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Alleyway Twostep
Acacia and Alessio deal with a threat to Kinfolk in the City
IC Date May 24, 2021
IC Time Yes
Players Acacia, Alessio
Location Alleyway in the City

There is so much to do around this place. So much. Acacia's busy most of the time. And there's always SOME sort of disaster. Bonegnawers aren't the most organized. But just as she's coming in from one disaster, her walkie talkie that she wears when she's on call that she was JUST about to turn off crackles. "Acacia! We got something weird out here." Acacia pauses and frowns and lifts the thing up. "What's up Greg?" There's a pause. "Acacia, you better get down here." Acacia's brow arches up high and she glances to Alessio and then, "ACACIA GET DOWN HERE." Acacia turns and bolts for the door, still in her skates.

Alessio, ofcourse, tries to help where he can. Sometimes it means menial work, sometimes it means being out on patrol. And today, it meant being up on the roof on lookout. Of course, he can not stay up on the roof all day long so eventually he comes down just in time to see Acacia bolting out of the shop/room they share, "That is what we call being in a hurry." he calls out.

"Something's going on," she calls over ehr shoulder, zipping along at probably dangerous speeds. She spins in a circle at the escalator and rides it down and bolts for the door, calling out ahead of her.

Alessio arches his eyebrow to this, "I .. saw northing when up there." he turns though and begins to jog after her; of course he saw nothing! He was looking over the wrong edge! Or he was sleeping. One of the two. He does sprint after her though, having all his weaponry with him since he was up doing look-out!

Acacia somehow managed to procure a baseball bat as she heads out the door. Alessio comes down just in time to see her hitting the door at nearly full speed and swinging it open. As Alessio makes it the rest of the way outside, he will see Acacia bent over a prone, female form. Greg is there, so is the lupus kin. ".... not breathing. Fuck. Do we know who she is?" Greg is nodding, but looking everywhere else. "Yeah, she came in two days ago. Kin. From out of town. Just wandering."

Alessio comes out shortly after Acacia, his hand for a brief moment looking as if it might be pulling out his gun from his jacket. He stops himself, though, instead looking around the area, "Where was she found?" he wonders, glancing to the body and then to this Greg fellow.

"She came stumbling in. I thought she was drunk,then she just fell over, sir," Greg says to Alessio, turning his way, but then turning right back around. "She's bleeding pretty fucking bad," Acacia mutters. "Give me your shirt, Greg." Greg pulls off the shirt without hesitation and Acacia presses it over the wound. "She's still breathing, but there are bubbles coming from this wound. Lung puncture of some sort. We need to get her inside." She peels up the front of the woman's shirt and that is almost definitely a bite wound of some sort.

"You need someone with the Mother's Touch." Alessio says, looking at the Kinfolk as she bleeds, "But that really is not good." he peers closer still, "I think I will have to go on a little bit of a hunt." he looks to Greg, "Her name." he says, "And does anyone know if she favoured any places in the City while she stayed here?"

"Cindy.. Um.. Rutherford," Greg says. "She's only been here a couple of days and she wasn't staying here, just stopped in for food. So we don't know her well." Acacia pushes the button on the walkie talkie. "Someone get a fucking Theurge out here or someone who can heal." That isn't her. She isn't a healer. There's a response over the walkie to the affirmative and Acacia wipes at the wound lightly, then presses the cloth against her again. "I'll go with you," she says up to Alessio

"Are you sure?" Alessio wonders, looking at the woman, then nods once, "Of course you are sure. We should not wait too long. Any trail might grow cold." he looks to the doors, "Once we have a Theurge out here, we can move. She'll survive in their hands." As per usual, his 'armament' is in the form of his gun in his jacket. The other gun rests in his sportsbag, where his helmet and his sledgehammer rests as well.

Not a Theurge, just one of the resident kinsorcs. "I got it," he says, hurrying along as fast as he can. He kneels down to start looking the woman over and Acacia hands her walkie to Greg. "Get this back in and charging. Call me and let me know how she is." She pulls off her rollerblades, leaving her barefoot and she sighs. "I'll be RIGHT back. Don't leave without me." Inside at speed, out in boots with no heels, just almost as fast as she was on the blades.

"I wouldn't think of it." Alessio replies to Acacia as she speeds off into the Mall to get what she needs to get. He remains hanging back, letting the Kinfolk Sorcerer do his thing as he makes sure there is nothing out here that could sneak up on them. Always on the look-out, the Ahroun is.

The place seems pretty quiet except for the very localized hubbub. No signs of anything out of place. Acacia arrives, tucking a giant ass sword into a sheath. She's got on that long black trenchcoat and pants and when she pulls the coat closed, she looks a: very goth and sexy and b: kinda fucking scary. "Ready."

Alessio glances to her as she comes out with a .. sword. He arches his eyebrow, "You.. ever think of switching that for something a bit less obvious?" he wonders, "Swords and cities does not go together very well." he grins at her though, "Ok. Lets head out. We have to try to find her trail. Figure out where she came from. If anyone is willing to talk. Saw anything."

"Yup but for now, that's all I have. And it'll chop one of the Big Bads just as easily as it will human flesh." The sword completely disappears beneath the trench coat and she pulls her hair back and up out of her face. The healer is doing his thing. She's awake, but frantic and freaking out a little bit. No good for talking." Can you track anything with the information we hav already?"

Alessio shakes his head to this, "No, and yes. Someone must have seen something. We will head to the nearest street, then start to .. look around a bit. Find people to talk to. Someone is bound to have heard her name, though. Someone always hears and remembers a name. Especially new names, that they do not know from before. You might have to check with your contacts on the streets, if we can't find anything at first glance. I'll do the same, of course.

Acacia nods. "Right. Well, let's go." Without any hesitation of any sort, she slips her bracelet off her wrist and into her pocket. She NEEDS to be seen right now. ANd so she strides toward the exit with purpose

For something like this, Alessio too does not use his thing. His thing is a ring, though. He does keep his bracelet on, however. The silence thing. Because thats useful! He starts to move with her then, pondering, "Ok, lets check around the nearest streets. See if someone knows her name, or saw her walk past."

Blood. On the ground. That leads off to the left based on the way the splatter looks. Acacia points just as he sees it and she sighs. "That way." She heads off in that direction with a purpose, head up, scanning back and forth to see who she might see. So far, no one. It's UNUSUALLY quiet out here

Alessio is slower in spotting what Acacia spots, but once she points it out he sees it. He would have, eventually, but she was quick! "I see it." he concurs, turning to start following her. He starts to get a bit more on alert, "Keep your hands near that sword-hilt, babe." he growls out, "I don't like this." he keeps his head on a swivel. Within his jacket, he has his gun ready to be pulled.

Acacia slips her hand beneath the coat, walking down the street with authority. She lets him keep an eye on the blood. There isn't MUCH, but every ten or fifteen feet, there's another splop or two. "Fucking ridiculous," Acacia mutters, then calls out to an old woman across the way. "Ey! Lucy!" She cuts over that way and the old woman, wearing tattered, dirty clothes, with a stench that rolls off her from a good ten feet away, looks up and shrinks back into her oversized coat. "Ye gotta sammich?" the woman asks, and Acacia shakes her head. "No, but I can bring one back. How long you been out here?"

Alessio comes closer as well, not quite as fast as Acacia. He keeps that look out of the place, making sure that nothing sneaks up on them. He glances to the old woman, to then fish into his jacket. He removes a .. granola bar! He reaches out with his left hand to poke at Acacias shoulder with the bar. But boy, does he keep his eyes on that swivel. He's paranoid now. This is bad juju!

Acacia reaches over her shoulder to take the granola bar and hands it to the old woman. "Here. This should hold you off." It's the same tone she uses with all the non-kin. It's kind and sweet, and very much NOT at all like Acacia. "Thank ye, dear. It's quiet out here, huh?" Acacia nods and the old woman glances up and kind of hisses at Alessio. "You're a scary son of a bitch, aintcha?" Acacia smiles. "Just making sure everyone's safe. You been out here long today? YOu see a lady coming down the sidewalk? Maybe bleeding a little?" The old woman pauses, toothless mouth just about to try and gum the granola bar to death, but she pauses. "Yeah, I seened her. Bleedin' pretty good. But then she walked around that corner and I kinda lost her. I askeded her if she was okay but she didn't say nothin'"

Oh, right. Yes. Alessio, scary. Because the Rage is there, and even if it were not for the Rage he still looks pretty much like a hitman out here to find a target to shoot up. He looks to the old woman, then eyes Acacia. He feels like he should say something, ask something, but he knows better. If he starts questioning Humans, he'll get nothing but fear. So, he actually moves a bit away from them. Still keeping a look-out though!

Acacia nods to the woman and smiles, glancing over her shoulder at Alessio. "Sweetie.." She never calls him sweetie. That's gross. BUt it does lend the impression that he's safe. Maybe not harmless, but maybe just understood. "Anything else babe?"

Alessio looks over to Acacia and the old woman, "Mmmh. Where did she come from." he says, "What direction did she stumble in from." he looks around, "Also, tell her to find a place to hide for the next few nights." he says to Acacia, "If something is out here bleeding folks from the streets, then she is not safe."

The old woman eyeballs Alessio, probably more dumb than brave, honestly, and she points with the granola bar in the direction they were heading. "Over yonder. Out of that alley way there. I ain't seen her before, so that's why I noticed." Acacia nods and she gives the woman a smile. "Go to a shelter tonight, okay? I know.. I know you hate them, but do that for me, okay? And then I'll get you something hot for lunch tomorrow instead of a sandwich, okay?" The woman frowns a little and she nods. "Alright. For you, sweet girl." Acacia gives her a wink and lays her hand on the woman's shoulder. "Thank you." She turns and nods back the way they were heading. "To that alley."

Alessio gives a quick nod to this, "To the alley." he says, "I hate alleys. Nothing good comes out of alleys, if you have to go into them to hunt something. There is always something bad down alleys." he moves up to Acacia, reaching up to her neck with is right hand before he leans in to kiss her lips warmly, "Keep your eyes open." he tells her, after that quick peck, "I can't heal, and you do not regenerate very well." he then pulls away, clearly intending to take the lead into this Alleyway!

Acacia isn't dumb. She knows Alessio's going first and when he stops her, she looks up and smiles and runs her fingers lightly along his face. "I'll be careful. YOU be careful too. If I have to fuck up some magic to heal you, I'm going to be REALLY fucking pissed." He gives him that kiss and a light little shove. "Go. I'll watch the alley if you don't need my help."

Alessio stops before he goes into the alley, crouching down by his sportsbag. He opens it up, then removes a motorcycle helmet from it. He puts it on his head, pushing the visor down. He then removes a pair of gloves as well, putting them on. He then removes the Sledgehammer. He stands back up, slinging the hammer over his shoulder. Did he grow while he stood up? Visual glitch in the matrix! But oh, he is larger. Taller, for sure. All while standing up from that crouch. He begins to walk for the Alley.

That's a good trick! Acacia will swoon about it later. She steps TO the end of the alleyway, but doesn't quite enter it. She leans back against the wall there, just chillin', ankles crossed, one hand beneath her jacket, the other hand loose at her side. NOthing to see here, people. NOthing at all. The inside of the alley way is fucking DESTROYEd. The monster-sized solid steel trashcan is knocked over on its side, there's blood splattered on both walls, there's an arm sticking out from under the toppled dumpster. There is also an unnatural darkness in one of the corners.

The darkness is unnatural. Even the Infrared doesn't... quiet.... like it WORKS, but it's a little skewed. Theree IS something in that corner, but it's hard to tell how big. But one thing is for sure. It's HOT and it isn't small.

Alessio looks into the alleyway from his vantage point. He stares over the broken pieces to then peer over at the darkness. He lets out a growl. He lets his head tilt a bit to the side, to then snap it once as if popping a joint in his neck. It jars his eyes a bit, and once done they change. He sees .. other things now. He sees in Infrared, to a degree. He makes another sound, "This might get violent, fast." he says, even as he concentrates. He lets his body change, spending a few moments to let his skin shift from skin to fur..

There is a .. sound? Almost? Like, the odd sound of what might be metal creaking? Its muted, though. Strangely muted. But it seems to come from Alessio whom, after that, moves a bit more stiffly. He pulls out his gun with his right hand, flicking off the safety. He then begins to walk into the alley slowly. He tries to pretend he has not yet seen the darkness and the thing in it, but he is moving closer. Slowly.

It's when the fur pops that the shadow shifts a little bit, moving up along the wall, a little higher. Acacia is paying attention and she slips just a little bit into the alley way, but still to where she can see the exit. "You're not along in there, baby," she calls quietly. "There are two, but one's on the other side." She lets out a little breath. "We've got cover. I'm coming in." Three more kinfolk, from the Mall, are heading that way. Alessio can't see them, but Acacia can. She takes a look in all directions and then steps into the alley, pushing her coat open, pulling the sword from its sheath. She widens her stance a little and kinda looks bad ass - for a human.

Alessio lets out a light growl, "I can't see what it is, but I can see that it is." he says to this, "This will have to be a fight, straight up. We can't let whatever this is escape." he grunts, "I'll move a bit closer, then I'm firing. You get ready."

"Ready when you are. I'll guide you for the other one if it comes across." Acacia glances once more over her shoulder as three kinfolk come to just.. ya know.. chat.. there in front of the alleyway. The thing within the darkness shifts just a little bit. It's still hard to tell whether it's just putting out a LOT of heat or if it's actually just about crinos sized.

"There's something in the Umbra too, Alessio. I'm keeping an eye on it." Acacia's gaze goes up high. Much higher, almost to the top of the wall there.

<OOC> https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/d/dd/Demon_Wall_Artwork.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120706144800

Alessio lets out no sound at all, grinning widely behind his helmet. His hand is already holding his large, modified gun which he named The Obliterator. Over his shoulder, he has his sledgehammer should he need it. With the creature lounging, he suddenly rushes forward, raising his gun hand and taking aim. He moves fast, to be close enough, to then start firing.

Alessio squeezes off a round as he gets close enough to not see the white in what might not be its eyes. Not that he can see eyes right now. He sees body heat. The bullet is squeezed out and, even though it makes no sound, one can imagine it would have made an epic sound! The bullet does hit .. something. But that something? It seems unphased. And as the creature lunges at him, he squares himself and simply takes it head on. Making no sounds. Such silence.

The thing leaps, completely ignoring the silent gunshot as it careens off its body. Then it impacts, knocking the both of you off to one side, the thing barely managing to keep its feet, if that's what you call that stance. It's hunched over, six legs splayed out to catch it and it hisses.

Acacia holds back, but moves a little clsoer.

Alessio is .. surprised. His Obliterator did nothing. At. All. Did he load it with he right ammo? Are they blanks? Then the creature moves again! And this time, it moves past him and heads for Acacia. He whirls around and squeezes off another round. Once more, the round just barely hits, although this time it nicks the creatures. Just a .. scratch. He has ammo, then! He's just being a pisspoor shot!

Acacia stayed back. She did! On purpose. But one thing she learned a long time ago is to be ready for anything. So when the thing lunges at her, she lifts up that sword of hers that's virtually useless against all manner of anything supernatural. But it works. She's driven backwards a little and the thing cuts into the being's clawed hand, but it just barely pauses.

Well, shit! The second bullet did nothing! Alessio still makes no sound, but now? Now he's getting angry and this thing is attacking his bae! He charge forward, intent on putting his hand on the creature to zap it with Electroshock, but just as he tries to touch it, the creature is no longer there. Its .. just not there. Its gone! He touches the air.

Just as Alessio reaches, the thing lunges for Acacia again. Acacia is FAST and she spins out of the way. Wally catches nothing but air and makes a rather terrifying sound of displeasure that sits ill in the ears. "Fuuuuuuuuuck!" Acacia says.

This is going to be a day to tell his grandchildren, that he will never have. The day he perhaps killed two creatures with blank bullets. Because really? Alessio is starting to doubt the ammo in this gun! And his own aim. Giving up on trying to Electroshock the creature, he lets out a mental ROAR as he calls on his rage. He is still tracking the creature that is nomming on his Mate, moving so to make sure she is not in the line of fire as he pulls the trigger. Again, no sound, but this time the bullet rips into the creature and most likely exits, taking a HUGE chunk of GUNK and GORE and CRAP with it. Much of which might very well splatter on Acacia. Uhuh. He manages then to spin around just in time, sensing the creature behind him, to try to deflect it biting or clawing into him. He does not do a good job, though, getting ripped pretty hard. And then his Rage kicks into gear. He spins around once more, this time in super speed. Another shot leaves the gun, this time shooting the little finger off of the creatures one clawed hand, killing it from the mere shock of it. Again, he spins around, ripping away another bullet at the one that attacked him. Did he miss? It did not even seem to flinch!

Acacia is good. She's really good. But at the end of the day, she's still human. She's fast, she's capable, but when the thing changes tactics and bites her, she just doesn't move fast enough. The blade swings down to intercept, it just glances off the side of the thing's face, whacking it with the blunt side of the blade. She lets out a yell that is far more anger than pain, though... that was a pretty nasty bite.

Alessio is .. angry. And people are hurt. But for now, that is not important. What is important it removing this threat. Then, and only then, can he worry about other things. Faced with the final creature, the Ahroun once more calls upon his rage. He goes full force, moving forward and dancing around it as he begins to fire at it. The first shot hits hard, making a small entry wound but a huge exit wound from the force of the gun and the ammo used. He quickly dances around an attack from the creature, that he did not even see coming. He then fires off another shot, this time nicking an artery and ending the creature. His rage is still flowing, though, and he takes a quick step to the side, the gun going off a final time to blow the creatures head into pulp. With it falling to the ground, the Ahroun comes to a stop and takes a breath, looking around. Waiting to see if there might be other creatures.

Acacia stumbles backwards from the pain, her hand coming to grip her side, but that sword remains upright. She backs up several more steps to just get out of the way while Alessio takes care of the thing. It doesn't go down easy and it doesn't go down quiet. BUt as it DOES fall, it lets out a shriek that actually sets a dog barking a few blocks away. As its head is turned to little wet bits and tiny shards of shrapnel, the whole thing immediately starts to turn to a gelatinous goop. Acacia, pretty badly wounded, but ever alert, looks around a little bit, her eyes going a bit unfocused as she scans the umbra. "Clear," she half whispers. The guys in the mouth of the alleyway, who somehow managed to hold their positions, say, "Need to get out of here. That was LOUD."

Alessio lets out a curse as he drops the Cone of Silence. He quickly holsters his gun, then moves up to Acacia, "Are you ok? Can you walk without bleeding out?" he wonders, looking around, "Yes, we have to move. Fast." he gives her a quick check over, to make sure she is not looking like she is spilling her guts, literally.

"I can walk," Acacia says. She's pale. SHe tucks the sword back into her jacket and wraps the jacket around her, even cinching the belt up for a little more pressure. Her lower body is covered with blood, but the good news is that she is not standing in a puddle of her own blood. The guys move into the alleyway and just outside of the alleyway, more people are taking their place. Along the street, there are already people doing a cleanup. Acacia runs a tight ship

Alessio gives a quick nod to this, "Ok. We have to get you bandaged." Since he can't heal. He's not a healer. Healing is for other creatures that are not named Alessio. He needs some of those Healing Talens that he has heard so much about! He motions, "Come." he begins to lead her away, having collected his gymbag as well. And putting his helmet into it. And his sledgehammer. Also dropping the Steel Fur and letting his skin return to normal skin. He is bleeding as well, but not as deeply as she is.

Acacia follows, leaning on him a little bit, but that stubborn bitch just keeps walking, no matter how much it hurts. As soon as they reach the safety of the Dead Mall, she stumbles a little bit and takes in a wheezy sort of breath.

Alessio is not being silent, though, on the walk over to the Dead Mall. He fishes up his phone and hits one of his speed dials. One of the Kinfolk at the Dead Mall. Quickly, he instructs them to have a healer ready when they arrive, to tend to Acacias wounds. He makes sure she does not stumble as they walk, either, but gives her the dignity to actually walk herself, and not be carried. Cause he could just as easily have picked her up!

That would draw more attention. So she walks. Once inside though, she can't push her will any further and people are rushing out to tend wounds. The woman.. whatever her name was.. wanders up too, quiet, big eyes. Lee, one of the kinfolk healers, comes rushing up. "What happened?" All business. All professional. Acacia fumbles with the belt of her coat and opens it, flinging blood everywhere and NOW leaving a nice little pool. "Pretty nasty," he says, then to Alessio. "Get her seomeplace to lie down before she falls out."

Alessio, still pretty much just ignoring his own wound right now, gives a quick nod and reaches down to simply lift Acacia up from the floor. He then carries her towards the stairs, "The Sanrio." he tells the healer, then rushes her up the stairs to their shop-apartment, to lay her down. And if they follow him? "Attacked in some alleyway. Nasty creatures. Sharp teeth."

Acacia doesn't put up any sort of fight as she's lifted and she just kind of curls up against him. Breathing. That's about it. Her other arm is pressed to her side, tightly. "Fucking hurts," she mutters quietly while the healer runs up just behind the two of them

"Well, of course it hurts. It is supposed to hurt. It is call a wound." Alessio replies to her, "The dangers of fighting the things we fight, Acacia. You know this. I am just the one Ahroun. You are alive, though. And you will soon be healed." he carries her up the stairs, heading into the Sanrio.

"I know all that. Doesn't take away the fucking pain," she says. Not a complaint, really. It just.. ya know.. hurts like hell. Once upstairs, the healer waits off to the side of the lounge chair, pointing that way. "Lay her down." Acacia snorts and squirms a little. "Blood better come out," she grumbles and then her head just kinda.. falls backwards as she passes out

Alessio really has no way to stop the pain for her, or heal her. Instead, he simply carries her into the Sanrio where he puts her down as instructed. He then steps away from her, "Do your thing, Healer." he commands the, well, the healer. Because, healing is what healers do! "At least none of those things will walk out of the alleyway."

Acacia has definitely passed out. "Oh shit dude, this is bad," the guy says, peeling her clothes away from the wound, which is already looking sort of.. infected. Or maybe it's just really bad. Hard to tell with all the blood, which doesn't look like it's even trying to clot. "Man, real bad. What the fuck?" The guy lays his hand over Acacia's side and the blood just continues to flow for several seconds. Acacia gets paler and paler.

And Alessio? Well, he's just clueless. He really, truly, have no idea what so ever about this stuff. He couldn't even bandage a minor papercut. He knows how to inflict wounds. Mending them? He leaves that to the healers, completely. He looks to the healer, "Well, I trust you to keep her alive." he growls, "But if you can not heal her, if you can not save her life, let me know now. I will trust you to keep her alive long enough for me to find a Theurge."

"No, just takes a second," the guy mutters, his voice sort of far away as he concentrates. The bleeding stops, the wound sort of scabbing over almost at once. It's a process, for sure. It's a nasty wound and it actually takes effort. Acacia's color starts to return a little, but she still looks rather unconscious

Alessio nods once to this, watching the man as he begins to work his weird, alien and none Spiritual (nyah!) magic on Acacia. He nods slowly as the wound begins to scab over, "Good. You have earned your salary for this month." he grunts out, "I would have not been a happy man if I had lost a third mate." he mutters.

"Nope. Not when I'm on duty," the guys says, still concentrating on the wound. It starts to slowly knit itself back together, the guy starts to sweat. It's pretty horrible. It also looks excrutiating for him. Finally, he lets out a gasp and wipes at his forehead. "She's stable. If I do more, I'm going to fuck it up. She's not going to die. She might have a pretty awful scar, and knowing her, she'd be fine with that. I'm going to stop here. She's asleep."

Alessio nods once to this, "We all have nasty scars." he says. The fact is, that he too is injured. But his regenerative body already stopped the bleading. Wounds, though? Still there. And they hurt. But he does not utter a word about it, "As long as she lives, we are good." he tells him, "I will tend to her while I am not on patrols."

"Yeah, you probably need to shift and take of your stuff too," he says, but he rises, turning to head out. "I'll stay up on this floor for the next couple of hours, just in case, but I need food first."

Acacia's breathing has turned more or less to normal, even if it's a little labored. It's just a minute or two before she wakes up, her eyes flying open and she moves to sit, then falls back with a little squeak. "Oh my fuck."

"Yep. More or less." Alessio agrees with her statement. He nods once to the healer, "I will heal in my own time." he grunts out. He eyes Acacia again, "Might be a few days until I can bed you again, woman." he grins to her, "But hey, you're still alive for me to bed." Trying some humour. Which the poor Healer most likely did not need to hear.

Acacia snorts just a little, which hurts, so she crosses her arm over her side. "I was being careful," she mutters. "Fucking thing was fast." She closes her eyes again, just breathing. "Did you get hurt? Are you okay?" She squirms a litle to sit up, ignoring the pain.

"Being careful?" Alessio wonders, "You were there. That goes against being careful. Once you are in the midst of battle, you take being careful and chug it out of the window. They sensed you were different that I, for sure. Which is why they went for you." he shakes his head, "Me? I am fine. I will be fully healed up in three or four days." Which for a Garou, means he got dinged pretty good.

"You know what I mean. I knew going in that it was dangerous. I mean that I took reasonable precaution." She IS a fighter. She IS a bad ass. She knows she's also human. She leans back a little and reaches out for his hand. "Three or four days means it fucked you up good."