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Latest revision as of 05:29, 15 June 2022

What's up with Six?
Jackie and Reno discuss the Six's situation.
IC Date June 14, 2022.
IC Time Midday.
Players Jackie, Reno
Location Stonecreek
Spheres Garou

6/14/2022 18:05:21 Not exactly silent, but not barrelling around like a freight train, Moves LIke Quicksilver comes out of the woods. He pauses to look around and sniff at the air before making his way towards Leif's cabin.

6/14/2022 18:08:04 Jackie looks up from where she's using a bucket and a sponge to clean a thick layer of dirt and tree pollen off of her car, then waves the hand holding the sponge in greeting. "He's out somewhere, I'm not sure where."

6/14/2022 18:09:52 Quicksilver stops and his ears perk up. He turns his attention over towards Jackie and starts talking.
6/14/2022 18:10:01 Quicksilver says something in a foreign language.

6/14/2022 18:13:37 Jackie stares at him dumbfounded for a moment, then stands up and drops the sponge into the bucket with a splash. "Sorry, what?"

6/14/2022 18:17:00 Quicksilver huffs. He starts to walk over, shifting into human form in about a step and a half. "I asked if Becks was gone too." He tilts his head, "You need to learn to at least understand the wolf and garou languages."

6/14/2022 18:20:54 Jackie sets the bucket down. "I haven't seen her for a while either, sorry. And I do? Bac- well, nevermind that. Do the kinfolk all learn that around here?"

6/14/2022 18:23:20 Reno folds his hands into the sleeves of his robe. He nods, "It would make communications easier at times, yes." He sighs a bit, "Guess I wasted the trip out then."

6/14/2022 18:25:40 Jackie chews her lower lip for a few seconds, considering the language issue before looking back up to him. "I don't suppose whatever you needed is anything I might be able to help with?"

6/14/2022 18:27:04 Reno hmms, "Leif was going to help me do some training." He smiles faintly. "Becks is my big sister, it's always good to see her."

6/14/2022 18:30:26 Jackie laughs and shrugs. "Yeah, I'm not going to be much help with either of those, sorry. How have you been though? I've barely seen you for the last week."

6/14/2022 18:34:21 Reno takes a deep breath. "I've been at the Caern." He says. "Same place you met with me and Six." He moves over and takes a seat, folding his hands in his lap. "I don't get out much, except to do my duties and studies. Rest of the time, I'm taking care of her."

6/14/2022 18:36:26 Reno adds, "Or I've been to the kinfolk house to visit Torey. That pretty much fills my days."

6/14/2022 18:36:35 Jackie nods, glancing off in the direction of the Caern. "Oh, right. Mira said she ran into you and Six out there. I guess you two are hitting it off pretty well? Mira thought the two of you were... already a solid couple."

6/14/2022 18:39:37 Reno tilts his head, then shakes it, "No, that was Torey. We were out stargazing at the Circle. That's who Mira saw with me." He laughs, "Six and I, yes. Torey is my best friend, nothing more." He looks down and smooths out his robe. "I did't realize I was such juicy gossip."

6/14/2022 18:43:42 Jackie looks chagrined. "Oh yeah, that's right. I got it mixed up, because of what I saw. Although when I first got here and was talking to you I also thought, well, at least that you were into Torey. Sorry, not trying to be a gossip, but... Well, knowing who's dating who can help avoid saying the wrong thing or stepping on someone's toes."

6/14/2022 18:48:04 Reno makes a dismissing gesture, "Torey and I are very close, but there is nothing romantic there." He smirks a little, "It wasn't till after you saw me and Six that we started dating. But till then, no ... there was no romantic interest for me. But, if I may, please keep what I tell you to yourself? Enough of my business is gossip and it grows tiresome."

6/14/2022 18:52:58 Jackie makes a mouth zipping gesture. "Sure, of course! I'm not trying to feed a rumor mill or anything, just hoping to keep things straight in my head. But, uh, people are going to figure that out for themselves if you keep cuddling in the Caern like last week. How is she, anyway? Is she still... sick?"

6/14/2022 18:55:47 Reno grins a little, "We spend most of our time together, yes. We're not exactly hiding it, nor are we flaunting it." His expression darkens a bit, "Yes, she is." He closes his eyes, "We are working through it. But it's a day by day thing. Some days better than others."

6/14/2022 18:57:32 Jackie looks vicariously uncomfortable. "That does not sounds fun, at all. Is that why you've been up there most of the time, to help her out?"

6/14/2022 19:00:08 Reno nods a little, "She was doing well and suffered a severe setback. Chases-the-Wind'rhya is doing all he can to help her." He shakes his head, "It is not fun, it's been a rough row to hoe. But when I'm not doing my duties and studies, yes, all my time is with her. Nobody else seems to care about her."

6/14/2022 19:03:15 Jackie looks away a slight frown creasing her brow. "Well, I'm not sure I'd say nobody else cares, but... She did make a pretty hard effort to be off-putting when she arrived and just wanted to leave. I hope you're not mad at people for giving her the distance she asked for."

6/14/2022 19:08:26 Reno arches a brow, "You knew where she was, and that she was sick, have you made any effort to check on her?" It's not accusatory, but curious. "Yes, she keeps people at a distance, she had her reasons for that." He shrugs a shoulder, "Why would I be mad? We're Stargazers, most of the Nation shuns our tribe. Why would I be mad? I feel a sadness, that people know one of our own is sick, and yet ignore them like a stray."

6/14/2022 19:15:10 Jackie looks back, only slightly guiltily. "Oh, that's not fair either. Bryan is helping with that ritual, isn't he?"

6/14/2022 19:16:43 Reno nods, "He's helping as best he can, yes. It's also his job." He looks at Jackie, "What's not fair?"

6/14/2022 19:19:34 Jackie struggles to find an answer to that, her shoulders tensing in frustration. "To say that we're ignoring her like that. I'm not trying to shun anyone, you or her!"

6/14/2022 19:24:11 Reno holds his hands, palms up in front of him. "What would you call it? I am simply stating what is." He's not being accusatory at all. "No, you have not shunned me, you seem to enjoy my company." He shrugs a shoulder, "My intent was not to make you feel uncomfortable. I'm just tired. This ordeal is taking all my strength to stay focused. My nerves are just a little raw."

6/14/2022 19:26:48 Jackie lets out a breath, letting her tension drop a few notches. "Yes, of course, that can't be easy. Is there anything I can help with in the meantime, for either of you? Even just a coffee and donut run, or something?"

6/14/2022 19:32:08 Reno thinks for a moment. "She might like some doughnuts." He makes a curious face, "She's in pretty bad shape, having someone else to talk to might not be a bad thing. She could use friends." He nods at that. "For me, it's just a matter of keeping the Beast at bay." He looks up at the sky, "It's not the time for strong emotions. I have people who help watch over me." He bows his head, "Thank you for the offer."

6/14/2022 19:35:57 Jackie follows his gaze, thinking about last night's moon. "No problem. Coffee, donuts, and I can hang out for a bit at the Caern for a bit if she's accepting visitors. Should I bring anything else out with me?"

6/14/2022 19:39:39 Reno clears his throat, "It may be more that she's refusing to have anyone around her, including me." He thinks a moment, "I would come, prepared that she might be rude, or she may just not acknowledge you're there." He purses his lips, expression contemplative, "The truth of the matter, she's under suicide watch. That's how bad things have gotten. So it's going to take some effort to get her to participate in any conversation. It could just be you sitting there talking to her."

6/14/2022 19:45:00 Jackie's eyes widen, then she facepalms. "Of course, I should have realized before... Goddammit. All right, I'll be out there tonight with some food."

6/14/2022 19:47:45 Reno gets a curious look on his face, "Realized, what?" He nods, "As I said, she may push you away, or just may not acknowledge you." He licks his lips, "She's not in the camp, she's in the village, in the Hobbit Hole."

6/14/2022 19:53:50 Jackie waves an arm off towards the Caern's direction. "The watch thing. With nobody leaving her alone, and her problems... I should have recognized what that all meant. But apparently I can only put two and two together in hindsight. Or maybe it's three and three in this case, because- nevermind. But we'll see how it goes. Maybe she won't be able to resist the smell of the donuts? Or the coffee will do the trick?"

6/14/2022 19:57:39 "You can but try." Reno says. "She's quit taking her medicine, so the detox is getting rough." He thinks a moment, "Just don't go in there making a big production of things. Try to keep it low key. I would hope coffee and doughnuts would cheer her up. The night she had her setback, I'd brought her ice cream, as a suprise. I ended up giving it to the kids in the village before it went bad."

6/14/2022 20:04:37 Jackie nods, looking thoughtful. "Ok, I think I have a plan. We'll see how it goes. But wait, why isn't she taking the medicine?"

6/14/2022 20:09:08 Reno tilts his head, "What's the plan?" He asks curiously. "She's given up all hope and desire to live." He really doesn't look happy at that, not at all. "She's just laying there waiting to waste away." Reno closes his eyes. He takes a deep breath. "When I said it was bad, it's fucking horrible."

6/14/2022 20:11:18 Jackie winces at that, obviously unsettled. "Well, I was just going to bring enough for both of us, and then some in case anyone else is around. Then I was just going to put it where she can get some if she wants while I have mine. Like a low pressure scenario."

6/14/2022 20:15:59 Reno nods a little, "Sounds like a plan. Pushing her is only going to make her mad." He smirks, "And she bites." He laughs a bit at that. "Having someone other than myself and Bryan, may show her that we're not the only ones who care. I believe that would go a long way to helping her."

6/14/2022 20:21:44 Jackie's eyes flicker to Reno for an instant at the comment about biting, then she looks away quickly. "Sure, can't hurt, right? It wouldn't hurt to have someone else taking watch shifts, right?"

6/14/2022 20:24:38 <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
6/14/2022 20:24:38 Reno rolls Perception + Empathy vs 6 for 0 successes.
6/14/2022 20:24:38 1 2 4 5 6
6/14/2022 20:24:38 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

6/14/2022 20:26:17 <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
6/14/2022 20:26:17 Jackie rolls Manipulation(2) (2 dice) vs 6 for 1 successes.
6/14/2022 20:26:17 5 +10
6/14/2022 20:26:17 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

6/14/2022 20:30:18 Reno arches a brow at Jackie curiously. Whatever it was, is lost on him. "It can't, now. Just remember, wear your thick skin." He rises, "Speaking of which, I have some other errands to attend to." He bows his head, "It's been a pleasure catching up with you." He looks back toward Leif and Becks' cabin, "Let them know I stopped by, please?"

6/14/2022 20:31:46 Jackie nods quickly, looking at the cabin. "Yes, of course. Want me to leave a note when I go get the snacks?"

6/14/2022 20:32:49 Standing up from one of the benches is Reno. He folds his hands into his sleeves again. He's talking to Jackie. With a shake of his head, "No, just let them know I stopped by. It wasn't overly important."

6/14/2022 20:37:07 Jackie gives him a thumbs' up. "Sure thing. And let me know if anything changes, or comes up?"

6/14/2022 20:40:27 Reno nods, "I'll be back by, or just come to the Caern." He turns, but pauses and turns back, "Keep this quiet? A little discretion please. I don't want people looking at her any lesser than they already do." He sniffs a bit, "She has been through more than most could handle. She doesn't deserve anyone's pity. Despite her current state, she is a very strong woman."

6/14/2022 20:45:59 Jackie looks back towards her car and the water bucket. "Yeah, sure, of course. Maybe I'll see you over there?"

6/14/2022 20:47:03 Reno bows his head, "Most likely, yes." He says and within two steps is a wolf again, tail drooping as he makes his way into the woods.

6/14/2022 20:48:16 Jackie turns to watch him go, then moves to finish wiping off the car before heading out herself. [[Category:Jackie]