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Ananasa's Abandoned Idol
Arbor follows the hunch that brought her to prospect, finding another who happened to feel the same strange pull
IC Date 2023.07.04
IC Time Sunset
Players Arbor, Zed
Location Ananasi Hive
Spheres Shifter

Zed paces in the dark seemingly unbothered by it as he misses every chance to trip over crack or stone in the cave floor. He grips a metal canteen, covered in pink or brown streaks leaked down the side as he slurps from a metal straw. The Hatar robotically smacks his lips as he intermittenly stops to look straight up for no apparent reason.

At this time when the sun has near set, Arbor has ventured out into the desert... the first step of the way into the state park with her van, and then the rest on foot, making sure she's seen as nothing more than another hiker out in the middle of nowhere, alone... even if that's not her strong suit. Through both luck and unconscious guidance, she eventually finds the cave she's seen in her dreams. Walking up to its yawning maw, she glances into it, hesitating for only a moment before beginning to walk in. Flipping on an electric camping lantern to help with navigation, she walks in through the disorienting mass of mushrooms.

Zed turns slowly to face the new arrival stopping to take another unceremonious slurp from the stained canteen. He tilts his head while he considers her looking for something in the other that no one else would see. His head bobs, a species of nodding certainly. "Welcome. I had not expected others." he says in a low monotone. "I am Zed.".

Once Arbor makes her way through the mushroom maze... and starts to see the strange silken constructs... she also spots the sulking 'man' there in the dark. She's not startled, no, but she is -intriguied-, head slowly tilting as she lowers the lantern some. `Nor... did I. Did you see this place too? I am Arbor... Arbor Faye.`

Zed patiently waits for his peer to settle in the broken terrain. "I was called here, yes. I believe it to be sacred to our Mother-Queen." he pauses for a barely measurable twitch indicating her lightning bolts marks. "I offer no hostility sister." he says still having yet to blink.

Arbor takes a breath then steps forwards onto the white 'carpet' of webbing. Setting the lantern down on a trapped rock to give some ambient lighting, she regards Zed... then the place around her... with even more studying glances. `Yeah. No hostility. Sorry, just not been... out much since being set loose by the Triumvirate from my region. But man... this amount of web, must have been made over -years-. Done much exploring?`

Zed cocks his head over his shoulder without breaking his gaze from the Kumoti. "There is art and altar to Her in the next room. I have resolved to stay here and ensure it remains safe.". He is silent for a few awkward moments before the compulsion to clarify arrives. "For all Damhan. For Her.".

`Old abandoned altar to the Mother Queen... weird old cave with enough webwork for many spiders over many years... yeah, I think I'm starting to get the picture here. But... seems you don't get out much either, do you?` Arbor says, stepping carefully over the web more, crouching down to feel at it between her fingers.

Zed narrows his eyes a moment seeming perplexed. "I am often out. Merely new. Like you. The city." he points in the general direction of Prospect. "Many Ovid. I think she has many plans for all of us." An indifferent shrug before he continues, "But you are the first Damhan I have met.".

`She always has plans. How could she not? Best just to do what we're meant to do and take things as they come... and this is definitely a taking stock of the thing that has currently come moment.` Arbor says, standing back up to walk around more and peek down the different passageways. `Two things. You need to... blink more. No offense, but you aren't gonna blend in with just an I <3 shirt if you act right like someone right out of Shadow Over Innsmouth. Other thing... if you're guarding the cave, why are you standing here in human form?`

Zed flutters his eyes before muttering to himself, "Blink more.". Then addressing Arbor directly, "I was born of egg, not womb. Thank you for the advice.". He gestures at himself with his free hand before responding to her last question. "I am practicing being human. My Pithus spinning is done for the day." leaning toward the entrance to the nest again.

Arbor can't help but chuckle a bit. `Yeah, don't sweat it. Born from an egg... must have been an experience. If you need more help with practicing human things, just ask, cuz I had to grow up beinin people.` Then, at the gesturing and explanation, she nods. `Yeah, nevermind, that's a good idea. Is in there where this... relic is? Shall we go see it?`

Zed nods matter of factly, "I ate the most of my brood.". He takes a slow breath, muffled excitment from the spider born, "I will likely ask for a lot of help. I do not wish to alert the Ovid of my nature.". He fully turns where she gestures and paces forward without another word.

`Another reminder that we're metal as hell.` Arbor mutters as she follows Zed further into the cave. Seeing the other strange patterns of web all around, the Amari Aliquid can't help but be amused at the sheer variety of it all... but she's much, much more enthralled when they finally reach the old statue to the Mother Queen. She stands there, staring, for several long moments before breaking away to examine it closely... from the plants at the bottom of it to the artwork detailing itself. `This is... remarkable. What are these plants? What culture made this? Is there magic at play here? No wonder I saw this place so much... so much potential....`

Zed tilts his head at Arbor, "I'm not metal?". He looks to where she is looking obviously not able to appreciate what is before them with the same depth as the human born. " I do not know. There is magic. I spun my ceiling above the depiction of the Mother-Queen. I do not know where the other treasures came from. The mushrooms made me think of Kumoti. I believe in the city there is a kinfolk who knows our history in this place. Perhaps I am mistaken though.". He seems to realize something blurting out, "Summer is here.".

`Saying something is 'metal' means it's got traits similar to Heavy Metal, a genre of music that's all about intensity, often in violent or aggressive ways... though it can vary a lot.` Arbor explains, pulling a jar out of her bag and pulling off some of the glowing growth from the shrine to put in it. `And damn right it does... I'm taking a sample back to my shop to analyze it.` With that done, she looks back to Zed, nodding. `I've heard there's a kinfolk around... maybe it's the same one. Maybe there's multiple, just in hiding... since it seems the Damhain of this place are no more now. Either way, I'll start looking and luring, as usual... my own Sylie should be up soon enough, I got sidetracked dealing with human building difficulties. But hey, web's strong there, so....`

Zed nods, grateful for the tutelage he is receiving today. "I should study Ovid music more closely. I will examine the Metal first.". The Hatar watches the other, her movements and the way SHE is looking at the things. Occassionally he attempts to replicate a facial expression to horrifying effect. He attempts an emotionless, ear to ear smile before taking another sip from his canteen.

Arbor hums a little tune to herself as she begins to walk away from the shrine. She stops besides the Hatar, glancing over him closer. `Smile's too wide, that kind of face is what you make when you're in the middle of a big laughing fit...` she says, giving a sample smile and laugh before moving on again. `And what's in that can of yours? I don't know what kind of spider you are.`

Zed tries a variety of different smiles listening to the advice yet none of them flatter the Hatar. He takes a stab at laughing but it's uneven and awkward but not enough for him to notice it seems. "I do not know what Ovid call me in my birth form. I was not venomous before. I lived in a flower and wove great webs. After I ate my brothers and sisters. Perhaps that is why Mother sends me to eat spirits. I do not know what prey she wishes me to seek here." the last bit almost seems a little sad.

Arbor doesn't dig into him more for his lack of emoting ability for now, giving him an eyes-wide head tilt at his mention of his past. `Flower? Great webs? That sounds... very similar to me. If you show me, I might be able to give you the Ovid name. And, well...` she says, letting out a sigh. `Once I get my strands in place, I'm gonna start digging into things here. I wasn't named a Viskr for nothing... I'll find something that needs eating, I promise you.`

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Zed rolls Stamina + Primal Urge vs 6 for 1 successes. +8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Zed Hmmm's and upnods as he repeats, "Viskr.". Without further he collapses into a pile of thousands of Spotted Orb Weaver spiders slowly scattering from the greater mass. It is man painful minutes for the horde to slowly reform into human shape. That in of itself is a grotesque process as his facial features move, initially not in the correct order. Lumps move under his skin and patches of hair struggle to fill in. Once he is more or less homid he says, "I am Mallum."

Arbor watches carefully as Zed scatters into crawlerling, letting some of the swarm crawl onto her hand so she can get a better look. `Ohhh... yes.` She muses, waiting for him to reform to continue. `In Ovid taxonomical terms, we are in the same family as well... orb weavers. The great web makers. You are a spotted orb weaver, Neoscona crucifera I think... I'm a yellow black garden orb weaver, Argiope aurantia. And, yes, I am Amari Aliquid.`

Zed stretches his mouth as one of his last spider parts dashes across his tongue and melts into his gumline. "This is all good to know. You are possessed of much wisdom. Ah. Kumoti. Obvious. Of course." With a sweeping gesture, "This place seems to have your Aspect's touch. Most of all it appears. I hope my intent to spin my Sylie here does not offend.".

Arbor shakes her head. `You are just fulfilling your duty guarding the place. I'm not so blinded to our purpose to deny such a place as this should be, y'know, Symmetrical. A microcosm of what we're after... all of us.` Then, she steps down the web glob steps. `But I'm afraid our meeting will have to close for now due to timely human matters. We'll speak much soon... especially when I get my web up.`

Zed nods as he clearly has more to say abut it doesn't bother him to stifle it. "Travel safe sister. I look forward to our next meeting."