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Kinhouse Gathering - Hot Wings Edition
A Gathering of Gaians.
IC Date 12/11/2020
IC Time Evening
Players Einar, Taika, Ulf, Vasyl, Theron, Heidi, Remi, Evonna, Leif, Detlef, Minna, Ben, Dalibor, Aldric, Erin and Killigrew as ST/Host
Location Kinfolk House

A little chilly, the bonfire is well fed, driving away the cold in the air. A stack of wood is near to hand to keep it blazing for the weekly Gathering of Gaians at the Kinfolk House. Clad in her hunting gear, still, Killigrew is wearing marsh camo bdus with a double grommeted belt, and a plain olive drab tee that has a black long sleeved shirt under it. The pastel blue fauxhawk is vigorously upright and gelled to proud attention, the sides recently trimmed and neatened.

As people begin to filter in, they'll likely noticed the roasted, whole pig that was started early in the morning. There's a potluck's worth of sides - in both quantity and variety.

A large black hispo wolf with a black fury scar on her shoulder is laying lazily near the house, a handful of kin resting against her or nearby on folding chairs - ready to help hand out food or fetch things for the attendees.

A large black wolf enters from the back, having come through the forest. Aldric shifts up to human and looks the gathered over before nodding and walking over towards Killigrew. He smiles at her, reaching out with one arm to hug her against his side before moving to sit down.

Detlef comes walking out of the woods, he seems more like he is just taking a stroll than anything else, but there is a bit of a smile on his face as he spots everyone.

Dalibor is hanging out near the firepit and sipping from a flask.

Erin arrives with a bag of what can only be smore stuff, she heads over to the place that has the stuff at and begins to load it up with it and a few extra bags of Reccess peanut butter cups. She pauses and looks over to the others and gives a shy little wave "Sup" she then goes to find a spot to sit down at, not somewhere super close, she can be a little anti social sometimes.

Leif also comes walking out of the woods, but not with Detlef. Just a direction of his own. He has a little wolf pup that is hanging out of a pocket of his BDUs, made just for her. She has a little Baby Yoda throw blanket grasped in her teeth and a little elf hat perched on her head.

Minna was most definitely not having a pre-meet nap in the house itself, upstairs, with a blanket pulled over her head. Nope. She comes wandering out with a hot cup of coffee in her hand, steel cup, closed lid. Have to be careful with hot drinks around Garou. She toasts Killigrew as she walks, seemingly amused by the punk-mil look.

Remi arrives on an electric dirt bike coming down the road and the paths with the soft buzz that you can only get from a motor not powered by guzzoline. Rolling to a stop Remi dismounts and carefully parks their vehicle out of the way before walking towards the firepit and the Kinfolk house. Checking the place out.

Evonna walks into the area from behind the house. Seems she took the long way here. She sees people are just arriving.

Heidi arrives and immediately looks for Ben. He's got her stash of beers and her stuff, and all the really neat things she likes to pass around at parties like this. She makes eye contact with him and then looks around to see most of her tribe mates here. A glance is given to the fire down front and she sees Aldric also. She turns stride and makes her way over to him.

Killigrew returns the hug from Aldric, smiling at the much taller Fenrir and taking note of where he opted to settle in. "Friends! Family! We gather once more to share our lives and our stories with one another. Dalibor has volunteered to spin us a tale. If there are any announcements or news, please speak up. This is how we stay connected with one another."

Erin has found a spot a bit away from the gathering to sit down and just watch, you know her she isn't always the most social of butterflies. She smiles and gives a shy little wave as Heidi arrives.

Vasyl nods to Heidi as they arrive from the caern and she heads to her tribe. He moves across to another locationd fina himself a place to settle in and watch the gathering.

Ben was indeed carrying the cooler full of beer and ice, the box sitting up on his shoulder, one arm bracing it. He nods to Heidi, grinning. "You found your way, yeah?" He winks, chuckling just a bit. He nods to the others, looking to Dalibor at the mention that he has a story to tell.

Aldric settles into his seat, ending up in a comfortable lean on his knees. He looks up as Heidi walks over, nodding to her in acknowledgement though he doesn't speak as Killigrew makes an announcement to the gathering.

Heidi waves to Erin as she walks down the path up front. She quietly motions she'll be back to sit in a moment. Ben gets her attention carrying the cooler so freaking tall in the air. It makes her chuckle. She nods and points to the Silver Fang in the back. "His falcon pointed the right direction. I'm good." She keeps her voice low as things start up. When she gets to Aldric she leans in and whispers something quietly with a certain amount of respect. She doesn't want to interrupt the beginning here, and she's eager to take her seat.

Detlef makes his way over, to find a drink and will take a sniff of the cooking pig. "Mumm.. Smells good" he compliments the cooks.. Before he turns to give his attention to those talking to the group.

SO MANY SMELLS AND WEIRD PEOPLE! Freya struggles to get out of Leif's pocket and he scoops her out, letting her down. The little elf pupper drags her blankie along, circling here, sniffing this shoe, snurfling that butt, just whatever she can find.

Erin gives Heidi a smile and gives Ben a wave from her spot. She brings her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms around them as she seems to be comfortable.

Aldric tilts his head to listen to Heidi, nodding as she relays her information. He gives her a smile and a very quiet. "Thank you Heidi."

Minna swaggers on over to a space apart from the others, but close enough that she won't be off in the sticks and shadows. She's paused long enough to grab herself a corn cob and a soda, and is currently doing a great deal to smear butter all over her face.

Dalibor watches Zoe, for any 'start the story now, idjit' cues, as he continues to sip from his flask.

Killigrew crooks a finger at Dali, then moves to go settle in next to Aldric for story time.

Heidi nods to Aldric and then gives a smile to her friends as she returns to find a seat. She plops down to sit next to Erin and near Ben. A finger wiggle for a beer goes to the Forsetti giant. "I need at least three of those.." she whispers.

Ben returns to sit with Heidi and Erin once the cooler is set down for everyone. A trio of beers is collected, one for each of them. Then it's settling down time! Heidi pages: crap! I would have posed a hug to you while sitting, before she returned to her seat. But I thought you were talking up front still.... sorry!

Erin seems surprise that Heidi and Ben came to join her and she gives them a smile "sup" she says really softly not wanting to interupt Dalibor from starting his story.

Remi finds a spot to pop a squat turning towards Dalibor since a story is being offered. Quiet seriousness from the newecomer that keeps looking around watching people.

Heading in, perhaps a bit late for the party. Theron the kinfolk warrior arrives. He has his sword and gear on, always ready for the worst. He looks about and then sort of meanders around the perimeter to slowly make his way over to Ben and Heidi...assuming they are close to each other? <OOC> Nascha says, "There. That'll do for now"

Heidi is sitting next to Ben now who has the best beer cooler. She grins to Ben in thanks for the beer handed over and then lifts a hand to Theron. He knows where they are.

Detlef steps over with the rest of the Get, and plops down in a seat, grinning to them, in a good natured mood.

Evonna moves over to sit amongst her tribe family, and Erin. She has a couple of brews in hand, and offers one to Detlef. "I look forward to these gatherings."

Detlef accepts the drink from Evonna,never one to turn away a drink. "Thanks.. I am looking forward myself.. " he grins.

Erin blinks and slowly looks around as she notices more and more people coming to join Heidi and Ben really. She bites her lip a little bit and scratches the back of her head as she looks a little baffle about something as she takes a breath and just shakes her head to shake off whatever the hell she is thinking. She doods look to Heidi with even more confusion.

Dalibor steps forward, looking over the crowd - looking at the faces of the gathered Family. "Well met. I see among our number, many who have journeyed from afar to be here in Prospect - some who have done so very recently. From across the continent and from other, more distant lands. I myself am from Sarajevo - having been here only a few months. And so I though during this time of Wyrm incursions and mysterious blackouts - to speak to those who are new here, who may have never traveled far from their homes until now. To tell the story of my first journey from home..."

Dal pauses for a moment. "For the first sixteen years, more or less, I had lived in a small Fenrir sept th Geijune Suze - Gaia's Tears. The area was primarily controlled by the Shadow Lords. Tragic events, and a First Change, had left me homeless - as a chain of events older than me worked towards an inevitable conclusion. But that is a story for another night. For us, it is enough to know that a lost and confused Fenri cub limped into a neighboring sept, the Blagoslov Groma - Thunder's Blessing - run by the Shadow Lords."

Einar rumblyrumbles up on his bike, stompystomps up to the Fenris table, and drops down with a thud of body and chains on the bench as he looks around curiously.

Leif stops paying attention to his table and pays attention to Dalibor.

As the tale begins, Vasyl leans in with great interest, the talesinger always keen on a new story.

Einar angles his head towards Dalibor as he begins to speak. The biker is pushing his wild mane back and tying it up into a messy bun for the time being, all the better to focus on his brother while the wolf speaks his tale.

Evonna sips her brew, first listening at the Get, but then turns to Dalibor to give full attention to the story.

Taika and Kora sit at the table with the rest of the Get, well Kora is off to the side at any rate. As Dali's tale begins, Taika gives a whistle.

Heidi also is listening from the table the Fenris have claimed. She sips her beer and then grabs her bag to find another snack pack of pretzels. These are passed around the table and the rest of the room if anyone wants to grab one thrown.

Aldric moves to join the rest of his tribe as they all seem to land in one spot. He's quiet, attention on Dalibor's tale as he settles in at a new seat. Aldric sits down at Table 2.

Ben sips at his beer, listening to the tale from Dalibor.

Detlef turns as well to listen attentively to Dal, his eyes bright and curious

Minna buzzsaws through her corn with the speed of an eager beaver, then sets the cob aside and settles in, sipping her soda and sitting at attention, eyes on the taleteller.

Erin keeps her knees up to her chest as her arms are wrap around them as she seems to be listening, though she looks like she is super super thoughtful right now.

Killigrew listens to the tale from where she's found to settle, glancing towards the Fenrir table and smiling warmly at them, then refocusing on Dalibor.

Leif eyes Killigrew and motions her over, brow arched like 'really?' Freya doesn't care about no stories and she wanders over to Minna to snurfle her.

Heidi gives Killi Moon-Eyes when she peers back at the Fenrir table... she tosses her a pretzel pack.

Dalibor looks a little embarassed. "I.... was not the best of guests. I was a Modi fresh off a First Chage. So, I was not the most emotionally stable. But I was also dealing with a fair amount of trauma. And there were other problems, but I get a bit ahead of myself there." He smiles cryptically, before returning to 'serious face' and continuing. "The Sept was welcoming, taking me in with open arms and including me among their own cubs to learn the ways of Family before our Rites. I..." He shrugs with an embarrased sigh. "I was, to be brutally honest, a problem student. I fought my fellow students. I resisted my teachers wisdom. I was... a mess. The Den Mother did whjat she she could, but it was clear that even her experience with troublesome cubs was no match for my surly nature. Other ranked Garou became involved.

Dal continues. "Some tried to help me with my anger issues. That just made me more surly. How dare they tell me how I should feel?"

"Others tried to work with my Fenrir devotion to the chain of command. This also backfired - as reminders of the Fenrir, reminded me of my losses. And I became even more surly."

"Finally a small group ferared that I would derail the training of thir own cubs. Good hosts or not, that could not be allowed. These Garou proposed shipping me off to another Fenrir Sept, making me their problem. Or just cutting ties with me entirely and forcing me out on my own. Fortunately, this never came to pass - because a ranked Garou thought he knew what the problem was and had a radical suggestion on how to 'fix' me."

Remi listens with polite interest schooling their expression pausing a moment to get some food before sitting back down.

Killigrew sneaks over to the Get corner and sits down near Aldric.

Heidi has a sad expression when she hears Dalibor's story. While listening, she reaches out and gives Erin a side hug with one arm. She also tries to give teeny pretzels to Erin from her own pack.

Theron takes a look to Killi as she joins them, not a meaningful look just acknowledging the movement. Then he turns his eyes back to Dal as he nudges Heidi for a beer, grin widing as he gives her another nudge...need beer...

Erin must of been really concentrating on the story or whatever was on her mind thatn when Heidi hugs her she actually gives a little jump and she blinks looking apoligetic to her and takes one of the teeny pretzels and mouths "Thanks" she looks back to the story teller and takes a breath.

Heidi points Theron to Ben. Ben has the beer cooler and is the keeper of cold brews.

Minna doesn't notice that the wolf pup is approaching, at least, not until a fuzzy snout touches her leg. She blinks, then reaches down to offer a hand to the pup, the residue of butter rich on her fingers. She sets down her soda and scritches the pup with her other hand, pet pet pet. The wolf is not a puppy but it is puppy adjacent.

Aldric nods to Zoe as she settles into the seat next to him, lifting his arm to rest it over the back of her chair. He offers her his bag of pretzels before looking back to the story in progress.

Ben's brow arches at the talk of 'fixing' anyone.

OH SLURP! SLURPY SLURP! Delicious fingers! Minna is Freya's new bestie. She puts paws up so that she can get in Minna's lap because WHO would turn her down, really?! LOOK AT THAT FACE! Leif's concentrating on Dalibor's tale and he nods a bit. Explains some things

Taika frowns too upon hearing some of Dali's story. It is not exactly his story, but he did get shipped off to another Sept along with his sister. The Maori siblings appear to be talking in hushed whispers for a moment and the go back to listening.

Dalibor actually chuckles softly. "Laughs-at-Death'Rhya was a Shadow Lord Rotogar and he had watched my antics with the other cubs and the Den Motherr for a bit. And he thought he recognised an underlying thread in these interactions. And so he asked the Sept for som time to work with me. He warned that my behavior would likely get worse in the short-term, but should improve markedly in time. And so he was given permission."

"Laughs pulled me away from the cubs and den Motherr for some 'one-on-one' time. I assumed that this would probably result in some beatings, to try and 'correct' my behavior. What he did instead was much more in line with his aupsice. He... ridiculed me. For my behavior. For my lack of understanding. For evertything. My days consisted of sleeping, eating and ridicule. And all of the ridicule was based on one thing. That I was 'just' a dumb Fenrir. How could I possibly expect to understand training from the 'adults' in the room? To say that this enraged me, would be putting it mildly. I even went so far as attack him once - sure in my strength as a Modi. It.... did not go well. For me."

Dal shakes his head. "Not my proudest moment. But facts are facts... This went on for weeks. I was simply too pig-headed to buckle. I dug my heels in even harder. And so my behavior did, indeed, get worse. Finally. after weeks of this verbal 'abuse' - I confronted Laughs again. This time with words, and not fists. I railed against him for his slurs against the Fenrir. How dare he hold such malicious stereotypes about my tribe? He was a fool if he believed such things. And so on. In response, Laughs just smiled and waited for the dumb young Modi to catch up..."

Killigrew snags a couple of pretzels from the bag that's offered, leaning up against Aldric and nibbling on them as she listens, nodding along as the narrative unfolds.

Minna coaxes the cub up, up, up into her lap with a smile on her face and curls an arm around her flank and middle so as to keep her from falling down. Then she kisses the pup on her forehead, and holds up her hand to let the wolf lick the butter, stroking her muzzle. She's about as happy as a clam- and the fact that she gets to listen to a story is just extra.

Schlurp! Minna is now Freya's mommy. This will be a surprise to Leif later on. Leif, meanwhile, is listening to the story, glancing around briefly for the pup, spotting her, then going back to his listening

Einar gives a low chuckle and a fond smile for Dalibor and his story. The Rotagar can't help but enjoy hard lessons involving sharp tongues, okay!?

Theron nods and gets a beer from Ben leaning across the table to get it before he settles back in. He turns back to the story, a smile spreading as it goes on offering approval.

Taika gets up, walks over to Ben too and pats his back as he asks for a beer as well.

Detlef is content to listen and drink his drink, but doesnt interupt at the moment

Ben is all too happy to offer out the beers, still relaxed and listening to the story - waiting on the finale.

Dal shrugs. "And that is when the lightbulb in my head lit, if only somewhat dimly. I had been acting out for many reassons - trauma and rage being hight= on that list - but under it all was one driving thing. I did not respect my hosts. I looked down on them. The only thing I had known about the Lords before fleeing to this Sept were the steretypes: they were untrustworthy, Family meant nothing to them - only power and wealth. You undoubtedly know the stereotypes. And yet the reality is, these people had opened their arms to a lost orphan and treated him nearly as one of their own. I kindness I had respoonded to by spitting in their faces. And I wish that I was onmly sdpeaking metaphorically. It took being faced with Fenrir stereotypes, and getting angry over it, to become aware of my own actions. And became deathly ashamed of them."

Dal pauses for a moment. "LAughs was proud of my progress, even if it had been a bit slower than he had hoped. He was especially proud that I had not resorted to violence a second time and had actually attempted to talk it out. I was returned back to the Den Mother and the cubs to continue my training... but now with a ranked Ragabash as a mentor of sorts. He took great pride in teaching me some of his simpler tricks for hiding and how to strike from concealment, putting me on a path towards becoming a bit of a marksman... hopefully one day I'll have the skill to call myself a sniper."

"Now, there were some lasting consequences from these early 'teething' troubles, of course. We don't get away from our sins that easily - Garou have long memories, after all. Several years later, after another series of events knocked me down... a much different reaction from before, but still... I was politely asked leave. For my own good, of course. A change of scenery to get away from places with strong emotional memories. But, by this point, I had been among Grandfather Thunder's children long enough to know this was, at leasst partially, the remnants of the 'ship him out' bloc finally getting their say. LAughs pulled one last little surprise, more of less makin certain I ended up here. I... am still uncertain why he was so adament. He has no ties here, that I know of currently. But knowing him, there is an unseen method to his 'madness'."

Dal looks around at the crowd again. "This is where a skilled Skald would tie this toghether with a wise lesson. Beware streotypes, perhaps? Be kind to gracious hosts? Be understanding to those dealing with trauma - even if they're acting out ina destructive fashion? Well, I'm /NOT/ a skilled Skald, so.... I suppose I leave the moal of this sordid little tale to you. Somehow, I think Laughs-at-Death'Rhya wopuld approve..."

With a little bow of his head, Dal takes a step back - slinking out of the spotlight to the sidelines, where he's a bit more comfortable.

Detlef smiles just a little and raises his drink in approval of the tale.

The Fang Galliard seems pleased with the tale. As Dalibir finishes up he gives the man a small clapping gesture as a sign of his approval with the tale. "Well done."

Minna unzips her jacket just enough to scoop the pup up and slip her inside. Then she zips it up until only the wolf's head is poking out, and sits back in her chair with one hand tucked up under her jacket to pet. Her other hand brings up the butter remains of the corn cob, which she holds level with the wolf's muzzle, allowing her to mouth and chew and to generally busy herself making a mess as Minna listens, listens and nods, staring out into space.

Erin unwraps her arms from her legs and gives a cheer to the storyteller and claps along before givinga wolf whistle.

Einar gives the drumming of his hand against the thick wood as his stamp of approval, thumping it rhythmically as he lifts a cheer of, "Well told, brother," allowing others to join in the table thumping before letting it trail off as Dalibor exits the floor.

Evonna cheers for Dalibor and whistles in appreciation! "Good job!"

"Crafty." Theron says to Dalibor as he then sips his beer. He pounds the table with his knuckles wrapping three times his appreciation.

Heidi stands up from her table giving a standing ovation. She claps, and then lifts her beer. "Strength to overcome." She smiles.

Taika stands and claps for Dali, "You have some Skald in you after all."

Killigrew pats Ric's leg lightly before rising and angling to catch Dalibor, giving the Modi a huge hug and whispering something before giving him a little shaking and a slap on the shoulder. Moving towards the fire, she smiles at the gathered. "I don't have any games planned for the night. But there is a whole roast pig and a banquet to feast on. Next week we will be gathering on Tuesday, at the same time."

Ben offers a round of applause as well, setting his beer down to do so. "Well told, Dalibor." The man grins, nodding to the storyteller.

Aldric also uses the table, thumping his fist against it to drum up his applause. He nods to Dalibor, nodding to him as he finishes his tale. He nods to Zoe as she gets up, watching as she goes to speak.

Heidi looks at Taika down the line of Fenris, "Will my song be ready in a few weeks you think?" She grins, but slides up from her seat. Now she is planning to get a plate of food.

Remi does the one handed clap on one leg as the other hand is busy with food. Taika pages: No wing eating competition tonight? You paged Taika with 'Shit, I spaced it. The time was all off tonight XD the event was posted an hour earlier and i forgot what we were doing.'

Dalibor seems a little taken aback by all the attention. IT wasn't that great of a story, but he bows his head in appreciation. "Thank you... all of you." He gives Taika a particularly surprised response. Well, Gibbous and full moons are... right there, 'next' to each other. Skalds can make excellent warriors, so why couldn't a Modi be a brd? That's probably totally a thing... for a Modi other than Dal. He's really not that well-rounded. Really.

Taika gets up and says, "Killigrew might not have a competition planned for tonight, but I do. Sorry as we work through some of this. Tonight's competition requires you to have saved some room in your bellies though - a hot chicken wing eating competition. Killi has the barbecue wings and I have the spices. Who is in?"

Heidi hasn't eaten yet from her plate at the buffet. "I'm all in!" She lifts a hand up while walking her full plate back to her table. "I might not need this now."

Aldric actually decides to participate. He would in a meat eating contest. So he lifts his hand up, putting his hat in the ring.

Ben sips a bit more of his beer, grinning. "I am game to try. What are the rules?" He wonders, looking to Taika.

Einar bark-laughs a bit at Taika's challenge and he can't help but nod enthusiastically, "This should be fuckin good!" he declares, but mostly because his stomach is growling louder than he does on a regular basis.

Erin has been super quiet as she looks around and hmms a little bit and shrugs, she will play along not that she can put it down ever but well this might be fun non the less. Hopefully the red head will help, nah maybe she's a whimp

Heidi looks at any other kinfolk in the room to be joining her with eating wings. "Represent!"

Theron chuckles, "An eating contest? Oh you fucking know Im in." he says rather proudly. Rising then to get himself some of the forbidden food.

Dalibor gives Zoe a small grin and mumbles a brief response to the Kin MC, before eyeing Taika. He's totes sus. "Hot wings? While I like chicken... am not sure about your spices...?"

Detlef smiles "im good with my drink.. Ill watch and point though!" he grins

Aldric gets up to head over for his plate of wings, making sure to stop off and get a dose of spices before returning to the table. He does get himself a beer as well, need something to wash it down with.

Taika has takers. He takes a set of vials with various shades of red liquids inside out from the saddle bags in Kora's wheelchair. As people begin to volunteer, he has a set of six wings brought out for each contestant. He pours the first hot sauce in and shakes the two together in a large mixing bowl one of the local kin brings over. The wings are distributed and Taika says, "This isn't a who can eat the fastest challenge, but a can you eat them all as the heat kicks up a notch.". He begins prepping for the next round with the second vial of sauce and says, "Eat up."

Minna has a puppy. What use of chicken doth she have? She shuns the bird in favor of the lupine. "No thanks," she says, scritching wolfishly.

"First rule of wing club: No shifting and no gofts. We're onto you." Zoe says, hunting up the huge bowls of wings and hauling them to the table.

Evonna is down for this. Although not good with spicy usually, she'll try it out. Probably tap out at some point. She'll get some wings, and probably die.

Heidi switches to a plate of wings and sits down to participate as well. She lines up all her beer flavors in front of her plate. "This is like... knowing you are going to die, but doing it anyway." She chuckles.

Einar grins and is lining up to do his thing. He doesn't have any Gifts to be cool under pressure so he'll just have to /wing/ it.

Killigrew grabs her own plate and bumps Heidi gently with her shoulder. "No, tonight we melt. Tomorrow we die." she says with a laugh, finding a spot to get into position for eating the spicy things.

"This is much better than that Heidi, this is delicious as you die." Theron chimes to his berserker protege, "Good luck everyone..." he then takes a hold of a wing and begins to eat, nom nom nom, he prefers the drummies, some like the wings, but the drummies are the way to go in Theron's mind.

Remi settles in to watch the kids and kin taking part in hot wing eating contest while sipping their drink. A small smile as Hot Ones makes it into the Garou Nation.

Heidi groans at Killigrew, "Stop at the store and get pepto on the way home. Someone is going to need an extra outhouse tomorrow, Aldric. Thank Gaia I have my own bathroom, thank you very much ZO-zoe." Hehe. She's eating away once it starts, grinning.

Erin grabs some beers and comes to sit down next to Heidi and looks at the wings and lightly pokes them with her finger "This color can't be good" she comments "My stomich and butt are going to be so mad at me" she snorts as she waits for the go ahead and then starts to pull the meat off the bones and makes a pile that she just starts to stuff into her mouth till its all gone, then it's wash down by beer.

Dalibor will probably regret this, but sidle up to a plate of death. No guts, no... painful morning after...?

Fuck. Really? Leif clambers to his feet and heads over to the wings. He cracks his knuckles en route

Detlef starts to cheer for the Get that are participating, especially Evonna

They're hot enough that after two, Zoe has the sniffles and her face is flushed, but the burning of her tongue doesn't seem off-putting. Rather, she reaches for more, happily stuffing her face in an attempt to make her lips go numb.

Einar gets through the first, and literally the first one before there's a sudden keening sound from the throat of the otherwise large, masculin, manly man. It turns into a whine shortly after and then the tears and the feverish sweating starts. He only gets a whole two swallows before his poor white-boy tongue rebels and he gags hard, then another time before forcing it down and then choking before turning around and having to spit. His face is red and he's still looking a little green around the edges as he simply pushes his plate away before he suddenly twists and scrambles over the bench, probably accidentally kicking someone in the process as he bear crawls to a bush and there are horrid retching and wet splatter sounds from behind.

Evonna takes the bowl of wings and psyches herself up for it. A long drink of her brew, and she picks up a wing. She sniffs it first and wrinkles her nose at the spice. But she is brave! REALLY BRAVE! Get face things head on! She bites into it and chews but... oh... no... what? WHAT?? Oh fucking hell! TOO HOT TOO HOT! ABANDON SHIP!! MAYDAY MAYDAY!!! Is she choking? Is she dying? Hard to say but she drops the wing and falls so the ground, writing as she coughs and sputters, with sweat dripping from her forehead before she just has to run off inside the kinfolk house... ok more like a fast scamper on hands and knees, panting like a dog, to find some MILK!!

Taika watches as everyone eats and he nods, "Not bad on the heat level right? You're probably thinking, I've got this in the bag. Next round isn't going to be as easy.". Taika starts dividing up the next round as it looks like everyone is still in the competition - only not everyone is in. "Oh we have some light weights ladies and gentlemen. Einar, I swear on my honor I didn't do anything special to yours bud so don't hate me."

Theron? He can't eat bacon, he can't eat ham, he can't have pork sausage...but you know what he can eat? WINGS! The berserker smiles a bit as he looks to some of the others already bowing out as he takes another wing and continues to eat, "You going to eat those?" he jokes with a wide smile as he goes, licking some hot wing sauce off of his fingers. Oh yeah.

Leif rubs his hands together and picks up his first wing. He sniffs it, then smooshes the little wing against his plate, which breaks the bone and he slurps it off. There is no reaction from the big giant, other than to start to reach up for his glorious mane of hair, which is all down, stop, then call out, "HEY! Can somoene pull my hair back?" Because it's probably going to get messy, if nothing else. He licks his fingers clean and kind of swipes at his face with the back of his hand

Heidi finished round one and ate all the wings on her plate. She sees the rest still in the game but she does turn to see Einar puking, and Evonna crawling in the house. Her eyes widen, and then she's drinking a beer after before continuing. Round 2.. she's in.

Okay. That one's kinda hot. Leif snorts at Einar and he does the same thing to the wing, smooshing it against the table to break the joint and slurping the chicken off the wing. "If Einar challenges anyone for any reason, make it a spicy competition," he says around a mouthful of food, still trying to keep his hair out of his face.

Dalibor munches on some wings, pausing for a momwent, and then munches on some more. Spicy, but not terribly so... but the contest is still young. It has nowhere to go but down.

Aldric eats, furrowing his brow a little as the heat kicks in. He grunts under his breath, eyes lifting as Einar makes a dash for the bushes. An arch of an eyebrow follows. "Don't bikers live on beer and things like this?" he seems genuinely confused before reaching for the next batch to chow down.

Heidi must know about food and spices because in her kitchen it's life or death to a starving crowd. She gets to the second round and keeps going, pacing herself and looking over at Theron. "Yeah.. bring it berserker!" Hehe.

Einar is finally crawling back out and pushing to his feet to resettle his Cut and go back to being a Fenrir. Clearing his throat he coughs again and then shakes it off, "I think I breathed when I shoulda fuckin swallowed," he laughs and shrugs a bit, "Ain't lettin some peppers fuckin down me for good," he promises.

Mistakes were made. Thinking she was great with the first batch, Zoe gets ballsy and stuffs /TWO/ in her mouth at once after deboning them. Ever watched someone that -likes- the burning pain start to cry. Her throat locks up and she stubborns the two down. Which is mistake number two. Getting them down is all well and good, but now they're burning lava in her innards, and she's soon sprinting for a bush to relieve herself of the agonizing burning in her belly. Blerp.

Erin made it past round 1 and now comes Round 2. She blows some air and touches her lip "Shit it's already numb ugh" she then looks at the wings as they are place and she ughs "Shit these look angrier" she does what she did the first time and pulls the meat from the wings off and makes a big pile before she starts to scarf it down she fans herself a little bit "Hot hot!" she says with a smirk. She reaches for the beer and looks around "any milk?" she asks as she looks ready for round 3.

"Ah, so is this the time when the studen becomes the master?" Theron challenges Heidi with a shake of a wing bone after slurping the meat off of it in a single pull. "Not today my Valkyrie...not today." it would seem, Theron is ready for round 3.

Evonna comes back looking worse for wear, milk moustache and all, with another tumbler full of milk. Just in time to watch the others still at it. She'll take a seat and try to cheer for whomever is left, but her face is still red and sweaty, while looking paler than usual if it's possible.

Dalibor taking a wing from the second batch and takes a bite, before immediately putting it back down and excusing himself to find a beer. Yup. He lasted all of one round. And like that, the Modi turned Skald(?) is out.

Ben starts with gusto, chowing down and praying his stamina sees him through. Along with his own large size. It's hot going, he's sweating - there's no hiding that part.

Leif wipes at his nose with the back of his OTHER hand and sniffles. "Fugg," he mutters, but he gets through it and wipes his fingers on.. something... hopefully a napkin and not Freya.

Aldric looks up as Zoe makes a dash for the bushes, putting down the wing in his hand to get up. He wipes his hands off on the back of his jeans because that's what they're for, and goes to see if the kinfolk is okay, since she doesn't need her hair held.

Taika looks like he is having a grand ol time as people are enjoying themselves and maybe overestimating what a bit o-heat can do on a wing. As a few more people kick out, he holds up the third and final vial. "Are you sure you are men and women enough for this? It is a special recipe from my mother's family passed down through the generations so the Maori warriors can prove themselves.". Kora calls out, "Liar you bought that in the city.". Taika chuckles and nods, collapsing playfully on the lie, "Nah yeah, I totally did - but this was the hottest one I could find. If anyone can down these, you are a winner-even if we have more than one.". He pauses and starts mixing in the new batch. "Of course, you'll also be losers as you shit her brains out later.". *wink*. And the wings get handed out.

Heidi sees Zo-Zoe go to the bushes, then Aldric getting up. The competition narrows! She sing songs back to Theron, taunting him. "Who's the baby valkyrie phoenix now, .... round 3..." her mouth is on fire! She's just smack talking the berserker up now and grins to Erin. "If I lose, it's all on you to win Erin."

Erin watches as people run off to the bushes "Those poor bushes" she then blinks as she looks to Heidi and ughs "No pressure"

Leif still has shit all over his hands and his hair is in his face. He makes a little grumbly sound and then pulls his shirt up and wears it like a wig. THAT will have to do. Also, flex flex. He's sweaty and stuff. He rubs his thumbs against his forefingers a time or two, psyching himself up and then he methodically smooshes the winglets to release the meat (rawr?) and scoops it up. He pops it in his mouth and he chews.. and chews... and swallows.. and licks his fingers. "That one's tast--" He hiccups. ".. ty.." And another hiccup, but the heat doesn't seem to be bothering him QUITE as much as the second round did.

Erin continues to do what she has been doing for the first 2 rounds pulling the meat so she can stuff it down her throat. She does give a little pause and her stomich gives a little gurgle as she looks down " Oh boy" she actually falters a little for a moment it looks like for a close moment she would be running to the bushes too but she barely manages to stuff the last down and looks just ugh but she is still here, yay!

Dalibor sips a fresh beer. "Those spices... are evil."

Evonna elbows her brother hard in the ribs and goes back to her milk.

Killigrew gathers saliva and spits a few times to clear her mouth, which is STILL on fire. Glad of the assist the kin leans against Aldric's leg and rubs her hands 'clean' on her pants, looking more than a little queasy still after trying to double-stuff her face with those overly spicy wings.

Heidi is so damn stubborn. They all knew that. She gets into the first wing, the second, and the rest, and then she takes a huge breath out, like she's gunna fail. And FUCK NO. She looks at Theron at the challenge and there's no way she's letting sensai Miyagi win. She gives him full on shrinking squinty stink-eye, and noms the last wing down. She might die. But she ain't leaving the dang table. She swallows the saucy wing bits and then puts both arms up into the air. "Victory flight!" She roooars back at Theron, leans forward and picks up both bottles of beer on the table and guzzles them down. Her face is three shades of Hades! Heidi slams down beer bottle one to the table. Then ..... second, down. Bam! Two bottles. All eyes on Theron. He better not Queen this up at the end.

Leif fist-taps his chest a time or two and then lets out a looooooooong, slooooooooow, looooooud burp that would probably shatter a window if he was close enough. Freya is over there with the (disconnected) Minna and there is a hot wing eating contest just finished. Leif also has his shirt over his head like a wig. (It's theoretically to keep his hair out of his face).

Detlef Cant help but grin even as he gets elbowed and lets out a loud "UMPH" which turns into a laugh dispite himself.

Ben fights his way through the last two rounds of wings, face beet red. He's not giving up. He's not surrendering. HE WILL CONQUER WINGS! CHICKENS BEWARE!

Aldric waits until Killigrew is done getting rid of the chicken, then gently leads her over to a place to sit just a little away from those still going for gold. "Wait here." He says, then goes to fish around in the coolers for something easy to drink. Milk if they have any cartons, water if they don't.

Theron matches Heidi wing for wing, fire in his eyes...or maybe thats just the heat of the wing, a hint of sweat from the heat now. However, as he matches her and finishes up he lets out a victory roar. He two grabs two beers and cracks them open and begins to guzzle them down, pouring them down with wild revelry, excess spilling down his chin a bit before he slams the bottle down. "Well done!" he says, "SKOL!"

Evonna sips her millk and enjoys everyone else suffering who are eating those damn bloody wings. She lokks for Einar, "We going hunting tonight? I have a need to kill something that isn't fucking spicy."

Heidi high fives Theron! Win. Win. Win.

Erin watches Heidi and Theron and snickers "How you two can drink beer.. ugh" she is bright red faced as it even matches her red hair. She tries not to blow any air because her lips are on fire!.

Taika can't let them undergo too much pain. He made sure to bring plenty of milk. There's like a gallon per person. He makes sure everyone who wants some can have it. He also calls out, "There's bread if you need it. That helps too!". As those who are chicken warriors finish, Taika gives them a hiiiiiiiiiiyeeeeeee and says, "Well fucking done everyone. You're all honorary Maori tonight!". He'd then go back to sitting with Kora and watch what he's done.

Ulf is late. This is on purpose. He arrives casually, with his satchel over his shoulder, and while the contest is raging he just starts pulling out little bottles of Pepto and lining them up on another table. Just one after the other, little pink travel-sized miracle balms, then a box of Alka-Seltzer, then two boxes of Zantac, and a big ol' thing of Tums. Just that. Because he's a healer.

Erin tries not to rub her eyes cuz she has all kind of hot sauce on them. She does take the milk and drinks some and uses some to wash her hands, that should cut the heat right!

Usually stubborn, Killi's glad of the help to find a better spot to sit and try to not think about how on fire her innards are. It -lingers-. She was good, til she wasn't and man, was she NOT good. At least she was smart and 'hawked her hair up. Eliminates one problem.

Remi just shakes their head at the celebrating Get and kin before a long drink is taken.

Heidi turns to revel at all those who made it to the last round. She just barely made it at the end there. Her hands rest on the table as she stands up from her chair and she nods to Erin. "It helps when you are raised on it." She chuckles. If anyone notices, she is drinking the girlie-girl low calorie 'Little Moon' beer brew. Low alcohol content. But now, she's going where the milk is and walking toward Ulf and the medicine.

Leif waves off the milk and grabs the first set of wings and offers one to Erin. "Cool down easy. Better that way." Yes, he's sweating, but he's actually kind of enjoying the pain. Sicko.

Erin looks at Leif as he offers her another wing and raises a brow "Thanks" she tries not to breath too hard and laughs "You cray cray!" she gteases him.

Theron finds a napkin and wipes his chin, when he sees Ulf he smiles and rises, "Welcome man, but you've missed the challenge." he taunts playfully. "Oh...milk, yes please!" despite how far he made it, he seems to be wise enough to get help when its over.

Einar is finally paying attention when there's milk being discussed. "Milk?!" he asks like a desperately thirsty man who's been without water for days.

Heidi drinks her own personal jug that comes out for contestants. This will make the entire difference of barfing and survival. Once done, she wipes the back of her mouth with one hand. Her eyes are still tearing up and she looks at Ulf, "You got my message." She looks happy about that and looks to the medicine. "What's the fastest relief, liquid?" She's opting for the pink bottle. No shame.

Evonna watches as others finally get their milk, and she's nearly done with her second glass. After only one bite of those damned things.

Erin gets up from the table as she washes her hands again taking a sip as she makes her way towards the healing table and gives Ulf a smile "thanks" she takes the other pink stuff and raises it at Heidi "Cheers, we made it to the end" she nodsnods and opens up the pink bottle and takes a swig.

"One wonders if the wings even tasted good," Ulf muses quietly to himself, smiling a bit and bowing his head to Theron. "I was not present. I do not think I /missed/ it much." He grins broadly to Heidi and says, "You did well, and I am very proud. And I will not show any physical affection to demonstrate this because I am fairly certain you are now radioactive with capsaicin piquance and even breathing your air is dangerous."

When she asks about the 'fastest relief', Ulf pops one of the eucalyptus Zantac tabs and hands it to her with a Pepto. "Take that, wash it down with this."

Leif grins at Erin and shrugs, then nods to Ulf. "The last ones were better than the first two." He hiccups again and heads over to wash his hands VERY thoroughly, scrubbing between his fingers and digging under his nails just to be sure. He doesn't want to get anything on Freya.

Killigrew is given milk and whispered to before Ric heads out. The kin nods, smiling, then drinking the milk quickly. A mouthful is swished about to kill some of the fire in her mouth, then swallowed. She doesn't even consider moving until the milk is all gone. Once she's feeling better, she slinks off to go hug her stomach and wait for the real misery to come, later.

Heidi grins back at Erin and mirrors drinking the pink bottle at the same time. She hears Ulf telling her that she is radioactive and she takes two steps toward him. She pops the Zantac in her mouth. The milk jug is in her left hand. The pink bottle is in her right. "Does this mean I can chase you around the yard for a kiss? Start... running. I'm hot pepper momma now!"