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The Fleshgolem Bane
Steinar happens upon a Bane that has been hunting Frigg
IC Date 09/27/2021
IC Time Yes
Players Steinar, Frigg as ST and Minor Participant
Location Ben and Friggs Farm

Smoke is seen in the distance rising from the old Reilly farm. It wafts upward above the trees as if they have a good fire going on upon their property today. Also smells like charred steak. They only had like four cows left on the farm, so it's surprising they might cook one more to feed the wolf herd.

There is no sight of Steinar, really. And while he definitively is in the area, he is not seen. But, as always, there is a reason for such things. And in this case? The reason is Spiritual. As the Pack is busy reforming under Wild Raven, attaining new members, the Godi of the Pack is spending more time that normal in the Spirit, spending time with Wild Ravens chosen envoy for the Pack. Building that trust that is needed for the future. There is also that added danger that he lives for, spending time in the Umbra during the day. When the spirits are restless, when the light of Lune does not shine upon the landscape. But reaching this area, Steinar finally decides to rejoin the Physical Realm. He steps through, at this point, near the farmhouse, taking a deep breath from the air here.

There is a vehicle of a small RV shaped white van down the road from the farmhouse, and parked along the grassy edge of the dirt road. But more importantly, is the cow on fire in the middle of the corn field that recently got plowed short. It's on a metal spike on the ground and roasting as if someone shoved it there. Another cow twenty feet in the field lays dead. And another is moooooing at the edge of the forest, bleeding and hurt. The fourth cow, isn't even seen.

Jack Jack the mean llama comes running out of the barn with the doors wide open and is followed by two chickens. Chaos.

Svala comes out of the farmhouse, and runs down the front steps as if fleeing something within the house itself. She goes running across the mowed corn field as if wanting to take coverage in the forest.

Steinar takes a few moments to take stock of the situation. Burning cow. Bleeding cow. Ffearful Llama and chaotic chickens (Heresy!). Also, a running Svala. And that is the one he goes for, because at least she can give him some information. So, he turns to start moving towards her, seeking to intercept her with the aim of stopping her with one arm. He could just call out for her, but she might be panicked and he needs to know whats what. So, this is the approach, as he goes, "Svala. What goes on here!" he demands.

Svala taken up by his one arm at the last second and she is breathing fairly hard. Her blue eyes meet his and she is quite panicked as if she saw something maybe she shouldn't have. He'll notice a burn mark up along her right arm that looks red and recent. "Something's in the house!" She grabs ahold of his shoulder, "There's others inside. We were..." she pants for breath. "We were baking in the kitchen. Frigg was working with her tools upstairs. We all heard this roar coming from the road, and then this THING started coming up on the property."

The burnt smell of cow assaults her nose and she winces. "Steinar, .. it's in the house."

She may be injured, but she does not look to be at risk of her life. So, Steinar gives a nod to this and puts her down, "Go get a weapon or something, if you can. But try to stay back. If you have to defend yourself, make it count." he tells her, "Provided it is my fate to survive this day, I will come back and tend to your wound." he then looks to the house. He reaches up and pulls his Fang Dagger from around his neck, before he begins to move for the house at a jog; just in case something comes at him from the side or something. It always pays to stay alert.

Svala nods back to him as she hears his advice. It doesn't look like she plans to stick around in the opening of the field, but she isn't thinking clearly. If he lets her go, she'll take off for the barn to hide or find something to fight with.

The burnt dead cow continues to waft up charred smoke and he can hear Svala's running foosteps finally disappear as she gets the barn door open.

When he gets to the farmhouse, he won't hear any kinfolk inside. It's .. quiet? Eerily quiet. But as he gets to the steps up to the front porch, a tea kettle will come rolling down the front porch steps, missing its lid. It plop, jumps down the steps and then it spins out onto the grass. Something rattles around inside of it, right before a pair of fingers attached to a severed hand crawls out. It doesn't seem entirely sentient, as it stumbles to the left and to the right, appearing drunk.

'*squish*' goes the hand as Steinar takes his Glabro form, to then step on the hand with all his force. He lets out a sneer, "If I needed a hand, I'd ask for one." he grunts out; yep, cracking jokes when no one is around to hear them. Can't have humour when others are around to hear it! He keeps his foot on it a few moments, squishing it into the ground, to then start to move for the door. His hand still holding that grip on his Fang Dagger.

The hand is indeed squishy as if it weren't entirely a newly severed hand. The tissue is plump and ripe as if it were severed for quite some time recently. The hand grinds down into the earth as he stomps on it, and the bones crunch into a pulp.

As he gets up to the door he'll smell the scent of fresh baked loaves of bread from the kitche. But even more sinister, there are trails of blood from the kitchen, dragging down along the lower level floor toward the basement door.

The basement door is swung open, but he'll have to get closer to look down the steps.

Steinar, upon entering the house, takes a look around. A breath is sucked in through his nostrils, smelling the blood and all the other things of the house. He then slowly opens his eyes, allowing his vision to shift.. forcing himself to partially squint into the Umbra. It is a bit like crossing your eyes to make out a 3D image on a printed piece of paper with that special pattern. But once your eyes lock in on it, its easy to keep it. Taking that look around, he decides to go for the basement first. He does not take Crinos quite yet; old houses tend to be build too narrow for that lumbering form.

He'll sense something morbid right away, in a macabre of frozen time in front of him. No one is moving, but he sees three Kinfolk, all very still and appearing to be fighting back against this creature in the center of the basement floor. The child is in it's carseat, with a cry frozen upon its face, about to wail, but not quite letting a sound out.

Another kin wields a frying pan, and is mid swing as if to hit this hideous creature in the middle, and Frigg is close enough to have thrown an old milk bucket over the creature's head. It might be comical, except the visage of the monster controlled by the bane is a mystery of hidden parts.

The center of the creature looks homanoid and in height of six feet, but it is a mix of human and animal parts, as if the bane were trying to animate something that shouldn't normally exist from human bones, and borrowed flesh. It is missing one hand, and leg, where it absorbed one of the dead cow's limbs outside. A lack of human parts, and it seems it was going for new ones with the readily available Kin.

Within the bane creature's abdomen is a metal looking canister, half buried in flesh and ticking, like a clock.

Steinar comes to a stop. He watches the scene before him, tilting his head a bit to the side. The choice in this moment becomes easy, since he can see the spiritual activity here at all times at the same time as he sees the physical. It would not do to get caught in whatever is going on there. So, the Godi takes a breath and takes a step forward, forcing his way through the Gauntlet. Not fully centred, he finds the crossing a bit slower that it should have been, but he gets there eventually. To face the Bane.

The trap wasn't sprung!

The Bane was half expecting to get the Garou within his bubble time trap as it stretches it's oozing black body in between rafter boards of the old farmhouse. Within the spirit realm, the old house creaks as if it were much older. White webs are spun as if it were the true glue holding it together in a wafting of misty air. With the bane presence here, the land appears cursed and touched by taint.

The bane shrieks upon seeing Steinar enter through the veil. <<These are dark times! There is no denying. Rune tongue!!!!>> It hisses. <<We have been hunting you.>> It begins to slither out as if it were preparing to attack.

Steinar lets out a sneer to this, "You're nothing." he growls out, "Just a grain of sand in a desert." he lifts his right hand up which holds the Fang Dagger, pointing the tip at them, "Cut your tendons from the Physicl Realm." he growls out in command, seeking to have the Banes influence of the Physical Realm be removed. The word drips heavy with command, spoken in the language of Spirits from his Spirit Speech gift. Once the command is given, he growls, "You are tiny stain on the fabric of the spirit realm. You will be removed."

The dark bane pushes its body outward from the old boards of the house and seeps up to bulge right before it is threatened and then commanded so openly! It seethes in compliant to gnash it's horrific wide mouth at the Garou. It did NOT like that at all!

Down in the physical realm, the frankenstein of a humanoid cow being below in the basement begins to steam like a kettle pot from its belly, once the time trap is set loose!

Gudrun swings the frying pan smack into the creature as Frigg jumps back, after the milk bucket is dropped upon its head. The third kin shield the wailing infant behind her... and suddenly, the creature in the room is set mad and free from the bane's control. It's a flopping tower of flesh that can't keep itself together anymore.

The ooze melts the flesh and tissue down into a puddle, with blood coagulating between the absorbed body parts.

On the spirit side, the Bane grows even angrier! Hissing and sputtering, it suddenly lunges for him!

And within that moments, Steinar explodes into his Warform. Clothes melt and merge into his body and turns into fur, his head morphing into the wolfs head. Feet and arms grow thick and strong and his hands turn into clawed hands. His right hand still holds the Fang Dagger. And as the Spirit charges, he lets out a howl and leaps to meet it, his right arm coming up to aim at the Spirit with a stabbing motion. He is competent with the short blades, and his aim is strong as he calls upon the spirit within the dagger, to come to life and take a larger bite from the foe.

The Bane wraps its darker tendrils around the Garou's legs as the two rush forth to meet in the swift battle. It doesn't last long, but the black explosion of ink and taint bursts forward when they impact. The dagger comes in to send its ferocious bite, and the creature begins to shake and WRITHE!

In the Umbra, while the Garou are there physically they do not truly meet the Spirits head on with their Physical form. It is with their Spiritual Power that they seek to withstand the spirits. It is with the Gnosis that they hold up. And Steinar? He is strong enough in the spiritual part of his self. He fears neither Bane nor taint in this matter, rushing thus as he does without worry for personal harm. This Bane must die, and with the first stab completed, he pulls his arm back and then stabs it again! "You will be torn from the Tapestry of the Fates! You will be shredded and removed, burnt to cinders!" he howls out.

The two enrage upon one another in spiritual battle. It swirls to choke him. Threatening its presence, even though it is no match for the Theurge by growing larger. Shards of it's spiritual energy in darkness, tatters and dissipates as the bane is repeatedly stabbed. It loses its essence and size as the two finish their battle within that spirit framed farmhouse. A loud hiss rumbles around the Garou as misled bane shrieks in the last throes of its violent death!

Its attempts to grab him and choke him leaves its marks. The Godi is not impervious to the Banes attacks and soon his fur is covered by angry black marks. On his body, they burn and hurt, leaving their spiritual marks. But he does not stop his attacks, stabbing at the creature until there is nothing left of its essence. He will not let it dissipate, will not let it reform; seeking to utterly destroy this Bane completely.

The Godi is left standing in the mist of the old farmhouse once the fight comes to an end. The bane now gone, there is nothing but a milky black residue left beneath his feet. The spiritual essence also dissipates within seconds and then the farmhouse trembles, as if it didn't like the the invasion of an unfavorable supernatural force. The old boards creak in complaint.

In the physical realm, he'll see Gudrun as the eldest moving in front of Frigg and the younger kin behind her. She holds out an arm protectively to keep them from the dissolving corpse of cow and human body parts.

Some of the kin look red in areas as if burnt, and attacked by something quite hot. Yet, not one of them is clearly severely injured. All are breathing hard as they attempt to catch their breaths.

Rune-Tongue, standing in the dissipating vapours of the Bane, lets out a deep and low growl. He looks around the area, making sure the Bane did not spawn any offspring. He then lets out a snort, disdain dripping from the very sound of it, << I doubt even the Fates bothered weaving this sorry excuse for a Bane into the tapestries.>> Even when he's killed it, he does not stop tossing out insults at its previous existence. He hangs the Fang Dagger back around his neck, before crossing over into the Physical Realm; meaning he will most likely appear in the midst of the melting fleshgolem, still in his Crinos form!

It's possible he'll get to kick a cow leg with a hoof as he pops into the basement of the farmhouse. The kinfolk shriek as he suddenly appears, as if expecting something even worse to appear. They never saw a Garou coming down to begin with, after being stuck in time.

Frigg hushes them first, but the baby continues to cry. "Steinar, the farm was under attack." Her voice comes quick and fast, but once he's seen, her sister will rush back to pick up her crying infant to soothe him. The younger kin with them, looks shocked to see a full warformed Garou down here but she eases back with some relief.

The flesh golem is done for. It no longer moves without its animator.

Stepping out of the Spirit world, the wounds suffered from the Bane has turned from sooty black marks on his skin to actual black burnmarks as the wounds manifest from the spiritual to the physical. Around his arms, his legs and his torso. He looks around at first, making sure time moves. He eyes the fleshy remains on the ground, but finds them no longer a threat. He then pulls himself up to his fullest height, his head bonking into the roof. His right clawed arm moves up and his palm presses against the roof. He eyes the Kinfolk, letting out a growled sound. He then forces his throat, a throat not build for human speak, to rasp out a few words, "Hunt.. if more.. threat." he says, "Will.. return." he then quickly lowers himself down to all four. The Warform, agile on both two as all four, then suddenly bursts away from the basement, up the stairs as he goes to look through the house and the yard area for more threats.

The outside perimeter of the farm can be searched by foot, sound, and by scent. He'll continue to see the burning cow in the field, where some of the shorter cut cornstalks start burning. Another dead cow continues to remain near it, dead in the field, and the mewling one at the edge of the forest has quieted, but still breathes as if alive. It snorts. Svala is gone now, no longer in the barn or the edge of the woods. He'll not find anymore threats, but there's still the RV parked by the side of the road with Minnesota plates.

Rune Tongue does the rounds quickly, going through the house, and then the land outside. The cow bleeding is ended quickly, driving his Dagger deep into its heart; it suffered enough. He then begins to look around. All Kinfolk accounted for except Svala? So, wanting to know where every one is, he begins to sniff for her, to make sure she is safe too.