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A Hydra is Gud with Sekrits
Hardy introduces Tabi and Vic to each other over mead and pizza
IC Date September 30th, 2020
IC Time Early to Mid-Afternoon
Players Hardy/Hydra, Tabi and Vic
Location The Hydra's Lair
Theme Song Foil by 'Weird Al' Yankovic
Hey there. U busy?
(Hardy) Not super, what up?
Want to hand out. Ideas?
(Hardy) Can drop by here if you want, got a friend over. She knows what we are so no worries about that. Or we can go out, perhaps grab something to eat?
Anyone I know?
(Hardy) Do you know Tabi?
Never heard of her. Should I meet her?
(Hardy) We think you should, she is very nice
Alright, I'm on my way over. Happen to be near by anyway, what made me think of you.
(Hardy) Cool, see you then

Meanwhile, at Hardy's place...

Hardy grins "She wrote she would be right over so"

Tabi nods. "Cool." She wraps an arm around Hardy's waist while they wait.

Hardy nods "We going to have to dance abit around some topics, but she knows who we are so.. that is alright to talk about"

As she was in the neighborhood, Vic's not long to reach the warehouse's door. She raps on it firmly and and waits to be let in as normal.

There is now a doorbell installed next to the door

Hardy moves over to the door to open it "Come in Vic" motions her inside "Vic, this is Tabi, Tabi this is Vic" motions between the two with a broad smile nodding to himself

Tabi mmms and nods. Nothing new there. Dancing with new people. She perks up at the knock. "And here she is, unless you ordered a pizza when I wasn't looking?"

Vic steps into the warehouse, nodding at the doorbell button. "I didn't notice that before pounding on the door. Sorry about that Aitch," she says to Hardy before nodding towards Tabi. "Nice to meet you, please do just call me Vic," as she verbally waves off the anticipated question of what it is short for.

Tabi smiles and offers a hand to Vic. "Nice to meet you too, Vic. Any friend of Hardy's is... good people."

Hardy grins "We could order pizza if you hungry" grinning broadly "As I told you both, both of you know who we are so no need to pussy foot around that" nodding to himself again "We will not be telling you any secrets about the other, but I think it is safe to assume we all know that things go bump in the night since you both are friends with Hydra"

"So there are secrets not to tell are there?" Vic asks playfully with a woman-to-woman 'secret language' wink to confirm to Tabi that she is truly not prying into anything. As if she feels at home here she unslings her bag from where it was resting against the small of her back and drops it on the couch. "I definitely could go for some pizza. Even if you two don't want to have a Hawaiian," she says.

Tabi chuckles, shaking her head slightly at Hardy's words. It is, after all, one of the reasons she loves him. She grins at Vic's playful tone. "Now, that would be telling. By not telling." Her grin broadens. "Someone else that believes in pineapple on pizza. Finally." she leans in conspiratorally. "Have you tried pepperoni and pineapple? I stumbled into it by accident when a place was out of Canadian bacon."

Hardy smiles "We would love a Hawaiian we still do not understand the silliness of trying to forbid pineapple on pizza" shaking his head "But we could also go for a meatlovers... or both" smiles "Only secrets we keep are those that are not our own. Everything else is up for grabs really" nodding to himself "We have a lot of friends that have their own secrets we cant share without their permission"

"I don't get it either, its considered perfectly normal back home," Vic says, stressing the last word towards Hardy. "Just don't order that monstrosity called 'Chicago-style'... those aren't pizza, they're quiches," she explains. Addressing Tabi directly, "I have not but that sounds very interesting, Tabi," and then asks Hardy, "Will you please? It sounds like an incredible idea for lunch."

Hardy gets his phone and orders four pizzas one meatlovers one Hawaiian and two pineapple and pepperoni. "Done, should we go to the apartment?" motioning to the door that lead through the forge and to where the apartment was.

Tabi quirks an eyebrow. "I.... have never really thought about it, but that's not actually a bad description of Chicago-style." She flashes Hardy a grin when he agrees that pineapple is acceptable. Excellent taste. She nods at his discussion of secrets. "True. True. Not that anyone here has anything to hide."

Vic nods. "Absolutely!" is her response to Hardy's question, "The forge may not be the best place for pizza." Then to Tabi, "I don't think that can be true. Everyone has /something/ they keep to themselves in any given set of company after all."

Hardy chuckles "We all know we have secrets and we know which question to not ask" motioning them to follow him

Tabi shifts her eyes back and forth. "Secrets. Like what? It's not like I'm not a natural blond or something." She grins briefly, before nodding soberly. "Yeah, not going to ask any awkward questions. I mean, if nothing else it's kinda rude."

Vic unabashedly begins to answer the question, in very general terms. "Sure, artificial intelligence like that could be something someone keeps to themselves. Or, lets see... that they are a cutter, they don't like cats or dogs when their SO likes that kind of pet, or even that they were born a different gender then they now present themselves as," she stops herself as she begins to ramble and /now/ drops her bag on the couch having picked it up from the bench she put it on in the front room. She then states, "Everyone has secrets, just some people's are major like Aitch's and others are insignificant in the grand scheme of things," emphatically but with a smile after which she adds, "I sometimes wax philosophic, I apologize if that was going to far."

Hardy leads them both inside with a smile motioning for them to sit "What you want to drink? We have beer, cider, mead, some juices and some harder stuff" chuckles "No worries Vic, We weren't even born we think so that is a thing... and we aren't even a human so yeah" grinning broadly and nodding to himself "We like both cats and dogs... not always fond of us though, they do get abit iffy when we talk to them"

Tabi offers Vic a geuine smile. "Nothing wrong with a deep thought or two, now and again. Raises the level of discourse, which is never a bad thing." Well, someone isn't the dumb surfer chick stereotype they appear to be. She cocks her head at Hardy's question, replying with a question of her own. "Well, if I've already worked a shift today - is it too early for a mead?"

Vic shakes her head at Hardy, "I didn't mean you with those random examples, Aitch," and then returns Tabi's smile in kind. "Its afternoon, if you aren't going to drive, surf or work I think its totally safe," she states.

Hardy smiles "We know, just saying." grinning to Vic "So what you want to drink Vic? And it is never to early for mead" nodding to himself "But alcohol really doesnt do anything for us... was very popular among the norse, that we could drink everyone under the table... we want to claim the fame from the story where Thor drinks from the horn of Skyrmir"

Tabi shakes her head. "Not planning on any of those until tomorrow." She brightens. "So mead it is, I think." She cocks her head at Hardy's comment. "Really?" She leans forward slightly. "That's really wild."

Vic shrugs while nodding as her first response as she answers, "Mead sounds fine," to Hardy's question and then she just stares for a moment at the story. After that moment she laughs at herself and says, "Never ceases to surprise me," to Tabi as she again nods this time in agreement with Tabi's comment.

Hardy grabs three bottles of good mead and returns to the couch and offers them each one "We can be sure but we once drank an entire barrel of mead.... probably more then 70 kilos. And since we lifted it ourself to drink out of people were very impressed" grinning to them both "Ah... those were good days... boasting was an art back then" he chuckles "And few believed us when we told them... then we showed them" grinning "And they lost a month supplies of mead"

Tabi cocks her head and laughs softly. "70 kilos of mead? Wow. Just wow. That is... wow." Well, so much for shedding that dumb surfer chick image. Ah well. Maybe next time?

Vic joins the other two on the couch finally, moving her bag off of it onto the floor at her feet, basically flopping into place after getting the precious computer out of the way. Speaking at the same moment as Tabi, she too says, "Seventy kilos?!" and then looses a soft and kind laugh at the coincidence before saying, "Many bees have suffered for your pleasure," in a mock-serious tone of voice backing up the pseudo-Lucasian turn of phrase.

Hardy chuckles "No bees suffered" shaking his head "Bees don't suffer from bee keeping, you make sure they have enough during harvest, and you make sure they have lots of food sources and you make sure they do not get hit by cold when winter comes"

Tabi chuckles, shaking her head. "That's... a lot of mead. Like, crazy amounts. That's..." she trails off. "... like 140 or 150 pounds?" She shakes her head. "Whoa." Her eyes meet Vic for a moment, before turning back to Hardy. "I don't think Vic is really suggesting... it's sort of an exaggeration for comedic effect." Well, not really exaggeration. But comedy? Check.

Vic sighs then says, "You took my joke way too literally, Aitch," as she pulls out her smart phone and says, "Jeeves, how many pounds are there in a kilogram?" into it. The phone beeps and then an electronic male voice with a slight British accent says, "There are a hundred and fifty-four point three two two three four pounds in a kilogram," in response to the request. She then holds the phone out so that the numerical result can be seen by anyone who wishes to look. Those that do will see the picture of a cartoony butler imaged on the screen next to the displayed information.

Hardy tilts his head "Huh, thougth Siri did that" grinning. "Well we still have issues with knowing jokes from not jokes and we have experienced humans being angry for the most... odd things. We also found the most odd statements from people online... so we still trying to find out what is use for joke or ironically...." looking between them "Did you know people think the world is flat? We been in ancient times and people thought the sun orbited the earth... but... very few though it actually flat.. and we seen it from the umbra... definatly not flat" shaking his head

Tabi exhales softly. Wow. Wait until Hardy finds the conspiracy theory reddits. That will be an interesting day. "Wow. Flat-Earthers are... wow." She shoots a glance to Vic, before focusing back on Hardy. "Dude... " How do you explain crazy? "It's like they're like rejecting science. They don't understand or trust it. So they sorta embrace the opposite of what science says. Or, that's what it looks like from the outside."

Vic takes a deep breath and then slowly lets it out as Tabi explains the situation, apparently to her satisfaction. Rather than speaking she taps at her smartphone and brings up a YouTube app; from the phone Weird Al's "Foil" begins to play. ( https://youtu.be/urglg3WimHA )

Hardy chuckles "Oh we know, people call us crazy all the time but not that crazy" shaking his head with a grin. "It is a rather interesting observation though... there are alot of secret conspiracies... but that is certainly not one of them... vampires being a thing... check... there is a spirit world and ghosts check.... giant monsters from mythology walking among us, check... flat earth... nope"

Tabi has reconnected.

Tabi chuckles dryly. "Yeah, the fact that some of the crazier conspiracies are actually true doesn't help." She shakes her head. "But some are clearly both crazy AND wrong." And yes, she understands the dangerous territory she's walking into. After all, isn't what is clearly true and false rather subjective? Most would consider secret cabals manipulating events crazy and false. But welcome to the secret world behind the facade...

Tabi has partially disconnected.

With the mention of vampires and ghosts and the Umbra (sure not by name but...), Vic feels brazen and says, "So... its quite possible that there's no way to prove that at one time the world couldn't have been flat. There are those who hold that belief shapes reality after all." She pauses and then says, "But naturally, science and observation proves the world is a sphere."

Hardy looks to Vic "We can personally assert that the world has been round for at least four thousand years... before that... we can not be certain" nodding to himself "The Primordial Realm probably has an answer to it.. we pretty sure it will be round too.. all the other planets are round... and.." he chuckles to himself "Oh this reminds me of that short series we watched.... erm.. eh.. Discworld!... yes.. with the Turtle... now that was entertaining. But anyway.... if its flat... whats on the otherside? Like... that makes no sense at all"

Tabi cocks her head. This conversation has gone from goofy to really deep. And then chuckles as Hardy mentions Discworld. "Pratchett! I swear I read everything he wrote in high school. And then Good Omens led me to Gaiman.... good times."

Almost as if by magic, at the mention of Discworld the Pizza arrives. Food brings the conversation to a lul for a while as the trio enjoy the meal. Vic confirms that yes, pepperoni and pineapple are great - she even goes as far as to make a pizza sandwich out of a 'normal' Hawaiian slice and a PnP slice. Partway though lunch she says, "If they ever make a show out of it I hope they get the rights to use all the Queen songs," to Tabi, sounding totally serious on the subject as she says it.

Hardy grins "Mmmm isn't there a Good Omens show on Amazon?" looking between the two of them, probably eaten two of the pizzas unless the two of them seemed hungry and needed more. Eating about half of one till they indicate they had enough and thusly eating any leftovers.

Tabi pauses, slice of PnP hovering in front of her mouth. "Ummm." She nods to Hardy's response. "And they did get all the Queen. And a great cast."

Vic, looking totally shocked, asks, "What? Really?" with her already stated 'final' slice (of PnP) hanging in the air inches from her mouth as she speaks.

Hardy nods "They got doctor who"

Tabi nods. "And Michael Sheen. Love that guy."

Vic looks back and forth between the pair, as if they might be pulling her leg. After a few passes of her glance over each of them she finally asks, "Which one?" of Hardy and, "Who's that?" of Tabi, speaking with a tone of voice that implies that she is at least partially humoring them this jest they're pulling on her.

Hardy smiling to Vic "Ehm the one with the spikey hair? We never watched much of the Doctor Who... but they are alot in memes and videos so..." shrugging trying to remember the mans name "I think he voices the rich duck... if that helps?" seeming abit lost "We could google him if you want"

Tabi ummms softly. "Michael Sheen is this great, British actor. Well, technically Welsh - I guess. Anyways, he's 'one of those guys', you've probably seen him and not known it. Probably one of the best was Midnight in Paris."

"Um, yeah.... that," Vic says, "I may not have really... haven't watched many movies since arriving here." She looks like she was ready to continue to say something else but her phone beeps and after she checks it she says, "Aitch, explain it to her... just that one secret, not the other parts. Even if it'll be confusing. I'm going to have to go." She stands and puts her phone into her pocket. As she picks up her bag she says, "Thanks for the lunch Aitch," to their host and, "It was nice meeting you, Tabi; I'm trusting you by allowing Hardy to tell you this secret. Abuse it and I'll find a way to make you regret it," to the surfer-firewoman. Its a very understated comment, voiced not as a true threat but a promise tinged with a hint of regret that it had to be said, but that it had to be said was never in doubt.

Hardy looks to Vic "Where you are from?"

Tabi cocks her head, looking back and forth between Vic and Hardy. "Ummm. It was nice meeting you too, Vic...?" Her tone's a bit off, after a barely concealed threat from such a nice person.

Hardy looks to Vic "Also she can be trusted, do not worry she will not tell anyone. She is a good person"

Nodding to the comment, Vic says, "I hear you Aitch. I'm trusting her because I trust /you/." She starts heading towards the exit and clarifies, "Exactly. And why I use Ask Jeeves even though I had to force it to re-direct to Google and why my phone and computer are Tandy models made in early 2020." With this she steps out of the apartment and heads towards the street.