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A Table Ready to Dine Upon - A Meeting at Emerson's Bar and Grill
Two Damhàn meet by chance at a bar and grill
IC Date October 24, 2020
IC Time afternoon
Players Parker and Zachariah
Location Emerson's Bar and Grill
Spheres Ananasi

Late lunch, early dinner, afternoon drink and snack, for what ever reason Parker has stopped at Emerson's Bar and Grill. She's just sat down at somewhat rickety table having set down the plate with a chili dog enhanced by red onions and garnished on the side by a few jumbo pickled okra and matzo chips with a purchased jar of house brand fiery hot habanero garlic sauce and a frosted mug of a craft beer.

Slipping into the dinner is a tall, dark haired man that pauses at the door to crush out a cigarette before closing it behind him. He's dressed casually in a simple dark gray hoodie and leather jacket over a white t-shirt, dark jeans and a pair of sneakers. Zachariah looks about and spots Parker, the markings making it it easy for him to identify her as one of his own. Making his way over he slips into a seat with her and says with a grin, "You know, its been a while since I've just bumped into one of our people. Its a pleasure."

Parker's dressed a bit less casually with a semi-transparent, long-sleeved black blouse over a strapless black bra with a black suede skirt over extremely dark (near black) purple crushed velvet tights and dark gray ankle boots that almost look to be made of separate strips of leather and are buckled around the ankle by two straps and brassy buckles</scan>. She looks up into the face of the Kar Ananasi and says, "There seems to be a few of us around but it is unlikely unless the Mother has guided us here of course," in response. She then asks, "Were you intending to get some food before my presence distracted you?"

Nodding his head, Zachariah smiles and then waves down a waitress while coming to his feet. Slipping out of his hoodie and jacket he hangs them from the back of his chair before taking a seat once more. Smiling to the server he orders, "I'll get a Sixpoint Euro Mullet and a cheese steak, thanks." Turning back to Parker he offers her one of his tattooed hands in greeting. "I'm Zachariah, or Zach, Z... Whatever."

The employee, a short order cook, was just coming into work but had an Emerson's Bar and Grill shirt on and apparently doesn't take any umbrage at Zachariah's request. They nod and say, "I'll get the cheeze steak going in a few minutes sir as my shift is coming on now and I'll dropp off your drink order. You'll need to get it when your order number is called out."

After the cook steps away, Parker takes Zach's hand and shakes it for a moment. "Parker," she says, giving her human name without hesitation to the other Myrmidon of whom she asks, "Have you been in Prospect long?"

The barkeep calls out to Zack telling him his order number ofr the food and adds, "Your drink order is ready."

Slipping out of his seat with a mumbled, "One sec," Zachariah makes his way to pick up and make sure his tab is settled. Making his way back with the sandwich and beer he settles in and then smiles. "I've been here a long time. I was a bit, in and out for a while but I'm back for good again. Trying to get the lay of the land again." Lifting his drink in way of salute he adds, "You?" Sipping at the beer he puts the glass down and takes the first bite of his sandwich.

"I got here last weekend," Parker says before taking a bite of her chili dog and, after finishing that and washing it down with a splash of her beer, says, "Found a place for now, looking for more permanent housing however."

Nodding with her words, Zach bites into his own sandwich and washes it down with a larger swig from his beer. "Nice. New to the city, not bad. If you need anything like info or someone to watch your back or whatever, you can hit me up. I'm pretty easy." Smiling he adds, "And if you like to eat, we could meet in places like this anytime." Chuckling he finishes off the first half of the sandwich along with the first beer.

Making sure nobody is close enough to overhear her comment, Parker says, "I find enjoyment in my new palate so that is a welcome invitation, Zax," with a nod. She then asks, "Have you found anything unusual in the city that a fellow warrior of the Mother should be aware of?"

Zachariah shakes his head and then leans in to reply softly, "No. Sadly nothing has been popped on my radar since my return." Leaning back he looks to his empty beer then to the counter and pushes away to get himself another. It only takes a moment for him to order, pay and then return. "But. Maybe, if I stay in contact with others like you... I might stay on top of things."

Having eaten more of her meal while her "brother" is away from the table, Parker nods regarding his comments and then asks, "How many of us have you met? I met one other... Roger maybe? And he told me about Eh... Egde... Egee?" She visibly struggles over the names and looks hopefully at Zachariah for help with them.

Digging into the other half of his sandwich, Zach nods. "Mmmmm, there was two or three last time I was in town that I met with... A brother and sister and another. But its hard to remember. Not long ago I met with a few of our kind trying to help out one of ours in need..." Shrugging a bit he shakes his head, "But I didn't really get to know much about them or speak much with them."

Parker nods as she finishes off the last bite of her chili dog and dips a chip into her purchased sause. "So, do you know about the colony?" she asks discretely, again making sure nobody is paying them too much attention as she mentions such a delicate matter.

"Yeah that, brother/sister pair brought it up." With his own food finished he pushes the plate to the side. "Though, I have suspicions since I never saw them together, that it was the same one..." Trailing off Zach seems to actually give that some thought before shaking his head. "In any event, yes, they were building or just built it when I met with them. But I've never visited." He's dropped back in vague language to keep the actual details of their discussion while in the open less meat for anyone listening in.

"I know where it is, if you want and have a vehicle good for rough roads or off road driving that we can use, I'll show you how to get to it," Parker says, equally circumspect in her answer as she offers a chip and the super hot sauce to Zach with a gesture.

"Sure. I have an SUV." Zach grins and then turns to reach into the jacket that hangs from the back of his chair. Pulling a card from the inner pocket he slides it across to Parker. "That has my number and such, today probably isn't the best to go but... We can do it for sure. It'll be good for me to know."

Parker picks up the card, glancing at it momentarily. "I'll send you mine," she says as she pulls her phone out of the not-exactly-a-pocket made by her cleavage and bra and, after creating a contact, sends a message to the number on the card. "That's where I met Roy," she says, adding, "The guy I mentioned before," not even noticing that she didn't use the same name as earlier.

There is the soft sound of her details arriving on his phone that comes from his jacket. Zachariah doesn't turn to check the message as its obviously the one Parker just sent. "Roy. I'll have to keep an eye out for him."

"Yeah," Parker says and then adds, "Well, I think that's his name at least. I didn't get it in writing though." She then sips some more of her beer and says, "Anything else you feel I should be aware of?" subtly pointing out that she's given more than she's gotten.

"For now. I think that's all I got. Sorry I've not much to offer." Standing Zach offers his hand to shake once more. "I'll get out of your hair for now. But let me know when and we'll hit up the colony." Zachariah then slips on his jacket and waves before making his way out.

Having finished her meal, Parker caps her jar of sauce drinks the last of her beer and nods to acknowledge Zach's parting comments. "Later, Zax," she says towards his back.