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Tainted Taproom Cleanup
The Get round up and go to Heidi's taproom to cleanse the kinfolk working there and check the place out for taint and how it could have infiltrated, finding a vital clue.
IC Date December 5th, 2020
Players Ben, Detlef, Einar, Evonna, Katja, Killigrew, Leif, Taika, Theron, Heidi & Ulf ST
Location Heidi's Taproom
Prp/Tp Part 3, Previous -- Part 5, Next
Spheres Gaian Garou Kinfolk

The group gets away from the Creek site and they bumble down the roads easy enough. It's when they get closer to the city and any street lights that they notice everything is not working. If there's any other cars, it's a courtesy make your own imaginary stop sign in your head. Not everyone follows this rule.
The drive might be easier for the motorcycle behind since if cars block the road from fender benders, they can zip around. And like most humans, no one likes to be told what to do. And hardly anyone follows the stay at home orders when they get closer to the city. People are outside on the streets like its the 4th of July, but with no fireworks. Some people sit in lawnchairs, and workers who have no power are getting in their cars and going home. It's a bit of a cluster with traffic and at some point they manage to get closer to the Mex-experience food truck. It's closed. Now, two blocks away, it's easiest if she points them to the parking garage a block away from the Vardanyan Brewing Co. sign.

Heidi says, "We'll walk. Parking is limited. Unless you want to ignore the no parking signs out front."

"No point drawing attention to ourselves when the police are already on alert," Ulf replies to Heidi when they park, nabbing a spot and shutting down his engine. As usual, he extends a hand so she can dismount the Valkyrie without awkwardness, hanging his helmet from the handlebar. "So how many sick and injured are we expecting here?"

"Probably best to not actually draw attention. Walking's good." He gets out of the truck, probably out of the bacck and stretches out a little bit. Almost in perfect synch with Ulf. TWINS.

Katja turns her phone on during the ride, and therefore also becomes aware of the blackout about the time they're getting back to civilization and she might have an opportunity to notice how dark everything is. "That sounds bad," she agrees, considering her options as the stop at the garage.

Killigrew paws through her duffle bag of toys, pulling out the pepper spray and the taser. The rest gets locked n the cab, for now. Hopping out of the back of the truck, she does what the smart thing to do is: she moves to hang out near Leif, cause he's an excellent meat shield.

Theron hops out of the jeep, he pauses for a long time and stares at his sword. Instead however he slodes a long dagger into a sheath under his jacket. "I know. Next time." he tells the poor sword.

Evonna has been making sure her kit is ready and organized and well, brought extra materials for today. Finally she makes it out of the truck she came in and join the others and assess.

Heidi slides off the back of the bike with Ulf's assistance. She pulls off her helmet and sets it down. "Seven. I called ahead. The other two will need house calls because of the black-out." She checks her cell phone. "I'm the tenth employee." She waits for the group to come together and taps a message to let the store employees know they are about to come in. "They are ready for us." She walks to get her rifle out of the truck bed along with the first-aid kit for the docs to use.

Detlef stands in the back of the truck for most of the ride, alertly, it likely never occurs to him that this might be illegal, and as soon as they stop he jumps out onto the ground and will help anyone out that wants the help. "All these big things.. " he shakes his head, having not appeared to bring anything.. though those that know him, realize his throwing knives are up his sleeves.

"Okay, then let's get moving and start inspecting, yes? There is cleansing and healing to be done," Ulf says with some semblance of authority as he waves the crowd along after him to begin the long, grueling march to the tasting room. Which is really close, so by the time you're done reading this they're probably already inside.

Leif is following along. He has the ability to lead, but Ulf seems to have everything in hand. He pulls the keys out of his pocket and only has to sift through a tiny sword and pair of reading glasses. He walks up to the door to sift through and find the right one

Theron moves with the others, he keeps quiet and ready for anything. He moves light on his feet, clearly a well trained combatant, assuming the worst.

Detlef walks at an easy pace along with the others, He gives his sister, Evonna, a big smile. "I didnt think we would be getting /into/ the big city so fast." while the door is being opened, he is scanning the surroundings looking for dangers and threats.

"Where do you want me? And, I guess, what form?" Zoe asks, leaving the hard decisions to the people that get the higher pay for these sorts of situations.

Katja accompanies the group, glancing around at the darkened streets. "Does this place have a kitchen? ...With gas, I suppose?"

Heidi isn't going first. She's like sixth in line toting a first aide kit in her left hand and the rifle on her back. If the door is unlocked, she waits for them to push it open and then they are in the main tasting room.

The bar is like any other classy conventional space. Plenty of wood and glass to make it bright. And the lighting is a bit retro steampunk with some of Theron's handiwork from his own forge. There is no one behind the bar and the room is empty. But those who smell taint, will be hit right away.

Heidi puts the first aid kit down on the bar. "They are gathered in the back storage loading room. Our boss didn't want anyone seen from the glass windows laying on the floor."

The hallway splits in the back for employee offices and goes back even further to the loading docks for shipments and cases of the internationally known Vardanyan Brews. A kin moans in the back, and someone else yukes in a bucket. "They are here." Someone whispers. "Back here! ..." A younger kin in her late teens starts to whimper. If the group goes back to triage and look them over they will see these kin are far worse off than Heidi and Theron were this morning. These kin have rashes on their arms, and necks. Some have the start of boils popping up on their faces. It reeks like vomit in the bathroom and two kin are passed out on the floor. The rest are sitting against the walls, and trying to wait for help.

Leif will happily be the first through. Wall. Shield. Not that he's sloppy about it. He's careful, peeking inside before he makes room for others to enter. "Let me go first," he says, and just does so, pushing open doors as he goes along, unfortunately following his nose.

"Stay as you are for now; I am not anticipating much of a /fight/ in this place," Ulf replies to Zoe as Leif works to unlock the door. Nothing suspicious at all about a crowd of ragtag strangers standing outside the tasting room, just keep moving along and ignoring how some of them make you feel all uneasy. Once the door's open the Godi ushers everyone inside, making sure the door is locked behind them.

Leif's playing fullback and blocking for the procession, but Ulf goes to the first grounded Kinfolk he sees and says, "Shhhh, shhh, I am here to be helping you. It will be all right; we will put this nightmare behind us, yes?" So saying he begins healing the unfortunate, then asks, "Those who know the cleansing rites, please begin them with the people, and then with the place."

Evonna follows along and as she finds some people that need cleansing, she takes out what she needs and begins the ritual on each person that is in need.

Detlef makes sure, as the last through, that the door is locked behind them, and that no one was watching them enter. Once that is done he will turn to help get the kinfolk together, helping those that need it, to the point of picking up and carrying them if needed , so the cleansers dont need to wander around looking for people.

Killigrew is content to stay as she is, and let the Garou go first. Hearing the sounds, smelling the unpleasantness, she makes a bit of a face. "Which way would I find a couple of buckets and cloths and water?" she asks, putting herself to task for finding things to help clean up the physical effects of the sickness.

Theron heads outside to keep an eye out once it seems there is nothing within of danger, cleansing is out of his wheelhouse. "Ill keep an eye out for any risk." he then heads outside and leans casually against the wall in the shadows, eyes sharp.

Leif pushes through each and every door and taps the doorframe of one. "Closet, Zoe," he says, but keeps moving, pushing open doors. "Another one in here, someone." And then still moving, clearing the building, calling out as he finds people for someone to come and do the rescuing.

Heidi points out the closet for cleaning supplies and then the kitchen door which is locked. "Leif has that key too." She is staying in the main tasting room where Ulf directs them, the ones who can't cleanse. There's a few clear glass refrigs in here holding cold brews, wines, and other spritzers, with some soda pops for DD's. Packages of cheese and other snacks are in there as well, but with the power out, everything is dim.

Evonna finishes up with one person and then sees something on the wall. No, not Leif! She nudges Ulf a moment and points to it. "Pizza the Hut." She indicates the flier on the community board. "That explains it, ja?"

Katja winces slightly, but true to her word, she doesn't seem inclined to do any sympathetic emesis. All bets are off if any dead bodies are found, however. After a moment of indecision, she seems inclined to think Zoe has a good idea, moving to accompany Killi to the cleaning supplies closet.

Well, that's one person down as Ulf does his 'magic hands' routine. Gaia's healing energies work to set the poor Kinfolk to rights, and the Godi helps her to a seat before getting her a glass of water and adding a pat on the back. "We need to be making sure everyone is dosed and cleansed, and then all of the major sources of Wyrm taint within the building, plus the practical matter of cleaning up. If you cannot be doing any of that, please look for what might have started this, yes?"

Evonna's nudge has Ulf looking where she points, and he thins his eyes and agrees. "Motherfucking Pizza Hut," he growls.

Leif gets all the way to the back and then heads back, grabbing a couple of people who CAN walk and assisting them back out to the main area, quietly reassuring. "It'll be okay. We got ya now." Patpat.

Heidi tries to help by showing the girls where the cleaning supplies are kept. They will have to get into the kitchen to get water and mix the industrial cleaning soap. It's all environmentally safe soap purchased from another kinfolk supplier. She hears Ulf's growl down the hall, and tries to give a reassuring voice where the kin are working for her employees. 'They are here to help you. Let them assist you as they can. This sickness will be over soon." She hopes.

Closet? Closet. Using her phone's light, Zoe gets to hunting in the supply closet for things to get people cleaned up with. The water ought to run, at least on some level, even if the pressure goes down a little. Filling some buckets and dropping clothes in, she starts distributing them to where the kin are being gathered.

Detlef helps get all the people together, and then asks "Do you want me to gather up all of the trash and food and drink stuff so we can get rid of it?"

You know what is better than cleaning up gross sickness and puke? Standing outside on watch duty. Theron continues to do that.

Evonna grits her teeth, "We need to get to that Pizza the Hut after we are done here. Make a plan, gather folks, check it out." For now she will go back to cleansing more kinfolk to get everyone done before the cleanse the building.

Now that everything seems pretty chill, Leif comes to a locked door. The kitchen. "He--" Gag. Wretch. "Fuck. This is the pl---" More gagging, but he just pulls his shirt up over his nose and walks toward the dishwasher. "Thi---" GAAAG. Something might be going on in the kitchen

Katja slips off her backpack briefly, reaching inside to grab her headlamp, pulling it on and clicking it to a dim setting. She grabs a bucket, heading after Leif to the kitchen, wanting to tap the hot water tanks first.

Heidi looks over at Det but points him toward Ulf to give direction on the food or drinks. "Not sure what can be saved or not. If it's bad, it goes." She drops a ton of paper towel slices down over some puke to soak it up on the floor. "You ok, Leif?" She hears him gag.

Leif jerks open the dishwasher and gets down on one knee, peering inside. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-----" he mutters and holds a hand up as he hears someone coming in on little feet. You can tell big feet from little feet. "Don't come back here. Mold. Everywhere." GOOD THING HE'S BREATHING IT IN!

Detlef hears the sounds from Leif, and heads that way. he frowns a little and stops though when Leif calls out "We have to come in there to fix it either way!" but he obeys the one already there.

"No kin.." Leif leans down a little and reaches into the dishwasher. ".. just... no kin. Probably REALLY bad for them in here." He leans up out of the dishwasher. "Someone who isn't kin bring me some plastic or.. something.. there's like a chunk and I don't wanna just carry it out."

"The drinks are bottled up tight; they will be fine," Ulf replies when the subject comes up, though he's examining his next patient and already making with the healing mojo. "Unpackaged food should be checked. Anything that was going to be disposed of already, bag up and place out back; then those who can discern the origin of corruption can be checking things out themselves and seeing what is tainted and what is not. And would someone please make sure that Leif is not throwing up back there?"

Once cleaning supplies are dropped off by the cleaning kin, Zoe finds a spot to get to work, cleaning up some of the grossness and gagging more than once - being a sympathetic puker surrounded by vomit is no fun. But she really doesn't want to add to it.

Detlef will grab a trashcan, and a second trashbag, to drop in and double line the can. "Im coming." he calls to Lief. He will take a deep breath and hold it as he runs in to Leif.

Evonna finishes another cleansing, and hears Leif. Then goes closer, stopping every few steps her eyes moving, yet staring. Then as if a light bulb clicks above her head. "Fire!" YES! She pulls out a lighter and says, "We get rid of it with fire." She pulls out a mini torch she has assembled and kept in her bag and lights it up, getting near Leif and pushing him back a bit so he does not get singed from the fire frying the spores. "Don't breathe!"

Katja halts, as directed, outside the kitchen, peering in with a frown. "Shiitake mushrooms. If I was going to be doing anything useful, it would've been in there," she grouses, backing away from the spore-ridden room to one of the alternate water sources available. "Heidi, where do you keep your brewing yeast," she asks warily?

Heidi steps around the paper towel puke and points to the glass domes of giant muffins, and cupcakes on the counter for display and purchase. "All the fresh baked goods need to go." She gets a mop to clean up puke. "Ulf! Let us know when we can open doors and windows please." Her own t-shirt is pulled up over her nose, and she side gags herself. And she has an iron stomach. It smells really bad in the whole place.

Heidi directs Katja to the kitchen and some cupboards. But if they aren't allowed in there yet, it's not a good idea until they are done.

Leif slips backwards, more than glad to do so and pushes up to his feet. A good little trick for someone his size. He's almost graceful about it. He makes sure his shirt is up over his nose and he doesn't get far from Evonna, just in case.

Katja winces at Heidi's direction. "I hope you have a mother yeast somewhere else. That big guy says there's mold back there," she says, mixing up her own bucket of mop fluid and getting to work.

"Please do not be burning down this lovely tasting room!" Ulf calls out plaintively while he focuses on healing the sick, but what can he do? They're Fenrir. Heidi asks about doors and windows and he says, "Just open them, it will not be harming my efforts any," and with that he's got another Kinfolk healed and recovering.

Theron acts real fucking natural when the squad car rolls by, he even gives the officer a friendly wave as he passes if they look his direction. Nothing to see here. "Be cool." he mutters hopeful of inside.

Heidi gets the heads up from Katja about the mold and then she moves to the kitchen doorway a step closer but not crossing that threshhold. "I do have yeast but if they are...." She hears Ulf warning about not burning her shop down. "The dishwasher is going to the Scrapyard once cleaned. It's not staying here. If it melts I will not care. But the rest of the kitchen is going to get sanitized." She frets, with a little whimper that escapes her lips. It's going to take a necessary long time to get this place in shape and clean again if there's lingering anything. "Cleansing will remove all the taint yes? This isn't like normal black mold. Or something insiduous I hope."

Heidi says, "Zoe... Katya, let's get the windows and door open up front. The back garage door is heavy. Det, can you get that from the loading bay, please?" The kitchen windows, she isn't touching for now.

Detlef nods and sets the trashcan down, at least aplace to contain the fire if needed. And he will stride with those long legs to the door requested.. and after being sure its safe, he will open it with a hard tug. he will look out as it opens, be sure there isnt a threat outside, or anyone observing

"Sure." Glad to get her face away from the vomit puddle she was working on. It's going to be a long evening of scrubbing and washing, then sanitizing and bath time after. Gross as it is, the kin sucks it up and moves to help.

Evonna let's it burn, and then checks if there is anything more. "Really will need cleansed after this." If nothing else sparks, it will be time to start on the rest of the building for the bigger cleansing.

Leif stands back, shirt still up over his nose like some sort of masked warrior, arms over his chest, watching the flames. "Point me in a direction. I can't cleanse anything."

The triage room in the back where Ulf is working on the kinfolk is starting to smell a little bit better as he goes. He is healing ulcers, and skin eruptions, and the two kin laid out on the floor are at least semi-awake now and sitting up with the others.

One of the older kin who works the bar as a server drinks some water in his hands, "Thank you." The garou get the gratitude seeing as they do the spiritual lifting here of taint plague. The kinfolk cleaning and working the other gross stuff, just get nods now as they pass.
One of the kitchen workers asks, "When can we go home? Why aren't the lights on? What's happening?"

Katja leans her mop against a wall, turning her attention to opening windows for the moment.

Heidi tells the girls, "Kat and Zo-Zoe, thanks for helping me with this." She feels bad for everyone here. "This one slipped us by and I don't know how we didn't catch it sooner." She asks Ulf, "Is it safe for me to come in there yet?" She seems eager to reassure her employees until the final cleansing is done.

"Do not be worrying about the flames, they will not be bothering you," Ulf says patiently to his patients, his voice soothing while he heals one, then the next, and... done. He sighs, a little tired from the effort, but gives them all a reassuring smile. "I am sorry you are experiencing this sickness; it is unpleasant and disgusting, yes? But you are better now, and soon will be all better entirely. It is better than antibiotics, I am promising you. And I am thinking you will get the rest of the day off. The power is out in the city."

Detlef will help with getting anything out that simply needs out he grins to the Kin, and offers to Heidi "its easy to miss things like this in a city.. Its been a lively start to the day.. " he seems light hearted and not overly concerned. "its part of what we deal with."

Evonna has extra materials for other Garou if needed and will instruct, passing along her knowledge she recently gained. They get to work on cleansing the building, making sure they do not leave anything out.

Katja smiles at Heidi. "It's not the worst way I've ever spent a Saturday. And with the blackout, I don't know what else I'd be doing. It's nice to be able to help a friend."

Theron leans in after it seems clear outside, "How we doing in there?" he calls out, "All good?"

The place starts to smell a bit like lemon cleaner, murphy's oil soap, and taint. The sickness lingers until the final cleansing is performed and then it will be like a heavy, dark cloud lifted from the building and everyone within it.

"Everyone is being so polite and understanding about handling a toxic bout of nausea," Ulf says in amusement, shaking his head and then looking to Heidi. "It must be because you are so well-loved by the Fenrir. If this was my place, they would be saying, 'Ulf, damn you for bringing me into this vomitorium! I will never forgive you!'". He looks back to Theron and says, "We are making headway! People are not trying to come in, are they? If so, tell them we are doing regular heavy cleaning!"

Leif helps! Yes he does! He isn't great at it, but he's doing things.

Detlef Grins to Ulf "At least you realize it.. We would have just suggested burning the place down for you." he teases the man. Even as he puts some elbow grease into cleaning what he can.

Heidi double checks that the CLOSED sign is on the front window. It is. "You got that right, Ulf. I do have the best of friends and family." She smiles, looking to those she sees with a touch of pride.

The initial cleaning is the worst of it. Comparatively, the sanitizing is a joy. "Hardly, Ulf. The difference is, it'd be your mess, and not some fomori splash back." she teases, sticking her tongue out at Ulf and making sure she's out of casual Gibbs-smack range.

Ulf rolls his eyes but replies, "You are not wrong," shrugging and just allowing it. He grimaces, then says, "All right; time to fire up the carpet cleaner. Who is here and knowing this Rite to participate? We are having many targets today."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Evonna rolls Charisma + Rituals (6 dice) vs 7 for 3 successes.
2 2 3 +8 +8 +9
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Ulf rolls Charisma + Rituals vs 7 for 4 successes.
2 4 5 5 +7 +8 +8 +9

Evonna makes her way around the building, taking it slowly, focusing on the cleansing Rite. Thankfully she is not alone in this, with others that are helping to cover all this territory.

Detlef doesnt know the rite, but he helps however he can with it. Carrying and fetching water and such or whatever is needed.

Taika's spent most of his day cleansing. He is practically gnosis dry, meaning he's losing his spiritual connection and feeling worn and empty. As he walks in and they are still cleansing, he goes to help, but the smell of the puke just isn't sitting right so he starts getting light headed. The dizziness causes his circle to be not quite closed and he ends up puking all over the ritual. So much for cleansing. He calls out to the others, "Yeah Nah, I can't do this. Sorry all but I'm tapped out."

When Taika vomits while they're trying to clean the place up, Ulf sighs and takes a deep breath through his nose -- not really wise, considering vomit, but whatever -- and breathes out slowly, keeping his cool. "It's all right, brother; we were all throwing up or nearly so when we arrived. Just... please be kind and fetch a mop to handle that, yes? We are guests in this business, and we must be treating it delicately." To the poor employees who waited so patiently, he says, "Please be speaking with Miss Vardanyan before you go. Rest, drink clear fluids, eat healthy meals."

Heidi watches the edge of the ritual from where she leans on a mop. Suddenly she stops leaning as Taika looks like he's going to revolt. A look of horror passes her facial features as the Maori yukes up in the circle. "We need more paper towels back here!" She steps forward to take Taika's arm. "Sit down with the others. We'll get you some water.' Blecht, she's trying not to dry gag herself.

Taika nods to Ulf and gathers himself for a bit with a few deep breaths. Nope, not good, he runs outside. A few minutes later, a few dozen fresh breaths of air, and the color has returned to his face as he comes back inside. He goes to grab a mop and bucket to take care of his poor display.

Katja finds a box of sawdust to sprinkle on the fresh pile of vomit. She has a small smile of not-quite-schadenfreude at getting to see Taika lose HIS lunch. It somehow makes her feel like much less of an outsider.

"Maybe we should burn one of those scented candles that smells like vanilla or pumpkin or Gwyneth Paltrow's...," Ulf begins, but stops when Taika runs out of the tasting room and just shakes his head. "Well. I have held it together very well, yes? Yes. I have the cast iron stomach of a warrior. I am not going to vomit. I am just going outside because I want to. There will be nothing to see." That said, Ulf also takes a trip outdoors and around the corner. He's not throwing up. Really.

Did someone call the cavalry? The loud steel steeds of a small army rattles down the road as a steady stream of V-twin engines roar their approach. Einar heads a slightly larger pack of vested dudes ranging from scrawny to holy shit get that boy on a diet. They are trailed by a pair of non-descript white panel vans also driven by dudes in Cuts. It's a practiced sweep that sees the bikes pull off in pairs in easy loops before backing their bikes to the curb. The panel vans are given space so that both can pull up to the curb and slide open their side doors to reveal a few Ol' Ladies with their own Cuts, as well as Costco-sized flats of water and snacks. Einar is the first biker to dismount and rise to his full height so he can scope out what's going on and how he and his crew can help the most.

Ben arrives to the brewery, having driven there as quickly as he could. With the power out, it was still rough traffic. The big man nodded to Theron, before stepping into the building, also carrying a flat of bottled water. A wrinkle of his nose at the ... fragrance. A shake of his head. "What's happening? How can I help?"

Evonna just concentrates on the cleansing, and giving her all spiritually and mentally to it. This place reeks, but she mostly smells the singe from burning the mold earlier. Cleansing fire. YES!

Killigrew scrubs herself up, trying to remove any traces of the spores or kin-vomit from herself, then waits quietly while Evonna concentrates on the cleansing.

With the cleansing immensely successful, Ulf and Evonna manage to pull it off. The Cliaths get the work done as a team, even though one of them falters from overworking earlier. There is a sudden lift of the oppression within the tasting room and the back storage room, along with the kitchen and any spaces in between. It's like suddenly someone let the air flow through the windows and doors and now the place smells like the nice lemon cleaner and soap the girls were using. And Detlef.

Heidi waves the crew coming up in calvary the moment she sees them pull up to the front. It's a no park zone, and she looks to Theron, "If any police show up let me know and I'll handle them." She looks relieved at Einar and Ben when they arrive as well. "There's seven kin here. They will need rides home while the rest of us lock the place up. And it's clean now, so safe to come in." She nods to the boys in their cuts and then gives a special nod of thanks to the skinny guy, Gumby as he passes. "Thank you."

Ulf comes in from the rear entrance looking totally like he did not just throw up outside, because of course he didn't. There are new arrivals, but rather than engage them about what happened /here/, he begins by grabbing the Pizza Hut flyer. "Blood Thorn and I confirmed that the people putting out the flyers for this 'grand reopening' are fomori," he states, holding the paper out so that it can be examined. "One of them was Ben's old friend, Mr. Pegg the Doughboy. Yes, that same man; somehow he survived that first fight, and Evonna and I were forced to burn him in an empty garage. This is not important; what is important is that whoever brought this flyer also brought the Wyrm's kiss with him. And now the power is being out. We will not have a better chance to assault their lair, I am thinking. So it is time to mobilize and travel the three blocks to this Pizza Hut and put it out of business."

Taika finishes mopping up his own mistake and notes Einar pull up. He gives the man a nod, although Einar may note he looks pale. "Good timing. Have any candles in there? The place stinks.". The Maori warrior takes a seat on the steps and nods to Theron.

Ben helps some of the kin able to walk right now - out to his truck. Plenty of room in the bed of the vehicle, and he'll get them home through the traffic.

Katja says, “If the kitchen is safe -- and uses gas -- I can start working up some... things. If we're closing this place up, though, I think I should probably just hang back at the garage.”

Gumby gives Heidi a charming grin and an almost comedic Western-style hat tip, but he's not wearing a hat, he's wearing a steel bucket on the top of his head that should barely count as a helmet. A few of the big guys are now unloading the snacks and water to get them placed centrally, likely under Heidi's direction so that the rescued and rescuers can all get some much needed carbs and liquids. The team work of the biker gang is on par with a solidly trained unit but they manage to be big ol' teddy bears when it comes to making sure Family is safe and cared for.

Einar gives Taika a lopsided grin, "Naw, but we got the fuckin purple Fabuloso?" he offers as on Ol Lady steps out with the 2 gallon jug you can only get at the Latin Supermarkets. "But we got rides for whoever fuckin needs 'em," he thumbs at the vans, the Ol' Ladies will just ride bitch back to wherever they need being the unspoken bit. The Rotagar focuses on Ulf though, "Sounds like my rides not fuckin done tonight then. We take care of this?" half question, half suggestion.

Detlef seems at ease, now that things are under control. He checks that everything is being done, but doesnt intrude. Ready to roll for the next stage..

Heidi looks at Katja after she's done smiling at Gumby with his bucket on his head. "I'm not asking..." she turns to Kat. "That kitchen is like my lab. There's gas burners, but what do you have in mind? Molotovs?"

"It's going to be multiple fomori, and I do not like the idea of letting them continue to spread their scum, so yes; tonight's the night," Ulf replies to Einar with a sharp nod. He examines the crowd and says, "Okay. If you are not Garou? And you are not some other type of special that makes you less fragile? I will be asking you to keep watch outside of the Pizza Hut, both for undue attention and for anyone attempting to escape. They will be dangerous; do not risk your lives. Better they escape than you die, yes? I cannot be replacing you."

He lets Heidi handle the practicalities of this place, addressing his comrades. "This location... I am seeing that it has a front door and two employee entrances. I am thinking we make three groups, then, and go in all at once. Do not give them time to prepare or flee. It will be just like at the H&R Block, when I arrived." He peers, then says, "Einar, Evonna, Detlef; front door. Taika, Leif, and I, side door. Ben, Theron, Zoe; kitchen entrance. Miss Katja, I am not knowing your capabilities; you will have to tell me if you are an inside or outside participant."

Katja hrms at Heidi. "I was thinking medicine and stuff, but... yeah, we could do bombs. Right?"

Taika rests for a few more moments and stands as it looks like they are indeed mobilizing. He pinches the bridge of his nose, goes looking for food and drink from Einar's kin. After power-shoveling the food down (we're eating for energy now, not enjoyment), he drinks half the bottle and proceeds to dump the rest down his head. He shakes off like a dog and beats his chest. He's ready. He goes and listens to Ulf and nods. He shimmies over to Leif with a nod.

Heidi eats some snacks but goes to help Katja in the kitchen, "I don't know how to make molotovs. Do you? But my first aide kit has ointments, and the full range of stuff needed for medicine." She shrugs, "We aren't expecting kin to be there because we're thinking they are cannibals. Like the ones you and I met on the road. I'm definitely not going outside. But will be on the look-out crew."

Leif wolfs down as much food as he can possibly manage without cutting anyone else short. "It's alcohol in a bottle with a rag in it. You light the rag, throw it, it shatters and catches fire. He offers Taika a fistbump as he comes over.

Katja hrms at Heidi, opening cabinets to take inventory. "Honestly? No, I've never made a molotov cocktail before. But what, you need a breakable container, a flammable liquid, and a wick, right?" She points at Leif. "Yeah, this guy knows. My Oma taught me to make a lot of medicines that are better than what you can get off the shelf, too."

Einar just gives a grunt and a nod to Ulf at the plan, "Good enough," he says. He's also moving to help get Kinfolk into vans so they can be driven home for the night, or to a healer if that's needed instead. Once the kinfolk are arranged and his own guys know what they're doing, the wolf splits off from the tending of kinfolk to get all up in the middle of getting prepped for an assault. There was a question lingering on his tongue, but the Rotagar is cut off at the pass as Heidi explains there won't be innocents there, good enough.