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Conversation and Drinks at Club Extacy
"Emilee" and Vic cross paths again, this time at Club Extacy
IC Date November 12th, 2020
IC Time A couple of hours after sunset
Players "Emilee" and Vic
Location Club Extacy

The club is hopping, lights flashing, and mist swirling around the dance floor. Emilee is seated at the bar, a small mixed drink held loosely in one hand as she watches the dance floor with half-lided eyes

Vic arrived at the club around 9pm and danced for a while, paying no specific attention to any one person who tries to accompany her but not snubbing anyone either. After about thirty minues of this she weaves her way though the crowded dance floor towards the bar. Seeing a familiar face she smiles and re-directs towards where Emilee is sitting. "Hey there Emilee," Vic says in greeting speaking over the throbbing music of the club.

Emilee starts a little, blinking and turning her head to look over at Vic. She smiles, the expression a little lopsided as she lifts a hand in greeting. May be possible that the drink in her hand is not her first indulgence of the evening. "Hey. Vic. Decided to check this place out?"

Vic nods to Emily but says, "Gimme a Red-Headed Slut," first to the bartender as she takes the stool next to Emilee's. "Sure did, it doesn't due to settle in on one club as 'yours' without checking them all out after all, right?"

Emilee raises her eyebrows at the name of the drink, then laughs. "Quite the name. And yea, you only live once, you know? Might as well enjoy life while you can. Did you ever end up finding someone last time around? As for this place, I like this place. Just going with the smoke machine is a nice touch."

Vic smiles and nods. "I did! Evie didn't steer me wrong at all. He even knew when to shut up and say yes ma'am in just the right way," she says suggestively as the bartender brings her red-colored cocktail to her.

Emilee laughs, briefly turning her gaze back to the dance floor. "Well, I'm certainly glad that you had a good time. Afraid that I can't give any similar recommendations for this evening. Looking for the same sort of thing, or just enjoying the chance to have a few drinks and let loose for a bit?"

Vic shakes her head. "Not a problem, I'm not really trolling for company, just wanted to dance. Likely to hit the dance floor again, but wanted a drink also," she explains.

Emilee's head bobs up and down a bit, an easy slightly lopsided smile remaining in place. "How'd you meet up with Evie, anyway? Through school, or?"

"Common interests," Vic answers quickly and then puts her drink to her lips quelling any further ability to expand upon the information.

"Like what?" Emilee asks, then turns her attention to her own drink and drains off the remaining half, before setting it down on the bar. "Met her here. Seems nice. Also seems to be enjoying loosening up a bit. Did mention that her folks were pretty restrictive."

Vic doesn't sound totally serious as she gives, "'Life, the Universe and Everything'," as an answer. "Do you and she share much interest yourselves?" she asks before again sipping at her provocatively named drink.

Emilee snorts softly in response the the answer, not looking as if she totally buys it. "Well, we've talked clothing a bit. She particularly likes these things," she says, indicating the fingerless gloves that reach her elbows. "Touched on some of her views when it comes to money and using it for the betterment of society as a whole - because she runs an art studio thingie. Heh. That came up because she ran into someone who annoyed her. Probably get a rise out of her if you ever mention the name 'Grayling.'"

Vic focuses on the name at the end and asks, "Grayling?" only to immediately continue into the statements, "Sounds like a character from a low budget science fiction movie... y'know a hybrid of a gray alien and a human. Or a really old hobbit whose hair is loosing its natural coloration maybe." Perhaps the drink is getting to her tonight, she has finished the first glass already after all.

Emilee ehs. "I've met Grayling in passing, so I know who she is talking about. Very androgynous and uses the 'They' pronoun. Personal impression is someone that was born into wealth and has a pretty screwed up idea on how the world actually works." A glance down at the finished drink, followed by a smirk. "That your first drink of the evening?"

Vic nods very steadily and asks, "It is, why do you ask?" She signals to the barkeep that she'd like a refill and returns her attention to Emilee. "Sounds like someone who'd annoy me also to be totally honest," she says returning to the subject she was discussing with her relatively new club-bud.

Emilee chuckles dryly, leaning back and resting her elbows on the bar top. "Mostly just curious. You were rambling a bit and I have no idea what your alcohol tolerance is like. And yea, kinda rubs me the wrong way as well."

Vic ahs about the curiosity and then asks, "And do you know what kind of name Grayling is?" stating, "It better be a nom de guerre rather than their actual name," after that and before following with "Because seriously, who would name their child Grayling?"

"Not a fucking clue," Emilee replies with laugh. "And I wasn't inclined to ask. Honestly, his folks are probably in the same group that calls their kid Snowflake, or Happy, or something equally silly."

"Or River or Phoenix," Vic adds with her own chuckle. "Course who am I to talk?" she asks self deprecatingly.

"What? Nothing unusual about Vic, or Victoria?" Emilee queries, eyebrows lifting as she looks the woman up and down.

"Ah, I guess it was more unusual where I came from as I often got called Vic th'Chick," she explains with a diresive snort. "Must be more common here than where I grew up for girls to have shortened names that sound like a guy's name."

"Well, Vicki is the more common shortened form," Emilee admits. "See 'Em' used for me, often enough." Signaling the barkeep, she orders another drink.

Their drinks delivered, Vic taps hers against Emilee's before drinking some of her second Red-Headed Slut. "And along with Buffie, Jackie and Winnie lend themselves to guys calling you 'mommie'..." She makes a face and says, "No. Thank. You."

Emilee brings her glass to her lips and takes a healthy swallow, then laughs. "God, that is terrible. Still any guy that calls you 'mommie,' either has serious mommie issues or is in need of a swift kick to the nuts."

Vic nods vehimentely in agreement with the sentiment. "Agreed," she says before taking a sip of her drink. "Also, I was named after a great aunt. Always felt Victoria was too formal," she explains.

Emilee nods, shifting the drink in her hand for a bit as she thinks. "I've met a few Victoria's, but they are typically in the late thirties to forties range. And you're a bit young for that group," she adds with a smirk.

"Yeah, like I said, its a family name in my case," Vic says as she nods to acknowledge Emilee's statement. "But, hey, that's how the cookie crumbles, can't pick your family nor your own name... at least without court proceedings."

Emilee lifts and lowers her shoulders in a shrug. "Very true. Very true." Bringing her glass to her lips, she drains off the remainder. "Think you'll hit the dance floor again?"

Vic nods after finishing her own drink. "That surely was the plan for the evening, Emilee," she says and then asks, "Did you want to join me for some platonic dance partner moves?"

Emilee slips from her seat and takes a moment to stretch, before offering a hand to Vic. "Sounds like a plan."

Vic follows suit and takes the offered hand then follows Emilee out to the dance floor.