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Latest revision as of 17:54, 2 November 2020

Tests of Eagle
The proto-pack gathers to seek out Eagle's blessing to pack together
Players Dragomir ST, Lleutrim, Ryla, Waziyata
Location Caern Heart, Sept of the Enduring Spirit
Spheres Gaian Garou

Current Phase: Waxing Crescent, Rage diff 7 (6 if Theurge and/or Crinos)

xxxxxThe proto-pack has gathered as instructed in the Caern Heart to meet with the Rite Mistress Presumably, she has agreed to perform the Totem Rite for the pack so they can seek out Eagle to bond with.

Dragomir has come in normal fashion. The man is wearing.. feathers. Not one or two, not even a few dozen. In fact, he's wearing a feathered suit. There really isn't many people that could wear a suit made of feathers, and pull it off - but there's really not many people that would dare mock him for it. Strangely, they have been woven and made to look.. fashionable? His face has been painted, woad for those who appreciate it and he is wearing what looks like.. silver talon rings? Maybe his mind really is broken.

Ryla has come dressed in business formal. Yes, you can take the ragabash out of the office, into the legendary realm for a year of her life, but after awhile, old habit return. Her hair done up perfectly as always, her glasses on. But now, she has a small eagle pinned to the lapel of her suit jacket. She looks over Dragomir, doing his best impression of a sports team mascot, and she refrains from pointing out asking which team he is rooting for. Tonight is serious and all for Eagle and the pack. She gives him a respectful nod. "Eye of the Storm'rhya."

It /is/ a very special reason to gather with his pack mates so Lleutrim has also gone to a little effort to dress appropriately. This evening he arrives garbed in his military kilt and is otherwise bare of torso and bare footed. The black leather sporin that hangs down over the front of his kilt is adorned with white fur, claws and teeth of an ice troll from the Legendary Realm. Woad is indeed fashionable especially among the Fianna though in Battle Singer's case his skin is adorned with black soot applied in crisp patterns of Celtic interlacement and glyphs over his back and forearms. The rest of his skin is adorned with scars and tats as usual. His wedding band graces his third left finger.

In honor of Eagle, Lleu has also braided up some of his beard and attached bone beads, and no doubt inspired by Dragomir he (or more likely Faith) has affixed various feathers to the back of his hair to spill down between his shoulder blades. Yes, aren't we feeling our inner barbarian today?

First the Fianna pays his deepest respects to the Rite Mistress. Then, one look at Dragomir and the Galliard smirks despite his recent beating, "My, Eye of the Storm'rhya, you'll make Tina Turner jealous." A wink for Ryla and a hint of a warm smile for Waziyata when she arrives.

From the brush emerges the familiar white wolf, Waziyata. She gives herself a shake, knocking loose leaves and dirt before starting toward the other three, tail held high and wagging in a lazy greeting. As she nears, she grows into her blonde teenager form and straightens up on two legs, grimacing a little and taking a moment to shrug her Minnie Mouse backpack off and dig out a small, crude wooden carving of an eagle on a leather cord.

Afterward, the backpack is pulled back into place and the eagle pendant slipped over her neck. She tilts her head a little, considering Dragomir in his eagle costume, Ryla in her business suit, and Lleutrim in his Braveheart costume. Then she licks her lips and looks quietly, expectantly, to the Mistress of the Rites.

xxxxxAs they all gather, the Rite Mistress emerges as if from thin air. She is humming a little as she is stirring something in a small bowl. "Gather together, those that wish to pack. You come to seek out Eagle, but first, line up by your moon cycle. Take each other's hands and close your eyes." She returns to humming something, perhaps a native tune from her tribe.

Dragomir turns his head to look towards Lleutrim at the comment, lofting a brow and looks the man over. "I am used to invoking that reaction." then he turns, nodding his head towards Ryla and Wazi when they emerge. He steps to the half-moon position, and motions to cross his arms over his chest. "Greetings Rite Mistress, we assemble for this totem quest." and he kneels down and closes his eyes. Perhaps he's done this before, maybe even a few times.

Ryla finds her place between them all, getting into the new moon position. She does not need to kneel to be the same height as the men on their knees, but she does anyway - even in that suit of hers - as it is the custom to do for the ceremony. She takes off her glasses for now, and they go into her pocket. She presents her face, solemn, and ready to the Rite Mistress.

Lleutrim has cleansed himself immediately before he came to join the others. He bows his head slightly to the Rite Mistress and moves to put himself between Waziyata with her full moon auspice, and Dragomir. His own large hands, for he is in Glabro form, are calloused from the many hours spent working at Jake's forge and from playing string instruments. Of course the Silver Fang doesn't seem inclined to take his hand. Lleu will take his cues as directed, standing or kneeling as the Rite Mistress prefers and closes his own eyes, relaxed and listening. Assuming Wazi takes his hand, he gently squeezes hers once.

Wazi moves into the full moon position after a few moments of watching and waiting, stepping quietly and carefully into place. She crouches down, lowering herself into a kneeling position, before reaching to take hold of Lleu's hand without comment. Then, she looks back to the Rite mistress, watching expectantly.

xxxxxBanebreaker comes up to each of them. She sticks her hand into what can /only/ be described as GOOP, and smears some across the eyes of each of them in turn. She is muttering words that few could attempt to understand, as she invokes the spirits. This goop? It is warm, thick, and smells foul. You do /not/ want to know what is in it. As she completes their moon cycle, she sits the bowl down.

xxxxx"Gaia, I bring these four to you. They wish to pack together as brothers and sisters, following the path of Eagle. Show them the way to him, and bind them together in their quest. Grant them your wisdom to work together." Banebreaker holds her hands up in the air as she says this. "Now together, side step into the Umbra, and begin your quest."

xxxxxAs the gauntlet is slipped, and the pack moves as one again past the spiritual shroud which conceals the Penumbra from the Material World and vice versa - they are met with the spiritual reflection of the Caern Heart. The beating pulse of radiance and spiritual energy, as well as the cave of Bear it is located within. Though it is only for a moment, before they are swept away by some manner of wind like gust. Or perhaps the area moved and they did not. It could all be a dream, it is really difficult to gauge. Either way, the come to a clearing in the forest where they are still standing.

xxxxxThe trees seem to extend high into the air around them.. and the occasional scurry of small rodent like gafflings dart from brush to brush, peering from around rocks before disappearing into the wood. The sound of a river can be heard nearby, splashing and babbling off the small rocks in its bed. Luna's face overhead, casting her luminescent glow over the world around them.

Dragomir takes a moment to reflect, adjusting his eyes and calm himself. The umbra has not been kind to him over the years, and he will need a minute to center himself it seems.

Did the Rite Mistress just smear them with watered eagle shit across their eyes? One can imagine her smirk and trying not to laugh at the thought when she mixed up that stuff. Battle Singer keeps his eyes firmly closed. The burn scar splatted at an angle over his face makes the skin of his left eyelid a little lumpy and some of that brow is missing. Think about Gaia, and Eagle, of sacred rites and his pack mates gathered here beside him. Then he thinks about stepping sideways into the penumbra...

The unexpected gust of wind makes him open his eyes. Scents change. Renown glyphs glow upon their bodies clear for each of them to perceive. Lleu stands quietly and no longer kneeling. He looks all around at the new place, taking in the smells the river and the trees around them, sounds and movement ere he looks upon his would be pack mates. Battle Singer is in no haste.

Ryla holds onto her pack mate, and when they slip into the umbra she finally opens her eyes. Things have changed obviously around them, and she squeezes the hand she holds. Taking in a breath she listens and looks and waits to see what the others think and do from here.

Once Wazi slips into the Umbra she shifts her weight a little, glancing slowly about the forest clearing. She nods slightly, ignoring the smelly gunk smeared across her face - it barely smells of anything at all in this form. She even licks her lips again.

"Now where do we go?"

Dragomir offers, still cloudy in his mind. "It is like a riddle.. a quest. We have to prove that we are worthy to be children of Eagle. We search for his clues.. his hints. Then he will either accept us, or test us. But we work together. Look for something unique.. or odd, or that stands out. We are here for a reason." He explains and then he moves to sit down. "I need a minute.. ask me questions if you need to."

Ryla looks around, and then slips into lupus. the white silvery wolf looks about, sniffing for signs of Eagle. Ryla fluidly shifts to a white silvery wolf.

Lleu listens to what Dragomir has to offer. He gives a faint nod and shifts from Glabro to lupus where his senses will be somewhat sharper without having to use a gift. Battle Singer starts to look around carefully, scenting the air and listening. The large grey wolf slowly begins to check out the immediate area to see what might catch his attention - yet not stray far from his others.

Wazi gives a slight nod in response to Dragomir's words, looking from him to consider the surrounding umbral space once more. Then she shifts her weight a little and drops back down to all fours, falling easily into her breed form. After that, she simply steps over to stand beside Dragomir, flank to leg, as the man orients himself. Her ears perk up and she looks alertly over the area, but doesn't join the other two in investigating directly just yet.

Dragomir crosses his legs beneath him, taking on a meditative position and starts working on clearing his mind. "Tell me what you find.. we can do this together still."

Twilight's Glimmer pads around and arrives back. she heads out again, and arrives back. >> I go and come back. circle. cannot escape. like we are being kept here. <<

Battle Singer is moving around though he stays more or less in sight. Everything is surreal and dream like though that's not terribly unusual in the umbra. Except the Legendary Realm had been sharp enough to feel real. This is real in it's way yet different.

Oops! The Fianna has found something! The male wolf circles it and wolfishly grins, >> Why, hello there, Slug with glittering golden eyes. My, aren't you a fine specimen! Greetings. <<

Waziyata just stands beside the Philodox, watching and waiting. Then Battle Singer speaks and the wolf tilts her head a little, ears perking up again as she looks to him. After a moment's hesitation, she steps away from Dragomir and paces a few steps in the direction of the Galliard.

xxxxx>> You cannot have my eyesss, there is no secretss for you to ssssee in His fiery face. << the slug speaks back to Lleutrim very.. slowly. As if infinitely patient in how he says what he does. There are four of them, each slithereing slowly over the rock now. Not ominous at all.

Dragomir listens, tipping his head to the side in a bit of confusion, "What are you talking to?" he looks over towards Wazi, as if looking for her to explain. Then a glance towards Ryla at her declaration and he says, "Then everything we need is here. We just have to understand it."

Listening to the Slug, the Fianna wolf circles the slugs and sniffs at them ere he replies, >> Eye of the Storm'rhya, there are slug spirits here. /Four/ of them. << With stress upon the auspicious number since there are four of them here seeking to pack with Eagle. The wolf cocks his head, >> It said.. 'You cannot have my eyesss, there is no secretss for you to ssssee in His fiery face.' << In case Dragomir didn't hear it. Aye, a riddle! The first thing that comes to mind as he ponders what was said is to look up at the sky and try at least briefly to dare to look at the sun - though Battle Singer knows he can't do more than try a glance because it will be too bright.

MUCH too bright indeed! Even the briefest glance sears his eyes! The wolf backs suddenly several steps and shakes his head hard with a snarl of pain!

Wazi's ears perk up at the exchange between slug spirits and Lleu and Dragomir, then she growls quietly at the snarl of pain from Lleu's upward glance at the sky. She huffs a breath, before giving herself a shake and then glancing back to Dragomir, then toward the slug spirits.

<<Sun slugs? Is Eagle one of Belinus's spirits?>>

Dragomir considers and says, "Perhaps there's a reason, or something that must be done. Lesser spirits are simple. there must be something we need here, or do." He reaches up his half-gloved hands, rubbing at his eyes as though he cannot see.

Battle Singer paws at his closed eyes briefly, then raises his wolf's head, then shifts back into Glabro. His eyes ache but after a few blinks it seems that he can still see. >> I think ... maybe we /do/ need their eyes. One set for each of us to look and see these secrets they insist are not there. Only, how would we use them? << The Galliard looks back to the Slugs, >> I think your riddle means we /do/ need your eyes. I do not wish to harm you. How might we use them? Slugs, you can grow back your eye stalks! Lend them to us and tell us what chimmerage you would have in exchange, oh Slugs! << Lleu speaks in Garou or in the same spirit language as the slugs as necessary to be understood, putting effort into trying to be persuasive.

xxxxxIt seems Lleutrim is convincing, or said the right thing >> Not the firssst to betray a deal.. to borrow our eyessss to sssee Hiss fiery face. Sssswear your deal will be honored, our eyessss returned when done. To ssssee asss we sssee, you mussst have our bodiesss in yoursss. << the golden eyes slug responds.

Dragomir says, "Offer them some of your gnosis.. that's at least something we have to give for the moment."

Waziyata tilts her head a little, watching silently as the exchange continues. Then she shifts her weight and paces forward, moving closer toward the slugs at Dragomir's words. She dips her head down at the last moment, chewing lightly at one foreleg, drawing a trickle of blood. Then she offers the wounded limb toward one of the slugs. <<Gnosis. Trust the honor of this Full Moon, the honor of Puddle Jumper, Adren of the Children of Gaia. Your eyes will be given back.>>

xxxxxIt takes time.. teamwork, and eventually clues start falling into place. The proto-pack negotiates with the golden eyed slugs, exchanging chiminage for their blessing. It is a hard gift to 'swallow', but when they do.. the world around them brightens with sunlight-like intensity. Vision distorted and blurry, as though able to see far off into the distance.

xxxxxWhen finally one looks up for Helios' face - a scene is reflected back of where they are and people catching Salmon in the river bed. The salmon are placed on tree-stumps as offerings. Eagles fly overhead, circling protectively and accepting the offerings. There the proto-pack realizes to get Eagle's attention they must catch him Salmon and make an offering.

xxxxxWhen the fish is caught, and the offering is made - a new vision depicts a tribal elder begging Eagle to watch for enemies and protect them. Eagle agrees, his eyes glowing gold and takes flight high overhead. Slug beneath, slithering slowly - and blind. As the pack flies upwards to soar with Eagle, there is a sight of Wyrm Poachers coming on canoes to attack the village. Eagle screeches in warning, and the vision fades away.

xxxxxThe group now in the circle together, Eagle perched on a stump and pecking periodically at a Salmon's head held cruelly in a claw. >> You seek to be my children. To see as I see, and fly high over the storms. To be vigilant and guard those who honor you. Will you keep the eyes to do my work, or will you return them to Slug and fail this quest? <<

The Four Tests of Eagle, Concluded.