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Milkshakes and Weapons Talk
Jackie and Erin talk about gear over milkshakes.
IC Date June 1, 2022
IC Time Dinnertime.
Players Jackie, Erin
Location Smoke And Barley

6/1/2022 16:23:37 Erin is sitting at one of the tables with her cat the weirdo. Though the cat is not eating just laying there. Erin is eating some wings and nachos.

6/1/2022 16:24:04 Jackie comes in, glancing around the place and then waving to Erin once spotted. "Heya, Erin. How's it going?"

6/1/2022 16:25:22 Erin looks over to Jackie and smile "Sup. Going good, come have some food I think I got too much" she smirks "How s it going?"

6/1/2022 16:28:25 Jackie walks over and joins Erin at her table, sliding into a chair. She grins at the pile of food. "Yeah, no kidding. The portions here are kind of ridiculous. Must be meant for the big guys, or something. I don't know how they can pack it away. As good as it is here, I'm gonna have to take a break at some point. If I eat here every day I won't fit into my car."

6/1/2022 16:30:36 Erin laughs softly "Yeah, though they work out a lot with the shifting takes a lot of calories as well as all the patrolling and shit so.. " she tilts her head "Have you gone for walks and stuff" she takes a wing.

6/1/2022 16:33:59 Jackie nods, tilting her head slightly to the side as she does. "Well, yeah, some. I was getting in some steps in the valley today. Doesn't actually show on my tracker though, since I didn't have it at the tine. Still though, I'd have to run across the state every morning to cover all of this every day. It is good though..."

6/1/2022 16:35:48 Erin hmms "yeah I guess so but it's so yummy" she smiles and looks thoughtful at you "So everything going good for you. I am pretty happy for you and the projects you have coming"

6/1/2022 16:41:32 Jackie smiles at her, brightening at the thought of the projects. "Yeah, thanks! It's actually kinda crazy, how fast things are happening. I'm almost afraid I'm going to wake up some morning back East and find out all of this was just a really long dream or something. I mean, not really, but it does almost seem to be too good to be true sometimes."

6/1/2022 16:44:28 Looking a little quiet and thoughtful before she shakes her head to snap out of it. She smiles "Yeah I know, but it's all real want me to pinch you to see if you wake up?" she offers and starts to reach as if she might pinch you.

6/1/2022 16:48:06 Jackie chuckles at Erin. "You know, I almost made that joke. As far as I know though, pinching doesn't actually have any magic powers."

6/1/2022 16:50:03 Erin giggles "Are you sure?" she eyes you suspiciously before she smiles "Well it depends on how hard that pinch is and if your asleep or awake" she winks.

6/1/2022 16:50:03 The waitress returns with a milkshake and she yays "Thanks" she tells her before looking to Jackie "Do you want anything to drink?"

6/1/2022 16:59:23 Jackie laughs back. "Actually, no. I just learned there's all sorts of magic tricks I don't understand, maybe pinch magic is one of them. It's a weird world out there. Oh, uh, I was just going to get a water, but now that I've seen that... Yeah, could you bring me one of those milkshakes?"

6/1/2022 17:02:13 Erin smiles "Girl me too, so much stuff it's mind blowing.... As I learn I was like holy shit they can do what?!" she nodsnods "They make the best ones here.. I got a strawberry one, but they have like every flavor" she guestures to the milkshake then jumps back to another topic "So i'm guessing you didn't really deal with sorcerers where you are from?"

6/1/2022 17:07:22 Jackie watches the waitress head back to the kitchen, now hungrily anticipating the beverage. She shakes it off to answer Erin. "No, not really. There were some around, of course. Maybe not as many as here, but either way I didn't have much reason to talk to them. The ones that worked with the packs were kept pretty with important business, I think. Maybe it would have been different if I had had the talent myself, but... I went a different way."

6/1/2022 17:17:00 Erin looks thoughtful and nods slowly "Yeah we all tend to go different ways" she smiles "Well I think your pretty darn talented" she nodsnods.

6/1/2022 17:20:57 Jackie waves her away bashfully. "Very nice of you to say, but I haven't even gotten much chance to show off yet. Just wait until I have something serious to brag about. You'll probably get tired of hearing about it."

6/1/2022 17:21:55 Erin giggles softly "Nah, I'm a little jelly that they came to you to help but I get it" she smiles "I think you will do fine and I can't wait to hear all about it.. And if I can help in any way just ask" she nodsnods.

6/1/2022 17:28:46 Jackie shifts in her seat a bit, taking a deep pull from the straw of her milkshake when it arrives and then leaning back. "I'm not sure how much was them coming to me, I kind of interjected myself into some things. That didn't exactly make everyone happy. But it looks like it might be working out for the best now, so that's good."

6/1/2022 17:33:35 Erin looks thoughtful then nods 'Yeah that's usually how it starts.. Do you know how to defend yourself?" she asks curiously.

6/1/2022 17:38:02 Jackie smiles wryly into her milkshake as she swallows another cold pull from it. "That may depend entirely on who you ask. By my family's measure, I'd be considered not good enough. By most people's standards though, I'd probably be considered pretty decent. Enough that I'm not worried about any rando trying to mug me on my way to my car. Fighting monsters? Not so much."

6/1/2022 17:40:24 Erin nods "Well it's not our job to really fight the monsters, though some of us can just well from a distance" she looks thoughtful then considers "I can't offer hand to hand but I can offer to teach you the bow and arrow if you want to learn. I know it seems lame but you know not many people would expect them.. And with Brandon and his awesome stuff he can make.. He can make you and awesome one" she nodsnods.

6/1/2022 17:42:52 Jackie tilts her head thoughtfully, also waiting to drink to avoid brain freeze. "I saw someone using one the other night and I was thinking about it, but then I thought maybe throwing knives might be better? I've got a decent arm, and knives are a lot easier to carry around than a bow and quiver."

6/1/2022 17:46:25 Erin nods "Well true, but Brandon can do shit and make you something that can shrink it.. Like have you seen Leif's fucking huge axe?" she smiles "But it something.. I don't know who in the sept does throwing knives" she looks thoughtful.

6/1/2022 17:56:25 Jackie shakes her head. "I heard about the axe, but I haven't seen it. Maybe because it was shrunk?"

6/1/2022 17:57:13 Erin nods "probably.. Just ask him.. Leif would be more than happy to show it to you. I guess it's something you have to see to believe right? Hmm Leif has a lot of things in his pocket"

6/1/2022 18:01:55 Jackie grins at Erin as a thought occurs to her. "I hope the magic doesn't get all dispelled at once or anything. Imagine hundreds of pounds of shrunken stuff just exploding from your pockets like a geyser."

6/1/2022 18:02:40 Erin giggles "Oh that would be bad, but rather funny to see" she smiles.

6/1/2022 18:04:25 Jackie giggles back. "Probably not as funny to Leif, I'm sure. But ok, after the car is done, I'll look into what might be options for other cool stuff. I don't want to ask for too much at once, especially stuff I don't really need that much."

6/1/2022 18:07:40 Erin nods slowly as she looks thoughtful "There are lots of cool stuff.. I think" she looks thoughtful "Brandon even knows how to make a returning Knife, maybe if you want to learn to throw those you can see if he can make you one.. I am sure he would totally make you some " she looks thoughtful "I think maybe Journey might even have some, or had.. " she hmms "Fuck I forget so many people have shit around here" she shrugs.

6/1/2022 18:11:35 Jackie finishes her milkshake and leans back with a contented sigh. "Sounds neat, but no rush, right? I mean, I've only been here a little over a week. It's probably fair to prove I can be a good help before asking for all kinds of toys."

6/1/2022 18:13:41 Erin nods "Well not saying ask for the toys, but maybe ask for the help to learn if that's what you want to do" she nodsnods "But right no rush" she smiles as she takes her wing apart and dips the chicken into her shake before she eats it.

6/1/2022 18:16:15 Jackie laughs softly at her chicken wing maneuver. "Ok, now that is mad science, right there."

6/1/2022 18:20:00 Erin blushes "It's yummy" she giggles softly "There is something about the taste of them togeher" she shrugs "Sounds yummy" nodsnods "So anything interesting going on besides all the cool projects you been getting into?" she grins (re)

6/1/2022 18:23:08 Jackie shrugs nonchalantly but with humored grin she can't conceal. "You mean besides moving cross country, meeting a whole new group of people in a whole new city, and everything involved with that? No, other than that stuff, it's been a boring week."

6/1/2022 18:26:03 Erin laughs and hmms "So what happened exactly that you need a suit up car from Brandon? I mean like details, i'm like curious don't you know? and I been trying to be so good but...." she looks at you and gives you the puppy eye.

6/1/2022 18:29:15 Jackie turns slightly red, putting her hands back onto the table. "Oh, it wasn't anything super serious, but I did go out and help out a team by driving them somewhere. So I was kind of nearby when the fighting happened. Not in the line of fire or anything, just close enough to hear. So the idea is just to have a better and safer vehicle for that sort of thing."

6/1/2022 18:34:10 Erin ahs and nodsnods "Definitely something to do, we are kinda squishy against the scary shit" she nodsnods "Who all went in?"

6/1/2022 18:38:23 Jackie scowls slightly as she tries to remember the details. "Leif was there, along with some Ratkin, and some other Kinfolk. One of them was the one with the bow."

6/1/2022 18:45:19 Erin tilts her head "bow.. oh who has a bow?" she looks thoughtful "Well that sounds like it was interesting"

6/1/2022 18:47:59 Jackie holds her hands palm up in an apologetic shrug. "I actually don't remember her name, we never really got introduced. I just know she was shooting arrows. Then me and Six got sent back early."