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03.20.23 A Suspicion of Taint
Caressa notifies Trey of a situation with Wyrm minions and gets Cleansed as a result.
IC Date 03.20.23
Players Caressa, Trey
Location EirsWay_Clinic
Spheres Bastet, Mage

Eirs Way Clinic - Office

The first thing you notice is that the lighting is softer here than in the waiting room. The next thing that may be noticed is the feeling of this being a safe place to talk about difficult things away from the prying eyes of the world beyond. Dark adjustable wood blinds cover the windows. They are rarely open all the way. At most the slats are tilted so one can see out but others can't see in. A large healthy ivy hangs above one window. Its vines trained along the upper sill before cascading down the wall to frame the windows. There are several options for seating: at the desk, the couch or the floor. This is a serene place, dim yet warm and relaxing. The potted plants have grown to shroud the walls in lush greenery. Care has been taken to keep the windows clear to let the sun in.


Trey enters, a cup of coffee in one hand from a nearby coffee place. He's still getting to full alertness, and his hair is still a little damp from his shower. When he knocks, it's gentle but firm enough to not sound accidental. "Caressa?"


Caressa would gave let the receptionist she was expecting someone and given her Trey's desc. "Let me know when he is here, then bump my next appointment half an hour." So there is a very minor weight till Caressa retrieves him back to her office, "Hey, thanks for coming."


Trey smiles at her and puts down the cup in a safe spot, then extends hands to her in greeting. "How are you? Is everything okay?" He smiles, hopeful that this is a happy occasion, but still showing a touch of concern.


Caressa smiles, shaking the hand. "So far, yes. But I'm in a bit of a pickle and thought you could help."


Trey ohs, and says, "Well, I'm certainly happy to help if I can -- please tell me Trent hasn't gotten into more issues with you again? I haven't heard a word from him since the last one."


Caressa shakes her head, "No, haven't run into him in weeks. So, please don't think I don't honor my patient's confidentiality. But when it comes to the supernatural that is complicated."


Trey ohhs and says, "Ah, it's going to be one of those." He sits down, making sure the door is completely closed, and takes a swallow from his coffee, eyes suddenly alert and focused. The look of a predator finding prey, perhaps. "I understand that when it comes to people -- just plain people -- you're going to uphold that code completely. When you consider the delicate dance of the preternatural in the world, sometimes those codes... can't apply."


Caressa nods, "Exactly. Now someone came into my practice with all proper referrals and everything. I had an appointment with them and took time to think it over. Given their nature, I think you are better equipped than I, or will know those who can keep an eye on them."


Trey draws in a breath and then goes still for a moment. He has a pretty good idea of what that means. "Asura," he says quietly. "What we call the Corruptor. Yes?" Another pause. "I am telling you a little more than I should, but the Bastet are Gaia's Eyes. We watch, we learn. It's literally our job, spiritually. If this person needs watching, and information passed along to the warriors..." he nods slowly. "Go on, let's hear it all."


Caressa nods, "Asura." She mutters cementing the information into memory, "If it is the same corrupter that the wolves call...wyrm, then yes." she reaches for her own glass of water, taking a sip, "That big guy from Witches', Rip...I need him.. scared off. I'm going to send him to another doctor, but i don't want him to feel comfortable around, in Steamed and Hammered or any other place if mine. I also can't let onto him that I know his soul. Moving him to another doctor now is just good timing, my maternity leave starts today so..." She trails off.


"Yes. Asura is the Wyrm," he confirms. "The Wyrm had a role, once, in balancing all that was. Destruction as the other side of creation. But he went mad over time and became corrupt." Trey explains this, knowing she already has a lot of this knowledge, but it needs, deserves, to be stated outright. "You absolutely need him away from you right now. Have you done any sort of spiritual cleansing on yourself since you met with him?" He's very serious, now. "If you have not, and want aid in that, I can do a simple cleansing rite on you that would take away lingering taint. It can harm a child in utero, is why I ask. Taint from the Wyrm can... do a lot of horrifying things. This late into a pregnancy, you're *probably* safe, but I don't think 'probably' would be enough for my comfort, and I would guess, yours either." Trey exhales slowly. "Mages are subtle. Bastet are, as well. My suggestion would be to add a subtle repulsion effect on any place you consider yours that will make it an uncomfortable place for anyone who bears Wyrm Taint. I believe you would need body magics, but also spiritual ones, maybe also workings of the mind, combined to do that properly, but... I'm speaking entirely in theory here."


Caressa listens, nodding. The confirmation that she's called the right person is comforting, "No, I have done no cleansing. I thought that only needed doing if he used his... gifts? ... on me? I was violated by one a few years ago and the memory is vivid." She ponders, "I'd have to shut everywhere down for a day and night, to do the warding, but i can do that. hmm and yes and cleansing you can give, I'll be in your debt for."


Trey shakes his head. "He discussed things in depth with you. The Wyrm can be insidious. Even words can help it find a place inside our fears or our rages." He reaches over, and touches her hand lightly. "You owe me nothing for cleansing. You're my friend. We've only met recently, but I consider you a friend. It won't take much more than ten, fifteen minutes to do if you want now. And if I do it here, it will cleanse the office, as well. It's perhaps overkill, but... there's no such thing when it comes to taint." His nod is firm as he says, "You can always do it on a slow day and come back the next day with a new coat of paint or something on the walls. Work magic into the paint, something like that. That way nobody questions." He takes another swallow of his coffee. "Do you have moon water as part of your practice? If not, I can just use distilled, or spring water out of a bottle I have on me. I keep a few small willow branches on hand just for this. Cleansing becomes a pretty regular thing when you're living in the modern world." He draws in a long breath, and then says, "I'm going to ask you to accidentally leave his file open on your desk before I leave. I want his data, and I won't ask you to give it to me directly so you can deny you did, honestly. I'm going to take a look into this myself... because if he's what Trey says, I think he's linked to someone else I've met."


Caressa nods. "Now is good, yes." She taps a finger on a manilla envelop that's under her hand. "He has a boyfriend he was with, i remember everything. I don't know his name though, but there is a sketch in the file (of Josh). Oh, and Trey, he has a son." And she is scared for the boy.


Trey winces softly. "They usually do. They breed and..." He stops. She doesn't need to hear the details. He opens the envelope, and spreads the papers across the desk, photographing each in turn with his phone. "I can arrange an anonymous wellness check from Child Protective Services, or at least get that ball rolling. I'm intending to verify what I can, get more info, and then pass the dossier in its whole on to... specialized people." He half-smiles with that, but it's not a nice smile. He opens his pack and draws out a mailer tube, one too big for the pack to hold, and fishes a willow branch out of the tube. Then he brings out a metal bottle, probably with water. "I should do the entry room, too, for the safety of your clients. You see people in delicate situations, and that's where the Wyrm breeds its corruption. Places of healing must always be clean."
You lose one Willpower
You lose one Gnosis
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Trey rolls Charisma(2) + Rituals(4) + 2 (8 dice) vs 7 for 1 successes.
1 1 3 5 6 +7 9 10


Caressa blinks, "oh! Moon water... no, don't keep any here. Spring water in the fridge though." a motion to a mini fridge. " Yes, lobby too please, everything.”


Trey nods and goes to the fridge, getting some of the spring water from there and putting the metal bottle back in his bag. He puts the papers back into the envelope for her exactly how they were, neatly, and hands it back. "All you need to do is relax, or meditate. You may want to close your eyes so I don't get water in them. You'll just be sprinkled with a bit of it. Keep your thoughts serene. You should feel as if there is a cool clean breeze surrounding you as it works. If you were heavily tainted, it would be uncomfortable, but a casual contact like this won't be." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Caressa rolls Stamina + Meditation vs 8 for 1 successes.
1 3 4 5 7 +8 8


Caressa gets comfortable in her chair, closes her eyes, and her hands rest casually on her lap under her belly. In a matter of heartbeat she is focused on the meditation, she might actually be asleep. So quiet and still, and calm.


Trey pours the water into a clean ceramic bowl, and dips the branch's leafy end into it. He holds the bowl cupped in one palm, and the other shakes the branch lightly as he walks the perimeter of the room, widdershins, and lets out low yowling sounds, somewhere between yells and growls meant to scare away the enemy, along with shaking droplets of water on Caressa and the room. The air starts to feel fresher and cleaner as he works, and the sense of weight of this situation grows a bit lighter on her mind. Even just living from day to day imparts some Wyrm taint, and until it's removed, it's hard to notice, even for a Mystic. It only takes him about ten minutes or so, but when it's done, the branch is wilted, and the room feels lighter. He says, quietly, "It's done. Unless you'd rather I didn't, I'm going to tell your receptionist I'm a shaman here to work a cleansing ritual on your waiting room. You have a holistic practice, that shouldn't seem odd to her, right? Plus, it's all true. I *am* a shaman."


Caressa smiles as her eyes slid open, looking a little more rested too. "Becca us a sorcerer too. She's loyal to me. So is my attending here, Doctor Aaron. They won't bat an eye at the idea."


Trey ahhs. "Perfect, then is she's a practitioner as well, I'll have her stay and cleanse her too." He chuckles and notes, "You look better, too. The shadow is out of your gaze. I'm glad I could help." And with that, he moves to the entry room, speaking quietly to Becca and explaining the process, and then repeating the ritual, fresh willow branch and all. You lose one Gnosis You lose one Willpower <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Trey rolls Charisma(2) + Rituals(4) + 2 (8 dice) vs 7 for 2 successes.
1 3 3 4 6 +8 +8 9


When Trey returns to her office, he looks a little tired, but he drains the rest of his coffee and says, "I think I need to go meditate, myself, because it takes a little out of me." He grins at her and says, "Now you can go on your leave without anything to worry about."


Caressa follows him out, watching, but also going over to Becca after. "How about we just take the rest if the day off. Move who you can to zoom, the others to later in the week, yes? Good." Caressa nods to Trey, "Thank you, so much. If you need anything, let me know."


Trey says, “I will, but until then? You rest and take care of yourself and the little one." A pause. "And keep me apprised of anything else that happens. Please." He offers her a gentle hug if she wants it, and smiles. "Mother Nala smile on you and your family.”


Caressa takes and gives the hug, "And on you." at least it seems an appropriate reply. "I will keep you updated, yes."