Difference between revisions of "Madison/Contacts"

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* [[Amelie| Keeper - Amelie]] - We have only just met. Very Helpful.
* [[Amelie| Keeper - Amelie]] - We have only just met. Very Helpful.
* [[Calevaro| Tremere - Calevaro]] - We have only just met
* [[Aubrey| Primogen - Aubrey]] - An interesting Lady to watch and get to know.
* [[Wade| Primogen - Wade]] - A Brother, Perhaps a friend too, Wise.
* [[Bard| Brujah - Bard]] - Sad to see you go, but I understand heartbreak
* [[Belina| Primogen - Belina]] -  Be the Primogen the Brujah need.
* [[Caelan| Friend - Caelan]] -  You helped to teach my heart to beat again.
* [[Calevaro| Tremere - Calevaro]] - I can not be what you wish me to be.
* [[Cedric| Friend - Cedric]] - For a long time you have been there for me, now it is my turn to be here for you. Another Gone to soon.
* [[Devin| Primogen - Devin]] - For A Tremere He does not know much about his own, an interesting one to get to know though
* [[Finn Rendolli| Brujah - Finn]] -
* [[Kait| Brujah - Kait]] -
* [[Mahmoud| Ishtarri - Mahmoud]] - There is so much to learn that I know I have only scratched the surface.
* [[Merry| Brujah - Merry]] - I don't know why you did what you did, maybe we will meet again some day.
* [[Raul| Primogen - Raul]] - Gone to soon
* [[Wade| Primogen - Wade]] - A Brother, Perhaps a friend too, Wise. Gone in the Night..

Latest revision as of 21:20, 26 July 2022
