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The Chimi Hendrix Mexperience
Ulf's introduction to Prospect's Garou involves a food truck and some racist fomori
IC Date Friday, November 20, 2020
IC Time 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM or so
Players Ulf (ST), Heidi, Ben, Dalibor, George, Killigrew. Taika
Location The Chimi Hendrix Mexperience (food truck); a closed H&R Block
Spheres Garou Gaian

The Chimi Hendrix Mexperience is a food truck exactly on the cusp of blowing up. It is a Classic Rock-themed Tex-Mex roach coach run by Zeke Stoudemire (a permanently-cheerful black man of 70 years who wears huge sunglasses and used to play in Parliament Funkadelic), his wife Alma Mendes Stoudemire (a 55-year-old Nicaraguan-American dynamite chef), and their daughter Lola (a 30-something powderkeg of good genes and sex appeal). With dishes like Fleetwood Mac & Cheese or Jethro Tullmales they put humor, style, and great food together, and they found an awesome location to do it in. Locals know where to find them, and soon? Soon, so will everyone else.

The line is as long as it usually is, meaning it's twelve deep at lunchtime and everyone served is replaced by two new latecomers. The speakers are pumping out "Purple Haze" and the nearby picnic tables are packed with folks mowing down on food and drinking some of the homemade soda Zeke's son Santana brews. It's the kind of environment that just makes you smile for being there, especially when Zeke starts singing along with Jimi and then talking about his old friend Hendrix like he always does.

The next order is up, and it's reached for simultaneously by a shirt-and-tie software developer with horn-rimmed glasses and a security lanyard on and... well. A six-foot-six brick shithouse of hard flab with muscle underneath, wearing a hat that says "I Hunt and I Vote" and a Lynyrd Skynyrd shirt with the sleeves ripped off. His bare, untoned-but-broad arms are so heavily tattooed it's hard to make out much past the devil-girl with her tits out or the Confederate Battle Flag, but those in the know can spot a couple specific images. Glyphs that say Black Spiral Dancers, Devourer Wyrm, and Fomor.

Out from behind those twelve people comes a number 13 gal. Heidi looks completely different once out of Sept grounds when going into work. This afternoon she wears a corporate looking expensive suit in cream skirt and chic jacket with a white blouse. On her feet she wears an expensive pair of black heels as a splurge to get out of her kicking shins hiking boots. Those heels make her legs look longer as they are a bitchin' four incher. Her darker blonde hair, more honey gold than white is pinned up in a bun in the back and she wears a pair of black rimmed glasses that perch on the edge of her nose.

She smells like garou. This morning she had breakfast with at least a pack of five and two kin. The Swedish woman checks her watch and didn't quite see those spiral tats just yet because all she could think of was grabbing a quick bite to eat, and get to the office in time before the meeting starts. She has a sales pitch that has her anxiety up and she wants to perfectly pitch and represent. While in line, she pulls a stick of lipstick out with a hand mirror an dabs on some red.

She's been to the food truck before as it's getting popular now. Not needing to read the menu since it's memorized for what she wants she waits for the next guy to move.

"Leggo my food, bruh," grunts the stocky tattooed brute to the tech bro, and Alma herself frowns down and says, "Mr. Pegg, this is no your...." but Pegg the brute isn't listening. The tech bro flinches, but he doesn't let go of the bag of food, saying instead, "Sorry, but yeah, umm, this is mine? I ordered it? I think yours is next?", every statement a question.

"Nah, bruh, /you/ wait. This /my/ food, okay? /You/ wait," replies Pegg, pulling the bag back and out of Tech Guy's hands. To his credit, while Tech Guy is obviously intimidated and not good with physical confrontation, he steps forward and grabs the bag of food again; maybe the food here is just that good. "No, umm... I'm sorry, but you're mistaken? Also, that has my boss' order, too? I'm sorry?" he says, trying to pull the bag back.

Pegg doesn't seem to care much for this kind of disrespect, so he pushes Tech Guy hard enough to send him sprawling on his ass, and yells, "Stop tryin' to steal my food, bruh! It's mine! /My food!/". He's getting loud, and almost everyone in line is looking away or stepping back to avoid being involved.

Heidi stops with the lipstick and drops it back in her purse when the ruck'marole starts. She sees the guy being shoved and the fighting over the bag, and it all causes her to frown. "What's your damage?!" She demands of Pegg. Now getting involved she maneuvers protectively in between the tech guy now down on his ass, and faces off with the giant with tatts. Sizing him up fully, she might have figured this out before stepping in that she's in a world over her head right now. Tats recognized, but she has the bitchiest poker face when pushed. Not many get to see it when it comes out.

One hand motions the tech guy to move and get away, as she waves it behind herself. "No sense in fighting over a stupid bag of food. I'll get you another one for you and your boss, yeah?" Her Swede accent bleeds through english. Most Swedes are shy, barely speak up for chit chat with strangers. Heidi isn't one of those.

She doesn't look the giant in the eye, but she does encouage him to move on. "You got your food. Now I suggest you go before the police arrive." She is mindful not to taunt. Not, yet. Well, hell, why not. "Someone call 911 on this bonehead for assault."

"Yeah? Yeah, umm, thanks... miss? Thank you?" says Tech Guy as he scrambles back, making sure he's a half-dozen feet away before standing up and moving to lurk at the edge of the picnic tables.

Pegg, however, is not nearly so meek. He sets 'his' food back down on the counter, looking Heidi up and down with piggish eyes that twinkle a bit when he gives a lipless sneer. "Nuh. Yer right. Nuh my order. Thiss'r's faggot food for faggot boy over there." He points a meaty finger at Tech Guy, who cowers like it's a raised fist near his face. "Faggot food for faggot boy. I ain't eatin' faggot food. My food next. I'll wait."

Graceless? Sure. But hey, at least he backed down some, even if Tech Guy isn't coming anywhere near the stand to collect his food. But then Pegg says, "How 'bout you wait with me? Come sit on Pegg's lap, see what pops up. Compliment your sweet tush and titties. You can hold it against me. Heh heh. Hold it against Pegg. I got a big old prize for you while we weait. Huhuh."

He reaches over and swats Heidi's ass with a plump palm, then throws up devil horns with his other hand to the peanut gallery as if they're on his side here. Everyone just sort of stares blankly, too shocked or callow to say or do anything.

Heidi also takes a step back but doesn't escape her shapely ass being smacked in that cream colored skirt. She oomphs. A quick glance is made to make sure the tech guy is far away from Pegg and then she grits her teeth.

She lurches to take the Faggot bag off the counter since the Tech guy paid for it. "I'll take the Faggot food then. You get your own next, and you can find someone else to sit on your lap. Because all you know? I might be a Faggot too. And it takes a Faggot, to know a Faggot. My dick might even be bigger then yours. Transgenders these days? All the rage. You never know who is female and male anymore. Now run along, mind your manners, and go get your own food to eat." She speaks roughly as if she were the mother heart of someone's pack. Or would be if she actually belonged to one. Untapped potential, in the power of a wooden spoon! She'd thwap him for being unruly if she had one in hand. Most of her voice comes out as if she's used to dealing with wayward garou that need reminders now and then!

He's not so bright so she keeps stepping backwards as she talks, not wanting to put her backside to him. The lunch bag is tossed back to the Tech Guy once she gets in range. "Go on..." Speaking to both Tech guy and the BSD.

Tech Guy catches his food and RUNS, not even bothering to say thanks as he awkwardly makes his escape around the block with his bag of food. Pegg seems a bit confused by the torrent of imagery Heidi's throwing at him -- it's a lot of concepts in a row -- but his pea brain seizes on the core of what he's about. "Hey, she stole food," he says lazily, pointing his finger at Heidi. "Wasn't her food. My food, maybe. Naughty girl. Maybe faggot girl; that's okay, faggot girls are as good as regular girls if you're man enough. I think you need a spanking. Huhuhuh."

Pegg steps toward Heidi again, apparently intent on delivering that spanking himself, but a hand claps on his shoulder and a soft, unassuming voice with a Danish lilt says, "Excuse me, but you're being a bit loud. I think people are trying to eat and enjoy the music. Please keep your voice down, sir."

Pegg shakes off the hand and steps aside with one fist cocked, looking to see who dares to lay a hand on him. And it's just some guy; a blonde dude with his hair slicked back, wearing a gray t-shirt and cheap plastic sunglasses, his arm covered in Norse tattoos. He holds his hands up, giving Pegg an innocent smile, and says, "I'm sorry. I'm a tourist; I didn't mean to alarm you. I am told in America you say 'It's all good, my bad, no harm no foul'? Do I have it right, or do I sound like the funny foreigner in the movie?"

Pegg seems more confused by these manners than by Heidi's outburst, and it takes him a minute to process this information, but then he scowls and says, "Put hands on me. Pegg don't like that. That's assault with intent. Defend myself. Got my rights." He cocks his fist back again and makes to punch the newcomer in the face, but the Dane steps smoothly aside and Pegg's fist goes into the hard metal of the roach coach with a thunderous boom! The stranger reaches out like he's trying to help the bully, but surreptitiously pushes the man's face forward so it smacks into the coach as well with a CRACK that breaks Pegg's nose. "Oh no! Are you well, friend?" exclaims the Dane even as he steps forward to 'help', putting his foot on the back of Pegg's knee and sending the man to the ground clutching his face and yelling about "Muh nodze!"

"I'm still standing here bonehead. Only thieves run," Heidi pulls her cell phone from her purse but doesn't get to push in numbers just yet. Pegg comes at her for that threatened spanking and she grabs ahold of the metal napkin dispenser out of instinct on the counter, as if she were about to use it to SMASH - anywhere.

Her hand comes up high with the dispenser and a white napkin falls out in suspension as the Dane comes in to intervene. It falls to the ground as the whoosh of the BSD gets into a tuffle with the European. They both move and she takes another step back as her eyes widen!

Heidi sets the napkin dispenser back down on the outer counter for the food truck family. "You got this?" She asks the Dane in between his swift moves and the Spiral crying about his nose. "I can call back up if not." Still has her phone in hand but she does look relieved to have the weight now to thwart this guy from getting near her and crushing her dead.

"I don't know; he might need a doctor," the Dane replies to Heidi in a worried tone that does not at all match the humor in his warm eyes. He gives her a quick smile before turning his attention to Pegg and saying, "Let me see the nose, sir. If it has broken it is important to set it properly so it does not heal unsightly."

Pegg blinks up at the Dane in confusion, taking his hands away from his bloody face, and the foreigner uses that opportunity to reach forward and grab the man's broken nose. "Steady, sir; I have done this before," he says soothingly before /twisting/ the man's nose, causing Pegg to howl in pain and kick his heels on the ground. "Oh, dear; no, you flinched, and I will have to do it better. Please be still," the Dane says before /twisting/ the nose the other way with a click-click-CRACK that causes one woman in line to quail aloud. He does it again, and says, "Oh, good. It is still pretty on you. But you should go to the doctor to be sure. Here, I will give you a hand up."

The Dane offers Pegg his hand, and the porky dickhead takes it cluelessly and starts to stand. Without seeming to, the Danish stranger simultaneously crushes the bones in Pegg's hand and then half-stumbles when the idiot is at his most unbalanced, sending the man sprawling backward into the dirt to bang his head on the taco truck and knock himself clean out. "Oh dear. His grip slipped, and he was so heavy. I did not think he was so heavy. Someone should maybe call an ambulance?"

Lola is already doing so, holding up her hand and reporting to 911 -- starting with the assaults Pegg did toward the customers -- while the Danish man steps up and says, "Ahem. I would like to try the Chimi Hendrix Mexperience with all of the sides, please, and an extra large cherry cola," and Zeke just hands him a bag and a soda and says, "On the house, mayn. Heidi, Alma's got your order ready 'round back, so you go on git it and you don't worry bout it neither, honey."

Heidi gets the hell out of the way when the big oaf starts to go down. Her clack of heels rushes to the side of the food truck to press and miss the exchange when the BSD begins to lose balance. All the bone crushing, nose smashing, and blood dripping down from Pegg's face makes her wince.

And of course she wipes a wisp of loose hair from her face to retuck it behind her ear once the BSD is out cold. One hand is on her chest, now looking up at the Dane with a smirk of a smile. Is she blushing? Perhaps so.

A quick nod is given to the owner, "Thanks Zeke. I ... I will do that." With her phone, she snaps a picture of the guy down. He'll need to be hunted later if authorities are about to sweep in. A quick text message goes out and then she smiles up at the guy who swiftly saved her from an ass slapping maniac. "Thanks."

She steps forward and adjusts her glasses as if to go in the back, but she glances over her shoulder at him. "Hero of the day. Gold star." He's rewarded with her full on smile, and then she walks to the back to find Alma.

The stranger gives her a gentle, secret smile, his eyes soft and warm before his face goes back to concerned, and he shakes his head. "If I was really a hero he would not be unconscious right now, though," he says sorrowfully, looking down at Pegg. "I was trying to be of help, but I think I did more harm than good, maybe? I should probably just leave him alone now so I don't accidentally do more harm." He takes his food from Zeke, thanking the man, and people are suddenly all abuzz taking pictures of Pegg and murmuring to each other... but not, at the moment, taking pictures of Heidi or Ulf.

Alma is around back with Heidi's order, handing it to her to busy the Swede's hands. Once Heidi's hands are full and she can't protest, Alma goes full Madre Pollo, clucking over the girl and checking her for any bumps, bruises, or damage, and telling her that pretty girls need to be more careful around macho cabrones like Senor Pegg Puerco. On his way past and off into the sunset, the Dane stops drinking from his big soda cup and looks at the two women, then says, "She is right, miss. You should be careful. He was not a nice man. You have to watch out for yourself more, yes? Your neck is too pretty for you to stick it out like that. Is that how you say it? Ah. Close enough. Goddag." He laughs a little, then continues on his way.

Heidi steps up to Alma and lets her cluck and check her over. Only her hair is a touch out of place but with full hands she tries to tuck back in a hair pin or two. "I'm fine." Since they are in the back, she can be a little more careful that no one is taking their picture. She waits to hear the ambulance sirens in the front coming in and then her eyes look to his. Wary. This Swede is concerned for the hospital staff and ambulance ride he's about to go in. "Sometimes wearing a veil is better protection than none. A pretty face can be a good distraction until help arrives." Her buzz words are meant for him, since she suspects. Good Oden, she suspects him to be one of hers. Theirs. Ours. Family.

She takes a deep breath and lifts her chin, and tries to calm those hidden nerves with a sip from her milkshake Alma gave her. Her eyes aren't quite leaving the Dane though. "My friends have his picture. They'll make sure he receives a clorox bath and some education of what Hel looks like." Forget drinking the cold shake. She brings it up to the back and side of her neck as he points it out. She's on fire. Pegg made her angry, but she really did push it too far. BSD and Kin don't mix. Too dangerous.

The Dane stops, catching those buzz words and turning back around while she speaks. He nods, smiling a little, and then gestures in the direction he was going -- a bench across the street, with a good view of this lot. "I had planned to sit over there and watch how things unfold here. I confess that I am curious to see how your medical professionals work. Perhaps you would like to join me? It is far enough away, I think, that no one will be looking at us there, and we can speak privately. I apologize if I am sounding forward; I assure you my invitation is innocent. One concerned bystander to another, of course. I think you get me." He smiles a little again, and he /seems/ cool and calm, but he does watch her put her shake to her neck and stand in those heels and then kind of shuffles his feet, clearing his throat and looking away.

Heidi thanks Alma for the food and gives the woman a hug before stepping back to get her bag and drink. She ordered a chicken wrap and something that looks like fried banana peppers. It's all spice and hot sauce in that bag. From her purse, she takes out a few bills and presses them into Alma's hands. She knows she doesn't want to take it, but she offers reassurance. "For you and your family. Do not say no. I love coming here, and you can send me the bill for any damage outside alright?" Alma knows where she works not too far down the street. "You are my family. My community now. We watch for one another, yes?"

Once assured the family is okay here, she agrees to follow the Dane. "I get you." He turns to move and she lightly moves up to her tip toes to take that first step off the curb and away from the food truck. If the EMT's have already arrived, she tries to avoid any crowds coming in around the big oaf of a suspected spiral. "He's a big one. They fall harder." Forever the optimist, she grins from behind and waits for traffic to pass before finding that bench.

Heidi's cell phone buzzes and she shoots off another text before she sits down. The calvalry is checking in on them.

Traffic has slowed all the way down thanks to the ambulance sirens over the horizon, giving the pair the opportunity to cross the street to the far bench before the paramedics actually arrive. The Dane takes a seat and sets his drink on the broad arm of the bench beside him, opening up his food and pulling out a huge wrapped chimichanga, peeling at the top of the foil and taking a bite as the ambulance pulls right up into the lot and two paramedics trot out to look Pegg over. "I do not think they can fix what is wrong with him," the Dane murmurs, shaking his head and keeping his eyes on the scene. "He is sick in a way they cannot help. I do not think I will let them just take him to their hospital and forget about him today. That would not be good for the hospital."

While he eats, the stranger takes out his phone and click-clacks, then nods once. "A car comes in... fifteen minutes. Americans call this Uber; this is silly. That means 'over'. Over what? Over the road? This is not a good name. I prefer Lyft. It is more sensible. You get a lift."

He turns to look at Heidi finally, giving her a friendly smile, and says, "My name is Ulf Haakon Danesson. I am new to this place, but I think maybe you know some of the same people I know, yes? Those moon people who love wild dogs so much. I heard there were some in this city."

Heidi leans forward as she sits on the edge of the bench, not quite reclining. She nods shortly to his sense of action to order the Uber. "My car is a few blocks down in a parking garage. But I don't want to leave in case he gets away. And if he has friends, I don't want to be caught in the garage alone." She peers over at him. "I'm Heidi Vardanyan." She offers him her hand. "Norse mythology. Oden lovers? Yes, and more of those dog lovers are on their way here now. Time to walk the possible, much likely, bigger dog." She gestures to the EMT's now taking the guy out by stretcher. "He should have woken by now." Right? Maybe he's not Spiral. He didn't go down that hard, not really. She's seen worse.

Dalibor has arrived. Taika has arrived. Ben has arrived. George has arrived. Killigrew has arrived.

In a small parking lot sits the Chimi Hendrix Mexperience, a food truck on a come-up due to its cheesy-cool theme, great food, and eclectic former rockstar owner. It's lunchtime and the place is busy, but maybe not for the usual reasons; while the picnic benches are full and there's a line of customers, there is also a big fat asshole KO'd right in front of the order window, his nose busted up and bleeding all over his Skynyrd t-shirt and "I Hunt and I Vote" hat. There's an AMBERLAMPS present with flashing lights, and two paramedics are trying to ask the unconscious idiot questions that he's not responding to because he's fucking unconscious. While bystandars are taking pictures and video on their phones, no one really seems concerned, and this is because the unconscious dude was being an asshole all the way up until he was unconscious. Those wise-in-the-ways and close enough to view him would see that among his tasteless arm tattoos are hidden Garou glyphs that are all bad news, like Black Spiral Dancers, Devourer Wyrm, and Fomori.

Across the street and surreptitious in their attention sit Ulf and Heidi on a bench, watching everything go down but keeping out of it. They talk quietly while the EMTs wrestle Fatass Dickhead onto a stretcher, and nearby an Uber pulls up and rolls down the window.

"We'll be a minute, but I'll give you ten dollars to wait, please," Ulf calls over to the driver with a soft Danish lilt, then looks back to Heidi, shaking her hand. "More dogs, huh? Okay then. No, not a Spiral. Monster, though. Not a strong one, but... it is there."

That's exactly what Heidi thought. "Monster. Yeah, otherwise he'd be up already. They never stay down long if they can heal." She rises from the bench now that the Uber is here. The Dane's hand is shook. "I'm glad you got here when you did. Now let's go meet up with those other fan club members, give him some bleach, and show him the door down to the next level. Yeah?"

Heidi looks completely different once out of Sept grounds when at work. This afternoon she can be seen wearing a corporate looking expensive suit in cream skirt and chic jacket, with a white blouse. On her feet she wears an expensive pair of black heels as a splurge to get out of her kicking shins hiking boots. Those heels make her legs look longer as they are a bitchin' four incher. Her darker blonde hair, more honey gold than white is pinned up in a bun in the back and she wears a pair of black rimmed glasses that perch on the edge of her nose.

She smells like garou. This morning she had breakfast with at least a pack of five and two kin. The Swedish woman checks her watch, 'I'll text them we're on our way. Look, that ambulance is about to leave with him in it."

Heidi shoots a text to Ben and Taika, "Still at the food truck". She pings her location via gps so they can follow exactly where she is in the city. "Best come here first. No idea if he'll eat the people in the ambulance or not."

Ben relays the information to the others en route - making sure the group arrives where needed. "Seems like the injured party is still near the food truck." He comments to the others. "We should get there quick - and hope we can dissuade the EMTs from leaving too early, or convince them to make a detour. Do we have any Kin among the first responders?"

One stolen car and a bunch of oversized Get stuffed into. It makes traveling to the location interesting. Along the way, Killi shifts down into a palm-sized snapping turtle, allowing her to be stuffed in a pocket and have a hard shell, just in case. It's a ways from Stonecreek to the location, but they get there, parking nearby.

The injured idiot finally seems to be coming around now that he's strapped into a gurney, moaning something about "Muh food" through his busted nose and stupid face. Lola, the daughter of the owner, tucks a bag of food onto the side of the gurney and says, "Get well soon, Mr. Pegg!" in a not-particularly-sincere voice, and the EMTs stop rolling him away to try asking him those same questions again now that he's awake. He's not exactly cooperative, but they ask anyway.

On the bench, Ulf eats his chimichanga and drinks his homemade cherry soda, watching the scene unfold, and comments to Heidi, "I do not think he has been sick very long. Probably been a jackass for a long time, yes? But only sick recently. So a baby monster. A man-baby monster."

Parking at the food truck is usually pretty hard to come by, but with the ambulance arriving it means that for the last ten minutes or so it's only been departures with no new arrivals able to park. This means that when the Get do show up, there's a wide open curb spot to park at, and it's right near the bench where Ulf and Heidi are now sitting while Ulf's Uber waits.

Taika is squished in the birch seat in the back, or at least he takes up two seats, something like that. Either way, he feels like he is square ished in there, "We had to get a clown car?". A chuckle, "Or cause a distraction so the ambulance has to pull over and we take our package then in the confusion.". Taika is one of the first to try to get out and to spot Heidi. "You right?"

George is sipping from a canteen with a bendy straw and just watching from wherever he squished himself in. Having decided to invite himself along like a Principle doing a classroom observation on the new kids.

Heidi points to the oaf with the offensive tats. She stands at the bench across the street with a lunch bag and a milkshake cup in hand. "That baby-monster slapped my ass." She sips her drink. "Can't be too careful. Even baby monsters that tall could be something insiduous and sneaky."

She sees Taika, the Maori, stick his head out the window. "There they are," she tells Ulf. Her hand waves to flag the car down, and she steps up to the curb. "Yes," She peers in the car. "How did you all manage to squeeze in there?" A half grin goes to George, sipping. "Hi, I'm Heidi." She follows her milkshake hand back to Ulf. "This is the guy who knocked him down."

Ulf gives the Clown Car of Fenris a little wave and a mild, curious smile from where he sits on the bench eating his chimi, then realizes what a car full of Get means and gets up to walk over to the Uber. "Ahem. It looks like my friends are here, yes? SO I will not be needing a ride. But you came and you waited, so please be charging me for it and also here, as a bonus."

The Dane hands a ten to the driver, who seems more than happy to get paid plus extra for doing nothing, and drives himself off while Ulf finishes his food and sips from his straw. He paces over closer to Heidi and the Mystery Machine, but not TOO close, because he's still a stranger here and also there's a fat Fomor on a gurney over there.

Dalibor clambers out of the 'borrowed' car. He pats his pocket gently. "Very carefully." He gives Ulf a nod. "So... what's game plan? Follow this 'guy' back to his brethren? Or just pick off the weak link individually?"

Turtle-Zoe gets to work, using her sharp beak to chew a little hole in Dalibor's pocket so she can peek out. Helluva a view of the world, but it's better than being in the dark, entirely. She keeps tucked into the safe, pokey shell, watching. Here's hoping turtles can't get motion sickness.

Taika stretches and pops a few back vertebrae as he does. To Dali, he nods, "Heidi brought us in, so I'd like to hear her take on what she wants done. Taika," he says with a nod and nostril flare to Ulf. His ta moko or facial tattoos mark him as Maori.

Unfolding himself from the car, and wishing his truck had been ready, Ben glances around after stretching a moment. He scratches at his beard, considering the situation. "It's a tricky situation." He says in hushed words. "If he's being taken away without his approval, it's going to be tough to intercept."

George is ambling casually along with the group, looking like he doesn't have a care in the world. Nodding back to Heidi with a lazy grin "George Andrews. Nice to meet you." Then he looks over to Taika takes another slurp from his canteen.

Heidi notices the Dane paying off the Uber driver and waits for him to come over and briefly meet the Scrap Yard crew. "Not a good time for major introductions. Everyone, this is Ulf." She gestures to the Dane standing beside her now. She nods to Dalibor as he gets out, and doesn't quite see the turtle yet. There's a look of relief that Ben showed up with the group too, since she's been over protective of him since his arrival yesterday.

"Ah.." she looks up at the Maori. Is she qualified to give the higher ranking garou directions? "I think I'll defer on this to Ulf. He took this guy off his feet, and I think he's got insight to the situation." She eyes George, "Unless you are taking lead? Nice to meet you. And thanks for coming."

George shakes his head at the idea of him taking over "I've been busy. Need to get to know people that arrived while I wasn't paying as much attention. Best way to do that? Watch them work. I'll pitch in if asked of course but they've got a rep to build, that ship's kinda sailed for me."

Ulf dips his head obsequiously to Taika and tries to appear friendly and easygoing to the group, keeping his mouth shut for the most part. When Heidi introduces him he waves again and says, "Ulf Haakon Danesson, nice to meet you all," but when George gives his name the Dane clears his throat and lowers his eyes, addressing the man quietly by saying, "I have heard of you. Sir."

Ulf looks like he as about to say something else when there's a commotion back near the food truck and a loud clatter of metal. It looks like Pegg has knocked his gurney over and rolled free, picking up his bag of food and yelling, "Muh food! Y'all are just sheep! Fuck off and bill George Soros for all the pussy faggot lessons! You ain't taking me to the hospital, that's just a fake doctor with a big bill for aspirin and wiping my butt! Trump won the election! Q is gonna show y'all! Sick semper tyrannosaurus!"

He has his little fit, and then he... sort of run-jogs away, heading southeast at a pretty slow pace toward a less crowded part of town. "I think maybe he is taking the decision out of my hands," Ulf comments dryly, setting his drink down and beginning to walk after the fleeing fomor.

Taika asks, "Want me to go cause a scene with the ambulance people so they don't have time to call the police?". He is already starting to side step that way slowly, looking for Ulf to give the thumbs up. Heidi called them, she gave control to Ulf and George approved, so Taika is following Ulf's lead here.

For a moment it looks like the paramedics will give chase -- Pegg couldn't possibly outrun them -- but they just sort of shrug and get their equipment gathered up while one of them reports, "Uh, patient refused treatment, looks like? So we're just gonna come back," and the crowd resumes normal activity because the fat fomor isn't really fun to watch run off (except for those catching it on video and clucking, "This is HILARIOUS!").

Pegg has gotten down the block and started walking instead of jogging, looking pretty much pooped from his Usain Bolt bravado and taking comfort in his milkshake.

Ulf grins back at Taika and says, "This is probably a good idea, but I am new here, yes? I do not presume to be in charge, but I am also not letting this person get out of my sight. Make sure people are not following and the police are not coming, if you can. I do not think we have much of a fight to worry about with your next president down the street there."

Heidi picks up after Ulf, and his drink is swooped up and tossed into a nearby trash bin as she follows along for a second. She is going to tag behind the group for safety, and also because in her heels, they aren't runners by any means. City fashion means city restrictions. No real running. "I'll do it, Taika. He assaulted me first anyway. I can do a report if the police show. Go with the others and get it done. Kick his ass." She mutters under her breath. A nod is given to George's speech. "Glad you came."

Heidi parts from the group and heads back to the scene across the street.

Dalibor nods to Ulf, keeping his voice low. "Sometimes, it is just that easy. It is good to have the Mother in our corner, da?" He starts taking in the big picture, the paramedics packing up and looking for places to ambush the ambling fomor - alleyways are a good spot. "Looks as if medics are not going to be issue. Are we taking alive for interrogation? Or just 'solve' problem?"

Ben nods. "We need to follow. It looks like the paramedics aren't paid enough for this." He says, quietly. And then he motions to where Pegg ran off. "We should go." The man urges, moving in that direction - causally. As casually as he can, being seven feet tall.

Very quickly things spiral out of Zoe-turtle's ability to see. Hooking a foot in the hole, she stretches her turtley neck to peek over the edge of the pocket, seeing Ulf moving after the fleeing fat dude. She waves a flipper-like leg and then turns her head and bites Dalibor's thigh. CHOMP. Bad guy escaping!

As Heidi says she has the medics, Taika nods. As long as they are distracted and the police aren't call, he will follow, "Well someone has to be in charge. Formality dictates Dalibor is in charge because of well, he's Dali. Unless Ulf was born under her full glory.". He lets that sink in.

<OOC> Killigrew says, "Zozo: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTetv3BwcK2Ozq170AGmJDgiyibCdgUGX43hA&usqp=CAU"

Heidi gets across the street and moves in to where the crowd was watching. Her voice can be loud when she wants to be. "Who here was RIDIN WITH BIDEN?! Because....." she drawls that last word out, "I want everyone here to know I was assaulted by a Trumper. Does anyone want to hear what the European community thinks of America?" asks the Swede. "No? Good. I wasn't going to tell you people anyway. You already know. Now who wants a free drink on me? My friend Zeke I know would be happy to make them!" She calls out, "Zeke! Drinks on my tab please..."

<OOC> Heidi says, "Zeke owns the food truck. I should have clarified."

<OOC> Killigrew dies of cute https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0e/6c/37/0e6c3725fc2f38989b4f3bd30e88813d.jpg

George will continue ambling along behind the group, following the fomor. It doesn't look like he's rushing but he's always just kind of there. Leaning on a lamp post or a mailbox and sipping from his canteen like he doesn't have a care in the world.

"Oh. I was going to come back for that," Ulf says with a little sadness as Heidi trashes his soda, shaking his head. "It was very good. Not too sweet. I think they use real cherries."

He listens to the group discuss what's what, frowning a little, and comments, "I am hearing a lot of questions being asked as if someone is here to answer them, yes? But Mr. Andrews has made clear that it is not him who will be instructing today. So I am thinking that this is your city, cousins; one of you should be in charge, yes? My father would say that leaders lead. And this is not my city. And I am a humble man of the gods, not a quarterback." He notes Killigrew sticking her neck out and says to Dalibor, "You have the turtle in your pocket," but if he didn't know before then he surely does when she bites him.

Down at the end of the next block, Pegg stops and leans on a lamp post for a few seconds, sucking down his milkshake before deciding to walk to the nearest door, open it up, and go right inside.

Dalibor stiffens with a stiffled grunt. "Thank you, Zoe. Very... kind." Looks around, as peeps defer to him. Well, there's a first time for everything. He exhales. "Ok. We take alive, if possible. Could be source of intel." He watches the guy scurry away. "Well, maybe not. But we won't know if we don't ask. He's heading for quieter areas. If he cuts through somewhere totall isolated, like alleyway - we jump him. If he doesn't we'll force the issue. He seems likely to be racist. We can work with that." They have a Maori and a bunch of Scandanavian dudes. They can fake something thast should draw his attention, if they need to. "Now, let's move before we lose him."

As the Trumpster heads inside, Taika looks to Dali, "Go in, call him out, or create a distraction that might draw him out?"

Ulf has been walking this entire time, and is the first one out front of the building where the MAGA-don vanished. He looks up at the sign, brow furrowing, and asks, "I may be wrong, but your H&R Block is only in business during the tax season, yes? I do not think this is an open business."

Sure enough, it looks like the last tenant in this spot was indeed H&R Block, and through the window it looks like they left behind a bunch of cheap Ikea chairs, cubicles, and desks in this vacant office space. It doesn't quite make sense why the door would be open, except it looks like Rudy Ghouliani busted the deadbolt to get inside, so that answers that.

"I suppose we should go in after him," suggests Ulf casually, giving a slight shrug. "Perhaps see if he can help us with our taxes. I am here on a visa, so I think mine will be a little complicated."

Heidi as kinfolk handles the human crowds. Free drinks offered gets everyone's attention. She sees Alma inside the food truck wave her way and she nods her thanks. Crowds of people start to line up by the food truck to get Zeke's famous blends. "Nothing like turning a bad situation into someone's good fortune." The working couple will benefit from this. People order more food on top of the free drinks. While this keeps them busy, Heidi peers down the street in the direction the Scrap Yard family members went.

Dalibor hmms. "Empty building? That's out opportunity." He nods. "We go in. Be prepared this might be base of operations. He might have friends in there. If he does, try to keep the smartest looking one alive. We probably don't need multiple fomori to interrogate." He doesn't say to kill all the rest, but he does seem to imply it pretty heavily. And like that he moves for the door. He pats his pocket. "If this gets ugly, find a quiet spot and hide. Please."

Patpatted, Zoe-turtle drops back down to hide in her shell and watch from the hole in the pocket for now.

George slurps from his canteen before commenting idly "If it doesn't work out, Vesta Farshi has people for taxes and things. She's Journey Farshi's wife if you haven't met her yet." Then he looks up and down the street briefly, just lazily surveying his surroundings.

<OOC> Ulf notes, "I did not wake up this morning with a combat scene prepped; in fact, I didn't expect a murder of Get to show up at all. And as I do not want to half-ass it, I will give you guys this. I am happy to RP out a short combat sequence with minimal dice rolling so you can suck up some of that sweet Renown but I don't have to spend all day looking up book stats. Is everyone okay with that?"

Ben doesn't need further prompting. "We go in." He agrees with Dalibor's call. He follows the Full Moon in, rolling his neck as if to limber up. "I wonder if I will get a good refund from my taxes this year?" He says, eyes scanning the place once inside.

<OOC> Killigrew is easy. Story > dice

<OOC> Heidi thumbs up.

<OOC> Ben says, "I am fine with posing cool things and worrying about dice another time."

<OOC> Dalibor is fine with dice-light. Heck, I've done diceless WoD combat with Garou. It's a bit diferent, but as long as everyone doesn't try to Mary sue/Gary Stu their through it, works pretty well.

<OOC> Taika agrees.

<OOC> Taika says, "You mean I can't go super saiyan?"

<OOC> Heidi agrees at the food cart while eating a sammich.

"You are currently seeing everyone I have met so far, sir," Ulf replies respectfully to George with bowed head and averted eyes. He looks toward the door and it seems like he's psyching himself up a bit, chewing on something in his head. "We are not a pack, but we can act like a pack, yes? Work together, and not be as fool stooges who bump heads and step on tails. I am thinking someone leads in with a follower, and someone holds the door from those who run, and someone tries to flank whoever is in there, and someone maybe goes around to be sure there is not a back exit? Or maybe I am watching too many Marvel movies. My father would know what to do. Or my brother. But this is my first... what would you call this? Hot pursuit?"

<OOC> Dalibor will need to afk briefly (for maybe 10-15?) in about 30 minutes, apparently. RL ignored me all day and decides to raise it's ugly head now? *sigh*

Meanwhile, down the street at the food truck, a party is happening on site! The crowds happily have their food now and have taken up most of the picnic tables. Some people loiter standing around street side munching on chimi's or other Mex foods. Shakes, sodas, and iced flavored teas are everywhere as people enjoy their free drinks.

And once the crowd clears the line, Heidi orders up enough to feed the Scrap Yard group who came out to the city today. She's ordering up a smorgasbord of the entire menu." While she waits... she finally eats her spicey chicken wrap from earlier.

From afar, Heidi phones in that she's going to miss her meeting at work for family business. Since everyone is kinfolk there... they get it.

Dalibor sighs. "I forgot W-2. You think that will be problem?" If anything he's leaning into the accent, making it thicker and broader. Perhaps thinking MAGA-Fomor will hone in on his Otherness - lousy foreigner, taking all their jobs.

The front entrance is a waiting area with cheap plastic chairs and cheaper particle board side tables displaying magazines from last February that were boring even when they were new. The place is essentially empty, so it's easy enough to hear that in the far corner office there's some muttered discussion, and a woman's voice sneers, "Joey why is it taking you so fucking long to look up Joe Biden's taxes? You said that computer has all of the tax info on it, Joey! You need to look harder, Joey!"

There is also a snort from the opposite end of the back of the business, which is all pretty dim because the lights haven't been on in this place for most of a year.

Killigrew can hold a door! Boy howdy! Hearing of a more or less safe task, the snapping turtle clambers up and falls out of the pocket, relying on the thick shell to protect her when she bounces on the thin carpeting. A little dizzy, spinnign on her back, she rocks and struggles, kicking her scaley leggies, before starting on a shift. Trading scales for thick, grey hide, the kinfolk rolls over partway through the shift, well on her way to becoming a massive, male rhino. Why male? Cause they have bigger stabby things on their face to block doors with.

Taika for his part doesn't look scared. He was trained for this. He states, "I will head around to the back entrance and make my way into the middle to meet you if you're good.". He looks to Dali to verify that is good and would start to head that way (there are always back entrances right?).

George nods to Ulf and shrugs "I'll get you her digits later. City chases are problematic." And he goes quiet again to follow....Taika since the group is splitting up. Killigrew's shapeshifting gets a grin.

Ben nods to Dalibor once inside. "Your lead, then." He offers to the Modi. He looks towards the sound of the snort, canting his head and crouching a bit. Ready to spring as needed.

"You are a girl," Ulf notes to Killigrew with some mild startlement, giving her an odd look. "A turtle-girl? Is this a thing that is common in this city? I have not heard of turtle-girls." He looks to Taika, then to Dalibor, then shrugs and sighs, not really expecting a good answer. Instead he just follows Ben and Dalibor inside, taking right flank and keeping his eyes peeled.

Dalibor nods. "Yes, block their egress... good." Good to see the crews got his back. And then he blinks at Zoe, nodding. That'll work. Maybe not the most subtle, but it'll work. Luckily, it's doubtful anyone would think it's a real rhino. Clearly it's some sorta promotional thing... He nods as they get their bearings in the office - not the most subtle of Wyrmies, are they? He gestures silently for the group to spread out a bit as they make their way towards the corner office, just in case any of the cubicles or other offices have surprises in them.

Pegg steps out of the bathroom near the back right office, still sucking on his milkshake as the flushed toilet sings out an elegy to what was probably some pretty rancid piss. He grunts, "Stop snorin', Cooter!" toward the snort sound, which is apparently some sort of fomor-bulldog. The woman's voice is still shrieking in the office at someone named Joey, but two other idiots come out; one tall and bald with a really badly-grown Hitler mustache and only one ear, the other skinny and grimy-looking with one normal leg, one extremely straight leg, and a tiny twisted baby leg growing out of his hip. "You bring us food too?" says the bald one, but Pegg just burps in his face. The tripod dude looks over, seeing the Garou, and yelps, "Who the fuck are those guys?!"

<OOC> Heidi says, "6 baddies"

<OOC> Heidi says, "5 baddies+1 dog is 6"

<OOC> Ulf says, "Yep. I'm handling fat Pegg, bald Cy, and three-legged Louie."

<OOC> Ulf says, "Heidi is handling Cooter the Dog, Joey the Hacker, and Shrieky-Lady."

Cooter slobbers when he snores. He wakes up when Pegg scolds him loudly. He is a massive looking mutant bulldog with ulcers all over his back and hind legs. He oozes pus and something black that drips down over the bed of scrunched up papers he was sleeping on. "Arrarrar..." he whines at first. But then his ears prick up when tripod dude announces intruders. He gets up and BARKS! Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Intruder alert!

Killigrew WAS a girl. Now she's a boy-rhino with a great big glorious horn on its nose. When everyone is in, she just /sits/ down with a meaty thump, using her massive bulk to thoroughly block the door, head lowered so the thirty inch stabbing tool is between her and the bad guys. Whuff. Now to stay still and look regal, like a prop ought to.

Barbara is a heavy set Queen in her own twisted beauty. She was once like every other office co-worker, but now she's a shrieking mess of sweat and bad body odor. She stops yelling at Joey the Hacker, and he suddenly stands up from his office chair and picks up his keyboard. The whole thing comes unattached with a loose cord, and he wields it like a tax wielder nerd weapon.

Dalibor blinks, looking confused. "This is H&R Block, da? I wish to do taxes." And then Cooter starts to bark. Well, crap. An attempt was made. The hope was subterfuge up close and do some damage. But alas, t'was not meant to be. Now, it's time to drop the hammer on some freaks. He rushes forward, moving towards the barking dog. It's going to draw too much attention it's allowed to continue barking. And that's bad. So, dog's gotta go.

<OOC> Dalibor okays and is going to afk for like 15ish. Sorry all. BRB

Things happen fast. The rancid bulldog charges Dalibor in return. It's the first thing to charge after Dali goes for him, and the dog LEAPS UP INTO THE AIR to intercept him with its dagger filed teeth. Someone tortured the dog to get those teeth to look like pointy daggers.

Ben's eyes narrow upon seeing the motley of corruption that were occupying the office. He stands silently as Dalibor offers the slight parlay. Then the 'dog' is launching, and Dalibor is lunging. Seems the thing to do. He launches himself at Pegg, no words coming from the Forseti.

The biggest one rushes Pegg, so Pegg hollars, "'Rou will not replace us!" and charges back. Slowly. He doesn't move very fast. He does, however, burp out a fetid cloud of sickly yellow gas that smells of toxicity and stings the eyes and nose before crashing gut-first into Ben and throwing a slow but meaty punch at the side of his head.

With the gauntlet thusly thrown, Ulf yells, "Cry havoc!" and shifts into his bulkier Glabro form before leaping over a divider and tackling baldy Cy into the restroom, with the door popping closed behind them.

Louie ain't havin' it; he screams "FUUUUUUUCK!" and waddle-runs right through a short hall and out the back door to pop into daylight... right in front of George and Taika. He yelps, then does this weird clappy hand gesture like he's making a shadow puppet of a bird, and a greenish-black bat thing leaps right out of his hands to start flapping into the sky to get away.

Taika breaks down the door as it was locked. It is a sad attempt at woodworking, he would know. So the doorframe cons off the hinge and he spots Barbara. Breaching through the death funnel of the door way, his eyes flare and his nostrils grow wide. With a tongue sticking out, he charges her with a punch to the face.

Big Barbara takes the punch to the face and turns her neck to take it like the Queen she is. POW! Then she rushes to bear hug Taika with her arms going right around him in a tight embrace. Her whole head starts to swell up like a fat ballooon and she sounds like she's coughing up a hairball. Any second, and she's gunna puke. Or explode.

Joey the Hacker starts running toward George. Which its never a good idea to go running after an Elder with a keyboard held high, like he's going to smack him in the head and murder him. His eyes are red rimmed and wild looking. The two take one look at eachother and the Elder has him like cannon fodder.

<OOC> Heidi says, "Go ahead and pose George! I see the madness!"

<OOC> George says, "should I roll? or just narrate?"

<OOC> Heidi says, "can you roll, so I know how freaking insane he gets?"

<OOC> George says, "what's his willpower?"

<OOC> Heidi says, "4"

<OOC> Heidi says, "he's newly infected"
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
George rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge vs 4 for 3 successes.
1 2 2 3 3 3 +6 +7 +9 10

<OOC> Heidi says, "it lasts the whole scene with 3"

George was just standing in the door way, leaning there as he watched Taika get to work. When Joey runs at him though, George just glares and his pupils flash a swirl of silver like Luna's changing faces flashing by in a moment. Then George takes another draw on the straw in his canteen, not even straightening from where he lounges in the doorway as Joey falls to the ground in a gibbering delusional fit of a seizure.

George loses one Magical Essence

<OOC> Heidi says, "Joey is out in a seizure for the rest of the scene. If someone wants to stabby him, you may, if you don't already have a target."

<OOC> Ulf says, "Okay. Heidi is eating a chicken wrap. RhinZo has the front door. Dali has Cooter the Dog. Ben is fighting Pegg. Ulf tackled Bald Cy into the bathroom. George made Joey go crazy. Taika is on Barbara. Louie is freaking out and launched off some sort of bat-thing. Did I miss anyone?"

<OOC> George says, "query regarding the bat thing"

<OOC> George says, "is a spiritual presence or a physical one? or both?"

<OOC> Heidi says, "no one is on Louie?"

<OOC> Ulf says, "Spiritual."

George pages: I've got a spirit familiar that could chase it down unless you want it to get away for plot

You paged George with 'No, go right ahead.'

<OOC> George says, "Okay. Rebiu will go for an umbra dog fight"

<---======##=============[ Proving note for George ]==============##======--->
<---======##=---------------[ FAMILIAR (PRIVATE) ]---------------=##======--->
Status: APPROVED by WhoopingCrane on Mon May 30 20:28:58 2016
Warrior jaggling in service to Helios

Willpower 8, Rage 8, Gnosis 8, Essence 40
Charms: Airt Sense, Blast (Sunfire), Re-form, Illuminate (Sunlight), Access Caern, Armor, Appear, Assess Character, Open Sky Bridge, Peek, Swift Flight

This particular sun spirit appears either as a 9 foot tall human warrior in the panapoly of a spear guard of an ancient egyptian temple or a large falcon with golden markings. George has developed a bond with some of the spirits his tribe had pacts with of old and Rebiu in particular.

<OOC> Heidi says, "thats so badass"

The sounds and scents of the fighting make the huge Zhino snort and swing its head towards the commotion. Antsy, she considers going to make sure her friends are alright, then reigns in the urge and whuffles, swiveling her ears back with annoyance. Be good. Practice that sit-stay. Hold the door, Zodor.

<OOC> George says, "level 5 spirit familar. there's a story there"

<OOC> Ulf says, "The bat-thing is neither swift nor dangerous, so you feel free to pose how that goes down."

In Maori culture, a hongi is a sign of respect where two people place their faces close together. As Barbara scoops Taika up in a bear hug, he has a flashback to Tabi oddly enough, but this is battle and that though is gone as soon as it came. Instead pain replaces the image and it breeds clarity for the Maori warrior turned Get. With a shout of ferocity, Taika is squeezed and uses the pain to fuel his rage and starts head-butting the already exploded-ish head. Sure, he is taking damage with the bear hug and probably brain damage too, but that's how he rolls.

As the bat thing flees into the umbra there's a sky shattering screech in the spirit realm as the Scar is bathed in light as a large falcon made of sunfire *slams* into the thing, landing on a ledge with goo oozing between its claws. In the physical realm there might be a moment of warmth from the Sun's close regard but that's it.

<OOC> George says, "George set some parameters for himself, no one on his side dies. No one on their side gets away. Other than that he's just enjoying the show."

Toxic cloud. Marvelous. Ben rolls into the fight, regardless of the nasty obstacle in the way. Ducking the powerful punch from Pegg, the big Fenrir coughs through the nasty cloud. There's a growl of annoyance, the Forseti shifting into Crinos as he lifts an uppercut aimed at the Formor's chin with his absurdly increased size. They said capture for intel - so it's a fist. A fist the size of a small person's torso.

"FUUUUUUUUUCK! No no no NO NO NO, nuh-uh, nuh-uh!" cries Louie as he turns from the back door and instead tries running for the front. His stiff leg seems to be trailing bits of napalm behind him that burn the carpeting briefly before fizzling out. He skirts the action and runs past the fighting... right up to the damn Rhino. "No no NO!"

Pegg takes the punch on three of his chins, snapping his head backward like a weeble even as his meaty hand moves to grab Ben by the face. "Fuck your momma with Rachel Maddow's strap-on you treehugging cuck!" he groans, his jaw distending grotesquely as he tries to get Ben's fist into his mouth. His flabby body seems to give some against the big bruiser, softening up like a beanbag and glomping onto him.

Balloon Head Barbara gets her head bashed in by the Maori. "The CIVIL WAR has begun!" She bellows. The fight with the Maori is a grossly sight as she doesn't even get the neck strength up to puke the entire hairball up of toxic ichor. Instead it just splatters out her bashed in teeth and mouth like a Puking Pastel Patti. Her head wobbles as they go to war. Head slamming. The Fomori Tax Queen tries to strangle his breath and break his bones! But once her head looks like smashed goop with bits of bone fragments and blood spraying, her fomor body loosens her grip and starts to go down. The nerves in her limbs go haywire until she's fully dead. PLOP.

The Zoe-rhino's eyes go wide when the crazed thing dripping fucking -fire slime- comes running at her. Standing up, she starts swinging her head, hoping to spook the guy, but he keeps coming and that thirty inch murder horn goes right through the guys middle. Which is alright. Except he's on her /face/ and she can't get it -off-. There's a bellow from the Zodor, and then bangs and crashes as she starts smashing her head into the wall, and the floor, and, essentially, having a three-thousand pound freak out about the guy oozing innards down her nose and sprinkling burning jelly around.

The bathroom is alive with the sounds of clank-clang-crash, and there's a sudden impact against the door that cracks the hinges but doesn't actually break the door. There's a lot of growling and snarling and yelling, with the reedy voice of Cy shrieking, "You're fucking with the Master Race!" and Ulf's angry tenor replying, "Stop punching me in the butt, you weirdo creep!"

"Oh Lawrd I'm gettin' fucked in the bellybutton by a rhino horn!" yowls Louie the coward, his creepy shriveled baby-leg kicking Zoe in the nostril in futile protest. His normal leg is kicking, too, but the center leg... isn't. No, it just unleashes a torrent of acrid, sulfur-asparagus-smelling napalm on the floor into a goopy, burning puddle. Because it's not a weird straight leg. It's a dick. It's a gigantic dick that pisses napalm, and he's lost control of his bladder. Because this world is horrible.

Joey the Hacker continues seizing on the floor in the back room. He's right where George dropped him without so much as lifting a finger. The keyboard is by his side and the cord he keeps rolling over on every time he jerks to the right side. He pisses his pants and the room starts to smell like Fomor shit. He continues to writhe in mad agony, screeching unintelligable things.

Feeling momentarily dazed, blood pouring down his face and into his eyes, Taika takes a breather for a second to look around. His eyes are open, his nostrils beat with his breath and his cheeks billow in and out. Noting the hacker there in the floor, Taika reaches for the keyboard, assuming it is the old school variety with a cord, and holds a hand up to George with a grin. "Keeper," he says as he starts to try to use the cord to bind the man's feet and hands together in a pig tie. If the keyboard isn't long enough, or doesn't have a cord, he would rip the electrical cords from the wall and use that too.

<OOC> George says, "so. Rebiu stays on Umbral Overwatch. I don't think any baddies are currently unattended or in danger of escaping correct?"

The door is forgotten. There's another thunderous bellow from the rhino, bucking on thick, nubby legs and finding a wall to bash her face through. Recoiling when she steps in sticky, burning Fomori piss. OUCH. It burns! She panics more, going -through- the wall and trying to shake the thing off her face, bellowing again - more or less running blind, front feet burned and the yowling, pissing -thing- stuck on her horn.

There's no resistance from Mad Joey as Taika ties him up. The Hacker is a bumbling idiot of lunacy.

Unlucky Louie is jostled and chunked along by RhinZo's stampede through cubicle dividers, and as she runs bits of him just start... falling off. An arm, his baby leg, his other hand... he's getting shaken and hacked to bits, but he just kind of keeps drizzling na-piss along the way. And then she crashes through the bathroom door face-and-Louie-first, where Ulf is holding Cy off the floor with one hand around his neck while the other hand blocks kicks against him. And Zoe's horn goes right up Colin Brown Avenue, impaling Cy on her horn on top of Louie. Like hood ornaments.

Nope, nope. Fist isn't going into the mouth of the blubbery Pegg. Patience Of Eik?yrnir has no interest in emulating Tyr. The crinos lifts up to his full height, his right hand pulling back away from the greedy Pegg. Even so, his left claw tries slashing into the bulbous belly of the Fomor he's become entangled with. < < He's a handfull! > > He growls out.

George nods and grins lazily at Taika, just blocking the back door by standing there as he watches the mayhem having ensued.

Ben's claws begin ripping pieces away from Putty Pegg, tearing out blubbery chunks of pink dough with every rake and slash. The fat man can't manage to eat Ben's fist, so he settles for kicking and punching with drubbing results, each one landing with a thud against the Crinos that ends with crisp zap of electricity. It stings like a bastard, but probably not nearly as much as having pieces torn off, so call it a win.

Schlikt! There's this awkward -stop- from Zoe-rhino when she feels that new weight on her head. Shaking the last of the first guy off her face, she tilts her head. The fuck did this guy come from? Clumsily backing up, she turns and smashes Cy into the wall of the bathroom stall, leaving dents and smears of fomoroi all over it until she can him off. At least the metal stalls have enough resilience to help her. Unlike the cheap drywall she plowed through. Eventually it occurs that if she has no horn, there's nothing for things to stick to, and she shrinks down to her human form, promptly vomiting on Ulf's shoes. Blerp.

Ulf is still standing there, holding up Cy's head with an outstretched arm when RhinZo shakes her head around and knocks bits of fomori all over, then shrinks down and barfs on his new sneakers. "Oh... those were a gift," he says sadly, and then asks, "Do you need a minute? I have some breath mints, if you...."

He cuts off as Cy's mouth opens and a long, black tongue slithers out, trying to wrap around Ulf's wrist. Repulsed, the Dane grimaces and spikes Cy's head like a football against the tile, where it promptly explodes like an overripe pumpkin all over Ulf's jeans. And, you know... Zoe's... everything. "Oh. I am so sorry," he says softly, by way of apology.

Taika has his knee on the back of the hacker whom he has hog tied. He looks out, wondering if anyone needs help. "Everyone right?" he calls out.

Dalibor rushes Cooter, pulling Ekser his fetish knife. As the fomor-dog leaps - the Modi goes prone, like a baseball player sliding into home plate. He just does it with Ekser held blade up and braced with both hands. Cooter goes sailing over his head and Ekser 'strikes' true as the poor tortured animal disembowels itself, with a disturbing mix of noises, before crashing into a cubicle and remaining (mostly) motionless - just the occasional twitch. Dal wipes fomor goop off his face. Oh he is going to be bathing for days to get this crap out of his hair.

Back at the Food Truck, Heidi gets the orders packaged up into neat containers and set into big paper bags with handles. There's at least 4 packed tall set on the counter. Zeke and Alma are still shoving things in, like plastic silverware, napkins, ketchup... She hums, waiting for the drinks to be poured next while watching down the street.

The Forseti growls in rage as the punch connects - and then electrocutes him. Fomor, they have no class! Patience Of Eik?yrnir lands the claws - tearing away nothing but glop. Not seeing any real reaction to that method, he returns to fists. Ham-sized fists begin to rain down on Pegg's head - trying to bludgeon the bastard into submission. < < All you are doing is pissing me off! > > He roars, not caring if the corrupted human can understand or not.

Dalibor growls. "Yeah, T. Everyone sound off. I'm good." And then Patience rumbles. Cursing under his breath, in Bosnian, Dal takes one last look aty Cooter to confirm that yes - the poor thing is done - before racing off towards where he heard Patience.

"Yeah, mints would be gre--" *SPLOOSH*. Oh, it got in her mouth, and on her face, and everywhere. There's a disgusted, girlish /squeal/ from the Fury kin and she starts dancing in place, trying to scrape the nasty head asplodey off of her. But it's /soaking into/ her clothes. Zoe's favorite clothes. Realizing it's a bathroom, she goes to get some water from the sink and starts splashing it on her face, trying to scrub the nastiness off in between rounds of gagging and rinsing the fomori goo out of her mouth. At least she didn't swallow.

"I'm... I think we are okay here. The turtle-girl may need a moment," Ulf calls back to Dalibor's sound-off, shaking some slime off of his hands and looking over to the sink. "Well," he says quietly, turning it on and trying to wash off some of the scuzz. He takes a tin of Altoids out of his pocket and slides them to his left, toward Zoe, and says, "You can keep it."

Meanwhile, back at Playdough Pegg's midsection, Ben is punching and snarling and beating the hell out of what is looking more and more like a big blob of pink dough with Pegg's fat head on it. "C-c-c-CUCK!" he manages to cluck out, but... whatever was animating him seems broken. He sort of melts into a big fatty puddle on the floor, settling into a gooey glob with what sounds like a prolonged, sour fart of deflation.

George snickers as the goo goes everywhere but he doesn't even twitch as a glob of mutant rotten brain matter splooches onto the carpet an inch from his shoes. And there's a loud SLURP as whatever he'd been sucking through the straw in his canteen runs out. The straw gets tucked away into his messenger bag and the canteen gets capped before joining it "Welp. Looks like I need a refill. That about it?"

Dalibor mmms, eyeing the mess of an H&R Block office and the multiple fomori corpses. He opens his small daypack and carefully pulls out a molotov. "So... which is a bigger potential problem? Butrning the building down in obvious arson or leaving fomori corpses and Gaia only knows what sort of forensic evidence behind?" He pulls out a Zippo, eyes darting between around the visible group. Hey, fights over. Typically that's the signal for the Modi to pass the reins off to a 'peace-time' leader.

Killigrew nods to Ulf and grabs the tin of altoids, popping like eight in her mouth and crunching them up. Carrying the tin to Dalibor, she drops it into his pocket, then heads towards Form Of Sugar-Glider and stows away into his pocket to feel utterly disgusted and violated where others can't see it. No words to Dal, just claiming his pocket as /her/ pocket and hiding. Fuck fomori.

"It would not burn away the Wyrm's kiss here," Ulf replies to Dalibor with a shake of his head, drying his hands on a paper towel and looking around. "This... well. It must be cleansed properly, I am thinking. After that? If you want to burn it, I suppose that is up to you. I wonder if the building is insured? I wouldn't want it to spread to somewhere vulnerable or anything. But this is not my town. Not yet, anyway."

George comments to Dalibor "The Sept has a crime scene clean up business. I can make a call if all ya'all like. Though you might want to attend to the spiritual Cleansing first so you don't have to come back tomorrow."

Dalibor nods, carefully packing the molotov away again. See? Even Modi's can show restraint. "Show of hands, who can cleanse?"

Ben shifts down from Crinos, covered in gore and goop. Lovely. "Damn thing died. Something in it gave up." He shakes his hands free of the ichor for now. "I can cleanse." He offers over to Dalibor. A quick glance around, making sure they are all more or less intact. "It was quick enough, I doubt we caused too much commotion." A nod of thanks to George. "I would appreciate such an effort." He says, his voice full of gratitude.

"No, I cannot," admits Ulf with a shake of his head, "but I will assist, and I will watch and learn, and next time? I will know how." He smiles a little, then clears his throat and asks, "Would someone be kind enough to let Miss Vardanyan know we took care of things, so she does not worry?"

<OOC> Heidi says, "I think we can end scene here. Someone contacts Heidi and she brings her own SUV near the HR Block door for the pick up. The food is in the trunk! We can eat it at the Kinfolk House, and there's showers there I think. And thats where the event is tonight I hear."

Dalibor nods. "Ok. Ben, if you'd be so kind as cleanse the office. Ulf watch and pick up some pointers. Taika, if you would go update Miss Vardanyan that we're ok (which explains why he's not her). Mocks-Rhya, if you could arrange for the crime scene crew to help, that would be great appreciated." And he gets to split his attention between the two doors on opposite ends of the building - in case more fomori show their ugly... everything. "We should make a note to have this building watched, in case others try to check in here."

<OOC> Ulf says, "Okay, we can call it there and folks can go scurry to break and such before they do whatever they're doing next."