of-Life. Pick something cool, they like cool.` Arbor says as she cleans up the colorful mess of fabrics laying over the machines. `I gotta close up the shop and go out and get dinner for now, but come grab me later and we can do some work trimming the Weaver nests. And remember... smell good, look nice, don't drink liquified flesh in front of people!`

Zed mouths the deed name before responding aloud, "They do. Noises mosty. Perhaps noise with meaning to the fallen. Cool. I will pick something...cool. I will study what you have taught me. Hunt well. I will seek you out soon." then without another word turns and leaves.